_. ---__ /l?...T'. 91" I'?, __' _.'. [CAMPUS COMMENTl Thit Henrietta J) Chapiiin' .- PFTe " JL,"',,'."..,,". a.“ ti,e.oide,iiii,i,iddi,li' Exclusive Portrait Studio. 'li;,',;;,:,,?:; my;wl°'o-um m. LE 1 l DISC 1 U 1il,t,'Teg,"',", bushels is" added il m th.t kind of clothes WI teen- my ooh m crowned with the am like beegtums they ". youth- THE EDITOR oreetegt repose Ind if a competi- ful "In"? and comfortable. tor who 1ttus lured one af my uc- "alia' Party caught: to hit, lift, of the street is 2tp, l"' 3-350 h- :10er of on tnccount evictim of rut eou " me . . arm tt on Mad tram pile , legend}: conceal: his 'MIG 'ji'iF'ii,'ii,ttri t',t,t,g"liatrg.' wi n inble lucceu. Under oan c tt Bn immy " lm. 'tttttgtg", ff,, nincme'l at“; nntionulintlon, howevcr, .11 com- Mninnpe iiiiii,"hii' Sudbury,M-r- in the mam; 'll'eUftdGrll gm? was. I'. ItituTtl tatPhr"rt"a,P"gg,, “$3â€:- . . eony on. n. " o . I r, outr. Bra, 1owem than thet Interest on I tirat gaff. trained in the knowled Muriel Bantin Don Chris, Joyce 1 ft C an mortal“. that the an, best of "reiee is E O'Hara, Bob an, Mug. Ehnen, kt us take n glance at other only offensive Ind ddemive .___._____.___ charges ltvelled, um me bl'li'/2l,li';'2pon against the inrondl of I “create depressions and stifle (t.ylieeteliter, there would likely be tralyd control of Government and dun-y through control of ertdit".%ny.td Homo sort of arty-fostered nuielied the Bulk then, dis- The heat way Klangyver thet is to :53"! terrie,t you}? of Pe amen. 5.tylieg the Eccumxlated ameli- Let us take I glance at other charges levelled, um me banks, “cruw depressions and stifle in- Quay through control of. e.re.dit.". Consider the fifty thousand own-', on. These people are not mil-I lionairea to whom income is of no concern. No, they are ordinaryI folk like the rest of us. Don t you think may would like more in- come? ouldn't you? And if, through skulduggery, you were not getting what you felt was right, wotslun't you attend the an- nusl meeting of .shsreholders to raise a long and fervent howl.' lt you wouldnt you can be sure that among titty t oussnd people there would be many who would do just' that. hot, mark you, if Banks cuxtailed credit that is just what woyld happen. How do you think Banks mane money'. While vari- ous small commissions and service charges constitute a small part, by far the most important part of earnings is derived Irom interest on loattr--itt other words, the granting of credit. When credit is curtailed, when customers do not borrow they don't pay interest, when they don't pay interest bank earnings are down, when bank earnings are down shareholders get a smaller dividend, when ahareholders get a smaller divi- dend management gets-well not a bonus. I think it may be taken for granted, that leaving out all weig tier considerations, self-in- terest is sufficient to ensure that management will keep the funds as to is, occupied (loaned) as op- portun ty nftimin. Are Bonk: too conservative in granting credit? In. coming to a ranting credit? In coming to a ecision on that point please re- member that Banks make most of their money from loans, that making loans is their business and earning a lair return for their shareholders is their desire. It is also to the point to remember that some of our Canadian banks have been in business well over one hundred gh','.; Molly others are‘ nearing e century mark. Surely this is quite a lengthy span in. which to gain experience in what is find credit ‘and whatmust~be avo ded. Where do Banks get the money they loan? Mostly, dear reader, they borrow it from you. In these days of full t,',fig'igi,b good wages and the lac of con- sumer goods there are more Can- adians who have bank accounts than at any time in our history. In Net there are over four and a quarter million savings accounts in the Chartered Banks. I assume there are many reasons why people open savings accounts. but whatever the reason they all want a safe depository where their money is available when needed. Now let's put a question to this, by far the largest, group of the Bank’s customers: " 0 you think the Banks should be more open- handed, more risklul in 1r'gtt your money?" You want it hac when needed &m't you? Well, if loaned where there was little chance of recovery would It be available? Viewed in the light that it is your 'l'f.'V the Banks are lending, I haze the guess that this charge against anks takes on an entirely new aspect. In fact t shouldn‘t be surprised it Book Hangers in IN cases will be added to the list 0 those for whose continued wisdom and good Judgment heartfelt daily prayers are offered. In the dreary years of de res- aion Banks were freely blame: for grevailing conditions alleged to be mufht about bB their "tight cred t" policies. eprsssions are maul the result or world-wide condi one and what all this criti- cism overlooked is the Net that it is no more within thet agape or - of I Chartered Bank to an». "out. to are for tttrg m or to cut. other nathmal mom!- nu than it in within the W's! of I chin “on or n B. no no“ Dov-hi LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Watch This Space 1mm“, all“. M w am DUNDAB BT. w. (Next door to Ban: mm) We Ar-ta-to-try. m1 mme-IMO p... to 8.00 pan. (Under such a Iyebem it is not dit- Ificulc to foresee the time when the applicnnt for a loan would find it inecessety to obtain the OK of the loan! party has! or ward heeler before he eould hope for invent- able consideration. l ree. want to take over the mks, lock, Mock Ind barrel? II lit because IIT, no anxious shout lthe defoeitore present position ‘and fee they could do I better job of protecting his interests? I don't Ithink so. In :11 of their literature that has come to my notice I have yet to find one reference to the depositor. All their deep and anxious concern is reserved for the borrower. Well, it these lads m (ht .. to "tand nun-w ... _T'ClUl"l2fl,TrrllU, Ileana wherever poulhle lid Our breve and gellent seamen, mud. to live eympethetl: Their courege never tells. t1'ee'gt'r'ldt stur,t JSt Bo when you tttart the otUra, result in eny degree " lures-ed 1'it,tt1ttis,1tr,ett,tr too, employment end I have pereonel Por Canada'. firhtimr “â€7- knowledge of may I we where And the boys in nevy blue. this eonelderetinn elone outvekh- Mon-lent Jean-era ed the more orthodox emderde of One morni lest week third, -hsatine I credit splrlieatittn. fetish and 'ill)?, for"? 'ggtgr,iJ,ii l ehar heard to eee me o ue en £3.21“ 8gu'endht .3 'ffd Mr. Jeenneret olQUnivereity fined together in one (lent com- College "reak tnh'; We “'1" ine; that while there ere eeverel ahonrit mum clap can; "an†n Bunk: in mine in reality there in old Que where the novel, Merle no com etltlon man; then and Chepdelelne had ita eetting. Fifth u I','lro'l thil ch: e they point form etudente ere studying this to {he ell-ten“ of TI, ornnin- novel in French thll year and the tion known " "Th. Canadinn gjlm_edds greatly to the interest of tit'.t.d tog-that in on. that com- ine; that while there at seven! Bunk: in mm in unlity than in no companion Among them and - Rroo of.thu clay†they mint tion 'knownwii Tum; eiTaira film adds greatly to the inure" of Bnnkon’ Auoeiation". Ta make the book. Inch n charge in u "rtatbU In Mr. Jennneret in the author of 'ttg that became the}. is n the third and fourth form text Mm ectnren Aelocintion there in books and he. endelvoured to make no conffetition muons meaning". the" French an: interesting and en. Jon: city ‘or town has . humorous. The students with to Retail "ehattti Association it thank Min Smith who "rantmd does not follow tut the iiriiiilGi for Mr. Jeantt.ret to epenk to mr. retrain from competlnz for n FMMOM “Id FIG! tumble busineu. Just " in banking. The fut that moat town- havo two or morwbankintt offteea, each - to Snore-u its business 2 every proper mum, is as de- n ruble as competition in my other field. For myself I can any that (the day! in. Thiel! "me. part. .of.mp Atiaih" tioiii __ girii,i,i,tyg -iire- -r, In†I attare. u pony I, of tl.te Why do the conglomerate set of "reformers" want to nationalize the Bulb? Of course we all know thin mean: state ownership Ind “no operation. Earlier in this uticle it Wu than that the State grungy 'typtryisey and dintha this id '31}??? Eli-537i; Th2}; rend:y supervise: and directs 'red In Jun..kattr ttmeaty ot the PROMPT. COURTEOUS SERVICE " lupin St. tik "ll',',,', CLEANERS AND ovens Quality Cleaning gitita, 3m OWNEDIM OPERATED by STODDART BROS. [Radium 2168 By Marr Buru- 4htqCartadUn Navy _ What you It. touting our litmus, ". an " the my too, its“! - 'notber,. _ mtehyrts Amu an ttttt an. To no that "an a food A!!!" for hominid “an. In ysri.u of Pub-.WWI. At the dim Friday night we notlcod pmlcufnrly I fold onc- gleco on prince" lines V th brown raid around the high neck Ind to the val-t on one lids. Another high“ hter wu u mauve wool with 2f/hT,l'd,t and full skirt. One boy was seen in I very smart blue 1nd white checked arort jacket. The" are the kind 0 clothes w. teen- agers like because they on youth- ful smut and comfortable. 001:9 Patty _ _ _ gained control of Government and rationalized the Banks then, dia- carding the accumulated experi- ence o a century. they could em- bark utlll a policy of “easy credit" ut whether industry " we know it at present (por) smply ftnaneed) or some of their' ,"ggpr,'"ttr,"1 state activities: would e the beneficiaries, is a question. In any case, and here is the fly in the Oink? the ex- periment would be m e with the ;property of other 8rvt,','ci,tl"' de- poritors' money. bviously, with this plan they have no need to talk of "eonNteation of wealth" or “carnal levy"; these are ugly soc alistic words like to scare the more conservative voter. So they keep clear of those words and speak of "Ntstiorta1Mrttr the Banks". Not many people under- stand the meaning of that term, “So", they say. "if we can fool the people into thinking it would be a good thing end inally na- tionalize the Banks, then the ac- lcumulated savings of the nation is lours to play with as we and only we Par. dttid.e"... It's something to think Thai; "ah Te": 131533;? 5783?qu "III! "J" WWI“ " Th Avila-0 To the music " Gun Robu- ad his band Wuhan rad-nu dune-i ftom'ran.mttit “lath-i- dly night. At the door shoal Mb. hon-1m. “an ttt sh- JEN»: Aftam the festivities st thI whoa] . number of couplu u. and“ a party " the homo of Mug. Bolton. Thou includod Mug. Bolton, Ravi. Ropath, Bar.. bara Cowie, Ronny Waldruff, Shir- loy Williams, Gordon Main, Mar- ian Shin, Stan. Elphick and others. couples. Gordon Main did a figto iob " mu: of ammonia. Ttte ttgel,',": Treat', "calls can vo- y trartaNoisirtq ordinarily drab yin into I "' ballroom into-to: with Pink elm china, and Min Curd. and the ocationnl girll pnvidod Bttrae- tire my: during million which carried out the pink elephant motif. The elimination, T) and mystery dancu won won y Ann Jukuon 3nd Bill Bach, Mug. Ehnu and Emu Mair, Johnny McKoown qnd Butt For-tor, Eric Wallace and Inn. Ldl. NEW NAVY BISCUIT Many a lednrln’ man bu nour- ished I fighting spirit on Med taek--at the expense of [on 1-w- --but there': a new day coming. The Royal Canadian ta, medi- eal research unit has dove oped . navy biscuit that will be nutritious and palatable brimming with 10 times more ealeium, four times In much phosphorous, twice so much thiamin and nix times u mach rilLofurinpa tht 91:14pr: . _ _ The texture of the new biuuit is hard 3nd crisp and it breaks with a Inlp. It does not fragment easily, Ind in'ahnpo is mum and thin and thas any to bank with the teeth-the latter being its most obvious departure from tra- dition. _ The final formula, mind it after 18 had been tested, includes soft, white wheat flour, whole wheat flour rich in vitamins,'usnd fat-free soy: flour along -with skim milk powder, honemenl, hy- drogenated vegetable shortening, sugar, salt and invening agents. The keeping quality, important in a ship biacuit, is "tisfasetorr-- probably more than two years. Mt. Dennis Gospel Tabernacle W- In - “Erin: the“ splendid cum- 'ly' worrryrOnto_thi, light Pym-h Ind iFiitdiCeiitheT." DEF: Gia" t%rTmrG2 unity of hull: than. New Cabbage-...-..........-" lb. New Beets.-...-................" lb. New Ctsrrotg._....._.................Te lb. Rhubarb..........-.....-....-.., lbs. 25c Wax Turniptc-..i-...--3e lb. Unwaxed Tur"nips...-....Se etch Carrotc........-.......-.......A lbs. 10e Parsnip'.-...-...--......' lbs. 13c Salary Hearts -.._.......-..M5e Green celery-..-.." heads 19e Mushrooms....-.................., B. Grapefruie.---4 Ind 6 for Me Green Beans..........-....-" lb. Hand LettuceJOc Ind 12e head Sunkist oranges-Me, Mes 45c and Me did. Baum“ r............-....,.....-..." lb. Baum“ r..........................-..." lb. Raditrher....-...............-....6e hunch Water Creisic...,....e8 bunche- toe PHONE 535 BRITISH FRUIT MARKET In. F. I. N. MeNeqV-a'nat" GUNNER KNUDSEN DANISH GOSPEL SINGER DANIEL CAIRNS “ANGEL!“ AND Humour: "" West.- It. loll! Donal- Sue†on!" NI.» Bank. BRITISH FRUIT MARKET I Ui/ mam AND dun»: Waste Paper Shortage ltrtMtihtarhrs National Director Charles la, Forlo Issues Appeal To All Citizens To Save Waste Paper--. Needed For War Purposes Tho Wad-o me.- and 'tad.-------- Bond Abbi-{titan - â€Mllnhpt 0.. n... - 1iritu%Ttu1 Vii}; pip-r hum- wry "oek position of the mills. Tho ndtninutratom concerned In" Informed thin Mien in un- oqulvoal urn- that " print, And for the nut six month n In", than in a definite - - sham... lndod the short- uo in much not. mu than a my time lime the - began. The paper situation in "ttttsal. Waco paper, upocl-lly brown paper, container! and corrugated plpel' are new more tr'. re- quired been“ ot 9 gm! scarcity of virgin 1191? wood, ind because of the gmty incmaed need of papa eeintainem {or the puck-gins and shipment of food and munitions luppiiu to our arm- ed forces our-en nnd at home, and also BO Britain Ind our Allin. Shipments of all kinds of wntttq paper to the mills must be in- cremd. We cannot at this criticd time allow my mill to clone down due topiack of the necoanry wuto paper. C The production. in inerenairyr quantities, of contdnon for lholls, medics] kits, emergency rations, blood plasma, (Hulda, gu mnskn, air force emergency packs, bomb fins and rings, and or hundreds of other naval, “my and air force uses, make this urgent appeal necessary. Potatoes Tomam: Fresh Fillets...........-......-..) lb. Fresh salmon....-....-..-...." Smoked Fillets...__.32c lb. Finnan Haddies-.........-..32e lb. Kipper: ..._.....15c and 20e pair ciscoes-.-.-. _...............) lb. Fresh White Fiuu...-.....29e lb. Grade A large-.-...--) dos. Grade A medium...†dos. No. No. No. No. No. No. MRS. I. W. JOHNSON 231 JOHN sr. mom: mw To 1(er Canada’l supply lines Reserve March 21 Keep Healthy The Spencer Way t Individually De- signed Supports Improve Posture and Health. Dr. Chub} Pgnkgr, P.irth0. POULTRY FARM EGGS Westmlnister Annivernry Concert 1 Bpys....-..---ie - 1 McIntosh RadaJSc ban. 1 8nowic.....-....49e baht l Tohmrn SwauJ’e bu. iaiiii%nith, Co'ntnlm Dr. G. Sunnkussoll 1 Courtundg........4N banket 1 Spyl_.__._82.75 bushel APPLES FREE DELIVERY FISH SIM-mod" Me 29: lb. {Inlet to our and lotu- and Al- lin. running u out.†than of paper containers Then million of contain-n lent “one†"nnot be "turtted for _ Thin in In important eontribetin tut»! to the paw Bhortntrs in &und|. Then in a definite manta that wary earioad of 1',fl'lU."t,'; bded or securely bundl ' for which no market it Iv-ihblo "laugh regal.“ trade chum. will be cloud through I gonn- ment tummy. There in en Abundence of needed unto per: in the home, in the stunt.» in the factory. Notis the time to get it moving to the mills throueh your local voluntary salvage committee or through my known commucill or trnde channel. Don't forget to "Iv-go all car- tons, paper continua and brown wrapping paper. Sulforen of bleeding . n d p r o t r ll d i m; tlt Ihould know Bunk": Herbal ills treat the “use at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not “tidy. Buy from your drug- Buy War Swings Stamps M- tarty. “mmmuwk'phnhthe Dimldlmglno. MM - dbyhoutmndiythm The Appatnehinn mountab- In W b but an. ht in -pee%0aeFtVMt_- Phonilzosw Bob Evans 10. ifit ""-ihttiioN " Elude mocking; Belts cu. i J. C. INCH. KA.. Ptm.B. Moll-rd Bank; Ph.t1, PhIn.B.. Allin-n! --- list Artto'uoe..e.S.t.s!t, -- w...- mvi 'mm. 012 “no“ WW1 tqtutRirag Inns To own T Years' Experience hint. Fitting Room w. ltr LEEDS? J. EDGAR PARSONS MEDICAL SUPPLIES GARAGE “with“ More! Tuna-n ttt MAIN N.. WESTON ZONE #387 It BOXALINE AVE. PR OFESSIONAL CARDS , C. LORNE "ASE: RUPTIIBED? I00 _t5CAR_LETT ROAD Watorsf9, , BtagCrtttttMN trsmeulisiltir in Apvlhm " for... In. You“ I 04652 INCH’S DRUG STORE CRUICKSHANK nutm'EiiE Armtra TINSMITHING -tiilr_teft, SOLICITORS Twins Satin GARAGES B USINESS CA RDS 3 You ttiii; agiiiiiit!.r SLU,,?-'-"'""'""""-""""""":?' in THE 'toasis"")?!?:::,;-,-; an -ulu- 'iiiic2,i'ifiiaiEi57Eil 5-â€th dam-mu d “all" 101’“de mmmuunw' but _ tblrhiiutti, Enghnd. was bombed five times by German guru-aft in April, 1941. Civil defence in the chm carried on with {he hid of 12,000 volunteers as fire-bomb fighters MOI“ summon 0F I08": INCH ans. PHONE 28.! _,Pley.o,. Singing, Ylotih, Query. Fire. Cuualty. Life, Peraonat Property. Floater. Lithium Watch 658 at Bay PAINTING niDECttRATtNG Mum Painter Ind Deana» 0 COBALT JU. 0375 "III-O. an" "'7'“ $45†lulu-cox KY. "" ION att ON 0000 ',ata,lii,',,'ii',xht: [emanating Great West Lift Assurance Co. BIO. W. “ROWE, IA. at In 2.13:. " m. PIONB "' II IAIN N. mnypmm R. TIL "MacDonald iGaaGiLT, (Jim ‘éfis? Murin- iitd7i2iiiiiV.if.iii m-FJIMthpM F. MKXTED TOWN OF WESTON Change of Phone Humbert. F. L. MER‘I’ENS, Phm. B hm "that. It. I." 'iFGi"G"bGE - B-n. --" - WT- iii w-.. h uranium in. PIANO TUNING F. A. SILVERMAN I'm Pick-In and Delivery EXPERT TAILURING AND REPAIRS LADI.’ and GENTS GAttMENTs Chilled and Stored Fm n 2% at their value. All Gar-eat. [mud Anni-at FIRE. THEFT or DAMAGE - STORAGE - IAIN N. J. HAW! ‘ PHONE " n. A. Elm "" In. Bt. It DINNII ' nu or Wau- I") Int Gilli-led Piano WESTON BRANCH OFFICE HOURS: Inert Wain-day. 9-12 5.13.. 1.30-5.80 pm. Wednelday. 9 In. to 12.30 noon. Tuesdly. Thunday and Saturday evenings, T to 9 p.111. INSURANCE General Insurance SOLICITORS PAINTING a . Averly 6121 CLERK Ind TIEASUREB’S OFFICE (tor-ed! Walton 123) CHANGED TO WESTON 1202 EYE SPECIALIST 1443-1†t IAIN Br. NORTH. WESTON carry oirtieient dawn-Ming;- ably: to feed A battalion for q -- chkprucron - f Fhnmlr0artagtrlrr, " %,aai Tiiv"iirriliiirs li . ROY’S TAXI. PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE M HOURS SERVICE Except Sundays WESTON TAXI W J. WARD ', UNDERTAKERS “It“! .e e.-. WESTON 1124-343 UNDERTAKERS 456 “In I†'-q00 OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTER 8 an. iiii Wii '" iiik FLYNN In“! M Phone TAXIS \PHONE PHONE 1000 dig†a; It;