7 Fotu _~For that's what war really I Sai, 'tsetmtr-w-loauls on your back . . .'ture had; on your purse . . . loads on g ers, Mr hearc. Everywhere a burden l and be borne . . . a hill to climb . . . F brel "rattle to,win. ‘lishl Mre you carryin enough? Do} M think of it IQ after day---) L .3 battle against inflation. aboutHiein ,thieh our own Prime Minister l imel Wed us so solemnly. "The key ' tipm ire hit wind and starting again, We, hands and bodies caked with grey mud . . . their loads get- ttnr heavier every foot of the way, hen brvath coming in short gasps t . keeping their eyes on the far ll, one boy after another climb- . toling up the little crooked Btttts . . . gaming a fresh toe hold L. . gr hing roots and tufts of Eait tgill.', to give themselves a " food, ammunition and other Ipphea to Allied troops high in the' mountains of Cvntral Italy, ¢“Husky lads, fitted with pack “his so they ran curry loads “this up to 100 pounds, climb mountainous terrain which gulgs__nnd horses are unable to {How Much Do You Carry? Query to Canadians at Home Jtrmyen pack twins are, cur_ry The above appeared in a Cana-) In newspaper on December 10th i a lime "box' all by itself in J 'rner of the pa pr-sl-as if pologizing for be " there at all., I can see them ican't you?)- )ung kids with (iidt-iitiili.ie) ices, toilintup those rocky hills, inning. sliding, falling, getting hr Home for Girls. sang a ly mic accompanied at the I. by Mrs. George BulL Mrs. but also give I most interest- talk IT thepvprk of the Victor Ilnpainted Kitchen Chairs $1.95 Ea. Minion were read from the _ in tho armed forces for the tum boxes sent to them from church. Mrs. C. A. Koch". byte}; victpresrdytt of the h Wastminawr WA. met in than!» pulours on Tuesday, may 8. The worship surviec in chm. of Mrs. Newmn. , Livingstone [In the lam." Kits. rs. Graham read the In and Mrs. Drilling offered _ , number of letter: of I telling of theUAiruiri'ft n: accommodation. " MAIN -___ . t Governmen Approved Easy Terms NORTH WESTON MUSIC AND RADIO ltd Cru- eampaieet open: an. and continues to and will be conducted “ha of the Lions Club and - t. Dennis Rotary. C. R. M ha been tamed cam- ;mr and may be reach. tot or 333-3. _ Clearing Floor Lamp Shades WHILE THEY LAST 3.45 to 4.95 l "The workers include house- (wives, workers in mine and forest land factory . . . in shop and office, {farmers and fishermen; business [and professional men and women 1. . . the price ceiling is the front [line of our home battle . . . if we [fail to hold that line the whole structure of our effort will be im- pair_ed. . . ." Linen thread for weaving is now being produced in Brazil at exper- imental stations and small planta- tions While waiting their discharge, soldiers at district depot in Regina, Sask., are given a series of lec- tures and talks by business lead- erg.Y engagg in discussion grqups and an: atherwise énéobrazed to prepare themselves for tea-estab- lishment in civilian life. Locals How much does your load weigh [130K To CIYILIAN LIFE "The purpose of price control is not to improve the slandard of living . . . it is to protect and main- tain a basic standard of living. It is this basic standard of living which must be defended against. all assaults of the enemy of infla- tion." That battle is ours and we must win it. T 1 Following its dissolution several months ugo. York township C.D.C., division "C," brought it! activi- iries formally to In end Int Wod- I nesllay night when 300 warden: l and their wives attended an enter- I tainment. J. J. Moir, divisional iwarden. was presented with I pen l and pencil set, and also is the new- !ly elected president. to victory is a partnership unbrok- en and unbreakable for the war- rior and the worker. The war- rior cannot fight without the weappns forged by ting worker. . . . Your vur is I necessary weapon on the home from. . . . don't wuie (is. poor combustion . . . improper mixture . . . incorrect ignition all can you miles md money. Cruick- shank Gum is unzipped with all the has“ in "fieient machines and meters which will show the mm.- of your engine. Tim con. of thin chock will be saved many timu by any motorist. Drive in today Td drive in auxin-lion. “2- w eé'towsandDUtriet Victorinn Order of N--- When you Win! the muse. phone . . , , I am taking the liberty to have reprinted a poem whose author is unknown, but I wonder how many of our men in service have little chaps such as this poem describes and are wondering while they are 'over there who back home are trying to give little Jimmrthe pleasures in life he deserves especially the playful momenta of supervised re- creation he rightfully deserves. So if you wish to voice your opinion before next election day I would appreciate your dropping me a line e/o this paper. question. . . v Do it now a: there are thousands of youngsters whose daddies are overseas and many whose daddies will never return who are dependent on the City Playgrounds for their recreation and social guidance. in fact, one of the new playgrounds that is being opposed by Controller Saunders was to be established right at Annette Ftreet s ol so it boils down not only as a city wide debate but very much home mum... I may need a lot of help before I am finished and here is where you can give me a helping hand. Just sit right down and drop me a line regarding your opinion of expanding our present playground system or if not in agreement with the writer let me know your rear sons for the contrary. __ "thY‘SAGLEs-‘si’ijsé BUILT. dii2StMliie,,ss..:a' l " 'Boston, Detroit and Cnnddiens'also Chicago now boast of 4 work- ing defencemen each so it can't be such a bad idea at that. V V V Did your sports minded readers see tnd read what Controller Saunders had to say about the City Playgrounds being responsible for a large percentage of our present ,‘iluvenile delinquency". . V V Personally f think Controller Saunders is a long way oft the beam, t, much so that I am proclaiming myself a one man deputation to prove he is wrong and also to remind him that his early days wen- those of our present playgrognrl system. SPRING V MATTRESSES I wonder if "Hap" Day has given thought to the reason fur the last period cave-ins of the Leaf defence. Would it be possible for. "Hap" to drop one forward from his third line nnd use Boothman or Johnstone as a fourth ilefeneeman. Hamilton and Pratt can only do so much work effectively Ind when asked to do nn extra share they are only half there. Canadians on top, Red Wings get-om]: Leafs third with Boston and Chicago battling it out for fourth spot-could be. V V V Durnan, Pratt and Hollett, Cowley, Carr and Bentley, with Bob Davidson as the odd man, you try and pick a better seven from this year's crop of pro pueksters. _ but Saturday; game with the [can “an an even-Mews“ affair till anport thumbed Reg. Hamilton for a penalty that had all the ear- tttares of tending the N.H.L. rule book too closely. V V V Toe Blake has bogged down to the "Dit" Clapper or Frank'Houcher p-ttrs knows what to do and when to do it but he has to have a head start to keep up with the fast skating 20 and 21 year ulds. Cup , Bu O‘Hara of Montreal has gone out on the limb to become a one man band hating-time for Art Ross as a candidnte and although I don't dingm with B. I know a lot of Hall of Fume talent that rate a full city lock Ahead of Ron. 1 use by the "tyr-err that the proposed “all of Fame tor my)! to be erected in [illusion is being kicked around like a “foot- But seeing u I have G an) in regard to the irelectiom, for the Tent hall I refrain from mentioning names like "Red" Dutton, Lester 'Itrick, W. A. Hewitt. or the late Lou Marsh. mhttgyitmutt Who said the Canadians were 7 to 5 favourites for the Stanley ' [49-50 _ = c' dipr DAVE KAY TIMES AND GUIDE :TLvtfiéficemana can} l 'vrAa'pr,- "u"'"-:) Ce, c-,]. “BUM i‘euMB‘S: _,,',,,,,-,,:, -»»~4~;452 V 1 DEAL WITH GERMANY an “r 'ke, at the Teherun conference that Russia, Great Britain and the United States each garrison one- third of Germany in the period of military control following the de- feat of the Reich. T WKo.-THURts'.--r'rm. 23-2; Mickey Roorte.v.-Vrtutk Morgan m "THE HUMAN COMEDY" _ ALSO SELECTED SHORTS The U.S. Army and Navy Jour- nal said that suggestion was made PAUL BIBEAULT The "Ju-ylngj‘renchnu" of the hen!- when. mutt-Minx playing trails! the Catusdienu In! Batur. day “med him Inother tote for the Jack Ostrlnder "Alulble player award. - VAL?!) _ . John 1b_hott-Mary McLeod in "LONDON BLACKOUT" lain St. I. - Plan Zone 4-483 M ONE-T1} Flts'.-F'F.it. 2,-22 Monty Woolley-tda Lupino in MODERN VANITIES WESTON THEATRE “LIFE BEGINS â€3.30" Judy Ctsrtova---uennis Day in FLOOR COVERING SSe 69c 79c "Where Sound Sound. Best" "SLEEPY LAGOON" - -ALSO, 'r1eAP1t-r1Trrt Edarwds in "SAGE miiisiriAiirc Oblong Mirror-Priced to Clear FRI.-8AT.--I, HB. 18-19 TWO FEATURES 28.95 2 ONLY PER SQUARE YARD "THE BUSINESS SERVICE AND QUALITY BUILT" 19 MAIN STREET NORTH SAVE A BOOOY’S LIFE----- _ ----BE A BLOOD DONOR! Your brother. . . . friend, or the boy next door has gone into action for LET HIM DOWN. Increased action means more casualities __ Hel; wounded by offering your blood. Call Zone 4-550 or 137 TODAY . . , NEED IS URGENT. BONDS SPORT SHOP Sunday To WEAR THE HOME-FRONT "BADGE OF' Hirsorv, 'CSC',',,),!.,',,:', mg T “’ l _ ox, v,' “5,. w [i, " I trl"' - F “H. " _ . " mi' :“1.3%.;v ' 35...; (fer, a , Frsrs,iiWNR3?i. f h = .__ . _ a». N - z.- r , 'siiiir'6tt2i" ‘ “j FGiVT" , :3 iS - _ a - Eh' " _ . _ ttta & - " P†- . . a. _ ncreased action means more casualities __ Help' to save the your blood. Call Zone 4-550 or 137 TODAY . . . NOW. THE Large. In the Interests of Red Cross This Advertisement ls Sponsored by luxuriously Pysfottttlt.,, {"~smart, durable' coveririk. BED SPRINGS ¢0MPLETE WITH SHADE "LAMPS 811E 1' 6" 2i'lvli') WHILE THEY AST ALL-SPRING 19.50 . SSS TRI-LIGHT Clinic you. DON'T TONE 4-499