Times & Guide (1909), 15 Jun 1944, p. 5

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N M " iGama' $1111.22; '2iid'i'd for two (9 “when. Private bath. ii'iiiis2i't' 'ag,', l Ting; tom " Md " y AVNLA BEE, Inge room, new fur, Arthritie Pains. Tired Munch» vnnish if you use Wintrol Rubbing Oil, $1 Ind 81.86 all“. At Inch’u And other dmgginu. 1-12-11: to nation and Ar line. Apply , Queen's Drive. o-IO-lw FthifEuiirr/r,iG for F53. do" pie,'Aoi,1,y, tu 12 weeks' “lit Erin":- & nch‘n Drug Stung; _ PERSONALS- CLASSIEI RD "tmi., Weston. P a 1280-J. Itqt 0-29-1w QUEBEC HEATER, medium size. -uTt.Aotttt's Road W. o-29-lw CHIéTEQPIELD .and.?ring, sahtir "iiGGia" Evind with tsilk repp in r.- and beige tones in excellent eondttion. Phone Weston 'tri, 0- "w MAIOGA N}! thrpe-piece _bodro_om‘ KELWNATOR eieetrie Hoover vacuum cleaner, used lumber. fencing. dining room suite, electric grates,‘ davenport bed, Philcn car radio. Apply 303 Queen's Drive, Weston. o-29-1w bridn (Rock-Leghorn cross); started when, Hybrids (Rock. Leghorn cross)” from 6-8 weeks old. All Gia, hatched from hunky. blood-tented. ht,': produc- "If stock. Shut-61in xperimen- ta Fnrm. RR. No. tl, Downwiew. Phone Weston “lav-1. x-24-4w AWNING. “on. brown and white, . Wide; also in metal bed. 165 tat) NER gas stove for ulo in 3 con ition. a?“ utility dn r. Phone 1294. . -GtUGith" spring}; and spring mutton. Phone _1fust_tP_ir2_-W_. QUARTER-(3p? pak bed..resrn STROMBERG Carlson Radio, con- sole model, $95.00; two single beds, walnut finish, springs and felt mattresses, excellent condition, $25.00 ench; one small overstuffed chair, loose cushions, $16.00. Zone 4-487. 0-29.1w - TiGi,"eGGGnwl, enamel frat, one round bevelled mirror, also! two electric fixtures. Phone 1128-A, OPPORTUNI'FY' F0} cru1ple--Fur- nishings for 6 rooms, all new con- dition, Chesterfield suite, 9-piece dining, bedroom suite, rugs, antique Bisque figures, beautiful 1?mpa, all separately. JU. 3978. x- 2-lw HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Adult flmily. First of July or sooner. Good wlgea and hours. Box 2970, Times and Guide. x-29-lw APPLY wiiF6iriiiaLoYswtrr AND SELECTIVE SERVICE FILE NO. 4800. GOOD LGViGrar" "Big. Good wages. 44-hour'week. Working in vicinity of Walton. Wag work- on ineliigihle. Apply Weston Em- gloymont and Selective Setarke Of- ice, File No, 4678. x-26-,tw "2hteedd, f"jg.sl'.i"h', _}n -di I). . . "ttturl/rl',')":,'.'.'),"), x4923; -ev Fir' tit' iiiGrsiliiiG, Wigwam. u-29-1w "iiriir%' -ti-rit class condition. ttum pieces, springs and spring undress included. Weston 62-W. QUEBEC heater and pipes, good condition. Weston 52-R. O-29-lw DINING ROOM suite, 8 pieces, qttarter-eut oak, bedroom suité, tt"'e,'e,; with springs; hall mir- ror. umed oak; metal camp cot, colhpaible. all in good condition. Apply JU. 6594. x-lZ-lw SOLID oakAinins. room guim,Icon; tilting of 6 chairs, sideboard and lovely squire table, also bun bed. Buntin. Suitable tor summer cot- uge, etc. Sims Service Station, ScnleLt Road. o-29-1w D0VL'tretrrrlatrtr sir sale; a)” dell y 2:11;. “BEE. irr'ie" Qizé, 360d 'condi- tion. Evenings, 65 Joseph 8:1:qu FOUR-BURNER -errdniitid, 'qu for sale. Call afternoons, 148 Main St. South. o-29-1w MAN'S TRUNK, in best condition for sale. Phone 52-W Weston. - tor for sale. Owner army. Must'sell. Apply ence Ave. ir6iriATER tank, jgcket halter! in): CHLCK!r-tLeg.horns mi hy hug??? (an. di . Appla TIQN BEPysmi, electric an)"; ROOMS To LET-..FURNMOtED 318361; 73ka In Amstivi, 2 ENS, 9' "'.h' with g' walls, only not! once. _ one 244-M. evenings. . o..29-tw For mGia?tLriQml: School Four Rnomg __ C CARETAKER WANTED IMMEDIATELY WM min, in good cdruiitiod; teat l0 x 12, 3Ht. wall. Phone I. . 0.29.“ POULTRY FOR SALE ~WIOISALI WANT ADS BRUSH PAINTER , cook wave for uh. l'lO-J-l. O-ZO-IW ROOMS To "' Aiify 10 "'toiri,hti W. ot J“! HELP WANTED brekfrst suite, _itory {gr 5910, thnchillu "ttMtNAL TIMES & GUIDE 'lt,rh.ref,yre: refrigera- going in 174 Lauc- x-12-1w x-29-1w o-29~1w o-29-1w . WANTED/ SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. SEWING mummy “an” 33PM!!!) ALL MAKES. CABINET! ovnnnAvum " fiPEcr4p-uurri.on. “manna Our Sex-Vida Mart will In it Wan ton and Vicinity new Wetland”. If you have my m a of mint machine 'tret taxi: or I liq.“ drophead to nel ' p no the l ’11» inbuilt IVE: --e cod "" O Dunk Km - 1-224!!- when belts. We it?gl purchas- used muchinel. lfhut cub prices. Use your loan nun. Bar- gent’s Sewing Madam. Service, 837 Dundas feast of Kala). Mur.. ny 45311. _ x-gb.1w duh"; 'tGii iam. BABY'S wooden crib, " inchel. drop aide, refer maple, in good condition. Klfllu'ltJ. Phone 495-w Wertom 0-29-lw Weed-cutting outfit: are requir- ed immediluly for the euttinir of weeds on “can: Iota. Then out- fits con-int of mowar, ham and driver. Mower mot be in good working order and mm in condi- tion to do full day's work. WIIOI $1.25 per hour plus $1.00 a day for maintenmco of mowor. Apply. to R. o. Wright, Works Surgin- tendent, Willnwdale, MO. 3671 or Will. 362. unis “(mi-11336553". teammate he. Donald It? “I. l ' ie "eotattit. . a“, x- F 'oi'l’ -itiackias, iiitiiiatU" ' ’méibil when belts, We ale Rumbas} An'y' muke or model. Box 2980, Times Ind Guide. o-29-lw THREE gr_four-r_oomed ngnrtgnent The fossilined skeleton of the largest penguin over known, which lived 30,000,000 years ago and prob- ably stood five feet hibh, has been discovered at Duntroon, New Zea- land. The modert king penguin stands three feet high. Lh1vy, MOWER,_i_n totf Ihppe. '27, '28 oh '29 modal“; waxy“. TWO or.thrtsetsomedAUt or 313323» ment in Welwn or Mount Dennis for two young lady “when. Phone 1233-ir after 5 pm. or apply Box 127 Weston P.0. 0-29-1w - GGaif GGe by 'oiini lbuéineu couple unfurnished. " St John's Road We“. Weston. 0-29-1w aa of small house 17% foung busineén couple, unfumil ed. Box 293.8, Times 3nd Guide. o-29-1w ACCOUNTING “who hail-divul- ..-l- ' --" M - ‘1 - USED amnll sin ice refrigerator, Also odd dram: 7 or e an of CHILD'S m'cyclazMood condi- tion (fair aiz J. 156 Quun'n Drive, Weston, Junction 7988 (toll chug. .ccoptod ). THREE ph FQU_R roamed tpttrt- UNFyWQHEJ) fut,, yum-agony by TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK M Nickié kve,,'Mourit" Domain: tr-ttr-tw Weed Cutters SERVICE: or!!!” SEWING HACIINEI URGENT". EWING MACHINE ERVICI WANTED TO luv WANT“) To [INT ' ISN’T If in: mm ' o-I9-lw I-tw order of Scottish can on). to I": out: nu ma in ttte huh mm circus: loot rook. that 't rt', "M'gg'at 'dt Dominion Mp Dodo Mr an! IMIMI of tho you ad tmneod 2,ttt, whoa-1. 1trt'lt,d i'li m Aluminul Co. It.8 in o mum. mm. The 'rid-rt m can” m. m [titil,?, tho but an no ttftart m and mm; by tho “Yet on! Pan" mon nu 2t i'iiiiii'iiii'iiii (at, much to do with tho lama Menu. In the other mm! " the to“ * 'ttttMid unto... o it" 2'd8 y 'h're"r'af ttttuae/gut, itt 33“ min“ Mm tl".e.im him doth! m in operation in _ re men , behind the. thit ovum-n. Scotland ,3 unkind by a“ of I - motif mom, out our tho and” while wrung two clan in Cumin. All an”. cu- T'" 'het-teos to “to tho nbbrovlotod contut.’ This woo tho Saints' 2f, Putf"etitit, Wowonld like to ”cold win in u may nuts and thoy shape up like tha'hiat hitting 'dt'l 'lu.' Wm? 1,t1"fe,,t club in tho loos“. ’lloto no“ on the My mom doy to ho hold at on ”My; Juno Mth. In. Perth Sou-n. Tho big by will ho July "" the time 10 o.m. atoutr. Wuhan; coring". will Imago Drown lo working hard on this - ond promiooo I not of ovonu in tr-tation. tho wry, no“ new. that with my further dope that crop: up. Cards M 'Nanta P, Thu {unity of tho In. Mr. V.) Book with“ to emu their deep 2r,t,,t',,t'g of the tltmOttfatrtetit In sympathy of relBtiveisrfriendg Out-work in on the inn-nu in Britain. Lute.“ figures give 40,000 persons muted on industrial work in private homes Ind other m-keshift out-work depots, '17,000 in London Ilene. They work on the Henge of 22 hours . week; their output is good, Ind the quality high. Pun-time factory workers now number nnrly I mil- lion. ma sympathy of reutiveiscfriemU ma 'treg,' and to those who gigv,,i,2 curs and to Rev. A. ikenur. o-29-1w Fresh Ink stains: Get out In much " possible with cool clear water. Inen use salt! ot lemon (oxalic acid) according to direc- tions. Peroxide with a pinch of ammonia will sometimes do the trick. Old ink stains are practi- cally impouible to remove so don t let a new stain become an old one. Nail ~polhlu Nair'. polish remover will-remove the gummineu if the material is linen or cotton (nail polish remover' are not for ray- ons) . . . a bleach will remove the colour. And incidentally, nll the above rules apply to linen Ind cotton fabric: only. The general rules In: , --get after the stain immediately. --keep the water cool or tepid. -never use soap or hot water till all shin has gone. --rinse out chemicals salts of lemon, peroxide, ammonia, javel " thoroughly if you don't want damaged fibres and 1 weak spot to appear later. 'crty_Rerrortiryr for Duty: Wntercress leaves are very ten, der 3nd take . poor view of rough treatment. Stored in with lettuce and other greens watchmen will crush and break easily. Keep- happy in your Janice, washed and stored in a cloned Inlet in Ahe refrigerator. Jun try replacing linens these days and you“ tind you have a new respect tltr the ones you " ready have. Watch out for spots and stair“ and remov- on the double. Light scorch hula: Rinse in cool clear wnter. The sun will help you out on this if given Ulf t chance. Deep [can]: mark: In there for life. Rust: Salts of lemon “an. Fruit stains: _ Rinse immediately in dear cool water, let soak in lemon juice or white vihee" Ind water., Salt; af lemon in mime Spot of De'SpouiJu: ITEMS OF INTEREST TN- thoty M rubs h I up. We plotted but} eBrrrtta, Mm but. an. " u-um- in the nun). T. "tr tll that bu shown oriiiiirletrNuoeett-tht-" 'mthaugtttxrettad,buud. We to to ”mummmam; ottbupomwuihhnd‘mhu 'dd",,", 'r-tttttond-seed-that-tMitt-rt-ttue no also w nu - .1" th- ":0“th to nub their two. lam 0.19:1. than w. an . In“. warmth with tho hon in oi" It. house but ' 3|va mum: ”tuft nmuhd into out column yet, no hem you. . Our WI “condom through o very bad union lut wook. 'Grilnoo' Gmmlins' could only “In” two gun-o out at tho mm tho: yl-yod. The Rod Wines slapped outlhopofull down twice l: o liomorlol Doy double bill. Knere and Jorlott won tho urine pitchoro with Murtaikna, McCobo and Lombton 'oll min: "mug. An “new hitting attack by tho Rod Winn pluo ”no who: 'lottprdeNttrivt work by tho book was tho nod story in ormmholl. Crown!» govo tho homo-town has mouthing to choor about whon ho lot down the Bloom with six hito to win 11-1. Three circuit knock. wore would by 1Btriltigh's Boys", "Red" Krona. Zontini and Waet “in; tho honours. flu-tom: helped himself to A win in tho tint :omo on Sound-y. limiting tho Hard to 'ysmrott hits. Tho Doll gothotod nino "lotion to edge the Bloom M. Shot! wu tho boot " tho phto for tho locols gutting three "tum Right About there the hot. nomad to hove lolt tho formula. They (dropped tho nightcop and then procudod to drop two on Sundoy to the Jonoy Glontl. Macao, [413an Ind Ammo: woro tho unouecoiolul ‘moundomon but they were omy givon o total of tour runs to work on ii tho throo billo. Bye the bye, get youron o look " Kruko. the 17-you~old Bison hurlor. If ho ion’t headed for tho Mojoro we'll oot tho only Ihirt vo own. Here in mm. mom new: about Ion. ltd. who aren't Hound that parts just now - - . Don MuKuuie it in lingual with the 30th Binary. Don played on tho Candi-n football which many phyod American. in London, England. Rumor has it that Don ld “may dcvoloping into ' one-man inulion unit - - - Prank Ron (Philool) in " pmcnt national in Branded. Prank wu About the smoothut ball plnyor to ever anon. at Onknmnnt Park and we win: him Iota of luck in his cucu- in tho Army - - - All nix feet, tour inches of an. main: is currently reported to be in England. Greg, who aux-rod tdr Philcoo in their driu to the Ontuio fintW, spout two lummorl showing King-ton. Ont., hall {any how tbs game should M played bolero jumping ucron the pond, WITH THE ILEmTIIETIRB Thru - to report on this week. tue Wud'l (the meat in. proud mm in the Intermediates) Md A tough that putting West End Chief: May by . 2-1 Icon. "Pool Gum" won duini,taly outluckod In," still showed weakness " tht mu. Nannie. book Another " the axpensc ot the Homontiono'tl Chick. The louu .wm nut! in the picture, the itrtal won being 10-0. C.P.R. Flynn hand-d Nannies n unexpected boating when they scored four rum in on. mun And hunt on to win out 6-3. The nmtwu mun-0d by n by! dllvlny id sports- man-hip our . doclslon " the plum. Thu will and like a "efrrt for the "Thai moon's" but no help up. it rally 1iiriuited.' A1551“? purer when culled out " tho phtl’ jumped up tad (ribbed Umpln Georg. Tutty by the an and Ihook his hull till his Moth worth-tin: out Comm rhythm. Although this column hold: no brief for men [ain't- on wo’r- fox-cod to admit it “I Illpltick eomody at its but. _ SOFTBALL POR SHUT-INS I’ll?! ”UAR! DOIHGI KI-Y ACTIVITY It would team that the Ireta. in the T.B. ward " Chink Shut no going to be oat qt luck. Excavation work bu been puma in the hospital groundl which bids tair to anal! the lull diamond. While ponibly, it in also unfortunate line. phyla; I Nw ball - in the least In could do for the" llddiu. However, though thin sebum: new to be out of an question. we huvn‘mkod our the mummy p! lacing games in tHkmount Park for other deserving war “when. The Wont Toronto Kiw-Ms Are Mill harmed And it is man than prowl. that the all star club that wu montiouod will wring into beine vary uhortly. The Sporu Service my!" hat offbrod to unis: in nny'wu poniblo so you mny got a dam to no how "the lac-1." stack up an»: the but around town And also do your bit fdr,aome worthy can”. “WHERE THEY ARE" DEPT. Getting back to the "ear-grabbing" incident, WI believe that in George Tutty we have found the one guy who on get into more trouble than we can. T So lone. an (SALT 7939,59, qplDel to M um, I t tVar, iri'"i'i'i'irt'li'ii',i',, beach“ the (Wk-1U in mm: iu thin ttgel to tho wanton stun Qt at a. an it but. in my. " nor-tau and hon-in. mm had tahagt plus in - PM Gnu-y Ind " mud million of the popuhtim from harm of country. In ”dud to fotei polity in mmt, Nr. Eden 'Sh that he mod- " you,» of the objective. which they at themlelvu. The Wane: of peace when this tt let It» over won‘d depend on u ‘tlou and httintrte u‘nderlund- In; botwnn the nations of the smith Ctmuttortwealth, the Unit- ed Sum, and the Soviet Union. If they could achieve that under. thudlnz then all their problems, however difficult, could 'e be re- nlvcd. If they could not. achieve it there was, In his judgment no hope of listing peace. Ho wu not th be his“ " mean- ing that any on. of the thme had my Notification for ignoring the rights of null ttntittiss--each poop}. had o chin to its own life --lnrt unleu thou dun eoisld notch 5 common underBtandipit 3nd accept common principles for tho guitUnee of their foreign pol- icy, on ','ftri,,g','.t and lmll), were going ta I er. were going ta antler. There were many diHieu1tieg in ranching even I broad basis of un- derstanding. and still more when they came to Ipply that basis in the pnctice of parallel loreign policy. Geography. impoced some very stern hmiutiom. All three a! the“ great powers, Ind China, were Nttamentall interested in the preservation of lasting peace. He w" pieesed w an he saw the United sum interested in world elm". Even It they ”fled and diurnal it we: infinitely to he preferred to the United Stem not taking me]: n interest. Equally with our [other gnu ally; it. would not bi to the luring advantage of the peace of. Europe that Russia should retire into hcr lumen: end so Mck'into itstatiort. .. no mud detittttelr that there was no ftnrttdatiott for the suspi- don held by Ionic that it Teller-an at Noam we had eommitted out- "In: to Emit or'exclude our in- t..trett iy esrtaits Raga of eqope. W. hid notw'izreea to in spheiga ot 8tthtrsttee, we by! pot {can 'sk- ed 5277117200,; it Ge Iccdpted no min-3;" him hem pkg) to accept knr. 'Wn were anomaly HYDRO 7Gi71'i, 'WSJM'" Tii'aiuaahTGarG noi.hirm he . 'ltl1UJA' 'rttl.'k')plf, H iiiiid 'iitddi' 33.1% ht" "" . w III Oh "I d "ll - te'lf,titli'ii"f'ii21'stillliU'ii Aauii. valian- W"'" ' ' In. it “My Mum "FMMMW‘W'BM' iJ.T.ii2c,iiiifiie FiCiiGsGa"diiGiuk m. "mummy-um... fiiijt-edmAeuut.trrm- ' ' tg,',., in... [de 35.5%?“53? UM}: excused the quota or blood 'unatt up let_hy 46,521; tetysl Imm- Although I” clinic. in Ontarlo Ire to clue for the month of July Io. tint the Cornau‘ht labor-notion may reorganize. they will mum Ir/it,?'",': promptly July 29. Mr. alley reports t-fieial diam which ' Humilton donor china, than lie-ring has been aided to Inch In extent that the trtilicinl hearing device he once wore it no longer necessary. Ontario Exceeds Quota Of Blood "h, the first qtartar a! Llu's {an 9min excee.ded.tAenutna, oi load tor," aid land] t Kelley of Hamihon. chairman of the Blood Donor Committee of the Ontario Division. No small part in this tine record is played by the On- tario Mobile Ditiaiom 1ir w: JJi2ii'fife2f a; iidi '5." au' urii our man-nu "th-ttr . "a . . that the and lit.it, u gtg nttttt - .2 2Muttn1,"d'l Tttit/thurt.':','.",',",':, a... "euatamid te to unpu- inn-gap this in Ill.- a has. him-u a i;- upo night it! . to ttarf, no. tEet'ts,'t,,i',tti?. his in“ n M _ a. flu Plate.. gnu? an = be with Iroverriitsett vu W. III could only promise tltirdikity of dimeultiea. plenty of diap- tf,'drgt and (nuptial. in tho itrteq that In. ahead. I. dig! not "member my period when foreign _ was so dilficult In It w“ new. We would “I. all our strength to put... the objectives In had mentioned on! in matted that we might not bil. tier of don-ticks GEE. Seviingr "ir,. 8_24, bategd _ttf the LW4h)0, naked 'tth, 'ii'?iii7iiiiUii 12'. ttat r. p. Maggi-IQ that”. «In tmb-t no. WW3 WW CASA LOMA Sonic Persona on WE: N *7 atr-ia. PGuauu BROABCAST (£1.35. L. in, MN fat mght--Mar W' FOR YOUR DANCING PLEASURE The New Sensation ELLIS McLINTOCK WED. 9-12.30 $1.50 Per Couple irt.aritrer a“ “an M an. Ii. can not a! m...-m§ymy. mluhydpqrwéd H “7 on ...MW '1. hmhwkwh.‘ 'hrir.'thTt"lh'l'dTfffdt?hTu'l. "rw-ate-tNt-d-Ms 2?ipt?,tiiyii'iy:4il'i' and»... iiriaWaaNiraB' and“. HIS TRUMPET AND THE CASA LOMA ORCHESTRA Featured At is anemia” to commerce- Tho Way I. W“ 'F' --E ACH.-. 9-12.30 $2.00 Per All Team: . WEED! J'd'"g"u/o,2,f,.E, in - (in: to ”may on and tenants, that union W“. which an growing on not owned or occupied by ‘50. within the Township. m an down and destroyed by I - DAY, JUNE 26th. 1944. Ibo subseqmmly. the To my enter upon said 15nd: In“ the Weeds destroyed. charging the cast again-t tho Owner: concerned in the “In. POISON IVY AND IAGWEBD main special attention "aged should be uprooted And drtrw.y t' immedintely growth It wi- out. Under the prod-i." l b Wed Conn] het u I.“ Franny 0mm rows“. _ or was NOTICE or o WEEDS R. t'iaM,',r,',,%') . new. Tomhip ot York SAT. 83042.00 $2.00 Per . With! ft

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