Times & Guide (1909), 15 Jun 1944, p. 6

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I "'"""i'iis"'itii'i"G"""""' Tom clam Motors 3ICIRCUS To uteguurd the tonsumer Again“ degraduion of quality all footwear made in Cnnudn "ter June 20 must but either the nlme of the manufacturer or his WIP- time Prices and Trade Board license number. This method of identification labelling is nlroldy in effect for I number' ot types of clothing. Wholesalers and rAai.ltrrtr) may use their own mme, label or identifying mark inauld of, or in? additidn to, the manufacturer's nuns provided the mtoufaeturer', route. Chu. 31.38mith 11'! hi: wife, the of goronto in the south- bound car, escaped injury " did the other pnnaengers. _ bound, facets I ch. of failing to Imp " I no t. In the cur were Wm. Irish ine Gordon, To- ronto. Chan. .- Smith lid hi: Yvonne LeMere cultured I gamble fractured right shoulder an severe shock. Lewis» Gordon, Mn l t o n bound, he“ I chum of. "_ilimt to unmask-w When I welt-bound motor ear in which she was I museum failed M stop " the corner of Richview 969M; ted Ra!!! York road, 'r':e Wartime Prices and Trade Er-rd announced that new wooden e -n-irr, ladders and new wooden step ladders over seven feet in height may not be purchased at retail without permission from the board. When, in the opinion of the retailer, I buyer is In essential user. the retailer must any: to the ttdministrator of wood pr net: in Ottawa for permission to make the tale. Applications must include all details. These ladders are mostly composed of fir, end this wood is in trreat demand for the menu!»- Lture of aireraft veneer. I : Cpl. William F. Pyette, Hastings [rm Prioee Edward Regiment, was " rd in Italy, his parents, Mr. and 3 rs. J. Pyette, 46 rinst drive, have I zen notified. Enlisting in May, 'r?".?., he went overseas a year later. I - was born in Mount Dennis, , a I a -ceeived his education i ' P' 'O _ ‘0 his enlistment was em- l xied b: the Robert Gait Co. Sur- y g are a brother. Driver Tom I J 'rc't -l.C.A:F.C.uin, Alberta,yyui _ “My 21s. please note that the t" cctu l, reunion is to 'oc kid on b l 'm'ay. June 24. This will be the 1itn annual reunion. SEE , r' tr: , Mrs. L. Ottaway/airs, omfnan and Dorothy Pyette. CASA LOMA SATURDAY, JUNE 17 OPEN DAILY 1s'sJhfA0,l's"' ADVANCE TICKET SALE ON-ht the Circus omee, " Carlton Sm. WA. 0892. and Club Hahn. . SEAT SALE OPENS FRIDAY. JUNE "th-At Hull uu Gnrdsu. Box Office, WA. 1641, open " n... In D p... At HOODEY'S, " King trt. W. EL I... Maple Leaf Gardens Fronds to B. U.ed fur KIWANIS SERVICE ACTIVITIIS Khalil Bers' Work . Vandal“! Guilt. Air Cullen . War Vounu‘ Millikan)- GUIDE CONDUCTED TOURS EVERY 20 MINUTES ADMISSION: Adults 25e-Children 15e W55“ Th Tower. Wine Call-r. Tunnel. Banal-“y Fur-linked In“ Roam. Conan-ton, Oak Room. Library “d wealth of Pure [trim-hip, 1nd Ateititoetyre. The Great Inn-man of Toni-ET; oimnria. a taddi, KIWANIS $3,370. PM FIRST ANNUAL MAMMOTH J-IING sucucu KM “I" "tlt TI“ JULY Ut TWICI mun Opening Date 10 am. to 7 p.m. Mngistnte William Keith of York County nu iltnte‘s court said he had he": 2rfrt,,ylic that he would be retired from t e bench this month. He will be " on June 23, the n? of retirement for his office. He u been magistrate since 1929. He said, he would not Ertl for en extension, but adder t " he felt In young as he did at 40 your! of Me. Mlgiltnto Keith wu born on a farm near Shuon. He conducted pn inmaranee, business before going on the bench Ind from 19 7 until 1923 was I mem- ber oCYork County Council. He we: wiren of the Conn? in 1908 and M.P.P. for North ark from Locals The annual arden tee of the Lou] Council of Women to be held on the lawn " the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Chisholm, Russell avenue, in open to anyone to attend on Wedneadny, June 21, from 3 to 5.30. If the day is fine twenty children from the Memorial school will put on e Meypole dance on the lawn " about four o'clock. Earlier in the afternoon, Mrs. R. J. Mar- shell. rudder". of the Provinciel Counci of Women, will in I short report of the National (guncil, held the month, in Port Arthur. Re- freshments will he "reed end I small fee merged to help in the work of Weston Local Council. If the (hf is wet or cold the (ether- ing wi I meet in the house. Council on Monda passed s reso- lution asking the clerk to prepare a by-lsw to set the salaries of the council members. The matter will receive, discussion when the by- law is presented. At present the members are serving without n1. ary or remuneration. W. C. Bur- rsge in his report stated that an increase of 87264 had been shown for the month of May over that month last year. In adopting the report of the police committee. council Authorized the appointment 0 fan 1dndtit?,pprtl,i,ie officer. Ap- pointment of rank Pudifin as night clerk was also approved. case number and board license number is also in the shoes. Im, ported footwear is not affected by this order. Victorian Order of Nurses - E393. you want the nurse, phone NEWSY NOTES of Town and Distriet if?” mucus lil -iiLtauriihi" MONTO um Ill " mm MHmt _ ---". _____ ,.---...... m... the ririntu,ti, the members were heartily t nked for the wonder- ful work. This le, meets every Wednesdny It 1.80 a the home of Mrs. Jordan, Rune“ Ave. Every- one is weleome to come and enjoy two hours of sewing and is I good chance to get sequined with your neighbour. lmany neighbours of Elventon Park held last Thursday in the church. The speaker told of the work done by the Selv-tion Army oversees 1nd how the boys are made to feel at home by going to the Red Shield Inn end '12Pii all the eomforta provided. TB. ekay also give I report on Mount of knitting done for our boys in England an for the prisoners of w". She stressed the urgent need of wnfm clothing of iny kind for the chil- dren Ind llyettee for the new babies of Britain. The Salvation Army have also surfed I contact office overseas. This is to help my of our boys or girls who hive lost contact with their funnies or if there is I family ntoblem. At the end of the very Interestin talk, Mrs. McKay was presents: with the sewing and the members were lyyrtily. t glad for the wonder- METROPOLE 1923 to 1926. He was vice-preli- dem, of the Children'. Aid Society and highway commissioner for " gears. Up to the end of Int year is collection of fines totalled $1,087,000. Army' was tire" orde,iii,tivi,r,' If: 1iPwintr.o,f,thtt 'eg. on? bath; In I Preamble the statement de- clares, ' Every good citizen must be sorely perturbed by the evidence, which accumulates on all kinds, of the spread of sexull irretruUrity and its dire consequence in than". Tragic figures are appearinng in our midst, whose helplessneu must appeal to every heart in the per- sons of newborn children disened from birth, with all that menus for them in later years and, perhaps, for the generation following." "Nevertheless, we hold that these distreatsirur physicnl consequence: will continue to threaten mankind, until it in recognized that cum] and (tr'Te"tr, physical relations be- tween e sexes any wrong. Sex exists, in God’s Providence primar- ily for the continuance of life, end for the completion of I singularly ‘benutiful unity between a mu Ind " woman who respect one inother’l ipertsonality and Ire prepared, by reason of that unity, to undertake the greatest of all spiritual relpon- sibilities, the care of I child. God hue given to mnnkind runny trulta, but we are in tsceord with one of the greatest of Englishmen when he wrote "the trust of trusts, Lite from the EvernLiyimr.' - The Imminent bean- with ny- ing that niontific instruction And radial legiaktion to my thin acourfc no not mouth “unlu- the man “pod. of the (amnion in primarily strand. not only t the religious communion. but by "is. lawn, doctors, authorities in the services, and all athcrl who occupy lending positions. We do not at cumin: up u {when of our youth; tor We wel mom“ the "pescial temptation: created in ‘a time of war, and we mliu that sing of the spirit mly be darker in God's si ht than lim trf the fleah. Spiritual? pride, leading on con-or- iousnesa and hypocrisy, may wall be the ‘Queen of Sim.’ 1 Tile the Funny to METROPOLI for T-ty. Ntttrtuom, ”in" Meals Prundtr, Quick Service Air Conditioned thdid Mrs. McKay of the Silurian In I an...” ”do ”has - WI', has a tho low - N!!- (Ch-dd I lath-pun. and 'tMel Church) in. In)". with the qdtort. that "to. 0 bogs.- in Lair Dominican-ya. an. Stop Worrying About Your Dinner lulu lt,Ptg,', Efforts To urb Disease 'e is I family p; of the very " . McKay wu _ sewing and the - T ,,,_ -- _... rv"‘-' But they.do think that Germany must be occupied, if for no other reuon than to Ihow the Germans that they have lost the war. One of the tngedies of the last w" was that Germany throughout re- - F ___ __ PM”... .... [tom it would be pol'u’ble to no? with my situation which mig t wise in Germntty within . very few hours. Even through the sir foree were nationed in Rusail or Britain. Control today does not neceuu-ily mean armies of occu- le’on. thankl f0 'ir.power. They think, too, that at tho con- clusion of the war, Gummy mutt be occupied. They do not believe that the oyeuetion neodrpeceuu- ily be d 1lsGrtFGiTYiG"fl'"'i lengthy one by the "mien. They {mint gut t?et fit}: I JLoyerful air in it from their childhood, but they believe that the future gen- entions should be educated in n different schooL They think, too, that an educa- tional process must be undertaken among the German people. That they must be taught the democra- tie way of lite and that stem must be taken to emun that the com- ing generations of Germans are not brought up in the Nazi school. They recognize that it will be dif- ficult to eradicate the Nazi philosophy from among those Ger- man: who ha? been .b..routtht.up The British people no tired of stumbling Around in the We. And other five winter: who on blame them.' The hart seen their churches LUU, their home. devastated; their buelnen end ind. wrecked. The women he" bun forced to job- they never did before; they have been "pound for long year- from their bathtub and their childrein; they have seen their babes lying in the “new mutilated by bomb fmtrtnenta. 1 Who an wonder if the British people no bitter-ml on deter- mined that it will ttttt hlppen attain; that in another More of yarn the German people will not he able to bring the horrors of war to e pence-loving people'. The British peo le are determin- ed that utter THYS we: turrnany ‘will not be eble to menace the ‘peace of the world again. They we determined that not I pine or a gun ehall be mode in Ger. many. Industrioll , they "n Ger many mull: be allowed to develop, but the ttwustaeturine of the munitions of we: must be definite. ly pat in that country. Not a plane or I gun must be mode there. I found hwrpeo' w Jim-- mild tad conciliatory ','tt ol‘tic - don. Son. poop!- to m i talked, brood, Itt, u ddénud“ Ind strong vow. eir mi a tut never unit: should Genny bl permitted to attain I podtiol‘ from which she could disrupt the - of the world. l humiliating the” things, it is not natural that they “on! have Iona vety 6Wrtitm View" " to what then“ _ to 6.3. "YT, ltt'.tty PW”? ttHad. -- mun tyi Brim Are Thinking of the Future of Germany L . 4 _ t I: - ' o rsss= a _ ', T 'tilk, .g . _ "mes"Ar, r,""%atiliiii1ilciitiis,, I? “I - A "P . - . alt 'Ill . V _ Il-l- ' » s-U-l-‘l Is ' _ Once the French people arrive " that decision, it will mean a long, patient period of convnleseenee with the assistance of Britain. The problem of who shall gov- ern Prince Ind what form of gov- ernment shall be adopted is a problem for the French Alon end the British viewpoint is thathhey must be permitted to work out their own solution’without inter- ference from outside. There are so magy factions in France and feeling " so high that it is difficult to lee just how peace and harmony can be achieved be- tween the Pyrenees Ind the Eng- lish Channel without I protracted period of almost civil war. l But Frnnce, the British people feel, is facing a long, hard, bitter and bloody road. A bloodbath of eonsiderable proportions in thought to be the fate of the people of Prince before they eventually de, eide their future form of govern- ment, and its composition. . l mained unscathed. That in not true today, however, because the Ger- man people know full well that they are right in the front line. They only have to look " the devastation of Berlin or 1 score of other cities, the obliterating of Humbug, to realize it. The Future of From l The British people hope that out of he. present plight 1 strong Franc? will trriise; n France cup- able of tlking her rightful pltee in the councils of the world. A strong France is desirous from the British point of view Is it is always well to have I strong, friendly teammate to offset the weight of the opposing team. _ w, - I-'-"'-""'"-"", Airborne h of Wu " n won; teregt to 13:1: Maieatte. Ind JWd2 Elisabeth " visited Canal":- in the thick of pre-hvuioll luv Army Oven-nu Photo). ' "ss-ttus-tMs WESTON Ladies" Shoppe SEE OUR WONDERFUL COLLECTION OF FASHION FRESH SUMMER SUITS! COLOR-BRIGHT, COOL, SUPERBLY TAu.ORED--Ti'LL TAKE YOU EVERYWHERE SMARTLY ON THE HOTTEST DAYS. . . . . CHOOSE FROM BUTCHER LINEN, SHAN- TUNG, SPUN RAYONS, COTTONS. IN PRINTS, PASTELS OR STRIPES. IN THE FOLLOWING SlXM,--UUN. IORS II to I9; MISSES I2 to 20; wo. MEN'S " to 50; HALF SIZES 18k to MI. 41 MAIN N. 1074: 4-442 IN PRICED FROM " n won] DI!" point of In- eeu Eiiubctll when the Royal "rrsilr pro-invasion '"noerta.-tCattadiait Sufferers of bleeding and p r o t r uding pile: Ihould know Bunker: Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money buck if the first bottle does not nasty. Buy from your druzgilt. _ New ration books will not be very different from those in cur- rent use, but that junior ration book EBA will be issued to boys and girls up' to 18 instead of.up to 16, In " present. The object ot this change‘ia to mnke it easier for them to obtain their priority supply of milk. The British people are by no mean: aura that DeGlulle hats the eonfidemre and support of the re.. mane. movement: in France. On the contrlry. they feel that he will meet considerable opgoaition once the liberation .of, "nee com- mences. There can be little doubt that st the moment France in much divided. _ GORDON YOUNG LTD. Phone ADelaide 8636, Toronto For Free Pick-up Phone U- We pay phone charges. WANTED DEAD HORSES and CATTLE 'lllllllllq It will be " and on Tuesday, Value-day, and” and Friday “It " tas. df each week. 121,i,"utLtl", day, bars "IF“‘LY and girls between t a In: of 9- (Can-dim you. to give additional inatruetion 14 will be welcome to take putt in ---- the Iwim. We no pluminz this to child-9h dandy able to swim re by no no that they elm become expert le his the swimmers. We will also expand our of the ret- playground activities no that the 'ranee. On children will have I well-rounded at he will out program. Twice a week, Iwimming will be open to older people. On Tuesday, 'tmm use“. from 15-20. will pn- ticipnte, while Pgp& night is for people over 20 a wish to hive I weekly swim. Women " 7.15 and men It 8.80. The boys' swim period will be in the morning and dong with a period of swim, there will also be In opportunity for group glmes and crafts. The girti' twin) will be held in the Afternoon And they too will have garne- and unit. when thy gr: not in, the tank. Tho “unmet months m tut ap- Tpts ml with them comes tit. Yo Township "Learn-to. Swim” flampaUn. It in to be Mid as!!! this I“! " York Men-norm “with ammo from July 4th to August 11th inclmive. York lemorill Genocide Institute in one of thirteen {llygmund centres in the tere!? p opaque! by _ the Town-hip Playground Committee. tiopthweitern .M.C.A. in in dingo of this centre which include: t e Swim Campaign. E. ROBE \ 21 DUFFERJN STREET WEST Agent for Jotms-Manvi1te Shinglem Bradford and Torontn AIphalt Roofing York T an). Swim Campaign To Continue This Summer General Meeting " MAIN N. PHONE 108 NEXT TUESDAY, JUNE 20th EAST WESTON RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION - uwum nd “PM“ _ unnu- 4,'tlltifclt'ttllii!,e'ii'k'1'ie and mom _", - a RA9B--P3m8 may: thtirttut. WW " io2,'.'PA'l'd.'h.. uo n. "V . I StFtkl,ia)l.ttiti,ii?,iii, . "Nitii 1tBu'tM"iitrzlegrtrhtat'a'lle Al ItaiuuUirfiiiuAfh-iuiuiia -- "Kin Kin-u. F. L Imus. Hull. Nor RESPONSIBLE FOR GOODS LEFT OVER 60 DAYS wastou CLEANERS " , MEMORIAL SCHOOL 8 p.m. omnmsr J. HAW! 1 MAIN s'rxuon'ru, Will ' mum". ms- 11. a” ' Mr. Dun Temp-on of York Honk orinl Conan-ta Institute will In ttty director of the Swim Guam thik you. Bing Crosby Frank Albert-on Iii: icFGiriiaT"itt Don-Id Barry-Dale Eum In "THE WEST SIDE KID" WESTON THEATRE In -'reeitnaG" fl -ee Nelson Ekidr--8u- Foam Claude Raine in WED..TRURS--JUNE 21421 "HANDS ACROSS THE ' BORDER" “Why" 'ound Sound: - MON..T'UEg.--gUNE 19-3. TWO FEATURES TWO FEATURES Roy Rogers Ind Trigger In "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" SELECTED SHORTS FRL-8AT.--JUNE "~11 "O, MY DARLING CLEMENTrNE" . Dorothy Lunar in Glorious Technicolor ---AMO- "DIXIE" -A12S0-- Lornn Gray in PHONE I”

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