Times & Guide (1909), 21 Sep 1944, p. 3

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we we 'BIELE. Tcad ii" 6135. Below in n list of the recent books received " Weston Public Libra-y: Kola-h. Blessed no the Meek; Forbes, Johnny Tremsine; Raddull, The Pied Piper of Dipper' Creek: Kan , Seed of the Puritan; iiiiGU, 'r'lt Marinas; McMeek- in, Red Rahal); ibbs. The Inter. preter; Ronald. The Night is End- mr, tang, Chiang Kai-Shek; Row- thery, The Ports of British Colum- bia; Ludwig, Stalin; Sulfa". Bum: Surgeon; Wood, rider- ahnding New Zenlnnd; Reynolds, The Curtain Rises; Skariatiam, Little Er: in Old Russia; Ballon, 11yJ.erdp.ibid; {lanes}. The Radi, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Medhurst were honored by the Hospital Alumnae of the Welleeley hospital at the, meeting which coincided with the Mth enniversuy of Mr. Medhurst {fining the hospital staff. Mr. Med- um " one of the laboratory Meh.. nicinne It the hospital. Miss Mary Shaman. for the elumnee, pre- natal en ”grunt! silver trey and Dr. George onner. for the medical staff, presented . puree of money. Rona were presented to Mrs. Median-st. _ Recent Books At Library The Weston LIdies' Lawn BOWL ing Club held . very enjoyable KI}! dny but Thursday afternoon and 'itlng with n pot luck supper. The temoon games were won by Mm. B. Ackrow tmd Mrs. S. Cup, men. The evening games being th'? by Mrs. A. Chipmln and Mrs. _ Trooper Arthur (Red) Gunn, of Chiswick avenue, was united in marriage to Patricia Ann Mullen, of 1"tt'N'ia: The wedding took plyy at Win not on August 26, Miss E.‘Briggs. of King street, returned to town last week titer visiting her brother in Welland. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Farr, of Moose J aw are visiting Mrs. Fur’a mother, Mrs. L. Jackson. Main street north. Hutu Flnltm Exchang- We wish'to welcome to our midst, Min Ila Bessey who is boarding at Min Smith's, 61 Dufferin street welt. Miss Bone? is on the staff at Humood Ichoo ' Mount Dennis. “1 Mr. PLEASANT " HAWAII! 41" Mr. M. J. Layingwell is return- ing home shortly after two years working for the British Govern- meat in Washington. Mrs. A. Noble. of Dennison road, left last week to visit her son and daughter in Detroit. Miss Rosemary Lepinttweil is upmdin; tan days of her vacation he: the Toronto General with her fl er in Washington. I PERSONALS " aid: of woman "miture and pano- mted for PAIN TING, DECORATING Interior, Exterior PHONE 1200W JACK BAILEY d - F. L MEWS. ”ml. "ONE 198 Saturday, September 23rd BIG RED BARN EVERY FRIDAY EV ENINS wanna. ' 9 Ban. to 18.80 ”on. . twu,riiiitiril'it'k'i'r)'fii',ttrrtari. AUCTION SALE " 1:00, at EMERY, WRIST 01716! IOU" Except Wain-way, O . " um. t.80 " I.” p... - [who Ln. to 18.80 loan. FUNDALE PARK, WOODBBIDGE Mu Bong and his nine-plop bud '. It. MISS H. M. RILEY will hold an IN THE 1 MAIN BT. NORTH, WESTON Mr, l Cundn‘l dome-tic mmhnndile export tad. during the man months 011de Jul totalled "024,- 900,000, I record, Trade Minute: MacKinnon Innmmced at Ottawa. Vast store: ot equipment going to fighting from: wore mpomible for the record figure, ', opposite the school. '. A. M. McEwen, Auctioneer. --Prorn The Chau,, Science Monitor. To point the way to this glorious consummation is the purpose of Christian Science. Mary Baker Eddh’ the Discount and Founder of t is Science, bu without te; vocation confirmed the tut t at Love alone is the healer of all mor- tal strife and discord. She be made it clear throughout "Science and Health with Key to the Scrigltures" that only the love whie the Muster taught and de. tnonstrated on the hillsides of " 1ileerhealimt the sick, binding up the brokenharted, uplifting the sinner, and raising the dead-l-lends to lasting humong. A well-loved hymn (Christian eienee Hymnal. No. 179) decline: Sh,tyrittr,try,e brotherhood, publish. ing salvation, Love bids all discord can. Conquering hate, enthralling pace, Lave. Love alone in power. d, awaiting an opportunity to destroy. The my to enduring and univdsal peace is the wny of Christian hetr1imr--tu diminution of the amazon: Mich of hatred from individual eon-ammu- through the understanding of the ever-presence md universality ot divine Love. The demand in for a pregaration terrace in aeeordanee wit the Mute s teachinn. Christianity has always taught the right method; but it is some- times claimed by auperfiei.al think- ere that Christianity hue failed. The clear thinker see! that this. of course, is not true. The benchinn of Christ Jesus are based upon the Mosaic law. and find expreuion in such profound utterances as the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord's Prayer. These aftord no meek under which an Imelder the firee‘of hate and the virulence of That fence may be established in the wor d in without doubt the bet- amount desire of a majority of mankind. To some, the mere causa- tion of hostilities would be peace. To others, the elimination af na- tred, envy, malice, greed and ttltr- sical domination constitutes the only sure basis for in develoumem. Genuine harmony, that true name of tranquillity euraeurised , Paul u 'the peace of God, whit passeth all understanding” (Philip- piann 4:7), certainly mutt be pre- dicated upon something more than the discontinuance of outward m- cor. avarice, war,' pillage, and dee- truction. "E..t1thTnirtr Pm” clams Open Monday, Oct. 2 1uratmurtoN--rRmAy, SEPTEMBER 29 7.30 to Mo Patt. Stenography Blueprint Reading Typewriting Drafting M Commercial Electricity Arithmetic Machine Shop Practice Cookery Motor Mechanics Children’s Clothing Sheet Metal Sewing Woodworking Dressmaking Pattern Making Shop Mathematics Bench Fitting Clams will be opened only if a tn1ffieient number register in each clue. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Evening Classes Cookery Children’s Clothing Sewing Dressmaking Shop Mathematics Registrations will be received in the ' following subjects: Weston There ere cumin unique cheru- teristics of the ides] Church of Jesus Christ which ere sometimes forgotten. They are the reel rea- son Whé the words and teachings of the ospel will never die. First Christianity is the most materiei end yet the most spiritual of all religions. It faces the Nets of the cosmos and the reality of man's environment, and yet proclaims that spirit transcends it All. In its normal forms it he never pro- claimed that men is what he oh- viously is not. It has never denied that he is partly of the earth from ‘which he sprung. but has insisted ‘thet his restless, soaring spirit is I witness to the Divine in him. Christ never sug ested to men I stendsrd of life ET, to their reel natures. The mess-gs of the Gos- pel is only 1 cell to men to be their better selves. The virtues that Jesus praised in the Sermon on the Mount are not mad dreams; they are the ‘ueence of unity. We know perfectly well that the people yen: it has come back with ter- rifie power to challenge the f!.W, nity of man. "Christ or Cunt.” is Is modern " it was in the days of Polycarp. It would seem that this is the real issue of this great- est of all wars. It may be true 3110 that the nctors in the drum: are not nwue of ita meaning. Christianity has existed long enough for men to see its week, he" mun strenfth. It has been loved and hated. t has seemed to ebb and flow like other irtfluene" hick hive ehnped the history of 1.etiri.9,tit For twenty centuries it he been in the world "ens. It has Keen the rival of other relig- ions, at as a vital force it has sur- vived them all. Of 111 the clnssic religions it is the only one which can stay the course. There Ire two modern develop. God”. There is no doubt that the menu which in turn seemed to Church o.t Christ must Mand " chellenge the aim lo philosophy of fall by this eeeemon tut the In” Christ. When ',','l',tt, mime. burst of Jesus Christ can make the weak like a new Bun upon the minds of strong, end the (in)? tltttt-:that. it men there were many of the intel- can mend broken lives and give Joy Ieetual leaders who assumed that to the brokenuartad. it: brilliant revelations would greq- This is no empty bout. The con- ually remove the need for any Dy !eesione of tit. Auguatine, the life vine cementum of the mystery m of St. Frencxa of Assisi, the epic men. Finely we have the rebirth of the Salvation Anny. form a of the supremacy of the Mate. It small pert of that literature which wee the off.ieitsl religion .ttt. pm when Saul of Terms met hie Roman 2'ttilg', when Christ I! teen the Damascus Road. When born in Bet lehem. _rtl the last 20 i1 is lifted frnm an hug-Aw l Student in the Toronto end nub- urban em: m 1"t't'l'lttu','ti tg fleitg in getting text he at meet u ooU ere getting along tee-enemy well under the circum- stances, with meny students using ‘ucond hand books. Most "one Marud off with plentiful nooks but soon were confronted with empty shelve: elk: the rush. The publishers ere uneble to lupply them in lufficlent volume ' meet the demand. One publisher aid the pupa- quota wee edequete. but there wee trouble getting supplies from the binders. ne of the wont troublee in that there is insufficient skilled labor in the bindery trede to supply all needs. By Rt. Rev. R. J. Rented entitle round: equipn'one in uri- oul dppattmrtttc, . new building t r channel animating; nun- 1"et,ti,,'l",rg,ta,ttlrl,tt mac " " u " addition to the Bunch); Insti- . now Pe,h,', for (In School of Nun!” ad or mention for woman umaonu- nun-ions to the pmmt Contra! itiiGTn"ii' urn-.3; a n" building or addition to a done.) handing; and a new cum! heating nud_pavo_r plug. Pertlt.ftmttimeirt in 100”.» ot “an", din S"g.t,'t,t", a! t2lt'ttvdugtad u W m ' I:- ah- nnd to print. f,'atd'tiptli,t “no". in " effort to "in not In: than tive mime}: dollar for we: expend“ in union: 533 bundln‘e. Needed blaming and equipment In the poem - lion pron-m Include gene“! ed- ttttif? regency equipment jrt.ygri- gnu" Iii: viii?» 1%GriioTi What Price Christianity? This is no empty bout. The con- fessions of St. Augustine, the life of St. French of Assisi, the epic of the Sulvltion Army, form a smell put of that literature which gm when Sm] of Terms met hie 150.0!) the Damascus Road. When il is lifted trom the trlgedy of an ground Europe durin the last to years, it will be found The second peculi-r qunli? of Christianity is its dynamic. tom the var? beginning the Gospel of 215.3“le aired,to give Pet. power. "To them that received Him gave he Power to become the sons of God". There is no doubt that the former: /s.t Chrigg myst ttand or whom the Beatitudes call “blessed" He the happiest souls alive. We hive only to ere: I world ruled by the humb e, the debontrir, the kindly, the fplum-hemmed nnd ad. venturous. or truth to see an earth like heaven. Plum {or an ueond ulna-l Kiwanis lull: Futiul next Feb. 19 to Inch 8 no already undo: way, and An won [rum [lumbar of mm:- than d", “we: can I you I m angina. The uyllabuu for eon. unta- thud)! in being distribute ad. Cash curds unsound" to 8500, “and my]; tha ff%i ollty of Mrs. M. when; will be antral in the clung for GGG chain. ',tlt1tg,hltt .%'t 3nd frown" will 1 no). "P ad. Adam Milk. M, at Toronto. was instantly killed in an accident at, the de Huvillund Airernft plant, Shays-rd Avenue, North York; last was . North York policy raporud that Mill: was muting in tum- farring I ta the]! on A truck. When the true moved, the Bhelf bog-n to mpple. Mlsh Jumped from the vehicle in in effort to ”cups, but the shelf tell off the truck on him, crushing his head. Dr. C. N, Mooney, comonet, is ittvest.igatitur: Mirh, single, w“ I mean of Pound. dTm-JM ehu that an “for”, 11h the lart, will " know, but probably non quickly. by moths: “in “in held lat you " Taiwan. A. " tel-o, who. the Uniud Mum and Gun Britain had unnamed t divi- don of -itrilitr to: I an ','ttftg in the war their had-u “A thou be wound to dilem- rigours, Chaim PORTEBHOUSE ROAST, lb. ., . Trrr. "re. _Frr_ Smoked SIDE BACON, by the piece, lb. _. VV t__. FRONTS, boned And rolled, lb. Smoked PICNIC RAMS. lhlnk off, lb. '.'w_rrrtr, __'.F_____, R2UND STEAK ROAST, Mild, cured PORK SHOULDER; shin]: off, IIs. ""-er'-e.-_..__.., T T 'ttrf corner: 12er len BOILING BRISKET, Boned, rolled VEAL ROAST, CHRISTIE’S BREAD - 10c FRESH KILLED nonsma cmcKEns hon. hi. lb. -"._-rmerr.m....F.o, We Deliver NEW PHONE Ntt, NEW PHONE NO. 217-218 It MAI! NORTH 21T--2" WESTON CUT RATE MEAT MARKET accepted daily until 10.30 am. for the some day. Saturday until 1 p.m. Please phone early for better service. _ TIMES AND‘GUIDE. WESTON SPRING LAMB Mr. Seldan exflnined that pou- toes must be nod by weight and that retailers wishing to "ll pou- toel in &gt. bukets should no that their prices do not exceed the maximum prices fixed by the bond. With potatoes back on most shop. sing liltl. Prank Seldom Central nurio prion and lupply repre- sentative for the Wartime Prices and Tnde Bond, nmind- house. wives that coiling price: for the £23m!” tuber were eluinshed member 1 and will remain effec- tive for the blltnco ot the year. Maximum retail price: for No. t grade pontoon in Toronto are u ollawv 76-lb. bag 82.12; iS-Iba., 48y, 10rlttt., tte. - _ Watch Ceiling Potato Price tar disillusionment is that wo had made up our mind that Christen dom wu Chrutian, while new wt know that it ir not. It may be nocuury to it: blck to the crou~ mail nfnin. t us to. Our mod. em wor d has crowed many thingu. bat it ia immuible to concoivo of our no pr new; . Snvlour. Jesus don. in “The Why. the Truth, and the Life." in the he". at an. In. that not: it the man tom out told. 1u,t?,bo.mirt.or.iiCit.G mt inyjgnifianet count-nu m th. world. 8. we mud the ma; 1P_l1e_tCrreaet.yrt.ies.rjri fs", poverty; and yet M. u timo- “I and natural. Me in proof of the fut that the highest an new: be uprooted in word; No on: "at upon man beautiful want. but. mu, Ji." wag what Iliad the The conventional prVstation of fittPlt t mun-tin; and hdpful. a 1d Tantalum and the Now no “but! to aaeh oth.r, but Chriltinnity is Christ and the ideal church in at. iiGiUii body on oath. Why in it thit the spirit of Christ geom- umblo " the - tinte to hm]: out into the "an. of I potitsrteieken world? Pox-har- ono mien for our bit, m _disil mionmcnt ll that wo had “.631“; Th ”in-EEG, TC St'ff2,i'lt',"rA my»: a for- men. ___ iTiGT. -..-. - -.. It “id chi-1 'r.i0,'ii,,)'?h2i't'i'ihi,tt'r'.iii, -tttetrt no": as: I. u may at am. "ttr.. ec lttt,t44ttLat,'tltigt 't 45c 35c 39c 34c 27e 39c 37e 31c 14tt Has a wide clientele with large cash payment for purchase of homes in Weston and vicinity FOR QUICK ACTION CALL JU. 4545 MERCER REAL ESTATE Stuart Merenr 2841 DUNDAS STREET WEST (at Kaela) an: mu ”amass. Titty PORK Ind BEEF SAUSAGES. h., . nghd PORK Hocxs, SI§LOIN ROAST, boneless, Rlmf STEAK, minced, be]? S'I’EWING BEEF, up HAMBURG STEAK, Choice PRIME RIB, boned and rolled, lb. _eVVV _ Gede 'A' BOILING FOWL, Rolled POT ROAST, lb. . . Choice BLADE ROAST, lb. 24 DENARDA AVE. WESTON 556 JU. J PoAatiu,"Tu Ta [In]. (an to Opoeto. Auoariiii, “TwaTu'mw at than“: wound“. 1313 5"me Tu}: In. than - British tyya, tht ”Jedi! tee,Phh “Mil!“ in. ttl" 'G"lV47el'h"Ju"tl'. COT FUEL BILLS up to 30% m Shakespeare Goal ELECTRIC JANITOR ',2dPtli.dp'tuge.t A,t " par " r. o dunno-mt js dawned with ghc hen . Shea, pnndple which pram: our: obting mi under- Ihoou'a; oftttrttrerHiem. On other 1iHettr,ier9tirrs this can”! be avoided tunnel. d Mt'grdre/'srdarg'aii.e., .You an tum your had-Ind fume- into In utomnic honing plant. can fuel. and damn: in;- ahng. and have even temper-tutu gt'g',eftr,,i2itheii,nrhe,ii: Honem Melanin". luau- nisu of an thou-i: than: new: Ind room damn-t u Msown. a. 'ara 7a I. Mrmwllhd tr Gee. 36:15... I?! in lb. 39; = "tt 43c 41c 35c 23c 23c 23c Me JU. 2242 AY INC! ms. PHONE 131 Plano, Singing. Violin, Theo ' Kinderg-mn. Choral Clairy Marlon Donor-on. LT.“ HENRY POPE C o S T Me for 25 words All must be in by My " 11 um. (I' B USIIVESS CARDS m. 6133 Etaatie mu we! mum ”BENITO" J. C INCH. M. “-3. Leonard Bun. PLO. ”3.3.; Autumn For Artitoirttatet, Cull l Classified Ads. rxuqsgs mini Yiinifnm WESTON um “In. thou lamb b- dom §OWJW io W J. WARD C. LORNE FRASER mu: anvil!" " PROFESSIONAL WARM AIR FURNACES " Main " 8. MEDICAL SUPPLIES CLEANERS AND on” Quality Cleaning TINSM ITH, ETC. Spockliud Mono Tun-up Ill MAIN N., VISTON ZONE 44" Twin Sonia mm. Fir. iris-u.“ an: Wort Gun-M wanna» P'thterit_te, RUPTIJRED? PIANO TUNING 1NCWS DRUG STORE CRUICKSHANK GARAGE own!) a: mum by mm no: P1166 SOLICITORS tr?rEniiiiN GARAGES PROMPT. OOU'I'IOUS mm In The Home vim-ON as , Bela. etc. l iii-5 1.!th "" a... ir g...‘ in...‘ "m..." .. mu. nu f "' ”it-rum a» lntgriqr pecgrating Flavell "i,truisit-Avs ROY’S TAXI ""et.', FiTa%' human-om... PROMPT. COUITIOUS T SIRVICI " HOURS SERVICI N 'rGra,tgtfT, " Mil. in In. a. BALDWIN mmagok GENERAL CONTRACTOR tktraim,.A.s'.trrtGG ma c. L. rdAtiaiiU-L, "2iri'd hum PHONE 19” F. A. sgmmi Except Sundays WESTON' TAXI Iowans-Ina; CONTRACTORS New 1tr,te.ot PM" CHiROPttACrtttt GWMARTIN WESTON 11244-3 456 SOLICITORS J. W. BROWN Phone PHONE "om Malta“ "" PAINTING CARTAGE TAXI: PM! 70-.” ' WWI "

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