f ',l'j"_'i'iii.'ii_'ii"i_,i',i'ii'i,'i'i",""] aim mi., unit (5113): w " van Gilchrist. who in. kind by ftiir0ritri%7"i? GEM??? tho Lou] Y.W.C.A. for thin work. in". The Wanton school who one thU Month“ on omrthmlly of so achool: hm hold mm tho fUld day In. held Ie,', IIT ti'ttt diam ad 1tN a: ' _ WNW GI 'MytW0t 'liMllratirtdri'aiij"Sid Unit“ Wain“ Witt. The int-1'13 "helm local aches: “I qu " e n I "" no the lack of “glued laden. Tht mun uhool met MST, on): morning for their (an n. war-hip tel in which a theme “a Rf 1Wine in our Community." thftdreri divided into A†â€13' and "ttt from Jami: P01 story u ' an wot 'eif,ii,giiiiht,i. 1rcL mange In: p on. Cf, by I train', ad phr'roundo minor. It"? Von G Ichrlat who m loan“ Im an [an] Y.W.C.A. for at. work. tht. Mon an '",',tthtt'.t12 Mce, win! held net h wing l Baker’s Tax! _ um N. “anâ€: On display this week In the north window of the Time: And Guide office are toys which were mule " the Weston Community Vnution School held during the entire month of July. This work, which was done largely by the lo, 12-130 group, un " the unper- Villon of Mn. Robt. Hugo". in very eomtttettdable. The wooden my: Vere cut out for the children by I)". Eadie. Ind they, in turn, I:- Imblod, undid, nholluod Ania own-mellow] the uric“: "tteu...'-. lll>Mpletlng Io .aeU of p "In†blocks. 1 string of block, 4t and)â€. " inherlocklnf min: nnd, " tmu.. J,,kt2 I no nude inn ten-tins stuff Inlmlll undct Ite) “pom. on of Mrs. A. Burton. and " of then were compleud. no (on in being diltribuud to differ. mt 'gtg, curing for lu- fortu- M e "drew Ind in d! can mm" [foggy needed and mum, Be. Diryer will be served yunctunlly It 6:30 o'clock Ind wjl be con- cluded u nearly as possible by 8 o'clock. The male quntette of the club will provide music for the oc- casion. The usual dinner charge at“! of course, be "made. Men "of the communitv Ire cordially in. vited to attend. Weston Community Vacation School Displays Handwork After the einfing of a hymn Mrs. J, Gowlend ed m prayer. rs. C. Hill (five the scripture reading and ml a timely comments on the ume. When the reports from the different aecr‘riee had been re- ceived, Miss de Mey. eccom- penied by Miss N. Ackrow. sung Very wreath "He Wipes the Tear From Every Eye." A Biblical qhuiz. under Mrs. Wil- low's lenders ip, called forth I knowledge of Bible facts And proved very interesting and edu. eative. A plenum social hnlf hour blrough'. the informal meeting to I c on. 1_Chairlrar, ofv Kiwanis Rehabilitation The XL Bible Class opened their full utivities in the numliary room of Central United church on Thurs- day evening with the president, Miss Dickin. in the chair. James Thompson, who passed away Saturday " the home " his daugh- ter, Mrs. G. Shiniman, 18 Lawrence Ave. Wat, Weston. in his 79th yur. Born n T%mtpyiortville in the year 1868, the lata Mr. Thompson suffeged a hen: attack. He had livedjn Weston five yarn, moving here from Klginburg, when he n- sided toe len reirs He Wig em- ployed. u n mail route driver. His wife, Marin. Lonsway. Thompson, predeceased him in November, 1988. He is survived by two dnughurl. Mrs. F, C. Eldon, Toronto, 1nd Mrs. G. Slithiirtuiri, Weston; and two sons, John Thompson. Barrie, and Cecil Thompson, Bondhend. Rev. J. K. Joblin conducted the funeral service with interment in Alliston Cemetery. PM. He will speak on “ROh-bi- htion". e uubject he is fully eon- Wilt with. He is chairman of the Kiwnnis Rehabilitation Coun- ell of greater Toronto, ehairman of the Kiw-nis Rehnbilitation Committee of the Ontario-Quebec- Maritime District; 1 member of the Toronto Rehnbilitntion Com- mittee end I member of The In- terrratiorusl Kiwanis Club of Chi- clgo on this subject. _ â€than be noted the Kiwanis Club he been nlloted I specinl Link by the Department of Pen- sions and Netionnl Health of u- siltin: -to rehnbiliute those men 'f our 1tt/gT, forces who have Wimp-dial y and permanently kiiiiGr Robert Thompson Former Mail Route Driver Passes ' 'P‘unernl iervicen were held Mon- day 1"att,t at Thomptsonville United C rch for the late Robert For the oocuion they have le- mnd In tu/ttHin spake: in the penon of Mr. Wi him R. Wil- lard]. hitting. solifitor, ttsa. Ty A. Innouncod last wuk aw Monk Club of Weston Prubyte- du Church will renew their re- un actiyitiu arid have Jlf,'dJl to to! a dinner in the school room of the church on Tueuhy waning, pet. 8rd. XL Bible Class Opens for Fall Wm. Willard Speaker Presbyterian Club â€Council For Greater Trtromto--. Â¥Subiect To Be "Rehabilitation" , an ’m’ 'ev 5.7;." ET..." Mam to with than IL prom iiii.FthiirTiirii' 2-4. a, n. J. Lynch " “out!" many. It In Nit that the Aim the Comm Vmuon School, which in can} by church my. ml I “It". 3min won val late. on tn Wm. tin “my " Joy toâ€, Annie Horton, Sunni-l Bitch Kin HI] int", Public Bald: Nurse, nu! m. cm. a Smith, Y.W. Mercury. The n 'e mg" the airy-um . C. Thy nhool was held In two room: of Central Uniud church And in the Y.W.C.A. club mom. [ ' Thou â€niacin: in thin Ingmar program work for the child of our community, In addition to than already tpent'ronod, war. Mr. Id. Boom, Mr. Rex Metcalfe, Mn. Bineh, Mrs. Boom. In. L. C. Fraser Mrs. lhmn, Mrs. king. In. Wm}: Ma. IAGud Mir. Ann. Mrs, ihara, Mm. ham. Min McCort, Pagmlohmton El- gar catttrory Pf", pain», exercises Ind Danish folk dunes. which the children hud learned was given. Spock] morning pienies were gunned for, each group through pnnnod tor "ett "IR through the generosity of dl Lions Clu I whlcL the chlldm will lone re. A. H. Ssinsbury m... Sleighen Carrington - J. . HowUt W. J. G. Eyre: s.....',............... Alex s. Henderson ..- c, Ihtnkert .....___.~...... Dr. Fred Cruickslnnk S. V. Musselwhite w M. P. Lester â€w... R. G. Worthington .... Wm. H. Cornish m..- R. Hesdlam mum... Geo. Fuller -.........-- Jan. R. Wood ............. Wslter Scott ..........._ Chas. Gillis .e.._..._.._. Mrs. A. Clnrk B-.....-..- Clark Hadley s..........,......' N. Pt1rkis ""'""-""""i"" S. Randall _*,..........._. Robt. McPherson ....... H. Dnncy ..----...u W. LaRose ..................._. C. P. L. Banting M... Lewis Clog; m...“ A. F. Redmond NW.-. Fred Tomkinson s.-- A. Ridont V"..-..............-.... J. A. Ssinsbury M...†Ed. Robinson ................. Mrs. E. Klngdon mm... Alfred Jack Hume m, H. Booth "__--...- W. J, Burger ...FiF.__r._-- C.Tnnter M... M. Montgmery Mrs. C. bite ... C: Penny =..-...-. Geo. Vaughan - Harry Boyd M- E. R. ngidson - A. Sambrpok ......... D. Sutherland - M. D. Faningtm Geo. Swan...“ R. L. Blair.“ F. Fi-u..-...... J. C. Duff-............ Poster 1tdimtpm Bert Ella Dr." K." M. LeGard. [reel w, Rowntree. Jr...........-. assuagmwi Willue A. Macks! Limited ---r.-..-_."._.. Preuure Castings of Canada --.--..--......_ Canada Cycle Ind Motor Co. Limited ._.........~. Loblnws W...~___...........__..._.... Dr. H. Livingston mm... Boom Engineering Co. m... J. LeGnnd ._.~_.-.â€.~........M.~.... Weston Aircraft Ltd. .._.._. Dr. C. F. Wright -_........_.. M. Weisdorf ....u.u....__m_..._. C. Lorne Fraser "_--.-.........- W. J. Gnrdhouae ..-r..-.."q._.- Dover Sport Shops .._.~u_. Harold Neilsen -.t-.-.._- Westania Rebekah Logger 30.5 a L""'""."'"""'""-"'""' FiiiiiwTnFiT ttii'TdiAi “It ra- tgr..' by the committee for this wot l _ -- -e, HMCS West York Comfort Committee, 60 Main th. N., Weston. Ont. Mr. K. L. Thompson, Sea-Tran. Dear Sir: Jn reply to your request for con- tributiom for the Walt York Com- fort Fund. our company is donating a No. 20-6 AT nix Ilice tout" tor the lumen’l msu. The retail vnlua of thin irabout 8109. --- _ this Gi pad in can of the captain to the 8'l'li"nlu'tl Shipyard: so it muy be installed bdore the ship lun- Collncwood. H.M.C.S. W. York Comforts' Fund Toral to datar-9i,8M.00, it"hn1Giiiitiiiiiiin JH. will by. Imuron hora-n â€onion. IhTn, Log-nine golgonrnc, Your. very truly. MOWATS LIMITED. (8gd.) J. M, Mount. Septgmbe; 22, 1944. ' w.w..m., oft, 83mm 100.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 $2.00 1.00 I .00 25.00 10.00 1.50 .50 1.00 1.00 AO .50 .50, .75 in." hiiiiiii Va: r, It, KW" " Shim - "'tti; W. Y. Hood ....-....- Pttd t"htt - It: . DINO?! Goo. A. Icebr- r. w, thtttiatr .. f. ti. 35%;; W. R. Loon ...... H. G. 8. “they t A. Butler ....M . B. mm: ...... P. B. Ann rm“ C. lumen u..." R. K. Auditing Ju. Noam ...... II. J. Rowland N Ernest Godfrey if. Otton .... 3. Vliydor .... C. T. Ella ...-.._---.q A. G. Peirson -- J.. McNeil .."r-q..-tr-r... C. R. Irildertsrand - W. A. Murray _-.-....- t 'teele 'e..--....-..-..' . Johmon ___..._.__.. Min E. M, Lee w..- H. J. Olcgg Wm W. E. Turner ..._...... Thou. Ken "---.....q Mrs. AV. Thrush w... G. P.Lucsdin ...._.__... A. G. Ehneis ....._M....‘..‘ Thelma Ashford .....‘ A. Music "i-...-..- Jas. Thompson m...“ J. Huddlelton Mm. Miss Doris Bright. A. N. Hill -r..-..-_.. J. H. Drewry .r..... J W. Grant W... W. R. Keteheron - W. J. Htles w... Pin-lots "e"--.--..-......-.. Rom. Tucker Garage ........._. J. A. You ..--.....-r.....r..--- W. P. Graham Flower Sh’oo.. Ea le House M..........................~.... F. fl Mel-tens --'-....-.-..... A, N. Sewbigging "MW..." W. C. Nolan ....................... Robt. M. Davis ..---..-..- Mo. Rosaiter ....m._.._._.,.... F W. Porter ......m.........,.,....... Ea. Wutphul .._..._.._...._... Mm. Wm. Higgins haw...“ Geo. Iyyttyt,.-......-..-.--.. Mrs. ll, Nixon _--.-.--.-.. J. Wood .-V--....-.---.-.- John Robertson â€mu.-.†H. E, Pollard --.--....--. Paul McKeller ....----- Allen Moody m...w........w. Geo. Addison '_--.....-.....-.. M. Crocker .e_.-.-..--.q.- Mrs. King "_"...............-...-..-.... C. E. Peters ..._..._.-0.-.. W. t anadin ........__..... Mrs. J. White .......,_.....m D. Lawrence ..__â€_.....~_.. Geo. Evans “mum...“m... Mn. F. Fido .-.---.-- A. Hall .-.--r-.----.....- J. M. MacDonald WW...“ R. S. Sudbury ...._.._......._._. Bonita Tea Room W..._..__ I_)odds Pepnrgment Stores W. H. Marlin: G. E. Medhurst . Mn. P_. S. Wood I lint Walton Rntaptyen' Ano- cintion tried out Parks chairman Bob Humnl new lirsplue " CruiekahanU' Friday night. Pe. ‘donl government aided y lifting an bong? ban a few days eu- lier on e co wan plentiful and the ‘hot dogs and mustard wurmod the spine Mme-t. to the toes. The young-ten had ehoeolate milk. _ Entertainment committee, Bill Edwards, Andy Annu, Archie Ir- ving Ind Tom Oxenhlm kept the pot boiling with sing] song: And ‘dnncu. Spun»): and uni"! rui- tar, violin, nccordiln and mouth ornn supplied the manic. W. A. Wallis ..... M. Allen W-..“ Alex Lawson .- J. Holley ..._......_. Albert Chapmln Miss A. D. Bull Mrs. Geo. Dalby S. J. A. Muon .... Mn. W. e. Sen J, Arkwrizht w G. Baker _.._~.._._...-.__._...... Mrs. E. Russell _............._..._. Marcin Mae hdies’ West... J. J. Driscoll WMW..._.,W,. J. B. Haws m......._..........._...-.... IIer Irvine .......__.._.._.............._. Mrs. Lucille McGuire WM.-. Mrs. W. longstall a..._........... L E. McEwen .......-.-...._........ T. E. Richardson .-..-.-...- Mrs. J. W. Faulkner a... A. T. Squibb: A Son WW. H. Aekrow .._............_.M............. Tom Doon Laundry .......--. E. P. Beach _.*...-...,......._........... Nydi; Beauty Parlor “a...†Umbro Stoinoff ...............~_m.. Briggs Pharmacy â€Maw"... Wtstop Pool & Billiard The junborae lured until mid- night, and there were 150 ticket: BO d. E.W.R.A. members voted the lock] evening tops and plan to hold mother (at-together noon. Friili iriiiaiLU.....ULU..1........ imam-on Mo cm.,.-.-...,, Roberts Smut Shoo ......_. Roberts Smut Shea J. Pattie mm...“ W. J. Farley ._...-.-__ Central Lunch a.-.“ R. J. Ansell .....-. A. Ridout -.......... Mrs. H. Cooper 4. 91315131] M. L, tl." tieWr Fl Siinibu’éi L.".."..".] A. Dobson "M.-- Lin. o. Harrison an“. Try Out New Park Facilities E.W.R.A. Hold Their First Weiner Roast-. Well Attended Weston Campbell W. ...._. -caiiiiii'i ki'iiiOiid a jf,", 1.00 15.00 1.00 LM 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 m .50 .M .T& 1.00 1.00 5.00 .50 .50 mr 1.00 .25 .50 1.50 .60 .60 .60 AO 1.00 I .00 2.00 .25 A2 LM 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.01 1.ittt L00 1.30 2.00 2.02 L00 1.00 I .01 1.00 .40 .25 .25 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .5'1 .50 .7 , IO Lt Id 1 [an so " " IO .35 .50 .25 .75 .50 .50 .60 .25 .50 .25 .25 .25 J5t) ,00 .00 ‘00 .50 .50 .50 .50 "50 Edna! by. of Bah Are. n" te the a" In Mr II chill " ie, "r'Y Fun Fttwtsrsi Ml “all. Prva.t 3. when u. H n "in. or 'g,? tp (2": :p 1% I't'" n 1-,". -, t9P.tre m prcts~~~13n in h mm. a I :cr the 3:?) r " in. 5; in; f. - In the than?†that they I." WIRM er A 'm a! wlt.tprtqthe1" Pt m In "-1 has: a... kin-no.“ in Giiafiiniiii Kin? Mrs. Class, the former Helen M, Biron: of Waterloo, Ont., in com- ing to Weston as I community worker brings with her a wealth of knowledge gained in the various fields in which she has been train. ed and worked. She took a teacher- training course at the Edgewood school in Greenwich, Conn. (a pro- gressive qchool) and for three fears taught music, rhythms, ath- etica in this Mama school as well. as doing counselling. For some time Mrs. Class did teen-age club work for St. Michael's Church (Epis- lcopal) in Charleston, South Carn- ma. The Weston branch of the Y.W: CA. is pleased to announce theyp pointment of Mrs. Hurry L. Clan as branch secretary. re lacing Miss Christine Smith, who gas gone to the Vancouver Y.W.C.A. On returning to her home district Mrs. Class was assistant to the edi. tor of the women's page of the Kitchener Daily Record for a year. trom where she accepted the osi- tion of secretary in charge V' the ttirW work new . and .educa. tional %GGTiii't' ot the Kitchener Y.W.C.A." She. comes directly to Weston from the three years spent in the Kitchener Y. and has a record of achievement in that field of which many older and more ex- perieneed social workers are most envious. The National Y.W.C.A.. in sane- tioning this appointment to the Weston branch. realize the tremen- dous task there is to be done in the field of" community recreation in this district.“ The local committee feel immensely pleased in being able to secure the services of Mrs. Glass for their work here and many important announcement: will be forthcoming in the next few weeks Mrs. Harry L. Class New F. W.CA. Branch Secretary Need it Greater ht Victory Nears The Weston Blood Donors Clinic is in urgent need of pore donors. The need is increasing instead of decreas- in;r as the war draws to a close and here is YOUR chance to give 'r"l/'ift,ie,itt,tlTre,t and thereby do your "bit". Here is an ex act from a letter, written by one of our boys in France to his mother, which demonstrates real patriotism and shows the desperate need of eon2 tinued Blood Plasma supplies! Pte. Oakley, H. F. (B182810) is attached to the Canadian Medical Corps in France, and writes: . A: the we: in Euro draws nearer to victory every extiun must ask hifJr, or herself "What have 1 given to help bring the war to I sueeewdureitd t" True, we pay have lent out money and worked tor remuneration In 3 Ey' {Igguatry but what have we GIVEN ? "Say, Mom, you know all that blood I gave last year, well, after what I have seen over here, I don't regret doing it at all,.in fact, I am very glad I gave it and I would gladly ‘give Tore if I had the chance. It is really good work." F New Donors-Phone 652-M or 1262-W or leave name at Squibbs Store on Main Street. Regular Donors-- Keep your appointments if at all possible. All we are asked to do is to give a small quantity pf blood once every ten weeks. There is still time to Join in this splendid work and back our fighting forces up in this way. "WEST Year's NEWSY WEEKLY" Bridge Vacuum: Hunk-r Ha} Egan, am. as. u Funeral Services Held For Resident Alexander Harris The Weston branch of the Y.W. C.A. is one of the many agencies receiving financial assistance throu h the United Welfare Chest for with the campaign for funds is now under way. A well known resident of Weston for 26 years, Alexander Harris passed away Sunday morning at his home, 142 Main St. North. The late Mr. Harris had been ill for the last year and was in his 67th Egan Bern infie.otlypd, he trytt? made (1 years ago and hirfTmd in Weston since 1913. He was em- gg/e, by the Canadian General lectrie Co. before his illness. and was a member of the Orange Lodge and the Masonic Order. Funeral services were held Tuesday after- noon from the W. J. Ward Funeral Home withHnterment in Prospect Cemetery. Dr. P. T. Meek of the Weston Presbyterian Church, of which the late Mr. Harris was a member, conducted the service. Pall bearers were members of the Masonic lodge, Orange lodge and the Canadian General Electric Co. u to pmframs of various natures which wil be avtu'ltrble to many age groups. Mrs. Clau' husband is with the Canadian Army overseas. Besides his wife. the former Mar. in Greer, he is survived by two sons, Jack and George. Plumber Heights" . Mt. Dennis m a...» dime you In that' can: a. on a m h II. undid.“ ,‘,M_,,,,i“ - M “In.“ . y. _ WWW T"' 'it.", Giiiintik vfinéi and III. h tantrum. " The largest one-piece carpet ever made in England has been laid down in A London theatre. The carpet measures 100 feet long by " feet wide and weighs more than a ton. T Fire Calls -6r- ttht-Mt": link- u eentre airy (new: DEF railroad Afterwnrds the guests were re- ceived at the home of Mrs. c. W. Denison. The bride's mother re- eeived in : plum ahlde dress with black neceuories. She wat, “sist- ed by the griim'a mother in u mnuve dress with violet Ices-sariâ€. For spin; fray the bridsdoannd The bride, given in Inn-tinge by her father, wore n gown of ivory Inca. Her long veil of embroidered silk net was caught to I “vat- heart hula with sequins Ind pearls and she curried a Claude bomgnt of red roses tnd blby's breath. he “so wore the trroom'y gift, three strands of penis. Mina Shirley Davies, bridesmaid, wore I long dress of pink mm with pink ac- couoriu and carried n mugs; of pink roses and baby's breath, red (Buddg) Witt: Wu best man and the us on were John Turnbull and "mes Kloepher, ".""vitiit""suTt' Titi," Iiiiéhing but Ind black accessories. A very pretty wedding we! Iolemniud in St. Phillls’l Anglican church, Weston, Sun ey evening. Seyt. 23rd, at '1 o'elock, when Mary Dorothy Luella Day, only daughur of W. o. and Mrs. W. J. Day of Kingston. formerly of Weston, be- came the bride " Ernest Frank Wakeman, son of Mr. and Mn. Arthur Wakemnn of Weston. Rev. W, E. Mickey tainted by Rev. T. B. butler offieirud. _ _ . Mary th L Day Bride of Emost Frank Wakeman Are you sure of your dis- trict in use of fire. The phone number in teo. The fol. lowing are the fire dlltricts with their Sign-l culls beside them: l-Town limits on the north, Fern venue on the south. Plumber river, easterly to C.P.R. rlilway trucks. b-Fern avenue to Wilby cres- cent, Humber river, enter- ly to C.P.R. nilwny tracks. Will†creunt to Edmund I enue Incl Trethgwa! Dr.; truck. " June St. _ 5--South side of Queen's drive to sogth town limits, nil- rand tracks to Jane St. 6-Etobieoke township. Idil~ cent to west boundary of town. We suggest that you hang this near your telephone for your own and fantiry protec- tion. Pretty Evening Wedding In St. Philip's Church, Etobicoke iiGiifer" avian C. F. R. tricks. . Doii'i tiekit" tik iiiit,iitihrte, Wham! Quad f “12,.“ If»: e or o i'.'l'ly"'"r mum. Can. an all . ' with mini iii. ifihi F, he" Qummig l3. lecith- I: I on» rmjwn II. will. out In new. fl EJdc'toher Si, thei tkt,', (an Weather are " I tt n V Uit. , _ Mum, 'IE., 2au 1km Permhthig g3: :23 comesntfw help the hon. s' me a in ni " equipment. _ Don't for t an month qttehtq C an "dgl',i,tTLtt,urd',h, In of m?gttg,'Nh1'l lid W, lecithin, In“ M111cN- 'rArrmttet, h .yMtt_tti* Retiember the corn rout on Pri. titty, Sept. 29, mm of an Sut- urdny evening. Sop. 30. Adina. Mr; children 18e. raced. in I of the soidieru‘ boxu Ind alumna. The Knitting Club meets our: two “sh. Nut mating will ho held on October 4 " Mn. B. Pidremtu. Como out and help. On October 3, the heck, an. no holding a bingo ht Inn All. On Wednesday. Sept. M, the knitting club. held their meeting " the one of Mrs. C. Bel-m. Re- freshments were served. Severll mare Imiry of gocks were handed in. tV-on May 20 lest mi mother went to a rest home, ta ing her ration book 'Stn On May 23 the owner requested er cunning augu- coupona which I tom-tried. As my'mother will be with me for the winter, who is entitled to these sugar coupons and how many cou- A'.-aorrr, we connot advise on this . . . " the premises in ques- tion In farm 11nd; used exclusive- ly for the purpose of farming, the matter would not comawithin the, jurisdiction of the W.P.T.B. . . . would suggest that you consult a solicitor. Humber Heights H. and S. First Meeting to Honor Grads. A.--Yes . . . if your books have not been returned you should make npplicntion to the nearest Lou] Ration Bond for replacements . . . if you have the sens] numbers of the ration boards take them with yo!!. - V . A . _ 12.--Ust spring I "ringed to sell 76 Acres of my farm with buildings. The purchaser agreed to allow me to live in the house until next April. He. now wants to tnt me $15 a month rent. Ig this, egll'.’ of -Ari. q.-r-'r'hree weeks ago my purse w“ taken from my on conuining my ration books with all my un- ning sugar coupons. They have not been returned. As f live on a firm and need the augn immediately would you advise if there is my way for me to obtain more cou- pons. -- d 7 The bride, given in martian by her father, wore a blush ivory satin gown, atyle with hand-made Ven.. etian lace o and fitted basque bodice, with ll bouflant petal-hem ‘skirt. A wreath of orange bloa- soma from her mother's weddi veil held her long veil of ting: illusion, and she carried a cascade of cream roses and bouvardia. Min Bet? Brown, bride's cousin. as mai of honor, and Miss Joan Morrison, bridesmaid, were in aimi- lar iowns of fuchsia crepe with mate ing net headdressesl They carried cascades of coral roses. J. N. Flucker was beat man and the usher: were Ted Brown and George McKelvey. At a reception held later in n marquee in the garden of the bride', home, Mrs. Hand received wearing a two-piece heaven blue crepe dress, with the groom‘s mother in A two-piece Queen's blue crepe dream Both wore acreage: of gmhida. Price Control And Rationing News _ Typical questions consumers have asked the Wartime Price: and Trade Board this week are an- swered by the Genus] Ontario Con- surge: grunch Committee. For the wedding trip, the bride donned I cardinal red galmMine suit with black accessories. She is a‘gradunte of the Ontario College Bride Of Cpl. George D. Murray St. John's Anglicnn church, Wes. ton, Wats the setting for a pretty wedding on Mend-y night, Sept. 18, when Evelyn Gladys, (in hter of Mr. Ind Mrs. G. Hum 'ji'llff, King crescent. became the Mf. of Cpl. George Douglas Murny, KC. A.F., son of Mr. Ind Mrs. J. M. Murray, Vancouver. Rev. George Roe offieiated and the church Wu ndorned with standards of white Ind pink glndioli and palms with lighted cundol-bu. Mrs. M. De- morest played the wedding mulic and Mrs. J. N. Flucker sung. ,hall in lying "decoraud, it will - !.iytlyt1fPend 1',12ottet,,tl"eetueeehtij,t: Change Of Display 0f Juvenile GardensShow Humber Summit St. John's Parish Hall, Main St. N. And Fern Ave., To Be Used For Annual Show " “INN. F Humber Bei‘hu Homo all Sci")?! Aggitem, /"ll h1Ut ovum: mes tt o a season on Tuudny. October M h the school auditorium at ' o'clock. In; trradt1ntinF of a“ probably the man [£12112th docks in the world "a two It Greenwich chew-tow in Entlnd. Elch is checked every 80 "ettrtdg by I pendulum twilight in I vacuum. Have You Filled A Ditty Bag Yet? Please send C" questions or your request or the punphlet 'Conaurnirs' News" or the Blue Book (the book in which you keep track of your ceiling tiring) men- tioning the name . is 'IW, to Wartime Prices and Trade and. 406 Metropolitain Bldg., Toronto. A.--There in a bond order ban. ning conditional "les, that is, tho ale of one commodity must not be made eonditiona1 upon the punk» of another. As you have than n: the date of your trip, the nmic’l number and other particulars, we shall have the mutter invutinud. Khan]: you for writing in ubont t is. _ o -""e"el. ..-_,..... . . . as your mother will be with you "ll winter when most canned fruit and jams Ire used, it would learn you should have EPP use of the coupons . . . how , it in e matter which mutt be settled between the owner of the rest home end your- self . . . the surrender of coupons 'rtchospitalor, ete., ia' bend entirely on )wtrrlU'g.it'g,;i i,,',",',',"",','.', may on y em ram - tient's retion books for etch Ell two weeks of residence in the in- etitution . ' . for eech two-week period they are entitled to remove 1 tea-coffee coupon, 2 butter cou- pons and 1 pretence coupon. . .-- I ., “I s A W-dS ','atetS',i?1iti!! ronto, e nemie "in to “Home e cup of coffee unless I else pur- chased sandwiches It the “no time. Isn't this against vermin prices and tnrle rettualtiotts.' A.--There is no Board ruling concerning theL HY,,iyt cggponl wife (gaunt Vegublgholzlthn ‘next turdâ€, V pt. . bod. the directorl of the Weston H026- cultunl Society have lacuna to hold the show in the perish ll d St. John'I Anglican Church on Na St. North, between Fern Ave. Church St. The show will nun " g pm. For 26 yen-s the Juvenile tlar. dens have been sponsored and mp- ervised by the Wetter: Horticultural Society, and, “cording to the tht. tario Department of Atrrieultum, it is one of the most succeuful com- munity enterprises in the proVineo. Give the youngsters your map- Eort by coming to St. John's pariah all on Suturday evening. Remem- ber the time, 8 pan. pom should they remove for stay there? This is slweys I big event II Weston, when all the younnml who have toiled on the Juvenile Community Gel-dens during the summer months exhibit their vege- tables in the competitive that“. In addition the four champion juv- enile gardeners in their respective chases. beginners. juniors. inter. mediates Ind 'seniors, whose er- dens hsvo been judged u the LT during the season. receive the dul- lenge trophies. ' Owing to the feet that the tmrn by}! in l.eipr. rgdegprgud, it ,rtJtyt Have you filled I ditty In: yet? If not get in touch with Me. psf. Ron 1’4_Kiu St., any. and rm on; f right""iwi}7 Weston Ma I not: of 4.0 to till. m. in urged. het right her