Times & Guide (1909), 28 Sep 1944, p. 6

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if?“ '7 aid Riff. TEE It - la" who dilly 9iP..y.-a." RM.) opening Tun. . Pri., Ort. I . 6-mert uly. Wed. - Bat., Oct. 4 . 7--mixed India-co. WESTON DAIRY in"; $1.13.. TGi.' b-wo. a P.N.-aat [ILL ttM. 'oeeut " lone-tan in 'at the all " , " "Produ the I at nun: vguorgul gnu-u orot Inch! . lone-tan pleura h m the unto-y and , at roproductlon and I at upon: " the -1 also”. atut will Ill. ho shown. on will be uncut. parlor-un- for Ian M VOISI. mil children under .1! will got be lei-Mod. DENNISON AVE. WEST WESTON 126 JUways Quality Dairy Products This is the Proud Slogan of mwusmr or NORTH YORK " GREATER " McClary and Beach. Gleaming white porcelain. You must see these before you buy. Beautiful Suites, modern, choice cover- ings. Repp, Damask, Velour. 3 tha. 89.50 to 219.00 OUTSTANDING combination Gas and Coal Stoves aFthi 1951753" a CARL E. HILL, M.D.. M.O.H "Radio Repairs" CHESTERFIELD SUITES ,INTON BADIQAND FURNITURE ttygiijiiii “I oil» 30.!" in or I Por the undernourished or nor- mnl youngster. whole milk is al. wuys I welcoma addition to the diet and, because it is no easily digested. it likewise provides a de- lieious, plenum tasting "between- men‘s" muck. day." Confinement within the \nlll of tho elaaaroom may change their outing habit: aomewhnt. but the norm-l child will still be ready for. Bark trom "ration Und they eermHttuntt bodies unnzthenod by long hours Ipont in Iumhine Ind healthful and“. wme ICBOOL BAG AND _ IIINING MORNING PACK.- Donn-ant of Health in need of, his "3 squin- I CARL E. HILL, M,D., M.0.H, funny-(North York Similar To Illustration JU. 7216 Beautiful matched walnut with waterfall design. Cedar Chests i Mrs. Gladys Harker, Nanhlands Ave., has been informed that her husband, Cpl. John Harker, 28, was wounded August 10 in France. Born in Toronto he attended Sil, verthom Publtt School and previ- ous to his enlistment in June, 1940. Was an assistant shipper at a local abbatnir. After training at Camp Borden, Sussex and New- Cpl 10th Hark" was on draft for home when killed in a motor accident in Eng- land on Sept. 7th, his parents have been notified. Born in Mount Den- nits, he attended Dennis Ave. public school and York Memorial folleirtute. He enisted in Septem- ber, 1939, and went overseas the following month with the Toronto Scottish. His three brothers are in service, Joe, M, in England; Enrl, 20, Camp Borden; and Ross, 18, Hamilton. _ clk Cecil H. Fordham, 27, non of r. and Mrs. S. H. Fordham, Brownville Ave., Mount Dennis. lost the sight of his left eye and was on draft for home when killed in a motor accident in Eng- land on Sept. 7th, his parents have been notified. Born in Mount Den- nits, he - attended, Dennis Ave. Cpl. Cecil H,sFordUm Walter Dickin Maple Led Drive, Downsview. born at Domuview, Pte. Dickin attended Maple but Public School nnd Weston Col- lezinte Ind Vocational School. Before enlisting in September. 1942, he was emgl‘oyed with the Can-d3 Cycle and otor Comgnny. Taming At Bradford Ind amp Borden, he went oversea in (March, 1943. with the queen's Own Rifles, and later transferred to the Nov. Scotia Highlanders. He has two brothers, Harold Dickin, York Township; Galbraith, Weston; and two sisters, Mrs. (Cpl.) Moddle. St. Thomas, and Miss Reta Dickin at home. I he. Elmer Rosa Dickin has been 1wriounly wounded in Fume u:- cording to official word received Pl ' hi: ,.e,Priup. w. . my ..Arc Pte. Elan B. Dkkln WESTON BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES 39.50 up IN THE FIGHT Ftht FREEDOM Roofing -- Insulation Rock Lath AtmvmEs AND NOTES FROM OUR NYE WITH THE FORCES (Terms-According To Government Regulations), Plaster Lime C Langrtutir'g Paints (JACK ALLAN, Prop.) SOUTH STATION ST.. WESTON PHONE ZONE 4571 EGLINTON AVE. and DUFFERIN ST. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. C. Watkins, of Barton- ville Ave., Mount Dennis, that their son. Pte. C. M. (Bud) Wat- kins, has been seriously wounded in action in Italy where he was serving with the Royal Canadian Regiment. A later report, received a local insulation firm. After training at Toronto he 1/i'Uietrh, the first contingent in Dece er, 1939. Private Fournier wss A former Weston resident and is one of four brothers who all were in the services. Two others are It present serving. Trooper Edward Fournier in Italy and Pte. Bob in the United States Army, while Pte. Ross wss recently discharged for medics] reasons. Pte. C. M. Watkins I Pte. Harold Fournier, 29, Cor- delil Ave., Mt. Dennis, has been wounded on active service. his 'mother, Mrs. E. Fournier, has been advised. Born in Michigan he came to Canada at the In of seven and attended Dennis Ave. School. Previous to his enlist, ment within 24 hours of the out- bregk of ,ar,.h.e. wu__empioye_d_ at Pte, Harold Founder the R.C.A.F. in February, 1942. received his navigator. wings " Milton and went overseas in July, 1943. He has I brother, Hurry, 28, also in the R.C.A.F, overseas. Italy with the 48th. FD. Herbert J. Ludmnn, M, Multan, in reported mining Mter Mr operations, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ludman, Leth- bridge, hue been notified. Edu, cgted_i9_ )VlnnipegL {he enlistedwip F.0. Herbert J. Ludlln (oundhnd he arrived on"... in Mann. IMI, His fnther. linu- In brother redd- on Bible“ Ave., in the town-his. viii]. Ill- other brother, 8ft. im linker, Wu reported kilod in ution in WE REPAIR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Convertible, full chrome handles, storm apron, wallis blue, maroon. Buffet, Extension Table, 4 Chairs, white enamel trimmed, blue, red or black, natural and red, walnut ivory and green. Cribs $10.95 to $18.95 Cement Priced From 59.50 BREAKFAST SUITES BEACH STROLLERS TIMES hND GUIDE. WESTON Special 1 Ms Reg. $27.50 "nd-. _ - 'te *“e’ -6..m I need your blood now to save my hand. _ Weston! Can vou hear me? I need a transfusion today! 1 key, you‘ve ‘don_el§ gopd job in Weston! Can you hear me? I need a transfusion today'. I was bombed on a transport out at sea, And need your blood now to uve py knee. Weston! Can you hear me? I need a transfusion today I was hit on a beach of uga and factEu-y Lmfrt' 5:5);er ... But to save my life I need blood mid need it now! Wescon! Can you hear me? I need a transfusion today! I know ypu've yogk‘ed all day and and; v“ v lwwny " q.gVC.' , vuul we bana- dian Army in Italy and Steve, gaining with the R.C.A.!F. in Red Cross S. 0. S. oveftime at high, -___ -".r "'T" But I need our blood now to save my sight. " . , , 7 "c. _...-_ ... may." uwvluull 1 to offieial nus-(e received from . Ottawa by " Krona. Born " ' Feirbenk. York p., LJCpl. Ray t attended 1'"e, but Public School Ind Weston oeational School. He enlisted in Peterboro in November, . 1942, he went oversea in August, . 1943. Writing to his intents -some little time F', he told of , having en one o the gunrd of ' honor when the Kingr end ttg? I preeented color: to the Royal exi- _ merit in Englsnd. His lest letter, 'lwritten on August u, expressed ‘ the hope that nll were well and, that he would be beck home tsoon.' His father is a veteran of the), South African War, havinf served; with the Staffordshire Vo unteers, England, " that time. He is sur- vived also by a sister, Mrs. Ernest Itiebroutrh, Toronto, and a brother, Albert. P. o. Willi-In Lestuk P. O. William Lnstuk, 22, is safe in England, according to a cable received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lastuk, 17 Donald Avenue, Sept. 6th. A letter which followed the cable stated he ex. pected to be home soon on tt month’s leave. P. o. Lsstuk was missing June 29 when the Halifax bomber of which he was nevigntor foiled to return from n bombing mission. He is I veteran of 22 flights over occupied end enemy territory. A greduste of Yor Memoriel Collegiate, P. th Lastuk enlisted in June, 1942, Ind went oversess the following February after receiving his wings " Mll- ton. Two brothers are nlso in the tttice, Walter,. with the Cans- IG"'ril,"TP,'. Donnld R.- ' 29, eldest Ion Mr. and In. Gian Ray. Wigon Avenue, Dowmviow, in tttt lined in _rtieteec.oqiimi you Ont“. disclosed the Wot. High Chairs $4.95 Fro; Edith? Evening News it" Doyttd Rey, M, “than”. Comforters $... Chenille Spreads Mattresses, Crib, Bed, Couch, etc. 7.95 up Similar To Illustration Modern matched walnut veneers. Dresser, Chest matched walnut fronts and tops. Beautiful wate or square mirrors. A of the sudden DAME}? air, daughter. Reta, last week-end. The many friends of A. Weir Efkepswilltr, will be sorrv to hear Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Morrav and flmily have returned to New York after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Brie. ham, John Street. Mr. Jack Perks Jr, of Pointe Au Baril was a recent meat at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson and daughter, Jenn Perks. cently, Contrratuhitions to Mr. and Mrs. Reid Monk?“ who celebrated their ailvgr wed in: lnniverurv re- The sympathy of extended to Mrs. beautician, Main St. loss of her father. Your fall suit or overcoat at least 6 weeks for delivery. Mr. and Mu. Wilt Baldwin and Nmily of Owen Sound In vinitinl the latter's mother. Mrs. Baldwin. Holley Ave. Mrs. Robert Great. lulu It. North, returmd that “nun! - aughter, Dorothy, in Windsor. s 2tdg,',,it d,'1W, of Reigns mart o p. unumadto 1m after visits-n; relatives in Milo. Mr. ' Parr Mum-d to loose Jaw an m: In: of m week by in of China. T r. and In. than Hill “I hou- til,,?, with Tmm mir. and. in Venn: ion, Alberta. PERSONALS ‘TPORT\ (il"g'driiii'ri by Clare Coleman ORDER NOW Price only 89.50 3 Pcs. BEDROOM SUITES the district in G. s'hihim'ui. North. in the .........$7.95 ........$11.95 more--- ‘Prepnred to stay I while. 1A pleasant Indy takes your name, Another jabd your thumb; A stick of glue (you're [led you came) Hus rendered you quite dumb. And then, upon your arm I prick You really scarcely feel. It's surely quite a clever trick- Your blood will save and heal. The tea and biscuits are sublime, The coffee is . dream, So won't you half our boys so fine And give this gi t supreme? POET'S CORNER At the Blood Donor Clinic You enter in the big front door; You’re greeted with I smile; You leave your Mb-with many m Mr. Ind Mrs. W. Waldrutf In attending the Kiwanis Club can- vention this week in Quebec. Mr. Waldruft is president of the To. ronto club. - Bill mum iii Authorized Service for . CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH CARS . . . FARGO TRUCKS WESTON 1061 Tom Clough Motors Gear 0 Gabi Illn- h - Willi} "ovd'1"lnlG dummy” I "No Hm For WEDNEturhYmuJIttyDAY.-ocr. " TWO FEATURES Sum Four- and _ kin-hull In “Young Idea” --AMo-- Helen Walker and Junta Brown In " "Good Follows" Dresser, Chest and Full Size Bed, with Beautiful waterfall design. Large round Ford: - Chevrolet: - Dodge - Plymouth FIL-IAT'aIH M TWO P was in J--I- “an! In "BinrsJfrtru" ZONE GwiEZGEPBJ Am- in Quebec Ihntttrrs----lhnt. Ranges "I. BOUND BOUND. BEST NO WAITING 269 Main North-we- 3 and 4 Burners N Beach and McClary "Records " Phonu: Weston Furnituro Exchange 647 MT. PLEASANT RD. MAYFAIR 4197 tur-t 113;; Ind William than! "No Place For A m” MoN.mJm.-oCr. " [Julio In”! Dull Niven h "Btrilflr" l KE. 4000 WANTED! All kinda of eoid, a... furniture and pianos wanted for HWDAY. an. M, I.“ 10R0NTO-.LY. 9911 ZONE 6488

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