" : FURS CLEANED w; 65m; rGrritrmTt"erF," iirc time. Free cothgo for net-Vice. Ap- @1186 King 8t., phone 782-R. lleighihi pirif Grir"."imiai' gif. 0106. ne-8-4w AsqtANiyo-ur Ileigh riding par- ties-early. Phone 628-W. o-li-lt , with New Hampshire .Red, $1.50 .811. 100 Coekerels, ready for wet, $1.60 each. Apply 1847 3.0 tlt., Weston. o-5-lt "A?,et,y.Gr1 yoyr 'sl.eitrh_ride -frr isii).'yTgiiii, Light Sussex Cross Fireplace, tiled bath, built in tub, shower hardwood throughout. Eeo- iraiiiili' heated. Garage. Phone 836-11. o-5-lt LADIES gold wrist watch last Tuesday afterhoon on Queen's Drive between Main Street. Phone 8614, o-S-lt cp.EtNatitGGCti2 for St. Phil- 5 3.001! WEI! 90114 Wk house: tstudent or capable housewife wanted. Part time. 'Apply nearest Selective Service Office. N. C.-5-1t REPORTER wanted. High school Repaired-Relitusd Buttons tightened, new loops, rea- .sonl.ble. 25 years experience. Work g1iartutteed. Princess Fashion Furs KL 3674 AD. 8884 Wm: unite, dark ma, nine ti phat; brown metal three-quar- Aer bod. swing 'md 'tttsttrerus.Ne, m " Ila-amount Ave. _. -. \“_.T “w -". "V In _f'i'l'AitIrsllriat1.'i"dtt?.'itit. k r . x. . (dyed rabbit), Viscacfxa, seal (dyed rabbit), beaver mouton, (messedvhmb), Persian lamb, mulknt, Hudson seals (dyed musk- rat)... Your .old fur_irarment ex- __.._,_.._._____..__ "PIANO. We». ytd.Risssh, Bho- 93.1.03? frtr.n..$.69 .wd up, Coney fit for " "it old. Skirt, Nor.. wegian WW rad satin lining, Jumper 1“". neck style, attae . ed to ski Blouse of red cordon! velvet. Mi? " Scarlett Ron , Pho'ne 512- o-G-lt LIGHT brisiniaA ‘Cérliiei female 'N: Lune toga-paw. Pa 421- . l o..6. t GARAGE for rent. Apply lower 148 King Stregt. Weston. o-6-1t 1 98938193339, sy,itiryr:pt- {5:3 with iGtr1dd- io"ti'iGGFiiir, .uhion. Price, $14. P WHAT A IT'S AN smut can, OLD ONE . RUTH! or JOHN'S PHONE 193 Tiid,' TiFiuCGai," iiaii. FN, ' " Nhtu',tt M'fd,t OPPORTUNITIIS OFFERED POULTRY FOR SALE WANT ADS. 74 John Street, Weston r' 72' "AWrdGrortii""tiiriieit' inaction Maul: Avenue). . x-l-lt Isn't if!" mun! ' GARAGE TO RENT Pre-Season Safe wouLo THEY mam. Magoo! snow ME? mu HAVE 10 we F. L MERTENS. th.B. FUR COATS, OFFICE HOURS ._ Except Wednesday, 9 - 12 mm, 1.30 - 5.30 p.m. T s'let'/gt'.ri.'?g; t 12.33,) 'IIT; I ues., uts.. I ma l to m. GEM HEARING AID A"Ah'llf LU' Aj5'ihuta, HELP WANTED FUIIIIRS â€UNI! chum, m an ' IOOII To ur-tat OPTOMETRIST {a}? -iriiiiiii' "Illllxlu In: new run FREEDOM ll)) o-E-IBI 0-5-lt 1 MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON V Sufferers of bleedihg and protru d i n g T piles should _ know Blank-n Herbal Pills treat the muse at its source. Money back I if the first bottle doe, not satisfy. ; Buy from your Weston druggist. i fill Down here we mourn, b not in vain For up in heave'n we ill eet again. ji Km .--sadly missed and ever reme - Pen-ed by daughters, Aqnie and Hilda. paused Since death its gloom, its shadow east, . Within. oyr home, where all seemed bright And took from us, I shining light. We miss that light, and erer will, Her â€pant place there in 'one can wikinson' Rumgrioa; ui; 1;â€st ed away January}, WI. . Time toetds on-four you: have RUTHERFORDTIn _[ov_inz Pte- In Memoriam to year ' And friends from day to day Bat never will tha'one we loved From memory pan away. _ --iarvintrif hmambééd by his wife and family. . _ DICKrN--in loving memory of I dear husband and father, William A. Dickin. who passed away January .6, 1937. The .world mly change from year Mr. and Mrs. John Crooks, Conner Avenue, wish to thank all their neighbours and friends for their many floral tributes and good wisbes sent to them on their golden anmversary. , . We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the not: of kindness, mess?“ of sym- pathy and beautiful and offer- ing: received from our friends and neighbors during the recent-loss of our beloved son, Glen. . I " a “brushed room in (In: or Ina-ll Inn-how. Wuton or Mount Donn]. vicinity. Phbus Ju. 2600. o-5-1t heater. â€Ami; iirioiioGiiii Crescent (cantiruttstion 'of Bon- mount Avenue). 3-6-1} Cards of Thanks SMALLEST size wood or he; Faulkner) mi}; "At. Con- tnlly bated in Mount Dennis. Mu sum. PM Ly. 8786; "gl, but FekkiiiritiE a" aa. 33;: M, Weston Port can o-5-2tw WANTED ' ill-WW! by 90% Homage: .boEFa'um of land no Miami-bl [ikiititii GTiiTGT with board. Good home. Gondo- m only. Phone 831. 0-5-1: tents, In Memoriturys Notiepd (lawn... Balding: 50¢ for Zl’words. I: and! add! don-I word; tttini-ttn _ churn 50c. . Births, Marriages, Deaths Cttrds of Thigh. Engage. a-Mr. tutdcMrss. H. P. Steven. NOTICES WHERE DID too HAVE L mMADE OVER ? f WANT†"it Fort, ttt mum-3 ID no 'tMr,lFS7WEtXtEtMt1NL 30:491an men's con-comm l Johnson-Bonham Fuels Ltd. " Armoured liegimentynlao marched to the "Kerk" and were led in wor- shlp_by Honorary Captain 0. Dyke (United Church of Canada). a 1iiillo'i1 being expressed and an intense spirit of gratitude being GhiishUi by the people of the "Eerk". Also at the same hour and " the Independent Reformed Church of Breda, Honorary Cap- lain William Harrison (Church/of England) led the Fort Garry Horse Regiment (10 Canadian Armoured Regiment) in worship where a similar devoted spirit was display- ed. This last service of worship imam from we l-- Quoon Wilhclmlnn worlhipped whenever visiting the Province of Bralmnt, And in wholehKcrk" the rem-inn of the Founder of, the Home of Orange in interred; the organist u a lpeoial tribute to the men of the Second Canadian Arm- oured Brigade, playing "God Save the King." in stirring: angina, ' "uTir"Cin 'éixe' 2ri,%i"iiiGiirooke Emilia 33mm: (27th Canadian A Sunday In a. Alan , is.au â€â€˜~ . Pu. All; luau Mk. 19, semofht,B.endMm.Booeoeg,ot" I f,gtttlg'l,'e' loan: Datum. to 'ytortef . in union in ttal It». in" will]. arm): with tho Human. He at» 1uted In In ' 19a, with . Dundm Itlh."',1u'h1Aeet, trt . n T I "iriiGi"iii' um mufamd to in? funny. A brother, Cg). Raymond Dome]: in urving with the RC. A]. on tho out cont. Sgt. Boo- eock, hi. father, served In the last vu with the 16th'Batury, B.C.A., Ind when this In: brokn out he again Onlilud in the "tiller . He I. now national " No. 2 DYatrict Depot, I DID IT, MYSELF I Specializing in facials, finger-waving ma- chineliss permanents. Helen’s Beauty Salon C . W. J. BAR I [lil, 9 DUFFERIN ST. W, zo E 4-51 EXPERT TAILORING and REPAIRS LADIES’ nnd GENTS' GARMENTS CLEANED and STORED ST0RAGE-FUM at 2% otthei,r"ralue. All Garments Insured Against Fire, Theft or Dunne Authorized Chrysler Service Dodge-De Soto Dealers Lyndhurst 4100 or LY. .3534 minus an Nm’notovp not: f wan my: mucus I 't CHRYSLER CORP. PARTS and SERVICE WESTON CLEANERS Office and Yard: Roekeliffe and Woo'lnen; Distributors of I! Open Evenings 240 Main St. South (upstairs) S.W. Cor. St. John's Rd. Phoné 372 HELEN MANSON, Prop. 11-!" d HIGH GRADE FUELS For Prompt/courteous Service Cam 0, Hand-medieval are the fuhlon thin It. Cutting down clothes?! helping to t1'frat'ftt'tdtg'eg we "no a my 1- mm at you 'at'llh'Wi. P'tnattdorteonmtsutteud Ind the rteLAtaraucegr. tteMth.W-tmepti-d TM. Bond will Sol, r". JOIN IAN" umno Dutch Patriot ministers. pastor- A. ted the 20th day f December, P. _Mijnarends, D. Weatewald and 194 . , Tgli/g, J"/,/'t'i,thE,t; w4ti,ogg,',i. t e e up sin 0 t e int usnn, , . Honorary Ca min R. Currie Creel- Creelmnnl resttt.ent., “in“, tive man, 'i'iA'll7ll'ld,'; Church in INN," of Forthirrinr n BWW, Canada) to Breda, as well u all “£133 and other improvised meeting Canadians, 'and expressed their ad, P M. 'ditional happiness in welcoming .it may be added ttaf,,"',),',',? lthose who were students of Calvin- men of the Second Can d edn {"56 ism, to the Netherlands, one of the ouyed “Briglde “duh?†the traditional home a: Calvinist Doc- 1t.ur.Wf H tour on D , r trine and Polity. This welcome was Yr.ht)ntr their “Y Tohh d e, {followed by a divine service, in Behriyit and pert of Ho “hi" which Dutch civilians participated, Btuteumary Mme“ at let, " and the music was provided by reaped the E,t,i,l,"oe, of entering a Capt. Kelly Oerton of Woodstock, Protestant one of Wolehlg. All Ontario, who officiated at _ 2,',""hit,'.g J,gi-'gt"Tg "d 'at,'; organ. This oming was an es- one cergyman u area y een pecial relief fi) the men of Capt fehe 'e 1tripirclryt, _d_ottlsly 3"." was followed b I Re imental Re- view by 811313301- J. F". Nathan. Commander of tho Second our dian Armoured Brignde, who bu been caught by the enthualum of the level headed and now happy Dutch people. _ At the morning service in the "Grrrote Markt", uring which the aim: $1.159“ .syyshipped, the KEEP IN SIYHI with the Queen’s Own din... E- hu one son, Ted, n homo, tho two brothemal.ua Wuhan lowing in Belglum with “I. iWGiG Corps .1! another brother, Kan- neth Wnuon, dueharged. H- u an son of Mrs. Elsie Watson Bumm- wood avenue, Mount Dumb. It... Got-not Knoll Volu- Word ho- hoou aura by In. mm. ‘Wotoon. at a Willin- otroot, tho: hot “that, “in. Gomot' Wot-on in new in octlon waiving I bullet wound in bis right elbow with not" Mr mom. Bolero omitting in Sophom- bor. 1941, ho orUd on o buteUr " the Swift TISS.',', Compllz. “-1."!in ovary“! in 4r.r3.1, W.t. ' PHONE 1009 t 4-525 . O oPOTTER EARPHONESCOJ 2229 Yonge Street Toronto: t ELgin 6505 ' o though, their voices lead the people of their congregations as the most ~sincere churchmen in Europe. Their parishioners are the most grateful folk of all the formerly occupied countries. We, who know them; thank God for their deliverance, which is making life good again. for them, after so mny years of suffering in the Nyyi gel}, x Miifus-kdv.ii. Eiéélman is the' minister o§_Wgstoq Presbyter- in Giulio-h; 733 11.1% iGiGra 9haglein with)!“ Him-Eons! i It might be observed as well, What the country of Holland is less demoralized than other nations which have suffered under German occupation. and that the Church of Christ is stronger in the Nether- lands than it has been for mnnv years before the war. 2,tt, week a? the minister: of the Itionnl l) ureh were in hiding, singing their any: in underground cellars, chi/es} _ tiarke.rted_plttets. Today, in 'Ho'l'l'aind.‘ PP' elergymaii has already been quoted " saying, but doubly wel- comed if they espouse " their religious belief, the Calviniltic Dyetrine pf the Reformation. oured Brigade had landed at X minus "H' hour on "D" day alter fighung their my net-on tame, Belgium and part of Holland in sancuinaty battles, " last, have reaped the 'iiuv,i,l,et,e, of entering a Protestant oule of Worshlg. All Canadians are welcome in; nods, AND tulle antic. that "ter Inch lut mention“ date the aid execu- tor will proceed to distribute the nut: of the uid doc-nu! mm the pnrtiu entitlod thatch, havl roe-rd only to the claim: of whiz he Ihnll then have notion, had that the aid “with" will not be liable for the aid nuts or my part thereof to my person or pawn- of who" clu’ml notice shalt not have ben_rrse1rivot by him " the time â€w! such distribution. E Weston Dairy PHONE 126 JU. 7810 _ we. tr-tA' or diiGidi W' ‘W' ara '7 the an! PAW Ltied, 'dlhl'J, ttt the Mth r'r, at. 'ttst'.' the lit di'Ji .1: 1046. to and Balt or titat,, 93...... LWgif, n Vic-On, 'tu -tttttttr ot in I...“ will and testament of tho Add do~ 'tttttttite 'ttite In “a! thelr 'llll'lt a muggy?! 30?! WNW. Had tinttyr ortho um iiliiG JifdiFi an} iiGi." Waning balm nub in difficult than dun. LET MILK HELP YOU PERFECT BALANCE AVERELK mmusom Solicitor tor tho uid-oxocutor, ,85 Richmond St, West, Toronto, Ontario, WE You can save up 'to 30% in fuel costs this winter by having your home insulat- ed. Every drop of oil, every lump of con] is precioull and , SAVE FUEL l. LINER tth “I. [RV] N ' Weston Furniture Exchange i J. EDGAR PARSONS 647 MT. PLEASANT RD. MAYFAIR 4197 ' 189 IAIN MP. S. WESTON . WBtmttt " 1w.†ma. no: Monty " 1.qu " Teeaitto Son-t. Toronto _ - . o-l6-52l mm." ifff ",m' For -lrttmertt duh. day, about owe. a Few appointment dunno Ivo- "ing. phone residue. th Howard Gray, u. Mo .11 St., Tomb WA. 711! In: " 990'.- 'ttet, Wm. GEO. w. GARDHOUSE, IA. WANTED! All kinds' of good, clean furniture and pianos _ wanted for . cash. “"1"“. “I. fit â€IONS "10m. 6401“ “ng " “Home: I". I“. “ONLY 1'0 LOAN Oh 6000 All) "CON Mi"dhtl â€In???†11tAttcpt,'utr,gu- Professional BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 'r £834 DUNDAS W. North side, five doors cut of Keele-LY. 8612 Downtown Office 416 Continental Life Bldg. WA. "" . W J. WAKD C. LORNE FRASER Sci Us Todâ€! Courteous Service r. A. sitatthiATi 'A""'": SOLICITOI. te. Bull 00 Nov.- "ott. Chambers. WESTON Div-[0m out! Contact IARRISTE5. SOLICIT†UNDERTAKERS UNDERTAKERS - Funeral s-lid." PHONE JU. 898t Funeral Dir-don Ambulunu PHONE: ZONE 4-444 FLYNN USZW SOLICITORS Cards - --offico- In. B US'INE s'3t")'r,i1" DIRECTOR Ir 10m. 0169 “Nit-1 PHI-pl, dew-1M servicc. Over 15 ream' experieie.. Radio Remit-s INCR Am. Jinan: a; PAper,r8irtdittr, “01% Theâ€, Kind ' Che Clan l'd"S'raluit m. Fre WANTED HENRY PRPE il "iririrri7"i'i"iiri CAR. - Residence: 84 Goorn_8_t. U __ " Yong. s},i,,_. AD. 688t JU. 8788 "'--ik"Eii'F6N " Elastic Stockings. Belts, ctr. 1 R. W. WALD Red Bat-Q “I harm Broke _ Nothing too mull - Nothing - too In e'. Inquiries r{united A Office: "TPI mug TO orioErt our _ Print. Fitting Room TOIOITII 60'8“an 0mm!!! Allen 'sSeroiceStati . B. Maxwell MEDICAL suimEs WARM AIR FURNACES , . am. “LAN. F a; r,,,,,-',',)',"",?').":,'),',")"';',",, m .m* 196 Main m e In. I. 6 JOHN ST. Smith“ M Tun-up 112 MAIN 't.. WT“ ZONE 4-381 F Tow!“ Sonia J. C. INCBrB.A.. MILE. Jet A-ri-ei.,.',':,.), TINSMITH. ETC. RANGES ___ “WW - mum's REPA RADIOS . nouns: no 1.1: - 1211-: M, RUPTIIRED? mm. Fiie Grrra% cm Wort Ohm-uni PIANO TUNING CRUICKSHANK GARAGE INCH’S DRUG STORE Piano mttrroN BRANCH PHONI 552W INSURANCE ' REPAIRED thet mm»: M- those lumbi: done Jll'h"v".r, RADIOS " GARAGES Weston 658. ELECTRIC mums “A INSTALLATIONS WARN & BELL ERNIE SPRUCE SALE AND SERVICE All makes of Indian. Wuhan. Itefrueratrrrrr, and All BUetrteat 'tttan- 100 Intro-co Are. E. Weston REPAIBED Wau- WWN 1 no new , Ask Aha, In. PAINTING, DECORA'j ’ Interior, Exterior , PHONE mow Plumbing ' JACK BAI Burrows ',', f', ‘CARTAGE ad novmggi PHONE WESTON as " l ROY’S TAI LYnd. §AEQWIN BUG: Excopt wssmi TAXI a nouns san l CHI ROPRACTOI 43.5 S“ III hurl-illuminan- Hm I“. Duh- Clouds: J. W. BROWN Immune m (City Call- In“) l“: CARTAGE WASHERS IRONERB ' STOVIB ZONE H“ t may ',