w" lt I. w,, J. BARTER HEN etuuTitts,_rolltsr and border iiTijiiAvysh my. - pin apxpeq suit for uh, with two pin of punt... Only Worn I dozen times tutd in perfeet condition. Too amt“ for returned soldier. Size 42. 825.00: Apnly Chnrhonneau. 165 Msin Street South, Weston. Phone 580. . o-6-1t RADIOS fe. gala Eryie fipruee, C.C.M. HOCKEY boots and slugs (Boy’s). New this winter. Too small for owner. Cost 37.50 will sell for $4.50. Size 5. Anply 142 Lawrence Ave., W., Weston. L . o- t _ Fait" Amrd for' rule: Phnre 76.J. x-6-1t ' iiii,"f'it'."i ii'i.'"iii'Tiuiir" iii harness“ attached._ Never Men used. Apply 49 Cheawiqk Ave: off Hard- - if“; ii, 7 3er 8. Also boy's over; coat, size 14 vom. Apply " Law- rence Ave. W. o-6-1t BEAUT%i'UL household furnish- ings like new, Chesterfield suite, exceptionally fine; 9-piece walnut dining, bedroom suite with' hey spring mattress; curio cabinet; an- tique ornaments, lamps, fireside bench, sacrifice. JU. 3978. A _ cheat; atAliG "tiC"tViiirerw, Phone 644-8 or 169A Danni" Ava. o-6-lt WIS pluck leather (hove, wool lined. has. 1mm, mum, rmu. Ina man than mmi.y, on ha» my night, Jan. an. KIWI!“- Ayply 100 Kme 8t. rhom 'tth o- " 4 BURNER Gengral Ele,etriUHtt- 1 P§1R__S_upe_r _Sp1i_tke_in skis {gr inle- Ave. in evepings please, BOYS Jtosker. gkqtgs 9nd. boots, ONE DININGsv room extension table with 6 leaves in oak, $10.00. 1 floor lamp $2.00. Apply Mrs. C. Dankert, 2 9 5rgttrstieit North: q A o-6-1t ROUND OAK TABLE. Fumed oak A BOX TRUNK in good condition. Telephone Weston B09. 0-6-11: buffet, 4 chairs. Cheap. Phone “IS-J: 0-6-1t fancy. A-l'breeding dondition. $1.00 up. Apply Mallaby's Store, Weston. Phone 184. 0-6-lt Boy'), TUBE tskates, gin ' Ilyltl; HUDSON SEAL coat and girl’s -tslttes, size ii, for sale. Phprys 11644. REPQRTER Elite; High “my general office work. Part-time work fur young married woman. Carl Austin Company, Church St., Weston. x-8-1t “Garry" in mk than from the law In" nignt. If8 Church bt, act, girl’s tube skates,' size i, $300. Phone 631-M after 6 p.m. o-S-lt MAN'S SNOWSHOES for sale. Phone 204-W-2. o-tMt WANTED to. buyLsix to_ot_toroir- Prtr.cEp ftRrpH69 yyd up, Cuney student or capable iiousewife wanted. Part time. Apply nearest Selective Service Office. ELIACI‘iiqt with whitemapot op gun in good eoiidition. Teiephorie 1166-W. o-6-1t Princess Fashion Furs KI. 3674 AD. 8884 ExPERr.ENi2.Ery {stenpgrgpher Ind 8EM,.rAet?e.htd 542m. modern, lolid Tarick house. Fireplaee, tiled bath, built-in tub, shower, hard. wood throughout. Economically heated. Graze. Phone 586-R. Crr..llms - tileitrlt, (dyed rabbit), Viscacha, seal (dyed nbbit), beaver mouton, (processed lamb), Persian lamb, muskrat, Hudson soul, (dyed musk- rat), Your old fur garment ex- fertly restyled to the new 1945 uhion. Price, $14. ' BN FRIDAY night, one ski clole ' between .Wuton Golf Club and the “bury. Please phone ' â€. “It [' Authorized chasm Service J, Dodge-ne Soto Dealers i -zartu6ti. 6 John St., w'eumi ' xAV1t a btjrrqrtm ST. W. WANT ADS HELP WANTED, "MALI FUR COATS Pre-Season Sale ARTICLES FOR "" ARTICLE: WANTED HOUSES FOR SAL! CHRYSLER 0031’. PARTS all SERVICE HELP WANTED FURRIERS TIMES & GUIDE Lu'xum u, '" LOST with name of on It. ‘uken by Mesmn menu-e Hello return to Weston. o-tr-it x-42-1w o-trlt o-6-1t -5-1t _6.1t GLLNEEAL Repaity 'T" Cumm- Ptuntindoiif Pastel-in .' Kit- shssn,eupburd built and mg; done. Complete alterations. Contractor, 142 Lawrence Ave. West (013:0- Iite C.C.M.). o- It rooms in Protestant home hen; car line for woman and two teen- age daughters. Phone 460-W. -- unfurnished bed-tsitting room with kitchenette and bath, at ferany i'W,',t',,t Dennis or at Toronto. phone Weston 802- 0- 1t ARRANGE your sleigh riding par- ties early. Phone 628-W. o-Bvlt short lessons for Inn]! beginners. Bong playing in popular chord. Bass style taught on mac“. Flor- ence Gmatnrhono 764-31. 77 - A 1-6-1: MODEST.fuTitheti 1toysekeepintr REFI_NE_D_ bysiryssy jagiy desires AAR.ht.NE you llgiglL ride _9_r -iiii m; piEtSv' Giii5Mari JU. 0106. I Inc-84w CQMFOQTABLg: 3901;. why home for refined bullion iriA. Convenient to street can. Box 608, T_tietrtrryLGuide. » o-6at HOUSEde about 2 acres of land . near Weston. Buy or gent. Box 87, Weston Post Office. 0-5-21: â€.633. h?usektrspityr tern, th My in Weston. Aim]; 236 Mi "SE. North, Teste, ___ i) -1t Mr. Roland Hill of Prince Al- bert, &yskatehewan, visited at Mr. Gar Ellis and Mr. J. Cameron's last week. He hadn't been back to the hometown for thirty years and saw a great many changes. The Goodfellowship Club meeting which was to have been held at Mrs. Torrance’s on Jan, 2nd was postponed on account sd bad wev ther. Letters of thanks have been received from several of our boys overseas for Christmas parcels lent to them by the Club. _ Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogtrawaer and {uni}? of Detroit visited with Mr. and rs. J. Cameron inst week also Pte. and Mrs. Norman Wri ht. Norman is I former Simthfield icy ald stationed at Trenton. MU.8N-.-Pitmo - lesions}. $pociul Mr. Howard Codlin was elected as the new Trustee on the School Board. We wish for our sick neighbors, Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Anderson, I speedy recovery to good health. We try to solve too many pro- blems by putting our heads to. gether when the real solution is to open our hearts. -set. Bill Tgmn of Barriefield, visited Miss lliott on his New Year's leave. L Mr. and Mrs. Peire and tariuiy spent New Year’s Day in Toronto. Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright (nee Gertrude Griffith on their recent marriage. Bert wls I high! res- pected citigen of Smithfield {More moving to Woodbridge. , SMITHFIELD I O'FOITUNITIIS OI!!!“ WANTED TO RENT ISN’T " I'll! new ' ROOMS " "' ' WANTED . ZONE 4.tatr ms. E; land b at ii an": to Alig'l' 'gttlhct “all, n Damon Road Wait. Waugh tho uncut" of ilti Int will _ â€mama of y." um deg Mrs. Bridger and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kind, neBB, messages of symmthy and beautiful floral offerings received from their kind friends and neigh- hours during their recent bereave- ment. The; especially thank the Victorian rder of Nurses, the pall bearers and the Rev. T. B. Burgef. -.. V o- _ t 'ee' III." - ml‘l I"! d_titrtta, the kai particular: of Mr chum, I human of their menu. and the man! of the nutrition (if my) held by them. AND all. notic- that that Inch luv: montionod duh the and - toe will mm to distribute the nuts of the d donned among the Wrath)“ thereto, Y2t rug-rd only to tho claim- of whic ho dull thewluvo notice. and that the IQ†oxacutol" will-not be Ihblo The '/NTg'."'v1 ll mnounced of Eulallne "y, youngest daughter of Mrs. Donald W. Campbell and the late Mr. Campbell, to Liam. Alec Taylor, pf St. Thomas, son of Mrs. M. A. Taylor and the late Mr. Taylor. The wedding will take place quietly at eight o'eloek on the eve- ning of Friday, Janna? 19, in For- est Hill United hurt: . for the said nuts or my part W! to any. person or persons of who" ch ml notice I'll“ not have ban remind by him n the time " such distribution. The family of the late Mrs. E. Westphnl wish to express their sin- cere thanks to the mané friends, nyghborss, rglations,_C. M. gm; pltii'yees, the Quarter' Century Club an the Humberview Wartime As- tributéh and messages of sympathy during their recent sad bereave- ment. Especially thanking Rev. Dr. P. Thornton Meek. o-6-lt "What did you give your baby for his first Christmas?" asked Mrs. Richards. "We opened his money-box," replied her friend, '.'and ‘gave him a lovely electric iron." It}; "658 hid ulna sogiatign, ftrr their beautiful £10351 Father: "So you've been fighting again, have you? Then you go to bettw!thoutjpyper, young mam:n "tretiijfr'uiCA'gfC"iiaiiri've only trot two teeth left anyhow." AVERELL ROBINSON. Solicitor for the aid “canon. " Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ontario. wanted the 20th day of December, Cards of Thanks Mr. Peter (Teuma) Castelletti, First, Avenue, Westmount wishes townk his neighbors and friends also the Weston Volunteer Fire Brigade for their splendid work at the recent fire " the above ad- dress. o-6-lt to year And friends from day to day But never will the on. We loved From memory pass away. .-Ever remembered by her family In Memoriam GERRY--1n loving memory of Mrs. Alex Gerry, who passed away Jan. 12, 1940. ' The world may change from year ..It is perhaps Gore fortunate to have a taste ~for collecting shells than to be born I millionaire. Engagements menu. In Memorlum “one. Under Thu Heading- “: for " IordI. te each Add! titrnat cord: uni-illu- _ ebarrHK NOTICES 8mm. _r_riatrets_Deaths Births. humans. Death: Cards of Thanks. E1ntratre my. Mr.aadMrs.g.mttahadth. plenum of onion-Mn; wo Wil. ‘lhu Batman ot Wm“:- Putt. Surrey, End-ad. tor tht m mu holiday along with their m yummy. Gum: P. Cranial not trith a uric- qeeidmst In Jan-la. 0H The Ru. T, B. DIM†took th. union " m. Awai- on thm.. day. Ho " I lovely Now You?! noun. and on n In! - Look up not down _ 14:01: {and not pukwud loot antrnot in ' Ho mentioned two kinda of Bt tt who loan And those who t. lately this New You you will b. In uplift“. _ Han? Nicholle tend the Fir“ Palm n.8undny School on Sundey. . Rev. Canon Andrews, . minigter from war-tom China is to be the guest preacher at St. Andrew’s next Sunday. His message should be most interesting. V To our dear lick friends, we are thinking "of {on all whether we mention {on y nume~or not. Sometimes w en we get the me it is too late form-en, so please take our word for it. We have you l mind day by day. God bless you a . N iiiaia Vent; meeting In being-planned for Jul. 28rd in the Sun y School room. Thistletown in very edproud of Fred Fry, MILE. Fr wu a grand boy to know u I school boy and as now always the gentleman. Good-Jack to you, Eyed. [THISI'LETOWNI 'd bitvtitelsf/" 'iMtgtititg I i . rm , 'f, r, Wit: 2 rt:] b' §5§WW €29.53 ,.utetue.mrpr" :31" b.arHt"'utthtsb- ',,t'dthM'haWefii; tantalum!†â€WEF-é-er-M-r ERIKA-"Ll. urn-mu: - u- It', hrg,t%.t', ml urn-nut v I In I. ML."'.'?'. 3.45 WINDIIIILD 32,30an numb with themed all-uh. fair "In" an. Inna-rd _ . _... ..IN" -tsGeasrsm m on. - can hated to nun I ".. fbv .. lub- ur- In". Gdln '"-rrr-- g.†011mm - Inâ€) "I. -r.. " ,r1udo'o, In", Ac. Sthy OVBNIGH'I' ENGINE “A“ - I). but unlimited "a In“ radial "all.“ "tgin. mm. cry an“. Inmmuon. In ". mull" am .......v'F. lulu-Ir Te', uh um: nun J. Pl,P.f.s qtttek m a: 93:: "f. for In Inh- u hum; m mum): "dtNTB-Ybrrr Yee Inâ€! P"P"T "me,. “mm. 'uiare iitajedihGaGr"Gk 9992!, um- Mane-“4 1-.- you“: = 1mg“; - “LADIES COURAGEOUS" with Ltretta Tere wan, TmPs-3ANo", " “DESTINATION TOKYO" C Q Din; Barrymore --Araty- “mime DOCTORS STRANGEST CASE" with Cary Grant-Jian G.rtuld --AMO-- SELECTED SHORTS A "up†a-teat and: with " Hm Emma u all â€mm m with nugquojig In: De but (with MIC!) T. DEIII lit mum s MON., YUB6.-0AN. 15, " “HI GOOD IDOKIN’ " In, "T-IAN. n. " “cum MM0OL" with Warner Baxter "a. Wimp.» 1.1535335 'blk' as; rm; V -3.‘5 two At Vlad“ ISZW - "" . Mon-y " I...- $30 I" St., Tom-Io WA. 71'" and , SAVE FUEL I You can save up to 30% in fuel costs this winter by having, your home insulat- ed. Every drop of oil, every lump of coal is precious! GEO. W: GARDHOUSE. B.A. Weston Furniture Exchange ll. Howard Gray, u. 647 Mi. PLEASANT RD. MAYFAIR 4197 "Jo-n. "tttv"?..- '" In“: NY "" _ noun to um: m. woo "IS? AND IIFOND Ion-cw! as! â€I’ll. MM In": In“). II- M “a Thumb: will“ 3..va? 6.0m Shut, Wm.- WM.- "" For owe-mm! during day. phon- offiee. For momma-cm during at "" nine. chem raider; Lllllll M. m. Professional Cards J. EDGAR PARSONS IRVIN WANTED! ""'""i SOLICITOI. te. _ . Inuit .9 New in". All kinds of good, clean “magmas: tl has“ BARRISTER soucx'roa. NOTARY PUBLIC 2884 DUNDAS w. ll Tomb “not. To"... l 046-52 -. “I. Me. un'u'u-m'lu. In... new. C. LORNE FRASER North side, the doors out of keeie--LY, 8612 Downtown Ofnee no eatarla 111613143. WA. 4248 W J. WARP r. A. SILVERMAN furniture and pianos wanted for cash. IAIIISTII. SOLICIT“ Dining. and Cosmo- Fuenl Scale- PHONE JU. 892t “HEM. Um. an. UNDERTAKERS UNDERTAKERS KC: “MI. W. Be, 7 ..- load. In... DI PHONE I. “01" "Wain In“: I" "" PHONE: ZONE t-q04 Soc Us hi»! c-ut- Sunk. III IAIN th. a FLYNN soLtcmtiig . B USINEss‘ DIRECTORY" JUMI.‘ 0169 H B "i7"rifiri"i"ii"i"ii CAR, =======r=======e==F-=-- tP"""'"-"--'"------ i Allen 'sServiceStat1 w. 8788 ' """wWias'FON as Elastic Stockings. Betta, ett Prompt, dependablo union. Over " years' experience. - Residence: 84 George_s_t. - - - " Yang- " Radio Repairs INCH APPS. PHONE I†Pipno, Si ink, Violin, Thor: ilj'l'a.d'l'1'r't'lft', Chttryl_trua, ' BllP HIRED" “was MADE TO 'au, " Years' Expert“ Pr)":- “Maillot:- Q INCH’S DRUG STORE HEN RY POPE R. B. Maxwell nun “it! “I it cum _ For an put-up plus I; t We m lit-rm / im'. cannon 1003633.; , i Nothing up "yall = Nothing WANTED "w. menouALb ' JOHN ST. mrramArtoyiiir6iia" HIRED IIIVICI n; I“ Main “I“ V 1-14.- , h196AI. SUPPLIES culnoruqok WESTON mw “Hun than plumbing jolm done NOW." 1mm aiiiiiiiih, or am: M “ion _ WARN & BELL 100 Lawrence Ava. la Wash ._ RANGES _ WASHER. name's REPAIRED along: mums s'ro Ix moms; as. 1-12 - mu (any can inns-a», J. C. INCH. BA.. Phm.R. Boat Est-$0 ad but.» 'eeeg.tised “our Tun-I, In MAIN I. met: ION! 4-3.1 _ .rmrettt Sanka WARM AIR FURNACES TINSMITH, ETC. mm. Ti". -iriiiau m: Work Gun-m CRUICKSHANK GARAGE PIANO TUNING E9! Atmoisstaqy1%1l WESTON BRANCH w tt a " m. a“: INSURANCE PHONE 552W GARAGES Waite-n “a. REPAIRED RADIOS ELECTRIC WA!“ And INSTALLATIONS SALE AND SHVICE All Ink†of Moo. Wu MI all All 1tu'ffrtl'sQ 03in ' ,flllttrotlfrthliplitrtl, Lr.d.if. ERNIE SPRUCE †AD. as: Weston Heaters but“ i 1. Draim "T". w ' Plumbing lk 1hatiq',r Wild. 4493 "-i), PAIN TIN G, DECORATING BrMBN'ty ' CARTAGE and MOVINGS PHONE WESTON as: JACK BAILEY . an alarming , mAI-uanu-iun- Writ-null. {ml-nod c i,, a,,iAft.if.'iiijL"di "d UP Mom Fixture (s, Hun nil Elli-Mu if PHONE I!†a manna": ROY’S TAXI BALDWIN HUGHSON GENERAL CONTRACT" Repaira,Aiteratiorta and noun. Except Sump WESTON u TAXI , outnum- 'Pe, uni 'F-'. I)“. WANT ADS M HOURS SllVlCI CONTRACTORS fifhm - " A.“ 4SS, TREATMI PHONE mu PLUMIING CARTAGE PHONE TAXIS BONE 'u"