Times & Guide (1909), 1 Feb 1945, p. 5

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-------_-- . , V i _ V V . wonuur wantkr: C . or 2 "din week]; ' Phone Zeno 4-566. t _ C x wnmn vrn In!“ LIMITED who: A Canadian mid. mil cooling unit. avail. able. Foul, ll: and eight can slut. Installed and guaranteed. Immedi- Ita delivery. Phone collect or write. Sales and Service 1531 Queen an w. KB. MQDEIEN 'ttrea in 3006501:de ___ tion ide sarirtheiii, and" ilGi. Side wan. Arm 10 Spears Avenue waning; after 7 pm. o-9-1L lour; r some; pulls odt tovdbulale bed; 1 folding cot, single. Apply 108 Church Street, Weston. o-9-1t BEAUTIFUL SILVER Fox furs. A urge anorltmpnt of lilver fox marvel; up“, collars, muffs, ek. Irwinl For Farm. Phone Weston 10804. x-9-1t SET _ td {lynx-Harris 2’75). rulei L. )thw,,j't"it.iii. 6066133 new. tl'l',id Nagy R. ammerton, Manon. Phone eaten 149-W-2. 1 ICEBOX tlapad 50 nda; l _ GirGii'eii", 'll'ltrd, :3}; pp. t 'iritiiiriiFiC"iFiiiir. 0W3). also Tdiii 26' mm; 13:61; -tdGia, “to: l Path, Mi o-9-Jt GEN}? C.C.M. royiratr, newly ovuluulod. Rowland. denernter light let, 240.00. A137 10 Pineview Avenue ( ortnerly 0 tview Ave.) 0-9-11. my} mg I", Boe; Pl, TOc; a wnulwnv‘ , m. " ' 1w, 0 to " 8N. Order now tor nun t'tl,fitg: Wuhan Wig Materials Lllni ' tout-h Station not, Wes, hon. Zeno "h. ' x-O-lt IAN'S 9.9M. bicyclejog we. 22" Lilla m: "mm: ' Parkdale Refrigeratioh n‘combination of Vitamin: Mid 3riner% to insure your health. We will be gmmg'm rlstriompjete informa- tion on this remarkable health builder. "WM! GIT-I'll ml], II” I tir, " mu! m. Romn- ple. P on Walton """U, .r o- - t Start now to build up your resistance. These are but a few of the Vitamin Tablets we have. They offer you a full range of resistance builders. _ , [IlEIE . ITIMES & GUIDE? MILK COOLERS the result of 25 years continuous research (i?K “musician HEALTH WEEK 1llMmilElllthll. DON’T WM SICKNESSTUSTRIKE l mum t, 1046 ' by DR. FUNK and DR.7DUBIN KB. 1584 PHONE 58 o-9-1t Hot air. New furnace. Insulated. Good garage, $1,000 cash. Puckham Realty, Phone 689 Evenings, Mr. Grlhgm,DQ§-M, .. f; '., .. o-9-1t $6000. {lag {gycly 1r"rpotiusysnd, sun rooih. Nice garden. Good garage. Tenant occupied. Packham Realty, 689 Evenings Mr. Graham, Phone 561VM. o4-1t USED electric, any condition, high- est prices paid. KE. 1534. x-tf $4590. s1x rooms. All hardwoVd." A Selina: a" by; 'iii/iii/iii',','.",'. p y rims and 'tdry in. "if! St/tVit). Wanna}? ups-1t F9J.JNP 9})_Mondny In} on Main up“ tar-mmicdf mac's. PRICED from 369 and up Concy (dyed rabbit), Wane It seal :dyed rabbit), beaver mouton. processed lamb). Patti-n limb. mush-at, Hudson seat, (dyed 'npk, rat). Your old tut garment up pertly ”styled to the new 19“ fashion. Price, 'it, _ Princess Fashion Furs KI. um AD. 8384 lined cont, good eondninn, use 16 3159 lady's tailored 2ha'tt, tic-ll new. line-16. Phone anon '4i'Wiltl', h vii-.0"- ' Apply-ge Mail; EVEMnNgt‘t-l: Weswn. 'o-O-lt TAN m1esrtktiva.dster..i' 1057-17 1 ANNEX. cook ith ' {$563391 amen. Phone au 1s4-tt p.531) REERIGEBATORS Pre-Season Sale “11¢“! I” Mtg “ovation SAL: FUR. COATS D R U G STORE IUIIIIIS ff?llter' , "jogs, holier aims, a purer peace In iviner energy, should freshen the fra nce of beimt.--Msrry Baker ESE-y. -- iii Wés’één’ brurr1GiiiiinirGi; " soon tuioosgible. Phone Weston 1061. T . . o-9-1t __ ia," Tait a fr'iGTeiedTris BEBE; not too early I date. Apply Times and Guide Office. o-9-1t WANTED TO rent by refined cougle (no children) apartment with nth, or nmnll house. Would put a good down deposit for buying. Apply Box 910; Times and Guigei o- » t 2 jjNIiJriNrspVD rooml wanted WANTED 1:031st for wheel In Scotland there has always been provided . ladder to the learn- ed profession: reachipg from the steps of the poorest cottage and craft in our land. “Eel .iW7.irriéisTif. 7roeirr'iCtpitrtt_ 1iirtiiii,'tinfeeprit, etc., preferred. Weston or vicinity. Will pay cash. Box 828 Times and Guide. 0-8-1t 3-room flu-t, kidr'tGiniGr%riier, in Wetrton or Mdunc Dennis. Phone 941 ,.Iter 6 p.m. 0-8-lt FQRNISHED _had-sitting rd/rd nyi , kiaiaTu- trFfiGi"'cGijiii."iii; rttildnttt. Apply Box 926, Times and Guide. _ o-9-1t WOMAN would like wE'rk three days per Week. Weston vicinity. Box 912, Times and Guide. o-9-lt YQUNG cguple require rmturTiihrsd A stcoruHi7i.p bqt__stil_l good_ and useable, M" x M" piece of Hudson 3011,0101: electric or French 8tli; Apply Box 806 Times and Gui a. 0-8-1t Suit-mother and child or two girls. Would cure for child while ‘mother works. Grill privileges. All atetwenittnees. Apply 236 Main Street North. o-9-1t 2ti.gg8,,tig.tsuwitej,i, alrrt/1.py,i.rjis.s', FURNISHED treirmyOrt, rent for businesi muffs: VX5519. 'iHiiirl Street. o-9-lt -MUSiC-Phuo lessons. 3mm rMyort lessons for smll‘bggin- tt n. dtx finyingh‘in popular III p y a tau on nest. Florence Gaunt. Piano 76%. L.NTEN)iitit" room in rimte 'hdme; lb 'tlgtr centre of town; suit two‘Buaihes'l (ills. Box 830 Times and Guide. 0-8-1t Fryff4If,ft07ifiriii.iji. bnrefork LAAGE furrriahed 'ioom for rent. day, “11.28, between 5.15 and 5.80 pm. in front of Humberview School or on Rectory Road at Win. all Avenue. Reward. Apply Viola J. Gordon, 8 Winds" Avo., Weswix. 0-9- t col containing blouse, boy’s stockings, hair tonic and tooth paste, opt-ids Westminster United Church and St. Johns Road. Apply " St. John’s Road E., Wanton. _'",t,Y'z1iiii'irt" "Vim”... J " was? ' mun ' between Butt of tJfl,lhtg and Denison Avenue. mum. Phone 400“. o-it-it "ta/Cd/Gi" Tai SKTEGnEEE Jan, Mth, vicinity of Queeu’a Drive not: may: gewugi. ghonc 882-M BL.AcirpJgipiiFrG last Tue-- wsw 'tAA1rg,atvdti,uirT. i7,./rtt u Hakim wand. " hour; tAih 716.17 Tit??- """ESn-upo" GGT. Good VIM Wfa't urg.NTtheMttrN mam with oi'iphii' ftii 338%"; iirivT. 33-3 _ Phone Weston 372 r Mo Main St. South, Weston (Open all day and evening), With cinch retirnimr year, high- Helen's BeautTgiljG .00 " OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED ROOMS TO LET WANTED ' MUSIC -. "'0" Ciiiiiiiii" “W to 2gtt W; mud. maul-m. , .' oeortt nc-S-lt i-9-1t tteo-it o-9-1t Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lynch wish to express their heartfelt ‘thanks and appreciation for not: of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes ex- tended by friends, relatives and neifhbounx. in the loss of their daring baby. Thev especially thank Mr. and Mrs. t Ward and the Rev. T. B. Butler. Mrs. J. E. Dennison wishes to thank all her friends for their flowers, fruit, candy and all their kind wishes for ' speedy recovery during her sickness in the Toron- to Western Hospital. n.c.-9-1t Interesting w hear the name of Norm Michie on the L for Lanky programme Sunday night. Norm went to school in Thistletown and the Michie's were fine neighbours. .. On Wednesday, Jan. 17 in the community. Hall, a moat intezesélng illustrated lecture on "Beauti ca- tion of School Grounds" and sug- gestions on tree planting wu given by Mr. J. E. Clarke, repre- sentative of the Department of Agriculture. In View ot the fact that Thistletuwn is toutemplating building a new school in the not too distant future, the lecture was very timely. Mr. Clarke suggested the planting of trees now, so u to have trees of good size to set out when the new school is built. He Cards of Thanks At the Rehabilitation meetin on Thursday night it wax decides to have tickets printed for I raffle of a beautiful cruehet table cloth and donated by Mr. J. Lodge, to help swell the funds. The next meeting will be held the 3rd Thursday in Feb ary. Will be looking for you. Cpl. Velma Mid _ ' QWAC, Cpl. Velma MidM, CWAC, was home for the week and, also seen around was Cpi. Alva Wheeler Rec. Begst of lugk to y_ou girls. _ Pte. Hollowa , son-in-law of Mr., and Mrs. H. gielder, is home on furlough. He enlisted with the 48th Highlanders and transferred later ttt the Irish Regiment of Canada. _He landed in England just before Christmas 1939 and arrived back to tCanuda. I few days before Christmas, 1944. He was wounded in Italy and wtur,ttterttiorted in despatches having killed a com- mander of a German unit. The many friends will be sorry to hear his wife is ill in hospital. We wish them a Ha py New Year with Health, w'Jfffl and Prosperity. i Fridafy evening, under the nu:- pices o the -Womenh, Institute, I mailman-Yea wu held. Etch table ‘wu arranged to represent I month of the year. The Public school actual-rs. sung some numbers and a very tine programme in reported. "Joan and Gladys Smith bud I joint party on Friday with lots of tun and good things. Gail Shelley, small dmghber of Bombardier and Mrs. W. Shelley, fell outside their home last. week rnd is in hospital with a broky. Mr. On Tuudnv evening, Jun. '8rd, the nnnu-l catty meeting took place. Mr. Ray Chantry kindly Be- ccptod the position again u the Rectal”: Warden 3nd Mr. Bax-rill u the People'. Warden. Mr. A. Field was again chosen In our repro- aanutive to Synod. Wnsseial dam were very "tint-cw? and cur Rector in his remarks Id I word of thanks for everyone, tor all that had been done my] winking like so mlny more clergymen, for a Inger congregation. was”. Min with her work trd mu Id'lt.'l'& the Wanton Caravan Sung-y School. Anym wishing to be p in this wonderful work an may: and , mung. through our Boctor. Iliu- Shirk, Snider Pro-idea " the emu. Bewmu new": plucod on tho tutar were u loving tribute from Mrs. Bell in memory of our good friend, Mr. Sell, who died but you. tami iritdjGaiiiAiTOiir%ri I. Styli. who_hl§ a moat tumo- w. T. ts. sum 01M!" . So we; 93.91%?er 39.9:- - ' t _ ee" tl'ltt2igtthgPtgUNrit Auduw'n Church on Sunday he. ttr. T., g. gully: othidatinb 7 So Ahtrd.dot Thug}; Engage -TnGii. iriiGiGiGG" _ Notices Under Then Heldinn‘ 50: Minimum For Flu! " NOTICES girth; Mtqrfagetr,_Deattur ITmSTLEToWN] s,edrd'sfg'slMtpt; e; Mt Wait. -beiitluddittirnat 1llfflrtrAyD GUIDE. WESTON! Wot]. - n, "Tr" ...- - ..... .....-“ man with two chum. who ha Hen taken in by on. at my neigh- bourl, her home in London in ‘blutd and her 11th in Bttttlet Where 6n the a? "can a all. of Tt a tin o prune. and I twee! mu bmelet. Wt left tre. hink a new: very celled little girl and a "er. mud and chum! up mother. more " do ttt whose home an (lunar ed. '/p,'r.hi,u1t,tdt.,tgt loin. O pen . w . wins. Ik'. role at a. tech 'l'lt t thet t an taking an mom!" w - at to " & ALA. uni will be M than. ths not} lmlo ' t ... will: a. a. ma. . Pr lf am " '49)!!!- WSVFm 'oo ikiiiiuGstriCii"% epaldn't wait till utterChriutmgs. Wo took tom. ofatte little gifts out “night any. The first one we went to, had three little chil- dren whose Daddy in fighting in ‘Belgium. We gave them tp.",','.',','." . hundhnchie! and I tee .rin‘ te.. they were so excihd. The “man was as pleased at the ehttc ‘dren. They m only little ones but they are oing to write and tell their rrui"y" tbout the Indy Land“: them I er, mum. nll in, " tttthe - a A" . Ataeyef Dear Mrs. Calvert: _ I §Eceived such I lovely surprise this hriatmu morning when the roltmm handed me’ your lovely only parcel. My Imull niece Ind I an cked it and it Wu like un- 'c"lllll' . P.hr.igtqto. Ipoqking. For going any the bride chose n walter blue suit with 1ttt,ret hat, fuchsia. accessories, and blue seal coat. For the present, Lieut. I111? Mrs. Taylor will live in Brock- V1 8. of the bride. Thq-brlde's meme; wore black eretib with“ black straw hat and B" conga of white roses. The groom’s mo er-wu in nuvy sheet with . 001‘!ng of pink The maid of honour, Miss Mar» jorie Campbell, sister of the bride, won I street length crepe dress of ishnd turquoise shade with navy accessories, and carried an old-fashioned nosegay of roses and forget-m'e-notes. _ Sergeant-V-i" James Fishbourne w - q The reception. was held at the hem of Mrs. Us“, .. ' Tall white tapers graced the that of Forest Hill United church ‘on Friday evenitif, January 19, when Eulaline '.'T' youngest daughter of Mrs. D. . fer'e 1'Ttrultysse", Schomberg, an the lat. Mr. Campbell, became the bride ‘0! Lieutenant Alec Ttsrlor, Bonurf Mrs. M. A. Taylor, St, Ttttmais,. ary) the late Mr. Taylor. Eulaline Campbell Becomes Bride Of Lieut. A. Tavlor Entering the church on the arm of her brother, Dr. D. L. Campbell, the bride looked lovely in} gown of white satin with Inset: of guipure lace. Her finger tip veil was caught with white ostrich tips, tut aha carried 1 white prayer book with a single orchid ans; long Jyhie.ribhtotvr., -- The Hohble ring ceremony 'was mlemnizod by Dr. H. B. Hender- shgt, coyatsirvrf the lgride. .. . Sorry to hear Mr. A. Graham has, not been very well this last week and we hope he will,soon feel better. Birthday greetings _ go to Mr. Gordon Sweeney, and to Miss C. Johnston, Mt. Dennis. Also congra- tulations to Miss Johnson as Brown Owl of the 11th Pack, Mt. Dennis. This being her 20th year with the Mt. Dennis pack. Wishing you every misses in 1945. Prom Iriends and some of your older Brownies in Humber Summit. On Sat. Jan. 20, Mr. and Mrs. c. Don gave a party in honor of their small daughter Linda, who celebrated her first birthday, Humber Summit Hockey for week ending "n. 27 in " follows: Mon. 22nd, score 12-2 in favor of Rumba Summit, played " Wood.. bridge. Fri. Mth, Thistletown and Humber Summit; " in favor of Thiltietown. Thi- glme wan play- ed on Humber Summit. rink. Friends and neighbours- are sorry to heu- Mu. A. Simmons was taken to the hospital on Wed- nelday evening. We all hope she will be up and around again. Friends in Humber Summit are te to hear Mr. Simon of Mt. ennis is home again from the hospital and hope he will soon be in the best of health. Miss Dorothy Evans, held ' slut- ing party on Jun. 80. After the skating refreshments were served. It wu held at the Humber Sum.. mit rink. Cynic!“ Fund held their audit. in van: Hall on Friday evening Jun. 27. The 10110in were win.. an: ladies, ht, n. G. Pid. xoon, 2nd, Mrs. B. Pid eon. Gena, lat, Mr. B. Pidgeon, El', Mrs. F. WMket. Active Service Letters 67 Pebroke Road. Norwich. Xmas Day, 1944. 'tdi",'" 'ei/fiid on of the crowd, "the inventor of Harm clockl.” F ' any on! tell me," demanded the fiery orator, "who did mm! in the nineteenth century to nine tho wt.rhittcltuef.t - - our children. I hope God will re- ward you all " we can never hope to do. Will you thank your daugh-’ ter and all those kind folks who helped. I hope one day to get a ‘letter to each of them, but mean- while pleue any thmk yet). Will you tell the lady who sent the feething rattle that I am giving the rings may separately so that she has helped eight mothers. You see they can't get a teething tn anywhere so they new gla to ave them. And now I must close as it is time for our King's speech on, the radio. I wonder if you are all hearing it. So with many. many thanks to all. you can save up to gOCé in (no! costs this wane by having your home Emulat- ed. Every drop of oil, every lump of coal il precious! and , SAVE FUEL I EL'iu "" Wm". Iszw lIIIIEI M. Ltlh 139 MAIN " s. IRVIN um " "aitaii- th Howard thar, no. no I" St., Tomato _ gA."tret In: " Goon- Shm. Wm- l Watch m: For appolntmem during day, phone otties For appolnfm during av.- ning. phone mldenco. - moms "Wm. 6402" "VI-nu M4" “M: lute noun To no“! t-Goon "I" AND “coup HORN“! BICUBI'I'III ' a n." ”I m, 1'llhllrh1',/dtgraetg GEO. w. GARDHOUSE. a; , llnilhr, Solkltoc. on. J. EDGAR PARSONS Professional 0 Cards BARRISTEFé, SOLICITOR, , NOTAR PUBLIC 2884 DUNDAS W. North side, fire doors at“ of keeie--LY. 8612 "h, Downtown ornee 4 Ckrrttietrtttyl, kite Bldg. " Tonal. Strut, Toronto _ o-16-52) W J. WARD C. LORNE FRASER Dunn. ”can. Rte. an Wab- Iul. - M F. A. SILVERMAN Minna. soucn'on, In. leak of New Scul- Chan-ban, WESTON Dignifiu and Conn-mu - FyneulSurvin 'ARttiSTEtt, SOLICITOR UNDERTAKERS UNDERTAKERS See Us may: Courteous Service PHONE, Af. tim funeral Dinners Ambulance PHONE: ZONE 4-4“ Yours sincerely FLYNN SOLICITORS --offie- B US I NE s s _, _ir",'",i,_,r'_' DIRECTOR Y ' "on“: 4243 Jthset. 0769 L. PAGE To Prompt, dependable service. Over 15 years’ experience. DEAD new In CA‘I'I'LI Por tem piebap 'rlyttte m. We '" gheate chm -"----.-- mom BOISEIHTDIY , or In": r.--,?.,'.,?.!!,'-'-!,,,',.',,!?.. Y,,!?. INCH APTS. PHONE 381 . T . Piano.d Singing, grim} goofy. NORM. tltntMt "n e nrtert, or I" _ Mimic? Demorest. 'll/Gr. Bum- 1““ Drum Chard Radio Repairs R. B. Maxwell HENRY POPE n "ii" t7irrii7iiCri'i' CA 12-03 5'"'2et=15lie==55======a====ea=+ I Allen 'sServiceSta tion 111.3733 ""-iitiiiT6N " Elastic Stockings, Belts, ete. ' _ - Residence " George}; 7 - " Yonge M. WANTED lL!.Pst.tt.ttre a} TRUSSES MADE To ORDER n Years' Expe'dcm Priuu Pitting Roo- Red Hunt: mud Insurance . Broker Nothing too imusll -- Nothing too large'. Inquiries Invited -- -- -. Oftiee.. R.. W. MacDONAI-D WESTON 984W "Hun than lumbin; bl done NPOW.” 'tt 5 JOHN BT. MEDICAL SUPPLIES m um; an: WARM AIR FURNACES J. C. INCH. BA.. Pin-.8. Sud-lilo! Mom Thu-up 112 MAIN N. WESTON ION! 4-381 Twin Sonia RANGES REFRIG’S RADIOS PHONES: 190 L” - 1231-1 RUPTIIRED? TINSMITH, ETC. Gun-w "It. A. "663 "I. Jul Bt. HT. DENNIS "Jun. "" n Wau- "" Work Gun-ht! INCH’S DRUG STORE PIANO TUNING CRUICKSHANK GARAGE Piano WESTON BRANCH £9: Appoint-Iggy! PHONE 552W INSURANCE (mu. ALLAN. [has suvmzs'r new Jryryytr.ArioNAL nucx “was AND smmcn GARAGES REPA [RED RADIOS Welkm ass. ELECTRIC REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS All like- or Radian, Wuhan, Ionization, In! All Electxicnl Atttrhiatseets WARN & BELL 106 Mum Ave. E. Weston ERNIE SPRUCE SALE AND SERVICE AD. 6331 Weston REPAIRED WESTON PAINTING, DscimAfikd - Interior, Exterior ' PHONE 676M JACK BAILEY IE 219 BICKNELL AVE Ask About Bay hm m Plumbing lk ll"tlitg 1.lmd. 4493 wriirTfsiikts ROY'S TA Additions . Cupboards, Tile Work sad Stan Fixture: Plan. And Kai-nun PHONE 199! BALDWIN HUGHSON GENERAL coumcron MMAMntim and "t5Mrr,981tmtttus READ THE WANT ADS Except Sundays WESTON TAXI "H _ _ "SERVES '7" " nouns swim CONTRACTORS " _ on! " I fAifi, ii Phone TAXIS tl BONE H“ "i h I F h

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