.. 'atRmttttAY, “Y 8,' ms t 41 Maln St. North . WESTON 2tttt.'4,aaa lADIES Dressmaker and tailored heavily reduced for our Summer dresses Min 2 groups A . - bl a a I ag. D, _ , g Ci/ll " ‘ I In 2 '.W't , = s; ' "Cl cd ll) I _,)) 16' I (ii ' V v _ ' x n." . , _ d, _ t, ' K K d, ’ A ' . AN l , q Br a†l 'tl , \\ 2 , " , ' V V : LA > . An ' I JN ' "ll Liii "'tt ' G8 ' . u' _rf.l] al asaagigz " . Mt 'lWWarMRtia8 ' fsX P : . a 3:313:33: â€$2 . " ' M , " MME8i"t, C: . q . t - ' ' )w -x ki " a; - :3» ' ' "I. ' "Bi-ttir')?]-.'.'. ' a . BiBm1, :/~~ ' _ St ttW8BtR MttNtE8ti'l: _ - " ,, tete 3 I iiilll'tlli2gi'lgyte'i': IB M.t%tWU5 Et H s? Our quality Suits need no description as they come in the best imported and domestic woolens. Dressmaker and tailored alike. Oneor more buttons, in var- . ious shades to choose from. Formerly much higher. Two special prices-- _,.,..,,,--------":"']".""'"'""'"' See the pretty GINGHAMS, Candy Stripe Charm- ers, Flower Printed Dresses. So feminine with their brief little sleeves, ruffle trims. Fashion hit styles for daytime and dates. SIZES-juniors 9-17 Misses 12-20 Womens 38-44 Cottons you'll live in now and through the summer. All budget priced. WEST-0N LADIES’ SHOPPE $6.95 and $8.95 The season is one for COTTONS and we have the cream of the crop at ' $19.75 and $25.00 $6.95 and $8.95 SUITS TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON Tn You" "o-au, I, "ll. - [labor In“. Bulb lb Annual Ml! night in the lmnic Tatum, Weston, when the ladies Won the weâ€! of honor. The ublu were most attractively de- cor-M with wring flowers, and all at down to I sumptuous banquet. Aturau More than 150 were in then- dlneo at tho Annual new Nifht And Afr-Homo of Humbu- ge, Pr. _866, A.F.AA.N., hpld on Rotary Club, who interesting address ronto and Vicinity o yum use." a splendid vo numbers by M were enjoyed. I pleasing piano were enjoyed. Miss McDonald pleasing piano numbers. At the close of the evening, Hurry G. Mumn. on behalf C members of Humber Lodge. sented Mrs. Fred Pollett, wi the Worshipful Master. wi beautiful bouquet of spring flo for which she expressed sui thanks. Dancing was enjoyed to 1 furnished by Louden’s Orch, and cards were indulged in, nets, for bridge being Mr. A. son and Mrs. Barrage, am euchre. Mrs. Hamer and Mr. Dancing was furnished by L and cards were nets, for bridge son and Mrs. euchre. Mrs. m Simpson. The marriage April 27, 1935 i tory of Gertrud Henry C. Pop During the which followe Allan and Ben: the gathering Fumes Allan eornpyti! Br: April 2' tory of Henry Von at Pope u will ma; The marriage w April 27, 1935 in tory of Gertrude Henry C. Pope. Von attended the Pope was best r will make their he Gordon Lenehl severe wrench of well as a. few ton engaging in I f) bout on Friday e' 10 miles north of Gordon and 1 fe boys dent north March to one of Road Camps. Interesting T Items Gleaned from The Conservator _ Files _in thq Days of Turn Back the Universe Ring the 1 h followed, n and Bessie snagging w ummmm Il0llMImE " Fill WI id vocal by My.,, w u? ' ‘wl‘ 71"." tur,'1Mu. Inmhplnd qetrttirt_mTb--ser-tbit- Aidrt 15mm" my. And Give Me Yesterday with' aEtinit was solemnized oni in St. Philip's Rec- le V. Charters and e. Miss Charlotte he bride and Frank man. The couple home in Etobicoke. shun sustained a d his right knee as om lisiments while frien 1y wrestling evening, April 19, of Apsley, Ontario. few other -Weston th on the first of of the Government ed Pollett, wife of Master. with a t of spring flowers, expressed suitable musical program Misses Frances , Arthur delighted with dances, Mrs M. Wei: f solo, James ; of 100 And more mei Seckington McDonald gave Kalli: lp théir ad- lorf gave nd violin r, Bro. of the Twenty You- "o-i-Ma, 6th. and. School PM With Work Of Art Weston High School wu honored on Monday morning by the gift of I very fine piece of art, the work of one of our loctl towmsmen, Hr. Wagner, of Bykes Ave., who Kre- eent'ed to Mr. A. Pelnon on be " of the Walton High School, one of hie paintings named "Misty Day." In addition to this gift, Mr. War. ner Also malt generously loaned the school another of his valuable works. "The Breezy Autumn Mas. koka," the one accepted by the Ontario Society of Artists Exhibi, tton held It the Grange in Match. This is n much larger canvas than, "Misty. Day" _ p.ortrayjntr_the wonders add l Weston as a. to' feel proud of her willing to loan, al of nrt of this h endeavor to place and eyes of the b things that are worth while. League branch" 'iiitNeti'lt' w w w w. y,» ;4tc. 4 ?i'r'ir5,?itit'irittisiris' â€in: h" 'r5'u1rt, Never bu the need for food been no great as it is today. In nddition to our on vastly increased demands, there are now those of Europe's liberated millions, who deepentely need food but cunnot produce it. These people, emaciated and destitute. look to US for help! ' Here's what YOU can do . . . pun NOW to devote whatever time you can to help- ine out on the farms this hummer. Join one of the five brigades outlined here-lust fill in the coupon Ind mail todly. Of N “ions ‘of MILLIONS " PEOPLE IN lllElll'I'EO EUROPE _ LOOK ro ONTARIO FOR EOOD! th e 1 the audience res- oat hearty manner. a committee of ten to form a Weston League of Nations own has reason to ' citizens who He also donate, works high order in an e before the minds boys and girls the re beautiful 1nd Por men we! l . _ mm. m... 'Rota' l-rly £113in in other wot ' who can [in hatt dun or full dun to helping I Iced hm: 333% 3323' trx) 2u'U'r'g2t'"" For ritf.' T r/ii",iit,s", " l 4 ' 1,f'iltr,cis: r"c'. _irii' ii"skVCF:, _eru'_ .; .. w: bWcuriairjlf." um" "" iii; tyhesoqr, Inky-0M3.“ 12. E Important To Protect Beaver m .1 â€will- Ga ' in. it": In: Coon. En. 'lh Mr. W. c. Gmbbu.‘ A few years ago two Algomn men who acted as guides for tour- in; were discussing routes with I party who wished to take 3 canoe trip. "Bo you know," asked one) "if the beaver have been trapped out " such Ind such a spot'." And his companion replied that he believed they had been, It might be I reprint. to draw ettention to m7»: that the pre- urntion of our beaver is also I factor of Importance in its tam in the prelervetion of our (arena. Por the dam. built by the beaver do I great deal to prevent I too rapid run off of the rainwater or the water from. the melting mow: of winter. They maintain ponds and protect moisture for the trees and reserve for our power develop- menu. LOCAL AND. LONG PIANO MOVING "Then there is no use," said the 38 MAIN N. WARDROPE CART AGE EXPERT TAILo’mNG and REPAIRS LADIES' and GENTS' GARMENTS CLEANED and STORED sToRAGE--FURS at 2% of their value. All Garments Insured Against Fire, Than or Dam. 25 Years' Experience SSS Phone DISTANCE MOVING od mung-(u: y. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR GOODS LEFT OVER 60 DAYS N N. J. HAWE P301 WESTON CLEANERS OUR SPECIALTY For niche", High School s' girls nnd Colle (his. ; ', Work in for the man pot V L itt fruit and "gentrh m I†in 9-â€- -raged by 'iihta,iittit rue-m'wv r-r-are-ree E In Jtrgt Prompt, depends“. It!“ Over 15 yun’ cm Radio Rm! with Marjorie Weaver, R. B. Maxwell w 1960 mm too Betty Gable-John Harvey Martha-Ryze-foe-g., ptymt h Michlel O'Shea In Technicolour with Maria Montel, T Jon Hall. SIM: -ADDED ArrRAcrmN- Dealt, 9.133! In_dtiElErttAt ht -C0MPANION PEhTURB- "SHADOW or SUSPlCION†w, "JACK IDNDON†-ADDED FEATURE-- Dick Powell. Lind- Dam“ and Jack Onkie in WED.mrUR&--MAY 9-10 "COBRA WOMAN" “WHEN SWANGERS MARRY" MON.-TUE&--MAY " FRr.-SAT.--.MAY bl "IT HAPPENED TOMORROW†“PIN UP GIRL" PHONE 552W In Technicolour THEATRE 8ystttt .1}:an In PHONE I.†W , jfct7ate Ti- Ryan