Times & Guide (1909), 3 May 1945, p. 4

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'tuturhiiron u. _ In“)! .HEtm “when unite. Inge table and Minot; 4 chairs blue menu. um. Apply " William M o-22-lt -ra'a ""134. $13.53;. i; M aim... MM. 2: It a o- - “NDION E Huh pun, guy, '. ”In!!! 313'. yri" PM}: fPt it; 113% iotio, Ed ond Iiu " In ”.91.-. .60. Apply a Ari??? WARD. Isl-laws. "eh Ind WNNLB88 ml oil stove. Phone m. 7 o-N-lt TRAILER: Gonna] Electric sun- lamp; Titian}. gnrdank hire; I “you co es amp“; ite on Jun; chemo Maur; sharia um. iron; floor lamps. land wroufht iron fixture; carpet sweep- It: Ii VININ: Book of Knowledge; tttyet', mm; new chemicll (allot: curtain watchers; grey u, 18 and 20; also "meant; shoes, size 7 and 8; purses; hats bought in New York; reasonable. Phone Zone 4-560 0-22~1t awnings. FiiMCuie, pie-war. good conv ditiom Muon. " Mam St. s., nominal. 0-22-lt iirWishi>ntuktr. um s.ise I?, TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose of hearing complnints or appeals whh reg-rd to the voter! lists to be used It the oioction of n member of the Alumbly pomiin for the Mn] District of YORK WEST will be held " the timeg and plus- at forth in the schedufe herein. lb not out: 'own of Vuwn 'ilhge of on: Brnneh 1ifhiiiiiiiii'i iiii AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thit the lim to he no mind In Pam I arid IH nf The Dd " the nip-can whip-Han. NOTICE OF SITTINGS 0F REVISIIG OFFICERS Province of Ontario General Elections 1945 THE VOTERS’ LISTS MT uncut POI ILL! of of Ipnlity Cmtttk3.BBNNErr n by of April, AD. 19“. Hi- Honour “Juan His Honour Judge Klein His Honour Judge Lauri " His Honour Judge Shel Revising Ofrteer His Honour Judge Honeywell lily 8 Arthur ' 0.22-lt TIMES, and GUIDE Bennett Equipment & Supply Co. . Industrial Electric Trucks Diesel Elam-1c {motives and T I m iritiUbeh "___- i? a! {m 'gttlp. Invest in the Best Buy 'lhh VICTORY BONDS Wednesday, 9th May, 1946, 10 B.M., 2 pm. tnd 7 pmt. Thursday, 10th May, 1945 10 B.m., 2 pm. and 7 pm. Wednesday. 9th May, 1945. IO R.m., 2 pm. and 7 pm. Wednendny. 9th Mly. 1946, 10 l.m.. 2 Fm. And 7 pm. Wodnoodny. 9th buy. 1945. In I.m., 2 Fm. and 7 pm. mm and Hour of Sittings Liirbiiihi 71:0; my). null table 81.25. hand For 26e, uncan- 86e, duh-c Ne, kitchen table IO, dining table “.00, In" emu 60c, tim tron. $1.15 at. feather bod, iiGrTrGrVde ai."'iddthir' bod} bun 1mm, electric than», new. 29 Main St. South. Phone "ttlt o- - t i iiLiiitic min ma "rtilirer drill a','f2iTiitgD,'tatg: 'Ita ty'gil r “l . . " ' 'Slit Ron? Ll/ll'. w. 3525.22 lt o. - hunk-u; - with m ht a't.1" VW“° inn rod. Phenom!“ 6400: TI I Pre-Season Sale LAWN MOWERS not ayd shyrey: wanted for spot Cllh. No dieker, ing. Highest price paid. All kinds of hoaathold furniture, radios, lee boxes, washing machines, pinion, tools, sewing machines or my elec- trical or mechanical appliances. I don't clicker. Phone It my time.-- Waverly 0488. x-2blt -aaG%wn' mower for Illa-286 Church Street. Phone MW. SAM - wgverly 0483. _?uq1i§un BABY GO-CART, good condition. Apply 9A John Smut. o-22-lt (Mon-0d to in Section 59) uncut '03 "" TERMINAL BUILDING, TORONTO ARTICLIS WANTID a different story now, it's the thrilling story of crushing defeat for our enemies. VICTORY is in Remember the days of TOO LITTLE and TOO LATE . . . it's the making, made possible by our valient soldiers and your faithful buying of VICTORY BONDS. - Council Chamber. New Toronto Ghuiiber. " DaFomo, Rd., Swan“- Plan of Sitting: Auditorium Town Hall, Weston Municipal Office, bong Bunch Municipal Ofneea, Mimico Cpnncil o-tbit JAM" PARKER, CMIllllll of ttte new” local ' fer the County of York "t Clerk of Revising Offieer R. G. Munon, Weston 'N. L Ivey, 83 Daron-0 Sunbe- G. H. Clarkson, Long Branch F', R. untrstaff, New Toronto Thom-5 Rattle Mimico ot"w - TGiiailE iicGifi . '7‘" 'vu'dillt.' Wd but. wall: ohm not" an; “WM dLiu- PRICED 1n?! “III“ Lab M-, youth of m3”: pay. bettt "In. mm In“ 7m" I" lu' unmd m1 liat.d with tte pix Sor- ulh luau hous- nnd in“. k t- our 'LI" house and was». ert. chn. t 100 x 186, [lulu-pd and Met with “ovum; MN. App y Jtoar164 Wuhan. "bit ipmud"" '"iiiini'rmun" - Ems; mush-t, Hudson ml. (dyad mult- mtl, You; "ld 'ar.g-tt.y.t: Eiit 16gb}, to If. k.. ' uhion. Price, '" T Princess Fashion Fun " 3614 AD. mg MAN FGuCirhtii; iit, index! GCG%i; repair work in War ton. Good tht conditions. No night work. Excel ent opportunity for ndvaneement. Apply National Selective Servico. Weston, File No. 7516. 7517 and 7518. trag-lt MOTOR 'gruniet and helper-Liar k SNTT ESE“. 1t,rPgtii_yen WANTED-targ 7 girl J?r warp-n i8: mum; gurdi. Hours 9 ti, 8. Apply Mrs. W. E. Henry. Phone Zone 4-482. o-22-1t am Lam; "eaeVa, “a (and “Wm. have. new. -iGnirGTr' giuiiiiiy 3155an. Phone 2911. 4-497. 0-22-1t 5511361prny Selective Source. x-ZZ-lt "8TM.'0.8W" TiitrR-tiyh"ts "I" WANTID wmm [All Day for Filing Appeals Sunni-y, 5th May, 1945 Saturday. 5th May, 1946 Sunni-y. uh May. 1946 Sunni-y. Mh Mar, 1948 Monday. 7th Mar, 1945 Voml' um p, Com! m "t'cdfiiiiiieiiiiii' . a..." “.102!!!“ _ mum more hwigsgas’m; {UM Vida.” A l 1.. FYR. Aprly 95qu but?!” ipntr.rir.tciri6.t.r. WEI-Tl. . evil; "ilvFHriitCrGv"E "ESE [on I. from dsddr. had. 'rT,llrao"fll'. ttgbi_t tWitiitljEtrGrsiGGi gunk“, bl" pluu inland; walling ',,'rie2l'tc,otfgatnd, motor: it l ', " c my“. work guaranteed. Phone Zone 6-342. "mines. 0-224: CAytTAGB-City {mimic- diiii. Low. 7 munun' rivir Wain, 2163; on. rival Ind sand, hardwood Tatr't' C. Purkll, phone ”265% x- COAN8.. illlhntl,_ p]_ieved_ _witit Non-lust] 9.95, pallets 20.95, cock- erelsrWhite Leghorn: 95e, White Leghorn X Barred Rocks 1.75. As- lorhad heavy breeds.. Non-sexed 9.95, pullets 15.95. cocked: 6.95. Anon-tad lizht breeds. assorted medium breeds: Nan-lend 8.95, pullots 19.95; 2-week old: udd 6e per chick to than prices. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must accomplny your order. Top Notch Chiekeries, Guelph, Ont. x-22-1t LOT tor gale on. querj’l_ Ding, -io Lloyd’s Cbrn'dd tyiiidui -sivJL. the effective com remed . We at Brigr's and other t'ihfll7iu'. __ _ INTERI'OR Htd exterior. painting 7 up}! dioritiizl' kiGymir-tiiGe-, oftiee or factory. Immediate "rv- icy. Calm-1e Deeorators. Phone Gtivittiii Eli”: CissLo.ved . ehieh w. M12. baaains for this week and next. Barr Rock: New Ratnpghires, New Hampshire x Barred Rocks; Non-lend 10.95 pulletl 17.95, cockerel. 8.95. thto ',rt,'g,'; white legAtrtl X_Btrggd__ oeky: ““35 38:11: t,hyi,iji,irjetj,j,i Ave.. Downaview. Phone "to" 420 J g. 0-22-lt 55mm $17.95, eoekisrets "$8.95; 11ite IetrAtrns, pan-gags! $9.95, pallets $gth9ti,-eoekerelr95c. As- sorted heavy breethr,-non-sexed $9.95, pullots 815.95, cockerels $6.96. Assorted medium cockerels $1.75. , weeks old add 6c Ear chick to nbove prices. Shippe C.O.D. This ndvertiaement must accom- pany your order. Top Notch Chick- eriu. Guelgh. Ontario. x-22-lt 76_riyBRr.Ds,_ye?rli.nie,. lying: bursaim for this week and next. Barre Rocks, New Hampshiras, Black Australorps, New Ham shire X 'nrred, Lttteltis non:sex9d 59%, GOVERNMENT Approved chick bat-guns for this week and next. The constitution m tqportrd In In» bun convicted and pun-ed on by the -errttve. It v"! be minion- mhd and a copy forwuded to min- of the W.R.A. A ROOM 2 ROQM_S._2 y_oung men preferref TWO fttrttished moms. 1889 Wilson Anne. o-22-1t wank! not hold their [maul meet, ing an the third Tho-day as here- to-fore, but would hive the mut- init on the second head-LN" the Ath, " which the elation of next ynr'l “out!” committee will an place. and“ mating will be called it GIRL to shun room, Bone 4-439. -__ ELDERLY lady cm have nicely fumiahed room in exchange for light services. " John Street, eve- tfi-ttgs-, o-22-1t Anion other items of interest dilcuued during the round table discuulon It the Weston Ratepay- em' Anocintion general rA",i,rrT held " Memorial School of Apri IT, the deluge builders were doing to lidownlka, came in for special mention. One member said tut he did not see 't2, the builders should not he compel ed to repair broken walks. lt we: mentioned that there should be planks to protect the walks. Another voice head. said that he understood there we: a hy- law which covered this matter. hut whether it w" being enforced or not, he was not in I position to Otte future of an owning wu the appointing of a nominating committee which is to “ran, to the next general meeting. t was de- cidod that due to the Humor-id Home and School Club (e'"'"gt.ra".' than“!!! JIoMyr, the F. A. good beds, furniture new, newly decanted. Vicinity Eglinton and Weston Road. Phone LY. 4742 be- tween 5.30 and 8 pm. o/tbit 5 OR! roamed unfurmuhed house Ratepayers' Association arms. Broifiy 'u'g threis,_' Bani ii viciioHBf GiGiV ivy 'aiivmiri and hmily. Phone (224. 0-22-11. ROOM Htd.h.oard iv. qtaiet.ire.ntii- mun, Ibsklnor, what. telephone Ivlilnblo, Vicinitfv Dufferin tnd Mlin Bu. J. Bur sigh, 40 William th. 0-22-1t t'ihuriii iii) 154“".inan ft. frontixe; Ari/ri 7.1651; th." x-21-lt PAINTING AND DECORATING v _ 'uii.Arauifii" 140 Mail: gt. Bough. Wages» “ban ' 'tEiiiri-tiiiafii oxio Wubn m tether. midis 'p'dd.’ ’Fhén'c' -westa aa. x-19-4t ”70.0113 ”I“ ROOMS Rom" FOR BALI POULTRY FOR "" “an“! --e_ ET: - NGGi cal It: Oahu. 'lgtlt and board for y. 56 ttueen's WANTID To IUY ROOMS To LIT PIRSONAI. MES AND GUIDE, WESTON WAN‘I'ID AND BOARD 2 girl: Drive. , with Ana-1i x-22-1t x.22Ut board. 0-22-1t Zone 2241: uit In Memoriam STEWART-ln memory of John Stewnrt, who passed away April 25, 1987. Gone, dear husband; gone forever, How we miss your Imilin Nee, But you left us to monitor None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed-- How sweet the memory "ill- But delth has left I loneliness The world can never fill. -Ever remembered by wife. grand- daughter and family. As deputy chairman of the works committee, he intimated that as there was an improvement in the help situation over last year, with there being less prospect of equip- ment lying idle for" the sake of someone to operate it, it looked like we are going to come out on top this year. . Birth, BRADtWAW-eit. Sgt. and Mrs. 60m Gordon Budlhlw (nee luau-u (Peggy) Put) In its” to Innounco the birth of th y non David (horn. " Peel "iiGiorii't Hospital, Brampton, on April 24, 1945. o-zz-u MUHtiV--Mr. Ind Mrs, Muir- head of 80 Lila Are., North Walton In happy to Innounco the PM. 9! I 'on.Holstt, Egbert) Councillor Tom Doughetty as chairman of this year’s olice Com- mittee spoke to those present for a few minutes during the round table discussion. He said that his aim was to do for the police force this year, the same " he had done for the works department Int year. put it on its feet. The police force now, is up to full force with one policeman for wary one thouund persons in Weston. Mr. Ind Mrs. William Mervor, 31 Harding Avenue, wish to announca the engagement of their eldest daughter, Irene Agnes. to Trooper Jack thde;, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rhoaél, of "suG'tt"itGdii." o-22-1t which the constitution will be dis cussed. . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pauenee and family wish to express their sincere appreciation to their mlny friends and neighbors for their kindness and mess-gas of sympathy extended during their recent and bereavement Police Chturman Spelks Cards of Thanks Engagements "MMMIII‘IIII IkMIthN-u-Ctmo our sitiiddy," RBI-if 11716115: Hundreds to choose from Blue Spruce Semi-Blue Spruce Silver Fin Douglas Fir: Spruce Japanese Yew T Golden Juniper: Silver Juniper: Mugo Pines Austrian Pines Cedars Pyramid Cedars Red Cedar: Weeping Cyprus" Mock Orange MK ea. Tameuix Mk ea. Weigela MK ea. beanie Pride of Rtteheeter MK ee. Butterfly Bush TSe ea. lush Honeysuckle 50e ea. Purple Lilacs $l ee. Red Lilac: $l ea. Butterfly lush lush Honeysuckle Purple Lilacs Red Lilac: Flowering Almond _ Flowering Plum Flowering Crab Spine (Bridal Wreath), Spiro" - Rod MK spir--0oubu Whit? - (ii';"?) “at EriTiiIiii de- [k-a-a-YIM. - ' £0515 FLOWERING SHRUBS NOTICI8 BRITISH FRUIT MARKET EVERGREENS Toronto, Wrought any; from the Toronto Went WfJMhi' and an the motto "Advtuum" u the st idea for this you. Mrs, R. Peweon In the leeder of the devotion! pert of the program. Hymn 52B wee tong followed by guy" by Mrs. o. Robineon. Mrs. ecDoneld tend the scripture lee- Ion. Mn, Leuty, Boeoatpanied br Mrs. Newsome,. updated this) audience by her Iingin; of the? beautiful s o l o a 'tliutydirstl Psalm," "Hear My'l’reyer." "Were you there when they crucified pr, Lord," and "The Lord's Prayer." Mrs, P a w s o n introduced the speaker, Mrs. E. B. Struthers, who is a returned mienionery from North China. Mrs. 8truthers gave n'verbel picture of Chine, liking it to Bible Lends, with Its pnthe across fields, no marked boundar- iel, wells of waters by the road- sides, and women taking sheep and goete to the pasture lands. Eighty iyour: ego, the United States Pres- yterien church opened a Poys' School, and the present university had ite beginning. Chine must be won for Christ by the Chinese peo- ht who need to be treined to be cedar: of their own people, so how The April muting of the Doro- thy Put-on Auxiliary WM held in Cantu! United church on That day waning with the lumbar. at the Woman’l Missionary Society and the Mission Circle as not". Mrs. G. Hint pmidod during the businou put of the meeting. In. Struthors thmtttfllhrmtht Parson Aux. 45c Mk MK 50e 50e The Perfect Balanced F 004 Drink MORE MILK tt on. $I on. $l u. Mrs, Dig... lad Mayne; of Missionary From North China Guest Speaker Weston Dairy Dennison Ave. W. Phones: 126.cJU. 7216 .0. CG. 124 MAIN STREET NORTH, WESTON Do'licious Wealthy Transparent Duchou Greening McIntosh Reds Snows Wagner "ARS-Limited quantity RASPBERRY CANES-- CLIMIERS huh Saul-f ghcplgm Pink 31 25 " awn . ""'"al (Double 0 ow) Mrs. Cultist James ttttttlt American loamy DUTCH SETS 15e per lb. MULTIPLIERS Me per lb. FEAT MOSS SN per bushel wbrid Tees all.“ Yet ghonnnoy Lady Pin-i. coir Lady Aettdown 8..“ Sharidan Haw arm Roses First Class Fruit Trees 8-10 ft.--Extra Select 4-year-old Apple Trees PM“! . can in. G. A. Van Roma 0 my: It in that the lad-u b. Cut-tun nun and Wench. Tho "g"a'dtg, at tho “Long Mun Gown" " Glut co, where an un- m can "It t hair a tttttkt." ot by [ a“... a an". 'fl “or" If I v w n, WM“ At in a an. The unl- 1t'tiLt. and the dilution of tlu'. all“ u of wig " on I meted. Ild “an“: mad. It of Until {he your 1988, meat of the Multan won Chriatilnl, [gut tho S'l,P.theg.hth1at,ini'p.,tg'l "In; "If I pen. In 1940, Dr. 1nd In. layman loft the university (aim far no China, tanning by Ga"iardGiiiittiriWiii' union: whom than is new“ Mestsny. . _ .. Woodwork and Glen our Specialty. Verandahs glassed in. Kitchen: modernized, end all kinds of house repair work. Eetimntes given free, _ 95 FOURTH AVENUE, WESTMOUNT _ THIS IS A B.A. STATION 1377 WESTON RD., Cor. Jane HOUSE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS E, FELEX Having taken over the business of Blacktop & Whales is now prepared to give expert service in: GENERAL REPAIRS STRAIGHTENING RE-PAINTING FEPJDERS _ ACCESSORIES $2 per 100 15e per lb. 25c par lb. 31.00 each HICKS a READING a.” _ A ttttounces." CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP We carry a stock of 750 bags I40 bags No. l Irish Cobblers, grown from certified P.E.1. seed, on. of the cleans! and best lot of cobblcrs we have seen. Per bag $2.25. I60 bags No. I smell "Katha- din," perfect sud sin, from New Brunswick stock. Per bag $1.90. TOO bags "Warbos," on. of the finest curly potatoes, No. I stock. Per has $2.10. TOO bags of Canada's new po- tato SEBAGO - main crop. This is Canada's coming po- tato. Guaranteed grown from certified stock. Per bag $2.25. Also certified P.E.I. Cobblers, Dooleye, Kathedine. 200 bags No. I table etock Caledon potatoes. Per bag $2.25. Hedge plants Chinese Elm Privet _ Red Berberry SEED POTATOES Ind “31m- tttit m and” _ ' J GGtCikr'WiiaFre bomb. so they mend on (a dittyieta, _. . - .. In. Sunken spoke at the tar. rthh inflation which in the can at poor “my Ind much my. Thi Th', "aw-rod the an.“ "WU in to!“ to My”! CHM mam"! "by um“. vary um ttli? of tumul- k abroad in C an. and the mm. "iiUiGrrtittivi"tisnrrrreittt_th, Chin-u. All clun- ol- ail-d 1"QtJt, wig; 013311 copy". le, h ur an n " million. " " ,'rll 'll money, in iiiiirvGiiia Chips." Tiiri. Strum." how to to but not; to, land the rout of " m. it} Roi-{Fain THURSDAY. MAY, l I." LY. 9120 JU. 0057 ir

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