" Gi Fi DI * E] loin-I" n I are forcin a, to walk 93: the shady Iide td lid street. By on the My Iide of ihe street. By that time our gardens will, again. call on as for attention apd we will 'typo'dnrin' the but week or two has “turned the spirits of the who" gudener Ind caused him to I.“ interest in that patch of (round he calls his garden. How- "9†it will not. bt long until tr, The, 'reatherrnan's reversion to boss 193 3% Lt. Col. Alan Cockergmi. D.S.0.. a' Captain Howard Sale PROVINCIAL - PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANOIOATE 1939-1942 Irish Regiment of Canada Lieut. thill. Alan Oockeram, D.S.O., E.D. DOMINION --..- PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE Your Victory Bond: are I nimble I. each . . . don't rely on the desk or M driver for their why when our walk with pm u such mule; _ me. Aer $100 perdym mun C.- for tor. Fer "00 per yen .._ Ibis!- chtgc Me. - we will plan your hat in on nub for “(duping With I "In" down par ment.you can easily arrange urthan through our Time- to“ Plan, paying the balance in any monthly instalment; KeeProorBonasAFE... Do You Need Financial We to Buy Bonds Your right hand hold, your POST WAR BONUS-the finest invect. meat (nth: ivorld . . . the Victory Bonds of Canada. your. lHlS HAND-this rrght hand of yours, of rmlliom of Canadians - we; answer once The call is for double-duty dollars F . . tn prnwdc for the nationU security now, for our personal security tomorrow. F. L. MERTENS. th.B. Trade school or professional training as you shall decide. Adequate pay and allowances during training. Seniority in jobs as date of enlistment. Priority in civil service employment. OPTOMETRIST OFFICE HOURS Except Wednesday, 9- 12 aan., 1.30 - 5.80 p.m. Wednesday, 9 nan. to 12.30 noon. Tues., Thurs., Sat. evenings, T to 9 p.m. GEM HEARING AID FITTED AND SUPPLIED 3M Please clip this notice and send by air mail to your ser ers in South York Riding, both [ederal and provincial. a, own Jihgt flung, can set POST, W41l BMW/LS" We Pledge South York Soldiers Adequate Rehabilitation BANK or MONTREAL 1 MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON Information For Overseas Voters Up until about twenty years no it seems to me that Csnsdian people had not begun to realize the possibilities of beautifying their premises to the extent they do now. True, in some of the small villages and country places many be ye',',',',,",',': our backs and straining our muse en in the utemgt to make our patch of ound " loom likg the Guden of gen." IMPORTANT glve8 answer once agam I ' Ca' ’†"is; Captain Howard Sale 1940-1944 In Cav.‘ ELECT Mr: a nd mine, l While our back yard garden may ‘be somewhat lacking in space we have a wonderful opportunity to carry out, on a small scale, a design which may be just as com- plete,--just as beautiful at, though we had all the space we could care for. In fact the small garden calls for more ingenuity and more plan- ning than the larger space. Of course many of us develop our Canada has now become a nation of garden lovers, More tsnd more does the amateur gardener exhibit good judgement in selection and skill in planting and caring for shrubs and perennials. We do regret that more attention is not given to the great E'tiet"i,ttie of the hardy annual. ither started early in greenhouse, hotbed, cold frame or windowsill or planted in open ground the annual can sup- plement our showing of perennials and complete a garden that might, otherwise, fall short of our hopes and expectations. hono- vut to [not Ieeth, to leach mu or lu- till-:13.“ houn- with vino- and ohm Ind a number ot tho but? known, obi- !uhionod flower- st ore still lovely Ind Mill much used. Today, however, mnny Minotaur Franc:- know as much about the me points of tlower growing " the Io-c-llod export- and a cordon column writer hu to, literally, watch hi. my in the fear pf limiting some error and being cor- rected by Iomo Imotcur who may know more about the subject thnn the writer does. All I on say, on this 'subject, is that this. garden column will welcome any eritieiam or help that mnly be offered by our readers and wil be only too happy to publish the views of the better informed reader. service men and women overseas. who are vot- 0.. Financial assistance to establish soldiers in farming, fishing or business. Pensions for every disabled or medically unfit soldier. Government action to ensure full employ- ment. iconsider the adirisairiiiisr' of an artistic fence for a fence does not have to be I monatrocity. Unfor- tunately it seems imiouible to keep out that cute loo ins. wise, troublemaker the squirrel. Senti- ment causes us to feed him and he reciprocate: by becoming I nui- sance. I have an apple tree Which was simply loaded with fruit. I sprayed it carefully not once but three times and never had an apple from it. The dear little If you are troubled by dogs digging up your choice bulbs or buryin bones where you have jut plume: tso!pethinr.chyis1s you_m|y and on a “can as “am in geratutget2t 51%. However, if to a" a ‘0 than)“ to them tow-Wm " cty and color awrden can be improved a hund per cont. Balance, that our urdonmay not be "et'; variety so that we may not bond by too much sa- meness, color so that our display may delight the o with all the colors in the God = toys of the sun. What more baatrtiNl than the rainbow BUT chum how caro- fully the colors an blended. Colors may be matched and blended or 'ithey may clash horribly. Many a {woman who is smart in choosing icolors may use atrocious color com- binations in her garden. There are may! accessories that help us to pt uce cflects that cannot be obtained from tto- alone. For instance, a well placed trellis with climbers or a birdbath for which your feathered friends will be immensely grsteful, or a garden seat or two or, possibly, a rock garden or s garden Fool. There are tremendous possibilities that should not be overlooked. Captain Howard Sale 1940-1944 In Cav. L.A.A.R.C.h TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON it for those who come after you. Have a ceremony over it. Invite your friends to participate. A friend of mine, an old farmer, names all his trees just as he would children. Feel that they are just as intimately associated with you as are your own family. Do it carefully, curiously. religiously Now, all lhis talk has been about ready grown trees. It is a comparatively easy matter to pur- chase and plant trees from young nursery stock. Of course, it y take years to mature but u 11 feel thatdt is your very own d not an adopted child. You may B , that you would not expect to 1i to fee 1": mature. Very wgll, plan i The actual cash value would ‘seem to be dependent on the cost ‘of purchasing, moving and plant, ing in the desired spot. The cost of the tree, alone. would seem to be about. 20 per cent of the total cost so that, while actual figures cannot be given on' account of varying conditions we may assume that a. standing tree of fair size purchased for, say $50.00 would cost at least $200.00 when set in the ground and might increase the value of the property several times that amount. The late John Dodge, of Detriot, thought it worth while to spend more t an $1000 per tree for his Grosse Point estate west of Detroit. J. T. FARR & SONS On calling attention to this the owner made a remark which made a great impression on me. He said "lt is a very serious matter to cut down a tree." It started me think- ing about the cash as well as the sentimental value of a tree to a piece of property. Inquiry of real estate men eli- cited the opinion that standing trees add about 20 per cent to the value of property. Thus one or two well placed and well cared for trees may add $1000. to the value of a home. Trees, however, are not to be ordered like pounds of sugar or coffee or sausages. They usual- ly grow slowly and develop some- thing of an individuality on the grounds and so acquire a. senti- mental as well as a. cash value to the owner or occupant. moms Looking at a very attractive home, the other day, t noted a couple of evergreens, close behind them were a couple of tall shrubs. Now, either of these would have been ornamental but, together, they gave a crowded appearance besides which the two types of tree did not harmonize. squirrels deliberately picked every one and threw them to the ground where they rotted. On Growing Trees More than T/nf men of the Home Guard marched through [onion recently for the' standvdown parade. The assembly point was in Hyde Park with the head of the parade near Marble Arch facing east. The band of the Irish Guards played the parade past the saluting base. The parade marched six abreaat and 11 Home Guard Bands marched with it. 0.P.S. types of the Home Guard passing the saluting hue. " MAIN N., WESTON PHONE Mt JU. 4186 1,000 IN LONDON PARADE The Young People of Thistbtnwn United met for their weekly meet- ine at the home of Min A. Gard- hnuso. 47 Royal York anl, [sling- ton. Miss Gardhnuu has nlwnyl been grr‘nly intererted in the Crieket-firhtine h" hon) n nation-I putimn in Chin: for osntttrirr. Thr (‘hinno rorngniud the sprightllneu of thin musician: of the have: World who can lamp 100 times the Imam of their bodies. Fight: hetween the cricket- was “and in pottery in: and bets were made on the unicorn. young tp,',',?,' of TtGo,, they ha a mint-d hor wry nice luncheon was gerved. On Friday mornin of last week, 40 scholars and 'ill/ilu)', Mrs. Tan. gley boarded the Grey Coach for the city. They visited the Museum and the Parliament Buildings. A very educational and happy day was spent and everyone voted for a repeat visit. Harry Nickle of Concession A read the 13th Psalm in Sunday School. His mother, Mrs. Nickle, hug very kindly offered to help in thr Sunday School in the absence of Mrs. L. Prnch. who in 'toine out Went for a vacation. h _e"te _.._., w my raumrs World", solo by Hannah Blamire. Piano solo by Carol Morphett. Re- rilation by Miss Rosalind Jackson of Toronto. 5 very talented young lady who at 13 years of age is studying to be a. teacher of How- tion. We shall have great pleasure in watching her future career. Piano solo by Hannah Blamire. Re- citation by Rosalind Jackson. A playet, "The Floral Cross" by girls of the Young People's. Presdnta. tion to Rosalind by Shirley Warn. Solo, "Eternal Father" by Hannah Blamire. Guest speaker of the even- inc, Mr. Thomas of Toronto, who to illustrate his topic used an egg. He Wave a most; interesting talk to I u-ry appreciative audience. Thanks to one and all who helped make the evening a success. Barbara Crossley will hpr 6th birthday with a Saturday, May b. Congratulations to Mr, Mayall on the birth of a 24. l On Wednesday. the 25th. (xrclose the Young People's organization, the Thistletown Baptist Church friends pun on a banquet which was greatly enjoyed by all. Parents, riends put on a banquet which was numbering around 65. The tables tare beautifully decorated in blue nd gold, the particular colours of the organization. After the tables were cleared a lovely programme followed. A two minute silence tor those who had given their lives that we might go free.' Toast to the King, given by Joyce Crossley. Res- ponse, God Save the King. Toast to the guests by Beth Anderson, res- ponse by Mrs. Morphett. Toast'to the church. response b Jir. Domh. Toast to the Sunday gehool, Carol, Morphett. response. by Mr. Wm. Banghurst. "This is my Father's “run " - I I -- - r The Baptist friends invite you to come and enjoy a service. Mr. Dorsh is in charge. Sunday evening service at 7 Fm .and Sunday School at 3 p.111. Rev. T. B. Butler was in charge of the service at St Andrew's, on Sunday. In the prayers the congre- gation were asked to remember our good friends to be ordained at St. James' Cathedral in Toronto. Among them our beloved Mr. Mau. rice P. Walsh. Rev. Butler chose as his text "As good soldiers of Jesus Christ". He stated that in business we should act as christians as good soldiers of Christ. We shoul be obedient, loyal and enduring and courageous as befits the uniform of our Lord. Mr. A. Wynne-Field was at the organ. Your garden editor is Eleased to see inqumies coming in. t is only in this way that he can know whether anyone reads these artic- les and, after all, he gets paid for doing this and must make a showing. __-__.). “m. w" nun... syn-4:. w rarest here but it S.G. will send full name and address we will be 'gyey to send her clippings in u . Althea wants to know why her chynanthemums do not bear as large blooms as they used to. Now, this is a timely subject and, if Althea will bear with us until the next issue we will try to give full- est information. S.G. nsks what is the proper time to prune and spray my fruit trees. Evidently we missed fire with our March 15 and March 22 issues where we dealt a great length with these subjects. It would Itake _too .P.ttt trece. tp if you like fordt Is A Serious Matter To Plant A Tree. [Ttp_sipii'iFirTi] tnwn and V much. A _ and Mrs. son, April celebrate party on Support The Eighth Victory Loan All kinds of Household Furniture, Radios, lee Boxes, Washing Machines, Pianos, Tools, Sewing Machines, or any Eleetrital or Mechanical Appliances. 1998 Danforth Ave. PHONE SAM - WAverly 0483 GLASS BROS; No more running Hound to ottttit the whole fnmiir--- No more going here for Mother, there for Dad and In- other place for Sissy and Junior. No indeed, right hero under one roof are clothes for the whole family . . . clothes that will do any family proud. Everything need. ed for every member of the family at prices Dad an easily afford to pay. Just round up Mother and the children-come in and in no time at all you’ll have as fine a newan wardrobe as you can buy. Don’t delay. Make it your business to come in now. gh' ((((, You Can Outfit the was Family Here MGTIIEII. DAD. SIS AND “OT-I CREDIT OUTFITTERS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FURNITURE WANTED - FOR SPOT CASH No Bickering - Highest, Price Paid Phone at any time-WAvetfey 0483 I DON ‘T DICKER 229 Spadina Ave. FAMILY AFFAIR West End Garage RUSSEL La ROSE BA. DEALRR.--REPMrts WESTON 1377 WESTON RD, Cor. Jane Ju_ I LIMITED ILA. DEALERS 14 MAIN N. WESTON Weston Phone 254 Ctiy--JU. 4186 J.T.Farr&Sons for. Jane JU. 0057 BA. SERVICE STATION Formerly Blacktop and Wales Ken Gardner YOUR ILA. DEALER mummy. In? * 10. 1240 WES'IDN RD. ht Bar'onvllle Expert Repairs JU. tr848 ll. FELEX 2847 Dundas St. W. Ahead-7'" " will} [3.1.3. iiibsik iiiiGC" Rea. 786-1