: Canadian and American standard of living ', is due to the wonderful effort and ingenuity I of the individual. Fortunes built, production i increased. labour saving devices created and j home comforts introduced, have all been the 5 direct result of the present system of private 2 enterprise. It has been the individual who ,' hos been forced to compete in order that he ' might have the comforts of life for himself .' and his family, that there has been such E gums made. This is no idle statement ': t is shown by the actual facts, Nearly .30 ; percent of tho production on this continent . ll from firms and individuals who have less , than 100 employees on their staff. It is this ..' great, active, force of produrei‘s that keep 5 the production in line and the price! right. ; They are the competition to great combined i forces of big industries and they have r-i‘mcii i, that they are an asset to this land, look at . those countries where production is fil‘o‘Pli)‘ 5 under the control of the gmeriinicn: or (lir- i tatorg. What do you find? Living (endi- . tions do not equal those of this (untireit' F Production is far lower. Quality is not wood, i Regimentation does not create "an co~tifrir1< ', or better living conditions. Record: xvi! . prove these two statements. in fact. it is up , w the people in Cauada and in this pruiincc , to sit down and look tho fart; in the face ' What is the issue " the pull: before vou? 3 What does it mean to elect those who would j atiffle free enterprise? What does .' mean in 3 elect those who would rcglmen‘. the lites of i the people? Think the mat'cr tnro 13h he- '. fore you out a ballot or befor; you tr" m I 'tnfhtenee your friends tn vote your way No" i in the time to protect our freedom. Our taro. ' fathers came to these shores for freedom of r! tttought and religion and the tnRh' 'n do as , ther placed with their time and emrgv. ", My made this the great industrial siirl pm i dtreiive land. Will the voters throw ttll tha: ' on! wi out sitti down and looking the -. he“ in the fare. “hm be misled by the F w tonne and nicely printed word. Take lam cooking and get to the factst Remem- T dd! voter has the right to say who will . has choice. but make that Choice through . m study of the lam. Listen in ilmiu ..rtPeriesteed moo Ind women of them", they in» written the Iâ€!!! of the history. I "My. View he it, sum repamnx I bit d ttte wtseid that Nomi! working, w. -ttt-therFwtr' thatwnrU. J "CONGRATU LATUhN"s ARE IN ORDER NOW INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRIZE OUR GREAT SUCCESS , With the demonstrations of the day there a Forced upon us a new responsibility for the church. The people showed that they are in e mood for paying and recognizing the wor of the Living God. The people are looking to Him in the hour of adversity and Emperity for leadership and consolation. us the church leaders have now a great opportunity to stand and draw the people to their churches. There is no other force in the universe that can meet the demands and needs of the day like the churches. They have something to give to the world that the people are in need of and want. They have the solution of our social problems. The simple practice of the Gospel and its social teachings as presented by the Son of God will create a brotherhood that will eliminate wars and bring a lasting peace. Now is the oppor- tune time for the church leaders to step forth and give that great faith which they are en- trusted with, to the world at large. United efforts in each community will help in the presentation of the message and the co-opera- tion of all church leaders and those connected with their respective churches will strength- en the workers hands. The days are filled with pitfalls but there is a power that will guide men and women into the light. Let your lights shine forth in these days that are before us and thus bring about that day for which many thousand pray daily namely, “Thy kingdom come." It will be a day for rejoicing when the Kingdom of God comes into the heart of each one and this .world be- comes His Kingdom. This is the duty not only of the ministers and clergy but of the individual church person. To those who were farsignted enough to Itlan for proper V-E Day celebrations, con- f'xntulations are in order. In this commun- ity and througn the whole of Ontario there was a dignified, sane, celebration of the day. Ihurch gerviees were first on the mind of 3112 people and thousands attended their re- jpective chun'lms to render thanks to Him who has guided us lhrough these troubled times and to remember those who have fallen. Jt was a day that. will be long remembered. “db-unwanuLWO-L \ _ . “I"?! M: dlrt'i'r", Jltra'd"t not v'ff, seg",",, t In: . t LiMtu"t'.""""u nun nun .'...e - --e"i- .... -'"-'. V......_ “w eee __-i-ee"'----' m All Card. ot hub. 10. par Ii... Immu- 50.. Birth, Minn... "tttttph', limo-u.- n-h “I Nath wins. hm. hum-d. minimum t“ " “I for aur. cub I. min-a. lf book-J. “I. "eititm.t India: nrtli so" in on word. “to tor, tegtdattt dir.etqd m Tho flan and Guide oftice. Alva-(mumm- tum vim order1, "tart “Mk and i-i-ta. fir" human. In: our; mumon. 13: (an "ttee Inn. Hm humâ€. who: my. "manna, ".50: ham-hold Romu uh. (in: inurunn. use; our. luau“. 82. "Noor-tNI S“. than quotart re mm In. wry-aunt manna-01"- "M. " the sum rial" Inul nodal. In par Inn. toe pried. Mud on I rah of Mn - Inch foe LN {int inn-non, and toe per lath lav nee-d hunt-con. er no: 1m. tor an. sch-count humu- lelu manuromm. lt Vnrs m the, mrhl. Poltl Ind that". Advemung dual). we no.- Imn. all "rd: And um!) “:an: Adv-rumnu t inrh. in? mm. , nmmh' noun-ct. “4 ; vx mnnthn' “and. Me; Utt; rentit. Mye (um-a 'nrhu " "an Rb). Dbl-y vectieir.q ru- on lbvllclnnn. 5'0! V7IL50N. Puhxuhar "-- "tg.-Buat but. " man. n. he l . is rum. t t ' I t?" ttgl'diedgtfte â€a, nun. '.'.t,'dd,'hr.,'/d' ‘t. thr- u duh-bu (a h a; be an.“ or " N 'IU,' curs-1w hi. for in _ In; an .. " I". _ "a. '=atlll.'l'ld ‘chureh. lat,' a: Tidllu,1,' -tt-.. "r.. 103 W 1iif. dung! thrp.__50c. lla- -...-. Eiiri2iiCiii2iiriii2'iia/dt'id â€'ioc. " =tru1tiiAu5.llrijttl't'i'lhit'r; “:31: HANK A KAI NDERFV Mn.- b Ada. Mun-pr --- " "utr,",, muxsnm: MAY n, ma TIMES & GUIDE tth'gtl'rat “- JEAN runs, :mn Iona: “an: to be-' Hairpin: to carry other peoplo'n burden, In, imam-auwuxhun norm All The answer to Inefficwncv um't to hre A min from his Joh hut to fire him for rt. m-w fight for us. liven elector in the province has a duty tn tin-so on tlw fighting fronts, and in England. in carrj'ing into action Mr. Drew's message. Thor can dn a forthright service by sending owrseas one of Mr. Drew's published mess- ages. ll Is: a message from a soldier who Knmu' soldiers' problems, who has the soldier at hnarf. and u ho in the post-war era knous “ha! the snldior needs in rrhahilitntion and getting bark into a lab under responsible gov- ernment dirortrd bs a soldier. I Abbreviations have been overdone. We l must keep trade jargon out of our writing 1 and conversation if MP expect ordinary 1 people to understand what we are communi- 1 eating. It takes less affort qhnke our fins. And Prare mu mmo tn stay uhon nations {we fhmr heart inntnnd of "vlr'1e (up, There is nothing tn hide in Mr, Drew's meihnds. His policy in presenting his straight forward mmsage to the soldier and the woman SOI‘VEHZ overspas is typical of his contiuc‘v :hmughour his distinguished careM' and bark in the days of 1914-18 when he cox-wad 1n Flame as x Joung Lieutenant in the Csnadvrn FVid Artillery. To this dar, My. Drnu carries the mark of wounds suf- lewd v man he fought with those of an earlier grnnrminn m make tho world a batter plarr for time gallant mung men and women who Philip Salisbury, executive editor of Sales Poet’s Corner Management. noticed the following statement in an advertisement ', . n q I . See these COE values as well as the l c Atttt I. A .." sum“ l complete GMC line! . . . All prices f.o.b. P'o matter how theâ€!!! or "only l Pontiac . _ . Time payments through our l N â€is"; h l d P , , . 0 “I r ow envy our OI i own Y.M.C.A. Plan at lowest available mm Bun is still shining "on the i Hte: . . l the dark cloudl. l Neither Salisbury nor his associates could l To lixhun nnd brighten our ma. |decipher the gibberish. so he decided to see lr h nd . 'what percentage of women understood thel n t lt/trt. l'lf,f""" " we trade terms universally used in consumer ad. ' . C . . _ _ . . . , _ Whil f vertismg. writes William Feather. l ( iiEhril): I" l hid. from our I Trv these on yourself: F.0.B.: C.0.D.; ll“ think It1t_jyet, everything has l â€5.5.: AC-DC; 90-proof liquor; FM radio; ) Th to Si2C,'lf,; . 1 6.0046 tire; No. l, 2, 2Ve cans; Jewels in _ at not tng “n ever tro right. luzitches: List price and net price: Itlus cai'- But some day the sun will shine I vying charges; Ig-karat gold; Vacuum park- f through once again, l ed. Mitt}: ail)! of our heartache and , We will not attempt to give the accurate l 0" t, l Vi L _ , l answers because some of them are too com- And T'l"'d"t2ir_heen up above plicated for the space available here. Which mm all our troubles to \ The sunes' revealed that nearly PVPH' C rout. Every one in the armed forces overseas of any age is entitled tn vote, Mr. Drew ex- plained. Ther will get their votes. Not by proxy. the lame-duck method employed In August, 1943. by the Liberals, but by the direct ballot in the same manner as those whn vote at home. Mr. lrrrusv's message carried with it a :larinn call for those at. home tn at once send overseas to their mus, daughters and friends details of the riding in which the) am 'urrtl,':eil to vote and the name of thmr rttnaiillam. Thus, Mr. Drew set up with (Jerky the mechanics to aid those on the lishting,ironts In recording their votes. Immediately upon changing the election date to June 4, Premier George A. Drew issued a public! message to the men and women on the fighting fronts and their kin at home. This message explained in a frank, clear-cut and democratic manner just how those at home can aid their fathers, sons and daughters in marking their ballots be. fore placing them in the ballot boxes that are now overseas With a prayer of deep thankfulness to Al- mighty God for having brought us this far on the road to peace, we ask redoubled strength to end oppression throughout the entire world. May the ominous bells toll soon for Japan as they have for Hitler's Germany. Let us solemnlv dedicate ourselves to our remaining great task. With steadfast faith and unflinching purpose, let us fight on until God's sweet earth is freed completely from the horror of war and intolerance. Only then can we enjoy true peace and security in a world of free men. Our thoughts are with the gallant men and women who faced capture, injury and death to make our freedom secure. To those who made the supreme sacrifice we have no words adequate to express our thanks or devotion. Amid the rejoicing we reach out a hand in tender sympathy to those whose aching hearts are overcome by a flood of sacred memories. May we be worthy of the price paid. The tumult and the shouting dies. His. toric "V" Day has come and gone. Now jubilation over the glorious victory in Europe is tempered by the remembrance of the mil- lions who died to make "V" day a reality. TOMORROW AND TOMORROW Quick, what an these? FCA. FCC, FDIC, FHA, FHLBB, FPO FSA, FWA. PWA, REA, RFC, SEC, TVA. I'SHA. AAA, CAB, CCC, EHFA, EIB, HOLC. ICC, NLRB, NYA. A SOLDIER‘S MESSAGE The surrey revealed that nearly PVPI'." woman knows what C.O.D. means, but that no woman knows the meaning of 1.ES., de- spue the use of these initia? for years in ad- vertisemems for lamps. Fj ty-eight per cent gme the wrong answer to vacuum packed. Since reading Editor. Salisbury's article and testing my ignorance of commercial and engineering im-ms. l have the courage to sug- gec.t that if editors wish to make Washington new: jn'teliigihle to ordinary readers they must fortnwith desisi using alphabetical ah- breviations in referring to the innumerable bureaus. BOWERSOME ABBREVIATIONS to thnko hand, than tn " [was better vaults. We would lulu» 11M to think the emu-nu of Weston for Hunt splen- md rum"... M your app-cl. Yours wry unrenly. Mee R. R I’dmgham. Wumn, Omnm. T War Mr: Mtrnttham: _L On brhalf of the Lamp-I)!!! Crym. rT1t'r1PFt of tho “nmnn'l Auxiliary Ill Thr (‘annrlvan Natinnnl Institute fnr the mal, I “uh tn {hunk the [Aral ('mmra! of Women for thee t"t-oprotinn spun 3h)! yin in wonmrmg the Camp-in m Was- hr m Fuppnrt nf the Institute', wnrk You, as chm-9n". and the man) ranvlssors who so ably and unalIJsMy assisted you obtained very oxcpHenL rpsulu. Your can] to dw- is 81,628.60. double In! years total for Weston. May 1 com eratulate you Ill on your splendid nut-raga. TI I am Pru)o-lrW I “In" Mcewtrl from Mr: Gordon Balfmnr. com \‘pnn‘ of Thu ('anadiun Narinnnl‘ Irrmuir for "tr Blind Tag‘ “M (was: 2n, whwh I hope you, The streets go line with waving throngs To greet the heroes homewnrd hound. Strew their proud path with gur- lands gay And fill the air with cheering sound. Come, be a man and buckle up And tighten full your belt! Wash off this woman powdery puff And don old nature's pelt! Have Clements that dare to bout And from defeat you‘ll win The all victorious qualit That take; it on the T,,,, soon as we can wreck 'pm." V J'i1brs Of thankful souls who turn to God. Mourning for those who come not home, But lie beneath a foreign sod. Do ouch your par' to win a page. That gives to every mother's son A day of work; a night of rest: ll ith God's good grace. it can he done. Monuments raise of “one and brass Tn help the mem'ry that grows mm. Forgetting soon the Mood and mars - And PVPn turns nway from Him. From ovvry home fly freednm's flae Tn show the war is o'er and won, An outward sign of inner jgy "WP fulzht to end all WIN," they saw. The fnnhsh answered, "in our timn." But fleeting fantasy fades nut And greed returns to foster crime. John K, Furnes. SR5 Willard Ave Toronto. We musL put forrh the very best Of heart and mind and will And stem the powers u on the crest That hurl us down [is hill. True victory is non without But in the soul within And they are new†in the bout That take it on the chin. When we an do our very best And find but stinging blame Find like upon the steep and crest Spics on us and our aim, When “e can stand erect against The insolonce and grin, We've got the royal mft of life To take it on the chin. Take " on the Chin Thus a tough and hard old world C And organized to land In". The svdden punch that out hug...“ hurled liGi The szrongesl of the band. .. 'inclv The only man chat has 1 chance Iuiii: In amfe's fierce battle din (ii?, " he who fronts the lightning coul In†{dish And takes tt on the chin. (deat No matter how than†or nor-my the day, No lunar how ho-vy our load, The sun in still mining ubovo the the dark cloudl. 'ettee utter. " the "It†a. in - all] whert tit. In“. of (In '7“! ll rrtr4q.ed. Tht. nuno ,r4il an urea-crib In!" tn grim. meq Md ciuiO Mm". Ont. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I Poet's Corner I That reveals in a task-wi/li' done Mrs, Gar-am "Bailout. cu-rr I . kin†Yours truly -OUEBEC AVENUE Mn R it IMmghnm May " was TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON --T, B, GLEAVE Mn) N. 1955 SEN RAB they 1;}: (it,e and gowns. The Memorial {Sc oN Choir with Mr. Bruce Mel- 'calfe conducting, provided the deli- eately beautiful choral work for which they have become famous in this community. Their numbers «were "Jesus Tender Shepherd" by lMemite. "Jesus High-in Glory" :,iind "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" ‘hy Bach. James Hawkins, a prom- ising young singer from the high ischool, contributed two solos, "The Word's Prayer" Irv Malone and “thither O' Mine" lay Tours. Rev. iWeslev Hunnisen of the Fred Vic- ‘Lor Mission was the special (preacher and he gave a vigorous. lheai‘L-warming message. Many nl the Weston lads who have known and loved Mr. Hunniseti thrnugh On Sunday, May 20th. the Wrs.r. mount Gotnrl Church will n'mrrvc its twenty-tecond anniversary. The Rev. J. r., meme, \mnmnu: It me‘ teacher and conference speakrv. will speak at ll am, am! 7 p m. The pastor. Rev, A. I". Robins. 1rill he In change of the. wrviwvs. We mvne you to hear this gifted pmachm whose ministry has been a noun? of hl?rsirsp [o ("w Jyilt1)y "um any out the United SLntes and Canada. “a an» summaml.‘ a ma; of hattvthrison!ellcisvuivp and 5m In! rnrdiuliy invited in attend these mmversnry services, hy His mizMy pnuer And rah. Minn! of Hit 1mm! orrhrare. Wn may rejoice oar-h hour. To hr ralm under trol, and sun? under wmng, 1% Us Mllmg shall PI“ Ind n.- snrmw shall all“: It Hull darken Ind dun. And the night shnll bring pure On! day At . ttme- hm thr day " In Inlyz. And the hum i, not Maw and the soul u ttttt 'trnng, I n thttu pitiful Christ, be thon nur all the Iav; Give mung. Ind plum" and "rengrh for the (In): Sum romoth Hut Imvur " alur ind to "not: “an i ml] M with thee, thy "aural†to meet: l will mu for." thee. new in] thee. not "in: I will HM for-wk. ther; I never will Rejoice in the Lord always sind rag-in 1 say. Rejoice Phil. 4: 4.' Man must have joy. God meets the), need by giving joy in Himself, an!†thus the believer is enabled to lot, Other sources of jny drop, A grum-f Ming Christian has no jray-rnani-) rested happiness waves the jay to he in the Lord. There is alv ms joy from a knnwlpdzo of tho mind of God, and irsereased joy from n knnwlpdge of God gamed by a ful-, fillmont of His will. We jny in God, "ved by Hi, mm». and kppi Ono Buy at n Time One day at I ttme, uuth Its failures and team. With Ila hulk: am] mnmkes. “llh tux melknea 1an Luis, Rhth tty, memn nf mum and us “uh um Portion n burden of raw; On. day at A mm and mm! hour, or. day at I Mme m has Westmount Gospel l Correlative citations from the (Christian Science textbook, "Sei. ‘ence and Health with key in the iiGipt'ii'r'is"' b ery Btrker Eddy, ‘include the gallowing from page I429; "lf min did not exist before Ithe material organization began, he could not exist after the body is {disintegrated If we live after Identh and are immortal. we must .hlve lived before birth, for if life raver had any beginning, it must lelsn have an ending, e_ven according Specml thanksgiving services for: victory in Europe were held in Gen-l ‘tral United Chureh on Tuesday‘ imorning, May gth, and on Sunday) lmorning. May 13th. The large con-1 ‘zregations at these services were inl 'some measure In indication of the (outpouring of the pent up feelings of human hearts and the desire to show gratitude to God for lhel heroic sacrifice of our youth, which) has brought us thus 1mm: we road) to victory. The sympathetic i'e-i sponge to every part of the service, prayer. music and pulpit message. created an atmosphere of spiritual power which made Lhose in charge feel that the hearts of our people are sound and keenly aware of the' tragic nature of the dangers throu h which we have been i'Jl"llf'l, On Tuesday morning the choir sari "Souls of the Righteous" l and on Sgunday morning "Festival‘ Te Deum" b buck, with Mrs. Linda My Ward, l/r'su. Leo Murray. MP.) Nelles Jackson and Mr. E, Peth-: erigk inking the solo parts. _ On Sunday evening the service was s onsored by the Young Pea. ple's gocie‘y. Mr. Douglas Ward and Mr. John Hall took part in the service with Joyce Cruise, Pauline Duffy, Mar aret Jean Worden and Barbara 'l/f acting as ushers, the girls looking very gym-tum their Hardington his work at Sparrow Lake (‘amh were present to greet him. to the calculation; of natural sci ence." _ Central United The Golden Text is: "They that are mm the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; hut they that are isfter the Spirit the things of the Spirit." Romans 8: 6). "Jesus said" unto them, Vern} verily, I :an unto ypu, Before Abra. ham was. um.†"Mortal. and lmmortnla" it the subject of the leuon sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, throughout the world, including Third Church of Christ, Scientist, 70 High Park Ave., " It um. and 7.30 p.m., on Sundny. May 20th, 1946. Selections from the Bible include the followhgg from _John 131%: Christian Science r0 speakrv. d 7 p m. The us.\\1]lhem . We invite whom and ttturl m" "\"Il'azp colleges" sprung as mmmunm Muir“ in villages or town. and linked with tho local .=m-nnrlary schools, have hm" ro- commended as on: of Britain's post-war projects by the ll. Min- Istry of Fiducatrnn Activities would hrs was}. recreational, and educa- Rural [Electrification in Quebec Tu'elw million dollar! has been our ranked tor rural tsuetritietttinrt m the provmrn of Quebec By A 03-36 mu m thr Quehor INtislatue. A number of resolutinns we" mum nulhorvzlng the pmvinrinl gnvornmmv to 'tsend “2 nullmn for hrintrintt .irrtrir paw-r to wintry ham“. . poun honnl A ulna:- hall In all mmmumties of mar 400 prmple, a full-ume "warden" or mgnnizer for any com~ mnnny rpm." sening 2.000 fumi- hM. and {mimics for all kinds of lemma ar'm'nirs BlP part of the plan. San the rrport. touching rm the nun-(inn whothrr m not to ham ft {mun or harm tho r-nntrr. "Tho provision, or nthoru'lsr. of a]: rvhnlir rofrnshmont shnuM he Hf! to the mmmumty tn [mm FV The Post Office Department does a job that gets-right into the home of every Canadian. Since the war that job has been tremendously in- creased, and at. the same time skill- ed help has become scarce and motor, rail, air. And ocean transpor- tatinn has become short. In S ite of that, gross postal revenue has risen from less than $43 million in 193!) to over $73 million in 1944! The givatest increase in service -apatl from mail to the armed forcrs overscas-has been in air- mail, Thlf‘t’ round transcontinental airmail flights are operated daily. and for evvry pound of airmail var- ried HI 1939, more than four pounds are carried today. Getting the mail through 15 a mlzhty njh, But post offices do othm-‘jobs as well. They sell war savings slam FI and certificates and uit/IU,"),,,",,",,", Insurance slampa conduct mammal Magistra- mm. and lswlv ration bnole, gas x‘anrm 'mrl manna lax Hum; Canada'; puzlal smuvp Cs" t1uly an Rcaron' supply plus un tn th Tiuture Comm" for Britain? "ViHazn colleges" FPt'htr bluycrs Camuhan maif travel! m'r-r 39.000 miles of railway, and 15.000 an miles! Your nearest post office 15 one of 12.234 post offices across Lhe (-nunuy, and your post-master or post-mistress one of 37,000 em- Guineas mail to the armed forces has zoomed. too. In 1944 the post office sent ylxty million lemurs and airgraphs am? T?. mil- lum pounds of parcels oxerscas. LmewyW lk' F. _ "ijiir77si?7s's'rvs TIE. My] Gofi1.Thryutrh E ')ii)(,, "s "giiii,1, am we“ v. _ s'Tiiit' A This Synday,wjrl be the third in the month, so we hope to follow our custom aL the evening hour by hav, ing coloured pictures in place of the sermon. Full churches marked the serv- ices of LhankS§iving for victory everywhere. 'hy did people 30. even folk who admitted neglect of church attendance for years? Why worship at all? These questions will form the background to Sunday morning's sermon. If you still have that little blue booklet. the Cate- chism, around. you will find part seven All our Sunday school svholarl and parents are asked Lo new that for this Sunday only the opening time Is advanced one hour, to one lorry-five, so that the boys and girls may be present at the dedica- tion of the honour roll at the town hall. For nur special services marking both National thanksirivintt Ina Mothers' Day we were Iortunam in having the minister's brother, Rev. E. E. M. dublin, as our guest preacher, and his messages were timely and helpful. Mr. Joblin's work is with our church's Indian department, and he leave: this week for a tour of inspection of our In- dian schools. Our choir gave us excellent support as usual, with two appropriate numbers morning and evening, analla' Hana! armrr Not yoterday's fond WI In ullod on to bear, Not the murrow's uncertain and shadowy care; Why should we look torwart or back with dismay? Our needs, IS our mercies, II. but for the day. Westminster United the answer in number fifty «“5“» (Marin , up) - 2n n nu m r lr Saw 'l'hal Cockerel Chick'. t going to ho a market- I prwe,-dor mm-y pound , A and (had? H poultry u ".m be va-d this y ar. Canada has arming“? to " thts US. Army her sur- lo D) million In unds---aud In help ther Don" dt-tro, A-- thtsro'e pr wives-Jar m A and lhnde :-.m be raved Canada has a the US. Arm million In unds--aud rhropefs. Prices have upon m "News: f the mar oitori A'led"':;â€" per lb. Grads. B nulk-frd~ 26v, Guide C "lbs ---Seluc ted, 1F ram-km J akv the wk- ‘n we' rho boys are whines at every r'arrl playing. so you had honor Mum up on it, But the fourth week i: whrwe up (at stuck. Got any good ideas? Pf?, in km On In: to Cadet hand» tho week. mar moon“. was called a" hut will gather mum! h!“ week for tho W than. Live Y'ers Club So come mm came w and don For anybody to sap us Tut'sriayithose running shoes Vause you'll iiighi‘ they would probably lhinkineed them. up wprp bumps on A Inn, But dni Be Ioeing you. you think that stops us? Cri'tainly‘ -----0------ lint! After a few hmurr, of quiri pandoiinz. “a decided what we are Ilmporlance Of doing for the next three 'iio1i'rrliii' . . Tho MM niacin): will be a court whist party for all the rluh mom-3 arm Statistics hers. of (nurse. anykmdy who doesn't know how to play, ran _ In wartime it has becnmp more if Hwy wmn om, Nevor say die','.', and more necessary for govern- And a: an midml alirHi'rmn, we nienlsto have. and us. complete and haw a limp surprise for ynu, accurate nannies No Qammnnder Naturally, it's a FLJI'DI‘EH‘, FO you wpuld think of going into battle won't find out until next meeting, wttt1out I complete nowledtre of For the 15th of Mn): wt' a†hay. the number of men Ind the nmounu Plnaep don'l gm the yrlrn that we In xrnund all evening. humus. we didn't. If rm) heard any nnise that evening, It was probably the Wes. ton girl: at the Snnntnnum having the time of thrir live.“ Mar: Blnrk. Ella-en Sartoâ€. Hrlnn Class. Joyce Andorran. Alice Dillahnugh and mystlf. were just a few of the penpln who volunteered their "en, ing, By the way. haw you â€an the lowly lealhpr tomb the boys makr? A (ow of the girls have " rendv Muzhl walk-ls. and an cer- tainly mmothinz tn hr treasured. Corte nut next week and see what the 'urprl" in. And Maid" chat, you an Aure to how u wonderful hmo. Be wring you. Jive Y'rrl ('luh won't find out until next meeting, F'nr the 15th of May, we are hav- ing an m'a‘ummn mnmium In one .'rul don't know what this mhns. I‘ll vxplain it to you. We no) sim- In) rrwiewirw, the moms of the put “91mm and then weeding out, Our Vikrs and disllkrs. Tho 22nd of May is resr1rved for a wry special rea- cnn, If It'e possiMo, w- an inviting hpys (o our Huhronm for an ne- mm! of Emu“. What hays? Come 'n uve' The boys are whizze, a! Drnnmhr.’ Are I" .vPr--lf wh' fun working an that Mot for the Moving hnnun. Wo onlv hang it: " funny to one audienee at it wu 1n us lt was niro tn no some of the old-tir- out "ain, m Y‘orn Otrtt Bittnrtt 1llr"httterttttt Clasr 3 p.m.--Bible Class. 7 p.m.---itev. J. E. Mallis. You are cordially invited to attend these services. Auuhu Malina: Ru. P. Netra" Mark, B.h.. D.D. qmr Director: Mr. Res Matt-Mm Orr-um: Mrs. Dixon. 11 Gnu Ind Church N. Multan: Con. nu. R, Rev. A. Eb'ketsaBr, BA, In. Mlnillor 4 Qnm’l Drive Pinon. 147-W SL‘NDAY, MAY 20th, 1945 ll 1ot.-Morninit Worship. "Elijah on Mount Carmel." 3 p.rn.--Bible School. T p.m.--Rev. A. ft. Jones. Pastor of Keeleadlle United Church. You are cordially invited to meet with us. WESTMOUNT GOSPEL CHURCH Irma Riverside Drive, wGGua Pastor: Ree. A. F. Robins 125 William St., Weston Tel. 692-M SUNDAY, MAY 20. 1945 SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ll tcnc-Rev. J. E. Mains. 2 p.m. ,_. Ambassadors Bible SUNDAY, MAY 20th, 1945 a.rm--Morning Worship. mrm--Sunday School. pnm--Evening Worship." All are cordially invited. but! In»: North at In: Ana-o but: I". Goon- loo ST. JOM'8 AHBLIGAH CHURCH Chart]; ll wmT8UNDAY-MAy 20th C. Crucial. r nomin- .A-Chon) Communion and Sermon .--8unday School. r--Eonsontr and Sermon. r--Holy Communion {on do")! whiiriti' Ifm would-B Hunted black by the m“: an. Thu Dominion Bureau " Satin tic, is the nfficinl Igency rupnn- sihln for the collection of autistic! in (immi- Ind many thousands of forms are Min collected and CM. lysed by the L,'r"ll', Ind rayon; are issued roiulnrly throughout the )9". In so u as food in concotn’ ed, the basic irtftyrmtstion for Al ‘mm-L all estimates of Clnldl'o unpplios come from the June nur- voy curd: which Ire now being distributed to farmers. anuonlly the important" of those curds it not upprocintpd Ind mun fume†neglect to fill them in. Larry card iwhich in not returned to the bureau lreduros the relinbility of the "ti, lmnten And mlku it more diffieult for Gun-d: to do her full nun in confrihutinl tn the feeding of nut [Allin in Europe. In wartime it has become more and more necessary for govern- ments to have and use complete and accurate statistics. No Cammnnder would think of goin into battle without I complete Enowledge of the number of men Ind the amount: of material Available to him. In the battle against hunger the snme sort of statistics are necessary. Today when Canada and the l'nited States are summing much nt the responsibility for the feed- ing of the peoples of liberated Eur- opt', it is necesury tor the res on- sihle government officials to Eav- before them complete information i-pgarding the food retwirernenta of these unfortunate people and the supplies nvniluble in our countrlu tn meet their needs. Pllna for the securing of the necelslry suppliu their store. Lrsnaporhtion I!" final distribution must be and! several months in Idvlnce. Such plan: cunnnt be ands without Ido- quale st-tiuiul information. Without purer savoring; a mm in "r 1tr"ett? are wquld . Rant THIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST ll Victorin E. Sunday services at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. r George " PM)†780 M. Jun guru's, A.T.C.M.. gamut SUNDAY. MAY am ll.00 a,rn.--"Why Worship?" 1.46 p.m.-2anday School. 7.00 p.rm--The Evening Hour. ALL WELCOME ff.tt.U'd"r't'tt, KiFl.AehyrB.Aa. Testimonials of Healing Harding Ave. Church SENDAY. MAY 20, 3945 , p.m.--8unday School. 7 pntt.-Chureh Servico. Wednesday Evenings. ' "URINE HAY tr, I“. MGM TO High Park Ave. School. , p.ttt.--Evening Sonia. Organist Ind Choirmuur, Mr. Clue Henley. Mrs. Wilson, soloist. It e.ttt.-atomin. Bar. vies. Int.rdertomitutiorut J. KOLAN--8upt. Unwind" (lluttmti ' In!!!) an“. 'lf?, mm. _. land-y lung and um Stu. Mini-tor: Ber. Bury Put-OI " Quad- Drive SUNDAY, MAY an “Mum Phone 86â€