Times & Guide (1909), 24 May 1945, p. 6

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" " (P ‘30- puu rpporta m loan that' UM Convention in the riding m. Park has found ital! un- find . "suitable" min to Honorable Ita', Drew in canine provineiql . action, and ill that "non has blessed the ef- mol the C.C.F. candidate; in words the debut of Mr. thow, not tho opportunity to pro- unt I constructive policy, is to be this basis of their effort Ind hopes, arid-mo surely that the vicious. "vengeful, low level concept of political life has " last filtered down from the to! and is poisoning tho body, the limbs and the roots of the Ontario Liberal 'party tree, of which. with the exception of the int provincial election. I have all my life been a supporter. And why is it that a "suitable" candidate cannot be found ? Surely not because there are not many well educated, sane, respectable Liberals in the riding whose quali- ties u citizens and gentlemen would bear comparisnn with those of Mr. Drew, whose qualifications in that respect have, I believe, never been questioned'. No! The ttrw'" - _ - M. J. Quinn, Resident Of High Park Riding And Hominent Liberal, Expresses View Of Mr. Hepburn Road " Through For Personal Information WE HAVE IN smcx foi immediate shipment the fol- lowing FIRPLY:-- COMBINATION DOORS in stock with Glass and Screens. Order your STORM SASH NOW in order to get full benefit next Fall and Winter. Fir Plywood Iow'Released theArmstrong Doorco. 262 Main M. S. Pr 'e--.-".".,".)".' to tret them started " good paying iobs An industry, on Lhehnd or _ in business for them. atatiek selves as each of them mink chooses. Hy "--" 50.000.000 I nu to lessen the burden of {manhood Ind to cqu-lize the .o-rr"rsr%Us n mu Cundimu for menu uh saving! in Via-My Bond: and War W Caetifua'es; Prf though Unm- m 1m", sef e 4 sped-I Dr. n! Rmxmuiu stated by "on; In an all in (kin tn directed D it - 9-1.1"51; callable [cool d "by.“ and have.“ Liberal Working Plan for Full Pod-Wu Employment... -em*rr-eeye got to gun expom if we're gum] to but iobu. our amber-l Govern. ment bu unused to fin-nu wit-wrecked commie: who will be good cunomers later. - irGiTitTeroriairieLtariGs Gr menu an: bpplneu. tH.strhd W "A-Your Liberal Gov; cmment h” In up machinery to help enter. mining Clo-diam develop new business. MOOHIHOO'MJR'; ind» ' Watch Wading Plan to as!" [-11 "rpktrme' after t c wat In all” it by stiteue tret"'uoytri- .0! WT!" Lihersl Government" policy " mu when firmer: add fishermen prosper. m do other Cindi-m. " hn therefore "ken union to put I floor under the prices of ferrn and may products. ”d huh-Your thenl Government etrtt in lob! brst. To this end, tun all down to free wading pnwu. Known Liberal Indicts tr of Party In Ontario 4x6--4x8---4x10-1k" Firply I Weatherboard--Good One Side my Phone: Junction 4149 Please Note New Address Brmhg-84t?0,0pp,0oo to time. the biggest [building schema: thin GGFOG 3.1mm hm uotr--One mm m "“1 three in Cland- wot l on the fuan help them Ret better equiprnenr,rour Liberal Government has Ir- nnged that they can borrow the money they need for better working Ind living conditions. Bt1BW" in that such "suitable" man no not Ivailnble beenu" the "l.adership" with which. through a ITT, trick of fate, the party has for . second timo been Unictod, in repulsive nnd nauseating to them Ind they prefer to use it in opposi- tion rather thnn suffer the almost consunt embtsrratrsment which wu the lot of all decent Liberals dur- ing the your: of tenure of office under the sumo leadership of an alleged Liberal government. Party tteeoomribility it the Liberal party, with all of its mugnjfipent trudi.tiumi,.metf1T a second time go down to defeat because of the disgust in which the general attitude and utter lack of understanding of the ordinary amenities of life of its present " leged leader is held, not by re- spectable Liberals alone, but by the great mass of decent thinking citi- Tens, let it go, and, if necessary. remain in the shades of opposition for a generation. The Liberal party, because of its past history and at whatever cost, Weston Phone ti6 ill D a I jobs with bright futures for the young men And women coming out of the Armed Services with. the best part of their lives before them! Jobs for alll Jobs with big prospects and good, reliable money that will keep its buying power'. After all the bard work, "crifice and self-discipline which has brought us through the war. the people of this country have earned a brighter future in a better, inster, grander Canada than we have ever known! LOOK how much Canadians have accom- plished, here on the home from, can without the energy and initiative of all the vigorous young people now in uniform. and their zest for daring! What is there Canada can't do with them back on the home team? Why, with their help, we Canadians are headed full speed for the greatest period in our history! THE alimportant question today is the civilian std-work and leadership which we call "government." The Liberals have I working plan. It's big and bold! Parts of it are outlined for your judgment in the left-hand column. It has been designed with the eid of the keenest minds in every phlse of industry, agriculture, labour 1nd learning. The plan will work. In fact it is already bringing results. It will continue to do so! The Liberals can tell you this with cordrdence because they luvs had successful experience in operating nation. wide pleas. VOTE for your Liberal omdidate. Make sure the tum which made this pun for full employment shall gee it through-Ind win lb! teaeet 'tmatter) " TN! HAW“ m cm nu dtt 100» like! 'trir,t,t,fS"t,lelttl'u"fdl', 'itii,iidiiadiieih22eSti,', mal nun political AME." ot the t luv yum mu purl- fU4 tr,ul who CHI rise above tho petty, vicious, childinh impulul which have motivated the union- af fovornmont in this provinco for no on: that we have limo-t cou- ed to remember the 'IT, of nuns. nutnship and political onor. Mediocrity in high plncu in help Ibln but it will be lurpriling if th. peoplo of this province nu willing to tolerate n return to the ignorant. maliscious boorialmeu and incon- aisbency that ehartwtarimsd no nanny of the nctiom of in ex-premier for 'f,,ty, years. reference to I few ex- amp on of which mny help to te- fresh the £ublic memory. Often“. eculhd It wn he for instance who, fail- ing to force the Lieutenant-Gover- nor to obey the crack of his whip, said publicly that "if he (the King's representative) was a gen- tleman, he would resign." He, our chief representqtiye--, naturally reflecting in the minds of people beyond our borders what thev cannot be blamed for con- cluding, are the mental and social limitations of our people, said on one of the very numerous occasions when he insulted the Premier of Canada, that when the latter. rep- resenting the whole people of the Dominion, accompanied Their Majesties across the continent "he is like a mud turtle sticking out his head wherever anything is go- ing on." e-'. . s, m, u... He now professes to join in the reverence of practically the whole world for the memory of one of the greatest men of all time, the late President Roosevelt. Does he think that the people forget that when that great and good man visit- ed this province a few years ago, chiefly for the pur ose of indi- eating his respect an;3 affection for our people, he, the Prime Minister of Ontario. publicly affronted him by petulantly refusing to be pre- sent. It was he who subsequently re- ferred in disparaging terms to the great navy of the American Re- public, saying that they were hid- den in the Pacific and were afraid to come out and fight-what com- fort our common enemies took out of that statement. It was he, too, who publicly stated that Germany would defeat Russia in (I think) three months, a, statement that was, because of the importance of the position he held, used with great effect throughout the enemy countries. Vote of Censure . . Because of pure personal ani. mosity. he forced through the On- tario Legislature a vote of censure of the Liberal Dominion Govern- ment, thus precipitating a general Dominion election. When the peo- ple, not only of Ontario but of all Canada, clearly repudiated that contemptible action which none- the-less injuriously affecud the re- putation of this province. It was this same gentleman who refused to implement his definite pledges, given both private?c and publicly, to the Separate hool supporters of the province and upon the strength of which solemn promises he received practically their unanimous support in two elections. The great promiser never will fool them again. Apparently in the belief that mass insults indicate courage, he spoke publicly, on at least two oe- casions. in the most disparaging terms of the Protestant ministers of the province because of their, objection to some features of our liquor regulations. Surely such men, if for no other reason than the cloth they wear, are entitled to respectful treatment from even the humblest among us. What is to be said of such an exhibition on the part of a man occupying so exalted a position as that of Prime Minis. ter? Church people will probably remember these discreditable incr. dents when they come to mark their ballots. By-Election Activities Recalled'“ It will not be forgotten that this gentleman, supposedly a Liberal, out of pure malice toward the Do- minion Prime Minister, "helped" four Conservative candidates, in- eluding Right Honorable Arthur Meighen, in four by-eleetiotys held on the same date when all four we e defeated, and there is little doibt that all of them knew on election night how disastrous the effect of, such “help" win. . .' . And there can be no doubt of the bombshell effect on the Liberals of the province when this gentleman, with his usual disregard for good taste, anno'unced that Honorable Harry Nixon (his sueeets& as leader of the party) had privately requested him to be a candidate in his own riding in the last election after all decent Liberals had thought that the party was to be rid of this "old man of the sea." SE3f.1.EA,,t7,?..', in the First Cun- dim Raiimry Workshob Com- fmny, R.C.E.. in Belgium, them, ormer Caruuiitut Piseiiin employee- plsyed " major role in thtvihl work of keeping supply lines moving in Europe as the Allied armies swept to victory. Front row, left to right, Bur Sergeant George Creuy, Toronto, Ont; Sgt. Dave Fricker, North Buy. Out.; Sgt. Bury Bullock, Montreal, " MAIN ST. N. Look far the "on that all; They Kept ThiGooda Rolling a sore, TIMES AND GUIDE, WW}! , Yes, neighbour I A Sherwin- ilk Williams Finish is beauti- ful. Yet you can't. tell much about a paint's quality simply by looking at it. The real value behind Sherwin-Williams Paints is the Jong-lasting protection they give you that makes them, in the long run, the most econo- mical paints you can buy. That's the reason why now, as BANNERMAN th SON, Hardware a, it's SHERWIN-WILLIAQQM G' 533:“ - ' - {a Their disgust was shown when the government tht had gone to the country with - supporters in a House of - seats, came back with fourteen supporters-yet his gar- gantuan ego encouraged him to be.. lieve that he is of greet political importance in the land, A volume would not contain a complete list of the uncouth exhi- bitions of the man who now as- sumes to "lead" the Liberal Party, as for example the occasion when he decided to dispense with the services of two of his own col- leagues in the government, and when their resignations did not reach him fast enough, called re- porters into his office saying that dealt with tsith matters and, in their presence and hearing, dictated he was going to show them how he demands upon the two colleagues referred to for their immediate resignations. . When . Liberal But when was this man a Liberal in any true sense of the word. At Niagara Falls he declared that when he would lay down his man- tle (subsequently torn from the back of his successor by a dis- trusted Ontario public) he would thereafter support. Col. George Drew, whom he eulogised in the highest possible terms. Then he shuttled over to the Communist Tim Buck at whose meeting in the Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, ac- cording to some first-class press photographs, he acted as cheer leader. 7 _ {-94 ',tlylte&et.uNyt,e Ee. Centre m, left to right, By. Bill Johnson, Shannon, tVA.; Sgt. John Galen Chaplain, Ont.; Sgt. Vincent. Panama Revelstoke, md Nelson, B.C. ira sow, left to right, 8ft. Ter Gilead, rA,gty Shops, h ontrealg'ggt. ArthurT e, Calgary, Alta. Anot er member of this over- new you of C.P.R. men, is Sgt. filt4'ryrhult of Angul Shops. Montrésl. But the shuttling was not to stop them (unfortunately). Not so long ago, on the morning after Mr. John Bracken was elected leader of the Progressive Conservative party, hebubi'iely announced his intention ofe1pportintr Mr. Brncken‘. ' .. When a reported asked Mr. Bracken for his comments upon the great conversion, his reply, as re- tgh': was to the effect that "all ind: of people" were coming to the support of his party, the crushing character of which re- mark seems not to have been lost even on the thick hide ot,the gen- tleman referred to. Who has now in rare-war years, you can count on your tiherwirh-Wi1Luma Dealer to sell you only the beat paints and varnishes. He is still able to meet your painting and decorat- ing requirements, and is ready to help you with expert advice. Ask to see his Paint & Colour Style Guide, before you paint or decor- ate. Why not see your friendly Sherwin-Williams Dealer today! gn-x /" f, I “A it: rts:jti)s'; r __ Alt" wp'" xi 'rj/i/if') TFa" l fttragatttthttt Council How Formed In Town The msuttrbilitatiort council of Walton and District in: now been regulnrly formed by authority of the Dominion Government, Deport- ment of Veterans Affairs, with officers nnd committees properly lppointed. The Council is a very representative affair being com- ma! of delagaten from most ot the blie and Service organization. in Briefly, the objects of the Coun- cil are to give Issistance to the re- turning personnel and advise on problems of re-habilitation. This is gutting thp matter in very brief arm ut it makes this organizi- tion one of the utmost importance and will entail a tremendous amount of work on those in charge. The district embraced will come prise the Town of Weston, West- mount, Humber Heights, Humber- view, Grandview Gardens, Harding- ton and Elvinstone Park. ' , town The first r237; Eéi'mg will be on June 21st, and. following that, every third Thysdyy. ., L cvcl: “u... ..._.w..,. A great deal of credit for the successful formation of this or- ganization is due Mr. J. W. Weir who did most of the spade work in bringing the Council into being. Mr. Weir worked hard and faith- fully in the preliminary stages and, at times, things looked rather dis- couraging but he can now look with some pride on the results of his efforts and those associated with him. dFollowing are the officers elect. e ', Chairman, Mr. Cecil Grosskurth; vice chairman, Mr. J, W. Weir; 'se- cretary, Mr. Charles Brown; trea- surer, Mr. W. T. Douglas. -i"tcatltiirl, list of-Chairmen a the several sulretmryjete.es follow: Reception, E. G. Worden; publi- city. V. Jennett; personal services, D. Webster; pensions, J. W. Weir; housing, C. A. Graham; advisory, W. T. Douglas. To be appointed later: Heads of Women's and Em- ployment gorymittees. . er"" ___ "W'"""" is also expected that the ritizens at large will do anything in their .power to assist the work of the Council. / pun.-." t ve" _ Although the Council is quite re- presentative and fully in a position to begin operations the committee invite any recognized body in the district, not already represented, to give eo-operation and assistance. It _ . ' I -‘ -k AL‘ ‘:‘:-I\I\E Liberal party which he and the element to which he seems to ap- peal have no thoroughly disgraced and has announced his certainty that only the Liberal party is cap- able of protecting the rights of "the common people," and he has made a most craven effort to ob- tain friendly recognition on the part ofthe Dominion Prime Minis- ter who has throughout the whole period of vilification and insult by this gentleman who now has been named by a small and irresponsible group for the "leadership" of the ntario Liberal party, maintains a dignified and eloquent silence. shuttled back to. _tlye .unforttmate The coming election is likely to indicate the limited extent to which such "leadership" is accept- able to the Liberalq of Ontario. Council Tp Give Assistance To Returning Personnel W. K. QUINN PHONE 14 of IM Main St. N. all kinds of GARDENING, I am now prepared to give "win in: Having had over 30 years' experience in FLORICULTURE and 9 DUFFERIN ST. W. Debtors 104 Ave Rd., Toronto Authorized Chrysler Service FRANCIS McCLOUD Garden Design Lawn Renewal Rock Gardens Water Pools and Basing Spraying and Pruning W. J. BARTER Traced Dodge-De Soto Dealers CHRYSLER CORP. PARTS AND SERVICE [OMS FOR FARM IMPROVEMENT IO ”IRJWRIM’ MINIMUM scam Improve your farm now. Make it more up to duo I I l more profitable. Pay for it through I Farm Improvement Lona from The Bank of Nova Scotia " the lpecinl low rue of , %. Have up to ten yurs to repay. Look at the buildings on you walls Ind foundations for weak before mull dim-2e new; int -r -.__. ...-..- up... nu" before mull damage grows into big repair bills. Add to the turning: of your farm with new and better livestock, better drairmge, fencing or new implements. Or putt the use of electricity on your farm to give "h. wonderful light and power for many tiresome choral. Discuss your needs freely and coMdentulir with the unmet of our nearest brunch. He an help you. Owing to insufficient supply of all meats, we would respectfully mull. our customers to shop as early as possible so that we nay give you our customary service. 13 Main St. N. Phone 217-218 PRIVATE and COMMERCIAL INVESTIGATIONS Held Confidential Forestry-e-Und-ie-Gardening . J. Fordyce WESTON MT BATE MEAT MARKET No Charge Unless Case Completed. Over too Your: a leaking hm. Planting Service of Any Nature SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR - We Deliver - Prices " usual. WESTON Phone 1025W yo_ur farm. Check the roofs. THURSDAY, KAY " I.“ Bowling Green; Tennis Courta Tea lawns Founuin Work Bedding Plum Supplied spots. M1ktrttso'rs now Tel. Klngsway 5061 ZONE 4.525 Persons Located " I Then no to b [re coin hem-e t [eriiiiri no pl: hey no what m T favor hat in hey wil ban " VIII! K That s comm ies hm would I

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