'm‘uoir'Wm. SM" C W: MY. "" "aht'thtil tttft"'" " IICURI'I‘III 330'." 9.. tonnes WA. TTTI luv†152w mm. 0159 “O. W. GAIDHOUSI, IA. “who“, Solidi", on. an. In; â€INTO WISERVITOIY OF MUSIC INCH APTS. PHONE 28.] Plano, Singing, Violin, Theory, Kind-ten, Choral Class Minion Demorest. L.T.C.M. DEAD HORSES and CATTLE For free pick-up phone us We pay phone charges. GORDON YOUNG LTD. Phone AD. 3636, Toronto In: " M an», Wm- Wmu 37†For appointment during day, chem office Fe! oppqn'mom during ovo- ning, phon- residence. - ' All: My V mtutl','u',r,g WANTED J. EDGA: PARSONS .A. 1rARtttsTER. soucrron . '1er W!- In. It" in but Haul Dull- All kinds of Household Furniture, Radios, lee Boxes, Wuhing Machines, Pianos, Tools, Sewing Machines, or any Electrical or Mechanical Appliances. PHONE SAM - WAverly MM C. LORNE FRASER " Tam†Shut. Toronto 0-16-52 W J. WARD (A. S!!.YERMAN “um“, SOLICITOI. In. I.“ 00 Now See". Chunk", WESTON Dlgnificd up! Ceryrteoo KC. Ptrg1ttalh".'tt'a"lt "mm mm" "Wm.- l-ucm: HY. Ion UNDERTAKERS UNDERTAKERS PHONE: ION! 4-444 - Fin-ml Service PHONE JU. 8921 WESTON BRANCH SOLICITORS FURNITURE WANTED - FOR SPOT CASH FLYNN bards " Fuml Bhutan Ambulanc- ISN'T If TIIE TRUTH ' No Dickering - Highest Price Paid In. Phone at any tinte--WAverley 0483 " I DONT DICKER ll BUSINESS CA RDS ( Allan 'sServiceSth tion w. frii """“"'Wi¢§-i6n n mum Stockings. Bolts. Me. "TA", up: To OIDEB an bud-u Print. mum Boo- - Residence " George__S_t. _ -- 77 Yonge Si Raul Esta. Ind Insurance Broker Nothing ton small - Nothing too larfe’. [muniti- united Office: - ___ HENRY POPE Call Weston 761-W - JU. 9617 J. BOWRING 29 Lippincott W. I†this South R. W. MacDONALD MEDICAL SUPPLIIS “Have those plumbing job: done NOW." J. C. INCH. 3A.. PM... BUPTIJRED? swung“ Md" Tuna-u. In MAIN H., WESTON ION! 4-!" WARM AIR FURNACES men's DRUG STORE TINSMITH, ETC. CRUICKSHANK GARAGE PIANO TUNING fer Atmoutuey.tS.ttl Piano (BILL ALLAN, "at" BUPWtNtN PIOD _ INTERNATIONAL "ma IALEI AND DEREK}! INSURANCE WESTON 984W GARAGES Twin. Silvia vii-um as. REPAIRED adiq epalrs RADKY AD. 6331 Weston IN“. in; Ch": Zone 4-577 A. N. BOYLEN Caruso our" Movers. PAINTING, DECORATING JACK BAILEY T Gino! ml lun- ul tedt Mun-I n “will. An. It. ""tlt ' . Tr'inkwottJs Taxi See our stock of Batteries. RED INDIAN STATION MAIN and DENISON PHONE WESTON 816 ROY’S TAXI PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE " HOURS SERVICE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS WESTON TAXI Except Sundays Jack Bylsma .CHMt0HtACTttR ELIC'I’ MISJ. Free Tire Inspection New Tires for'eligible users. Interior, Exterior J. W. BROWN 167 WILLIAM ST. PHONE 676M ASS CARTAGI Phone PHON E l 044 TAX IS AUTOS PHONE FEB: 10. "" Burk an Victoria 0110! .91 "It“. When you want (In am. in! In. Van Wyck win but“: It be: has. on “In Luau. {or the Humborka Wad-u hoodlum. Thu winners up In. It. Bum. first, Mrs. Doaiurty, â€and and Mm. Allen, third. In. Bum won the consolation. Dainty u- lruhmcnu won "rved by In. Vin Wyek. he North York Gum 0w- Itora' usucintion will meet cur week to diwuu open hours of MP vice nations in the distriet, Bert Franklin, president, Announced. At Nobleton it is expected - business hours will be continued the um. In those throughout the wet. time period, one operator "id. “One garage of the three in the village mny remain open every third Sun- day to "We the public." There were only three urvice elation that remained open between King and Nobleton luv. Friday night, following the lifting of gtrtriethmq on service station hours. Sergt. David Boocock and MN. Boocock. Astoria Avenue, York Township, hue received word thll. their son, Pte. Allan Boocock, 19. bu been killed in action. He en- listed in April, 1943 and after training in Suhtchewan arrived overseas Int summer. After ser- ving in Italy he was trmsfered to Holland. Hie parents luve since learned that eight of his comrades with whom he trained in western Candi hive also been killed in action. His brother, C I. PPT/ Booeock. is serving 31mg ,tlt ut, on the east coast. His “Itâ€, Mrs. Walter Greene. lives in York Town- ship. His father. who is now ser- vine It M.D. 2 staff, Toronto, in I veteran of the last war. On Saturday last in Chalmers United Church, Mount Dennis, the mutingc took place of Magnet Helen ott Robertson and Erie Anton Swan. The bride in the daughter of Mr. Ind Mrs, R. W.) Robertson and the groom is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. F. Swen. Rev. A J. Eagle tdfieined " the cere- mony. Given in nurrriago by her father, the bride were e gm of white elipfier “tin end loco. Her ttttg- tip ettttth veil wee caught with seed gentle and she carried B mower ouquet of red roses and lily-of-the- valley. She also swore . string of pearls, the gift of the groom. She was attended by her sister, Miss Eveline Robertson, u maid of honor, wearing a [chm of blue tat- feta Ind Mile Evelyn Swan, sister of the groom, end Mrs. William Lister, as bridesmaids, wearing pale pink and peach net gowns. All won halos of sweet gels in their heir, and carried Arm ouquete of stocks. The groom we: attended by Mr. William Lister. The ushers were‘ William Gordon and Charles Aylett.} SwtMt--l At the reception which iollowod the bride's mother received veering an orchid crepe dress end . Comte of yellow roses. The ttroom'a moth. er assisted in . printed silk jersey in shades of cerise and white. Her corssge wss of white cunntionl. When the couple left on their honeymoon for Niagara. the bride were a printed silk jersey dress with s turquoise blue cost Ind metching accessories. Rller-Marur Central United Church. Weston, we. the scene of A pretty wedding on Snturdny evening, June 2 ' when Alice Haley. 'Its",.",, of Mrs. Marley and the like r. John Merley, of 880 Merle Lent Drive, became the bride o William Riley. The groom is the son of Mr. Ind Mrs. Hex, of Toronto. Rev. Harry Pewson conducted the ceremony end Mr. Clare Henley presided " the omen. The bride entered the WEDDINGS! mu wu‘duma.“wmibx (on; t three head, Bll '0 your oldl m. “26. And tlg."lg,T. las Wallaby. King. naked 81.200 from Fred B. 'ttt Bloomfield, fora five men I old son of his excellent new "Rae Apple Gladys legit. who was Rennie Grand Chum ion to Beton Hlll'o All 'dl,flK,', Aged Cow " the 1048 York Black And White, Show Ind the Onkvilla Championship Show. The ml ever e of 8859 on " ?,'df,'h1', the Tfd,', the 26 year history at the Netionnl end the top price wu th. highest " this event since ttmo. Senator D. Rlymond. Vndreuil, Que. bought the two top pdeed mum. plying Leo Baker & Sons. Lambeth, $4,600 for last yeu’e All Can-dim two year old show rheifer, Molly- Pubs: Romeo Abbekerk. and Hays Limited. Cul- TBW, $3,100 for I meture cow. Top rice for I bull wu $2,800 received y T. R. Dent,_Woorutoek, from G. E, D. Greene, Agnew“ for I four months old ca . Altogether l8 animals brought at but $1,000, 7 of them exceeding the $2,000 mdrk. Seventy-orig Juni9r Farmers; under ii {0.11er in but; of Ontarim teo part. _in tAte R.. M Jo.itby Sham-nuns? Memorial Contest, hold imm intely preceding the uh. The winners were: first. Lloyd Ayn. Hampton; lecond. George Jackson, Downsview; Ind, third, Graham Wilson, Alliston. chttreh on the Inn other uncle. Mr. Albert. Marley, and wore I To the Residents of West $01k: On June 11th the vine. you cast will have a decided bearing on the future oUVest York and all of Canada. The Liberal Party has promised Jobs for all: they have outlined their plans and they are already bringing re- suits. As your personal representative. I will see that West York gets its share of the peace-time prosperity that our gallant young men have fought to acomplish. sincerely, A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM YOUR LIBERAL CANDIDATE LIBERAL POLICIES MAKE JOBS E LECT CH RI5.J. m- “at can“ Wylie. thunk“! of Mr. all In. J. D. Wy e, Hunt Dennis. when - ruiterttrt.errt fyette, ".G"iinu"CiF." "air- Uk the I.“ ll. G. Court-n. Toronto. in to into tttyer Jute "At Page: Manorlnl "diiruriioGtiuo. gown of branded nth, and. on princess lines. Her ull length y.til wu taught to s huddms of 1rth flower' ind Ihl carried s bongot of red roses and bouvnrdia. e two attendants, Mrs. R. Wall-cc Ind Mrs. E. McEwsn, were dread silks in street length {rocks of turquoise crepe with "ttltr pink cups. Ind veils, and cum et roses. Mr. Esrl McEwen was t min and the ushers were Robert Wallace and Sidney Riley. Later I reception followed at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Marley receiving in. a street length dress of blue printed chiffon with white accessories and I corssge of rod roses Ind bouvaedia. She wns u- sisted by the groom's mother, Mrs. Riley, in I navy blue silk frock with white accessories and a similar corsage. For a wedding trip to Buffalo the bride changed into I brown suit. with white blouse and white necessaries. On their return lg,†will reside It 380 Maple Leaf rive. could I have" tomorrpsy -iriifiiGitGiir:v'hh,Fu. Your orryttrttottyr, I awpose."l m _., '"6iiririii.'v:" “Veg; sir. She's making her first parachute jump, you know." ttttir, Boy: "Mr. Whifthttrtum, WEDDING DAT! CHRIS. J. BENNETT. Mei-Innult Bu , " It. William In". of fi,er,t, Album, in has visiting h gain. In Anal]. of new" WWII t ' I. _B_metber, '13::njoyd d giggly this put“ no - In. L. new. lain Swat North, â€coup-med by Mr unch- w. In. Clark Parr, bu returned homo "tar unending the winter with Mr. nod In. Clark Farr, woos-J". Buk. Irl. Burdekin, of Msemount Annual!†I Christmas cucu- whleh ha: at the sue-om time, over one hundred bloom! Ind buds. At Chriltmu time it had over sixty blooms. She informed at that she bu bad it. bloom twicejn one win- ter before, but not later thin Feb. On Wednesday evening, May 30, Mn. Franck Graham and Min Itin May COHII were joint hostelâ€: It I miscellweoun shower " the home of an. Corns. 67 Riverside Drive, Wutmaunt. for their sister. Glndys, who" marriage takes place on Sat- urday. June th, to Stoker Jack Mould. The rooms were tastefully decorated in pink and white and the bride-to-be opened her many lovely gifts under B huge bell. At the close of the evening dainty re- freshments were served Ind the cunts departed with all good wish- " for the bride. _ Liberal Government W" ob"ii"ki trot-tthr-r-th-dt. mrttt6tta-g-alt_ "on! crud-Immigrant)- Moll. â€but...†Personals ' DUFFERIN ST. W. Authorized Chrysler Service WEST YORK Chris. J. Bennett Dodge-De Soto Dealers CHRYSLER CORP. PARTS AND SERVICE 3 2 35%?" . J. BARTER 124 Munieo Ave Mimico Long Brunch 1358 Luke Shore Rd New Toronto Tenth St. (at Lakp Show Rd.) Minico Swansea North We l anklin Ave. tat tawrenee_hyt' Kirursrwa.v-Latrshtmt 3100 Bloor W. York I".',':',','."? (Ward , South) 244 Jane Bt. York Toivn-hin (Ward , North) , Muripnsn According to the latest Gallup Poll the Lib- eral Government will be returned to finish their grunt task of damaging Canada from w" to n prosperous pace. Be nut. Wat York (at: in sure of pence-time prosper- ity by having Chris. J. Bennett, your Liberal undid-to Is your personal mspresentative. Vow Bennett 1nd "sutthe Libenl Policy that make: JOBS. 2319 Bloor W 124 Mimien Ave HERE ARE YOUR LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS IN THE HAS Scarlett Momma“: Hon of M w. J. low! in To!†a lay an. In. hwy T York, nu I {not how of her um: um luv. Mr. and In. R. Rectory Road. fgN?2't.hT to A. helm. in E. M. a“; M. McDonald who have u first you in Medicine at vex-gig of Toronto. A. pus with human. The Lawn t,'gN'lr,gt l last Sunday with In; In bowling the first a kitty touchar. “at? won by Fred Irvine's 21 I“ ond prize wu won by Gaunt tioek's rink. Mrs. Atrium Mrs. Riley won the boob]. Mrs. Christie the lucky draw. I teen members, both men at! 1 en, were present. Mrs. Alex McCort, Fern I Weston, has received word that ' son. Lieut. COL Cecil R. Mecoet, Westmount. Quebec, Royal C dinn Engineers, has been F to that rink Ind appointed u . haunt. quartermnnter general Defence Headquarters in _Ottmt LieuL Col. McCort w" boll Bolton and received his aim in Toronto. it LY. 6711, LY, WESTON a Ntads NT. 1680 MU ZONE 4-525 JU JU 2160 2109 1918 918' 3M! 98M â€I. 'thi']