28 MAIN ST. N. SEE THE POINT Call FRANK DEAKrN--JU. 6352 For Full Information The BEST Service costs the LEAST. Expert service on all makes , TOASTERS, IRONS. WASHERS. RADIOS or any Electrical Apparatus WRINGER ROLLS in stock. JUNE 11th Weston Music and Radio Combination Membership tso 5-DAY MEMBERSHIP (MON. to Fttl0--$20 THIS YEAR JOIN WESTON 8 John St. 1211 - MU. 2456 tlnntiMttip Ft '"'tBo - lug! t l length I 4 amp Course 7:9 ‘1. , Sam EXCELLENT CLUB HOUSE-L-S-SHOWER' --MEMBERSHIP FEES-- HE PLEDGES: PINE POINT Yttte----hL" t0tylltllliRMll For SOUTH YORK di'r'ii'i'rs-s_e,s) Good linens tl00lfEtthlil "" Trade School or Professional Train. ing as you shall decide. Adequate pay and allowances during training. Seniority in jobs as date of enlistment. Priority in civil services employment. Financial assistance to establish sol- diers in farming, fishing or business. Pensions for every disabled or medi- pally unfit soldier. Government action to ensure full em- ployment. We carry a full line of RADIO TUBES. Bring your tubes in - we test them free. MEN ILADIES s30 1 s25 Adequate Soldiers Rehabilitation Bun. to 6p.m. and Country Club (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) git . "’1‘l}1}»’ '-i'iill , (l . I . .lrgy.),j la, WESTON, ONT. ' Plum by w. . (Hm, 164 PIA Bd., Toronto, oHieial agent MOUNT DENNIS CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS: 928 Eglinton Ave. W. - HU. 2655-7945 SILVERTHORN 2456 344 Silverthorn Ave. - MU. 3952-2808 1339 Weston Rd. JU. 6536 - JU. 7555 1718 JANE ST. Weston 541 Ttattitgtittt Arranged Bumplm T Service Dining and Snack ZONE 4-400 Room Service i) ,inion Progressive Conservative Candidate In 75-yard relay shuttle - Mary MIcDonald. Dorothy Nekechuk, Josephine Nadon and Jeanette Bru- neau, St. John's, first; Jennie Lyn- skey, Marilyn Ellins,. Catherine Masters, Blnnche Gallagher, Hum- bor Haifhts, second; Doris Davies, Elsie cGregnr, D. McIntyre, Ivy Hill, Humherview. third. bigot qus Jh.eettt', -- " A Bro-d jump -- Jack Masters, Humber Heights, first; Larry Clark, Humher Heights, second; Wilfred Chard, Hardington, third. 60-yard dash-Danny Harrold, Bardineton, first; Earl Phillips, King, second; Wilfred Chard, Hard- ington, third: _ -- A U loo-yard dash-Danny Hardington. first; Earl King, second; Murray Th.litltstpwry third. - Catch an; throw--Nartlm Vella and Ruth Steiner. Humber Heights, first; Nelon Noon and Joan Ma. ttaire, King, second; Lorraine Kealey and Vera Woods, Msplo Let, third. A _ _ -.. High jump - Jenetta White. Memorial, first; Catherine Masters, Humber Heights, second; Joyce Barton! King, _third. -- _ _-- _7 75-yard dash-Mary MacDonald, St. John's first; Vera Woods, an19 Leaf, second; Lorraine Mc- Alhone, King, third. Broad iprnp-Helen Noon, King, first; Audrey Turnbull, Thistle- town, second; Josephine Nndon, St. Joltp't, third. - Catch and throw--olive Dodgson and Stella Vella, Humber Heights, first; Carol Pid§eon and Myrna Payton, Memorial, second: Sheila Emile and Ros. Mum, King, "' . 50-yard relay shuttle-Elinor Woodliffe, Mary Patterson, Rose Mum, Sheik Sempie, King. first; Pauline Broughton] Name Steczy- syn, Pat Coleman and Mary Anne Hornell, Humber Hei‘zlts. second; Lorne Shlw, Ann 'est, Betty Tingiey, K a t h I e e n Turnbull, Thistletown. third. Senior Girls' Events 50-yard duh-Vern Woods, anln Leaf, first; Mary MncDon- lid, M. John's, second; Josephine Ntyten, Sp. Jortrt'ithird., - - mud jump-Polity Brougham, Humbor Heights, first; heild Sample, King, second; J uno Wilson, Kip3._thiyd. _ _ ____ -- itfirk Wr?trl,'ggl Hiles, Hum- berviow, first; Plu inc Broyghto,n, Humber Heights, second; Bubs“ Clgrkspn. 3yyporisl, tr.ird, _ The Lions Club tuck and field not! Wu hold Mly Mth " the f2',t',trg% Contra (Old rm. wounds) are quite I crowd ot atom ronidonu and visitors. The winners of thu various went- are here presented: lulu Girl: Eve-u 50-yard datsh--Msry Pnturson, Inâ€, first; Rose I’ll-Mow, Mom- pr) ' ggcqnd; Elinor with. Pip,',,') arr.-Nulip.e Brough- ton, umber Heights. first; Elinor Woodliffe, King, second; Myrnu Filmy Munoz-131, gird; _ Kink} third. Results of Lions Club Track And Field Meet Memorial School First In Point Standing And Parade Winners “CIHAIY SOL'TH YORK Harrold, Phillips. Dewell, Senior boys' champion H Alun Chard, Hardintrton, first; Bern-rd Harris, St, John's. second; Bob McPhee, Memorial, third; Bob MacDonald Cum etc. Junior hpys' champion - Danny Harrold, Ktirdingtori, first; Larry Clark, Humber Heights, second; Jim Delaney, Thistletossm, third; Boy Qlarlgson pup. etc: __ 440-yard relay-David Pawson, Bob McPhee, Paul Jago, Kempley Taylor, Memorial. first; Bernard Harris, Jack Coffee, Funcis Har- ris, Austin Harris, St. John's, sec, and; John Atkinson. Brinn MncGil- livny. Bill Patterson, Clarence Mrytkey,Kipg,thjrd. A _ Junior girfi' champion-Pauline Broughton, Humber Heights, first; Mary Patterson, King, second; Beryl Hikes, Humberview, third; Westo.n Thyytrys Cup. _ -- 'egi,ystite' champion - Vern Woods, aple Leaf, first; Mary MacDonald, St. John's, second; Helen Noon, King, third; George Pug-key Opp. tte.. _ -- Hurdles-Bob McPhee, Memo- rial, first; Bill Paterson, Kin , sec- ond; Austin Harris, St. fohn’s, third. - Brand Jump-Beard Harris, St. John's first; Kemeley Taylor, Memorial. second; rian MacGil- livyy.y., Kipz, third._ _ High jump - David Pawson, Memorial," first; Lawrence Spurrel, Humbewiew, second; Bill Pater- both, King, third: _ L., __. . Hop, step and jump-Ross Wil- liamson, Humberview, first; Don- ald Snider, Thistletown, spcond; may: taylor, Plumber Heights, r . Shot put-Allan curd, Hurding- ton, first; Lawrence Spurn). Hum- berview, second; Jim Masters, Bumper H.eitth.ts, third.†_ 8003mm] relay-Allen Mutiny Bob arm, Ed Irving tttd. Cari Duper. Memorinl, tirstt Bill Han. mah,' Donald Had, Louil Bundn. Jack Lawson, King, second; Bunny Rnrrold, Wilfred Chad. Brno. thiré and Don Ron. Hardington. t It . loo-gut] dash--Berturd Hum, St. Jo is, first; Kemfley Taylor. Memorial, second; A inn Chard, Hardineton, third. 220-ynrd 1iash-AOn Chard, t'i't'S"A?i',',1,; first; Brim Mchil- livriy, iyti', second; Bob McPhee, Myporyl, tllirf. -- -- -- Rain. Hudinztlon. third. Shot put-r rry Clark, Number Heighu, lint; Ron Barker, Thutletown, tsoeotuit, Murray De. wtWThistltstotrtt, ii/ri. __ _ Hop, Imp Ind tugt.al',2 " Gavan, Memorial, rut; Jane- D.. llney, 'rhiathrtown, Socond; Bruce Bain, Hudington. third, -- _ Hi h Jam - Dick 11rUnser, Mem‘orm, 'Mi.. Junc- bouncy. Thistletown second; Rnynold Bi. dard, m. yaG third. Point "tuAiit--Memoria1 ELECT CHR|5.J. TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON 59; ~After the public demonstration was over officers of the Sea Cadets and invited guests assembled in the auditorium of Westminster United Church where the ladies provided the traditional tea and cakes. The guests were received by Command- er and Mrs. J. M. Moffat and Mr, ind Mrs. W. R. Johnson, There were 190 guests present including representatives of Weston Lion'l Club, Mt. Dennis and Weston Ro- tary Club, Weston Town Cou cil, Business Men's Association, hcl.) can of Weston Branch Navy Lessue of Canada and Navy Lea. gue _officil_ls trom Toronto. '. - After refreshments had been par- taken of, the guests were called to order by Mr. Fred Irvine, chairman of Weston Sets Cadets Committee who introduced Dr. Allan Bull, president of the local Lion's Club who are sponsors of the Sea Cadets. In a few well chosen words Dr. Bull asked Dr. W. H. Charlton to step it is “muted that the crowdg in the park and, Afterwards, on the ‘Itreeta run well over the 8000 mark and they Iuyed until the last white cupped C-det hid passed well into the distance. Practically all of the town council, including the mnyor. were noticed us well u a large repremsntation of Weston Businou Men's Association' with I great many of opt locti..Lioys Club. . RCSCC' Vanguard, RCSCC Ark Royal, and RCSCC Illustrious. Movie Gamer", u well u the pupal-r kodlk type were very much ttt evidence taking shots trom all angle, nndAnll payment. . . Many Mark Sea Continued from [an 1- -Firaie winners-I-UI. W P. Graham trophy. I 7 Mint. point; in unior boys' you £13330th Wanton o"aid,',f'fd "TioiGaiUTGiitiiGirii'iG a?“ my“. R. 'iylitdd21P, " . - _ - - - “it->3}. points in unior tsort' mu 313‘)?me J. t Parr 'ih'll2 . c "iei0trguitii'C8tOrirdii CtaiNéi Th'ilthtown 19; Humbug: ll; Hugh but). _ 7 - - - _ Kitt.ltty..t,. “J. “an!!! link!!- Ji,,iefiti,ii,it., A'.idthts.d., ttft', (7 3.361;.“ REE; 'Siiiii ADEQUATE OLD AGE PEN- SIONS FOR ALL AT 60. SECURITY AND PROTEC- TION FOR LABOR. FULL PAY AND ALLOW- ANCES FOR SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN UNTIL SUIT- ABLE WORK IS FOUND. SECURITY AND BETTER PRICES FOR THE FARMERS. MORE FREEDOM AND PROP. ERTY FOR ALL. WILL SECURITY WITH THE 0.0.F. PROVIDE WOODS PUBLISHED BY YORK NORTH ththF. FEDERAL CANDIDATE YORK NORTH Dr. E, G. Dickinson, 108 Brooke Ave., Toronto, Official Agent Fed-t Election Polling Hour- ' Ill. to 6 pas. Dr. Charlton, who is president of the Ntwy League of Canada, Wes- ton Branch, in accepting the check on behalf of the Cadets, called at- tention to the fact that this was to be a nucleus for a building fund to grovide permanent quarters for the es Cadets of Weston. He spoke of the impressive character of the service Ind parade and said that officers and others connected with the affair were proud of the boys. He said that they were being trained not only to be good seamen but to be loyal and honest Cans. dinna and future leaders in the community. They were being equipsied to do their duty in peace as we I as in wartime and he asked forward and receive I check from the Lion's Club for 81000 " I dons, 'ith.'" the Sea. Cadeta Building Double VICTORY VOTE-- ' 61.7 a}: 0.0.F. ELECT MAJOR A. H. JUNE 11 ON V - ~. "a.†the lupport of the public in the work. The Lion's Club had done very womtprfyl.work in their tpo.n- June Tea To Be Held by Local Council Women The Local Council of Women in. vita you to attend the June tea to be held " the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Chisholm, " Russell Road, Weston, who have kindly opened their grounds for the 0cctV Hiring runarthéir 1irtt ofthe Cadets and might we 1 be proud of the results achieved. REGIMENT YOUR LIVES AND DEPRIVE YOU. OF YOUR PROPERTY. PERMIT DISCHARGED SER- VICEMEN AND WOMEN TO BE THROWN ON THE SCRAP HEAR TAKE YOUR HOME IF YOU ARE AN OLD AGE PEN. SIONER. PERMIT COMPANY UNIONS. TAKE YOUR FARMS. ASSOCIATION WILL THE 0.0.F. lion. The Mternoon'. program will bo- gin at three o’clock with n vel- come from the maddest, Mrs. W. R. Johnston, and will include ling- ing by the Memorial School Choir under Mr. Metcalfe, and a demon.. stration of archery. The Inul Archery Club, of which Mr. Mei. Clelland is president, has unwed to have present Mrs. M to Michele, once e/trt." o! t a province, and Mrs. . Muulsom. Among the guests will be Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Dewar of tho Provincial Council. rain or shine. from Mir to 5.80 “in, at the residence of Mr. and rs. Chisholm, 49 Russell Road, Weston. Admission 25c. Tel will be served by Mrs. C. r. Wright and her committee, right and her committee. T e dug is ngnesdpy! Juttt13, THURSDAY. mam/a1 40qu ON ' HERE? l0! M