Times & Guide (1909), 14 Jun 1945, p. 1

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U2 Great is the fall of the mighty., Iouth York electors made no mis- tske when they marked their bal- lots on Monday this time. They cameout and recorded their desire and Ct'? to the C.C.F. an lnswer that t no question, mark. In fact, it was en expression of opinion that reflected the historic attitude of this riding. It was the expres- sion. from those who believe in and have built up a stande of living and opportunity for our citizens that is refteete in our educations] facilities in this riding. To Col. Allan Cockeram .goes the credit for 'stepping aside to give up his seat to the Hon. Arthur Meighen, and now after service in this war coming back and taking up the reins. He put on a great campaign and is deservindg o the fine vote that was occur ed him. His work for the riding, his overseas record, Ns. administrative experience, his keen'desire to give to the people those standards of living that are so necessary qualifies him for the position he now holds. It is men of thir-calibre that are required to assure sound tgreetical administra- tion end Sou York he: made a wise selection to carry their voice t the not of power. The result of e election is hereby tabulated suilable as ve so u we". York South CCr.-ud,4M. _ 226 polls of 221. _ _ Col. A. Cockeram 00%;... 15,005 Pte.Welte1: Dent (Leb- ox) 1,017 J. H. Lat: (L) ..---.---- 8,228 J. W. oseworthy (CCP.) 12,047 V6Liii1 i7} tiiiigft6 as Furl' in.” - '.'G"dll.,Tr'ltr"'rTr". an an of service to this ammo. Our rd ad dimetorg foul that u I ”In” "td-our our achieva- mh an now too familiar to our dunn- to "quire my mulling. lt In tpmt',",',',', thet t,u"2,t'. , on n Tant?, to I I . W. 0’ the ' pummel can-1d during fut Your: " t of mm vote In Ir paid; = went my; vague-c "l,T,'ri,", Our Weston Branch, It pro-Int under the enable direction of Mm Alli-on Dflty, has tort?pl.etr.t_tlx: In her report last week at the Annual meeting in Ottawa, Miss Elinbeth Smellie. chief superin- tendent. stated that "with health immune. and other medial can the, in prospect. the Victorian or, u I npeciniist organisation with“ prim-rib for the can of the sic and for teaching in the horny of thy people requiring llama of the page roquirinl nursing me, ha I finite contri bution to make.” 7 00L A. t0tllltliill1hlit WINS BACK SOUTH Inl Victorian Order Nurses Membership Campaign During the wt! in". with hos. pihls attended to t a limit of their clpuitxv and hmdicapped by ireri, oua shortages of mu. nursing care in the home hu assumed in- creued imgdmnce. This condi- tion hu ad greatly to the work of the Victorinn Order throughout its chain of bunches across Can- Records at the Netioml Office of the Order indicate that during the year 1944, a total of 781,77 visit: were mlde by the 101 Bundle: of this Order in Canada. Of these, 96,866 visits were to the flmilies of servicemen. The total number of use: cared for during the year was MMM, _ Last Friday the lat Weston Tron? was honoured by a visit from the ield Commissioner, Mr. Jack Atkinson, " its summer headquar- at: in fooptr't Valley. _ . The Commissioner introduced to us a new game ulled "Prench and Englilh" which wu thoroughly en- joyed by the boys, and at the some time provided them with the mom: of working off excess energy, pur- ticularly or thou who had been Col. Allan Cooker'am Runs [In Big Majority Over J. W. Noseworthy Commissioner Pays Visit To Weston Scouts Rodney Marisa, Holds West York tTa' South York Returns To Progressive Conservative Fold-Weston And Community Support Party In Fight To Regain Lost Seat Weston Branch V.O.N. Under Direction Of Miss Allison Dilts--Completed Sixteen Years Of Service In Weston And District Field Commissioner Jack Atkinson Visits lst Weston Troop Edict 1m- Col. Mn meter-I. who was eleeted In South York on 'tth you!" J. W. "My and ' Who vu'alected President of the Weston Lions Club " their last meeting. To climax a well rounded and en- joyable evening, the troop observed one of the more splemn ceremonies in I Scout's life. As dusk settled over the surroundienf woods, Garry Rankin was invest in the brother. COL. ALAN COCKERAM ambitious enough to bring and cook their evening meal in the open, in true Scout fashion. Later the Commune; toldus how lucky we “use to “have our mama nub doors, " this was Scouting in the true sense of the word. Mr. Atkin- son also commented approving? on the tree identification war which the track is rel", under the tuition of .S.M. nck Watts. In connection with this 11."It,t, the troop had a competition. e patrol gathering and naming cor- rectly the moat leaves of trees would receive 50 points and the second 25 points. These respective points were taken by the Beaver's and the Setrgull'ts; the former nom- imL11.tyrrrectly end the_la_tter_10. hood of Scouts Ind officinll be- came a member of Pt. Bil? An- derson'is “Seagull? Patrol. To enable us to finance such a service it has been our practice through the years to make an un- nunl house~to-houe cnnvus. Ac. cordingly, the collectors will visit you during the interval June 12- 22nd, Ind we heaped: for them your usuul zeneroul support. can} nudged free tlt charge mm IN SOUTH YURI " ter 6.36 pm. The Red Cross would great- t appreciate if anyone could Ld'll, I baby's bed or cot for the an of a soldier's baby. Please phone 316 evening. LIONS PRESIDENT RED CROSS NOTES . Tttttes attlt ”not. in urgent med.” he said. Hor non 1nd more milk to nourish and Insult: Britain kiddie; This is wilt the Kinlmen Fund for British child!“ hu undertaken to supply . . . u in; u it! hood exists." “The fttrnr of milk from Can-d: to Brttatn during the w years has been of unfold "he to the lives of the childm in hospitals in nuneriel. in orphan!” and in the devastated If!” in inland. Scot. had and Wales," tho Minister mud. Weston Lions Elect Officers tl. Baldoek Pres. "Milkdor-Brittrin" Tug Day takes place next Saturday with the Amusements in Weston in charge of Mrs. Gordon Brundrftt. Dr. A. J. Mann. Minister of National War Services. offieia0r opened the Kins- men MilkHor-Britafn Weak I few gy- ago in I 'tetmtrhtrtoBdeet. Wadnesday night those rootin, tootln Lion: held their tunnel elec- tion of oHicerl and tt big night Watt enjoyed by almont a full attendance of members.' A very excellent. meal wu partaken of and, Judging by those Lions' Ippetiten one would any that the Club is in tr healthy condition. Several visitors were introduced. Milk-for-Britain Tag Day In Weston Saturday, June 16 The Rina-cm Milk-for-Brluln had in Tuned under the War Charities a. To an: man than 'a',",,".?", 1mm of miltfhnve been I not! to I . t mntort than by an Cami-n mic. The Bungalow Committee repor- ted good progress. The several Just in use that the ticket or sales of shares and it developed that over $4500 has lireedy been received. High hopes are entertain. ed us to the success of the project. Chairmen Alec Lawson, of the Building Committee reported that the roof was being put on so that, my time now, the subscribers) the shares mnly View their future home. This wil be a good time to make further purchases of tickets just in use that that the ticket or tickets held may not chance to be the lucky ones. announced It a later date. Mae Pearson, Chairman Citizenship and Patriotism Committee, stated that last year several wives and children of veterans and others not able to provide for vacations, were cared for. This year the Lions are ready to provide vacations for wives and children of soldiers and veterans or others who are not in financial position to take a needed vacation and that all expenses will be taken care of by the Lions. Anyone interested should communicate, as soon as possible. with Lion Mae Pearson, 646 Jane St. who will be only too pleased to furnish any information. Our local Rehabilitation Council under the capable leadership of Mr. C. E. Groaskurth has made very good progress. Constitution and by- laws have already been drawn up and approved by a group represen- ting over twenty of the local ser- vices and other societies interested in the re-establishment of our re- turning personnel. Mel LeGard, liter being duly fined by Tail Twister Bill Beardnll, was duly appointed chief scrutineer and selected his assistants in crime. The balloting was proceeded with in quite an orderly manner if we might overlook a good deal of good- nstured joshlng on the part of the members. The following officers were elected: President, George Baldock (Acclamation); 1st vice- pres., Wilt Duffy; 2nd 'vice-pres., Bob Clarkson; 3rd vice-pres., Bob Templeton; secretary. Lloyd Jago; 'l,'ferir/i,targ; Wes Christie; Trea- surer, Jim erguson: Lion Tamer, Charlie Solomnn; Tail Twister, Bill Beardall; Directors 2 years. Bill Burleson and MtusPearaon. The following committees have been selected Advisory Chairman, W. T. Douglas; Housin‘g. C. A. Graham; Pensions, J. . Weir; Publicity, V. N. Jennett; Reception, E. H. G. Worden: Social. D. Web- ster; Women's, Mrs. C. J. Lynch. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday evening, June 2tst in the Selective Service office in the Post Office building at 8 o'clock. Representative: of any local group interested in this wor- thy cause will be welcomed at this meeting. Anyone wishing assistance should contact the proper committee chsir- man who will be pleased to help in my wny we can. _Arrerttrttrtiettts hug bean co - plead tor. the piretytrihie.tt will}; Re-Habilitation Council Is Under C. E. Grosskurth Weston C "WEST vows NEWSY WEEKLY” T _ I WWW _ Festmount Humber Hews Mt.: Dennis “Most of all, man needs God. He can deny Him, he can ignore Him, he can deliberately try to escape Him. And by doing so he finds him, self in a wilderness of horror and hopeless‘hss. For a hundred years and more many of the moat gifted of our intellectual aoothsayers have preached the non-existence of God and the sell-sufficiency of man. By doing so they have unwittingly created a human monster, a thing of death and fiendish devilry, man without God. He has as many heads as "mer-one of them is Hitler; and " last as one head falls into the un- fillable basket of murder, suicide and corruption, another takes its place. Are we, in truth, selfsuflicient, or do we, " our forefathers believed after much harsh experience derive virtue, strength and balance from some greater and wiser force outside ourselves? Our young realist- of the battlefield, perhaps, already know the answer. Shall we and they remember it when the time for reshaping a broken world comes? If not, I fear that all our fine schemes for international and national machinery will shipwreck on the old rocks of hatred, envy. malice and Ill un- eharitableneMg. There is only one guarantee for peace in this world: that men should love and trust one another. And there is only one way in which they will ever learn to do that; by putting their trust and has- ing their lives on the unseen Spirit of universal virtue which we call The Women'n Ametion held their sunshine tee in the church on Wednesday Afternoon, June on. In who of the min there wee e large nttendenee of India from twelve dmmnt mocietione. In. E. Evert, In. C. Comm end In. Warren conducbd the devotional Insane end In. P.AJarruttt from the West Pretty”: [eve e 'a inlet-nun; Celt on anew" 0 New, Borrowed end line." In. lulntoeh new two lovely Hm poke which we. wed by Ill. The President cloud ’th m- tion, told supporters when he made I tour of the committee rooms after his reelection we; Insured. "You believed in certain princigles; you .worked for them, end we eve uni- formly increased strength right through the constituency," con- tinue the member-elect,. 'Tn rep- resent this riding is I greet re- sponsibility." I“. The President cloud with pm- " and nil the India Vim “wind to the helical rm lot "ho-haunt- md I poem “a. VI. urn: by all. The non Mn. '1 be in m The above article was taken from the sunday eallendar " Grace Church on the hill and here is the note given by the rector: After last Sunday morning’s service, one of our parishioners sent me a striking article by Arthur Bryant under the heading "Our Note Book" from the Illustrated London News of April 28, 1945. The above is the closing statement. West York riding bu Alway- selected strong outstanding men as their representatives and this gear is no exception. In Rodney A am- son West ark have I leader who his proven hits worth during the past five years in Ottawa. His 'itmtttuT, was one of presentation of t e facts and his endorsntion was the voice of the people. They endorsed the policy 0 the presen- tation made by the capable mem- ber-elect. It wss a hard fight with tsll four csndidstes doing their utmost to win the confidence of the electors on the policy of their leaders. Chris. Bennett put on 1 clean, well presented camgaign 1nd met the issues fairly. he other two can- didates carried on I most 1t22f, campaign. Over the air, t rough the press and on the plstform, these four men nnd their supporters carried the issues to the very finest presentation. The electors were well informed and knew the sit- uation. They have sgoken and the results Ire accepted y nll. Rodney Adlmson Rodney Adamson goes back to Ottawa as representative of West York. He carries with him the mandate to protect the freedom of the people and policy of Mr. Bracken and the Progressive Con- servntive party. His staunch Brit- ish background he laid I found» tion for is present work. Ademeon Mike. Statement "I am ptrttleuUrly pleased that the increased Progressive Conser- vative strength came from all parts of the riding. There w“ not I district which di not immune our vote over what was obtained in 1940," stated Cnpuin Rodney Adamson. "In winning this rr,i,tlinng I do not regard it " a person. triumph, but ruther Is 1 victory for men and women of ttood-wil . This victory is your victory, for you_ hiya done. the work.. 'qt shows what org-nintion an do," Cnpuin Adumson, whose ml- {ority w“ increued more than I houund votes oyer the 1940 eleg- R. Adamson Is Elected With 1500 Majority Over Chris Bennett "God-Our Greatest Need" Taken From Our Note Book C.C.F. nd Lab. Progressive T13? ii'gf; West York Electors Give Adamson Handsome Humbervale mummy. main. "is hole of!" P. my, Amttett Mrs. McCoy was going quietly about her work last Friday. Quiet- ly because she wns under the doc- tor's care and in on extremely nerv- oul condition when, suddenly, the whole house shook. There was I tremendous crash. Staggering to the front door she we! surprised to find 1 henvily loaded truck at the entranee-oecupring the entire front lawn. We cannot over-emghuiu the necessity of keeping t use tune- porte in good condition. The suety of the public demands it. Their weight end size could euily nuke them A men-re. At the eeme time we must compliment the driven for their skilled handling of these heavily loaded truck- end comic!“ thee we new been fortunate in lining no few widen“. In bet, tttoat of our traffle ”am have been from have“ “are of pea- - curl. Nevertheleu we Pieg,,ieit. - (“whaling 0 ”import. _ Mrs. McCoy Thought End of World Had Come 'Mrs. McCoy, 868 Weston Road, was shocked to find a heavily load- ed truck in her front doorway. It seems that Goo. McKay. driver of n large Hanover Transport, sud- denly lost control throx‘fh': broken steering gear and fou himself in n front lawn nbouttwo feet lower than the sidewalk. Fortunately the driver wns unhurt u were the oc- cupanu. The damage to the house wu slight but the truck will hue to undergo considerable repairs before it can be put back into not. It was reported that there had been a little trouble, before, but the steering apparatus had been gone over in the repair 3hr? and was considered in good co itittn. Get- ting the truck out of the hole waa another matter, however. A tow truck anchored to an iron Pole and a winch with a couple 0 Ikilled employees solved the problem and the truck was eoon on evel ground but badly bent and crippled in front. The body of the truck wan also in a battered condition and leaning heavily to windward with an occasional barrel rolling over the top to the peril of the bygtartdernr. iudd JJT'MR‘T "m E." All may.” J,1ldt, W my " Chi A in! n- tcndne- It m Ne. Heavily Loaded Truck Crashed Into Lawn--- Driver Uninjured ROTARY CLUB PICNIC Jack Smith Takes North Yo his bride who wu formerly Helen L Mun-b, of Br-mpton. The bride In the grattddntttrhter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brindle of Bump- ton, and the groom, who in: just recently returned from overseas, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Cairn. of Weston. Jr.o, fi. [duh Cain“. RCA}: gnd A petition signed by 12 local dealers spoke of the lifting of the closing regulations by the Govern- ment. It woe suggested that the public were now accustomed to early closing hours and the peti- tioners believed that no undue in- convenience would be suffered if those hours were continued. The getitioners therefore uked that a y-law be passed limiting the hours of Bale to 7 mm. to 7 p.m. as in the past. The petition was tabled for the present pending securing of further information. King Govt. Returned to Power (i':,, Is Dependent tht Independent Vote Progressive Conservative Gain r/ Council met, Monday night, with most of the members present and Mayor Allan in the chair. The bnlmce of the council straggled in, later, their flees reflecting the way in which they had been affected by the political returns. A communication was read from the T.T.C. suggesting that, owing to the uncertainty of mnterial Ind labor necesnry to make improve- ments in local service, it might be expedient to continue for the pre- sent subject to six months notice of Ibrogation by either party. This would mean continuance of the resent service for Another year, at east, by which time it was felt that matters would be sufficiently clear that a definite improved agreement-might be consummated. On mount of the election Bitutr. tion council Idjourned to Monday, chin-man made their Hammer“: of Mrs. Catherine 2rg."gt 90, and her daughter, Mei-y, . were saved from eviction last Thursday from their home on Main St. N., North York Township, about a mile north of the town, when a letter from Dr. J. Alan Bull wu presented to the sheriff certifying that Mrs. Ecru-en's physicel condition would at allow her removal. The Ferguson: and their neigh- bore laid that the York County sheriff and three assistants. to- Kt," with Township Welfare Of- icer Reg Hewitt and a North York countable, went to the Fer- mon'l home today to execute the [ eviction. The sheriff decided to t?f, action when presented with‘ the etur by the Fortune“. ( It in re rted b neighbors that Welfere GIS, {inlet told the! qtsertft that the only other amen-i modation for the widow and her” daughter we: a three-room hone. eaid to have neither water nor light. I,','." northern pert e! the town- I IP. Accounts were p I s a e d for Imount: mulling $3459.70 md were ordered paid if found correct. The incident bu around the In of may cums-hip minim. he neighbours moth-d tttat an - 'd pr, “be and m Burg :60:an in m at" an. no mum to deht van III- gm.“ MT.. n in 1',',',h"ttt tMt our 11. Form n and In in am an: '"E maul Into the hi. “it ' Council Meets Monday Night WEDS IN BRAMPTON Mother, Daughter Bill Fail To Evict A monster drive for used clothing will be started Monday, June 18th. by I special committee under the suspices of Weston and Mt. Dennis Rotary Club. The Commit- tee, under Wm. Chisholm as Chair- man, has Ilso representatives from Lion Club, Town Council, Local Coumil of Women, Red Cross, Business Men's Association and Ministerial Association. The Publicity Committee is headed by Mr. and Alf Mater and the Trun- tsportation Committee is under Mr. Jack Irvine. The clothing 'shortage, among these people, has been described " simply appalling. Many are clothed in rags and the Ittcmpt to present an appearance of mummy is pathetic. It is felt that, in I tima trf WWW Luca 1thi_l.ertAett the disposal of the committee and donations will be received, there, It any time. T All citizens are asked to sham in this worthy and uncanny work. Any type of clothing will be - ceptable with the exception of shoes. Wearing apparel for my age g of_an_y type is ultreptly ne_ede_d. The Red Cross will few-rd the material to its overseas destination. All that is required is that donu- tions reach the fireball u soon alter June 18th as possible. Here, Lenin. are tho require menu: Any clothing or wearing app-rel of any kind ex pt shoes. Odd pieces f suits acceptable. Linens underwear should be washed n but NOT pressed. "We-"'"".' ...'M._ei. 1.“; yo on. who can“ an launching m the my of welrin apparel. The Town Fire hall hangout: placed It The efothine should, if possible, be made into I bundle or bundles and tied together. The parcels should be It the Fireball rm Main St. " Boon, the! June 18th " possible. Anyone having clothing to a sq but who is crippled or ill or JW.' wise unable to get the materiel to the Firelull mny telephone Times Ind Guide office Weston, Bone 4-426 and we will try to hue volunteer workers pick it up. Re- member the date. . ' Starting June 18th, Monday. Clothing Needed For Britain And Holland Urgently Eleven To Receive Pins And Certificates ELECTED IN N. YORK Any Type of Clothin Acceptable Except %hoes Two Old Parties Hold Confidence Of People-- __,",. Clean Election-Prog. Cons. Gain 22 'eats---- CC, C.C.F. And Social Credit Also Gain In West "5‘; Mrs. Dewar, Miss Beatrice Moreland And Miss Margaret Dulmage To Be Guests Of Graduating Class JAG um “WE. Entirely dependent upon, the: dependent vote, the Libeul “lg istration, under the leadership d hi Hon. Mgckenzio King, mg tyrygd to power on Monday. . _ giving 1 total of 121 seats or sests short of the mayor-1t; of house. This is . reduction rout 155 sests which they held at close of the house. Prom Conservetives, under Mr. Jah Bracken, showed I gain of 22 out. giving him 1 total of 62 "It. with two riding: to be comgleted hi which he is leeding. T e c.cr. gained 15 seats for a total of " end the Social Credit gnined three With a total of 13 seats. There no tt Independent representatives, vb will cast their votes with theJov- ernment or other forces. pot these will depend the life of tip government. The results are en lit. icetion of the freedom of gt,',',, sex-ass this country when the poop can vote as they did. These fixing will chenge es the days go on I the soldier vote cames in. Thai tidings where the vote is close m be e tected. Most of the cob ministers were returned and this i the voice of the people. Therefrs" It, is up to the people as , rlet) to export good, sound leash“ 1intr need. It is up to the to womb the trend 'tttlf, and, lreedy mug“ every p s hie - Irorti.to e?rwptr aet yt. Ire civilian wot; u we D to Preis them 118 seats 'Ill' threq lot iiiiiiiuituu aid... I Mr. Brake“ Stan-mg iiiitii its-d-tities/ei-iii,), Following in the a! w. Braeken's succulent: ,. “The you“. of Girl-d.- h" trep; flu returns so far in . rt a Primao Minister will be lb own I vemment to "d They use im1ieate that Eggno- sition in Parliament will be and; strands" than before. The year. the. will be difficult one: all the Opposition will contribute I 1 constructive wny to the tasks m5, bring. V Git “The find civilien return: he?» not yet been received, and the rt dierl’ vote is not yet known. It _ evident, however, that, while tho- Govemment he: not yet I an: majority, the politics! direction " the nation for the life of the next Parliament will rennin with at. Liberal party. I accept the verdet of the people and extend my an trrtty_utions to tle Gtsytsm.uenrcct "At the nuns time I with to - preu out thanks to tho my workers was: Canada who - us no genomualy of their time let our emu. We put forward a no! prov-um; it bu not remind up iority eudorgation. We I tah. people's verdict for the tr,ft'G'lt but we will continua to work - siamntlg toward our obioetis. Cam .ntP-IHQ. . .. . - School room on June 18th. " I N the Walton Bunch of an I Croo- Rome Nuui Gh- i holding their "an“; a“; dig? tttg, for CqO ta ttt his. thtettit iTiiriiGaG for Faun nnd Min Int-m DI! visor of Home Nursing tti will ho the mu. Mt. m and M. King? _ a]. In M. T not will it tho t “It . ,.e, by In. T l "5X: tuihriGiitiott we dull no bitterness to our wk: wow be vigilant Ind toterui" nu} In Cent"! United qtnrehAysrd9 ttir2?ét., tiifft present. uut M'rhttPlata and ludi- m f, 1"iiij9i'liriaRll -ua iiGiiU Aid "’47

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