[i(ii'ii; fumed KIWIQII Inks; 12 miles from Peterboro. Good home cooked' mull. Hotue-keepintr canâ€: nnd can". Boats. Splcndid 2l1'tr. Kuhn-ante. bun and plekeral. x- eollont bathing. Got your - dam only. Phone 628-). MM; IAWATHA Lo D G 327.53: PAIN KILLER for coma! Lloyd‘s Corn Ind Callous Silva Jive: prompt. mm mm. Me In B igfit nnd other drums“. x- -1t bathroom and kitchen done in mirror like finishes. Your bedrooms and living room done in velvet tone. lustful to home. Stucco will! Ind ceilings done in oil or water tints. Chiming colour schemes for interior 1nd exterior shown on [WHEEL My motto "A good riee-- a pleasing job." Phone amnion 438-W. x-27-1t GrpsloN McCAg'mEy. Hays you nntoed. estimates given free: Call 19 George Street between 6-9. evan- ingl only. oatt-1t plied and applied prom tly. Guar- nnteed workmanship. Eonvenient plyments if desired. For free esti- mates write Co-operative Home Products, 72 Ascot. Avenue, To. route. Phone Lloydbrook 3897, _ UPHOpsT'ERiNG done, wqu my; nishtivieinity of Main Shea: Beward. Phone 1070-W. o-28-lt tithe. Apply Bonitrres Roéms, Main St. North. x-28-1t between Bowling Alley and Queen's Drive on Wednesday night, lune 6th. Reward. Phone 618 Wer Mn. o-28-1t KENS glqsgep in cyss..e.lyrt {Friday INSULATED BRICK Sidipg _sup- YOUNG girls with or_ withopt practical experience for light factory work. Part or full time. Apply Carl Austin & Company, 68 Church M. Weston. x-28-lt FEMALE kitchgn h_elp,_full gr putt GOOD building lot for sale on King Street. Suitable for bungalow, Apply 99 King Street. Phone egg-W x- .1: M‘AN‘S trold_wrirtt Wang, Bulov1, Princess Fashion Furs n. um AD. 8384 accounts payable department. Must have experience. Prospects permanent if satisfactory. Apply Glued: Cycle & Motor Company Limited, Weston. nc-28-lt day. Four dollars daily. Apply 802 Queen's Drive or phone Zone 4-417. o-28-1t (dyed rabbit), Viscacfla, seal (dyed rabbit), beaver mouton, (processed lamb), Persian lamb, musket, Hudson seal, (dyed musk. mt). Your old fur garment ex- pertly restyled to the new 1945 fashion. Price, $14. Me -kTtarnripNy"i4 St. "ohMs Rd. East. o-28-U WOMAIj for 1yttysewo.rk.fsvery. Fr)- Pre-Season Sale PRICED frtyp, 869 gpd up, Cone): iLASTERER Prantati. te. p}n.s_t_e_r 7 garden. Part time,%reniUt, or Saturdays. Mk hour. Phone Zone 4-487. o-28-1t iNTEkMEDiATE. ‘bookkeeper toy L'ijjii'i.' "irtlitCPhone W e i, t o n 22 4.4. x-24-tf CHIN75. Turn yqur .surplus chjnp, MAN OR boy to keep lawns cut. Mny choose own hours. Apply 302 Queen's Drive or phone Zone $417. 0- 8-lt GAS EDD for sale. Phone 954-W. . o-28-1t “glen springs, almost new, $10; zinc floor protector (oak finish) and rear guard for heater, $5; duck tent with poles, 87. Apply 814 Main St. N., Weston. o-28-tt â€ornaments, Gut glass-ware into gush. Apply Box 2850, Time., , Guide, We'sion RiiWiruhsA “lynx. wit? opn LiiiitiPiiifty '65 Bi. John'- Road West, awn. oa8.it mENiéiIid†home-Ippp Itgdio FINDLAY" code" stove (coal or _ wood) ,lso buffet. Phone H11} tf ' NEW over-cons and 1 water- proof cont (men's). All in perfect condition. Apply 81 Cross Street. ' F o-28-1t iiTiiFsrzhDvitrisrerntor for ele "ipar"iiuriii gt. S. or phone MTU. o-28-lt SIMMON’S double _tfed and my. KENS, broilerrctsnd dicks, _besWt MANOR _boy m help inprivnte - GldiGiikr" aaa' tor m. use inn bed 5nd mural. Apply " St. John’s Rd. But, Walton.“ .. PIANO for ale. Ged {Sneak 'Exfcil'. E-xaGiUGiriia." Rea.. uubla. Apply 80 Inwrenoo Ave. West, after five o'clock. 0-2:“. Zone “as. WHITE Gkmer bath for ule. Ap- ply 98 John Street. W _oHIr1_t HELP WANTED-FEMALE WY. JUN! M, 10M OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED ARTICLES FOR BALE SUMMER [DDGE ARTICLES WANTED FUR COATS LOTS FOR SALE HELP WANTED "MAL FURRIIRS WANT ADS TIMES and GUIDE o-26-4t o-28-4t o-28,.1t at Thus taut b. nbmlttod to but Cnmdhn Rod Crou- Soclcty bunch- en on forms which they will sup- ply. The bunches will then cent! the than.“ through their Pro- vinci-l CorttmitMonerg to the Red Cross EMT“? Bumu whieh will immediate y up.» them to the htterrtatfonal Service of tho Cm. dim Brtrndeatrtirte Corporation where they will be broodcul both in the hump of the country for which they In mm and in English. Penman] mess-con, limited to M) words. und free of charge, will be “coped. No New any be mule to public tit-In, to Malina. or to money. The mom:- mutt be for I pct-Ion, not for I comp“, or In organization. A service to people in Canada anxious to try to locate relatives or friends in Europe by short wave broadcaata in announced this week by the Canadian Red Crone Society. This service will be rendered through the Red Cross Enquiry Bureau, 180 Queen Street. Ottawa, and is arranged through the facili- ties and with the co-operation of the International Service of the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora- tion. Thu, service will be confined " the moment to Holland and Czechoslovakia and will be includ- ed in the regular Netherlanda and Czechoelovakian programs already being broadcast from the Inter- national Service tmrtrmitters. It in hoped to start the service almoat immediately but arrangement- for reception of the meeaazea in their respective countriee. now in mom of completion through the govern- manta of the .countriea concerned, must first be made. You Are cordially invited to It- tend a garden party It the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. ham and Dr. Rolph, "The Elms", Scarlett Road, Weston, on Saturday, June 23rd, from 2.30 to 7 pm. m aid of St. 1'h.ilitr's Church new parish hall. Admission to grounds 25c. Ten op- tional 25c. White Elephant Sale. Relatives And Friends Can Be Found In Europe GREAVES--Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graves (nee Gladys Parsons) he happy tovnnnounce the birth of their daughter Jacqueline, 9 pounds, 1% ounces, at the To- ronto Western Hospital on Sat- urday, June 9th. Mother Ind bnby doing nicely. furnished, in vicinity of Weston or Mt. Dennis. Apply Box 2802, Times and Guide. o-Cmt TWO or _three Emmi wanted by two adult... UtiturniskedrLY. 0698. o-28-1t ing homes for both Protestant and Catholic children, especial)? in, fants under age of 1 year. P can apply York County children's Aid Society, 78 St. Clair Ave. Elst, RA. 2148. x-28-4t Roch 39.96. will“! $15.96, cock"- oll 810.96. blotted huviu Non- lexed $8.96, punch $18.95. Cockn- els $9.96. Aunrtod Light and Medium Breeds Non-land “.95. Kuhn: $16.95 edckenll Whit. Lez- orns 81.50, White Leghorn X Bar- md Rock "M. Two-week-old add .06e; tQXZM-ypektold Add .11_c:_!9u3- TWO furnitrM.romms, an cpnven- iences. Gentlemen, Apply 751 Cross Street. o-28-1t ROSS-Pte. and Mrs. Carl Ross (nee Jean LaRose) announces the birth of their son, David, Lt the Weston Private Hospital, Sunday, June 10th, 1945. Both doing well. no}?! im- -lfilidii.i, White: Non-“x $9.46, 3.1m RIMJWM. Ney "PEN" ""'eNet-u u an}; zour- week-old add .16c. illl'rig'i C.0.D. This Bdvertirortierttr must locom- puny your order. Top Nomi Chick- etiea, Guelph, Ont. 1-284! LARGE Aon) room, lqmjshed unfurnished. "iii' 56613;; t; board. Apply 49 Joseph Street or phone 970-R Weston. o-28-lt sh!AL.L.H9U.SE pr. awtznaiit -uk CHICK barf-inn for thin vuk Ind next. Wh to Indiana. Band Rock I A White kosher“. Aurtm SEQ; N3}? -Hiiiu 'hires, New Hun bin x '/lTo'llll,JfllllN'hll, TWO 'tti, furnished roomlriit- Able for itrht houukeegnz. Ap- ply 48 Emmett Ave., Mt. ennis. o-28-lt mam-rm NEEDED Errand- I Coming jivents I ments, In Menioriaiu- Notice- Under Ther. Ending- lOe Per Lino. Anni-um Chute Births, Marriages, Deaths, Cards 9! Thanks, Engage. Canadian Red Cross Society Looking After, Location Of Relatives POULTRY POI "" WANTED YO IINT NOTICES ROOMS TO LIT WANTED x-28-1t £1138 At the reception which followed the bride'g mother received in a was printed jersey dress unlined (T, the room's sister, Min Mae "ther cad who chose I blue sheer ensemble. Palms, ferns and snapdrmrons formed the.setting in Westminster United Chumh last Saturday Uter. noon, June 9th, for the marriage of Glsdys Constance Alberta Cor, up to Stoker John Frederick Mould, RCNVR. The bride is the daughter of Mr. md Mrs. William Corral, Westmont, and the groom is the son of Mrs. A. Mould and the In. Mr. Mould, of Thistletown. Mouid-Corr" The bride, given in marine by her tether, wore e white eyelet pique styled with n sweetheart neckline Ind mined in fingertip veiling. She carried 1 bouquet of Ile, role: and eamntions. Mill Argent Benmilh wt" her sister’s only attendant, wearing a frock of turquoise eyelet with matching he: and carryizg I bouquet of pink cer- nations. e but men was Nor. man Weatherhead. Later the maple left for a wed.. ding trip to uskokl, the bride travelling in a suit of turquoise blue wool, brown accesmbries and brown squirrel fun. On Friday. Jun 8th It the horn. ort.or PM?! ijiiGiat7riii'i7) Allin: Milli became nu bride tt Lloyd Edward Wuthuhud. Canadian Intantry Corps. The bride in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amhlbald uni-h, Clarence Strut. Woodbridge/and the groom is the Ion of Mr. and Mrs. Pour R. Weatherhead, Capo Chin, 0n- tario. Rev. D. A. MIcKoncher " fieiated at the ceremony. Woatueua6.-Beaarsiah PHONE 193 Irvin Lumber Co. Ltd. Under New Management-- Catering To Particular People. We use only CHOICE MEATS-we make our own PIES and PASTRY-Delieious Home-made ICE CREAM - Home-made CANDY in 1-1b. and 1/2-1b. boxes. . The New 'tyttirdltill' The Three Things You Want in a Meal GOOD FOOD Churchill Restaurant Insulate Against Summer tttrat F. L. MERTENS. th.B. OPNMETRrsT . OFFICE HOURS Except Wednesday, 9- 12 mm, 1.30 - 5.30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 mm. to 12.30 noon. Tun. Thun., Sat. even' , T to 9 .m. GEM HEARING AID rung AND whim!) GOOD SERVICE You will find all this-and more at Formerly "THE JOLLY GRILL" VISIT OUR SODA FOUNTAIN 'd' MAIN BY. " “MN . 4 Weston Rd., Mt. Dennis GOOD COOKING 1 MAIN ST. NORTH, WES'ION Insulation is your moat pne- tieal year-around investment . . . keeping your home com- fortably cool in the summer, owing fuel in the winter. See us todny for insulation for your home. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, 67 Riverside Drive, Westmount. Mrs. Corns received in s pale blue em- broidered silk dress with white w cessories and a carnage of TIlis- man roses. She was assisted by Mrs. A. Mould in I mauve dress Building Supplied Lime -- Cement Gym - Wallbou-d \ Wood . Asphalt Shingle- Rock Wool Imhtlon FUEL - Bee or Pinon. The bride, given in men-{en by her tether, vote e [m of white utin Inn: with leee. A huddle" of, seed pearls held her Qe,trt veil ln plece and the cerri e bouquet of American Beeuty mu. She wee attended by her new. Mrs. Frencil Graham, u matron of honour who wore e gown af peach utin with metchinf shoulder- length veil and e blue flowered heeddreu. She carried e celcede of cemetiane end mu. Mine “lien Mould, litter of the mom. end Mice Betty Goaldintr, were ladder meide in gown: of pale blue "tin, made on rinceu lines, with pouch flowered Wa"dl They carried ceecedee of rose: and cemetione. Mien Ina May Corraa, sister of the bride, wee junior brideanusid in pale blue eimiler to that of the lenlor attendants end she carried e nose- w, of sweet pea: and roeebude. udrey Patriein Huff. niece of the groom, was the flower girl in pele peach satin and curried e emeller noeegey of roeebude end tweet The best man wu LAC Robert McWatt and the ushers were Mr. Willinm Mould, brother of the groom. and Mr. William Coma, brother of the bride. Rev. KIM-Icy Johlh ottieVud at an and“. mu Anc- Bush layer! the lift," and tgitt,'ltd, to: “liar. Mu III-[Ant uh, who sang “Through the Yuan" dur- in; the signing of the â€may. nuns unsung WESTON 111. "" Chd f,il'it, Mrs. Leonard Fish, 5 Lippincott St. W., was hostess at a person] shower in honour of Helen Manson who left. last Sunday morning for Scotland where she will be married. The guest of honour received many lovely gifts. The rooms were beau- tifully decorated in ink and white with silver bells. K,', table was centred with a bowl of bleeding heart and she,1',fiie/,'.Tfd'ir, with pink candles in silver and eeticks. Our best wishes go with Miss Man- son for her happiness. On Thursday evening, June 7th, Mrs. T, Wotherspoon and Mrs. John Huble were joint hostesses at a miscellaneous shower at the home of the latter, 21 Lippincott Street, But, for their niece, Miss Mu- garet (Peggy) Denhnm, whose marriage takes place on Saturday, June 28rd, to Mr. Roy' Hurst. The rooms were decorated in pink and white and the bride-to-he opened her many lovely gifts under I can- opy of 1pink und'white streamers and be ls Dainty refreshments were served at the close‘of the evening. A: the guesbl depnted they wished the bride and groom- to-be all good wishes for their future happiness. Pupils of Marion Demorest To Give Recital June 16 cilil MeCsuley; Adngio in B Minor WINK) by Yvonne Guam; he in Rabbit (Corbett: and Ane- mone (Br-the) by Meta Inhmur Over the Heather (Johnna Gl Tales from the Vienna coda. (8trauirtr-Riegger) its Chou] En- semble; Sonntinl~ p. " No. 6 (Channel) and Katmai-n Dime {Newman by Julio Shh-n; The Ml. Dismal (Novella) by June Mallaby; Hunurinn Op. " No. 12 (Well) by Leno" Elliott; Little Rim Dun-n) by Tare-o Incl; In the .titste (Newton) by Tana Incl; Can-try Whin- pers.Ptmetflu).tbtyprr E.., Perl: tfir, gui, Kennedy'; Minnet'to ii p f win) by Juttyrt Sgt:§'t;_§lor- B'ach) by (dnrrlulavr'rili Through the NigOtthn. MucMil- I!!!) Atgoree .. we! 1nd,,“- those tal aid" t'iGhrk'ni" V -ti; V Riki" tieG; FRY in A Mi.t.tKrNups) b): gei- Waltz in Amit £B’nhma) by t; _rortt.uut;,8oltiiet.tp. (c c.36uund’e'i' BETWZ'EEoRE Tai Mrs. A. L. Conner presided at the tea table. Mrs, J. Spivey and baby daugh- ter Carol Lynne, visited with Mr. anti Mrs. Spivey, of 11 Robert St., Weston, to celebrate the wedding anniversary of Sergt. J. G. Spivey who is serving overseas. and Mrs. Spivey. We send our best wishes and trust he will be safely home fog his next anniversary. A luccesaful tea and home bak- ing sale was held at. the home of Mrs. N. Tonkin-by the Dorothy Pearson Auxiliary on June 6th. The utists who contributed selec- tions throufzout the afternoon were: Mrs. o Murray and Miss J an Gnniuon 'e'."ne,'fr1 by Mrs. rr. Cadwnllmder, is: Marjorie Ward and Miss Marilyn Tonkin, in- gtmrmental solos; Miss Marian Me. 15% v?,r1i.nitsts womanisd by Mrs: Congratulations are in order for Fumes Allan, who obtained her Baphelor of Aria degree It Con- vocntion Hall last Friday, June 8. Among those who attended we're Mayor and Mrs. John P. Allin, Lieut. R. G. Conant, Mrs. G. D. Conlnt, Lieut. Freda Druiding and Mn. Druiding. The Hardington Tll? of the CCF' held I social an regular meeting " the home of Mrs. Mc- Kie. It was decided to hold an. other euchre and dance in the Com- munity Hall on June 22. This social acltlivity will be the Inst until the fa . Weston Golf Club women mem. berl entertained their friends It the annual bridge when Mrs. W. L. Horn kiiiiii2, the prizes for bridge. en was served in the lounge and dining room.. 2nE1t/,'//it'e to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. elley, who celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary on June 12th. So glad to hen Bob in pro- gressing fivour,bly and hope to see im around Boon "tin. Mines Ruth Ihutey and June Baldwin. of Holley Avenue, accom- panied t the Misses Peul Brown, of Mt. ennis and Betty Perriro of Melton, left on June 2nd, for a three months' trip to Bnnff, Van- couver and Victoria. In Greer, of Main Street North, Wu 1 delente for the Re- lieble Insurance Auocieuon It their convention held in Hamilton Int week. Mrs. Funk Canning, of Sclrlott Rand, Ind fumily. “tended the or- dination of her nephew the Rev. Edward J. Mlhoney in 'i‘oronto on Suturdny, June 2nd. rar. a. in con la 1m to: u tl'tiiri',t to â€when the kid. “I In . 'rhito woolen Gran with In". In: and. In; with who glove- and M. An hurtling lgmrmo! & 'm . Wu . I C It!» on ft', and man Led,' would the uh. . hie, $31.38": writer-1m hem M In. Stanley Wilton, Main Strut North. vii blatant-null 19"!†Piper, .0! Kirtlapd PERSONALS Holstein breeders of this district will be interested in the announce- ment by the Holstein-Friesian As- sociation of Canada that the Cham- pionship Show for this part of On- tario will this year be held at Oak- ville on October 10. Exhibitors at Black & White Shows from 14 counties in the Central Ontario District will compete there for regional honors. Prize winners will be eligible for All-Canadian awards. The judge will be J. D. limes, Woodstock, with C. L. Goodhue, Vaudreuil, Quebec, us alternate in case Mr. Innes is unable to act. For each of the past three years four Championship Shows have been held in different parts of the province. Originally intended to take the place of the major exhibi- tions cancelled due to wartime con- ditions, they have proven very popular, with large entry um and very keen competition prevailing. President Cecil Gmskurth (re- elected); vice-pres., Alf Shut; mercury, Jas. Amos; treasurer. Alex Stenhouse; directors, Charlie Graham By. Hurst, Wm. Hales, Wm. Chisholm, Clarke Mills; aims And objects, the officers end di- rectory ryle,t,' children Dr. Mc- Hugh, bi. enry, Wm. Christie. F. Romtree M. Waldorf; community nervice, Wm. Douglas Alex Cruik- shlnk Lorne Fraser, Alex Little, Jack Allan. Rotary Club Officers 1945 War service, Chas. Graham, Doug. Webster, V. Lower-a. Kelly Wynn, Mamie Gibson; clunit’ien~ tion Ind membership. J. C. Irvin, J. Amos, Alex Stenhomre W. J. inch; tellowship Ind Attendance. B. Hurst. W. an". Lou IAPIE, Mort Kim Jul Reid; trail',,',",; . tr. G. Worden, Wm. Irdhonn. Wm. Chisholm, Wm. Ward. Ted. Rieh. ndnon; youth â€nice. D. Dnvidfe. U. Mills Alf Slum. Kan We la, Carmen inch. publicity and moni- or, w. museum. J. Amos, A. Slum. P. 8|qu Y. W; T t at Arm. Alix Buick-Mi 8ilfa'dh'., m leader B. In; Hume. Win. Ward; meter. B. A. um. Undo: the able 1eedBrihir " mm the. Gnu-hm). and with "kr-tlets-eh-thte,-... Mmrhmndthmalb. On Thursday night, about 8 p.m. ‘Sgt. Ellison, Nairn Avenue, To- ronto, a motorcycle officer of the York County' Polite Department, had an unfortunate accident at the corner of Weston Road and Ruther- ford Avenue, Mt. Dennis. A car mlkin u "U" turn made it impos- sible for Ellison to get through causing him to crash against the car. The officer's right leg was broken besides other minor injuries. Through In untmrtitrntrble over- sight the officers of Wesmet. Dennis Rotar Club were not In- nounced in {is last editions. We hutch to rectify this omission. They Are In follows: Binch: Mnrche Mignonne (Paldini) , William Wallace; Carnival of enice (Benedict) and Let My Song Fill Your Heart (Charles) by Regina Stash; Serenata, Op. Iii. No. 1. (Maukowskj) by Margaret Weatherman. meeting of the season on the at temoon of June 21, at the home of Mrs. Dave Davidge, Humberview. Reports of the York and Peel can» vention will be ‘given and os.ysoeitsl hour on the lawn will follow. We urge all members to be preaeht and a cordial welcome is extenrd to nil others who'wish to join . Various novelty races completed the afternoon's TlfJ/)l1 These in. eluded ladies' nail riving contests, boyz' shoe race, ladies' tossing the rolling pins, and men and girls' 100~yard dash. I'ollowing 3 del- ightful picnic BU per Vellore proved too strong for fictoria Square and were declared the softball cham- pions with a More of 22-7. Mrs. Adolph of Lilac Avenue was hostess to the weekly euchre of the Humberview Wartime As, sociation. Mrs. M. Haines won first; Mrs, McQueen. second; Mrs. Ben- nett. third, and Mrs. E. Pimm, cone solution. The hostess served re- treshments " the close. The British Fruit Market In to be tettmrratulatad on moving to their new premises at 169 Main St. N. Their business had" rown to such an extent that the 5d grunt- tars were entirely inadequate. hey should, now, be in a position to give complete service to their many customers. l team. he Sharon Club finally eliminated all other mama winning with an extra "Ipecill heave" over the Unionville strong men. Mrs. Witta of "irglen Crescent wu hasten to the Humberview Wartime Almiation weekly euchre when the following won the prizes: Mrs. Winn, first; Mrs. L. Peck, second; Mr. B. Witta, third; Mrs. Barefoot won the consolation. Re, freshments were served at the close. A new feature of this car's uh. hstie programme Wu the tuf-oL war contest. Each of the six oeal clubs mutated with seven men to The ntt from the Imdio of Mrs. T. . Roger. will present I Irtp, rung] in the Wuton Town I" on Fndly evening, June 22nd, at 8.15.3.m. A cordial invitation in extend to all. Victmiln Order of Nur- r2e. you want tVpsurse, phone l ili)iit TI, WC'E'U‘are holding thtir has}. Locals The annual picnic and dance of the York Count; Junior Farmers was held Inst riday at Mussel- man's Luke with each of the six local clubs present in full force for the afternoon's athletic events and a record crowd of over 800 attend- ing the colourful dunes It Cedar Beach Arena in the evening. The ball games commenced at 2.46 in the afternoon. Sharon defeated Vandorf by a score of 15-10 and Vellore led Virginia 12-5. in the second round Vellore eliminated Sharon on a score of 24-14 and Vic- toria Square won the closest contest of the day over Unionville with a 10-9 score on an extra innings. Th. meeting of the Burlington lumpy»- and noun-w Anod- ation Wu bald on June 0th with Mr. McFarland in the their and Mr. W. Kain†“January-mu- urer. Five new members were ad- mitted. The tinandBl report we: read and everything was (and to be correct. he Ladies' Auxiliary is becoming active again. Street light- ing for Chiswick Avenue wan dia- cuuod and petition fox-ma will be obtained. A delegate and alternate were “gamed to Weston Rehabili- tation ommittee. The next meet- ing is to be held the that Wednes- day of next month " the Commun- ity Hall on Harding Avenue. NEWSY room a! Town and M 69 MAIN ST. N. Hairdressing Salon mum-as WItltgMttt .1- " MAIN N. EXPERT_TAILORIN G and REPAIRS LADIES' Ind GENTS' GARMENTS CLEANED sud STORED . 8TORAG6-FURS " 2% of their value. THE BONITA Eggs Offer the best in Food and Service Just for a snack or for a complete meal All Gnrmenu Insured Against Fire, Ttdet" 12:51:11". NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR GOODS LEFT OVER 60 DAYS AIN N. J. HAWE PHONE BONITA TEA ROOMS. - OUR SERVICE SATISFIES - WESTON CLEANERS Formerly "THE CINDERELLA" Margaret Rolufs, Proprietor [LNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Hairdressing Salon CAI-GAL' GAI'GAU The Best at Popular Prices Remember the New Name a: a PIANO MOVING LOCAL AND IDNG DISTANCE MOVING m u. w. FIVE â€a“; WA'RDROPE CART AGE WESTON PHONE 812 25 Years' Experience SSS Phone nu. as nine- tpf Duh- It-J. -- g â€Iliaâ€. OUR SPECIALTY PHONE 1000 Skt I.) ' at: IN Me