Fi, T H *3â€" ii, "Won \iouon ‘Ipum Ulsl epu hi rat ore‘ ttttttgl each all: un haw We have a request tor informi- ou libel. C. 8. any: that her on Lilac he: put tttttlt very bloom the year and each of . put year: the bloom has de- . Well, within the next few la e good time to prepare V a better bloom for next year mangle shrub set; its buds for co mg season but do not leave be long. ' In the tirst place is there a lot Endemowth? If so it should be out an it absorbs a lot of venture and nourishment from the Itâ€. Then, are there dead branches? These should be pruned but and if the rre,',',t,tineb,rgQT, are too thick it might wise to 6irt out 1 little but not too much hyy ope eeason. .. . , Now is the surrounding soil'. If tog hard it might be wise to spade ground the tree in about a three foot circle. Dig in wocd ashes, if obtainable, or fertilize with a com- m; fertiliser containing Potash, , 'Iphlw and Sulphate of Am- mail. This should give you good new in 1.946.- . . "I!“ In law. . During the lat rain I passed an -thuliutic gudener workingI in tho rain and singing hastily. ow - _thourh he was , trifle It! an thouih he was 1 trifle off in I too no exception to the Initial part of the program but II. we: committing an unpardon- able offense against good garden- ite-he we: booing earth around a 1ot_of, helm; looking plente. ' This should never be done. When til ground is wet best leave the plants alone. Celery, Swiss chard Ind other plants where the stems as used are euily rusted. There In many reason: why you should nut work around wet punts and no "qaonorht rou.shoyld. ' - Simgh; ailrir%u must, but don't . Phat Seed; But Dog". Ber, Ttem.. One of the favorite mistakes of amateur We/N' is to plant seed tot! deep. have heard sevenldcom- plain“, this yen, about see not winning. One cue I investi- ngd where the culprit had buried bod Iced 6 or 6 inches. That is I away to expect. a need to come On some of the finer need it iq good pnetile to simply by the Weston Dairy GARDEN (hr handling muhines Ire scoured and sterilized. Ottr fioor, are cleaned Mter each operation. PUrttr--Beeause it is untouched by hands PURB--Beeause the bottles are Machine Washed by I Special Hygienic Process. Butane it is from TESTED COWS PURE PUREr9- It's rrxagt:-- By the Garden Fditor if MILK The STRENGTH For the Grown Man need on the urban af the sand and spread dirt finely over top. If you have 3 poor showing from your spring planting do not blame the seed until you consider "Did I plant too deep." This Pups: Gob Around. We have I request from over 200 miles awny for tut effective method of killing gnu between Vllh. It urns to me that we d alt with this problem in I pr'evioi‘nr/Que but here we go lulu. Try 1 wder- ed arsenic in 3 gallon eolrwmer. Bring to a boil and keep stirring. When partially dissolved ndd 2 lbs. crushed washing soda and keep giving. Add to this 7 gallons cold water. Apply to thewalkl with I rose watering can in dry wetther. This should be sufficient for 26 (square yards. Holland Bulbs Owing to the destruction by wsr And the inundation of large tress of cultivsted ground and, also, due to the fsct that the starving Dutch were forced to use quantities of tulips bulbs for food, there will be I gust seareity of bulbs for ship- ment for the next few years. Nevertheless we are informed from ‘what should be reliable sources that next season will see I limited amount of bulbs from Holland. You can't beat the Dutch. ‘Tonuto Pruning Ont tomato plants are beginning to reach' the stage where they need 1 little attention. The tomato worm is euily controlled. They are Inge enough to see or to knock off into B an and destroyed but,“ is the ambition of the plum. itself, which must be embed unless you are satisfied with and], late, green Investigation has shown that the first fruit set on the plant.comes on the MAIN STEM and fruit is set, usually. on the oldest lawn]- so that pruning to one or three stems will, nutunlly, produce only the euliest fruit. But the plum. in pita eagerness to produce, will set iout I fresh trroith--or-hrteral-: Iii, the juncture of the stamina EACH led. This love! us I lug. , BENSON " W. PEP For the Growing Boy he: “at". your: an in this mum y know beau. I have um: ripe fruit Mn homo pow: tomato plum on July 6th. ark in nudod if you no undou- for re- Iuly. Kan In on on you: plum. - -tyG" I I aio" In int-pint ur- dum- Urdh my udvieo. Ho cue- fully ted Mt all the nelson or iuurrq and. Blyth, an t.rult bunch; Gri.aif iiar. 1iM'.'ii't, - on 2t,tt.'L"Wfd'ttt cum: you“. t Alon. an phat will mug???†01ml»! N0 LY U . " it lot ml to at at! than hunk out ovary l or ' tab. A lot of autumn! will " lost ti; than. My should " pinehed u soon As they ttt,.iihi1iitit,'.' M1233 ml ad. - tow _wu.hdl but on. 'iriis VII bad so that, now, I Int and“! to "plain that the 'uuehers" an“! n the junction of In! and nun while tho fruit bunches strika out from the lid. of the “gm 9'11 ttom the led. of the Item In from Sand-I In the 'aTll'; Shunqlul that there should be even the bro-t): of sands! Attained to anything so "vastly bountiful u the ' Myo-otil. more commonly known " the Forget Me Not. Yet the voice of rumor, u with others of the green funny. has told tales out of school, -- .. It seem: that all was not well with I certain titled European hmily, who“ nune is witheld out of respect for its descendants. The young and beautiful, nlbeit unfaith- ful, wife wu aeeustorned to elm- destinely meet with her devoted lover in . secluded part of the castle. The jealous husband sus- picious. " is the wont of jellous “husbands, surprised them at their try_st. . .. J up... Drawing his trusty sword or "pier or whatever carving spinn- tus he carried, he plunged it through the body of the unfor- tunate 10ver. A: the lady tetrfully bent ave: him he handed her I small flower which he wore and, with his dying breath he murmur- ed 1rorget Me Not." . Perfect Food This may not be the true ver- sion of the meaning of this word but, you will agree, all names must have In origin. Others may give a different version but this is my story Ind I stick to it. All: time now most of our frien B will be away vacationing. While we Bre dining on beefsuak they will be busy opening tin cans. ln self defence they wlil be smear- ing themselves over with nasty smelling mosquito 1otion--hey'll get bitten up Inflow. The than will it, sunburne , the ladies will get c sued by snakes. In a couple of weeks they will return no tired out it will take two week: to rest Yet so pure that it is Baby's Best Food. Once there WIS I night in Weston with no public meeting to report. Then I awoke. Oh. What a beautiful dream. ' 7216 Capacity Audience Greets New Conductor Ettor Mazzoleni Intense enthusiasm again mark- ed the Promenade (,tntt"4 con- cert in Varsity Arena last hun- dly nifht, with a capacity audi, ence. t was the first appearance this season as guegt coryiyc.tor of ence. Ti was the first appearance this season as guest conductor of Ettore Mazzoleni. Associated were the Leslie Bell Singers, and Mari- lyn Nowell, the latest colorstun discovery among youthful United Stgtes singers. .. , , A Interest naturally attached to the local debut of a girl so rarely 'endowed as Marilyn Nowell. She was born 17 years ago in New Orleans. Her surname is_Schnum- berger. Her mother and her fat- a; a2'a'firiiiriiiiii"oiriirtaiF, JfiGrTiGG 751â€th andk of Juper Ptrk lodge. Before they went. mg wtion in Europe, & “may! noun spent a. winter in Jasper Natioul Park training in mountain “If“ T Mrs. Pearl Tomlinson, formerly I of Weston, is now staying with her dtughter. I LAC George Brown, youngest l son of Mrs.. C. Brown, Scarlett Road, is home on leave. L Mr. Ind Mrs. Bill Calhoun and family and Mrs. C. Douglas and young son, are holidaying at Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson and sons. Elwood and Dean, visited in Stratford, over the holiday week- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomkinson Sr. of Holley Avenue, spent the holiday week-end at Bah. We are pleased to note that Miss Rosemay Davison, youngest daugh- ter of Rev. end Mrs. R. G. Davison, Fairbank. and formerly of Thistle- town, had used her A.T.C.M. with honours. Elias Davison attended Weston High School during the years her family were stationed in Thistletown. and lately has been attending Vaughan Road collegiate. Last year she passed her seniour matriculation. and was also the Lawson Cup winner for debating. She was also placed second in the public speaking contest for Ontario, some little time ago. She has gone to Muskoka to serve at a aummer hotel for the holiday season. Mr, and Mrs. John Mattison Sn. Dufferin Street West, celebrnted their Mrth wedding anniversary an Saturday, June 30th. During the afternoon Miss Olive Mnttieon. youred tea, end in the evening, In. J. Burt of Toronto, mm of In. Inuison. poured. The table was kid with I lue cloth. with white candlel Ind I centregihece of pink and white flowers. e tea “gimme were Mrs. Mildred San- 50m. Mrs. Albert Lawrence, Mrs. Edith Wallue. Min Doreen MM- tiron, Mrs. Gordon Mntvison Ind Mrs. John Mlttison Jr, About seventy-five friends called to con- gntulnte the happy couple. A greet number of curds Ind several bou- quets of flowerg were also received. In. Alexander Cruickshnnk. nee Myrtle Simpson, A bride of Int Thursday nighf wu tthJuest of Imam " many parties 'n,,hf,'. murky. Her niece, Mrs. K. m- - Mm Uurn Milne M" a mkeellmeaua mower; Mrs. Clarke mm, An woman. and kitehen shower; Min Kate Campberl Ind Hill babel MeVean. a dinner Ind bridge It the Watch Golf Club; In. Lillian French, 1 {my for the bride's bridge Nab, w an I make. up at and my Ind "we? we" mud. In; Harold and": owned her home for n party Ind i?4,'t'iiulb'i'i lr, rt,t'h,DG'/d,'. wry; ,, (we y Ip- tor, O. tt presented I hasten tg,', the am of King George col. of which Ms. Criiitkatortk m a Malibu. gunned for on It on honed Mr. and In. A. Brno. Kwâ€. and mm he: with M. mi; opened her hem: tor, .035. u: t1'S, of :hich iii?» Lesslie Bell And Marilyn Nowell Guest Singers Delight An emthusiastic And Most Appreciative Crowded Houses-Excellent Programs Each Week Persona hr AC _ CoN the Tips ant Guide h dwzyl planed In ih! ‘ publinh ibenl at personal interest. We And v our readers â€. interested in you no! you: . ) M 1mm than to ion. 4A26. l mun M,cIaseg OWL chgmpion pleat .rrpn I8tr,tltnAIhlitpp'tA mun MACLIAN' of 0|“ch chm pl r from mound, while w the Lord Lent Sequu tn tin 0.33:1: Emma... strikes ul' up!» MUSIC IN THE MOUNTAINS TIMES AND GUIDE; WESTON her, Maj. Schaumberger of the United States Army who has just returned from Persia, were pre- sent. It was, in fact, the father’s first opportunity to hear his daughter in concert, and to him sh. dedicated u cute little encore. “I Don't Love Any Man but Dettty.", .. ' .. l, Mrs. Lorne McEwen of Mam l Street North, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pergs Jr., Point Au mmâ€. When Marilyn was only 11 yen-s old the precocious beauty of her singing won the ndmintion of Ed- ward ohnson and prophecies of a career. She has been ably train. ed, and last night was making her first appearance in I large audi- torium before thouegnds of listen- Mr. John Perks Br. of Pointe Au Baril is the guest of Mr. And Mm. Sam Wilson, Main St. North. Miss Jessie Saunders of Fort Erie is visiting in Weston. Her many friends are glad to see her. Mrs. C. White was guest of honor at a birthday party on Friday when she celebrated her 87th birthday Min Jean Parks. Main Street North, visited her parents. Mr. and and Mrs. Jack Perks Jr.. Point All Baril, over the holiday week-end. Mina Helen Mallaby left last week for an extended vacation in Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle where she will visit relative: and friends. _ A-miecelianeous shower was held at the home of Mrs. C. Brown, Scarlett Road, in honor of the former Miss Tessie Collins whose marriage took place June 29th. Ahnut 30 guests were present. The bride received many lovely and use ful presents. At the end of the evening‘s entertainment the hogte" served dainty refreshments. my? “I “Elie at. no h'tta two do?» not: â€Riggs†â€in barium (one. . unly More“. thi' 35 mm ii, may '10.: "9292-12-st a: Kiwi-ad - Eli ' {Much upd‘ ltd“: diction a)“; at. it: gnu no not manly bdllliett am. but warm â€4.1m W a complete gout-uni dould' In: be expat ' he: "solute unnu- titet1rii.1tthtr: In the lad Econ: from "Lucin' she took the hm- c-dnu with ttqruy Mary. cm Bud fervor. The “In “Chm le “it" from ."Dnughut of the Regiment" wu thrill!“ alese und piqrmpey, ind Del , “D. (on of Wis," dslietttNllr modu tad, was man; her other um. 7_ Mr. yamlcni [remind m ex- tended TSU'] tt short, ("chut- ing and me odious workl. He was ill-top form and his eolorful, rhy- thmipul style eaptivatod “lune". mung hie offerings were two typi- u English warn, Erie Coem' Hunting "Knightsbridge arch," and Gordon Jaob's "er And intimate Suite hand on Elk-w bathâ€: nits by Willinm Byrd. The rendering of the latter was tls. ticululy (tuneful and indivi ml. Chubrier’s “Egg-m" went with wonderful spar le end vim. True Mot-rum graces were elicited in a brisk rendering of the "Figaro" overture, sud u zestful tipsy touch wu imparted to the Strauss waltz, “Voices of Per, Dense: by 8hostakovieh an the Finale of Tcheikovuky’u 4th Symphony Were other well-executed items. The LeIlie Bell Singers, a fin- ished you? of women ehoristers, have usualy been heard in small auditoriurnts, but last night, with the aid of a sounding bond, proved that their tone could fill vast spaces. Balance and quality ofl tone and clear and refined diction give charm to all they sang, and they often seemed to sing as one voice. Their smooth) exiseution in "1liere'r "Sailor Dlnce" was im- ‘preasive. end among the many other part-tsongs in which they dis. tinguished themselves was a flui- nating arrangement of "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyel." 'iiFtSt'ei'."ii', Queenie and Dobbin have done a fine job and their useful day is not yet past. " But maybe you want‘to speed up your farm operations with tractor ploughing. cultivating. seeding and harvesting. Maybe you want to do many things for the improvement of your farm . . . repair your barn or build a new one, fix up the fencing or drainage, buy a new bulltobuildupthequalityof BANK or MONTREAL m'dldéecz working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1817 W. T. DOUGLAS, Manager Weston Branch: 45 Main Street North for ' . New Construction and 1U-moftttg. 'r LONGER LIFE 'LOWER MAINTENANCE "PEmigiai'tCv l ", Won't Crack' or A113gator This is "The Last Word" in ROOF COATINGS "PERhtllATllC" WESTON ROOFING MATERIALS LIMITED 7 S Station St. T Asphalt Roof Coating For METAL or other type ROOFS , Waterproofing Walls The New Cold PM Built-up' Roerfhtir l your herd, install An electric WP tan or improve the pruept one. And what about seed, feed and fertilizer? What about your livestock?' All there things need money-more money, probably. than your bank balance will allow. If that's the use with you. call on the manager of our local office and discus.†in confidence, your fnancitl needs. You will like the kind of consideration he will give your plan. and problem. Won't Flow in Bot Weather Try the new munâ€. mu - ‘MY, HANH' it 1 hinainhnmu It. Zone 4--677 m,