1km “I nmuUAirtg but... 't1u%Ll"l'l'l'l'll'f, Sal the count: to do anything “on it A husky nldier and his girl put on In Athletic exhibition and â€on our.“ were stopped dead it Quit tucks, watching. All in, all use. from under 12 to on: to All the!“ orarirw to the Mn mm from the hind. lama of the outsmart were doing “I old. gmeedut ducal of the - ma hr while on.“ mud to he “an yarn in adv-non of "rm the My" nylon which â€and. to the that! limbs of your um a to qrtty. unsung-n -tfi EME- new}; 13.1mm their Net mind!" with the Inqu of Jimmie Tucker: bad but lack. ttt mu swine. Of warn. the "I the 2 attraction and â€In. Ind “Met dnncers wen not! "ringing their purtne‘n in the aiLh Ipprovgd fitter butt my. _ VI- not over until after midnight on Erldny. The Wedneu If “Aâ€!!! was fine, if I little coo, hug Lions Affair WIN!“ thing: in Refers Aha: etervthine T!" E', it halos W. I“ gone. Money. alley". e strident voice’of the I’m-wheel but" could be heard over in the next block. "Ten cent: “the thirty. come and get it, come and get it ' in a wanker. lees ex- ar-ienced tone from I helper. As . echoes died "my n monoton- one voice might be heard intoning "Under the "r"-i-Under the "B"-74, . .Under the "0" " and en excited feminine voice aqued- iwout "BINGO". ' es, food people. the Liane turttim cert-ml}, jot Pw9. to , Cnminl certainly got I'fl to I good nut Wednegguyhthe 1 lh ,t.tli EnGirency Nursing Reserve CR CS - Commendent Mrs. C. F. EvBnc-The third Home Nursing Clsss opened in January. Classes being held on the first and third Mon sys of each month for six months, holding granular: exercis- es etch June. ring the term en illustrated lecture on early diag- nosis of Csncer we: given thr. George S. Young, Toronto. ter 1 demtrttstrattotfttt the set up of 1 home tkntinttneht wss given by Miss A. Dim. Locsl V0 Nurse. The clue also attended two illu. strated lectures on Venereal Dir nse given by Dr. Margaret Arehi, held of U. of T., and another on the irnportanes of Canning Fruits Hui Vegetables duringf war time given by Miss E. Elliott of the edenl Department of Agricul- ture, and garnered by the Local Council of omen. “Nick Rtsorttg--8upereisot Mn. W.8. Wash. Convener: Minus Aathie Dickljn ind Ahpt Chung-I}. -U06 and“ shippod to Digi.. Ilon-l badminton consisting of the knowing: 37 Quinn, 916 1mm- d We)", 468 couple“ outfiU ttom with; department. Blood' Donors Clinic-Cui-t Dr. Alan Ball, Secreterien: in. P. Luwmnce, Mrs. Harold J mton. --Qinies held 13.40. Donation, 1194, No. new donors. 187, Aver- W, No. of donors per clinic 92. ext week day clinic will be held September 13th 1nd each third Thnndny thereafter. Date of next lSuneluy clinic will be announced “or. Present information indicates blood Plums will be urgently need- ed from September on. The Chair- man urges evergi person who can goalibly mike I or her contri- ution to do so by getting in touch with either of the secretaries as cited above, giving them your nlme and Iddreu, in doing " you will be helping to save the lives of our soldiers. On June 18th Mrs. Dewar, dis- trict Leader of Central Ontario, ac- companied by Mia: B. Morelnqd, district. leader for Eastern Ontario, also three members of the Bend- uuten staff, presented eertifieatei, Ind pins to It eleven Inli of thg_clu: whit .wgre trtt.deymr. Mrs, Down in her iyffieU1 cap- lcity u Supervisor for Central thttario, eongrattrurted Mrs. bans on the high standard " the Wes- ton Command, Mating it wu the beat Reserve in Ontario. Return Soldiers and War Brides u-fi. A. Graham, Cuirman.-.. T h r o tt g h advanced information from division] headquarters on W Ill " was“ " Red Cross Report For The Last Six Months 1110101wa I: I were of front In!) in was. uticlel inlllud Ind made up: Gunny: Grimm. Syktl Avenur Legion Aux t8i, Named-l limo and School b, Weston Collegiate un- det Min T,. Colburn' supervision; Walton Prubytoriun Church wu- unit. St. John'. War Service Unit, grip: Gun: Club, Spool and Shin v . . the Work Room- ue cloned u- til Septembér. Whitman mm and hutch will be uriantly neod- ed far I vary buty all "Mtm1' work. Any one who can arr-m to he? kindly contact Mrs. Muc- Culloc . l my", "who; Ta. tit) _ has '30. Lions Carnival And Dance Real Success j l ten-MW pl. Following II- n rt of On baton myeh _lf2flfi'iyf RAd 1905 Articlu Sent To Divisional Headquarters-'- Avcmga No Of Donors At Clinic 92--l7 Members Graduate AtHoma Nursing Class Carnival And Street Dance Held Wednesday And Thursdazl Nights Best Put On Yet-- Fun For oung And Old â€IAIN N. IE8“! Illilc t III†Hurry. Hura Here's mmyjs. Alt nnd ional begun": on --Ckrettut on pan 8 Spottini tie l e number of "In-hie prim J,,% bingo table we made "an! "tempU to "Bingo" on the glut coffee mu. m but our home in still 'rtorirtg coffee in the usual e.?,',."Z,',t; Oh, well, we an" all win. waver, everyone “clued Upprand had punty of fun. Evan lone of our staid eitigetur--nrhom we will lor- bear 'tatnirttr--seerrted quite Puppy avg! .thy 'tholy. thing: -. _ . it looked good to In In. no - E"t,"3t'? with. to. .Ithn I by - which in Jun " it should he. G Omaha“. Rptariert lay-14913:. Aide -tr - 610760; "tuiiiriurd"d Pe,2d mm hot datum show od. tuiitliur iitAtrG"pisn" field, we Ipttttd , DENIM of Wan- lad The tttikbtt,ttU um wu you: good. One woman thrower miss the bottles but scored I put win by ranking the â€tenant an I non-vital 3M with the bull. Your scribe tri I few have: but eouldn't even hit the boy. The will was no mom forum-u: with the dart game. Nor WI! hi. ammpu any more uncouth! with my of the rent. However, the hot dog And â€nun-rill: “and was strictly on the iNt1Ve and we were nble to run up I high score and even got bu): at the other tunes with a doable helping of_mushrd. _ _ A high incidence of loss is indi- cated in the local goat population, if magmas received by Alf Slater and t . Times And Guide are any barometer of the situation Calls from all point: of the campus have pogndjn. ___ _ _ But Nancy still remains at large, despite the careful examination Mr. Slater has bestowed on all and sundry of the captured fugitives in the area. We never heard of goats migrating. but perhaps Naney, My? lone arte-trl-tsteer)" battle for the Arctic tundm for were hitting the spin the wheel games he big stakes “complnied y groan: from the operators It every win. The Itrident voice cal- led out "man Just won Fifty Dol- llre while his “shunt took up the cry, not to be outdone," mun Just won Fifty two dollln. the xenon. be iriliféa fo,irirraTties -on- GG Ind muerials.' " Committee Plan 300 Homes "I will havn\200 house: completed or under construction by winter," stated Emilio Vagni, builder, at I meeting of the York Townshi Re. }mbiliutior} Commune. "if "t On the strength of Mr. Vagin's proposal. the committee, at a meet- ing lut week at Branch M, Cams. dim Leg-ion, Weston Road, lnnoun- cod its intention to petition council for the required priorities. The plan calla for the construction of 300 per.moent homeatbuiltr of brick, Nancy Still Awl Owner Reports Ag part of the plan, the township will also be requested to make nvnillble the required building lot: to .trervieemen It the sum of 8100 Mr. “(I Mrs. Edward Luella» who were untried June 28rd in the Church ot the Advent. The bride is E!!- fttrystr Dow-hr. Etorrt (Mile wkr Worker), re',"); unity-(u- Ji Mr, qnd Mn. Frog! tone,, fromâ€, 1nd ttuirGin In the son iit Mr. uni Mrs. Edwnrd Lending Sn, Weston. -Photo by Thomo A. Jon-I. "MISS WAR WORKER Ti iiild - “no “In Wm" u a. noâ€! Candi“ Navy's Mob." it “he- tion-uly called, in con-Mend by null Alpert: to be one of the fin. pg Rio-am d..e- an IM- Isotouly Hunt is I former Ont- Lrio chumpi the Junior section. while Mrs. was 3 than“ in the same tition during 1 dit. ferent sea . Messrs. Little And Pro are both Nt,rA't,i:7 phym among the men. e three matchu promise tut. export plny. him of the " vessels mad or arr-ted by tho Gnu-dim Na, tionn '"tte,tl"Nh't Pg, Ion by enemy In on. m . My Hanm. may Drake Md Lady Sam", no. populu In the Walt India "reiee. Miss Jean McLeod, instructor " the Weston Club, in: arranged the match. which Ire being armored by the YW.C.A. Three " ibitions Fill be given, Iadieg' singles. men', Iinglos Ind mixed douqu. Fred Ward Home Hit Near Calm Going To East "Our â€Monument: wen tew and far-bet-n," “and M 7.114: 19, .of the Jteyal. “my Wanton Adding of the net me will have the oyportunity or up- praising the et,',": ability of four of Onurio'a "dine players on the even]? of July 19th, when Doro- thy um. Louise Brown, Jack Little and Eddie Pyne will sun exhibition much†" the locll club's fine courts by the that. who in on leave It the homo of his Pusan at 87 Don Ave., Weston. 'We would naive three replace- menu lot about wary eight casual- tiu and we wen eontinuously 1trtt der Imngth." . Fred, who particigeud in the ex- tremely PR, fig ting of the Hocheweld orelt, wu wounded in the back by: large ai,',',", of Ibupnel neu- Cele“. _ in web equipment and the heavy leather jerk n he was wearing contributed to “Vin: his life. The Kangaroos were the only regiment of their kind among Em- pire forces and were used by both the lst Canadian Army and the 2nd. British Army as needed. They used Canadian-built Rants with the turrets removed, the only front-line employment the tank has Been in this war. . Among those who greeted him, me his rother-in.law, Len Robert- son. who we discharged I few weeks Mo. Len was a long-service man with the. RCEME. irst Di. vision, and saw action in Sicily and Italy. He in at present setting up a can“ heinous in Woodbridge, an undertaking for which his wide ex- perience has rendered him well equipped. After V-Dny, he an: sent, with 35 others, to the Frisian Islands when the party acted u and: Ind mirttittitrtratort, of the 6000 Gum-nu who were found there. He mom_thu, 11010th Bll German um- were otticinly continual. the offer of n hundred tic-rotten imam bring {align guy gumbo; Sgt. Bill Norton th Woodbridge Home On Leave Mr. Wind. his father. h, veteran of the hat war, serving] with the Queen's Own Rifles. e Us a brother in the Air Force. at Roekcliff Sgt. Norton, 3 quiet-mann-red chap who is the picture of health, has volunteered for the Pacific, despite the faet that he has agent three years in the European t ea- tre and was wounded at Falaiae while with the Second Cnnadinn Tank Brigade: He returned aboard the Queen Mary and reports a pleasant cross- ing. At the termination of his leave, Sgt. Norton will be sent to the southern states, for training under eoeuiitions similar to those expected in the Pacific campaign. Tennis Stars Here Tonight would bring to 'ltlf, my number of Luger: 1nd P- I. In his ftt, nion, the Germans h-vo hid on much arms and ammunition about the country. A volunteer for Neifle duty, he returned on the Queen Mary Int whek. Be states that the recep- tion in New York was carried out in characteristic American fashion, with blimp: and helicopters hover- ing nbout the ship and bands play- ing on lmnll bouts which circled er. When questioned as to why the rioting took place recently in Alder. shot, e laid the Home It the door of the authorities, for poor ntions, delays in pay and to I very natur- nl resentment of the 1oyg-tseryiee men when they saw Pnciflc volun- teers of perhaps less than six glam)“ service overseas go home irst. Sgt. Bill Norton, of the Canadian Armoured Carrier Regiment, the famous "Ktu1traroots", which were formed in Holland for front-line in- fantry transport, was welcomed home to Woodbridge last week by his wife and family. With 35 Others, . Guarded 5000 Germans In Frisian Islands ',1,Fiii25iiidiiie'ifit urcï¬késdufl-mh‘ï¬uï¬; hub mm 1 'khl'ihhii lo Ulla In In 1tl8u'illrt'l't in not no m: not at taAtq and. in and In to. at tatqA-dhrt.d- Any a“ he... Township offreiallyhirpr'oas' Sites For Four' Major 1ridustri.s--ls Negotiating With Four More-Old Firms To Expand . That Weston, Mt. Dennis "de-.----------------- North York redder!" may teh ton-rd to the future with the con- ' Am Md Len tidence and. "eurity that en qur-I‘ _ ' F _ . F . nnee of plentiful employment in- Ipiree, is indiceud by recent ro-lnept To iltt Porta from officials of the town- . ship. Many new concerns, of mil- . I . . lion dollar proportions, no sche- Exh h ti I I dnled to esublinh in the townshir I I on n and I number of the old firms w.i.11 _ expand to Ter. greater. .0»th The Art Exhibition held 1:1:th u building conditions per- 1 "ri/ur by the Irs t'ri Pt At I recent meeting of the town- ship council, the location of four new major industries wu given endorsement and the, t'wnetit contrtteted to supply them wi water, uwenge and other public servmen. Just, how much publicity of this kind can be purveyed to the Ameri- can public without Canadians being regarded as I race of rogues and swindlers, governed by eompla- cent officials who are too indif- ferent to do anything or who have their own fingers in the pie, is dif- ficult to IT Not mue ' in my use. Without discussing the rights and wrongs of Canadian law, definite steps should be taken to protect the reputations of those Canadians who no not interested in profiting upon the uilibility of our neighbour: below tie line. Cun- adn's evehmment to full stature ' ' "WET Yams: um WEEKLY†Waikiki '-trestinomu, "Hm Realm Two of the cameras, which will he egtablished on Trethewey Dr. near the voter-IV: housing project, will give Tgtl",','e,9, to between 2000 and 30 0 people. the con- cam viii rGnufketirre wood pro- duets, while the other, covering 29 acres, will be a bridge company. A new Elutlc plant will be built north of glinton Avenue on Duf- ferin St. . A natidmtlly-known publishirag house will establish its new be: - quarters on Yonge St., just north of Hogg’s Hollow, were 400 peo- ple will be employed. Sine up your man and his assets; ply him gently with legitimate ad- vice over a lon period, show him a handsome profit. on his first small nibble, and you have him hooked. He will take the bait in his mouth, with line and sinker attached, and you simply haw! him ashore. His flounderings thereafter are his own affair. Just re-bait the hook and move on to the next sucker. Bu gested reading for this week is “gwindler's Paradise." in the Jply let. issue of Collier's Blan- mne. In nddition to those projects, dealings are also on foot with four other firms planning to build in the township. Thus. officials envisage an era of prodigious development during the poet-war years. It appenrs that theme: will lose its rural na- ture at A rate of progress hitherto undreamed. Notoriety Re Mines Hits Peak In " Unprecedented Boom lhitt In This Area Cute Tactic§ flf Operators---, Ontario Gohirhrtiitrit Dffic'ials Speak Unwisely _ NAZI GENERALS &eetbe.36e-tetrrttrhqearrttr_ I of Gui. 1m Damn: I " Anh- via an: viii lop. dt uttr. for m Gog-n eon- 33191513725 Toronto investment dealer, are vain to have the public believe that practices which are fraudulent in the us, are carried an exclusively by American confidence men who hive moved in en muse to capi- talize on the present bomnza. Such dotsp't â€pen; to be the can. . Of particular interest are the statements of public officials which were given for publication in the States. They are thiek-hetuied mo- dels of whet not. to say. For callous indifference to In issue which he: “sinned intemttiaml prominence. it is hard to find their match. While unquestionably the interviewer lent his own "slant" to the story. our public men should have the good sense to think More they week. Arts And Letters Dcpt. To Hold Exhibition In Fall The Art Exhibition held in the spring by the Arts and Letters De. partment of the. Lou! Council, though small and tether inade- gustely housed, created I greet eel of interest, and it was felt that something of the same nature might be attempted Ignin but under improved conditions. One of the chief objects of the Arts and Letters Department is to encourage interest in arts end hsndicrefts. end with this end in View it is hoped to hold another exhibition in the fall, in co-operation with the YWCA who hove also kindly of- fered the use of its rooms (in the basement of the library) for this Burpose. This will ensure much otter housing conditions and the exhibits will be on view for I long- er period. This will be an exhibi- tion of new work. - _ as a nation depends gently upon the investment of Ameiieat1fsry'ttsl in her natural resources. Whethei; we like it or not, we Ire not rich enough by ourselves to exploit the tremendous potential! of our coun- try. If we are to achieve the en of prosperity which is 1etritirnnelrhy be expected, we. must grooms the good-will and trust of t a American investor, particularly the small in- vestor. Those whose names are already known to the committee are being notified, but will any artist who was not represented at the spring exhibition please take this notice " an invitation to show his or het work in the fall, " it is hoped-to make this a very complete and giri,Tatt,fJue, exhibition. The date will be announced later. Any fur- ther information may be had from Mrs. V Sears, Phone Zone 4-522, or Mrs. G. t McKelvey, Phone IS CAMERA SHY 1186.]. am we. Mt. Dennis A tom mphâ€. a ham. In can from I fully m n ,'e.'e. neon! d m h the pin. m. father, M I Iow- buy. and with cum 5m! in Ema-hr - --_- mis, ind V "tuliUETd new“ with mgwjgn‘m-ï¬ FiFiii, Rhine- turd; rgttcth MAT...†After was And MIC-m yam were.†with the 11mm "loo-e" San-611m. Corporal Robert How- bny wn welcomed home meentlr by " wife, Phyllil. Ind his two $35911. "tggsfug,1 loan ' . "' m, In china. nah-Me with $0 Nil-Hm. M12- 9.. M tite/t a "ttt ' 'tPiiaf,t I , . In lumber-h- ttgt m, .7... tttu it l, Father and Brother Veterans World War I And World War " Bill MacDonald, 10, CIC, " Dennis Avo., Mt. Dennis, nu wel. compd homo last week by hi- pinata Mr. and In. Win. Mae- Donald. am, a volunteer for the Puma, mung Je the "can" t crown a a men n! in Whici many 'atMt of Cum- dinm came home. Suiling from Greenock, the huge liner mule tho Housing in four and a halt days and Pte. MacDonle reports that conditions Ibond ship wen oxcel- hm, despite the Net that the ship was so crowded that alternate shift: of four thounlnd men were forced to sleep on-deck etch night. 113.3. MEWS}? an. was mandolin Moose Squadron Airman Arrives Home Bill, one of the thouundn of young lads who have [one oversea " they came of Age to do Bo, while Iixty thousand zombies hid behind the Ikinl of MuKemio King. Ir- rived in England too late to get into the front lines. Be returned last week with the Canadian contingent about} the Queen Mary And reports ant the crossing m ettmfortable. and speedy. His father, Culvin Bonk-m. (china: " Candi-n Drip“ and widths was a muchine‘gunner th the First Battalion in 9 laat He was educated at 'Westnn Voeationnl School Ind worked " C.C.M. before enlisting. When discharged from the Ger- man hospital he WI: sent to Stall; IIB near Hanover. He w“ liberat- ed by the Teh' British Armoured Division, the furious Desert Rats who fought at El Alumein. Despite hie woundl 3nd imprison. ment. he looks in the best of health. His, wife, I British girl, Mrs, Peggy Bonham, and daughter Cl- rol. Izod seven manual. u-e ml) in Englmd. Duo to tho "cent restric- tion on tnnsponing w" bride. until more "seotrttrtodatitm for troops is obtained he is uncertain when they rm Arrive. - - Pte. Bonhun wns educated It Rosalind public school And York Memoritl Collegilce. Before enlist- ing. he was mphyed bv Cmndinn Nation“ Carbon Co. Ltd. Visiting with him wu his friend, Pte. Don Roubrugh, 1150 a volun- teer for the Paeitié, who wu one of the first group of airmen who were discharged lust summer to ennble them to enlist as reinforcement: for the infantry. Don got to Prince and wns in thnt, Belgium, on V 1y. Wm. MacDonald, father of Pte. MacDonald, is a veteran of the last wnr, htwinir seen nation with bhe Winnipeg Canadian. Jack MacDonnld, I Moths: of the young soldier, is serving in Aurtralia wit the Signal Corps. Pte, Bonham was wounded in the arms and legend taken prisoner near Calear, many. on Feb. 19th of this year. Previously he hid been wounded in the leg at Fania in August, 1944. Jstehed Tom -tititlrH Bonum, 23, of " Porter Ave., Mt. Dennis. who hu just returned from three Ind one-hut yen-l oversea! service with the Essex Scottish. Pte.Tom Bonham Twice Wounded m e n t and ntioni the enemy on h is “(a m e n ' 1n spite of the faet there was only a mouthful of f o o d for each man." Bill MacDonald PacificVoluntoor Home" On Leave "In fairness to the Germans. I must admit that, while receiving treatment for.wound' in n Gel-mun hospital, we V were ae- Irltllrlllglllqll" nctly t h a an; medi. ttt “IBM Own-wit of NM nod In. the 'pg'Pt,tfigNteurggt N. Yuk mu. its. no a! 'e.etheA-atiter, __ - V at“, __ ilT‘iuT'B."Qs§-n r',,,".",').';',',' ",telii2$l'lfi The inch.» in Ian-Inu- h . tritruttditter.tttrtu.y'r+ eventing within an rum mud by th. ixehange, Viki mt fgm_lmt Dunk to M. not“ In the volkoff Ballet Footlighte two trill: of humInity on the out side of the "Proms" looked like beaks of terraced flowers in In Italian ntden. Doreti eonduetod. Leo Smith's illuminstive notes on ballet were lavishly illultnted by Volkoffiens. A sylphine septet did I wonderfully metronomic {Antony to Schubert music; even more ex- hilaratimr in the Weber “Invite- tion" scene in which the. toe-dance soloist wee rertmrubu"eninitth for Paris. taulia Betko picturized SIruIte's ',',,e,ig,"L',eia't't' in In exquisuly m Mt larghetto. Ind I lithe preatisisirno capriee vividly intimate Ie,q',te,tigr, Beth Lock- hart', “Jeune ille" we: I seductive strampetinh siren of VIgIbond humoreaque; Vivecious young vixen whose hair you want to gull. Janet Baldwin and John Mus I were I model of romantic ele once in I VienneIe WeltI. Wentfy Canetta and Ruth Cone were frisky tor- mentors to Everett '8tapus on I bench playing I hucoh'o harmonic- to the full orchestn tone-coloring the extre-vez-nu by Guion. Ex- cellent part comedy in the guise of I backwoods "Hoedowrt." figure several time: "m um: of that of prawn dun. FM hun- dred of the†all: [a to Tar-unto Ind must be individually taco And timed. Kill hobo] It. Smith. [in E. Hank and [in Bush v. Day, In of Wanton tad Inst Dania, who hue been wanton with tho cmpnny for runny â€an, find thinn â€unearthly than“ hall the old dun when on? m = than war. -rrred. my gas gain: this on th - a. ' it the henna" , iauaaird 's',hlk'i'liE 'tttttt lee, P, Ballet Dancers ht Weekly Prom FtsttirtPr0grtm The number of telephone an. put through by resident; of View reached In all-time high on w. Day, stated Min Christine Glue in An interview with the Time- end Guide. "The day of the bony now- flll '11". December unlined our Neilitieis, but on VII-DI? the tmf. tie proved even havin.‘ 4 My Plan all". i Gets Support In Tttttl 10,000 Calls Daily Thru Local .Excllam A complete; Vo1koff-ehoreotrrte phy ballet deployed the entire en- semble of 12 in . graphic panni- ture of comic ehieacters ealted ','dTilTd'l,t,l',t',' Lind: Allman was the tch-prank gunmen to four sprightly imp: of children. Butko ceremoniel Duchess in black end Medina Nouveeu niche with her piqumt perusal were two of the elegmtiy grotesque pawn: in an, my when of, misfit-.- John Maatill, (Indian, yin up: “with!!! an want vmce Wiir might hue been highly mum in Hart Home Theatre. did his beat to be voeallr comforublc in I 8.000-nem. With omheatn he an; an ad: from “Tosca." With tho Bahia " piano he did “Moon of My Delight," with evident inter- prgtive gkill. . . Donti csme to his second drama. tie climax. Mter the dance number. in I wonderfully realistic picture of Taehtu'kttmsky's Overture to "Ro. meo Ind Juliet." am. The Wanton Public Library will be closed for the loath of Ann-t. The In! day for 1m- 9911 books is Tuesday. July Orders On Hand Indicate Lam OtShut Company Official Express“ , ire To Do J Redounding To Employee’s Benefit Volluoffrs Ballet Foot. Lights Gave Wonderful Interputotion of Ballett 300 Westonites Await Telephones-- Number of Operators Tripled-- No Dial Phones For Years hi‘V-u'i'wm" w‘“ by A ’uton midi".- will b. m. taB'rtArtr m CLOSE “The belt indicating of at!“ In of contaminant can be found in our own a room", Mr. Osborne stated, to than mung we): a _ see- in In" bus " tlTNIt dwarfed by the larger board. _ we {and to haul this Y.* mam last year, beam it n F palm.) w M' tar admin we In." C 4 Venom citilenl will nun-mi e'n1eg'."Mt',gt,,2it ', of yea-kn 1- phat-1 h†company n will obtain “a ' within an next an "I , ton in no» the tteed of thtttyq: _ While (sum r","llt'tiiil, nude on - C Toronto must. In Jtl?a U} m ti 1'tg'hQ with -ttta B. _ a 'r/i,',',",',,:'?,',",'?,)",),',', . " munchies. Mam, I. wait. the unbu- u has = ‘1! may mat nit ' ' ' mihtstseayuaAiikC: -tanrhrs- I“. (ii',l"itititii,'i'4al' _ 1ttthparstBtlarteh 1?et,tliet"r-- "trtet." "." tttl 1'i,,',t2g 3mm: mm â€new ttt_the Automobile Workgu Union. 882. in BAt irttareUir with It.†and Guide. “And nun at in; wook in eat from five dt four days," an pruldout a union went on to say," Ir, will.U filled within a II l or time." _ _ _ "Our purpo-e in main: in! the 4-dny week program In, tee yii. present. 'ly,'2 I - tsf . / trt& time in in}: nut ogdeeq g: be taken or ding“ PM, _ i ranted. We not I C2 that at» of pay be q ’ [5 15111an the loss of on. UH" i)'). week." " â€an: The resent aitaaan, I. to "t emit-ck: at De EM, tut iSrirGiuAioii)ut $gouriti "-.."r biii.it6 T en ha been minced from "can! five to fifty nimntt . trtentth.. ' Thu union at a mu C Mind irG'i ',Ag'lit,tjt1tt' t â€Upla- m 'at,", ti, who no nah 9h: terseyeet it. an! il%T W H" ___ __ V"-"", W. 333“.“ 'tllrate'lll ttt W in; hours Ker wk, tick all b' Faye“ Iti on the job. m . erable to an imminent an _ or t partial lay-oft. ' ' i' Union officials ltmud MEI. shut-down It “any Flu-tin have a deleterious dict _. Whgaton, Mt. begun ,',gd,',ht tut1p,"n_PrrtttoPWttet ', employees In resident! at are-4 h - - Bible. for new "Hf-ii a; ""'"rtrfl,1,'gcut't'd,ut --Cimti-d an un- Ire-4 _ "We wdt the community's huh mast w. Emmi}. 1t.atfd..."rt in; In“; iritGisiGt" in King; ' ihii5 ‘ My»: ore." . . ' f MFrr. t. Dsy, “shunt mm at the plant, “and. "It iq a, earnest desire to do within; v1 possibly can that wouId for h; workers' bandit. How-var. the, decision regarding the, 1 "' week does not lie with III, with the War Labour’BMrd. glusll be glad to comply MG: M eve_r tieyisityy they 3itr)9r.", 7 A pmnper'ity of the comma.“ _ Pied English, lea] My, merchant, mud. "tt see-- tet _ tint the workwife oft!†. We“? tx.ue 211m 'f w m. "It. Mi} gram; tion cl the calamityâ€, _ _ {fillet which in.“ ‘Wiaa'a " owe. 'While Jack Amen. local I: I wee unable to be canted“ n 6 matter due to his duties " Ml Perk when the provinciel â€a: ment is in session this mi, W ton businessmen end auteur: unanimous in their esteem every manure shoal he tok- Q Ree; the plant running. C _ " very effprt shun] haying keep†We 7 but enlisting? G1l'..fr'U'd'l,'a,' iFial', A delegntion of the Council tt U.A.W. . ll on Tuesday, when . member of the mind], lent the matter for the 1 “99.4, ly. .cazmm..s , tti Sak"),"'] 'se'it.iiatttit",i:), matter ot “in ;, ',",',u'egt “a. '.'ci n INV {d A' NAMES be Maud , of on. Gar ' /, afam in than t' , hvihnd. I,t' #yauitat hul- a: