A considenble group hu been-n1 waking for mm. tint. giving Bl, fut dell of time to the campai I. l uh]; than who believe in gin mimic work which hu but I t to Welt/on Will» not fait " 6m. poop]. full lup- o yorker: are " follow: ct Nb. 1-CI§2., Mrs. Max 5.. Min an", Mrs.‘ "it'gt In. (the In. Slater . . Shun n. Alf. Edmond. at No. b-r. L. "emu a F .,Mm. Pe In. P. E, H In an Hamilton. In. . News, In. Gibbhon. '11.. C. C. Morten. In. away 'tu, No. F-ttrs. Ruth Gre. u ' In. Hun-haw In. ti . tummy. In. imam . e. i a tara F. B. (fs) m. " 1kPgltN2t f,',',') dell ttf ,,'iiilr,tii'iiii; an 'eq, 'iliti'iy'(, - Lt., ' t)tllllitjlll,, WILL SURVEY MAIN 5TB“? momma or CHIEF Tl80Mllt1l8Flutllii Is D‘ISOUSSE Re, we pommmd to the amnion l "ttt renders. This 13 the V.0.N.i drive, w, under way. under lt.‘ F. L. hung u campaign mam, user. Qu i t e a considerable; uncut“. his been"eollected, 'ii'r'l'ii"L but if this fine work is to continue;" Ind meet all the derndtuU mud! G) it, much more upper! is necessary] Across the river in Etobicoke.i we understand that municipality, has a quantity of land which has‘ hover been subdivided. What a fine i time it 6ould be to get this land! partitioned and put on the market! at a reasonable price. What 'l, chance for the landseeking peoplel who are desirous of locating in or; neu- Weston. What a fine thingl it would be for the municipality to l have a more populous neighbor- hood directly adjoining. Pouibly the municipality of Etobicoke might be. induced, with a little per- suasion. to open up this land to thel goblin We think This In The: tttte. British Air Tycoons To Buy Victory Plant No Imminent we: available " to the number of employees or the rite of production that the com- pany will require. However, m View of the large are: of five equate miles which the plant occu- pies and the existing facilities for production it is expected thet the output will approach hen the fig- he: of war years. _ nurby bf necsjsity the prospec- tive purchaser ll be forced to buy in pr he" forthe other trntptyttltr. Soon!!- 6PW‘m 11qu " "where cm I tittd a heme." will be "ttled Iunt In',? building their own. 1 " is t e ogiul solu- tion. With government aid ready to prbvide most of the needed money, with a probability of build- ing materiel, . becoming aorpewhgg be looking around for homeaites. .There is comparatively little vu- cant land within the corporate lim- iU of the town. This makes it necessary for prospective home builders to look over the suburbs of the town for suitable building lots _and, j! these_cnnnpt be found 351m FT, mung; At Excellent new: for the commun- ity u twvlwlc ms featured this weak an? ï¬ns announced that A. V. , pm. designers Ind builder/o . “new: bomber in'the United Kingdom, In nego- tinping tpr..the purchase of the gut Victory Aircraft plant at alton. Proceedings have mind the tentative In? and the dial in expeeud to be cased in tho very near tutu". The British comgnny "a pureh- uing the plum wit the “you of 'aanutactaringmirliners an heavy "Impoitpltnes for the air crime of postwar years. which is expect- tid, to rack tremendous propor- ons. _ _ Price of burehue was not stated although when the Federal Gov- ernment took over the lam in 1942 dun to disputes any differ- ences u to methods of oysrmticmv $4,000,000 was paid for all nuts and liabilities were necepted to the extent at $1,780,000, i635 lentiful, many- pie {till berlooginz around for meshes. Victorian Order of Nurses Have Campaign Under Way Thâ€? it one very worthy cum- mm or funds, pow ynder wpy. Worthy Cause Solicits Backing Of Citizens Of The District A. V; Rot ty Co., Designers Of Lancaster Propose to Build Civi ion Airliners And Traniport Planes At Melton “MANN. .ZONIW Qt'ttAi'Aiait -'- ii-iii: it) on In “If“ hi ere kg. . 1 One eonteatant Was I femaie 1 Boston Bun Terrier. Micky by ‘nnmeil creature notorious for her 1aftmttion of all end sundry, whose preview record had consisted of lone of two-3mm pursuits of moths, butte lies Ind such. l For some unaccountable reason, Lily? pint-sized canine decided to' run I wandering skunk off the 'premises. There we: A brief ecu!- ifle of tau-ling. twisting bodies and then I great cllm ensued. The lumen doit atlzgered from the me- Ira, glazed of a: and tremblins in (every limb. a skunk strolled ;cas_ua_lly nwny. it 31106.00, which in "all h the amount coll-cud In: you. Then "Italian Mcmndkh m ty ttet an. - n-qm wish North York-Mrs. M. S. Whit. an, cupgin; :n. Dive, It “g. my, n. . y. n. . Imam. Hrs. P. morp- In. D. Clam, In. C. WNW. In: do Ian'hton. EtoMa.ke--rtul upon not rut in, Cinnamon: Min B. Jhatyte, mu hm New“. It h undo:- nood that mm Tttttutter worm In “runny nod“ for mucou- and mould report to Mr. Imu- "Al", 6:11be , [in lav-n. «unit! a In - well undel way In! tho an art. muggy fo gown of _JIly p, "trs. Lowens, Mrs. W. H. Wood, 1Ws. Allan Bull, Kn. S. K. Cairns. Mrs. W. G. Pink, Mu. A. Byers, Mrs. Sanders. Mrs. S. F. Williams, In. T. Gluon. Mrs. Boom, Mrs. Roos, Mrs. Ault, Mrs. Eadie, Mrs. Bur%kin, Mrs. J. E. Plewes. District No. s-r. L. Martin, captain; Miss Dorothy Beardnll. Mrs. Allan Jennings, Mrs. Huaon. Mrs. Jus. Ajtchuony Mrs. Dinah, Mrs. P. C. Irvine, Mrs. J. W. Watt, In. Wm. Burleson, Mrs. Myles Bowen, Mrs. u. W. Lhristie. Hrs. C. n. Madam, Kn. Shier. Mrs. F. L. Human. Min Don- umnce. _ District No, captain; Miss Mrs. Allan Je Mrs. Jar. Ajt Mrs Mrs, Mn Mrs, Shipshlw, one of the biggest Bower projects in the world, wns uilt in record time during 1942 and 1943. It was I cleanly guarded One k the mrtAatdirs. sporting events of the scum w“ stun last week without btnsflt of om- cill notice. It iouldhnve nude I great drawingzcud locally, if suffi- cient advlnce publicity, could have been' obtained and the spectators could have been "tft', with bin- oculars to view e event at I distance. 'r Jicki. het Bwner reports, is now eonvaletseing in the peat out- doors. WED AT HART HOUSE CHAPEL' _ On July _Tth. in the beautiful ch. e! at Hurt Home. U. of r., the waging of Miss Rowen Jun Scott. d. hter of Mr. and Mn. Fr.her r0'lltl,jdd'l.ric (rt-tie, OFFICER AND BRIDE L'tierpptptg=rrg.t .However. desfite the fact that the Votenn'l rum-Inca act per- mm disabled returned men to pur- chue inn-runes. who would not be this to obtain it elsewhere, the pro- gnm is not show criticism. Rates In not no much law» that noun a! the meridian input! In ju- Pt “in: with Mitch!“- 2t . he. .apetrienisittpoit_t Should the widow a! 3 mm: ob. Mitt a yen-ion. uh. do" not obtain an {on v? at a. cam on him.- omdvuMokrr- tiortofit,tttea-ttafwt it Mind by I coupling!“ In- 'dt n't'il'ltttd',t i'l't',tf, “a "3 ml. l pa u n the Ale death of the n- " however. a. View: "can“ tho “out. It the policy in not is!!! paid 'T, AM ymus-d tslye All policies poms: I (unnamed cub velue It the end ot the second year ma thereafter, should circum- siences compel the veteran to mop his insurance, If thin uhould occur, he has two other options in addition to that of 1 can settlement. He may obtain e paid-up poiiey tor an mount which depends upon how runny plymenu he has made. Or he may convert the policy into extend- ed term insurance " the face ve- lue, e plen wnich snore: him mnx- imum protection without further payment. These three options In embodied in every insurance policy sold todu by stunting compenies. Eaten bear I very favourable, eomparisort with those of standard ', Life Insunm eompanies. At tltel we of 20, the - pnys $20.88 per wound on the gavel-mun†2:0 Pay lite plan, while I sirttile non-pl: plan with l sundud‘ ocmpony would cost him $22.60. At [ so yen-I ot no. he ply: :25.so,| compared to o chili-n rate of: $2t.ob. than basic nus are nun-t suntillly lower under the Van-om“ y Prawn!» . . _ l . 50.000 in the maximum cover“: my _nt"t. Qt: buy. _ Five plans Are auilable to the returned tiehtintt --.10 bay hue, lo by hue. to Pay Lue, Life Mid-up It 66 and ,e,',t: 'iivltiemur are mid to the po icy- "Where a mun has no expecta- tion wnlmever to live,' he re- plied. "An Illustration ot the exact number lot such can: is tounu in the Returned Btidiers' Insurance brazen at." the last. war. Ut 34.- 028 trpplieations received, only 1.31% were muted. 10 be refused Insurance, I man’s condition has to be_rery ryetrrly hunky}: _ 2/ m" ia Asahi, "and: T" ", Alittle,; inn} an: tities tit? Plete, E2329 $143 $31,113 noon to With After his ditsenartre," mated . h. Mchig, Venn!†Officer gk the local branch. , - . Gitter, Moo eniploy’ees hue been nlueed at View Airgun. _900 employees have been releuedr It be Haviland. 800 employees have been releued at My Harris. The war it over for all these people and now they are returning to the itormarehanneu, of. employment, to the life of'pre-war years, with its uncertainty, its prospects of unem- ployment and its deflated ntes of pay. Their mimbers will ewe}! as the months page, till, with. the dey of victory over Japan, the pro- duction of War Materials will cease al- together. . _ While every effort should be a made to arrange some type oreivilian production for these plants, on'a scaleof employment and production they" hsVNeen during the war years, it is wishful thinking to presume that such will be the use. The three huge con-' cems were designed and built solely for ma- terialrof war; it is only common sense to understand that civilian production will fol- low its pre-wnr venues and that the govern- ment will not propose to tro into competition with manufacturers, with the plants it has instituted and financed. "The plan has ererar,desture that a standard policy pm, rates In lower and no payment cumm- mm is, required, except in tew speeial easel." "What do you men by special use: 't ' he was asked. But, meanwhile, what is to be done with all the thousands who face immediate unem- ployment? , Many will be directed into the building in- dustry, which is in grievous need of labour. Many will be absorbed by the concerns which Unquestionably,.this area is scheduled for togreat industrial boom within a few years. Definite arrangements have been made for the'establishmeitt 'of permanent concerns of huge proportions. Many Btntttfits For Rammed; Men Radar Vet'smfs Inhrance got Howeéei, Some Feat-times OQTHI Program lot " Above 'fri/it/gs/ti-i/step-gd $3,: g!) 14??? Weston keeesd and he 9" -i7TTr" i l bunk‘Minmtp . Ciiiisrryifii'ifi, is it“: r. I EMM'NL M _ To sum up. the iret'ir"iG Insur- ance net present' . splendid oppor- tunity to Cnmdn’s dueling-d vet- lenns to obtain low cost He in. ilumee, but some re-vilion should ibe made for the benefit of those 'bemefieUries who will receive I pen- Ision upon the death of the Insured. tirdt2p; 'tedit tytt,Rii" J , :9?99‘94.:=-f "Y I; 59.39,; f‘WEST YORK'S NEWSY WEEKLY." Irroodbriui F Wmmoum HumberHeights - ' ' . - 'n' mink 'i77i'i"i ',r"fi7"ii'ir""'-'"-'"'" A m.» m Cart - 'tr, t'.ii,iji,iiiijit',iirii'iiiis,i, 'ii'ii I I . tl t,e,g, Comm); ,. Mary Bake. privioully I Mt It the Weston Collqitu‘IM.Vo- cations] School. and now complet- It her third you. Home Icono- M a Canon n chmvnbmty of t,',i'i,'i,"itu,tt'irHi'i',rs'illh!l Itt.. ' u: 'ii'??!, Wilson l in ouuhold laughing Am on Reeve prize in ouch“ Selena. 2,',ttltl',2'gtit. ",t, War as: maria on; i . it (mum-r of It. “you... '1"; _ Mary Boake Wins 4 Scholarship: creditors. either of the humid or of his widow. Premiums uni b. plid in cash, from Re-esubiIJL- melt Credit tfroy.t ptnsiorty. In restricting the death payment to $1000 to the widow, the [avenu- ment is following I plan which in- :unncc companion hAvo been urg- ing to their clients for may yum. " I method bf nssurin that I k ty'm'te unpunl payment‘be on hind for a Vidw irGtUiiGi I vluEpsEn; which may be quick) dissipated. The policxcmno} (i "uehtti by In addition to the members of the Army, vay, and RCAF, the m embraces those who have serv- ed with the Veterans Guard, the Corps of Cnnndiln Firefighters, the Auxiliary Services and Merchant Semen. However, the plan has mnny fea- tutel deserving of praise. Without extra coat, I provision is made that in the event of total And permanent disablement before ego sixty, from some cause for which I pension is not awarded, no further premiums need be paid. Theer are no oeestpatitmal, war or travel restrictions. Conditions which normally cull for added pre- miums from Inward comp-hie; do not affect the pmium when under the plan. Veterans unsaved in hr zu-doua magnum; will pay no more than one in the normal walks of life. may 'iGiitd if. - -e It. lui!rto at 3PM: Iota The Pi.tsp " “‘plan dogs not â€par to have much merit, for de- Wthe low tosquoet men cease to be productive 14tr, before reach.. ing that age. As '& plnn is non- participating. dividends cannot be expected to pay up the policy be- fore I man's working days are end- ed. Payments will have to be kept up his“ aged veteran from sav- ings has accumulated elsewhere. EDITORIAL The justice of this proposal is immediately apparent. The people who have raised their children in the community, who have paid its taxes, who have patronised its merchants, who have grown with it to its present status, are the ones who are entitled to first con- sideration. Residents of, Toronto. the people who moved into the area when the war plants 7 boomed, welcome as they have been, are not , in the same category as local citizens of Weston, Mount Dennis and the Towpsltip. illpr are they in the same category as the Efifteen hundred local men and women who have enlisted in the forces, for whom em- tsloyment must be found on discharge. Thus, in justice to the community they tttgtg local officials of the Selective Ser- _, ee should use as a leading question at every Interview: Are you a permanent resident? are able to re-convert to civilinn production without delay. Many will work with employ- ers, large and small, who have virtually been forced out of business during the war, but who will swing back into production now that restrictions are being lifted on the materials they use. But locally, at the present, there does not appear to be sufficient employment for all the thousands who have been relesssd. Else- where, in Toronto, in Hamilton, in the North, there are sufficient jobs available for all. THEREFORE SELECTIVE SERVICE IS UNDER THE OBLIGATION TO ASSIGN PERMANENT RESIDENTS OF THE AREA TO THE JOBS WHICH ARE OPEN IN THE DISTRICT. r mould sudden m in the -iirT'iriihtwrirttt. of Mon!- at!!!†Sand and Gravel, Woman " accompanied hit of!" " with“ of 1nd- ndjoinint his property will! an int-mm pm. - which would work to the I 'td t,',,'lti,tl,t ho m 'dst, “a “on.“ M. I H, a W. L19- MIP *Progre'ssive Steps Taken†By Council In Buiy Session 'te;sci,jitvh,tigrii,g from Wm...“ 1000 which} let PER HOUR pu- olm hm It. Ieeteding 30,- .ee,3C.r..r?ittltt chock- mm itt the . With t gwul thin: than on a - Ida that. than in no mun - we of thin mm: cannot be We! to the ntain thtstmtehttrea, . . -- A progressive step w“ made when council authorized ' com- mittee combosed of Councillors Stevenson. Dougherty and Got to nuke I survey of Main Street. with I View m determining whether or not the an“ could he widened to mum... This preliminary lut- vcy will be potted with enthusi- um by citism of the town, " i Arst move award the ummarli of the local mm: condition. Mate of affairs yhich com I! In" of the to“ “nominal of dd - ltrtr "mu-11y in tun-int 1mm. On Sand-y. in norm! than, I.- †m and 1000 311ny The Muncil approved u lay-law permitting the renown] of its con- tract wi the T.T.C. for mother you. James, Proctor Ind Redfem. con- sulting engineers, put forward I recommendation that I new new" to usirt in the drninnge from Maf- ht‘s plant and the houses on Deni- son Ave.. be eorttruptrf. _ ""'""AriiiitGUCiru" VMex-cer. Roy Bolton and G. Baker were placed taxi licenses. V _ An order approving the nuxililry water supply wu pissed by the Department of Rum). laboratory tests proved the wnter to be up to sundlrd. In 1'5le to the "me project. the Pubic Utilities Com- migsian taunted I loan of 825.- the avg-yer. V Thirteen building permits were issued in June, according to I re- port from the building inspector, for construction estimated at $35.- 385. Three of these permits were for dwellirgs. while two were in- dustrial. .' the yesr to date, 46 permits hsve been granted. total- ing $187,000. Seventeen have been for houses. These figures sfford a favourable centrist, to those of 1944, When. in the month of June 8 permits were issued for construc- tion costing $15,240 and the Jnnu- Airy-Juno period saw forty ermits issued for n total of on}; £48,040. Things are moving she: in Wes- ton. It was requested that building restrictions on Rosemount Ave., be removed to {emit the erection of I new echoo. Residences only ere permitted on the “not at the present. No date has been not for construction to begin. due to the unsettled conditions in the building industry. him Inn wk. LICE “in. n driTer with I Rumba. mm. In a» . - " Alt-dun. when he ttartieied in the tan- Iion of combined Gnu-din and tM. Ner, in 1968. _ _ u _ "his smNhhhm."h said. "Our my on tho m. 0 'rtl'ait"llf'dWlu1t'fl= "ttqertamstrympyec'v.: Ra's-n _ “(bulge I mum. Ink "irriwci"Griitr"fii7r,' .. 'dehttrf,.Ne't" “9|de BP.r_. . " ttittis "and Fiieiir mruu lama on the we do Wm Neon“ nub: valtttt. :oer gem-- Ppeitie, than we» have twir other' "etiiid%ii,"iaGirif, five sud Dellas, three. The human fGijjr%,vod to ‘Woodlgridn {tom Mt: his; Ther Pte. J. McKay, rec-nay "tuned from oven-nu, had ukon thc little toddler for I walk and left him to pluy in the {1nd of the home. Kin mother, see ihr the child I In moment: later. wu unable to ftttd him. A lurch. dela md by a. mud- dineu of the ri " that paint, disclosed his y in the river lbgut Liter. yn P nwny. _ -- 51:1" n,),itAgpi2/ Wood.. ri gt. npp . mi ie ira- tion to the body for two A'lhT. fog hope wn abahdnnid. Round Arthur Human. ill-ac non of Mr. And Mrs. Norri- Hua- nem, of Woodbridge, m dnwnd in the lumbar River on Saw Iftemaon. Lthil. Ed Minis Home On Loan "The prisoners were living Ikele- tons," am Pte. Bill 5w. RC AMU, who is home on lens “his residence " 67 Henry oemet, Sm» describing condition: " Helm concentration camp. “he d,“ my unburied by the thousaddd About the camp. mt the livingwexe'u- duced to such n pitifu "tate pf weakneu Mat they werrratr.tAle 30 bugyutheir Iqrmer coma." land tttttat summing inâ€, ' out tfrfMy, ,1" di,theit diat a .w In: um I . w H tiny be killed M than†load " max they no boa derived. Him. through slow Animal sages, their diet via sinned to nor- malcy. Some f ma. victims wished u little "'firty pounds, he stated, Ind it ms through their in will-power Home that the spa-k of life wu Ruined in their wuwd bodies. _ Bill was educaUd at Weston Memorial trnd Weston Tannin] schools. His sister 2,Nt iq‘wi‘th the RCAF " Trenton. . (the, Wm. B. Brooks, served with the hi- 111317111 the lest pr". _ _ Pte. Harvey Duxbury, a tank:- in-Inw. Wu taken tgrim f If Dieppe. A captive of e m for tlmost three your: he "I tr eently dischuged. _ _ 'r; Saw Belsen Pte, Bill Brooks Home (In Lean 8111, a srlotierrrottuii veuran who, at2M, will have six years' servxce in khaki on September 16, went wetness with we Toronto Seottith in 1940. He willâ€. Dieppe, where he' manned " _airhek gun. ltt 4?lr, W3, ht unnamed P we 1e,,thi, Corps and witti . No. 1 Ad- van; Field aux-gin! unit went to ItalxHtrthe till ot an year. Alto: 18 rum: in tnUJand which (ms to ve up to trawl prospectuses, hr accompanist First unndian ps to trauma“ alw‘ service in 3mm argt'.aRilumt before his T patriatiopt, .‘5 " tti new»; Belsety whmuhe A volunteer for the Plcific. he wu welcomed home by nitrite, Eu... Ind two children, Thine. aged a, 5nd Billy, and 5. Bath chil- dren d.id. not recognize their tithe: and are now getting minted with him. , Woedbridge Ttit Drowns In River. Committee Delegated-In Repert up; ll'mmttthmiitittitirlt)tMrllttt can}! Be Done to Solve Traffic Problem Volunteers for Papific After Service In Italy And W. Europe _ ii -,uiu%ertokGr' NW“ Gi, Mt. Dennis It in not hm how In Mor- ri- v91 tttttttint" or dumngut his kind. luv. a big talcum may for him mHteqt he teem-u.) During tht recent explosions in Halifax Morris wls in that city and in bed, It I private home. Sleeping. quietlrat the first blunt he was blower eltar mm: the Mom. but uninjund. A walk: incident occurnd in Europe when Harm wu bifUttad at. private homo. Another occupantzns In lit omen who kept rot-Ming Ion-is intently. "I‘ve that you somewhere." "No," Mid Morris, " don’t think Bo." Cavitation ilicitd it. fact that the nix-Inn .ud, met the brother, now mining. and the ruemhknoeyu so about; 'd,tu." imam recognition n. n . Wounded Twice Cpl. Byers Home IN!†t, The Rockeliffe Ind another minesweeper were contacted by airmen who had dinbled 1 sub- lnrine. astuuibiy trying to make its way to some undisclosed denti- nation, and brought it to port. Ig", has been on native duty tonce early in the wu and had t',",arh't,i,"otvi'eT, expiring“. A b , Blito over-us. has hem re- Eet'd't,f'g lame time use. onin is, In engineer wtittr which is I etmspBratively new an]: in the any. . _ A . nffT'stil, A. i m Edward M- imam. - w “c on d --'." _ tP2tt", t!iii,i,','t?t!li1ih,lg,t,tjit, 2‘ m. tttSt at _ A and M- timt,rtt .. _vj,'tttr.tte.t',f.i)3tt um h- Cw.‘ Weston! and V , it" "He fact that two bar lee-l boy! lye A; WEIR 2ciswrLctQt/c.Ltr, Net that two of her hell by! in members of the cm of the Rock- eliffe. Morris Dunn, son of Philip Dunn, local main street grocer. Weston, and Stoker McLean. of Woodbridge, fi red in the cap- ture and bringa to port of the rlt'vt. submarine taken after VE- ar. v A. Weir “mariner. loci! super- visor of the Sun ‘Life Assurance Company of Candi, who han strain lead his bunch in total production for the year. Mr. Ethan-winch who in a well known figure in the eommunity, is a former member of Walton Town Council. Local Tar: Are LEADS SUN _ LIFE D. "Brees," My.“ “E “HAHN. "Every no!†Md be . f t at m an “do: " ' 'll .muibekg' who. m. ry "Tho dovdopumn a! mum 'v',;' but 'it,' may mun. tt' 13% «M or mm lat now). We._ ' c', law we a: simm- a 1ti Conditions in that in“ k., who!" .0 Nut" '42:». C Main Strut degertamt. 3 a of buck In: or 'dg,tit,tts"dt â€with any why Mt our _ nun a: may N te good-rm to do" .. ; a mun. give Watta- u And An attnctim fox . _ MM?! In! hum-u." T 1i'ii'i Incarnation of the ei ku, Wmttm gig-cloud taefep. . It shall be the duty of the c ' mittee to make I. 'iiFi?e'i"i,iE ntion af the present unmat‘ main thoroughfne, raga widths of sidewalk, widths tt 7 and the evaluation, of had a buildings grunting the, mt. . On the basis of their PS Council will determine what. _ by how much the street should h widened, what the alumnus of cont of the property would be, tbt actual cost of construction of a new road and sidewalks,qu whether the public utilities ' consent to plain: their - underground. maim't’oi‘w "fa . Auiitmair. It w. '.tlls "in of. 'tttith' - u. tai, a“? Ei i=5: . of 1 18th. tho ttr-trt “A ,1,'li,'l 'dt,'t1d 111C,“ “I for moths yen. N . . u Stevenson, chit-â€24‘ the v'n?u't'fgll'll't'it, fit'tNt' “and. “he recent lifting qd.i. u, port rutrictiom " Ottawa" He- Canadian tranrit com a position where they can a hope for vehicles Ind . pert; from the US. So to; “if ever, it in lime more the: I and it seem- unlikely that can P,'elt,hru,g',', (rrh.o..rsmd,it), ., e aw mac new greg luck slip lcl'oll the border. my a“ ion, it “I in the town'l 2ti't tenet to renew the T'ht't'& only until the Met rtmitiqd . little better known." ' T tion on mi. bifuid'if'o'fr 3fArt Ftr.est d-tat, inâ€, in) mi. The pron-“n is based on tho I:- sumption that the on track: will be taken up and that I new for. of transportation will be moNi" for the town, either bum; or at. ley combos operating from I! overhead wire but eapatsts gig plete maneuverability in . _ wuwn tSiqCletr" rum-ur- VeT LT,ptleft" My that-3V .Th.Aea. In any gtfttt 'Mi'." . u» _ â€-1 ,' Mtir twerity-fmtr m, If?“ which constant "ieteriotititrit dt T taken-pinch in traffieemtditimii ' T Main Street .Illd which vi _ lis'i' during the wnr year: . 5' 'i: uric“ tmftie enunzllmt‘." i question of widening ain a bu fihlllÂ¥ been taken up at!) t Ivete, own Council, Ulla“: ' their last meeting of “any. I ",' , 17th. "gonad n tstmtmitu.uyiir'"a.', amine e matter, compoud v“.- l CounciIlor Summon, cl; , .3: Councillor: Douthrty and fa, V f layonand Mr. Sana Curtis . ", w' -ment department. _ f . Al trfr.9rai " in! commit»: will mm; or,'; Cox; i I otm .i . _ i. he e . ’ was , a. at . a: