J. f A. duteet,. In tho heat tiTill'i,1'd W ttid. fwdjmm- /Thi War Inn "on n 75% in. “! iii-"mt“ mall," "and mama: Tim S. Stun. I war-Mot.†van with the ur- rgcp. "hir mail In. multiplied to ' m an“ its prawn titrum duo hi!» how): col-turmeric. be.. gun Icrvicemon In the folks at om6." Jift $.1th "to: ._'. . rin Mt 1Phthtr'.yM. 3:21.. 3133.3"! iiiCiific .Wounn P. o, in now I nub-lu- lion _o! the Toronto district. Eight duplwhés ure' nude LW, to the cizdLetun mailed tore 10.80 I. . will rdaeh their Toronto des. quioq on the than)?“ dNivtty. tth Emil} tiirtiu '?itiiiitJiijtiriiFt "iYtGiG" ii; In? G; "p31? iaiie SCARLErr RD. 1tttgefti.tge 59?.st 1's. Avv,ncreoan i.n " Iltt)1t'hjltg't',yd: Roles of Post Office QUEENSBURY INN People Cheer 28 MAIN ST. N. ml than“ foul. (unp- aim (ld) er, tom-I vim be: ISN'T If 'trl" mum ' mum Whither it'trFtgr or Foul "ii12igiiei,iiii"tdiEii'ilriy, hunks; two dolivorkn my hand tau-inu- - of Hotel Accomoda tions WESTON MUSIC AND, RADIO Bring in your old tubes--We test them Free ernger Rolls carried in stock See our line of New and Used Furniture will FULLY LICENSED Jim Coreoran, Mgr. hoahttttldemd couldcuhlo; addi- tional work". Th. . Posthum- mart. new bastdle unemploy- bent immune} tho blame. 'of lit. come in form. I“ ration form and the hub, bonus. HM". our oxedhnt'uuif hu- lnndlod this wot]: Pa1,iit'tlg and without tt,'ttgtt.h' uny' dition to their numbers. ' must com?“- mont an wont): Jan in tho of ice on "hs, fine job " luv. done. Ahmad-m in practically. un- known." , WASHERS, RADIOS, ' TOASTERS, IRONS and air Electrical Apparatus LY. 5052 Full line of Radio tubes about our service on'.-- WE KNOW HOW ""TirirtG, nlatGin have u very creditable record of service to the country and empre. Tom Bare- After thretungey of Address on Mu’n St. durinfvthe put forty yous. the post 0 ties department moved into itt meant excellent quarters ten years no. The Airy, spacious building is by far the finest structure in the diattict. Considerable foresight Ins exer- cised when it wan built well buck from the street line. It in one building which will not be affected by_s_treet wdenng prance-la. Incoming mail id eonsiderablr in one“ of outgoing mun. 1"tt zinel, blue of Lpolmtn'l life no to the ttddititrttnl weight they give his pack. hive -.very heavy sub. serjpfion throng); the are. ' ' Tofnu the Mavy burdens of the cumin, In punch wo??ing morn than threu pounds 'te o inn-ed by truck. Three time- duly, the an: truck clan the pout ham Beat. teged about the gown, ' -. . Three hundred and seventy fivé hmjlin from Thistlotown Ind other are“ use Genoa! Delivery as their post office Iddreu. There it 1' long waiting lint for post omen boy", MI of Whig}; arengw image. mm" m WM- il't' at Kimmy ' 'tt il,R all 'i'iiiiifijiii? rt :11- n4 is tithue on him int-w. imam of the run! Minty for not. than t',t',%'id2 i.,',',; x i:i'iir)'i'i,?/tr2r?",t “as? . no . Gil; Aiii 'tsth',; i2i)ii)iii$iit The pawn-tar All!) united that .prteeU would be "but" ’wnppod. Dunn in the nail is centrally due to gunlgu Ind in- sufficient Wrapping. . J2tr,gittiei',t' w e public mfeht :1 in .teirg chore. of w gut' Pa . 'fd tt 1tti'pll A" an nun . ot] Waugh' null- 1'i2d't,t, 3. ottiee 'tr.', nonmetal, lum- bhr and "Uetinatiott grin an mvclo‘po. It a-ntidtail a My ' . to Ite an 15m“; 'tgg,"',,"' Solny in iiiiiijiiiFil . " pc- Yome be .m a bum. to: an m ,Certy, Minn.“ of thit MI ttill (ind its my to tho dud mm o co. ' . Zone 4-400 l " foot. Guy Lambie, George Paine and Fred Davis' all saw service overseas with the army in the but war,Jtek Keppel,.wh.o joined the Tommy Tucker's orchestn. we; the (ee/Jer,',',', and, practically in entire lock was given over to the festivities. Not only was all Weston out in full force but vut numbers of peopltrfrprn Toronto and nearby points tumbled out of are and proceeded to join the happy throng. Your scribe found his weary feet moving in harmony with the strains of "hrling Nellie Gray" and other well known mel. odies. Unfortunately those feet do not track so we-kept sobely on the sidewalk and let the crowd on the staff six weeks ago, is 1 veteran of five years service abroad in this war. Lloyd Sainsbury in ulso I widely travelled active service veteran of the present struggle. In contra". with Need-y night? wildneu. Waive!†,wu .3 flat, orderly day in "tomThrout the day me “not: were Almost de- serted. Mlny townipeople uhd your acribe,.u one should know and didn't, “What's cooking?†Not being the cook we were (In-Me to enkighten them. With ghe'coming of night, however, Weltbn, figur- ntively aromas. took its air down In everybody started to have a good time. T Inn-Ml. HolidayA contra} to the light Ilhiftmr-c--tttihtt Tune In Town 11..le walla} "iirie i'ii'iiJr 1.3;. nil-Ida: of mm: w. luv- on hand 1 fine line of Mod Ind wound whiny for ex-urVicv'mon with priority cum. . FACTOR FICTION? the our-um m toâ€! Fact. They have been con- vened into bomb; Old plows In being drop- ped on Japan. And ith, also I . FACT Mayor Allan spoke briefly, wel. coming the visitors to Weston. In I serious vein he spoke of the great need of providing housing accom- modstion for the returned men and women of the armed forces. He re- ferred feelingly to the great sscri~ fices they have made for us and the conditions they found them- selves Incing with no roofs to cover them or their families. One could not help but be imfressed with the earnestness and eep feeling be. hind his words end it is to be sin- cerely hoped-that those words will beer fruit in the hearts of the good Hen WI! I happy bunch At one and of the throng. They were not tet certain of their ate ll nl- t legit the cqller-qif 909me be A plenum break in the dancing was when Jimmie Hawkins was invited to the platform and, en- couraged by the crowd, gave I very fine rendition of the Desert Song with an encore number in response to the insistence of the crowd. This was followed by I finely worded address by Mayor chk Allan who, however, did not receive an encore. and have fun 1Piiitrturbtd by our trampinipn their tool. Weston --- ROTARY -tWetifon BMtylllilt1 STARTS 8.30; thllll1llilllf(kl,, "Jimmy Tucker 's Orchestra - yummy: '. WEDNESDAY SEPT. 1 2th , " lingo†ii'iiii'iii'i'l'tti'id Lion-s cL; Att Hum: boon. _ 1 I I .7“ n “We." mud Bot, 'etc at Main St. mom-n. 2l'tre on can’t mu; complain when 0 mambo:- that â€I rutrictiom W, nae-nary for the proeeeutitm o the war." "Hy cumulus are T'ir hip†gout it," laud Bill Allin of tin Street. "8ome of them used (A: "the: heavily this summer in the hope that rertrietions would soon be mm. It in I Belief to them that they gunned right." iQ, a: II“ its ggi,', turd Jul: In. as v w o oper- ntu- I limit: "ttt Iain Strut, Wanton. "While In. all. mama! manning.†A Manny nature “:5 In. it tn I “lid to no y. Eu}: Pr. auburn, to be However, we certainly cunnot undertake to print' eye-witness accounts unless they are subltnn- tinted by the nnme and address of the writer. The renaonnblencu of this newspaper rule should be evio dent to all. The Editor. Jeeal nun-u- ni V. iiiit,iiit,ti.tt ':','.Utei1iiii Anonymous Views On Police Force It is our wish to give equal pre- sentation to Ill points of view on matters of puhlfe concern. If the police force of the town did not conduct itself in the proper manner on the night mentioned, we shall be sled to publish my legitimate criticism of their methods. The Times apd Guide Uve been in receipt of ‘Inonymoun letters concerning the action of town po- lico on the night of the v.g celebra- tions. We wish to point out to corru- pondenu that we cmnot print severely critical letters of this type, unless writer, enclose their mmes. Names will not be publish- ed,_ if. the writers so indicate. people of Weston who never turn I dealt, ev to the needy of others. Then "on with "the dance, let mirth be unconfined" and so on to the wee hours of the night and long after Four scribe had fallen into sweet repose. We understand that the committee cleaned up the streets somewhere about a quack emma. There’wae a report that some misguided enthusiast or three carted thetruck, which had form- ed the platform for the orchestra, down to the river bank but, .33â€; ently, hadn't the ambition to, Tow it in. Of course I do not believe this. That must have been some- thine from the night before. Any- how, it w“ I great night, mama-m cm ' drum L"". At tttbd to 1'/l,",L, As To General Public . Mom! llodrie Kongo --Nattr Wool!" Hove you bought your tieketa? Fun for Alt ( PM“ for Rm" Wolf". hm Punch tU loud “um the I." t and Milly other who: Grand Draw held for Buy War Savings Stamps Regularly . Commenci at 130 pm. ' Under Amyla- olnsrs-ptos Lloss Chet, L WIRIOON . , Rue. sud Musics] Rides for the Children Softbsl - try Amy tea-s. EVENING Band Concert - meoree Highlights "DID I BAY THAT?†Broadcast st 9 In. CLIFF MeKAY of the Hun Gang Beauty Contest with “Miss Toronto" " one ol the judges. Dnncing to the music of the MODERN ARIES. - Firei'orks - Admission to Grounds Ptee Daneing--Me per person. 'JIIjSfiIlllllfirlEEsiiliI1iij" Any desired Finish on "jIr'lifil0IrlEEilj]ij[Mql WED., AUGUST 2 81 Chiswick BR1CK-sTUCC0--Wo0D--ME'rAL' Ete. Huttonville Park L Dependable Work-Large or Small Jobs Barns-Basements-Roof Spraying Spin the Wind Painters and Decorators Brush or Spray Rome-Office-Factory Paper Hanging Service Furniture Sprayed IN-r W) a: st; Weston 438~W [W