uwoon'ums. jig siw and It - " motor with Ituchmonu; an 1 mink And 1 kolimky need. pitch. Phone 7(7-W. 0-36-11 magnum...“ ..-V_V-, - . V lined. Folding stand, also bath and bath stand. Fully draped. 1m- mlculate condition. 221 Lawrencl Ave., Weston. Phone 320-W (6-8) o-M-lt it t'ik US “a ii!!!" tbri gait)»: and "Sicilian. Aisly AZ 31335. M Rd., Thlltlutown. 0.35.1: WAENUT dresser COAL rung}! phoucru'xp Kitchen FLYER rmgr_'l{xc:rgl‘er toy stle, null Imminent by mocha Ind - “at 1949.J, 0-35-19, “Iâ€. ebok ttov, Erarel fgopt. 'irqYru6rorrtoryau. A u (you. "Ricki. $20.00 rash.' ‘Phom Zone #589. 142 hwmce Ave. Welt. Woaton. 0-36-lt ALFALFA HAY; 10 ysrtcAtcond -GiiCApiri) Mn. o. E. Luke-e. Phone Walton 268. x-36-1t méogVBIQWER fol-“furl“: in good condition. Apply 314 Main Strut North (side door); also meal fire protector for back ttt new. in brown incquor, $3.00. 0-36-1t "Hui; -tiinunonds match. Zone 4-487, 2 PIECE Kh;aler ehesterfield. Brown And beige reps. Phone Weston 444-M. 0.364! '"iuiinitr%hiy" MI." F, Amiro, Multan, (behind Abel's Itruit Store) o-Malt INLAID Gdeurn, Rte-war, 8'i x 4‘4; . . ,IA, .._L-.. L‘AOn-n "iiii"tiii,GiG' Quebec 'heater. Apply 1810 Jane St., Weston. 0:36-11. rtrtN-tTirrrc- , Phone 819-J “3512423175. Hooked: co‘mpleveli' . "ifar Jaiitior/ "Chrome trim. Zone 4-549. - 0-36-1t MANS c. c. M. New in good condition. 19 Coulter ve., Weston. Call after 6 p.m. o-36-1t (dyed rabbit), “acacia, sell (dyed rabbit), beaver moutou, (processed lamb), Persian Urns, muskrat, Hudlon seal, (dyed maak. rat), Your _old fur garment ex- 'roomed brick house. Good loer tion. Nice large back yard. Good down ayment. Immediate posses- sion. lynch-in Realty. Phone 689. Evenings 565-M. o-36-1t Mtt,t quickly relieved with wn TROL. Applied externally. $1 Ind 31.85 Aires-ot Inch'n and other dmniau. has-n Lloyd‘s Corn "id Gallon: "lv.- the Mfeetive com randy. MK It Britttru and other drmtttista. __ SELF-CONTA] NED unfurnished 77:30: Apply Hut-h. 100 Lil-c Any HIM. 991-J-4. 0-38-1t BUFFET and onehrlf dozen din- int room chum. Apply 892 Main Street North, Weswn (Evenings). V o-M-lt ON John 'iririetcr.hu.rsyy averting. Pre-Season Sale PRICED tryp 369 Had up. Const Princess Fashion Furs KI. 3674 AD. 8884 x-tf owner occupied home in Mount Dennis. All hardwood. Extra large lot. Immediate possession. $3000 cuh. Packham Realty. Phone 689 Evening 565-M. _ o-36-lt UNFURN_ISHED lqwer "yrtmeyrt or an]! house by with" for Sept. m. A. W. Charlton, Spring- field, Ontario . x-35-tf August 16th, Black Puppy about g months' old. Owner may have um. by paying for ad. Apply 314 Mlin Street North. 0..38-1t thi00.00 OWNER occypitd, 7 Scarlett Road. 50 ft. frontage. Running buck to Humber River. Puckham Realty. Phone 8t19. Even, has 586-M. o-86-lt Gt?ptl_huildjnir lot _f_or gale. Apply G1BSpN MCCARTNEY. Rive your bathroom and kitchen done in mirror like finishes. Your bedrooms und living room done in velvet tone. Restful to home. Stucco inu- and ceilings done in oil or water tints. Charming coinur schema for interior Ind exterior shown rm toque-t. My mono "A good Wit,-,; I planing job." Phone eaten 488-W. mas-cf DtlNT Buffer. Arthritie Pains CORNS "nanny relieved with 86500.00 SIX rttorped solid flick clup. between Joseph, Rose, mount and King Streets. Valued u keepsake. Apply Miss Hamster. Town Hall, Weston. (LM-lt 99716715 Str-eet. Weston. Pkinls Wanton 3 1-W. x-36-1t STRING pr PEARLS w.ith gear: CHOICE bu_ildiryr /pts, for, sale on AAiy -iGtvldd to Gi, new 1945 lishion. Price, $14. OPPORTUNITIES OFFER") ARTICLES POtt "" ROOMS W ANTED HOUSES FOR SALE FUR COATS WILLIAM BALL General CUrtage Haul Anything 1689 Wilson Are. PHONE 9944-3 LOTS FOR SAL! N. A060" M, I.“ PIISONAL FURRIERS carriage. Convey-time. J. o-36-1t FOUND LOST and chiffon»: it»: bed to o-36-1t WANT ADS TIMES and GUIDE --r86-lt (-iEiir.sdriALss" l -" brili TX ply' ho Third Ave. wgt,t,t?,,tt. p mas-It ROOM/and Mud ilt private Lune FURNISHED bod-sitting room. Clole to t"delf,'etll'n and shopping. If acceptab 2 would board. Box 8601, Times and Guide. o~36~lt tion in Sicily. Italy we! ollnnd, has returned on the lie De Incc, to " delirioualy happ tam It 7 Lln don Avenue. 'lk'. De nit Ha rife. th. Â¥eninl man-â€1- of Want Toronto ennu- seam. and his two dnughurn of " ard g gem. eagerly nwnit hi: homecom- I. , mutual) mm- gm, (xiii BED aittirur" room. 61 Laurence Ave. Welt off IGin neuron line. . tr-M-lt or' hm hon-shim†room. Apply " Jouph tract or phone 970-R. o-M-lt FURNISHED ROOM for Rant. Suitable for either mm or girl. Apply 1889 Willon Ave. Mter 6.80 p.m. 0-36-1t EleDBRLCetrtyrte JUsir. by Sept. In or Mth, 2 or a room in front part of ground floor or I house or sttull score with living quarters. St J. J. 1mm, 405 Victory 'ltlllifd Toronto. â€gig: Pte. W. Btrlchnn. Paving com- Slaud 6 years service in the RCA T, with} gear! oyemqs.jng _ In six or seven roamed house. Adults only. Phone 1005-J after six. o-M-lt WANTED room and board for young business womnn. Per- manent. Apply Zone 4-465. -- A. URGENTLY required, unfurnished apartment," flat or small bunga- low for couple without children Phone Weston 1249-J. 0-36-1t Births WANTEDJores'ele in good condi- tion. Telephone 116-J. o-36-1t WARN-Mr. mm! In. Art Warn [nee Mildred Courtney) are happy to Announce the birth of their daughter, Verna Jean, at the Weston Private Hospital, Tueada.sy_Aytrupt. It, 1945. Mo- Engagements Ham Downey, of Weston. The wed- ding to take Jeg, Saturday, August 25th, " estmount Gospel Church " 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Humeaton, Grand Valley, Announce the en- gagement of their daughter. Dn- rett: May to H. Ferguson Petrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Petrie, Weston. Wedding to take place at Chalmers United Church, Mount Dennis. Wednesday, September the twelfth, at 7 pam GRAHAM-h, loving memory of our dear son and grnndson, Bobby: who passed "my August 20, 1943. God knew that he Wu suffering. That the hills were hard to climb, So He closed his weary eyelids And whispered. "Peace be thine". Away in the beautiful hillrof God, By the valley of rest so flir. Som_e time. some day. we know not When you mutt the hut-u. phone GOO-W. WANTED to rent on or baton Oct. WANTED to rent 5 to 7 roamed house. Phone Weston 1130. Mr. and Mrs. William Black, Weston, wish to nnnounce the en- gagement of their only daughter, A at Bret, to Cfm Thomas Downey, RCE‘ME. son of Mr. and My; Wil- In Memoriam when, V _ We will meet our loved one there dun. In silenco she suffered, in patient Ihe bore. Till God called her home to suffer no more. --Ever remembered by Father and family. -Mommy, Daddy md Grand parents. CHAPMAN-N remembrance of a dear father. George Chapman, who passed away on August 28, 1943. Loving and kind in all his wnys. Upright Ind just to the end of his CLARK80N--ht loving memory of WMrsfFrnnk Clarksonl _ Upright. and just in all her wan, Faithful Ind true tm the and of he: days, Since" and kind in heart and mind What I beautiful memory he left behind. -Alwavg remembered by Bill, Violet In; Eileen. Births, Marriages, Deaths. Cards 9f Thanks, Engage. _ ments, In Meuioriain; Notices Under Thou Ending- lle per Linc. Minimum Chart" Victoriln Order iher%idubs7doing even. WANTED TO BUY WANTID To RENT NOTICES INN“? WANTED of N urge! x-36-lt o-36-1t m minim, Blood Plasmaâ€? 1 Ami Penicillin Saved Canadians _ Medical research has, durinf the past yen-I, mined all in taei ities upon an three mtjor emu. of Ions of life on the b?ttWUhe: l. Post-wound infection; 2. Donn through shock or Ion of blood; 8. Casualties from. the mnlign-nt pllzues which have decimated armies since time immemorinl. The lulphn drugs, penicillin, universal blood plasma and DDT In four mujor f,g,ta"e, which hive been respond In for the living of countless lives which would have been lost under the conditiom of World War One. 'In this wâ€, wounds of 0..» dian soldiers, sin-on and can. owe their live: to the uniting and brilliant effort! of medical â€and workers who, und.r pl‘ulun of tor, hue developed revotuntary treatments for the causes contribu- ng P. dtath in bgtgle. . . N In the '14-'18 era, due to the inefficacy of battlefield nntise ties, Aunt-one took 1 heavy 'll'f? in goth loss of life and limb. Shock Ind loss of blood, closely knit factors on the hairline between survival and death, were without antidote then. Typhus, louse borne scourge of armies, was widely prevalent. In the Balkan cum- traiens, casualties from malaria were severtl time: grater than those suffered in contact with the engmy. _ __ _. A Instrumental Program Pleases luditmur--4tmd Presentatipn His program began with the fourth of llgar's six marches, en- titled "pomp and Circumstance." In peace rejoicing; of recent months the sterling central melody of this work has become popular " "Land of Hope and Glory" and was heard from across the ocean severe] times Wednesday. Mr. Har- rison, who obtained a large and beautiful tone from the orchestra. gave it a most rousing interpreta- tion. Under his baton, Berlioz': “Carneval Romain" pulsated with) life and brilliance of ex ression.‘ Two Preludes from "ll2er'illr'ionnr; were played with delicacgy ind ter. vor. and in the first t e strings give an ndmirnble account of themselves, Rhythrnieal elln mark- ed the Liszt Second Hungarian Rhapsody for orchestra (No. 12 of; the piano series), "Blue Danube") and Rimsky-Korsakoff‘a "Caprice: ESE-mole." A i, Today's Canadian stretcher bear- er carried a suipha powder for the immediate use of the wounded. Post-wound infection wu extreme- ly infrequent due to the cauterizing Action of this wonder drug. While, no records are as yet made public An addition to the array of new'-------------------- and brilliant guest conductors atibest similar combinations new be.. the Promenade Symphony concertsliore the public. Both young men in Varsity arena was heard lastihai-e large. glowing, beautiful tone, Thursday night in the person oflso wonderfully fused when they Guy Fraser Harrison, conductor of play together. that a blind auditor the Rochester Civic Orchestra. The {might well imagine he was hearing guest artists were a distinguished yone Instrument. Their response to dou-piano team, Dougherty and ms. ,orchestn . was perfect, for which zicka, not previously heard here, Mr. Harrison is entitled to credit though for the past season or two also, Their phrasing and “WHEN? they have roused enthusiasm in wait lovely Ind the renderingro other centres. The program, the Mozart Concerto. for wo though purely instrumental, was Planes In F. flat was a "ht listen one of the most fascinating of the to from first t.o last. 'l; also summer. glayed a “mucus piece by Irina Mr. Harrison is an Englishman lilhaud, "The Ox on the Road." by birth and training and his begin- Oxen must move faster in France nmgs were much like those of Leo- than In Cyanadl. A "pantomime" old Stokowski. Foremost among from. F3111! "ElArpor Brujo" was rt teachers was the late Sir Wal- EXEUISE'AIY descriptive and gentle. ford Davies, and he began his "W“ "Ruth's "Second Avenue Wal- reer as an organist. It took him,tzes provided good fun. Mr. Harrison is an Englishman by birth and training and his begin- ning-s were much like those of Leo- gold Stokowski. Foremost among is teachers was the late Sir Wal- ford Davies, and he began his ca- reer as an organist. It took him in afield to Manila, but of late he has been a prominent figure, " the Eastman Conservatory in Roches- ter. The nervous intensity of his conducting should do something to dissipate the impression that ng- lish conductors are phlegmstic. While his I1'e, and stance . are dignified, t e music seems to run through his every. fibre. . . boiUhterty Ind Ruzicka are I (turn measuring well up among the Runarch Workeuln Medicine Contributed HeoWy To the Successful Record of Armed Forces Medical Services Conductor Har'rison of Rochester Civic Orchestra And Piano Team of Dougherty and Riszicka Carried Enthusiastic Audience In Numbers Given WC! with blood iG7tiurio a. devolopmonb f/ttth a“, on. orthd four blood urn - M served induerint1rute1y Mm ttin blood banks of the services. TM old careful isolation of blood to Mood was eliminfed. . at. d affair: which. and mod! _ lives in the 2gh,1 o in: front-line fned omen! when the annuities was but}. “How wounded men in damn" ot binding to death were, this time. and by the prompt application of crumm- SIODS. N . DDT, the wonder irutetieide, proved its worth in the later stages of the war. Cunnltie: to the Eighth Army in Sicily were in excess of 11,000 due to melerie. in the short two-month campsign required for conquest of the island. Although Canadians were north of Rome when the liquid we: first employed and thus were out. of the zone: where malaria in most pre- valent. the relative cnunlties were greatly reduced when the insecti- cide was put to use. In the ronttol " typhus. it acted MP. barrier between the badly infected civilian bopulation and military personnel. Fly horne dysentrv alsn decvened with the introduction of DDT. on the mum. media! dam mu an ttt “one: of EB run wu Mt y in mtuudws = \ occur. penidillin wu “ninth, in the ma: nun: of m wu,_to comb-t it. ' Shock, killer ot the have u It.t)l u the. pv!sttk, ."'.' may M. W! 2112 DUNDAS ST. WEST Ask for our special summer prices. Phone LA. 8847. Our representative will call and give free inspection Ind information. JONES a DREWERY JONES & DREWERY SUMMER ISTHETIME _ HEATING CONSULTANTS Are well equipped to cue for your furnace needs Next fall dollars will be swamped with /"u" muss AND m; mow For Furnace Repairs FM To F4 At Down" Darla. the First Great War pris- ducdon bt {an teAtors manual "T, than which}. . e his: recorded abdication of a sovereign wu Sylll, the Rom-n dictator. 9 B.C. Painful Accident Fm! To Firmer' "id-3'15 id',i,ii,ie.aiiis TREE". won. a! Drama , bylaw“ I: 'gNtTstit', "rtgg,gt'trf,f, 'adlltid'. no dlft'h'h"ll his - on Bridging! "mu. some 9211‘" "a " "a! in Itrt ttr- am you. Ba.idee " win. an M", W.lma. by», of Toronto, it warm! by his parerst. who hold- in Hampton. and a brother my attuned from 9119.5909- A The funeral wu held Wodnud-y autumn from the family un- dama. with inumont in Bumpwn canton. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH mWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK EYES: Your eyes will serve you for . lifetime only if they receive proper are. Give more atten- tion to eyestrain prevention. Light should be right to fa- vour your sight. There is no substitute for clear vision. Let light help you to health in your home. Every room in every dwelling should have at least one outlet, giving ade- quate light, sunshine and fresh air. The combined glass area of the windows in any room should never be less than one-tenth of the floor space of that room. Light favours Arighter minds and better bodies. TEETH: Literally as well us figure- tively speaking a clean mouth is a splendid asset Neglect, here, is as offensive to others as it is dangerous to yourself. More than just the teeth re- quire attention. Proper mouth hygiene will protect your health and the health of others. . LIGHT: Health Axioms W tiCri if, Tiii iiGiEi7 “I 'lltu 35$:in 'l","lf 'lf/Pi. Downsview CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.0.H, Harms ---- "in yt play .3132! that LAkeside 8847 vmue. Dotttittor, Add! p) tte ther' overhaneit.tg on. and deep “mun-unra- "ttter-tttrr-tttinte..'" lute,, by and†ttuv. . ad new!" ct" I d g. I. (:3qu Hum": wisdom " the "my“. of all human experionct. con-mtly "eumulatinit, "leetirtg, and nor- gunning in own materil...- tory. Men Ind women of ripor yarn Ad In." lam. ought tn ripen me man tad Mummy. in- “ of upliwnb taint-I or '1oorrt.--Mier " Hi). The My bet-mm: more gttlqettrt Ind um. When noon in you: thou in I harmony In Autumn. and the hum to in FRL'ITION w. Cannot at, the fruit while the tree is in b1tumom.-Benjumht Dhruli. . In An Ictive Me in sown the ind of wisdom, but he who refleeU tttrt. my: maps..--rdwy1 Your“. thy Whith HIpr the humor 30 not If we would has anything ,0! bandit. u must an it, And oun- ing it been. _ imam“. ingenious. "tive, enurTtrising.-R, W. Beecher. "JD-d. "tttu"-"- Mo" In“: I". to“ N tro " iftlfr't'i tar" " "tummm _ onu- luau but :1. M, _, “I 'r"su'h",'i.tall PAIN TIN G, DECORATING Interior, Exterior $30 In, St., hum WA. 17‘" In! " - Shoot. Video Wan. I1†JACK BAILEY GEO. W. GARDHOUSE, IA. “which with“, “I. quo, no: Money To Lu- " Ton-N “to“. Tom 946-52 LAWN FURNITURE 'sua, repaired, painted GENERAL WOODWORK Rear 285 Main St. N. HENRY POPE Professional Cards HOT AIR J. EDGAR PARSONS " YORK AVE. MT. DENNIS EAVESTROUGElNG "an. thou 1 Far omcugurlng day. Fa appointment during M. ning, chem mum. tiit't', m. In. I." “In It“. “no... WARM AIR FURNACES r. A. SILVIRMAN C. tWrtrvtmtAsjk unusual soucnon. W J. WARD 'ri_NShiir_C, IAIIISTII. â€LICITOI UNDERTAKERS PHONE: ION! 4-444 ank of New Suri- SOLICITORS 151W thou lumbi; don. J'lh"8', WM. J. LUCAS Ir.atirtr Eitultmont overhauled In! rewind Genuine repair put: tor m nutc- New Ind mum furna- 51172 "i"rij"'i""i'ri""i'"ir' WM. J. LUCAS JUN". 0169 ROOFING See our stock of Batteries. w, tttd """"’"Wt§i‘6N u Elude Stockings. Belts. Me. ', " You†SE. __ Reuidence " Georu_8_t. -_-r. ' or free pick-up phone as. We ply phone chug“. GORDON YOUNG LYD. Phone AD. am. mm Zone 4-577 A. N. BOYLEN Outage Ind Movers. muggy up; 1-0 03023 WANTED B USINESS CA R031â€: Allan 'sServiceStatioii Nothing too mull = Nothing R. W. MacDONALD RED‘INDIAN STATION MAIN and DENISON PHONE WESION m IWMIT.W. (BIL ALLAN, Pr... , 8!}le '/lio'ikh% . INTERNATIONAL TRUCK SALES AND SERVICE t06 In. South bl. MEDICAL SUPPLIES Jack Bylsma Ru] that. ad manned Authorized Chrysler 3mm i Dodite--De Soto Dealers J. C INCH. M. Phar.B, GARAGE ind-lb“ Mata Tuna-an 122 MAIN M.. WBTON ION! 4-3.1 Yuk. Sonia BUPTIIRED? DEAD HORSES Ind CATTLE Free Tire Inspection New Tires for eligible users. INCH'S DRUG $T0ttE iii: ittTthiig â€In. 7â€. u- - at: Work Gumbel PIANO TUNING CRUICKSHANK Piano ii YnE’ihSrT-u'ei Print. Fitting Boo. ftr â€Point-521.9211 INSURANCE "utiutiirrsriud CHRYSLER CORP. PARTS AND mm CARTAGI GARAGES Walton 658. $1137.6- AUTOS Phone LY. "" “SMITH"! G HOT WATER AD. 6381 Trinkwon’s Taxi Bm"o-0, as Radio Repairs Prompt, dependlblo union. Over 15 ye'ui' and†R. B. Maxwell RAPID II†I“. up when _ v... w. u an t',',1' "AU, on t . " Phone JUnction 0057 ROY’S TAXI ART’S TAXI noun. counsous‘ same: M nouns snwcn cum» . manna": VETERANS' Erotrt Sunday; wtttrrdiil TAXI a Sundays Excepted TAXI 24 Hour Service Phone Weston Private Hospital Zone 4.384 CHIROPRACTOI 167 WILLIAM ST. Edith w 456 J. w. BROWN ".g"'a"tel'nta Radio Repairs PHONE 552W 'ra PHONE 1644 Phone “WI "8ҠPHONE TAXIS