Imus & GUIDE [that ll†June a. Wotan Mitt - Vegetables - Groceries . Confectonory _ Cooked Meat - Neilson's lee Cram 169 Main St. N. 50 Main St. N. _ GEM BAKING AID FITTED AND APPLIED PHONE 193 1 MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON l Churh St. Ngtaioetl!lt. Founatly "The Jolly Grill"-New Mnngement 1191 Watt»: Rd. Mt. Dennis British Fruit Market Weston Roofing Materials BOB’S GARAGE RICHARDSONS F. L. MERTEIS th. B. CHURCHILL RESTAURANT - “I out Vida but“ Cicuhuon C. T. ELLA I.D.A. Drug Store OPIOMETRIST OFFICE HOURS 'xeert-Wethse.dar, 9-H |.m.. 1.30-5.30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 Ban. to 12.30 noon. Evening: by Appointment Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season' Fresh from the Growers - Twice Dail. Vacation Suppies General Repin . . t Shell Product: t TTT R. G. BURNS mummmu TOWING ROAD SERVICE Day or Night Imp-rill Gnome and Oil Cutrol Motor Oil Dispensing Chemists AGoodP1aeetoEat We Make Our Own LIMITD JACK ALLAN 1 MAIN ST. N. BUTCHER We Deliver Cakes Photo Finishing Night“ MN Ind 1257W Weston land-577 Weston Zone 4-435 Wm I... 4-420 Phone Weston 535 Putting Weston 275 Jr) 'if') wm 827 10 Main St. S. General Auto Repairs Rear, Cumuuu Tire . " Mnin St, N. . This contest has groved very popular fmm the start. You will find it interesting for the entire fami y and it improves their spelling. Try it and send inyour solution. . Dixon’s Garage . GRAND PRIZE '.--- This contest will run.for 13 weeks, consequently there will be just 39 entries for the Grand Prize. i--Thtre is I letter or letters musing m the advgrtigementa The first three correct nnswen draw will be the weekly on this p.39. And those missing man, plan them to- winners of:-- q [ether Ind they will spell the slogan--- 2-Wriu out the nnme of the ndvertiser and the letter miss- init from his advertisement. 3-Write on one side of the sheet only. 4--Address all replies to the: Office 3 Mun St. B., Weston Tel. Zone 4-426 Given Away FREE Each Week Car Moo . Specialty Record Plum in Stock BOW-MAO Radio and Electric NewAddresic-- 2 BUTTONWOOD AVE. (WWW thsAllMaketsofCar Orville J. Osborne Parts 7 Dependable Service Fair Price Each week winners will be entitled to enter the Grand Prize Contests-First Prize- $50.00 War Bond. . ' CONTEST RUNNING; " WEEKS Total cash Prizes $128.00 First Prlze We will make Guaranteed Repairs on any m'ake Radio, also Washers, Ironers, Toasters, a and any Electrical Apparatus. $3.00 SAAlLllMIANS PEACE AT LAST WITH VICTORY The Jewel and Gift Shop Aeisounting - Auditing Income Tax Service SIX DOLLARS CONTEST EDITOR, TIMES AND GUIDE 3 Mun St. S. q WESTON ANNOUNCEMENT J. BOWRING Announces Change of Business Name and Address Answers must be in Times & Guide office MONDAY Noon Residence R.R, No. r.-Weetort Tel. 103-R-l MISSING LETTER CONTEST RULES Second Prlze Bone 4-424 hone 354 $2.00 Winners will be announded nah Week in this piper. Thin is e renlly interesting contest and one that will create A lot of fun. It tnim the eye to wateh for the correct spelling end inform: the people of the splendid businesl opportunities that Ire offered by the loci! merchmu. All “swan must be in the office of the Times Ind Guide on Monday of each week by 12 noon. 69 Main St. N LY. 0659 Irvin Lumber Co. Ltd. 2 NXWELL AVE. BONITA TEA ROOMS 139 Main St.. Weston T . Ph. 74-UUnetion 9662 Insulate against the inter Cold Satisfy Mela Ltrrrtber-Shintrteis-Roek wtytyr--wttltyottd lit Prim ... 2nd Prize 3rd Prize GENERAL CARTAGE CONTRACTS WELCOM Air Conditioned For Your Comfort Insulate :gainst the Summer Heat JAWS Third Prize PHONES: Weston 761-W JUnction 9617 $1.00 In Cash 36.00 33.00 cub 31.00 cash $200 cash Customers Weston 812 TORONTO Ask Our "ii'1'h Everyhing For Yodr Car 71 Main St. N. Weston HARDWARE . PAINT . WALLPAPER , " Main M. N. Weston Bone (-456 83 Main St. N. 1377 Weston Rd., Cor. Jane 13 Main St. N. " MAIN ST. N. " Main St. N. Weston Phone M 202 Main St. N. A. T. SQUIBB a SON YOU SAVE AT INCH’S lnch’s Drug Stores , Main St. g, RED AND WHITE STORE WESTON CUT RATE BOB CLARKSON GILllDDEN'S PAINTS Canadian Tire Jhmmmtltm MURRAY RUMPLE Proprietor TIMES 8: GUIDE Closed Aug. 20--A ug. Af PURCHASE SCHOOL SUPPLIES EARLY FRED ENGLISH ‘32? g? 'if'ii't Trt" "e'T9t8typpr,rr, 'r- r,ir,r'ditit,Niiri'l'ii Many Collegiate and Public School Book: now in stok. " General Auto Repairs Car Washing and Lubricating Groeerii--veretabletr-Mettta Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Groceries - Coked Meats Meat Market H. FELEX Weston', Friendly Store RE-OPENNG AUG. 27 A B.A. Serice Station Ask For Estimates Real Food Values Prin ters Avoid the rush. Endurém Hon. Paint "rerte-iatetir Wear Sold By We Delver WESTON Weston Zone 4-424 Mt. Dennis JU. 8788 Weston Zone 4-420 1130 Wagon Rd. WESTON 132 Weston 909 Phone 217 IU. 005? 186 41