Times & Guide (1909), 30 Aug 1945, p. 3

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(4) {a e So when you look at that screen and any to. yourself why this is a cinch, better think twice before "lling all and leaving for the city . of tinsel dreams. Unless you have rain. -voice like Diana Durbin, the so tication of Claudette Col- .kft ind-the charm of Van John- ”mm r, leave those glad rag; hunting in the closet an go back to wot ‘at the old stand. Console yourself with the thought that there are Millions more like your- self who would‘like to have their form and features splashed across the country; and that you too are WI'? which is born to blueh un- se . However, there is a dearth of short girls in Hollywood who can dance. In recent years the lanky ladies of show business have des- cended en masse upon the cinema capital and driven their shorter sisters into retirement. Now they heed a "pony" chorus for Night and Day, the life story of Cole Porter and directors are wearing gout. shoe leather trying to find dancers bf the. right height. d " Mft/till",", HOME Hollywood is a little nutty, IC~ cording to one property owner whose apartment building was leased as n location. The run down structure was to portray a tene- ment in "Deadline " Dawn" by $651-$th didn't even bother to Mar-view. Of the remaining 2,000 2t Mo got a fevournble report. AM. of. thee only 400 ruched I '1 And of the 400. only I handful we}! named by the company. _ _ Va». " be n Hollywood head. t Want to bun you we in tt ta turn Moxico to blunder? "til,'bitya Ind girll. it's 3 pretty rock}; radio uni-dam and only thy emu-h few make the gun. *Lut year talent noun -trom Ion-Fox looked over 20,000 candi- fAus .1." thCbyt time. _18,000 of h will I """f 'I 'aHL,,,,,,,,,,t, st,,",,',',,,,'.'?; hang]? to Bee tht HONEYWILI. menu: JANITOR Lii'S’Tv’A'RDUST t tlllM0lt-lijhttyilt'rliiEY, 81 Chiswick - Gemini” of I duper motor and I hgat levelling theerttormetitat hold: Wham vial: 2 ', m Eben-it Juno: it government unread 30 hecettttut in coal Any desired Finish on BR1tt--sTUcc0--W0ory--METAL Ete Furniture Sprayed . tyll8$0llt-ihgyumiEY I’ll-H - Rm 1150 mum is. f ENGLISH & MOULIJ Dependable Work-Large or Small Jobs Painters and Decorators Brush or Spray Home-Office-Factory Barns-Bas/nts-Root Spraying t Paper Hanging Service We“; iivttil WITH LESS FUEL For those who like George Raft, history (as Hollywood sees it), deaitrnintt females. and true love winning out. we rernmrrended "Nob Hill" now playing downtown. Painting on on“: was known in Rome as early as " AD. Co-aurred with Miu Grub]: but lacking her sex nppenl will ha I typewriter of dttyrs of yore, “ken from I manufacturer', mu sum for the occasion. La Gable will poyr_ui i; with gusto. "Earth And High Heaven", best seller by Canadian Gwethalyn Graham. will fit local thentres dur- ine the coming season. The much publicised novel concerns the love life of a vounx Mnntrealer, wi'h deft handling of the problem of rnc_e tteiudiee, Ibis good. Betty Gable, leggy hvorite of the boys under Irma. ll elated to portray America's firrt deno- gnpher in the shocking Miss Pil- grim. which will denture the hitherto unpublished music of Geo- rge Gershwin, lute comprler of “Rhapsody in Blue": and other {nylons tunes. no. Tho mund- wake Ihot Ind the owner was mounted with a nice about» _ But some time, hm, it wu de. cidbd that. con-in Icem- would have to be "made; Studio of. tiei) ntnrned‘ to the building to find that the own: had "out ll] of his vindlnll upon tTart' of the pro rty. Out cling to cheque 'booffund .n "In “did um um lurid“ tho t.tourtad omrL Whateupon . ct" from the “India "armed F about the place, .errpittq oft the nice “a paint, touring up msentl, tun thrubbory Ind xenon")! returning the premises to its former Itlte of decrepitude. 'The owner Mood w.tehing them, switching hia head. Honeywell tiElectrie Janitors are nvuilnble for immediue delivery. Later in the noon it any nine weeks to get one. So may. lot I free demonstration today... that will lower to- mortov's fuel bill. You’ll get more hen per ton pf coal, even temperltures day Ind night; without dmpet- juggling, by installing I Honeywell Electric junitor. It turns hund- fired furnaces into Into- man’c heating plum. by opening nnd closing the drum n the com. mand of n room thermosut. Weston 438-W Cliaireh Ihriritrrs Mouton Friday "We believe they will replace {use boxes entirely' in all new con- struction." he said. "It is simply a matter of flicking I switch when a line is overloaded. Then the power returns. in the avenge case. If "However, we are having no dil- ficulty whatever in iswitehine back to civilian production," Mr. Rapsey stated. "Our war products were simply modifiettioni of those we prMueefor civilian use." The firm manuftetureg electric switches for industrial Ind home use. panel boards, circuit breakers. motor 5 an and other equip- mint. of tttfa, future. Ot iiGi"iiGiiua". the chief en- gineer decimated circuit breakers u of granted public interest at the moment. The saw-tooth building is a mo- del of airiness and light. The in- terior is composed of one huge undivided floor whereon all depart- ments operate in conjunction. The heating system is the last word and ventilation is mechanically con- trolled. The new paint shop places a once tedious operation on a sto- duetion basis. with washing, ry~ ing, spray painting and baking wozking on a productign line. ot rrecent in}; “a; -iaptos, has been largely engaged on war work. t.Wtril .111)“ _ I": Club will hold ttMraatsortd bowling '9ttet9tai-ttaumitii bum Barbi club on may “I! M, Mann " heir ttret - hit t imbue we: " euc- gum {bu the was? of taunt-e or no " Inch. even. prompted the girecéon to nuke 3e unite- . very oo-operation m mined by the Lawn Bowling Club “(they very kindly put their n. dlltzeu It the dilpoeel of tt Gen. in! Men for the evening. Al men, bewien and nomhewlen, no in- vnted to he on hand " 7.15 pan. Soft-soled thee- should be won. The" will be prizes for the winner. Ind refreshments for everyone. The Directors of Central Men'- file already luvs planned their int dinntr meeting of the Full “non. It will he held on Tuerday evening. September M. They have been fortune“ in "curing Wilson Woodeide " guest speaker. This well-known radio comment-tar Ihould prove to be an outstanding attraction and I big tum-out is looked for. "We are not completely settled yet," stated E. H. Rapser, chief en- gineer and factory manager. who sunervises the output of over 200 skilled and semi-skilled employees. "However we are manlging to dig into orders on hand while the in- W123” set-up is .eoptlt.ted.". Another new industrial plant got' into production recently at Mount Dennis, when the Square D Com. pany Ltd. moved into its new streamlined qusrters an Industry Street. The former Toronto firm, which has built electrical equip- ment since 1916, is now housed in a modern, one-storey structure covet- irtEyF000 square feet. New Square ll Plant at Mt. Dennis Getelnto frnduetinn Recently _ The Apache fidians ognsidered the dandelion their favorite food. 2112 DUNDAS M. WEST HEATING CONSULTANTS Ate well equip.“ to can for your lama nood- Aak for our meek] summer prices. Phone LA. 8847. Our representative will all 1nd ,ttive free inspection and information. JONES 8: DREWERY JONES a DREWERY SUMMER IS THETIME For Furnace Repairs Toronto Firm Employing 200 Shou Valuable Asset To The Community Model Of Construction And Utility "G. I. HoiliEYMooN" Prihr9atrtror August 81-NPL 1 um P9!“€".-.LV!-n Bart Monday-Tilda Sept. ' t 4 Much... Monday " 1.80pm. tale stoma eter Cook-on “SWEET AND 10W DOWN" with Benny Goodmul " Ilia Band -Added Bit.-. Roy hr,triPt'tts" - ___1uttjtt, 1286 WESTON RD. Gloria, -sanLuiGr'turtii, Frtk, C_r'etr-Graee Next full (laden will be swamped with orderl _-_Adtierd Aux-mob; MOUNT} DENNI w,--,,) THEATRE at as in "sh'lh'h' or SAN ThfE" “dim?! In; . “DESTINY" 13E 3-1513” ii Cooled For Your Comfort EmplgyingA 200 Should Prove After four and a half years with the Canadian Navy, 3 grout por- tion of which was spent aboard the famed St. Laurent. Joe Stickloy of 21 ftpgt avenue. Mount Dennis, weurte urged recently. __ Facilities for employees are mo- dern and spacious. A large clie- terin is now being banned. with more than adequate floor space for comfort. Locker and mushroom h- ciIities are excellent. The medical room is staffed by a registered nurse, while Dr. Fred Cruickshank of Weston is consulting physician. Good luck, Square D! More than forty employees of the company have served in the armed forces, many of whom have re- turned. But what particularly pleased your correspondent was the sight of a thick sheaf of employ- ment papers from the Weston Em- ployment office, detailing the-new employees who have been hired among the people of the dittriet. This actor more than any other is what makes firms like Square D a valuaile asset to the community as a who' e. Mt. Dennis Sailor Saw Action (In St. Laurent there is serious trouble in the wir. ing zystem they contiryse to break the circuit. till the cause is recti- fied." LA.C. m... any-v5.11; icit and Mu. 8-."de no can - riad in 'eer yt.iud Chink. wen, N; orrypyr?ity---Plant Is A A ult 4th. -q/t"eite fair}; LS' behuwtho lunar of Mr, Ind Mn. Alba: Ireland. Trdtep. te, "gel! in the u mums!" Eonmn 330w: "CRY OF TH WERE WOLF" with Storm cr-AS Mum -t-_hdde4-- with Rose JriiF-Geore. __M:er_u_dy_4 _ The ioGlj',"arrTGr'Grvie. off J. Stiékley Helped Sink Two Submarines After Sunday Midnight 12,05 LII. with hymn Bari; Tantra“ MANY" -- - with chk Hula ' Jon _ Parker. Bel. 'La21 '"tgt'."i'tTdir " 5 & 0 "THE BRIDGE OF SAN LUIS REY” -Addod Feature-- "0NE_BODY mo "sotiCTw A MONSTER” PHONE JU. 1960 WESTON‘ 130 TIMES. AND " LAkdllc "" L8eriiTw.%rr, JOE A. WARD JOE A. WARD General Sheet Metal Work Special Tee-pipes, Elbows etc made to order Genuine 22 Fern Ave. Weston, Makes Parts For All New and Used Furnaces Installed Personal Service-Free Inspection TINSMITHING Farm and Dairy Repairs FURNACES Weston - ROTARY. --Weston CARNIVAL DANCING STARTS 8.30 Jimmy Tucker's Orchestral WEDNESDAY s E P T . 1 2 t h , Big lingo“ Atlantic. h, ffif,Ui 'h'tt,tSd tg t,,U'tl'ti,t,htt cut tlf c on In a ' It. 3 convolint. Although tho or of the "ism" "etiid-ed Mr IN; doomed,' the non of tho tte thiidif, wont aboard hot "Adi ttg, gluing the tire for two tut " {fully oxtin‘uidud the luau. t glider bomb landed thirty Bd trim the ship. unlit? nev- tml plat”. She limped ck to port tinder hu- own Imm And fru- ontly "Inland Mr role 0'! patro ling. Ear battle. with U-boau are Dumb]... as mentioned nbon. 3h. pudeipnud in the invuion pug. 1.ttmuysiryd. an gm of u. "' tiidcGiiGUuFoiGaG es4%se ”1- in,tht 391.01.?“- 'tt hit a? ind he tt up t _ (tl),").', 'ttd"')',',),',', .m' zcgu an. fti,'"'lut."t'iiiteTiit £59 'ttito tu, y n: in Jog tttle.kley. hu ”not: to I; Moffat Electric Range --Natt, Washer Have you bought your tickets? Fun for All PM“ for Rotary Wolhn “with Fund! the Board Throw the I." and many 00hr ”no; Phone 46-W FURNACES STOVES Grand and Draw held for Watt-o-we 1 In W. on the was My. 'T.. . . C'+uturs-.aot-,tg- Mitch-noun. stitidiiaueiutmriTidk Exquisitely Well Groomed , _ for Vacation Time with a flattering style cut or set ', Long or short we will find A " _ your most becoming coif. . . I dhrt b a) l , DUFFERIN ST. w. REPAIRING RADIOS and APPLIANCES - Little Ave., Weston, Ont. . lone 4-514 MARGARET ROLUPS--Harper Method Graduate 164 MAIN ST. S. WESTON ZONE 4-465 GAI-GALHairdressingSalon Authorized Chrysler Service Dodge-De Soto Dealers W. J. BARTER HAIGHT and SWAN Call or Phone for your Appointment. WATER HEATER and ELECTRIC RANGE CHRYSLER CORP. PARTS AND SERVICE Vacation Beauty HOUSE WIRING Spin the Wheel INSTALLATIONS We specialize in ZONE 4-525 LT'ip fl.“

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