Times & Guide (1909), 30 Aug 1945, p. 5

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' 'it ll” as l QUEBEC Mater for n]. with aqua to; also 1 mm And acre-n tor own tiregl-ce. All in rd condition. Apply 2 Victor ve., Weston, evening: (1 street was: of Moffats), o-87-1L Weston/also l Vt§§c7yclelr A-pr-ly A4 Mahonoy Ave., Mount Dennis (evenings)". o-37-1t 4 YALE. 8ptnjerpuppitt for_sal_e, QUEBEQ .uove.withPverrtslso lin- V ing table and chairs. Phoixe iig evoninu. o-37-1t also screen door. Phone WHEN: M8-W. o-37-lt tilixer grain Drill." 18 Disc, {vim seed ntnchment. Apply Crane's, 870 Weston Road South. MU. 1161. o-37-1t c' weeku "old. A'ppii _ My}; ’07}: Liliane. Phone Weston 268. FUPL sin mefnl bei, and “grin; L01 19: "lg tLippincott Street NEW MeqoticycDerriptr Fer; 50 YEARLY leghoms. laying. $1.25 huh. Apply 'W. Busby, Albion Road, Thistletown. o-37-lt MG SAW Walker Turner 24 inch, cgowlete with stand 547,50; also new nlker Turner belt and disk sander, complete with "anr $55.00. Extra belt and disks. No motors. Apply 237 Queen's Drive, Weston. room and bath, hardwood‘ Every Tuesday 4.30 and 8 pm. throughout. good furnace and inc-l " SOUTH STATION STREET kat' heater, heavy wiring, also gasp 0-37-21 side drive and garage. Electric fix- lr=='=r=---rrxr----er--==rr-"=--. tures, Linoleums. Storm Windows; PERSONAL and Doors. Outside basement e:i,,x-,,,r,,-,-ir,,r,F-Ji-?FE,-i;ii-rviici trmce. Close to Moffats snd Face- "w1NTROL" gives quick relief Elle. Phone Lombard 7328. l from Arthritie Pains, Sprains, x-37-1t Tired Muscles. Applied externally. COOK STOVE,, Ytrrrrttodel._Nyr.ly LADIES blue winter coat for sale BARGAIN foy gash, Hquse; rive} "rEHiiirxiE'iirsHiiiPriiEYo 20 ACRES of Market Gardgning Estonia Electric Washet; Radio; Rogers console; Electic range, "Acme"; Simmong/ studio couch; Chesterfield suite; Baby's Simmons crib with mattress; oil paintings, pictures; dishes, walnut bedroom suite; bell-never-stick-construction; Pmelled bed complete with way eagless spring and marshall mat. tress; walnut gnteleg table and 4 Windsor chairs; white kitchen cal)- inet With mirrow and porcelain top. Will deliver free. Apply after 6 pm, H. Ritehie, Lawrettee Avenue "an’BArgEin’. iphlsr '37' LEM- Ave, Weston. o..37-1t Apply 165 Main Street South, Weston. ‘ rr37-It and farming with house, baril and greenhouse. Apply C, Tiveron, R.R. No. 3, Weston. o-37-1t LARGE sir? 'metal crib for sale, in good condition. Phone 121ryI., 50 PIG_S for ".lt_A.pply.warxllyw V cftr. June and wilsGr/Ave., Wes; ton. o-37-1t GAS STOVE, 4 burner; automatic lighters. Chesterfield. 3 pieces also other furniture. Slightly med. Half price. Apply 21 King George Road. Weston. o-37-lt CHINA CABINET, large size. Iiit Chen cupboard, very roomy. Por- celain top kitchen table, Double bed, 1"",,",1,hi,tt Perfectly cleaned. 2 large up olstered rose and beige damask chairs. Like new, Round dining table. Phone Weston 703- M-2. o-37-lt EL_EcT1HCRetriietor, "Nye'", lcmunts; stores and small busi- messes. Financial Statements and Income Tax Returns rnmpleted. {U Fili9. x-22-tf, PRJ.CEP frryp. $69 3nd up. Coney (dyed rabbit), Viseacha, seal (dyed rabbit), beaver mouton. (processed lamb), Persian lamb, Muskrat. Hudson seal, (dyed musk- nt). Your old fur garment -x- pertly restyled to the new 1945 fashion. Price, $14. Princess Fashion Furs Kr. am AD. 9834 ,,,,, R " West at Roxaiini, Humber Heights. Weston. n-37-H ACCOUNTAFT desirts part .time crime}: bujldiryt ms for Git" on 8rarlrtt Ram." M) ft. fmnuge. Running back tn Humbar River. CI}! Mr. Graham, Nib-M. o-37-lt 8cary.ts=f?yysc2llersspfuffs John cooper-tiN Main N. EMPLOYMENT WANTED {RWIN’S FUR FARM Phone iqGliG -1tigiju- ARTICLE "" SAL! Pre-Season Sale SILVER FOR FURS FUR COATS TILE WORK LOTS FOR SALE ', “IOU” lo. I!“ FURRIIIS Bath Room Walls and Floors Kitchen and Drainboardt, Genera] Tile Work WESTON PHONE 1155 WANT ADS TIMES and GUIDE x~37-1t x-37-tf lt 1t WANTED capable housekeeper Yor Good house. Possession April m. 6 nomad brick in lav-1y condition. Newly decoratod..Beautiful back yard. Good location. Good down payment. Cull Mr. Graham 'ly/r, th. -1 GROUND mm wanted 1373i! club. 'al'. HM Point Golf Ind Country ub. Phone Junction :352. x- 7Ut $6.60th00 gluten. ownpr uocqupiu! $6,000.00 Owner mu ied. 7 room- ed brick home. Ggod location. Nice large back dyud. Good down payment. Imme into poucnion. Call Mr. Graham 565-M. o-37-1t owner occupied home in Mount Dennis. All hardwood. Extrn large lot. Immediate possession. $3000. cash. Call Mr. Graham, 565-M. bathroom and kitchen done in mirror like finisher. Your bOdtoom! and living room done in velvet tone. Restful to home. Stucco walls and ceilings done in oil or water tints. Charming colour schemes for interior and exterior shown on request. ny motto "A good price-- th pleasing job." Phone Weston 438-W. x-36-tf GIBSON McCARTNEY. He yer from Arthritie Pains, Sprains, Tired Muscles. Applied externally. $1 and $1.85 sizes. At Inch’s and other druggists. x-37-1t $6500.00 Six totytyrd solid 1sriek SLENDOR 2 weeks' supply, $5; at all druggi: Ineh's Drug Stores advertisement in the Times and Guide regarding Mrs. R. G. Loftus gleam can " the office, 8 Main tree_t South, Weston. ne.37-lt WILL the person who 21}ch the. ss-grids-NEP urdu.rnished. BED-SITTING room. 61 lawrence -riurrirkit Eff Main Street near car lint. n-37-1t ROOM wanted with bolrd__ot we of kitchen in or nelr Humber Heights district by young man on steady day work. Would rent gar- age if available. Apply Box 3715, Times and Guide. , o-37-1t UNFURNISHED lower apartment or small house by teacher for Sept. lst. A, W. Charlton, Spring- field, Ontario. " x-35-tf LADY wishes board for September on dairy farm, government- tested herd, between Woodbridge and Toronto; city conveniences un- necessary. Box No. 8742. Times and Guide. n-37-1t EUNG woman teacher, desires -rairrUrGrer1Tbs teacher and wife. Phone 12494. o-35-1t "irJriUittiiur" am, grill, near street car. Lloydbrook 4135. - D%iCHARGED Berv1CemN1 ”ant; ""i"vTtiraTurrm, "é "xiii'tui-nished moms immediately. Abstainers. Phone Wench 1001-W. n-37-1t YOUNG buyhess pourtlf _ab§m_iner3 CANARY. em singer. Cage and stand, Phone 71-W. _ o-37-1t -iiTGtiri,UGne ii, two sires of land. I have 85400. cash. Box No. 3707, Times and Guide. 0374'. ERICK byngalow in Weston 'rea, Riki!“ GUITAR VEhspN Wm. BALL GENERAL CARTAGE OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED - Haul Anything - 1669 WILSON AVE. Phone 99413 WANTED TO BUY HOUSE FOR SAL! HILP WANTID ROOMS TO LET Tablets are effective; supply, tl; 12 weeks' Irugsrists Briggsuaqq WANTED o-37-‘t 3(-37-1t o-BT-lt cw am. a W- C?,"?.,',), w Ilh,'lte',istr'i' v1e- N.. 1m Mr.',, u 3:: a. Tt vim-rm? nail br%ums.d. um qr» V!!- - III-u baby, I or 8 natural-bod room: In Woman or Mount Dennis. Phone MAO“ mm chums. 0-31-12 THREi'aI tour alum-bod room ,in " no" Walton. Phone l7-g_;8.1 o- - t Births HODGES-Kr. and Mrs. William Hodges (m Kathleen Me- Creizht) IS Lawrenco Avenue Wot, Weston, are happy to unnounce the birth of a son, Ronald Clifford, at the Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, August 23, 1945. V When a min breaks a date, he usually has to; when a girl breaks 1 date she usunlly has two. "Your leg is swollen." admitted the doctor, "but I wouldn't worry about it." In Memoriam PEARSON-1n loving memory of . dear boy, Pte. George Pearson, killed in action in Italy on August slit, 1944. I think of him in silence His name I oft recall There is nothing to new" But lain picture on the wall. -tn lbving tkenioiy. 3361: and Mum Sparrow. Mrs. Leeper and family of 188 John Street wish to express their deep ttristitude to their many friends and neighbours who were so kind and thoughtful during their recent bereavement. "Well, if your leg was swollen I wouldn't worry about it either." Bill-lout about the " you owe me?" Cards of Thanks Torn-"it's your birthday on Friday. rll bring it to you with tnCHrtur.ryultttiorur" - Ttii-roi-tjr/Gt-tjr-tne the money Ind I'll congratulate myself." Colored Maid (to friend on street car)-Well, I reckon the war's gettin' nearly ovah. I was a hour an' a half late dis mornin' tn' the lady she done fire me. N o T t C E 8 Births, Mar u. Deaths, Card. of her,', Engage- ment; In Memorial- Noticu Old. Thu. lull!" toe Per Ida.. Shill- Char" PLASTERING CONTRACTOR Repair Work My Specialty Large or Small Jobs . Free Estimate 1 Prices Reasonable TOM BERRY PHONE WESTON 1188 Make a dough as follows: 2 cups flour. 4 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 2-3 cup MILK. 8 tablespoons fat. Roll out " inch thitk. Line muffin tins (well-trend) with the dough, add chopped lamb which has been seasoned and moistened with new. Cover with the crust. Bake in hot oven until brown. 2 out». " I. WESTON DAIRY LTD. llillllut---MIM T-tNOX WITH IT wanna‘rolm Try These Reciepes With Milk LAMB PIES o-8T.tt. The hardy lratpt the horsts1N't in“? N W" H" -T"" Ali!“ want of an full-tuna Ah: "ii, my limit“ -itu." - sGuik ‘7 “V 7' -"e -"-"ee __ '7 In . turrow cut straight IM true, Or A titld " be? " break of day. And the Ian. him in tho blue. o for an rut frmgt the noon-dd. Otortty mudmobhdcdfa if}! "ie _ - Thu 1. m. lift toe m. O for I herd in I Future lush, And the gumbo! o lambs It pm. The Email of the fall Ind u too-mi 7 heat, In tU Ihnda of a mighty tree, When the nun to high in aid-day l Poet's Comer I ' call, _ ' As he Mulch I run-ban day. 0 for the mum: of crunching snow While the Hugh-ball: merrily ring, Or I field of gain in a tair terrain, Where I turn: mute-t king. There are T,083 islands in the Philippines, 4,642 of them unnam- ed. Luzon, with In In: of 49,8}4 of the Township of North York, in the County of York, Retired Farmer, deceased. All persons havin claims against the estate of L. above- named John Charles Bull, deceased, who died on or about the 25th dey of June, 1946, He notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of September, 1945,1heir names Ind addresses and full par- ticulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. Ofta night when the moon is bright And myriad: of mu Ihine through. Give me the space and I farmer's plncn; And I leave the world to you. T. B. GLEAVE ii?ty,jjiilis, {s15 Erica of'the P ilippine Islands. 1N THE MATTER of the Estate .01 JOHN CHARLES Buuilape Immediately after the said 16th day of September, 1945, the assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the elaims of which he or they shall then have notice. James Charles Heslop and Clar- ence Lorne Fraser, Executors, per C. Dame Fraser, Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers, Weston, Ontario, DATED the 17th day of August, 1945. their solicitor. Notice to Creditors w. “(A Fun l for it feel of an wud on I! SCARLETT RD. N. WESTON PHONE 388-J E. Hollyer gffiifilE TRUCK LETTERING TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON Weston 12tl--htttitttt 7218 Il/s cups American cheese. grated. 2% cups MILK. 8 eggs. well beaten. f 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. 21/. cups macaroni, broken and cooked. Salt. Blend the cheese, milk, eggs and sexton- ings. Divide the mmroni equally among nine canard cup. and fill the cups with the cheese mixture. Set in a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven until firm. Supplies protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, and some vitamin. MACARONI AND CHEESE TIMBALES tet" ' iPgPaiiif2iit 'liii, A mutation that Tunic“ Squm be redesigned u 1 union] munch) with I plot of (”and M a tel' q thy.,r2rtittioith bu DEBENTURES . To the Holden of Guard De. bnturu of the Nun of Woman had an m day of luxury. 1983. Ind mnturing in the yen: 1956 to 1960 both inehuive. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 111.10" of Weston intends wendw oaths ind-y ofNts- "our, 1045. redeem its gen-rel debentures dated the lat day of Jame? 1988, which mature in the leer- 550 ta mo both includve matter set forth by payment to the holders thereof of the Nee value of the said debentures to be so redeemed and accrued interest thereon to the said 1st day of No. vember, 1945. after which date in- terest will cease to t1eerue. Pay. ment will be made at the Bank of Montreal, Weston, or the main office of the said bank in Toronto, at holder's option upon surrender of the debentures redeemed, to, gether with all ungsid coupons thereon. The said de entures to be redeemed Ire $132,052.86, in aggregate principal amount, and are I portion of a. larger principal amount of general debentures dated the Ut day of January, 1938, which were issued pursuant to By-lew number Mli, passed the 15th day of August, 1938, as provided for by A plan of refunding, readjustment and reorganization of certain de- bentures of the said town dated the 23rd day of June, 1938, and confirmed by order of the Ontario Municipal Board dated the 15th day of August, 1938. The said de- bentures to be so redeemed ere as follows: Debenture Numbers _ 79-24 79-25 79-26 222-29 222-30 222-31 222-32 245-19 245-20 268-43 268-44 268-45 268-46 268-47 268-48 293-37 293-38 293-39 293-40 293-41 293-42 293-43 293-44 293-45 349-44 349-45 349-46 349-47 349-48 349-49 349-50 349-51 349-52 349-53 349-54 349-55 350-18 350-19 350-20 410-54 410-55 410-56 410-57 410-58 410-59 410-60 410-61 410-62 410-63 410-64 410-65 410-66 410-67 410-68 412-23 412-24 412-25 412-26 412-27 412-28 414-27 414-28 414-29 414-30 414-31 414-82 449-.60 449-61 449-62 449-63 449-64 449-65 449-66 449-67 449-68 449-69 449-70 449-71 449-72 449-73 449-74 449-75 449-76 518-30 518-31 518-32 518-33 518-34 ‘518-35 518-36 518-37 518-38 535-52 535-53 535-54 535-55 535-56 535-57 5li5-58 535-59 535-60 535-61 535-62 535-63 535-64 535-65 535-66 585-67 535-68 573-30 574-13 574-14 574-15 603-12 603-13 603-14 ':618-27 618-28 618-29 618-30 1 618-31 618-32 518-33 618-34 618-35 688-11 688-12 690-11 l 690-12 691-21 691-22 691-23 ‘691-24 691-25 714-27 714-28 1714-29 714-30 714-31 714-32 I 759-10 759-11 l DATED at Weston this 30th du- (of July, 1945, _ ..- 1.. __ Town of Huston 535-68 574-15 618-27 618-31 618-35 690-12 691-24 714-29 NOTICE or INTENTION TO unsung gggIAIN: GENERAL "Eu anybody "or bun but in and-- ' n“ " Mm, i. iiurtrtbisr7WiGi2 (GG.' hit: Laurrriui, J. P. ALLAN, Mayor D. E. WADE, Clerk. 79-26 222-32 268-44 268-48 293-40 293-44 349-46 349-50 349-54 350-20 410-57 410-61 410-65 412-23 412-27 414-29 449,60 449-64 449-68 449-72 449-76 518-33 518-37 535-54 5li5-lrg 535-62 536-66 574-13 603.13 618-29 618-33 688-12 691-22 714-27 714-31 222.29 1 246-19 263-45 I 293-37 293-41 293-45 349-47 849-tit l 349-55 410-54 1 410-58 [ 410-62 410-66 412-24 412-28 414-30 449-61 449-65 449-69 449-73 518-30 518-34 518-38 535-55 535-59 535-63 585-67 574-14 503-14 618-30 618-34 690-11 691-28 714-28 714-32 $6,500.000 for landing vessels 3rd other boats for American toreesim the Pacific. Vision t52W (“in 1863 ttttt.te. muonouu. u. innit". Solkltov. m. .--0Hieo- 530 Icy tt., Toronto WA. "rr In: " “on. Shut, Wm.- Wuton 11'] - For appointment during day, phone office. Far appointment durlng M- ning, phone rundown. V "ION” uu.et. “03" - 544' W; NV. '068 w. "" .. WESTON I Elastic Stockings. Belts. etc. 77 Yonge st. - Residence 34 Georrefit, __ Bqtut-a to , ' Pun; Ju. usi TRUSSES MADE TO ORDER tlrtbE MAN, WHAT NOW? Roll Estate Ind hum-Inc. Broker Nothing too mull - Nothing.- too lar e'. Inquiries ignited Office: New Zenlmd has spent about - P, I‘ll ON HOOD nu AND [BOOND IOI'I‘GAGI "cum-nu onu- Ion-x Dally; III. M, - Thur-d" tuning- J. EDGAR PARSONS R. W. MacDONALD MEDICAL SUPPLIES " will. "him. Ste. to" tar. Ind. - M F. A. SILVERMAN KC. " Tom“ Shut. Toronto 0-16-52 W J. WARD C. LORNE FRASER RUPTIIRED? INCH’S one STORE CIHOPIACTOR Harva- ud Chronic Din-un- GIuMDo An Mt. '"'"t,', . IARIISTII, MICITOR. In. Bank " New. Scorn Chub", WESTON IARRISTIR. SOLICITOI In. CHIROPRACTOR Hr. SEEN“ "rnrtcr9" or Wanna "U UNDERTAKERS Piano 10 Years' EirGienG Print. Fitting Room E9! Atstrohthrtttttyll ”in: " Autumn-t PHONE: ZONE 4-444 J. W. BROWN SOLICITORS INSURANCE Fuunl Binder- Amhuknu in"! dint-iii; Guru-tad WM. A. BIGG! WeuInn 658. ”was: ti US INESSWE DIRECTOR Y "fl, World - MI If. detgttreemdr In! iekgrdN " JUnci. 0769 AD. 6331 To Weston PAIN TIN G, DE CORATiN G Interior, Exterior PHONE 676M JACK BAILEY LAWN FURNITURE A. N. BOYLEN Prompt, dependable service. Over 15 years' experience. RED INDIAN STATION MAIN and DENISON PHONE WESTON 816 See our stock of Batteries. R. B. Maxwell PHONE 552W m. w. in? Radio Repairs Allan 'sSeroiceStati HENRY POPE GENERAL WOODWORK Rear 285 Main St. N. (mu. ALLAN. rm. _ swan!" 930mm}: INTERNATIONAL TRUCK “was AND snvxc: In Main South III. Cartage and Movers. B USINESS CA t Jack Bylsma Made, repaired, painted WESTON 984W “Have those plumbing Jobs done NOW." Zone 4-577 "WB prx 'll" lagju_ T" Wrtriterc- Add“. WARM AIR FURNACES Smhlind Maul Tun-up 122 MAIN N., WBTON ION! $3.7 Free Tire Inspection New Tins for eligible users. TINSMITH, ETC. "iii-Vilnius" = tia '""n.nm'";£' CRUICKSHANK GARAGE RAPID RADIO Call: Radio Repairs Mus AND IIIVICI Irff mm St. , Twin. Sol-vie. CARTAGE REPAIRED 'sue. Oll- 0.. Trinkwon’s . Taxi 167 WILLIAM ST. DEAD HORSES and CATTLE For free pick-up phone us. We pay phone chutes. GORDON YOUNG LTD. Phone AD. 3636, Tomato WANTED Phone JUnttion 0057 ART'S TAXI ROY’S TAXI PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE 24 HOURS SERVICE CLOSED " WEDNESDAYS WESTON TAXI VETERANS' Except Sundays M tfbt(iftir Sundays Exeepttd TAXI " 24 Hour Service Phone Weston Private Hospital Zone 4.334 456 CirEi2 PHONE 1044 Phone TAXIS PHONE

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