Times & Guide (1909), 30 Aug 1945, p. 7

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[can out» to te, thin" won“, Accord“; to i omtion Mud mm an tnegehanta mud Yin? urn» Vinita} the huh tt,ttr first. He tttttf, a can , Wilma in n rid intend hunch mutant". She had bun moving troy.sd. the ruuunm " tt mud, taking orders, chain: In Ind gain; to And fro hem WAY.' AUGUST so. I“! Your Automobile Refinished . 825.00 and Up Estimates on Commeicial and Domestic Painting and Spraying on request. 502 Main St. N. Massey employees please note:-. FF You may leave your car here in the Morm'ng--Ready at Night Complete Auto Service People ' Cheer Gratton Industrial Finishers 28 MAIN ST. N. an»: 1lllliihll.llilit'S GARAGE General Repairs on all makes of Cars and Trucks Certified Mechanics All work guaranteed Dominion Tire "Dealer-Exit; Batturies _ fhspertest Products let Salespeople Find Men r to Please Than Fair Sex _ WESTON MUSIC AND RADIO St. N. Weston Ph. 800 Opposite Massey Harris Co. _ Bring ln your old tubetr-We test them Free 4160 DUNDAS ST. W. JU. 5450 See our line of New and Used Furniture Wringer Rolls carried in stock the kitchen with vut unload: ot yum. "Por autumn“. I 1mm non," III. Mated, “Tiny know what they run. before {on at to them. They (luau chair inn min-1m}: to tho Maine" jot 't,t,igr, and iftthe rou- taurant 1| crow ed they Are not impatient " delays." wAftuPs, RADIOS, TOASTERS, IRONS and Any Electrlcal Apparatus about our service on'.-- Full line of Radio tubes WE KNOW HOW "WT" nit but“ 73 a“ 100.13,. aid. “Th will-upon] tm‘mnm “xi-f our 'a cup o! can“ while In tin: can» any!" gr. many; that." _..' “Surely not all mam no lit. that " we mad. 76t can". not." Ill! .npuod. "You I,',', the odd man who it tho “me. In mr,e, it is the wo- man who ho d up urviu for rcpt. wig luv. only , non lunch my." We crolud the strut to mount "tabtirtutsqnt. We "mud the me of our convolution to “other offieiqat Jam thin: who w... ',',f,',tllr, on off the wrist" with prr?ty1ltrelttill.. .-. . aa-- ""irii'rrritii'Ta. affirmed, “Mon "h.ltet.ttr "PM too:" . . . -ttti "iiiikr7siiifotrtst . shoe clerk weflttet IPP. ' .. "trriairGiitiG my name," wu his .opminz "trtqrk, "but I - to wgit In gum. T.ur 311k in. {at I p136!" Liad itiii tit iiwilk ouLAnd duh the end " it. After Service In Ftsrtatnhittort $tgttttrlttttttltttrtt Resume Old Duties V 7th iadiii,uos V’am. in pretty punk-u!" thou: the tho. they“ f'Jr 2000 pupils Ire expected to en: 1 in the dly clan: of Wes. ton schools this coming year, re- port' C. It. Manhunt. business ad. ministrator of the Walton Board of Education. In addition, I large enrollment in night cluul is anti. ciplud. 100 kinterurden toddl- If! no expand to so to school for the first time. ', "We extend a very hearty wel- come to our teachers who have served in the forces." Mated Dr. J. M. Thomson, chairmen of the Wer ton Board of Eduention. "We are proud of their splendid record of service to the country. We look for- ward to I very successful year dur- init 1946-46." . ‘- The ouch-0 “All: of Weeton wheel: will consist of 72 ptnom, including taaehera, school nut-en, stamp-pixie htlp a.nd cuggnken. Four former “when will return to their dutiu this yar after ner- viie in the Armed Foxes. Theyire Fl ing offieer R. W. Standing who wii’l rejoin the public school Matt, In addition to returning person- nel, five new appointments have been made to the staff. Misses R. Brinstead of Clledon East and D, Armstrong of Toronto will teach in the ublic schools. Chief Ship- wright l?. H. Russell, RCNVR, Mina R. M. Hnnlon of Renfrew and’ Miss R. Leckie of Hamilton will have posts It the high school. win rejoin the able school Matt, Flt/Lt. W. G. dud, Flt/Lt, R, S. Scott and Lt. W, D. Uneaster, RCNVR, who will resume their du- tin with Weston Collegiate Add Voetttiorusl School. "Aug (am “out an lulu." the CINDERS STONE Phone 991R1 52 Omagh R. W. Standing, W. G. (itx)dard,3.:.'sS: Scott And W. D. Lancaster Welcomed Baek--G. H Russell, RCNVR, Added To High School Staff FARROW HAULAGE Zone H00 SAN D FILL I " m odituati Mid ttec or ttte bay M03. test. ly it than in I large luck lull- 4ttrtg will try on ml um. Tic]! eterhivépft+u'ittrto hell than ulna uni: lbw." ' I In the shallow water of the strum. the cotnmurtihr's children splash And about. PttrtUr along, a kingfisher hours. observing with heady T, the minor- sporting in the Ihl lawn. With lightning speed (lt' plummet: into the Inter. ob- lectured In the may m his am. (Along the top of the west bank. e ‘young dog (emu excitedly after i one of the tiny an“. of the dis, (triet. Pungent blooms " summer , kept tht drowsy afternoon. "It. Wuhan! that the mu.- an simm- can tn an auction of t cl: lbw." mud author Ibo.- mn. "Mr abound» in that while mun dnu for conunntivc utility, womon dun for duct-lion. What kind of t world would it he if it lukod the light at I dainty um. "Lett by 't.rd.d.lo?k.ittr 'lure".".. . "Wi‘ni’x-o'od'méic Mich-1m it” Ind mom off to a meat ',','d' men." the proprietor “and. "I tind them pretty uretul to“; in the nlectlon of cute of melt. errant!- ly; I prefer eervlng them for that very roe-on. It worktout but in the end for all convened. They Ire he?” end we retain their goodwill . I do not like Tat,, children. if possible. When I cut a meet prowl.“ be With. great: In inclined to feel that the teher "put one over" on. the child." . "V-r'nlil" wu in use I: early us 1870, when the French govern- ment, during the seige of Paris by the Prussians, sent microfilm mes- use: by pigeon to other Preneh, men who projected the means" gr: , screen and copied them by an ' N',' of undvichu. A an all". a rpfotetNehltstttdummrt of mm: "tle,',',' um um still-uh. a - the an all: the m. Scum m. M m h an - _ lei. Ut'i [Kai u 1 WM” M! Mrs. G. E. Rolling Instantly Killed (In MI. Tracks Trainmen state that the gates at John street were down when.the accident occurred some yards south of the crouing. The point when Mrs. Rolling was struck is I cus- tomary short-cut for may people on the east side of the tracks. Mat, ed Sgt. Crawford. in advising all persons who dross the tricks to tip so 361M properglaces'. . l Engineer Donald Dewey of Cor- bett Ave., Torontownx in the cab of the nouthbound passenger train, which wu travelling It fifty miles per hour. Mrs. Rolling. a widow; had been housekeeper or Wm. Shiells of , William St. for the put tour yen“. She is from Collingwood, where she "retided on 301nut' St. She is survived by two mm. Wil. lilm of St. Catherines and Ronald of Detroit; and by two sisters, Mrs. R. S. Harman of Kitchener and Mrs. S. G. Plummer of Coiling- wood. Australia was the first nation tn make relations between capital and labm- a matter for special courts of arbitration. of William St. Weston was 1 instantly Inst week when she struck down on the C.P.R. t: south of John street by the train from P6rt McNicoll on TI day morning, Aug. 23rd. The elderly woman was taki short cut to her place of rem": after doing some shopping on St. When struck her arms wen day morning, Aug. 23rd. The elderly woman was taking a short cut to her place of residence after doing dome shopping on Main St. When struck her arms were full of groceries which were scattered widely about the area after the IC- cident. Sgt. Crawford of the Wes. ton police was celled to the scene, by Albert Garred uged nine, of Joseph street. who we: the only witness of the accident. Dr, Charl, ton; coroner. examined the body. "Cruickshnnk Park is in fine ehupe these days", reports Council- lor Bob Huson. "Four new lights hm been inMalled {or the Cort- waiencé of Magnum: corn 1an vein.)- routs. e ovens are in first class condition; tho weeds hive been rut along the banks und this are plgnty of pienie gables." The park is an use: to the town. The fine shIHe trees. the broad ex- Rlnse of lawn, the winding Hum. " gurgling nlongside form a charming scene a late-summer beguty. _ h Town-d town. tho fine [Al-dens nf the householders. 110qu with color. descend the dullvity. Flint- ly. the hum of Me from Main ntreet drifts into the vllloy; High in the sky. I bomber from Milton whack about. . A mother Impala her bake: " on. " the pienie tabla. Periodic- llly the glance. u the river. when Mr brood in building 1 little dun to divert one of the .ddiesolantt m bank. She aprudn n cloth nnd ”my. on pupa plug-L M- Gruickshank Park a Placid Scene at Late-Summer Beauty for Picnics anomuy. on - plum. lum- lnt MAW»! no Muf km “Molt of our customers)” yo: New Lighting Installed For WeirIer And Corn Roasts Reports Councillor Huson, Chairman Of Works Committee-Mothers Use Park Daily Elderly Woman Taking Short-Cut When Struck By Passenger Train tVtherine TIMES AND GUIDES. WESTON We! as. Rolling, 1 was l taking a residence , on Main were full scattered e boat Thurs. l6 WI! tracks I. 68, killed At 'ttg,',,',',,',,', held in m Wow mount mutiny Hall 6tt Thurs. day "out: the lucky winner- Inu: m 'ik' Chulu Ward» a: and. In. . UGmnd; ted in. Shula; 4th Mrs. bought”; Frog. any itrr, Watkins And In. Many {Avon-able comm-nu luv. bun passed upon the unefully Arranged “on window of the 8030p: Smut Shop. It in rally 1 51 Fiat, Aid , M n. DEER} Tia Robert: Smart Shop. It in rally a (1th tet the eye to no such a lovely 1tttp pot overdone but rather taut ul m in Immotricnl “nu and simplicity of color. It in well worth [coking over. Trump: Illeping in barn being unlou with much", in the only uplluion um could be given by the owner u the mule of I tire, which destroyed n burn on the old Toylar Farm. Melton oRId. last Wednesday, August 22nd. There val no crop: in the barn but I few implements were distrored. Fire fighters from Manon Aircraft plum protected the house from fly. Ine sparks. Weston fire brifnde unmet-ed the cull but was umb e to save the barn. lLOCAle The Ontario Tourist Ind Travel Bureau stated that the lifting of gasoline rationing is expected to ring tourist travel close to the peak yen of 1938 when 2,800,000 motor tourists came to Ontario. Re- sorts throughout the provincs are jlmmed and many had to'be turned sty for lsck of Accommodation. Canadians Ire becoming more vs- cation conscious. Resorts that used to have go per cent. Ameriran trade new I" {sporting up to 70 per cent. Clnldiinu. ti), _ fl W _ In!!! J. T. Farr & Sons Ltd. “00%! "" mmmuanmo muss "_-_ (lghltfr'..%lilllg www.mm MRt1M0ut1lttlt% YES, PHONE 254 " MAIN N.. WESTON ISN'T If ”I I'll!" ' I" 'FIOI JU. 4186 _cffii';"qBj, Mtlrgt'v'.t%" pee,Ttl Donald Mackenzlo minor or - Ill" like of 93 7 Donald Intent“, 98, member ot ut'x family of York County "ther of M30: Lox Mae- kenzie. If)” di Jan wuk at " naidonce in Wood ridge. The “duly mu: hid anjoyod "e.llent b.9334: until just rrentlr. _----.. His ”rents, th- ltte William Inland. Ind Catherine Incl?"- Une, were both of mull-M Beot. tish origin and cum to their coun- try in 1886. The deal-0d mun bud bean I resident of Woodbridge for TO year: and during that time hid played In native pert in the "tairs of the riorttm.unitr. A _ Her hiCiuG"k farmer, drover we! butcher ind. It the time of his Member Of Pioneer Family Active In District Affairs C “Em "gular ersptor" “any“, . 'gCreire,jerll'21/ U “W Mmehth'owpidWM‘h‘”. . on company. may 2','r'r'i'iTtcfd', . I I be“. upon a astireti . for “a ttt 'g',t,t"iiurt?'rC,', 'F-- I Minimum: Mr1ATl0ttahlt0t)0Rg 1feChtt 007015114 any?!“ taiti lot 22 un . own an for thy- Wat. Toronto 'dldfilh' Rdlw for trel' he nut-M a muggy of. gin a"l,llll town Iiirrgairil 1°31}: MERE 3.3.3. For eight yum he land In an “git". ' "than!“ my an: just wand! for critic? ”in: P',":',',',,',?, the tint continu- tion school, on in 1885. it In: .e.uLren.ot the. Vocal-id;- Pub. -hhii%n.ra) mum. from his home on Sum-1 n - undea- 'm home on an“; and undu- 'm goqdncgd If: oodbridgc Mb! will Church. Surviving besides hi: m In: in two daughters, Mu. J. W. Ddliul of Edgaly. and Mrs. T. W. Curd. of Wert Virginia. U. B. Ron Mae.. kenzie. Another Ion. wn killed in the lut war. Hi: wife died in 1989. Ind hum up with" minim-u} phone not. 70,” mm for We“ Device on mrrxmititsq luttN-dtertar-uethat-i-eir. 'm-ttttot haunt-t "hu, "ritehbeard. artdaiitui-thinrthat-o-ih-s Ntoteutotenroa,rdther,thaeatt-- for_tertud.rist1t-Bittariritrwgitu 'oesr_roeus-ratemriobat-o Andi?- '.odtoh--uei.Wehebothrt al'ufobahite"ru-ittsalttu9i- ,o"rtb-strrmhuterdaot-r-t-r. DHrmruow,Netmtethaeae--- “I --'"""-- tt all noon: PIOPLI " WORK r...=__, . . - - 1.? fire- BACK IN- HARNESS I" A/or No; unim’ a. mu It? PANMON, no. a a. of York. 'tmbaart, 36¢' ’15be joGFrTp"i"i"i"i. "it" who}. chm the thin at th- hnvo notice. . Diviu Poul-Ion, 4” NM Med., Admhtirtmtiu, to: J. NET Pincus. " Toronto SM "lieit6r. _ t,edfitii,i,, ii,ihiiialiiitRil O _ a. hllh'.il;'.d MI pun. baud u Toronto this ,lhl August, 194E . An pun-I [III

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