{i No 1"tt't/'hc,""', can find ' â€Earn! with a principle of If nionilm. Unions, " I 1'd1'l magnum to; justice and scent l st thing conditions, hp" Idvnncod _ Fi' can» of. the working mun in I union which Ml bun had»). 1 ml Wily. Unqueationabtr, ' tum-still am- the type of um ' plow: who would ply his em. t ploy." tight dollars . week, who ......hl “In-Ino- “in nhild Inhmn- 11w: i would Viol-u the child labour um, " who would adopt. my man or ‘wurriloun policy to wring B few ‘mon dollm from the sweat of hit Marylou-I; The Union; have been the major {Actor In eliminating the Nagy-non: of this typg ot.rogut. L The Massey Harris punt is I Crown property. It will never owned by the'Mnuey Harri: Com- any. Despite the fact tut the t"n'gi, maintained intense pressure on the comptny to do Iomething about civilian production for the plant in the post-war period, the mummy " no time had my control over the disposition of the property utter the job of building aircratt parts, w" completed. The plant was and is government property; Mas- ‘aey Harris' responsibility to the union continued only so long as the company required labour. .,--_..v.._ w W, "V -re - -- However, An examination of the pout-wu- proponh of Vin-begotten labour faction: lead: one to believe that their leadership luv“ some- thing to be Quin-ed. They want the Mausey Harris plant to operate on civilian production. They want their union to hue epntrol of labour in the plum. uhould it be taken over by I civilian operator. They want 3 bonus of I month'l ply for every car they worked in war industry. {may want unemployment insur- ance nt_t_wenty-f§ye dull-{I 1 wtek. Then too, the buildings at Muzzy Harris are of temporary construe- tion-as the first deterrent to post war uie of the plant by germanent inuuswy. Further more, t e halting cost of the plant is prodigious; it is prohibitive to a civilian manufac- turer, if he intends to make i living. . . . Bus suppose a civilian manufac- turer did happen along. Does it sound reasonable that he would accept the seniority rights and labour set-up of people who never worked for nim? Wouldnny “he manufacturer walk into a situation torn with dissension and accept in domination of a group whose record during the crucial war years nu been one of constant pickering-r . It would be nice if we could All get I. month's bonus for every year we worked, when released from our jobs. But where is the money to come from? Who is going to My the rhot? Likewise, who is going to pay for unemployment insunnce on the basis they suggest? A fomeyr. Nays “d tyet.? Last Wednesdaé uw the Queett's York Rangers 1 ) back " First York Armoury for the opening of their {all training susnn. "A" Coy u usunl hid the best attendance. Q.Y.R. We spent almost the whole even- ir.T down in the nuns shooting u thirty yard targets, and some good groupings were mode. and some poor ones. "A" Coy will Attend pl- raden at Fort York once I month fnr the purpose of imgroving our shooting and scoring m competi- tion against. the other comdplnies. This should make for ad ed in- terest The ailabus calls for a training film as Wednesday night for the next few weeks. These films will cover the different humion wu- pom; and will he followed up by practical instruction on the wu- pons the same evening as the film I! shown. _ -- _ tttrt. Since. our return from amp I couple of Tgr"t, loch] wants have been held. a first was 1 was It the Mount Dennis Loch»! hall and I cough of weeks ago the wives and pit friendrytindd the boy: in their second "mull corn you: in Cruictsltyr_tk Perk. Q.Y.R. _ The battalion will do uome shoot- in: at Long Branch lung" on the week-end of October 13th-11th, and Mme week-end only in November there is I "heme being plume! to be held in the Aurora diltrict. Here's hoping for tt late front this "ll. Congratulatixv'uinc}; CorvorII and Mrs. us: Sears upon the birth of The Opinions 'Expressed Herd Are Not N ssarily Those Of This P032 t CATHERINE MARTINI ITM) Lauren“ W. Your JtutomoMio 'hrfinUhod 835.00 and Up' ' Badman on Commercisl 1nd Domestic Painting Ind Summon request. Gratton Industrial Finishers me out!“ you IAN“ "It Again- "gh-ry' , Weston Dressmaking Shop EXPERT ALTERATIONS AND REPAIR! TO LADIES', GENTS‘, CHILDREN'S CLOTHES Dry Cleaning Orders Tutu Jttiiliiii Proposals d Up? Writer Asks ', emu G; tNe on Q.Y.R 4160 DUNDAS ST. W. JU. “50 (Contributed) Thu Vichrhn Order Nurse will call " any homo when": than. II illnt" which an. tor {can um nursing care. Phe" W}. n 128. Min Jenn Flemming, High Park ehildren's library, told the members of the Maple uu Home and School Assoeintion, Monday nifht, Oct. I, tut books were the d scovery of children's habits and nature. The speeker outlined a method of found. ing I school library. She demon. strated her talk with specimen books tsuitable for I" Fade: of the school pupils. Mr. red Brook- banks, entertainment committee, sponsored 1 very interesting quis period. The bonnet for the attend. anee of the parents tif pupils went to the room of Mr. Rosa, â€shunt principal. The meeting ended with a shbrt lociel period. Mu. Fred Bgropkbmks, president, occupied the e an. The Humbervicw Wnrtimn Auc- ci-tion hold I Arte, such" at the homo of n. (hone Adolph Int wuk. The winners were: Fiat prise, Mu. H. Shower]; mond “in, Mn. cooper; third prise, n. Winn; contention. Mrr.'E. Pimm. Tnty rclruhmmtl were perv-d by the hogan. A A meeting of unusual i (and will be held in the Walton Elwin church on Friday Inning, Oct. 5, at 8.80 o'eloek whoa Mr. G. Mod- hunt. recently returned from n trip in the far no th, will (in a}: Iddnu untitled igum Wool“ in the Euler-n Arctic." The meeting in under the uulpicu of the Won)- en’s Auctiltion and Ipocill mule will be I'gget,d with I tima of loci-l fellowship " the clan. A are treat, both inspirational and informative is promiud and all in. terested friends In cordially invite ed to attend. deny te,g'rltt tut a. farewell party B on] be err-“ed for him at he takes up his we in another field. After lively genie; and home movies, delicious re reshmenu were served end the party broke up with everyone joining hands in the ling- ing of "'Blemt Be the Tie Th t Binds" and prayer by Mr. Eikenur, both for the work here end else- where. We join with his meny friends in Weston in wishing him God': richest blessing in the work he is to cerry on. Flt. Liam. Fred Norm“ has now rueived his (ii-chute from the RCAF Ind is residin: in the city. Lust Thursday I nocinl evening wu held under the “spice: of the Weston Bufptist church choir and I {irony of tet' at the home of rs. N. Me olm to honor Mr. A. Rg,ty and his finncee, Min Took. Al Mr. Eikenur w" 4 :39ng of tht choi; it we "e: ' The drew far the picturu of the First Thistlctown Boy Scout Troop wrll be held on Oct. 6 It the Legion. Any erson whose ticket is not turnmrin will be re-imbursed. a new baby boy (Terrence) Int Wednesd- brother for Michul, David, Virginia and Jenn. The survivor. of the London blitz" and V-bomhs, scanning the skies from which the terror new is gone, and sigh: "This taken I lot of getting used to." Also the Royal Family walking alone along the grass track at Newmarket on Derby Day, in full View of 100,000 [LOCALS] Inspected Ind Vuunm Gland General Tin-Ilium; Ind ,'tttl" CBultr " wFATON SOCIAL and PERSONAL FREEMAN All) MoGLELLAID FURIAEES RHODA GOODWAY "on [Cu-W BONE "" Min Maude Yea I Tell: Of Work In Angola In. B. W. Johnson vu holuu ftr tho 'tttge," muting of the Dona.- uuon Auxiliuy with an rreif.orrt, In. C. W. Chtutu,iudip' - l 7 itiii' gain? iid." tiGG.-rfiu .31?!†quiz! .eon.tribatM g btau- Mrs. Gin-all Q“ in churn of the audio“! pm of the naming. Mu. Mann; one?“ u a .99" tion. The now "udr book for thin you, "Currie of fihitt','tN, wu intro- dyad by Mi" afrtrdo co in u most planning and mun-ting munnet, which undo Bil present. unuoun to but not. of the work carried on in An“? '.t tho million-ring. Many pro III "a to be considered. The unitary in lugs in extent, the population is vast for that Iiu of the country tnd his two distinct ell-u: the Bughmln Ind the Ben. tur. The land ll rich in diamonds, gold. copper, ore for producing radium and cturpolAte and cowl, - 3511? Airdiiu iGGiiGitiaj 36133- On. Nina-tents of Africa is ruled by the white nee, having only one- unth in Liberia, 'o'tytt, and Alum. ginln. Ono-ninth o t . loud nu " controlled by colored peoplo, while five-ninth: is occupied by the col_o_nd people. A __ . _ _ _ There are eight hundred Inn- gutnl and dillocu, with only thir- teen.W.M.S. minimal-in and four mix-Ion mmâ€. Angola uric: from that to six thousand feet than an level with the temper!- ture ungiaa’ from 60 dogma 1n numgupr to ... PIE“! in Winger. . Africa will bu th- mt nation in the muking of I world of peace. Tho white phonic luv. net yet unl- iled that color lhould not nuke one nudon feel “Turin. to “other nu- tion for "Go in no Input" of forums". "Our Ecumemcnl Fel. trwship" by Dr. W. A. Viucr't Hooft repeated in unison, ahd the Iinging of “Klyek Amuumbo'l Song" from the Seth-tuber Mia.. liyuTr.Mo.nthlt, wit] Mrs. W. L. Ward singing the "lo put. mnde a very improuivs conclusion for the sflendid introduction to the work or thin you. The number of Cmndian mar- chant snmen manning Canada's foreign-going merchant slugs to†from 1,460 to 8,350 during t e war. War took it: tell of them, " indi- cated by the following “guilty firu a: 1,064 (ed or missing and 132,53:an pxjtoner up to Much 31, I"'nlitoetj'?iePt Big Horse Show on the 8th Saturday-Monday, October 6-8 Also ONTARIO CHAMPION SHEEP SHOW Hurdle Evertrs---Pony Cla-lame" Clones --Niomltto Horses-- John H. Kollom, HORSES 1847 98 Years of Progress 1945 It86 WESTON RD. BOX OFFICE WOODBRIDGE FAIR with Bob Croayr. Manny-Tum“. October " Matinee Mon. 1.80 pm. "KANVAS CITY KITTY" and ' Duh --Addtd Attr.etion-- "WA"tERFttotl'r" with John Carradine J. Curol Nuish with - lumen atsd Guinea , Ara-tron: “I Duh-ur- IP?, In Ind Owl-pin " Garbo! nu] Oran-tn lt- Gear uni Cu- lon- Oran-tn The Biggest Rural Fair in the Dominion M-htu Ouch-r I Bad I All Mllhr In --Addmt mt-- The King of the COM" I." Bonn ha “JAM SESSION " with lune: Dim "IDAHO" SWINE CROWDS AND FUN GALORE NIH! TIOTTING RACES STUPINDOUS MIDWAY THEATRE The Finest Show of 3,500 ENTRIES N. W. lawn. Tron. OPENS 6.15 _r1p_r,_p_..A_Lr,ly, CATTLE Squadron Leader Wm. Russell Kindergarten Tea Held At School N. "Goo." Wallace, Mabel Elizabeth Hill Bride tlf" On Wodnudny of Int week the about“. of Memorial Ham. and School 1t,tt1ihtig",', entertained the moaun o kmdogyun pupil: And allow pupil-39‘ tehtill,,kr,tfu, The m’, which wu hold in 9.. library of the school. is an annual function and this year proved to be, very succenful with . record num- ber of parents Ind teaehers in nt- Lendlnce. - _ _ . The guests were welcomed by the President, Mrs. D. C. McArthur. An interesting talk wu given, by Miss Halon Lawrence. kindergarten Weller, who outlined the work done during a child's first year at uncut __ _ .. Bib lint-bar Factory Switches " Rubber Production LONDON-A one million four hundred thousands square foot bomber factory in the north of England is changing over to rubber manufacture with lightning speed. Although the factory and workers must. be geared to entirely new kinds of production, already more than one hundred thousand pounds of old tires have been ground into very fine powder to ease the short- Ige of carbon black needed for nythotic rubber. (This process is the invention of United Kingdom rubber technicians.) It is officially stated that within I few months the cutput will be. "significant", reports the Munchesbez Guardian. Aircraft workers have proved highly adap- table. Already men who, until re- cently, were engaged in making Halitax bombers are learning how to produce finished cycle tubes from lengths of rubber. Girls, who at one time were drivini cranes in a fac- tory, are now ma ing canvas shoes. In the metustime, equipment which was formerly used in bomber com tiruetion, is being put to new uses. Regrireratorr, which kept aircraft rivals cold now hold rubber solu- tion. One big job in progress is the digging of pits tor pans in which ttreg no to " cured. Presiding " the tea table were Mrs. V. Lawn; and Mrs. D. C. Mc- Arthur. Mrs. Gigmn and her com- mittee lookod after the guests. Starring Claudette Colbert. Jennifer Jones Joseph Cot. ton, Shirley Temple, Monty Wooley. Lionel Barrymore and Robert Walker. " After Sunday Midnight 12.05 Catt., Oct. 8 Special Midnight Harm! Show! _WedrtesdtrrThursdtsn Oct. 10-11 "SINCE YOU WENT AWAY" “THE PANTHERS CLAW" with Sidney Buckner Ricki Vallin t -auty-, with Johnny Downs George Zucco POULTRY "THE MAD MINISTER" PHONE JU. 1960 WESTON 130 TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON SHEEP land"!!- of tern and (Moll doconud 8t. John's Anglican Church, Wanton, on hid" mn- ing, Seminal)" 21st, when libel Elisabeth, dnuxhter of Mr. and In. Rowland Hill, Weston, Warn. the bride of Squudron under Wil. liam A. Bum“, D.F.C.. RCAF, non of Mr. and In. Mind Rum“, Mount Dennis. Rev. George Roe of. fieiatad. Mr. Shannan presided at the cum and during the lifting ot the register, the. St. ohnl Choir Boys any the hymn "O Pet- feet have". Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore 1 Victorian 'tylo gown of ivory “tin brocade. and or embroidered finger-tip veil wu caught by a petal cap of mlmhins mltcrill. She carried a shoe! tt white and pale mauve chryunthe- muma. Mrs. Florence Nightingnle attended her sister as matron of honer and Miss Mary Dresser wu bridesmaid. Both wore gowns of harvest yellow satin brocade with ranching) petal caps, and curried shower ou not: of pale mluve poms and bath)“; breath. The groom Vin attended by Flight Lieutenant George Rogers, RCAF, and the ushers were Flying Officer Addi- son Lawrence and Flying Officer Percy Hannen. Following the ceremony the tfret',' were received at a reception at' 9 Elms Golf Club, by the bride]; mother who wore a frock of pile blue crepe, black acces- sories and corsage of rosesr The {room's mother assisted, wearing I rock of aqua crepe. brown acces- sories and corsage of roses. For travelling to Northern on. tario the bride chose a geranium rose wool suit, black accessories, mink furs and corsage of roses. On their return they will reside in Weston. A!†“Hum-norm f 't'u"l'll'f,tl'l,1ttl3%n'rd the molmww Us (no u- m nhultlt. Fine English Weeds Ind wor- sted: in attractive shade: and duignl for ex-servicemen with priority cards. FACT on FICTION t that out â€win. an lop-3 Priority Delivery For Serviceman Kantian will he mud in MINI? funitun. Put. In light weight and shank make it Mull. And it’s 1130 I FACT The9tht/keryumtttMtttretheimftttttertfbrtm-r. We "0tbeatriortmerttseeastmaetttvtthtntthter-ur-htr outlay. th'tt'hatterretturtmttit-tpurt.thexqtteur_ tru"aetdttt--thesttrterreash,itiemardutrairr MI! In has... our patch-a to can an In "in. Themmteyltv_etorr8ortdomhdpto-de torthe rehabilitation Mettrrserveemenartd-n...tbrthee- oftttedFd..AdrtheamtBttfthearmrofoesqet-th- And-tttemo-rt-f-tot-ttttnr-t tmde.providiet-cetimemarketsfbrthepeodtaetlrhetetrt" aetdfar-rt-scettfthefuturepro-ttrortnreourttry. , thttthee_eeeartrep-ettartofourdettttrtthe manythousartd' tMtoareeeturrtitte tttre-ttere-theart) treatedfor-ttn-rtdx ... '" ttttt "tttttttttt 'romAdanttotytrucotheirnantesaretietaitm-tut haveartttttrttniredpaeetmthewttllsoffit-tdoffk- Canada. Theyarethetttenwhouverukedthelrallthatt-tt Maturityagain. MattyarnnevereomebH.andthedehtt-th- "nneverberepei& 'etmtdttottt, "€10"an Weston Music &~Radio 28 MAIN ST N. ORDER YOUR WASHER NOW! .“MW and. at g "cum-'- W“ “a“... ten.oqtims " 9M0)“ " hilt-mans, 0M0“ tre4hea was“ $5.“ m yuan-a...» M3"! M “an. PhdngYour Order NOW Will Ensure Very 'Enrly Delivery on AC‘I‘M ammo-mum a NOW ON DISPLAY AT NA " but» It" "at M. " ZONE 4-400 IR' a