I am. oeirrio A, 1m 1. We must eliminate absolute national snvereiknty first " all among those nations that already ‘mw the secret of the atomie humb. and establish governmental machinery whereby their citizens can determine and execute I com- men "policy concerning it. 2. We must not lose our head sun in atomic power by slackening our research work, nr by divulgmg our knowledge to those RING“: or Institutions thnt cannot, or do not, zulrlntee liberty enough to nie- guard us ngninet this power falling mm the hands of dietators. Fiverold Tlsk The sooner we begin to reorgan- in international relations with the ritizen iristeBd of the nation " the govewimt and governed unit, the sooner we shall eliminate the only reason for producing the atomic bomb. The “may progress that can be made in this direction by all the UrtitetrNtttions together will be Mn slow nnd uncertain. We have a fivefold task: 3. But'ive must nnt proceed 'n' cautiously or dglay an imprudently; thaf we lose our present opportun- ; ity to unite mankind freely Andi ,ffeetively behind atomic power. i 4. We cannot fnrce individual) freedom on others, and yet we must} sontrive to extend it through the'; World Ind unite the free Is we gent 'efore foreign dtrrtatorship mister! 1e atomic bomb. l 5. At the same time we must' rlfegusrd freedom against domes‘ m dictatorship rising from 0co- nomir depression and totalitarian "eures" for unemployment. I . Joint possession of the secret of ammic energy gives those who Ic)) st the common \vsnlth they need to hlnd them together. They hive now s resource to develop the? is in richer than \I'ss the Northwest, Ter- ritory when joint, possession of it! helped nest» the nucleus of nuv‘ present American Union, T ( Energy For Pence I ', To save, themselves Ind evpn‘one [ hem-n the sop-Hing "ttrers of: World Depression " Dietatnrship, Ind World War In And to huness‘ the power' " the stem to the ry.'d/ ‘nf numkind they must equal in the; tvsnstiuational, son‘s! and spiritual; fied, their tremendous achieve: _ Tn trust “Hague. sllianea, u~ “cation or treaty among Jenni“ Inetsona to outlaw the production " use of atomic bomstc to trust rump; to cello producing mol- qust. Such agreement' really g1ve the Advantage to the Govern, ments most likely to violate them. The probnbnity of n nation con- realing such violation is in direct ratio to its lack of individual lib- erty. ' _ menu in The Home bomb kn given at America. Brian ad Cum... people I non-nun opportunity and ' mommhou- mmnuibility to secure individual liberty AM you; The opportunity in brief, for w. unnov. hope to hop this new. mot. dun I f" nuts. The "spou- sxblmy will 0minâ€. If v. fail to deliver mankind ftom tyranny and my new, I. who that and this bomb any ho melanoma u w. nurselvu'temombor nu Vnnd-ll of lament mm. Only I nou'roin nation in likcly in hnve the power '00 prodied 390mm bombs in secrecy. pr is likely tn have the incentive to broduca them. Only the “intone: of other sovereign natiom is likely to pro- nde thtt.inceutivc._ Only a nonr- nzn nation med: agpmic bomb: to coerce it, Where titizonu irutead of nations In the sovereign uniu of society. no Iuch bombs In med- ed w more. than. V A fret Government when unack- ed will use then bomba, but ita nnun qives th. strmttre" gun- anwe attain" in initiating hypn- nan. Providence released the "cm. of the "om to three free nations, Hnw shall they solve tho problem nnw faeirut them? Eminent New Submit Jolnt Plan to Master Power of Atom For World Bandit 1213 W...- M. JU. 892t aililillll FLY“ HIDERTAKERS "ism-r. "nirirteerirte, pro- Our Traditions honesty guide our service the public require that sincerity and To offer any people that Ade- ‘qunuly guarantee: individual lib- Jerty the protection of the nuclear \union's Itomic power, Ind all the 'other great Idunugel of full '; membership in it, would seem to be ithe swiftest, surest way to induce 11nd to preserve real freedom every- _ where. This policy would make the “damage! of membership in the [anion "or greater. its territory ever VIM". its vital centres ever )moro dispersed, and its lead in the Eel-cum, defensive Ind offensive 'development of 320nm pnwer ever more incalculably advanced. The atomic bomb has (inn the mph of the United sum. the United Kingdom and Canada on on- during common nlpomibility that main: their united common unu Ind nounâ€. This in only the [nut and most urgent in I urine " prob. lem- thoy but in common. But they have In yet no common mn- chinery, responsible and responsive to them all, to unite their counts And their common "nae demo- cntiully. effectively Ind endur- ingiy on my policy. it is to be hoped that deleratms at oth'or peoples who Illa are ex- perienced in the puctico of individ- ual liberty would be invited to send deletes too. All too few nations in" Iuecuded in providing in- dividual liberty even in their own territory for u long In thirty years --or one tgeneration. It would therefor. seem prudent to draw on an wisdom of nil who have u lent this inueh cautioned. Nuclur Union Tltrundersirned propose thM the Unitod States should take immedi- ately the proper steps to convoke I convention to form I nuclear union on a free busis adequate to the ex- igencies at the Mamie use And functioning u l unit in the United Nations organization. We hold that the nucleus it cre- ates should guarantee individual liberty as much, at least, " does the United States Constitution and give all the other guarantee. the federal system gives-fair repre- sentation, equal justice, defensive strength. effective central power. independent home rule_domestie trenquility. Membership in the nucleus should be open from the start to my people that is able and willing to uphold these guerantees. The firat nmuity is that their doles-ta Ihould meat to constitute Iuch nuchinery. Until thin in done, the world‘s power to govern the Momie In in freedom pill luck the beginning of the Itom'l power --n madam. dttetitm And In. They can they mun do this now. Aluek "ieidsl I From this start there would be practicum; no possibility of 'ycer-, whelminz it by surprise or " res dating its power of reprisal, And. these ndvlnuges would grow " it grew. At the nme time. the gun'- nnteel it gave of individual free,' dont would be gun-nueing every- one more and march“: m: power would not be used Izgresswely. And no there would be neither hope of victory nor fear of attaek to cause others to combine Igninst it. This union would give ever "you": practical usunnce Igninat den: gernun armament racing developing. during the interim period while tt. was gratin: fo universality Prom' thr "atrt mark mn " wnuld be u“. Union of this nucleua {few you: no meant union nf aetual ,reqle no“ but pountm strength, Now it mum union of both actual Ind po- mntinl power. 28 MAIN ST. N. Weston Music & Radio --PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM FOR RENT--. lad 1 . . I Thou in thorn of the various l ti 2 ret llâ€: polier adopted, the‘ divisions Ire now on the job setting I‘ I rrs euentu u for thou who be- up their toenl orrsnixatiotu. Ttte ‘heve n to be, on the whole, the but! urne personnel and ludenhip ill leolution to any so. We would be it?“ used "1mm“ r,tfei, Gl, . . . _ u commumy one w o no and forâ€? oh.†"r'"'"."'.'. Ob made such a line uhievomont ."l "n" y I " In t a general Interest now back in their old offices end to know what support thi, ntomic directing the local Activities. We I ’policy ho, Ind obviously there is m this community I" "bed to no time to Ioii. lend our fullest support to see that l . we reach our objeeuvu and do our c...“ For Rope utmost to buy thes. ninth new“ 3 bonds. In fut our whole person. 1 The Greeks hid I nnme fttr)solidity and future is dependent (heaven, end from it We got “which the suites; I', the nine. :0 ' . . w o no " orno are wit out: a l Rim! for Ttll"',': Now LtlT/ devastation that surrounds the peo- l ty trwen “5 e pow" to m: e r.' iple of the war torn are“ hue I girth I heaven-or hell. There IS'; responsibility to see that the non-- reasoned cause for hope, and none! any money Is forthcoming to any Ifor despair. ionopentione It Is our responl» 1 G h h f th (bility to see that the works to be I "Fl" t Atl t e pt"rer It I, undertaken to rovide employment ST, is the power of men. For iii! Ire mode ponigle. H we are to Sn, he: proved that. he con govern the joy I continued "Alon of 9101901" ite:: It is much harder for men to l 33:03? JI 1,t,",,,etu'resh,'e'"ti ' .‘govern themselrea freely Rnd “in†this loon. The" in nothing that rel ;ly than for them to govern Itoms.!,o imperative n the present 11.. Yet they had already proved inlqui.re,ritey to throw our whole, Jsome lorut-tested experiments thadwt!isrlst. Into seemg that the sum} I h r id d thi t ttked ls oversubseribed. Make your It " cou " ts, oo. Julius?“ to receive thle 1e,s/','gl, Significantlv the nations of men att.d, into the dam are n yl . , 'with em. The plan to do all that [who had governed _thtmselves the l you can. It is your own future thntl ‘longesc were the first to R0Yernl you are asked to invest in. Do not, "ttrms. This tschievement is but thelfnil to so over the top. It is thel 'latest evidente of the power in-Jl‘ih5t stride hfilled “(Eh I‘d†energy} _ . . . _ . . at at wmat e race. ana a Is our; herent In their pnnclples of mdl‘iMoney is needed to put it in the vidual liberty end umon. front. l Significantly, the nations of men who had governed themselves the longest were the first to govern atoms. This .ehievernent is but the latest evidence of the power in- herent in their principles of indi- vidunl liberty Ind union. It in cf the high.“ importance that the nucleus In ettrutitutad u only the men mutual first my toward uniting I“ humanity, in good time Ind pucetully. in th. on. way that can "our: lilo Ind liberty equally to oven-yon. in this Iconic "o--. World Rapublic of Free Men. . To get this policy Adopted. the first "rentul is for thou who be- lieve it to be, on the whole, the but solution to any so. We would be glad to know their opinions, Ob- viously it is in IU genenl intend to know what Iuppon thi, ntomic policy hu. md obviously there is no time to 10.3. . Ninth Victory Loan Will Open tht 22ml Author and" for $1,500,000.00 in being hunch“. TM Ron. It. “slay a akin; foe thin wm to carry on the eoasmitanartU of tho tidal for nay dictum. "an if ha named how to nuk- atomie bomb- before hig people learned how to be Hon. Mr. llsl asking for $1,500,000.00. Yes A Lot of “any But a Small Amount When Alt Cooperate and Contribute Bruce McEachern’s Motor Exchange 3%â€. 3U" AND .'IN" ENGINES to fit most models of PLYMOUTH and DODGE Ind 1937-42 FORD rebuilt complete with heads and pm 346 KEELE ST. JU. 2112 DUNDAS ST. WEST Ask for our apecinl summer prices. Phone LA. 8847, Our representative will call and give free inspection and information. JONES a DREWERY JONES & DREWERY SUMMER IS THE TIME HEATING CONSULTANTS Are well equipped to are for your furnace needs Next full dealers will be lwlmped with orders For Furnace Repairs YOUR OLD RADIO TUBES thing in your old tubes and we will test them for you on our ' modern equipment. - Offers - NEW AND REBUILT ENGINES now ready for installation to fit CHEVROLET '37 TO '39 AND '40 TO " FREE Thoroughly Tested WASHERS disc“ And Any Electrical Apparatus EXPERT SERVICE On All Makes people of Cum to than who have curled the load In than the“! force epd the new. to thou who have work to be finished, to the“ who ere dependent: Ind {or the continued support ttf War can" end "eontttruetittn. The amulet u presented in the home Are (or twice u much Ii Inked but this Urge Burn will be spread aver the whole year. Those buying head: will heve the yeer to nee}, their payments in and will be M y pro- tected in the cue of unem lay-um so that they will not 1'llllf In“. Every detail bu bun artfully worked out and each of tht Illu- men is being drilled in the presentation. TOASTERS was AND cums; mom ZONE 4-400 LAkeside 8847 IRONS JU. 2H2 l I M MAIN ST. N. Robert’s Smart Shop in not! Mum“ Europnn counMu; more In a How “on an w. W tho m? "sem" “NM. of mod. Lmuock marr%Nr- III namely II ttmt bud“! " n T,L'tttxfgtg, "Mon; Camd- mm. In the I... bur mm of oh. you. r can -rrrtd W! - be p ht no.0 the .rrteetey. I l 'htPstl" ttttt In Ranked ttt "M you“ and. had v,l'au?,,t.','tlt I. Utd Pggrgh,"dtt; The lab w"! no. In hnuud ttt Oh- mr's and. had "mm" In Europe will “Minn. unto the and human. TM: your. Europe I: "Mn. on and. PM I minlmum of 7.9 million pounds 0' but pork and ettnrted and. Up in the and of Anon, only 479 Multan pounds had boon uni. N trv-tvo-r-eu-o-trt-br-tkt-mm-ttmu'"" and "Mr approxlm wow. Moll. WV. you have otoegtt vettd coupon: "I Mom 00 em you M -'- by 'aG4/oiGcoo-earoovrtvo'epterdeeeroetmtdt-utsh"r"eu-r -iuismr-ueoetmtB-d-"m'tah. ttr-d-rr"." mumm~ Dondwynmmmcnmnclymd. _ Avouth-trestthotrrw. -iit----rorrt-rtmrrtt-tet-'-dtt6. MIAT 'tAno- ADM To mum MK ,r.-,e---r-rws-.-m-----4rt-ras'tr'.r"'_ -nrqqgtiI-iiit-nt3NN8Wil" """""t1toi""" mun "ttP,"".""'.'"."'."?'.""'?"'." y Fall and Win“? _ Women's and Chiidren's Apparel " A CONSUMER, “I" tt NOW YOU CAN COOHIATI All tho an": :tylu in impomd and domain- m-urilll. Trimmed sud untrimmod. Trimming! include Squirrel, Red Fox, White Pox, Silver Fox, Russian hub. Mouton Muskrat. cu. tt1.tsttt 889.05 Pretenting the mutant. bourbon“ fashion, in town. Shop at Robert's for Women's Ame} of Quality, Fuhxon 1nd Moderate Prices. COATS DRESS. SUITS 310.95 . 332.95 -s.i-ts,tttttuttttrtss.t-"t' 'qFlq'rlquiq1tq'tr.rqullq'Tq'dq!., 'r-d-ttr-ttttttlA-Ot. ttttttttsd-tart-d-r-re-dn-tttttb..--. "t-d'o--'d"-"-"'r-"-"""u""'t""""rts V'.‘VV."O'.‘ te7tttC7RC)1kOtt7t!9tt)ttt I. up.“ - “M M I. A“ " mwmmmwwmnmahumuup- i E- LGE E . EGR f E S u S l,' u. .....-.4 n... “mm m u Ann-1n. we" SSEEE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Remand COATS q-.. SUITS DRESSES [ BUY WTBB-.BtDN OMIM Wondarml to was! drau- in a nut v-riot y ot dam. Smut and figure tut. mring for you. Attac- tively priced trom-- 3455 to 815.06 Accessories Swollen, Marie. Gloves. sum WESTON ZONE 4-300 hump-nmnmwndoaomovm consump- mm-imdaetso-tho-yottettt and. so†a hit man. M is why "Noah. In moo-m. Gl