m. jtiiiiiiiiii if iiiiailriiiiiii iii? ,0 Scheduled For Coming Weak-End Mrs. Wright explained the sys- han of voluntary worker: across Canada who wan mending time And energy to fight inflation. She told of films, short plays, pamph- let: which um free for us in our own turn. Mrs. C. L. Fraser will mu...†._.\. .- .- -e.-- ,,,, ,, . our home: and among our friends, In all our attitudes and conversi- tions to mconrsge for awhile long- er our government: plans. Do not In us build 11tt by In act of our: a tireless attitydo od. ming.â€_ Snug. for my group to "cure “Wome'n set ui. tone of the com- munity and it.is our part nqwuin - -.r-r--. - 7 __ - tteUttd. Add the high“ factory wages, Ge men-sod m Income, the denim to spend which has Wanted trough in you: of war,--autd all this to the shortage of goods, the difficulty at quick reconversion in industg, thes accu- sity to feed and cloth . Idberated countries for a period. and you In" a 293w prawn min“ the price rex mg. "This time we no trying in our rationing and cgrim control In experiment, whi has never been tried before The cost of living has only risen some 2.8%. Since women do 85% of the spending. much of the sucrcss of the extUHmeett to far is due to than and ther hue something to be proud of. Mrs. Wright, A graduate of Queen" University in Economics and for some time past with the government, addressed a gathering of women Mondgy. §ept. M, ee by the Economics Department of the Local Council of Women, Mrs. c. L. Fraser convening, “This is an important time for women", said Mrs Wright, "It is they who no tho mond line of defunct; ther must stand by and fitttt.inytiPu, vPt,11Py Sanger "investuestims hi5 shown that for the past 160 yum no follow- ed by infltstiott And then I depres- sion. After the last war - sold at Me 1 lb, potatoes at $9.00 I bag, flour at 89.00; Wo all suffer- ed the depression. thmmiltrflllhrmo Hear W.T.P.T. Board Speaker “N. Geo. Wallace, Socreury. re- ports that the number of early entries in all classes is eonsiderably higher than usual. Laat minute en- tries will be accepted up till Friday morning. One of the outstanding events will be the Sheep show for the Ontario Cuitipionship, he said. Sponsored joint? by the Society. the Live Stock ranch oFthe 0n- um Department of Agriculture And the Ontario Sheep Breeder's Association, funds to the extent of 899009 huge been contributed In "E the show. sen competition is ex acted when the members " the be'j),'i'. bridge Boy's Calf Cluh show their animals. The first prise is n "bola-ship for a short rnurse dur. ing Christmas week at (0.A.C,, All the timochonourod features of tho Fnir will be maintained as mu]. Bundling: about the farm will be display ' from Mother's fancy jellies. to Duh prize Clydes- ale. An excellent program of lumen rm: hu been arranged. A new feature of the Pair will be the display of Palomino horses owned by Charles Ninety of Klienburg. m “and Woodbridge Fur, the on.“ and my." rural m: in an Dominion, will “10ka ttre Anniversary of ita foundim when. on Oct. ttth and Oct. 'th, WM†Day. the farmers, Imam and citllena of the dil- tiiet MII dinghy Quit wggu itt tomrttitiyp. bus of the bi n you-- in t.lkttsr.1r, and st,eu,t,%,'.tl tory " the gxhlbition in expected, According to newborn of the execu- tivo of tho Woodbridge Agricul- tunl Society. With the end ttf the war it is felt that exhibitor: will have more tin: to return to the plenum. pursuit: of meeting; tho end of zu rimming will men that attendance figure: will swell; Graduate of Queer/s Guest Speaker of Local Meeting 'sea/ia" Oidest and Largest RUral Fair I: 'tgit', to Have Record Year As earCmtury Mark is Approached Associat! Directors (Women) are Mrs. Albert Johnson, Mrs. G. D. McLean. Mrs. H. N. Smith, Miss L. McNeil. Mrs. W. O. Dan. can, Mrs. Alex Cameron. Mrs. John H. Kellnm. Mrs. Alf. Thomp- son. Mrs. Garfield Farr, Mrs. Wil- liam Clarkson. Mrs. W. J. Rowm tree, Mrs. Boynton Weldrick. mitmenta. hurl T. Hardy, Presi- dent National Council." The Council's next meeting mn- vened by Mrs. Evans, Public Health, will be of interest to all parents of young children. The speaker is Miss Mary Wright who is connected with the University and will speak on The Pre-School Child. There will be a further announcement. The meeting also expressed its appreciation of the cheerfulness and courtesy with which our meat sellers in town still served us in spite of the added work rationing means to them. The singing of the National Anthem concluded the meeting. Hue Been Annulled 1AbNDON.-The Rumanian gov- ernment hu annulled :11 transc- tions in which Jews, acting "under threats or pressure," trapsferrtd their property under the Atonescu regime, laid a Bucharest message to the We new: Igency. John H. Kellam ot Klienburx will Ignin be President of the Pair. Other executives are: Ron. Predi- denta, Ellerby Fur. Weston, and J. T. Saigeon, Mlpte; First Vice Pmident John Hoetrawrer, Nash- ville; Second Vice-President June: MacDonald, Maple; Secretary, N. Geo. Wallace, Woodbridge; Tru- surer. Ed. W. Brown, Woodbridge. Tho Dimitri us William Clarkaon. Weston: Fred Camila, Woodbridge; Jes A. Cameron, Weston; A. J. Witherwoon. Wes- ton; Bruce Watson. oodtrridtre; George Bags, Edgeley; W. J. Gard- houses, Weston; Bery Wright, Woodbridge; H. N, Smith, Wood- bridge; Ed. W. Brown, Wood- bridge; Robert Mitchell, Wood- bridge; Alex Cameron, Wood- pridge; Jiet. _Brownlee, Wood. bridge; Ed. W. Brown, Wood- bridge; Robert Mitchell, Wood- bridge; Alex Cameron, Wood- bridge; Geo. Brownlee, Wood. bridge; W. J. Rowntree, Weston; C. H. Wallace, Toronto; Robert W. Docks, King. Associate Directors (Men) Ire Cinema Graham, Chas. Smith, Lawrenca keffer, Ind Norman Bogg. â€mm MII bo- limo-t. sixty db»: of domgstic mamlfaetttre, open to the Indian. raging from home eanned goods to home-mun bread. There will be more than fifty competitions of needlework and towing. GNP)» tr/fd 'th. T ma Downtown i".tUu1ctt. o 9 DUFFERIN ST. W. 347 QUEENS DRIVE PHONE 719R Authorized Chrysler Service Dodge-De Soto Dealers W. J. BARTER CHRYSLER CORP. PARTS AND SERVICE P. H. a E. J. COE REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS ALSO ALTERATIONS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS It is an easy matter to prevent' fires in our homes or places of business simply by being careful and using common sense. The fol- lowing 11,nig,ti,tl' can he used as a gui e in t is matter. Put lighted matches and smokes out before you throw them away. Keep matches where small children cannot reach them, and don't let your children play with matches. Never smoke in clothes closets, in the attic, in bed, or other hazardous places. Remove rubbish, waste papers and all unnecessary combustible materials from attic and basement. Provide metal ash and garbage cans. Burn rubbish only in a properly constructed brick or metal incinerator. Watch the fire and have a pail of water handy, D. R. Moffat, Vice-Preaident and Genaul Manager Moll-ta United, announces the appointment of The J. B. Aahdown iiiGGi' Company Limited u dint butor of Croaloy radius in Manitoba. Suhuhewau and Alberta and Cranky Shelvador refrigerators in Alberta. Photo shawl the signing of agreement at Alhdown'l head omee, Winni . Beatad in H. C. Darrocli, Sale: Mnnaur. Cranky Divialon. Mullah mind; and R. A. Graham. Vice-President of J. ll. Aahdown'l. Standing from left to right are the following repruentativu of J. H. Alhdown'l: C. B. Eastwood. Managar Appliance Furniture Diviaion: R. A. Bank“, Man- ager. Winnipeg: R. o. Daykin. Sales Manager, Winnipeg; D. B. Thomp. son, Meehandise Mnnager. Examine your stove, furnace and smoke-pipes to make sure they are safe and well away from woodwork or other burnable materials. Have needed repairs made at once. Replace worn out smoke-pipes. Value the advice of experts who says that many fires are caused by dirty or defective chimneys. Have the chimney cleaned regularly, and have all detects repaired.“ . . Escape the danger of flammnble liquid fired and explosions by keeping no gasoline in the house. Do dry cleaning with safe liquids or send the work to the cleaners. Never start fires with kerosene. _ Notify the electric company of electrical trouble and the gal corn- puny of gas leaks. Replace "blown" fuses with new ones-not pennies. Avoid homemade wiring jobs. Don't loo_l_( toy w lulu with a Ttste.?. . Fire Prevention Week-4M. 7-13 ieiitrFeiiiirGon mining to A C mm ANb26UIDE. mom Mom“ â€norm warm: mumr I a; nu 218 WRIGHT AVE. PHONE 606W TONE 4-525 be careful of fire, to watch stoves. fireplaces. electric irons and Ill other possible fire causes. Fireproof your home as far " possible by fire-safe roofin Vfire stopping in hollow walls 3115 par- titions to stop the spread of Hm. and I nomcombustible basement ceiling. Inquire when buying I (intox- tingvisher, to be sure of getting the right kind. Don't hesitate to ark your firemen whenever you have qugstionspn Figs Prevention. .. Remember always where the nearest fire alarm box in and how to send an alarm. If telephoning. be sure the address is clearly udder- stood. Use a neighbour's phone J. T. Farr ' Suns Ltd. For the synthotie We thot vim on every canâ€. hsr long Proublr he sank- ; s s " you an oligiblo I I I SEE YOUR we we noovtAR' on was TIRES mus. EXTRA mm: EXTRA sum . GREATER DEPENBAIUTY mo smsrAcmu PHONE 254 N MAIN N.. WESTON JU. 4186 Explnin to everyone in the house what to do in one of fire, how to put out fire in clothing by wn . ping in I mg or blanket, what to £0 when nun eattheg fire in t a kitchen by unothering the fire with n maul lid. Save life and property from needless destruction by fire by keeping the principles of tire pre~ vention ulvuys in mind Ind never takin I chums with fire. lf. McGinnil. Chief Weston Volunteer Fire Brignde rather than one in the burning buggingz _ _ _ _ A note of solemnity wu added when it wu renumbered thet this was the tint Thartkaeivine Sank. At ttt. Philip’l Church an Sunday mania 2gt',erdp, uninh- Evin I." on. held for mocha- “and have“. Surround“ by the traditiunal 0:1me of (min, fruit and was†"and. in now t:nd a way»: â€0420 ms on wh eh overflowed ffd 'lffdf and "Mimic, met for worship and prune. St, Philip’s 0mm Ilttrg.ttttt'llttttttt Service 1lrEhll,,llliift'8 GARAGE 502 MAIN ST. N. WESTON 800 General Repairs to CARS and TRUCKS Welding Fer the Immediate Attention of FARMERS FISHERMEN . GUIDES TOURIST OUTFITI'ERS EXIDE BATTERIES Super-Test Products 0 Complaints were made that marked gasoline was detrimental to the equipment in whith it was being used. . Records and reports ohm under the marked gasoline system will no longer be required, . Extra storage facilities will be unnecessary for the separate storage of graded and marked gasoline with consequent saving to the consumer. . The ending of marked gasoline sale renames dWorlties nude necessity by this wartime control. GASOLINE TAX BRANCH As there is no rstioning of gasoline in Canada, marked gasoline, under the jurisdiction of the Oil Controller for Canada, has been eliminated, thereby ending the tax exemption purchase permit system. To meet the desire of everyone to be relieved of wartime restrictions. the Provincial Government has developed MARKED GASOLINE Marking of gasoline for special use: under the jurisdiction of the Ott Controller for Canada having been discontinued, the tax exemption purchase permit system is thereby ended. Farmers, fishermen, guides end tourist Outfitters will be entitledxo chin refund of the Provincial Gasoline Tax where applicable. Claims, nccompnnied by receipted invoices, must be submitted to the Gasoline Tex Branch, Department of Highways, Parliament Buildings, Toronto within six months from date of payment of invoices. A simplified method of naming prompt payment of refunds, eliminating affidavits for each clnim, has been worked out. On and the! October 1, I945, gasoline will no longer be marked for special uses. At the close of the urmon in anthem wu beautifully nun; by the choir, Ind Mrs. McKelvby Ind Mr. Hopper In to be 1e.oetrratulutf4 on the results of their awful training. It was llln unnounced chit flowers placed in the chuncel were in loving memory of Mr. G. M. Lyon, ISO I past warden of the Church, It always Ieems fitting " The Rev. Edward Morley of 8t. Plul'n Runnymede, we: the punch- " and in . sermon “ply Inked to the occuion he med-a the timely reminder to Ui beaten. to remem- ber the starving peoples of Europe. "Ut u: receive mhlully what has been provided" he said “Ind not demmd more till their needs hue been met." In closing he woke ot the fruitfulneu or barteneu of the individunl life, "it you love God, that love must show itself in service." in six you" unload“ by the “ruin of var. Renault pnym of pnlu Ind thnnhtivin; you no!- dared tor tto blouluu of vietory in "on that" of wax. Dopamnom of Highways, Province of Ontario no. u. 000cm J. u. louse" Ihh- d â€can aid by“ who VII who have been using tht I Had“ W“ W“. Ai, aiiTLiiir: Mr grille. no , 'Jttd ttttt [wound in for ' . lt) at Gad and M t rowdy: MM â€'1 “mind: “marlin at _ the “noun". ' ' diihculties In possible. A iurtpiitied refund form Ins been prepued which eliminates the necessity of u: mdnvit being taken for each refuetd.cliun. This form may be obtained on application to the Gasoline Tex Branch, Department of Highwsys, Toronto, Comic. a new system " free from controls Ind 1339 WESTON RD. Now Available-- Record Players WARN ELECTRIC We are receiving d limited number of these Players for immediate delivery. We Specialize in Radio Repairs Radio Tubes, Table Lamps, Fhurhliehu and Batteries ' We accept orders for Radios, Washers and Refrigerators szuuasr 031v: - WESTON Phone.. Weston 390 g'tt - Lyndhuat 1m ImsttlUtion md Repairs on House Wiring MT. DENNIS RADIO to Ranges, Baldwin". Edie: _ Washers. Stover. Electrics)! ApNliittN Our Smithy (North of Mt. Dennis Theatre REPAIRS J. D. FRASER. Prop. mist". istiu' JUnetion 2570 CYCL]