Times & Guide (1909), 18 Oct 1945, p. 5

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ONE conn "E" m: nlto nxaphnne in excellent condition, complete whh cm. Ap lr to Wilson“: t5eneral Store. ghisnumuin, Tele- phnne Weston INT-WA. o-42-it MIG]; corp" rppl'mnrd action. {has do'ongrl have]: we on. ' draw/on -- re.q,i.5),,i,ii,itiiiit 16717366 now. on only (inn. Appl TO Gem» 'trert. mil-It med only 3 months, $35.00; 4 pot?" walnut finish double bed with ribbon steel mung. $26.00; 4 the windshield detrost'r, sum; 1 pair of pillows ti ouch Apply 1742 Lawrenee,Avr. West. Phone Weston M9-W. n-42-H BABY carriage. folding, color blue, ms! tytted..tvereo." ilu 116m DOUBLE bed, walnut finish and water front; kitchen cabinet, drop hack; couch bed; boy's ski boots and 'hates, siaeiP, peony and tthy. flower than. Apply 236 Main St. N large wooden crit, and mlttl'css, used 1 month, $17.00: km wicker basgirtette, $6.00. Apply 43 Station St. Phone Weston 767-W. n-42-lt ELECTRIC junitnr complete with day-mite automatic clock control. Slit-so and". Gunny. ti. Fig.1? Weston '08at 042-11 dresser, folding screen (oak and burlap), wringer, Phone Weston 981%]. to-42-lt springs Apply 93 Church St., Weston. o.42-lt QUEBEC cook stove with shelf and bone lini'ng; 3003' condition] Phone, 109-W. n-(2-1t H§RDWOOQ play pm. 85.00; ale, white enamel,) good con- dition. Apply 61 Hardmgton Ave., After 6 pm tr4'2Ht RENFREW. 2,000 pound weight- less scales. good " new. Apply 36 Lambton Ave., Mount Dennis. tr.42-ft ONE boy's bicycle, one ' ttirl's bicycle, excellent. c o n d i t t o n, $27.50 each. Phone Weston 382-ry-1. o-42-1t GRUB winter-eo", mild. jturtt-" VIOLIN complete with bow 1nd can $10.00. Apply 17 Rectory Raul (cor-Mr Windnll and 'ttal o -lt 14; table dyed muskrnt coat, size M, hat to match; black flat caricul coat, size 18, hat to match; genuine seal skin coat, size 40; Hoover Va- cuum cleaner and all cleaning ap- pliances; latest model; I h.p. mo- tor, $75.00; 1 Wiggs and Stratum ' cycle hand tractor with cultiva- tor, plouzhs, mower and large lawn mower attachment; sewer shovel; long handle 'tree pruner; oriental Purr, oil paintings. Zone 4-560. 0-42-1t ”dovor: 73.2.50; 'ohe kitchen sink (new), US. Apply P. Gerdos. 4 Queens drive. o-42-lt BUFFET with mirror, $8; three- burner gas stove, $5; woman'a fill coat, size 50, cheap. Zone 4-449. o-42-1t GREY eoAt, red fox_c_ollur,3i‘ze 18- ttood condition. Phone Weéton 757. oM2-1t MOA'FAT coal and_ras stove for three yénrs old/in exeellendcord diam. lt King crescent, Weston. Phone 98-W. 042-1: "H A P P Y THOUGHT" stove "in" (run. Ruched; aitiiiiiG. 138 John Street, Weston. Telephone Ills-W. o-4blt colois, clennéa. Llai/nGiriiii] thm. 29 Holley Ave., Weston. even- ings. o-42-lt med, size 20' also 2 tone maroon dress, size 20. 9 John Street. warm and light in weight also woman's brown boucle coat, mink roll-r. Call 7-1 or 159 King Street. ' o-42-1t utility drawer, Eide oven and broiler. Real sacrifice. Phone Wes- ton 1106. oM2-it GIRL'S Harris tweed _reverrihle ONE baby :5led, $2.60i_oys scrgep panel, serial'No. 10919X. Phone Weston M2-W. 0-42-1t 16, perféct condition. VP h o n e Weston 6..M. o-42-lt dition, practically newires. Ap- ply After seven, 5 Roxanne street, Humber Heights. n-‘Z-lt BIQYCLE, mania, C.C.M:_ ~bicytle, BIRDS for sale. 27 York Ave., Mount Dennis. MU. 3198. 0-4241. MAN'S cape) hail: winter com. FIRE screen 24 inches wide. $3.00 Perfect. Phone Zone 4-449. ”c763: min. Apply t Fern Ave., Weston. , o-42-lt 1934 TRUfF,_G.Mfo_htLlf-ton ONE set. ot rdoublier Mrntts, in l WILTON rug 9'x10'6, “a": BOY'S winter coat, size M, like new. Phone 955. o-42-1t LADIES: coat, maroon. fur trim BABY'S pram. blue, used one year. Apply 50 Coulter Ave. 042-” BEECH 4 burner gas stove with BEAUTIFUL coon skin coat, size TWEED overcoat, size 32, in good rondition. 28 Riverside drive. MQIQRCYCLL tln' sale, good con SILVER FOX FURS Sam“. Cupea. Collars, Muff; IRWIN! FUR FARM Phone Weston 10804 AITICLIS I” “Ll WANT ADS TIME: and tlililllE 18, x-39-TF U Phan- "-6blt o-42-lt n-42-lt 0-424! 0-42-1! CURNS instantly relieved with LADY gighu rich tft moot-Bay {5ng bietiuFieia%GacGT, voice. for electric Indie console model if possible. Zone 4-361. assist in home, no heavy work or washing, weekly wngo, hour: by mutual arrangement. Phone col. lect, Woodbridge 155, or Ipply Box 4216, Times and Guide. o-42-1t petty an completic., FREE TRIAL LESSON in your home. You play a piece every week, use 7 up, while lemming to rend music. $1 weekly plys for Guitar, Music and Instruction. Teaching " Work- ing Men's Club, 40 Main Street South Saturday morning, New Branch Vietoria Hawaiian School, Phone Weston 153-M. n-40-2t bathroom and kitchen done in mirror like finishes. Your bedrooms and living room done in velvet tone. Radial to home. Stucco wall, and ceilings done in oil or water tints. Charming colour scheme: for interior and exterior shown on request. My motto "A good Irr.i'.,t,-,-, a pleasing job." Phone "ton “IR-W. x-36-tf 1nd bond in exchange for light household antic: or minding of children. Must be in walking dis- tance of high Inhool. M 4116. Tire nnd_b‘ulge. o-Abu Lloyd's Corn Mid Callous Silvaw the rifertive com remedy. 500 " Byirgs’ and other drugxlsts. __ Church s"'idu.lv,,gtg"g ctr-vicin- ity “More Ind r I iv- in; 3.30. 'ihii,'rtltnt'i, W: um In». "tor . 041.". from Exlinton Ind Wanton Rowi, Mount Dennis. Am: Mo, leaving 5.30. Phone JU. 1788. - accounts; atom and tsmall buli- neuea. Financial sun-um Ind Income Tax Returns completed. JU 8789. x-22-tl. waxed by a reliuble and experi- rnced man. Old floor, brought up like new, Best'mnterials used Sat. isfnccion truamrtteed. JU. 4670. A CAR checked ndw! Light repairs. complete overhaul. Work expertly done. Fully guaranteed. Ernie Pit- man. 12 Roxaline St. (east of Riverside Cemexery.) o-39-6t Harm windows put up by n re- liable local mm also floor, cleaned and polished and other odd jobs around Ptur home. Phnno Weston SSS-W. o-42-1t [0min mailed pnstpaid in plain, sealed envolnpe with Pricelist. 6 snmpln 25; 24 samples $1.00. MIN-Order Dept. (M. Nov-Rubber (it... Box 91, Hnmilcon. Otttario. Titil!?)," iii te. Gii.Gii."Taiie ACCOUNTANT desiry p113 jim, Princess Fashion Furs KI. 8674 AD. aw 1804 and Sires}; WuluG,YiG'rie" ESQ-M. o-4blt WOMAN. o.r girl, ptrt-time, tp WESTON Duptie.x. Immedmi'pém. session. of lower apartment. $8800.00, 2 two room apartments, all hardwood floors, separate heat- ing and laundry tubs. double garage, lovely grounds. very cen- tral. $3500.00 down payment. Call Mr. Graham Weston 565-M. good district, ( real close to schools churches, and transporta- tion. Good down payment needed. Possession April 1, 1946. Call Mr. Graham 565-M. o-42-1t three piece bath, hardwood, coal and wood range, like new. Apply Frank Breault, Eagle House, Wes- ton, Ifter 6.30 evenings. p_-4_2-At young large bllck and tan hound. Tip of tail white. Collar has name and address. 27 York Ave. Mount Dennis. MU. 3198. 0-42-1t HAVE your _wirtdows rleqned and HIGH SCHOOL ttitl desires room HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rubber DESIRE; tr-tr1etion duly from HAVE Aour fsers.CeGireti and P319121? iro.ttt. “9 End up, Coney (dyed rabbit), Viscacfn. seal (dyad rabbit), beaver mouton, (processed limb), Persian lumh, muskrat, Hudson seal, (dyed musk- rat). Your old fur numeric ax- pertly restyled to the new 1945 fashion. Price, OM. GWe.t? miyi etiltiten. evegngs. $5300.00 LOVELY 6 room house in $10.00 REWARD for yecovery of YOU‘keep them ho.mir, - ”HIKE Gr.Br.0s mammal-ya your Ar7.'t.WPBr,LF: Ropiirts.. gave ypir BU_NGAL.0W,. fiye. roqms, ‘brickr, SEVERAL soof logs 'tsale-n Scarlett fond and districkiCaH Mr. Graham, Weston 565-W. 2 WELL constructed buildings 8x10' on skids Ideal for chickens. Phone Walton llZl;W. tr42-lt HAWAIIAN GUITAR LESSON INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIED tterotmjNihit3rrtaVt HILP 1MAr4TgB.-rgMALE IMPLOYMINT WANTED Pre-Season Sale TRANSPORTATION FUR COATS HOUSE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LOTS FOR SALE IXCNANGI PERSONAL (UIRIIRS LOST 942-1: 1-62-11 x40.” o-42-1t x~42~ll o-dll-It x-M. Amimg Guns of Advertising Clash Will Boom On Jan. Ist, Experts Say A tremendous boom is anticii--- pated in every phase of the adver- LOC,' tiring business, now that all l government restrictions have been f removed and business will be al- on lowed to proceed with post-war tra advertising which may be charged 'Aer u an operating cost without limits. Wr The wartime quotas permitted Trs advcrtisers were hut a fraction of run the pre-war expenditures in this, per tielu. As a measure to insure the; a“ collection of excess profits, the'; Sr. government was forced to limit the, ti.al. amount of advertising which firms', dial were allowed. Otherwise, tax/ monies would have been oxpended, Mr in this direction. I Drurl The competition for the post-i war civilian markets will he bitter-l 1y fought, financial experts Grid During the war many business mi- terprises have expanded into di-, “he fields which were once alien; to their types of manufacture. Thel oid firms intend to resume their') position of control in the domestic market The new ones intend to take over. . . The battle of advor-E tising should assume tt-umendousl proportions within the next year. . nuns-m or Inn- hunk-op- ine room, in than, quiet home, prefer-My Weston. Mr. Adler. tone 4-3:» before ' my. 042;", elm or two a three roomy. Phorte HOG-W. o-t8-it The family nf the late Mrs. Mary Ada Button wtsh to extend their heartfelt thanks 3nd appccciation to the mnny relntives. Irlemls and neighbours who wore yC3 kind and though”!!! during their I'PI'PIH sad bereavement. "kiker. Afso "re to rout. Phone Wettg ESQ-g. 0-4341 HOUSE, .9"an or flat unfur- ninhwl. KAndolph 4951. n~42-ll TWO or three furnished or un- A ('0qu in". tVrird GG," ' London-At the moment there are still a hundred British minn- sweepers in service. They will have to carry on their hard and hazard- ous work for at least another year in order to clear Britain's shores of mines. The Royal Navy itself laid down 100,000 anchored mines in home waters, and the enemy too managed to lay a large number. At the present time, about; 300 to 360 mines are being rendered harmless in a week, but the work may have to be interrupted during the winter, Thus the main task in clearing the shores of Britain frnm danger of mines will probably not be able to be completed until next Bummer. --Always renumbered by M ther, Father and Brothers. ROOM to let, bond optional‘ Ah 8PACF, mum.» to} machine Em. Ibout"25x25. Phone JU. 9601. furnixhed rnnms wanted by young couple. Phone Weston {IN-J. FURNISHED room with mm OGRUM-Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ugrum (nee Rita Bantmg) an- nounce the birth of their daugh- ter, Margo Jill, at the Toronto General Hospital, Burnside wmg, Wednesdtry, October 3, 1945. RHODES-h, loving menwr} of Kenneth Rhodes who pacsnd away October 17, 1942. Calm anbpeaceful he is shown Sweetest rest that follows pain We who love him sadly miss him But trust in God to meet again. Another Year’s Work For Britain's Minesweepers New Budget Permits Firms To __ Advertise Without Restriction-Heavy Expenditures Expected In This Field HAVE YOU LOOKED IN YOUR CLOSET "MctNW't WANTED TO RENT than; to at WANTI . 042-1! " THE [CRTs CONTRIBUTION Tit VICTORY IN THE EAST The following are some facts ahnut the United Kingdom's con- tribution to victory in the Far East. Firstly; in research and de- x-olopnmnt leading to the produc- tion of the atomir bomb, British sciencn played a leading and in- dispensable part. Secondly; the United Kingdom forces in the Far East numbered over half a million A sword prom-Mod to the crown rinee of Ethiopia by the late {Ema Neon" V not helm” in Maj. W. H. Soizor of Aurora. Ill, Ho found it in I German Arsenal near Rome. and "id he believed it Gd keen loom by an Italian "trdier durinl bhe Ethioth can» pmgn. Mrs. Jack Allan and Mrs. Frank Druding will be the guests of Lieut. Freda Drudinz in Chicago for a week. LOCAL COUNCIL MEETING FOUND IN ITALY Great Things Promiuod Fran! l'ue Of ChemiV Ruhhtr One of the improvemt'nrs in syn- thetw In?! to which drivers may look fmwmrvl is th" use of inner tubes of bun-l. I chemists‘ rubber that hm been devoted almost. rn. “rely lo war work, Those who Pt'"- dun thr material lay an innet tuhe mado hf it is sum-nor to thp PrP- war ones of natural ruhher, thht 1ls life is much longer than theirs and that it holds, MT so tightly that it "PM! inflntmn only thee or four timrs A nun Rum? Donor This may he one of the "whim"- n which may prnpheciu of post- war improvements may rnmo true'. Run: n on.--Clevtlnnd Plain An open meeting will be held on October 22 at 8 pm. in Cen. tral United Church Sundny School Room. Miss Mu)! Wright, Institute of Child Training, University " To- ronlo will speak on her ex- perience organizing nursery schools in England. The Ineli- bers of the community, upe- rially )oung parents, are cor- dially invited to attend. TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON Wanda came to Calgary almost as soon as she had graduated from her training as guide in her blind master's darkness, and she may be fitting; placed amongst Calgary's best own citizens. She was a familiar figure on our streets al- most to the last, leading Captain Thompson unerringly through the dangers of traffic' and neither other human friendship nor the advances of her canine acquain- tances,(if she designed to have any) could divert her attention (rang the sole duty for which she live . To say that she was almost hu- man may even be to do Wanda less than is her due. for not every human is it possible to praise with.. out platitude for selfless devotion like hers. Captain Thompson is a busy man. and his duties take him many places in the course of the day's work. Somehow she seemed to know as well as he where he had to go. and never failed to get him there promptly and safely. She knew the meaning of green and red lights as well as any, but besides that she did not gamble her right of way against her own life and her master's. And that is crediting her with better judgment than manv motorists are endowed The Russian Military Adminis- tration in the Soviet occupied zone of Germany "has reopened banks and saving bunks and granted them a credit of 200,000,000 reichmarks." the British radio reported. "This money will be used to make loans to firms, enterprises and private persons," continued the broadcast. If men's non-human friends arr rewarded in some anhalla. Wanda is there. She is dead, aged nine years and four months, after most of a lifetime devoted selflessly to her master, Roy Thompson. super- intendent of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. -riie"'sGiu b? Gala, Exit MBA at: all by her grieving masterv--Cal-', gary Albertnn. § BA NKS REOPENED SERVED A LIFETIME IN DEVOTION 'ro HER MASTER " Public notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision to [up and determine com- Aitats and upped: with respect to aasmments shown upon the mess- ment Roll for the Muni- Clpallty of the Town of Weston, prepared in the year 1945, will be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Weston, on Monday, October 29th, 1945, at 8 o'clock p.m. ‘ All parties interested are required to take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. Dated this October 1945. I52 Church St. [on If loam Court of Revision Workmmship Guaranteed CLOCK REPAIRS WATCH KNAPP' ISN'T IT THE TRUTH ' REPAIRS D, and E. WA DE, Town Clerk 12th day Weston of PAINTING, DECORATING Interior, Exterior PHONE 676M "Iona: Walton ISZW . “Jun. 0169 - Residence " George_S_t. -- Toronto 77 Yonge St JACK BAILEY thturq-t In ' 330 I" Se., You." WA. 177! lARRISTER. SOLICITOI In. ELgin I863 Mum To Loon JC, 8738 p» ' -wEgrdN " Elastic Stockings. Belts. ett GEO. w. snonoux " Ionian. Solicbu. his. --OHeo-.. q PHONES '10:". 6002" "Wu-- '" Room: NY "" noun to LOAN on coon "It" AND "can MmtTGaGtt "CUttmha om: In." I u- - .und "2:3: inning- Rell Estate and Inuit-nee Broker Nothing too small - Nothing too large'. Inquiries Invited Olfice: mussrgs MADE To ORDER cnlnorncml NerO‘n and Chunk Danu- n Gumm- An. It. '"'tt " R. W. MacDONALD J. EDGAR PARSONS MEDICAL SUPPLIES Fur For humor. Null». In. I." - _ - bulb c. Loans HATER F. A. SILVIRMAN KC. " J. C. INCR, B.A.. Phrrt.B. RUPTURED? IARIISTIR. SOLICITOR. In. tlt"te a. Nova Scorn Chou-hon. WESTON CHIROPRACTOR INCH'S DRUG STORE AUBREY PE'ITIT Chartered Accountant Auditor tutGiir by Ann-mun 10 Yen}? KuiAelG" Private Fitting Room E9: Aprroitttmett%ll apponmrnem during ”g. "inc. phon- "sodenc. J. W. BROWN DECORATING appointment during day ohm! omen Toronto Shut. Tonal. 0- 16-52 " GIII'I Shut. Wu..- Wufon "" IS TORONTO ST, SOLICITORS INSURANCE Weston 658. B US I N E SS T rri'll DIRECTOR y, ELgin 45M AD. 6331 Weston "J. il BUSINESS CA R LiiiGi'i/sil/Arliil/ijiii Zone 4-577 A. N. BOY LEN Cause and Movers. WESTON BRANCH TOIOITO 00!!!!"le 0F IIISIG INCH Ans. PHONE 21 See our stock of Batteries. Piano, Singing, Won}; TEE, kindergarten, Choral Clam, Marion Del-ore“. L.T.C.M. HENRY POPE RED INDIAN STATION MAIN and DENISON PHONE WESTON 816 (BILL A Prop. tMlldahW%&til, V INTERNATIONAL TRUCK um AND 353va m In. Iouth (an “Hive thou numbing jobs don- 130W." Jack Bylsma W J. WARD WARM AIR FURNACES backhand m Tun-up 122 MAIN N.. WESTON Free Tire Inspection New Tires for eligible users. TINSMITH. ETC. "" Jul. tu. MY. 9mm "Jan. "" or .- "U Witt (II-mud CRUICKSHANK GARAGE Piano UNDERTAKERS PHONE: WESTON 934W CA RTAGE Twin. Sonia REPAIRED MUSIC yye_trA PHON E Mg Trinkwon’s Taxi DEAD HORSES “I CATTLE For free pick-up phone In. We pay phone chm GORDON YOUNG san. Phone AD. am. Mb WANTED AR1l"S TAXI ROY’S' TAXI PROM". COURT”! same! M HOURS “IVICI Rum-bk [cm “I that of Town Trips VETERANS' Excopt Sundays WESTOI TAXI Phone JUnction 0057 "Weddings" TAXI 24 Hour Service Phone Weston Private Hospital Zone 4.384 167 WILLIAM ST. ASS PHONE 1044 Phone PHONE TAXIS m C 12

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