CHI!!! M. N. HARDWARE . PAINT . WALLPAPER " Main St. N. Westn Zone 4-436 Day Phone: 777 LY. 0659 2 FOXWELL AVE. " Station St. ICO.“- SL N. BONITA TEA ROOMS 302 Md: St. It. WESTON Phone 188 3 MAIN ST. S WATER HEATER and ELECTRIC RANC,l/ INSTALLATIONS REPAHNG RADIOS and APPLIANCES Little Av... Weston, Ont. Zone 4-514 RED AND WHITE STORE GLiDDEN'S PAINTS British Fruit Market TIMES tk GUIDE Satisfy BOB'S GARAGE HAIGHT and SWAN Meals Weston Roofing Material For Good Values Orer From Your Better than over with Increased Circulation GENERAL CARTAGE FRED ENGLISH EVENT“ WEEK OF Iifll$$lllllilt1 IETTER CONTEST ll Fresh Frit and Vonmhlu In Season PM}! (mm the Grower, - Twice Daily Air Conditioned For You Comfort General Repairs . . . Shell Products Jap-tr-ue Endurance House Paint Good Coverage-Long Wear W" Grneeriea - Vegetables - Mead CONTRACTS WELCOME HOUSE WIRING TOWING ROAD SEVICF. Classified Ads Brin Results JAWS LIMITED JACK ALLAN 1 MAIN st. N. We specialize in Day or Night We Deliver Sold By Nights: 240.] and 1257“ WESTON ZONE 1-426 Weton Zone 4,577 Phone Walton 335 Customers TORONTO Weston 812 Ask Our 10 Main St. S. 1377 Weston Rd., Cor. Jane Darlington B. A. Service Station 111 MAIN ST. S. This contest has proved very popular from the start. You will find it interesting for the entire family and it improves their spelling. Try it and send in your solution. $6.00 This contest will run for 13 weeks, consequently there will be just 39 entries for the Grand Prize. Given Away FREE Each Week Gra nd Prize:- 't--Wrils, out the namr of thr, advaniser and the letter mm:- ing from his advertisement. . _ C-Write on one side of the sheet only 4--Address all replies to the COMPETE EACH AND EVERY WEEK Be Eligible for Grand Prize There 15 a inter or letters missing in the advertisements rm this page. Fmd those missing letters. place them to. gether and they will spell the slogan--. Washing -- Greasing - Simonizing Dunlap Tires and Tubes indp Batteries Each “eekly winners will be entitled to enter the Grand Prize Contest-First Pri- First Prize SAALMANS $3.00 Carn Called For and Delivered Fr Concral Auto Repair: Car Wahine and Imhricatinir H. FELEX The Jewel and Gift hop RICHARDSONS FOR BRIG! A BA. Service Station SIX DOLLARS CONTEST EDITOR. TIMES AND GUIDE 8 Main St. S. WESTON Answers must be in Times & Guide office MONDAY Noon, WESTON PHONE 832 MISSING LETTER CONTEST RULES $50.00 War Bond. TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON Phone .354 Second Prize .Il $2.00 43 Main St. N. Weston Phone 53 Irvin Lumber Co. Ltd. YOU SAVE AT INCH’S lnch’s Drug Stores General Auto Repairs Tha first three correct answers drawn will be the weekly manor: of:-- Rear, Canadian Tire . TI Main St. N. . Zone 4.424 This is a really interesting cont-st and on. that will emu I Int of fun, " trains the eye to Witch for the correct spelling and informs the people of the splendid business opportaniti" that In offered by tin locll merehanta. All answers must be in the office of the Tlmes art.d Guide on Monday of each week by " noon. Winners will be announced and: week in this paper. Dixon’s Garage 139 Mnin St.. Weston On All Makes of Car Part lkpendable Service Fair Price I mmber-Sh inttles---Rok Wool--Wallboard 2nd Prize ..' In, Prize 3rd Prize Insulate against the Summer Heat Insulate against the Winter Cold Third Prize $1.00 In Cash $6.00 Ph. 74--.JUnetion 9662 Mt. Dennis-JU. MM £3.00 rush 32.00 cash 11.00 can}! 1130 Wegto Rd, Everything For Your Car 71 Min St. N. Weston 83 Main St. N. 50 Main M. N. 13 Min St. N, 1692 Jane St. Weston Fruits - Vegetables - Groceries - Confectonery PHONE PM tmtytatijjgmity PARCEL DELIVERY DAVE’S PARCEL DELIVERY M1S0lt-MttyiR"ll'NEY Any desired Fihish on 81 Chiswick BOB CLARKSON WESTON CUT RATE Canadian Tire Corporation BRICK-STUCc0-WoOD-M ETAL Ete SCHOOL SUPPLIES " EVERYTHING FOR YOUR NEES RICHARDSONS F. L. MEBTENS th. B. Dependable Work-Large. or Small Jobs Prompt Efficient Service-Reasonable Rana Give Us A Call Any-whee In Weston Painters and Decorators Brus or Spray Home-Office-Factory Barmt--Btusementa-Roof Spraying . * lime; Hanging Service I.D.A. Drug Store MURRAY RUMPLE Proprietor OPTOMETRIST OFFICE HOURS Exam Wednesday. 9-12 mm ' 1.30-5.30 pm. Wodnendny, ' mm. to 12.30 noon. Evading: by Appointmmt Gm ImmG AID FITTED AND APPLIED Cooked Meat, - Neilaon's Ice Cream R. G. BURNS Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Groceies - Cooked Meats Meat Market Imperial Gasoline and Oil Castrol Motor Oil Telephone WESTON 1253J Weston'a Friendly Store Dispensing Chemists Furniture Sprayed Real Good Values We Deliver 1 MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON Weston Zone 4-424 Weston Zone 4-435 Weston 43g.W Weston 909 Weston 827 Phone 217 out of over tad-y busim such wu i twent " army job t idea living his Ol own I The 1 unit. a fin Elan! uilt provi fello, of a. ship, vets; quul) Woo aâ€: Be the t T_oro citie his ladd out t a he: he h has _ post over fro" over read men but For star hero Pom was the pass