Times & Guide (1909), 24 Jan 1946, p. 4

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-iee-H---e-e. imEy _ An experienced watchmaker, formerly employed by Nut. watch inspec_tor. - - " 5% MAIN ST. N. All former members of‘this Regiment Ind their ladies candidly mud. If you have not received tickets of admission apply by null or phono to Queen’s York Rangers, Orderly Room, Port York Annuity. AD. 4848. " JOHN P. CLARKE. Official Lecturer. Ontario Hortieultural Aismteitttion, will deliver one of his upland“ locum on hobbies and hartdkrafta. _ Public Are Cordially Invited-Lo' Draw MM. ' C. HART EXPERT REPAIRS " WESTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING ”IAIN Br. N. Dollar- you haw paid In In Us lacunae. premiums may already have rotumed to your community. Every- where you tum this gun 'xropomttvet fund is being mployed in socially unful enterprim. Tho municipal bonds which finance tho building of Ichools, hospitals, water-works, hydro plants. and other community project: which contribute to our national health and enlightennunt, at. tinane" to 1 large mm from Life hairline. hands. A SCHOOL in itself a problem in mathematics. When I new settlement grow: up or an old one expandl. ,otmtotMtttastodoroem0tptrhtg.Turr-hasttt be found for that little new echool~houee or that added wing to a high Ichool crowded to the maiden. Tuesday, January 29th REGIMENTAL RE-UNION Wednesday, January 30th, 8.30 It.m. htertainment ' Socialdnd Personal 4.» Club and Welfare Activities Tolephone WESTON 1200 LY. 2626 Queen’s York Rangers WATCHES, CLOQKS. JEWELLERY RICHARDSON FURNITURE & ELECTRIC CO. . Dancing - Entertainment . Cards . “rah-.0 (Ellis McLintock Orcheltn) . H. JORDAN We Maintain a Complete Sonic. Depart-ant In Our Premises Fort York Amour, - Tutonto will be bald in TOWN HALL, WENN (In American Int.) Of ovary dollar inn-cod on! of Lu. Insurance funds, a Inbound-J portion you into tho solid, program“. develop mm d Cmdhn mun. Othqr Inn-aunts include gamma“ bond. public and “mill new“, fun: and tumo mqlqnl. ole. This money. rcpt.- unthq the thrift at the nation. an!“ . nova-ending eye]. of john far Ind wido. " well u "Uguarding the future new. ity of four million policyholders md‘holr VPrompt Servico. I RAlltltp,,1t,lli?t8,,,!l.Rs at 8.00 lull. VISION 1m PROMPT - EFFICIENT - SERVE! A. P. ATKINS m Vie. President WESTON L414“ l The vole. at In. Home: loon- wolt will be Mud by 1',tTnttite','l 'iirt. a wash] mung. to Cum inns M; the Grro “manhunt. Night" he Mum but G-rdom. January 29, Proud. of the event will so to cue-bush and malnuin I library It Wtmnrbrook Military Hospiul for M. next " you-I. The antlre program will be db dialed to the ideal of world bro- therhood among man with Lorna Groom as Master of Ceremonies. Ala: Temdplaton, widely-known pianitlt an tlrt,t,tfr Iwill J". gun a at an w pay . Kahuna Funny" by Lint. He will alto appear in a group of mule-.1 character studios. duet both the Toronto Symrhony omhestas and the Manda mohn Choir. Tho Choir will sing "TUnugivipg for Victory" Ind will te, with the Orchestra in the "Te cum hudnmun’ also by Sir Ernest. Mr Brunt MuMillnn bu Ir- ranged In appropriate program tor 'Itttttypbmrtee Night", 0pm: Gyro Club Will llold Worthwhile lligllt On Jan. 29 -in' ficepting the ,'rtI1"1i'sil',i,1,i/g gar ytgttaiptttttqee of t Sunny: brook Hospital library and quiet room (or wounded veterans for a gel-ind of at least M years. the yro Club at Toronto is motivated by (in Mindy. tttttAbs alloc- ifvd, mrttatnbranee of fallen veter- tm mun to l"g,ti",', emotion into action, W. w. inaon, chairman of the Gyro Welfare fund, said rturdar.. . . . . . iris" viiih his own "rin oiueni of “(god _Sufo 1ho Jfirur", K: wiu.corw It was hoped, he continued, that "Rentembmticq Night" would nch- ism the dual purpm of firmly uhblishing the Sunnybrook lib- nry fund and of spreading the idol] of otttttimted work for toler- angg 5nd tyotlprhood among men. Tickets for the event are now on ale " Mums Leaf Gardens. 1rveJet'rrtntd, ttttnouncements has n distributed to Toronto householders. "umber Heights Assoc. Hold Annual Party p... -. - ....--. ----.-... Me. Albert Clark wu mum of mania sad the pts was "out in dinning old fad ioned. gun” on contests. There were ',',i,'g,ia contests, r a d i 0 quiz, ‘maiet chum. Gum what’s on the tray. The highlight of the evening was a parade of hat fashions, made with two or three pieces of crepe paper and a few pins. Each and every model wee an original crea- tion but the prize went to Mrs. Hormel with her creation of what the well dressed lady will wear thin "tig, in regard: to hm. ”ailments wen served It the ('10.. of the prognm md the ten table was in charge of Mrs. Frau, social convener. Mrs. Cecil INI worth very ably convened the pro- gram, which was much enjoyed by l everyone present. _ 6.11.10.- ttrjitet Fifteen hun- Lee, additions] . , "e needed to no" the nod- of loath-l. Rumba Btu-1m Homo & School Aloe. In. held in the auditorium of the oehool on Mondny I',,',',"', Iaat. Gum wan preterit from . page ot ths rty.to1.eet1on, I The population of York Town- ship is shown " 82,763, Ind des- puite the {net that there were few- er birth and a gutter number of deaths during‘ the put your. it is connidonbly igher than the 81,- 662 Yorker- of the previous year. It I: muted that molt Xork town- nhlip babies ate born in city hospi- ta F. In 1945 there 'were. 380 mar- riages, 47 more than in 1944. Last yen- there were 144 babies mm- pared with the 201 of the previous year and the 1945 death total of M6 WI! 27 higher thin those of 1944. Last you“: deaths by Accid- ent Ind violcnco including one murder, totalled IT, six higher than the 1944 9re.r:; Cum: n Inn-lot fpv-r and men:- Cues or scar-1e! fever and meas- les showed a trorrswiderahle drop in 1945, while the chicken pox cusps were tdmost doubled over the pre- vious yen. Lust year there were only 9t cnm of scarlet fever as compared to 379 in 1944; 248 can“: of music. “an!” 750. but there were 770 can: of chicken pox last your " Against 44tt in 1944. York Township’s Population llp Ya 1900. the your the Canadian Tuherruloxix Association was or- ganized, there wpre M hospital beds for the tuhrsrrulrrsiy can: in "Khalil. 'i‘Ixiny: there are “.000 Prov/om ls Dedicated To orld ttrotherhopd Among Follow Men LYndhnrnt 2626 The Victorian Order Nurse will call at any home wherever there is illness which calls for" part time nursing care. Phone Weston 123. Cpl. Don Warren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Warren, South Drive, Etobicoke, returned recently from overseas. His wife and son are residing in Toronto. Hostess To Minion Circle To Celebrate Birthday Miss Elizabeth Audroy lull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Juneau Gordon Jack, The Kinzswny, who“ marriage to Russ John McKelvcy. sun of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. McKelvey, Weston, is to "he place, Feb. 9, in Klnrsway-umbton United thunk. » Mrs. E. MacDonald, Weston, opened her home for the January meeting of the Ruth Gowans Mission Circle, Chalmers Church, at whtch Mrs. D. Parsons and Mrs. C. Harris gave talks on South Africa. . Soldier Honored Trcoper Kenneth Self arrived home Int Thursday, on the Queen Elizabeth. Relstives and friends welcomed him " 1 luncheon held at the hum. of Mrs. C. MaoMillian, Harding Arynue. Congratulations to Mr. William H. Castator, who will celebrate his eith-sixth birthday on January 2 . t. Cantor is an old resident of the Woodbridge community. May the day and future be filled with health and happiness for him. Mr. Leonard Edwards and brother, Harry, both of Charlotte- town, P.E.I. are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ed, wards, 44 Third Avenue West- mount. King " Cold Spot The recent cold wnve which swept the province apparently liked the King district. A man tempcraturt of 20 below wu recorded, and by all report' it will "mean". Re Village Of Thistletown _ Visiting Prom Pad. What's the latest new" from Thisuetown way? Recent] the Ontario Municipal Board L, I hearing of all parties interested in expressing their opinon in Inpport of or in opposition to the nephew- tion in dissolve the Police illlze of Thistletown. Industrial activities in York Township is now gen-ed up to high Weeds. The large York Attend p ant on the old Weston road ha been taken over by Dominion Stores but, and during lat yen construction began on eleven fac- tories, whilt Lhirteen more sites were purchased by industrill fin-nu. been “mad All-Cmudim Aged Hnlatoin Cow for the third time. She has mm than: bean Grand Cturmpion " the Central thttarits Champion”? Show. In 1942, 1948, and 1.045. an ”on timp went on to take the All-Canadian tswnrtf. Dun- rnhln Wino Tv'xal. rrsevived Hnn- orahlo Mention for All-Cnnadmn four-yPar-nld. Shv was Grand Champion It tho York Black and White Dly " Mnrkhnm and way. “rand M Onkvillo. Her (mm-r in P. D. Reid, kleintrurg, Ontario. O’ld Weston Road Plant PrsrrtryterUrt W. MS. Meet the home of Mrs. H. C. Roos, 19 Joseph Street. on Thursday uter- nuon, January 17. Devotion: were taken by Mrs. R. c. Creelman Ind Mrs. F. W. Inman. Mrs. J. Travis wan appointed representative to Presbyterisl. Mrs. J. Hurley an; accompanied by Mn. PLUG. Dian. A very interesting talk on the W.M.S. study boo “Africa" wu tnken by Mrs. R. R. Minghnm. A social hour was enjoyed by all " the clan of the meeting. Sum] girls in the Humberviaw miistrirst hlvv celebrated their birth- days ru'nntly by giving puma. Juan Bird WM bone" to her frirndu on Doc. M, Cute Homo“. "rc. 21' and Yvonne Flynn, Jan. 12. Thursday night Jan. 17, Mill Plow-r. a (rancher on the It." of the Humhnview School, mumm- I'd grade V and VI to I tohotttrnn party and had to their guest. grime VII and yirl._uter, may nun-nod tn tho school for hot cho'colau Gd rookies. Hobtrin Nina! All-Canadian And Cow Glen Valley pp, Beauty, awn- fd by Entnn_Hgl]‘ yrmuKithe The JInuar meeting of tho rPspyteriaq T.sl'.lil' ste..held It, TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON LOCALS FEBRUARY "IDE-TO-M It was reported that about 640 undefended divorce cases are awaiting hearings at York County sittings. Recommendations have been received that additional Supreme Court judges be appointed to get this heavy list cleared off the books. York County Divorce Cues The Weston Branch of the Gren- fell Association will hold its first sewing tea of the season at the home of Mrs. A. Stenhouse, 205 King street, on Friday afternoon, January 25. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the meet- ing and help with the work of this worthy organization. A gale reaching a velocity of over 60 miles per hour whipped across the runwa a It Manon last week-end. Viability was so bad that it was impossible to send out snow plows. Trans-Cannda airline reported that they had to cancel two flights due to the freezing rain one from Montreal and one to Montreal. MPot Cale Car Stops Renewed? Considerable discussion has been raised of late regarding the res- toration of the car stops here in Weston at the town hall and the post office. Many people are still having to endure the inconvenience of this supposidly w a r-t i m e measure. The matter may see action very soon as the question was brought up at the last council meeting. - Commissioner H. B. Powell of Weaton's Public Utilities is deser- ving of much credit for his gener- ality in holding a banquet for Wes- ton's retiring mayor, Jack Allan, MPP for West York. lt was an enjoyable evening for all concerned and 'a fine 'uxsture--as well as being one good way to say, "thanks Jack, the community has hencfitted greatly under your leadership uring the past years." Banquet For Ex-Mayor Allan The Humbcrview Wartimea As- sociation are still carrying on their euchrel‘at the various members homes. Mrs. Van Wyck, Lilac Avenue, entertained the memhors at In euchre qn Jan. 8. Prize winner, were as follows: First, Min l. Luckett; second, Mrs. M. Hana; third, Mrs. C. Witts; mn- wlation. Mrs. McQueen. Dainty r9- frelhmonta were carved by the hostess. Tuesday afternoon, Jan- unry 15, Mrs. Wins. Fairglen Cress cent, wu hostess to the Associa- tion. Mills l. Luckett won first Kiri" with second prize going to n. Witts and third to Mrs. V. Tucker, while Mrs. Manes took the consolation prize. Refreshments were served " the clone of the afternoon. In this world, it is not what we “kc up, but what we give up. that nuke. Ill rieh.-H. W. Beecher. "" Weston Rd. JU. 8921 5115 FLYM uunznrnxsns Mr Traditions require that sincerity and honesty guide our service the public This Hamilton soprano barn her singing career in Lot tge en, u- ter she studied with Carlo Peron! in New York and made her debut in Detroit with the San Cnrlo Opera singing Marguerite in the opera “Faust '. For her first nppenranco with the Toronto Symphony, Min Dick. son will sing chneh'l Air from "Carmen" by Bizet and the Voice! of.fprinsr.by. Strauss.. _ . . The orchestra number, for this concert-the 14th in a sari“ of 26 --is one to delight all "Pop" ocu- cert goerl. It opens with "pomp and Circumstance March, No. 4" by Elgar, continues with Mozart! Overture, "Don Giovanni" and “Variations on "Pop goal the Weasel" b Gailliet, I Negro Spiritual, Ҥometimea I Fool Luke a Motherless Child" b5 Coleridge- Taylor, the Overture " emit-um a" by 1209.“nd tlt."fyasi.tm1" Sym- Mildred Dickson, Hamilton lyric soprano, will be guest this: It the next Toronto Symphony Orchestra "Pop" concert, Manly Hall, "n. 'i'; Sir Ernest Mchl an will can- uct. . u "um“. um “up...“ 9,...- pixony by ilriiiitieii and conclude: with An American in Putin by Gershwin. During Wartime, Tuberculous stricken hardest; you cm help to combat this expansion of tht dir; ease by sending your contribution to the Mantra) Antimthemulorig League, Ine. A var: Quint Min! wu solemn! on Thur-thy, mun-y IT, when WISBA Gnu Anna Reeve-r a! Toronto and Weston, t."g.utd of um late Hr. and Mrs. F. -R.--".-- Emway “if?! J. rundown. Toronto. The bride wore the uniform of the WRCNS, of which nho in I member. Her only nttendunt wu Min Ilene G. Luckett, of Weston. The Elle was attended by Mr. Willinm ge- ley, of Mount Dennis. After the reception, which wn held " the home of the bride's aunt, MU. J. Steed, Bonnie Brae Cram, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hilditch left on I short motor Mr, 'ylrl, their return they will live tt oronw. it? mu-r Wife?) iGiaFciiiliid Hil, ditch, (manly ttttin' from tl"' sr,t,tv,rhPoe,,tt, p, an. 9‘13: Mildred Dickson Lyric Soprano Coming To Tttif m1ditetr-at- Fiiiibbiridsl E§;§3§'szr rs t t2tit-5e" _ Tac, -"- PNE' iETy - Toronto Symphony Orchestra Conducted By Sir Ernest McMillan "I! HYDRO-ILICTIIC POWII COMMISSION OF ONTARIO ‘1: "a- ":iiyg,?fs-hi33,tkfjyi' Fid Weiss' "= " Cs': 'grit ,_-,_-,£.-.€-.3_â€"“:‘:;T;;.'-:s-5L-u ‘1 Iaillill lg “MRS 'll,,',,',,.',.,.',,"., §=ggfifigaazmn ' . - . J3Eier: yiyC-Tiiis2- -a', gre- 4 ."e bp: £=Ifi$§§w3§§3§ififfifi4¢w H UFFMAN ELECTRICAL " MAIN ST. N. v oUneorurtloroltr Gun. . no any, gem-Ida bu ANVEED to 'rrtrtemtN pkl u . “mm” ””4”...“ I. "my. dog hut, HM and Hm. Ind: ' My we: let Ilmply no!“ on: you I Vat-Mod " nohd. lab -et2t'ydys, - __ _ _ttlr, 8'l" , mtynth, ---i---_ _!" ,"W'M-i __ - __ DUNCAN ROOFING ROOFING and INSULATION ASPHALT BHINGLES - SIDING PLAT 80078 - HOT " COLD APPLICATION We can give you prompt “who on inluhtion. Call us for free animus. Hm Demonstration; Arm aged NOW ON DISPLAY AT WESTON " 114”. We Go Anywhere SALES AND SERVICE WUMAY. JANUARY " I.“ "N _ - :"i‘ r . ." ut"W. ION! 4-382

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