Birthdw ttrr-tine, to Dorothy Evans, John Evans, Mr. J. Pidzonn of Rumher Summit; also Mrs. E. Milohum and Mrs. H. Coulon of Mt. Dennis, and :llt Lou Johnson of RR No. 1, King. and the prize winners worn, as fol, Iowa: ladies, Mrs. o. McDade. Mrs Marcy; gentn. Mr. Harold Syme Mrs. T. We c. freeze-out, Mrs. Olldey. Mr. , Wondarx‘: Mr. Har. old Sync and Mr. W, hamiltnn. The Pine Ridge Euchro Club mrt It .tr.e home o ers. A. Lockhart Prlt We extend a welcome to all nm- ’80 comm to the district. Numbers ma Qummit is Willy an id'ell plare to'q. I!!! with I small park and swim- I Al mint Accommodation for the youngl $2. u will us good bus router to Ive") m m Wirodbridire. , I I!†H Humbcr 1871 Pheme.. Dun saws 5y, MAIN ST. N. 1 LITTLE Al E _ By _ - - - ------- - f An expeienced watchmaker, formerly emloyed by C.P.R watch inspector. i Prompt Service. . EXPERT' REPAIRS 20 MAIN ST. N. EAT AT . I . WESTON'S OWN Metropole Restaural’it " Main St. N. For Good Food . . . . For Good Service . . . Weston Phone 53 " Station St. Base Plugs - Wiring for Electric Stoves Specializing in New Residences Emir: to Irons, Toasters, Lamps. Washes, Motors _ Fans and Fixtures Called for and Delivered . you SAVE AT mews lnch’s Drug Stores RONAN ELECTRIC B. It. 18iAliGlliMt' DUNCAN ROOFING ROOFING and INSULATION MilTllli$'ll' _._irlllllllli $6.00 tMg (llliMillill WEEK WATCHES, CLOQKS, JEWELLERY Weston Roofing Materials “McGill’s Coal" ASPHALT SHINGLES - SIDING FLAT Roos - HGT OR COLD APPLICATION HAS BEEN A FAVORITE WITH DISCRIMINATING BUYERS We um ive you prompt service on imrulatiom Call us for free minute. T bedding In OIL HEATING & REFRIGERATION 24 Hour Service FOR SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS r. McGlll a Co. Summit ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR m'ENINcs PHONE £13251}: ESTABLISHED 1871 WESTON 7 11491. We Go Anywhere R mm. to 3 pm. Air Condtioned LIMITED JACK ALLAN M ALTON f Don't forget the sale of work to Ile hid in the Humber Summit 1 srhool on Snturdny. April 27th. The gproroads for the building fund of {rho Memorial Hall. _) Still hare a few tickets for the 'Xingarn trip. Anyone wishing tr? [go we Mr. R. Sleigh. Woodhridgn i road, opposite post office. The trip (r, srhedulod for August 10th. hawks. K; children 14 Ind under, 'rolfndrFredenhurg Post, Amer. iran Legion. has seleeted Laverne Erhard Poeler, Growlnnd high srhnol junior, to attend Em Ire Roy‘s State at Mnnlius school (fur- mg the week of June 23-29. He w" n’amvd tles representative of the Junior Class Is In outstanding member worthy to represent the srhml and rommunity. He is the an" of Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Kornbnu Miss D. Emma spent, the Easter viotion with friends In Montreal. We hope theretthisr stays mee. "' WALLACE AVE. " 2491 Wesum--Nirhta 427W2 PHONE TONE 4-5 1130 Weston Rd. Mt. Dania: JU. 8733 Weston Zoe L57 7 WESTON 808 1 946 WES'IDN 614 3 Correlative-citations from the Christian Science textbook "Science and Health with key to the Scrip- t.ures" Bi Mary Baker Eddy, in- cluded the following from page Selections from the bible included Its. following from 1 Peter 1:3: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which BC- ‘cording 10 his Ihundant merry hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the rsxsurreetion of, Jesus Christ from the dead." only, but also for the sink of the whole world." (I John 2: l, 2). Continued from pug. '- of Conesus and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Henry of Humber Summit. Laverne is president of the Junior" Class. motive in extrtr curricular activities, served as man- ager of the basketball team last. year, and is a member of the school orchestra. Pursuing a college en- trance course with a major in mathematics, he hopes to enter an engineering college upon his grad- union. WARN ELECTRIC mom-319:? GRAND PRIZE tso WAR BOND ELMHURST DRIVE - WESTON Phone: Wow: 390 J 12 - LYndhurst 1411 $--Write on one side of the shut onlr, t---Addreo :11 replies to the F. L. MERTENS, th.B. This contest will run for 13 weeds, Installation and Repairs on House Wiring Gra nd Prize:- w-There in I letter or letter-I missing in the advertisements oh this Inge. Mnd those missing letters, plus them to. gether and they will spell the slogan-- '-Write out tbs mm of the gamma: md th- mm min- in; from his advertisement. OPTOMETRIST OFFICE HOURS Except Wednesday. 9-12 n.m.. 130-530 pm. Wednesday, 9 mm. to 12.30 noon. . Evenin a h; A ointment EE‘M HEARING IW) h16t'l1t'ATr1svppuro Should there be more than one 'tulo $lllt, DOLLARS Given Away FREE Each Week Washers, Stoves, Each week's winnérs will be entitled to enter the Grand Prize Contest-First Prim $50.00 _War Bond. to Rangvs. Ihsrrisrratorg,' Rmho, First Prize $3.00 REPAIRS CLEAN UP FOR SPRING oves, Electrical Appliances Our Smithy t '. CONTEST EDITOR. TIMES AND GUIDE , Main St. S. WESTON 1 MA'I’N’ ihOibitYrirs7gsmN me than one correct answer winners will be drawn by a local business man Answers must be in Times & Guide office MONDAY Noon _ If we would find 'substance, we must look to the spiritull source of ,all good. There, in God's universe, lwhich includes man as God's imagb land likeness, shall we find all we mood-Does God lack anything? No. 2!,t nevm- could, since He is All. (Then, dopy it not follow that ‘man icannnt lack anything, since he reflnc's Cod? Jesus once said in his jsermon on the Mount: “Take no ithoutrht for your life, what ya shall jut. or what ye shall drink: nor yet for your body, what re trGll put on. ls not the life more than meat, and What is the root of envy? Is it not usually the belief that we lack sme good thing which another has? But what is it that we, as mortals, think we lack? Frequently it. is happiness or health. Some. times we think we lack a home, a job, or friends. Most often it is money. Why do we seem to lack these things? It is not, because we think of them as materal undlook for them in matter? So long as we look for them there we shall lack them. . 497: "We acknowledge Jesus' atone, ment as the evidence of divine, ef, fieaeious Love. unfolding man's unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, Ihrdugh truth, life and love as demonstrated hy the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and'pvercpmjng sin and death." At End of " WEEKS Contest MISSING LETTER CONTEST RULES gums AND GUIDE, WESTON consequently there will be just 39 entries for the Grand Prize Second Prize $2.00 i Lack of good in human exper- _ience-of a home or a job. or health ‘nr friends-is overcome as we gain a higher understanding of God and of our relationship to Him. As we express mare love, kindness, gen- erosity, and unselfishness in our daily living, we find them reflected to us in return. Let: us, theâ€. give up the impoverishment of imrrati. tude, selfishness. and self-pity for the affluence of gratitude, com- passion. cheerfulness and good will expressed in love for God and man. he more' secure in our keeping. ifI sought in Soul." Since God, Soul.‘ has infinitv rcsou'rees with which to Ness us. WP need never envy another. His goodness is available my]. not just, in a select few. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p.60). Sou] has infinite resources with which to bless mankind, and happncss would be more readily attained and would the body than raiment?" (Matthew 6: 25). As we Look ta God for our sugply. our hunihn -rGdis" 2lUiriei, lary Baker Eddv. the Discnvm 65 MAIN ST. S.'el'dt,er EXPERT TAILORING and REPAIRS LADIES' And GENTS' GARMENTS CLEANED 1nd STORED 8T0RAGD-FURS at 2% of their value. _ All Garments Insured Against Fire. Theft or Dunno NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR GOODS LEFT OVER 60 DAYS " MAIN N. . J. ITAWE PHONE 100 CLEANERS AND DYERS Quality Cleaning gittsgiiLri OWNED AND OPERATED BY STDDDART BROS. All answers must be in the office of the Time: and Guide on Monday of each week by 12 noon. Winners will be announced egch week in this paper. This is a really interesting contest and one that will create A lot. of fun. It trains the eye to watch for the correct spelling and informs the people of the splendid business opportunities that are offered by the local mtrehtutU. . Che first three correct Answer- “may: Ms-. _ FREE ESTIMATES Whitman Radio Service WESTON CLEANERS PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE FORMERLY WESTON ELECTRIC TELEPHONE 1043-.1 Rrd Prize In Prire 2nd Prim LYndhurnt 2168 $1.00 Third Prize Guide (conducting students through trn art gallery): "By a single stroke of the brush Joshua Reynolds could change a smiling tare into a growling one." Since these screens ar flat and a little stiff, they come off easily and both surgeons and patients were pleased at, the. absence of pain or bleeding when dressings" were ehittiged, On top of all that the wound underneath heals 'more smoothly and is in better shape tor skin grafting. - mother.“ r The Scientific American, says one ‘of the plagues of surgery in to lchang‘e dreointrs--t1ur gauze sticks to the tissues, and when taken off may tear or rip the wound open again. But now, woven nylon, ori- ginally improvised in Puific army hospitals from n rlon window screenings, scems to min: the problem. _ Bu Solved Problem In Cash $6.00 Young Student:" "So can my A.k-_ ' drawn " In th. vukly .4300 cuh 12.00 nah $1.00 an]! WESTON '" PHONE 1000 NOTE PLEASE! One ounce of these sweet smelling Crystals, will cover no less than M) cubic feet of space. Compare this with other brands. T Take. no chances. Be wise, like many Weston folk, secure a tin of Crystals and save yourself a headache and some dollars when you remove your winter clothe: next fall. Price per 1 lb. tin (80 cubic feet) 50 MAIN ST. S. 347 QUEENS DRIVE PHONE 719R 3 MAIN ST. fl, 10 Main St. S. MOTHS! MOTHS! Weston Modern Appliances HARDWARE . PAINT . WALLPAPER 65 MAIN ST. N. WESTON ZONE 4-456 The Weston Sheetmetal And Roofing Company BONITA TEA ROOM? " Main St. N. aialllgeret _ Weston 81 J. R. Watkins Co. Moth Crystals TIMES a GUIDE 139 Win St.-lyeston Ph. Tir---, Uttction,g662 STEWART-WARNER & ADDISON RADIOS NORGE GAS ST‘OVICS & SPACE HETERS BOYS' & GIRLS' BICYCLES GLIDDEN’S PAINTS IRVIN LUMBER Satiaf y COE ELECTRIC Authorized Bulova Watch Distributrs Better tha ever with Increased Circulation. Felt and Gravel Roofing Eavetroughs and General Sheelmetal Work (F. TEMPLEMAN, Mgr.) 282 MAIN ST. N. Rear of toner Foundry Telephone: Weston 993 - JU. 0422 Meals SAALMANS WESTON PD. Or Phone Tormto offlee-EL. 1097 Ind Reverse Phone Charge Lumber - Builder’ Supplies - Fuel REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS ALSO ALTERATIONS C. B. RAYNHAM FRED ENGLISH Back Again In Limited Supply EECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Ja-a-Lac Endurance House Paint Good Coverage-Fur Wear Sold By _ Air Conditioned, For Your omfort Classified Ads Bring Results The Jewel and Gift Shop Write Local Agent CO. LTD. LMITED mum", ran a. "e WESTON ZONE 4-420 218 WRIGHT AVE. PHONE 606W ZONE 4-533 Phorie 354 Customers Auk 75c VI