t.' Putt',, week has been a 11:3 he Ill thil week isn't far behi , Atty Tr. Quentin Jud a uh" 'eetintt In the 'Y' oh 1i?i"id1Li,iiJii Joining everyone mollu- I ting " theatrath. The" Wino!†too many of us roller want. but those but did go had I m timy cavorting n_mund. -. he Y'u. Club Then. of course. tii. Fitness Fes, 169 MAIN ST. N. PARKING SPACE SALE OF-. Speciman Apple Trees - 4 to 6 Year Old 8 to 10 Feet Tall - Perfect Trees Northern Spys, Snows, Greenin , McIntosh Reds, Golden Russets, Delicious, ,Ifl',hd Sweets, Wagner, St. Lawrence. iiiiiii,;,:, FRUIT TREES AGENTS FOR STEELE BRIGGS SEEDS RASPBERRY CANES LATHAMS $5.00 PEli1lrtl If you ire in need (if financial help or counsel af.if you are cbnsidering the launching of a new business or the expansion of one already established, visit the manager of our nuns! branch You will 'ttl him friendly, practical, happy to be of service THIS MAN is representative of every mung" of t Bank of Nova Scotia branch-a man both eager and fully preparéd to help you sol_ve your financial problems great or small . . . to assist with collec. tions, supply credit information. make business and personal loans...aid in the development of your post-war plans . Wile BANK of NOVA SCOTIA 2 lbs. 35c MULTIPLIERS 2 lbs. 35c DUTCH SETS w.cmdmunnm Brown or White WORTH DOUBLE .75 EACH 100 ONLY BRITISH FRUIT MARKET ilivnl wu on Thursday. Me joints In uill protesting It the violent action they were subjected to after the clu- display. We'll just have to lot Gym Classes in Weston by hook or by crook to koep us ttals in condition. The Festival was certain. ly well-worth unending and we thank Mias Kennedy (mm, mmm'.) and her class for their excellent work xnd all the committee con- Please mite that the original date set for the exhibition and sale of handicrafts at the YWCA has been changed to Friday evening, May 10. Articles in le a t h e r, including wallets, bags, key-cases, and book- ends, and other articles in ceramic Iclay including table centres, ear- rings, brooches, pint, and minature figures will be on exhibition, with some of the articles for sale. With a class of over forty, Weston ladies, under the capable leadership of MIS. Roscoe, and Misses Clarice and Helen Packham, thorn. uull be many lovely articles to be shown, land it is harly necessary to say that in. large crowd is anticipated. IACWY‘. _ At 11:30 Saturday morning we; ihoarded the Red Rocket and were) ibromptly whisked to the "Union.") "Round about 2:30 there we werei ‘in Hamilton. After a lot of, mix) ups, we found the Hamilton j YWCA. For the rest of the after-i noon we toured the city, then had! ‘supper. Of course, in the evening, a ' ‘show was I must. (at last, itI wasn't a cowboy picture.) Beforei retiring, we all looked over the; "Y" and ended uh in the Canoeen.| Is it ever super! They have every- i ‘thing from dancing to ping pong; land checkers, (All for a mere 10c) lAfter hours of gabbing, pillow (fights, and such we finally got to lsleep.) Do you still hear those bells buzz?)" Sunday morning saw us up bright and early to nttend St. Paul's Presbyterian church. We had We had I sup" time last week. when "put, seven of our club trooped down to the Central "Y" for a dip in their lovely pool. Everyone enjoyed the good fun and we hope to do the same agam. On our arrival hack to Weston we went m the Fitness Festival which was Aug enjoyed by Ill, _.. - __ vOur iurxt nuVtine will be Thurs- day, May 9. How about t real turnout? Civpprnm -- - . THOUSANDS OF BEDDING OUT PLANTS, PANSIES, ETC. The Newcomers will meet again on Wednesday, May it, and will welcome any other Newcomers to their group. Handicraft Exhibit This wank, nix rim-0n won [(1de to tiurgfa'l'gt “um. and aim chi ten, and ye believe that I good time wu ind by all. Jean Prentice md Nlncy BACK-y took chime of the children, and did it no efficiently, that We would like them to uh it on u a per- mlneni job. The Newcomers them. selves spun a mill afternoon together, finishing up their Red Cross sewing. and making plans for the next mettintrs. Mrs. O'Hara and Mrs. Prentice were on hand Ignin ti, take charge of serving most de icious refreshments. Next Tun-any, the 7,is a humu- meeting. so ht's be on hand. Ninja-U! ',,',g,Piii,sh, aa ti, ’33 "35m. smooth y for the party, tnd there'll be“: big writrup about it next I n I new (Hutton) hasnt had my word from Didi-lo yet about our, nurygtiou bat w_e cyt hoe'. Peat - Moss - Vigoro -Hu.Mar Gardenite tua -hiaiia, fl dnianfGira,% the“ who attended. "an and -urt a my gm. Mn. 'A'l'l'ld"ptW"a, FERTILIZERS Irish Cobblers, Green Mountains, Dooleys, Irish Cobblers, Green Mountains, Doolys, Kathadins, Delawares, Etc., Etc. ' Let Us Quote You TABLE POTATOES SEED POTATOES $3.12 100 LB. BAG NO. 1 (IS. STRAWBERRY PLANTS tditso PER 100 All it takes to make a motor are 13 thumb tacks, five paper clips, a little insulated'wire and a two-volt battery for power, two cldetl It Kemper Military School in Boone- ville, Mo., have discovered. A con- traption which they made with these ingredients lctually runs. It generates about three hundredth: horsepower. - T quite Easy The meeting will be held at Joy Nightingale', house 122 \Willilm St. at the usual time. After the meeting we plan to go bowling. ' _ We picked up the childun " ll? pm. and um I rather Men: "treet car ride arrived " the wow. ‘There was quite . line up and the: debating we too joined the cum; throng. Needing to any the picture was enjoyed'by all even if 1ue. have to wait in line for our as u. We met in the lobby at 12 o'clock and hurried the children home u fast as we could. It WI: I tired but happy group of Y girls that saw the last street car come up over the hill. Wot; we)?“ Girl, at“; uh“. 0 er " " I a In. trom the Sacred Bud ttter, to the theatre. For the t of thou who were unable to man it I will attempt to reltrto some of out experiences. By the gray, 'e'ti2ai'i2t the commuta- muting Tburr , after school! _ The, Walls; "r' Gil. dimr had wt for mm» (our of m cm. lulu!" . “61' to Hamilton lr,'lh"if on the bu (lay Brett' we.) You wilt lit. to know we wnlknd down. Fjully, an» n wonderful week-Ind, it was tinge to catch our twin homo. Pn. w..iti.s.e.hiuiri.t " _ the Starring DOROTHY MCGUIRE - JOAN BLONDELL - JAMES DUNN - LLOYD NOLAN - PEGGY ANN GARDNER . TED DONALDSON 12M WESTON RD. Signin- PM!" - Turhan Bey . Alan Curtis Marjorie Woodworth - Tom Brown - Zulu Pitts . Slim 8untmeryille "NIAGARA FALLS" FRI, & fiAT.-MAY 3-4 with Andy Devine _ Thomas Gomez C ADDED FEATURE “FRISCO SAL." TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON THURs..FRI..sAT.cMAY 11-10-11 "h TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN" WESTON 130 BOX OFFICE OPENS 6.15 PM. DAILY ADDED: "A LITTLE WITCH" OUNT DENNI THEATRE ASPARAGUS ROOTS WESTON MARY WASHINGTON Paradise in I Persian word melninz n royal park or maimed pleasure garden. _ You will find the :61! surprising- ly low. Suppose you want $800 to do the job and plan to nuke re- payment over twelve months, the use of the money costs you just 8t cents I month; that is, you r?†your [can jn instalments, inclu in: inerest at 825.81 ouch month. If your income is lufficient to enable you to reply the colt of than home improvements by in. ltllments over I period of months, ‘you can borrow tho money you need "yr. 393K“, MLonu-Iul. . . Just bonuu you my not hte? the randy monoy need not provpnt you from undontkin‘ than Im- provements you VI uld 'tke to cub-y out_aroundytrur homo. __. A and LAsgiE “a LADDIR (Filmed in Technicolor) ADDED ATTRACTION "SHE'S A SWEETHEART" with Jane Dime" - Jane Prizes - Urry Parks Peter Crisp Buying?†iiiiii" iiiA, shim; _" T With lnstalm'ont Repayment Plan ( FROM--- If you are looking for st,iy: roses or the products of Dutc nurseries, 'we are not in the market. ,But if you wish for Canadian Field Grown Roses, that will last for years, we can offer many hundreds. M0N.-TUEs.-WED. MAY 6-7-8 "SON OF LASSIE†TSc to ' 1 .25 Home Improvements By Ihe Personal 5c Dozen $2.00 PER 100 with Lawton! . Donald _ June Lockhart . Nigel Bruce 2-Year-Old "n Way [IE-31‘} PHONE JU. IMO home" impi EACH The regullr monthly meeting will b. held on May 21st It Mrs. Clark Torr-nova home when roll tugll in nume of flower Hurting with your initial also perennial ye/it Mrs. Morrow and Mrs., L arker, Ire in charge of the programme. but Tuesday the club met It Mrs. Bowman', home and quilted for the Afternoon. Some of our Smithfield friends attendéd I reception held " Mr. Frank Tmyerl to welcome home Goodfellownhip Club chartered I bus on Thursday and were guests at a demonstration given by Can. lda Packers when twenty-six Indie! enjoy“ the outing. lulu Ted , Wayne ‘md G Tad-tone " Guelph viiite.d al their sandman“, Mr. and In. Stuckey. l " ' Yh r . ' £. "'i tN asa' g s-fd' , l) I tt VI? 1"" ' SMITHFIELD MONDAY, TUESDAY-MAY 6 & 7 TWO FEATURES F4393! _fi, thinson and Joan Bennett in - ADMISSION -.. ADULTS Me, Plus Tax. Me C TWO SHOWS DAILY, 6.30 PM. & 9 RM. "THE WOMAN iN"iriii"iviii'iiiiiW; -ALSO- " WE DELIVER Kirr,vHirynt and Lois Collier in "PENTHOUSE _ RHYTHM“ TAMARIX . "e-___-___-v.-.-..---,-. qrrW_ (r.____ ._ "w__rF.vrF__ 'FFrFr"r_ ""_"_"_'rr'r.r_"__rrrrwttwrt WEIGELA T _""""""'" T""" TFF__ _....,..-,,...,.')..,,,.'...,,, VVFFFrt._FFF__ VIRBURNUM (Snowball) ' . 'rer_..__ _ T"rrFr ("F_r.r____ _,,, MALUS (Flowering Crab)', v» VF; Fr. GOLDEN SYRINGA (Mock'Ovange), Foliage Golden Yellow , .. w,",.,.,,.. ,. MOCK ORANGE, White) Sweetly Scented PRUNUS (Manchu Cherry) DOUBLE PINK FLOWERING ALMOND BUSH HONEYSUCKLE T HYDRANGEA T FORSYTHIA Golden Bell, Large Bushes DEITTZIA, Pride of Rochester _-'"F_,___-t._-_ Many Hundreds To Choose From - Our Prices Are Low, “BORDER TOWN TRAIL†FLOWERING SHRUBS lit STOCK [jiNiLqEfrIifjirl[pe "WHAT A BLONDE And Our Stock Is The Pick Of Thousands _ _ --ALSO-. Smiley Burnette and Sunset Carson in FRIDAY, SA-TURDAY-MAY , & 4 TWO FEATURES COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK Leon Errol and Elaine Riley in Melvin uni! I'm-lay (Summon urn their Baatar ulida" with t) t.iy (randpmnu. Mr. And-91rd. J. 'coiaion.' . Mist Peter, of Hon!) rm. mink-c 'ri.tlrl.tr., 'll'4 ro. John ancud unmade" Euur 8unday hool‘urvm. , Jyaliiii% Tiii 'w‘uk.’ Mr. and In, Gun 3-va Mr. Keith Saw, former Ith- ti+ boys, eyll on_lr. wd In. Mr, and tek. Garnet Andorran will!“ with smmma Manda Int (my. mum in mm: m ma'xmmr-A " In“; Mm .Gomi‘I? 1m 2it , "teenf. W SHOW CARDS NORM GROAT SIGNS " Main St. North Telephone Weston My, Of All Description: presents AND WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY-MAY ' t ' TWO FEATURES Judy Garland and Robert Walker in "THE CLOCK" "3’ 3?; l CHILDREN IV, Plus Tax, 18e TELEPHONE ZONE 4.483 PHONE SSS I "TELL TT TD A STAR" c 'Bs"'iii"iui "Gi "M" ks. mm of MOW gun! "£117.!!!†gut was..." hr, UUE" “37E W33? J,',r4 t"ld 223. 'ttttro m, n . r more in 1989. " -'AL80- Weston 1srtdstaittr Constfuction " WESTON 220 TREE SURGEONS Shrubbery Primed LIWIII Fertiliud JIMMY. MAY I. TELEPHONE $1.00 each 75e each $1.25 each 40c each 75¢ each 75c each 50e each 50c 75c