r Wbteritr. 7' E. V A' my A}; -i, _/Kit" M (Edit: "ninth IQ†'Ayer 11039. any“! and mu will nbl-z small fur- All!!! emm. fern. in!!! ,0 I. soidAh-is week 1'"2r Js".. "ERiiiiit 99°F: 1ortt 7Vir., w: My kitchen 12.51;; Enamel top; but]: can ; gen con- DII "ttio 'U?, record attachments; art, sweeper; writing desk t p, t'tetit,'.."'t 6-foot tobog- - and on; triple nucepnn mt (dunk): card table; deck all! attd "rden chn'rs. 230 King WM. . x-M-lt iitttitpe,te:r'utu, .5933“. top; 7 m; iifiruiGGriiiGtiiiiii, it, t"a",iait't'p2,tt t,'r, TIt s, 2‘. takly. C Cm hm. - .'.I.e. u wmrul rm. 7m. Phone 7704. 040-10. but odd dressers. kitchen nit“. dining room suites. Call '01:: New and Used Furniture, Mot St. Chit Ave., W. KE. 9160. MIMI}! mite by], jaw I!!! mums PAID non ice if!!! tapestry studio couch with drop back in excellent condition, all). Andy 8 Victor Ave., 'glf?i 0- - t “BY-HARRIS binder, cultiva- ‘tor‘lnd mower, excellent condi- tt Uh Moor St. West, Toronto, - tph 5159 daytime. x-26-lt in†- '7 7 7; _vaGiiG-aniiirfa'r, m, reasonable charges. yawn low-M. x-23-1t Fi" "SFU iAikiiu"iiid"GpeGiC haf .3 93M tyryrrt up IOHATT than†gas stove, lids men and grill; utih't box, - Sou-lo“ Rd. nae-2&1: "ktr.rrrjiirTr. homes with ot- but quality bulwood, fittings, W 31nd. dunble synthetic Om! finish. Eating“: free. Wm 1016-31. x-28-1t iAVtdTtoN $1.713? quantity, at . Min prices. hone Weston . 1N 0+26-lt VeT_r11tf,,yinjunriad.eter.rder, 3 ginger}? '1'. “PW “Fed 991v t 7 moias,OUE ", -imT"wiiiri', m- 909 for pnrtieulars. , ' . x-26-tt "a..- a..." "e"' ut' w“, band's tooth cheek, sin 18. M 48-W or. 22 Fern Ave. HAMMER. "Jag. 11-11%, in toad wot mg co, er. p J Alt: Gunny, Westonp ttdt IMO-W. _ 0-26-it YQUNGi F6 , p 9 r t l cont, ni’DWOonhim , assemble, new condition. Phone aw. . 0-26-1t on“ bicyclo m are in good conditibn, $29. 'Alno 1 guitar, no. Phone Weston 382-W-1. new cummida’ Th 2? vim, melanin rug, ' 's6tmtrrtgt net "sd other Articles. "etiTto9,URoberttt _ "m7 __ - -e ‘Good' iT%iditGii.TPtiGii 014-8» , _ o-ae-n Cheat. e: bike. .new conditidm m . 01-511 or.LY, 0841. ' . (nut no} _ uum. m. M-- UT Pure-Addie, And STUDIO c h, chrdinr Irma; -thqttr_el trk ironer. Phone OOD u stove, 4-bumer. Appl M8 Jhu','l St. or phone 4997Wy. ‘ $1818.31" "Fa-E75}: in; it Bunnie. ' . 5-264: I?!“ wtinut It."' room min. I. Qua-ah Drive. hone MA-W. Ct?Ato.2 tiTrECiiFr,IttTidT 1 m hm. pull-on couch and -gtg... in good condition. It... now. Walton. 040-1: My '3"; sin-ll [min Call be. M 7-,.p.m. evenings. 14 Cm " _ : _ , oabtt ‘0'! water jacket, hot water rudi- m. " sections; furnace coil, I. we, doll’l house. Phone MFR. o-26-1t “humanly" WANTID NMMINTS To LIT m to: all 1101;; An. in. o.86.tt at“ tot and out , can. ttRig' 13014. . . 0-80-11 T. jaunt bean-ooh In. uncut _ a; " O-IC-R a; 0“" warm I _ hEi, MEAT!“ van-d from ti, 'tte-Md. drtm to King and E'ttii' W7m.lpn. Beam, _ At - “an rSirt1tiiftktiit "6.tt â€WANT ADSâ€- 6-26-1t o-l9-lOt o-M-lt 0 -26-It ad lut- ' o-M-lt 0-26-1t 0-26-1t 0-28-1t oa6-lt FEA7taFiBiFah-toii'7,'=irirT,a" w G1uaruiiirt'. Gre-- - - 'th-a. NPI,,' In"; "lterrterttbei, mum," said an 'tfll',t'e'ru"iu5id,','o11'2ptht 2mm m "f,.ff.it'l'"'Lttgihtt,t,trs eee1eu-----------.-.-a= mums-d: cum-m... *hum- 'v,ltr,TrtgtrJ'atc','t. 'Taset.'i-Attwoem.tHg,. , ti1Ctiii1ii'1ftiel?itt.k' 'dtd shall _iiiliraittF,'itl! 'aT'ft%N'M'l'tNttlt on hot iitii, 551$ iii.Gii"d ',tp",tt,1 v0. ldlutrlctc'hingla or y map. or o B. h';eLmA'l,", ' pan. Mgt; an. We can. th?,i,,igjS,e.iie?,,i?i.; may of t 2 popular pure breed. Inf] 5371);“! crosses /,"gt',tTt,) pu e . rice: greatly no or no and ham weak I"old stayed. so . t we: 0 to ing 'ii'i'ta,Thiirr,i'(r' reduced for July. In: li July 12. Wk Chick Hutchariu United, 1311:. Ontario. - ' X -It Two Ftfrttitiiii-D houuhxn‘ room. Phon- 66-M: o. It org?" yup- Juiy eltic.' 2. today. 'routiritiirr7aT, etmtittw BARGAINS in Barred Rock end Assorted Heavy Breed chicks for this wee; grist; nexfl. “New? hon-sex . 'pu en . COC - grela 9.75. Another! Envy 'ii,air.." Non-axed 8.96. pull»- Mt cockerek 9.50 per hundred. in advertisement m Int accompeny your order to receive these special yer Shipped COD Anywhere. up Notch tJhiekerfes, Guelph, Ont. x-25-1t moms and bath: M .. J four anâ€: 'tattire':',?,')?.?',; _r,a,l,1)tti"9',il,i. cor, . Second floor "can: Ju , lat. 163c- tion 9542. " area-1t ltr,,? “Linked; ,',ii,iiiiitiri '11}; "ji,i1i'j. ram eaten on tyne prope twoo. Phone.Mrs. Elgueuyg: APARTMENT Binding in Wuhan. Three 15mm, m floor, the mom. an both; and 'loor, five LAND for lab, 1 an Iota with creek, ttod ft. deep, $1,000.00 an 1eti,ale , or PPP Inn-.99 new srmtBoiii0iiCN" DISORDERS AT LONG LAST! Domdlhlo '-r..t1ie.t frtrt.tt the. ITCHENQLEIJEN- minded; I tilk "iigiegmjhi"e"dC, " Llnldowna “onus. Toronto 8, LAkuido 8751. _ 0-18-10t your thisT 7 at iiri. -__ Tfimiiic sun's gxINTuN‘F'todgy, tt that comforting raw you long or. YoA1 '.ttu.trt...ttuteLCi.ttisotIttiney Ptuhtthgiti , EhiiajiET, 7163f; sons TIRED FEET nnd mi otherlKiN iiiiiriliiri. A. J.y.lsirf.rEiC.'iuTLtrCLCii'cEiiiri, uniple'u Mk.. Nair, lea,’ 1. iGif one: 'hiiii2'i, Nae-Ruer Co., Box-91, ton, Ont X45240. 1., new; b05531? 2uiaii' 51.7152 ttr manly/mug . We at LIL-92$; 0M wl o wank-.2 EZQEEWPWHW my»: Ma). A - TREAT. lei ’ypu; feet'. 77 Use SLENpqn rayist, kg effective, 2 P-HP-res... .uumw use wwuvl, * weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks, " " all druzzistu. x-lZ-lt 7 up, while learning to real mule. $1 weekly Kay: for truitar, music And instruction. Ttthiatt' Work- ingman'l Club, 40 sin street south, Stand-y morning. New Branch View-n. Haw-list: School, phone Weston 158-M. 0-1641 my u aiiiiriiiGrfii& TRIAL LESSON in your home. you p,hr..,y,tltt.t.ief wgoh, ig- WELVE hens, I ule. Phone 733-1 WESTON BRANCH TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Inch ASN.3. Phone 28-1 may}, , "Aging. 2ioruy Jinan, _ 1riirikriGiG, eGrir cGiir" MARION DRMoRE8T, mac". HAWAIIAN GUITAR LESSON INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIED Ytlp. keep them hogan, your, _p_rgp - m w u mun... Ph_one Wow; NWT“ o-M-it autumn hom Pine Point Gott AAWWI‘I tdo,rttirtd ettsyitlt sta - ESE; Weston. HIGH scii60L mam, MI an, __tor “gamer work. App y Raw-rd thrtr,ViGAGiuiiia - GTGG7; 8tAtill,iH? PM). dtrs WNW! " event I on] 0 to fpin. Att 1y Kenyan?» ski Chum, 'rfil'll'd town. . o-Mr-lt MAN for no"! he] in ho tal, r, 'i)h'lli.ull'lll.U 'llld'C Tgt': “magi and be um. was.“ In - -. Blinds to home, clue. and factory. led: lupplhd. Wanna 1016-11. annual) vulva-u F " N work = WW. 33ml. " Atli? m. orth. aeiitt "r.trttWit3rt. mum-,- BT2WtitTi- My m. P"'""".' m In. tt.86.tt yr,try,riiiiiiihtiiT HEART? WANTED IMMEDIATELY PROPERTIES FOR SALE A in his wm to In! uh??? R'% tt LG',' _".iri,i'Eiircii57in,",'iii. i'li'ii,?rtii?,,eh'lrv,'iTiirt Tr" I till a n gig â€In o-M-it a' iatd the L "What warn. "'_'rhr--ar-urs..ytetpry," we POULTRY FOR “LI dub-m vii-t?“ tqkPWAMi-qqttAu nooks TOUT HILP wai,eiieic-uraia- mu WANT» "Esau“ MUSIC in "SE WEE. Mr x-M-tt laym for o-M-lt 038-2: x-zs-it '35.: of _ "tsoetriiiriiiV%" iiiiar. as." Imam. as". Mr, w. m an: Roxlsorough 8t. Eq I'm,“ A 2-5871? x-9-1t (In iateG.eiy' L713) Tal ca; ’l _Cornirig Events m','tit,t mry ",t"'",tr, night u .0 on Casino. 0mm I-phec omha.em. x-ZG-lt And we think of you tinny Ind hourly. But try to ho have and content. But the has that m shed in . silence, And we breathe a 11:11 of mt, Por an van on" In we remem- r, Pat all the work} forget. --8 y mined and our mnem- berod by Albert, Mirney and Dark. MrEWARD-tn loving memory of our dear mother, A ce shewu-d, Gt paced into rent June 24th, Bar A hours and a. of n Ber night uyp'unpd ' An..d. in. ourpehi.nd hertd we know "tiuurtGiiii"lwTiiTGi' iit7Gi'. Thert in loved any! who win you _trurrotr-Tn mum of that!†l 23%;?wa p any June , . The to! m of life oe- on, But ltf the vacant emf: Recalls the time, the who and mile _ Of him who once at there. _ ~Remembemd by Jean, Bill,; Betty and Jennie. _ - - - w, __v .-._‘, .......v., u. Charles Button, who pulled any June 27, 1945. There is a home not made by hands, Be ond its golden door Ja' the one who's now away, Not Iotst--rqt gone before. And in that home not made by, una, The Master will sng'mv _ Ahlri,e, for me, In w an He all: Latest the loved one than. I ours, , "tmr-Add-Lp-tmt-mad. an. earth to (Iron, lf only we could once attain our hands entwlne, ' Life would he Joyous, heaven would seem near. But you are jut I few short steps Al in shining th that) on; e p- tro I a. 'tlife 'tfl" th me y on: e pe way we Ihl." tread [ To where you wait midst heaven. ly skies of blue. - .--Never (gym and forever held closely. other and Dad. sr,l,TTt?,trzrry. levies woman of , our dear an; oruritu,ArSriGip IN THE ESTATE or MICHAEL ed": June 27,1941. . SRATAPATA (also known as Sgdfy today we close our eye: and MICHAEL STRATAPEI'I'I). T ALL only having claim; ti'iiii,is,tt, mo' Bott, we ... 1iiiiifi,7s"ie, of 1mm ' , so wn as Te geoggggm“ 'tear, m at- MICHAEL mummy 1aias To hear your voice that made life of the Town pf “19“â€, m the worth while, T Coynty of York, lewgy Section You were no dear to m, oh sun of YAY, Bmesh wyy. dieti, an or MBiNM9N--tn loving memory of my dear husband, Ibome. who paged "in; June 27, 1941. .. You no not orgotten, Osborne. Nor ever will Ifyou be _ ‘As ta u Ji a and memory last. ‘We wi number _thoe. 4 -fadl, mined' by wife And children. ' x ROBINSONvln loving memory & our dear Ion, Osborne, who pus- id am June 27, 1941'. . Std}; y we close our own and; Alidejnd timo long since you ti . to m. id ice Tm" KIWI}. 'dnt Matthias "Ai(lllrdl', Chugch. Scarlett Road, Westinount. Mr; and Mm. Thom" Evenden wish to announce the engagement of their delight", Dork eel-line. to Mr. Robert Wilson, son of Mr. tnd Mn: Filers ot Wegton,_mu- In Memoriam Engagements 426:? Aaauaii -- _ -- iiy'iGGris, 8Y..RtrYr.r-zMr. 5.4 1413.5 ngtcr tthirrtidiiirEii Mu, t' or Wt. w b 1lfiii _ an caulk. no chuck“, a: tr"tl'dt tntddthiu' or tN Wing. 3.1ng mg. 553"" in titt it." t if.“ an... , Atl; YttdtTirFiiiriiii7ririT"G". - m J. ut'a"i'miirattt. my}? if??? . t . 60510.76: rhri,','iii,'it/sy.i"oikiti' ttt Sgrnyk (no: Dork M. Tuckor‘) o Smiths". Briduh Columbia, m hippdy‘ta “mum the birth of their tighter. Anita Audrey, onuluno 12, 1946. Both doing nonczs Bin Du Notion Ulla Thu '&ftt 5% will hr!!!“ - Words. -i0sATidiiiiiGi' . Ft. Thit". "ii 0-3041: (n- ii Mtmtt the 8th dny of MI. , 1946, m MM notified toinpiln to the undersigned Personal pretenti- tive of the acid Deceased on or ~before the 20th day of July, 1946, full particulars of their cluimga 2,T'1i,tt,t, fifnzpthe “at?“ tblel sax enou- men " WT distribute the mats of the msid Deemed ham? marard only to alums of which e shall then have notice. DATED It Toronto, this 22nd (by of June, 1946. _ WALTER MURRAY, Macaw, laAis, Lk_1ifgtprtherein.. BmLTON; .. Alla _wrbFB_VhrF6" nun-:1“. 01“.) IN, "ifiiUifiirizk' a AULT, loo‘i'ac- Kinnon Bldg., Torontrrr, Ont. 'done in mirror-like finishes. Your bedrooms and living rooms done in velvet tones. Restlul to home. Stucco walls and ceilings done in oil and water tints. Chum- ing color schemes on request. My motto, "A leasing job at s pleas- ing priee". = estimates. Friend- ly advice. Gliddens Co. Ltd. got. ucts used. Phone Weston 4 8-W. Gibson Mecartney. x-ZS-lt J.rA,ve yqur bathroom anChitchen HANDY nun to do.odd jobs, waatting,,eUnnintr and waxing floors, woodwork, wnlls, windows. Sita; or what have I',',',',; lrg,'r'l',', "briek,gg Harding ve. Phone 1248-W. 0-26-1t Notice To Creditors And Others _ - P. J. gum-m Contractor 5 George Rd, Walton. Cement Qty amt" ’work. Building; mpaimd. . "tirnaua tinge 2t . o- _ N A copy of the said by-law is: also available for examination at the office of the Clerk of the Munici- pality at Willowdnle at my time, Dated at Willowdale, this 24th day of June, 1946. F A. G. STANDING. BILVEI ka Hum: Baths for but mange. Finnish bum. Open Friday and Saturday, 10 Ban. to 6 ran. Sunday. 10 to 2?.111. For nppo ntmonu phone MU. es, it . . o. - VI, 1946, designating The Township of North York as an urban development Area, wherein no parcel of land shall be divided for sale or sold. in part or agreed to be sold in part, save where the land is shown on a duly registered Plan of Subdivision. A certified copy of the said by-law- has been lodged in the office of the Minister of Plannintrtrnd Develop. ment, and in the Registry Office for the Registry Divi- sion it the East and West Riding of the County of York. NEltf,F, h". yteottutto6.rti1m m. ich'IGWWE'tT - ti4ll.ll'.'lAUt't ftgtitt Tm Gdiiific PLAIN and ominous! contracting plum. Swill on â€pain. Nut! an} Prompt! No be In... Nona too lull“. a t2e Ville Av... It. Dennis. MU, m AEiER'HW yam wild E. 1Wi1tGiiiGGri7TG'taii", no: MN, Thu- nnd Guide. 'TAKE NOTICE THAT the Corporation of the Township of North York has enacted a By-law, under the provisions of Section 28, of An Act respecting Plan.. ning Tand Pev.eiopPentsstttutes of Ontario 10 George h By-law to detrlgiiatt'an are». within the Township of North York as an Urban Development Area as pro- vided foe in an Act respecting Planning and Develop- mentt Statutes of Ontario 10 George Vi, 1946. " MAIN trr. N. Nqrhone DI EPAI s WESTON 1208 LY. 2626 pnnum anln‘vm Gunny-no- ml. "icinirii'ii"ii' “a... WW4. m thitid Em" NM. but. _ - and. .m- m. 'a'gtit.t anâ€: Wm'fmn. Township of North York By-Law Number A818" RICHARDSON FURNITURE ELECTRIC CO. normal): no; "V I PROMPT - EFFICIENT - SERVICE We Iklntnln I Complete Sonic! Mlle!“ In Our Premises 1rrttrat nae o-86.it Shopwalker: "That customer was hanging round for 1 Pa tinge. What did-he want to see? , Pr v -."-. W' *7- ‘V __V' sinnetty usmtmt (coyly): "Me, J. Culham, '2381' Dundu St. w., Toronto, Solicitor for the said Faun. _ _ shout the 19th day of April, 1946, at the nid Town .of Weston, ere TJ,2f on :rtgefore the 20th day 0 u y, 194 , sen pre- Eaid, or delivef toganlter 1Jgt sq., 225 Rowland Avenue, To- ronto, the Executor of the slid mm, or to the undersigned Solicitor, their christian names and “memes, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars in writ- ing of their clnims a statement of their accounts and the new" of the security, if any, held b them. And Take Notice that alter such lut mentioned date the said Exeeu, toe will proceed to distribute the easel: of the said Deceased mow the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whi he then shell here notice, and that the said Executor will not be liable for the aid mete or any part thereof to any person or per-om of whose clnim notice shall not have been r'eceived by him et the time of such distribution. A Walter Dent. Eeq.. Executor, 226 Hay-19m} Ave., Tprppto. f IN THE ' MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDITH VIOLA F DENT, lute of the Town of Weston, in tha County of York, Spinster, downed. Notice its hereby given pursuant to Section 61 and allied Section! of the Muse Act, R.S.O. 1987, Chap. 166, that all Creditors and others having claims or demands agimt the “ate of the said E 1TH WTA, DENT, _ who, died on or Such'lgufig GaTirirve u . mm for the _ r fulfil- #2:: of the comments†_ By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, . Secretary. Degutment of Public Workt, _ ttarea, June T, 1946. I! t to aGi'ia 1m: iriiiiriii 'ktl2'dtt X,'", 'at8itl'l' and», . “,3 doped: hr the tom of u co “m on n chain“ but in ' " myablo to the ordn- at the on- ouuhlo the Mini-tar of we I,',g,t,utN'te,dg.eipt,iCt,iji, amount. dt the an " or Burg Bond: of the Dominion" od Can: or a! the Callahan Nation] Run- war Company and it: oomtltuont ‘compnnlu 1rneorttJitionally an!» mud n to pm Ind mom-e , the Dominion of Canada, or a Itonm timed bondl cm] x eertified c s, if roquirod to make Jo an of ungunt. . Notice h, Creditors 'ptethl â€with“ Ed -iiaki. tlou .1:th than“. af,'l'll't T’ Pt'ytt,tebdk m tse am aiu-tag be and. an '2,'d'Ntteiddldi Pulte,','.','; 3...; iiiii80DFiiii.iF.TG, a» ..ttrtrtdF â€mewmflwww J;',;',,','??,');',;,',",'.';,;, .,' _ i'ii,i1iiililii.iiii,iii,i,i,i! F, a on mil" WBtnON 1208 Clerk. _ . aroma .teyy....tttt,ttettict1tell'""""""o"o"" I most successful garden Mes on -"----------. the lawn ot the Church of the Good test end Ernest Paige won the Yo Shepherd in aid of can]: funds. Yo com-L . Tea, ice mun and strewberries Winners of useful "tides: Dor- and cske W?! enjoyed by quite s othy Wicks, 11th Co.; Yvonne At- number of rUndi of can" Ind kind, 54th Cm; Betty Keily, 11th mommies. Co. " kr q Therewse'swuch-tnd-teke table, Brownies with the most friend's 11th Brownies and Guides; fish there: Dorothy Bright, Gail Dar. and, Mth, Mth Ind 11 Brouies- The dsy ended by Guides end an bag gsmes. table with usefui Brownies singing their songs, “tides msde by the Guides for while friends Iet and enjoyed every which there 'wsre prises. Lucky minute of it. tickets were Elven " â€I entered Miss Johnson, Brown Owl of the the mundl- The My ticket my. Peck and Guidm end Berhrn hgldgr. w, was hcldjx n 8019- mm of the other Pas-h u... 0..., .mt. _ Mini iiiliiGtiGariiQ aka, 2 lbs. 10 on. Mr. J. J. Clark won the ban Mn; con- On Sammy/Juno M, ttte Guid- e", Guides and Brown!“ of Bum- H Mount Dénnis H '"'"r", lt l I"... Iâ€. Isl-Ink: " And-nun ROOFING ' lNSUL-BRIC R. EVANS & SONS TELEPHONE MN 1S0bw--i28" HIV. your urn uh" Flu-nu. repaired NOW. , . Cluttered Accountant ' . Auditor 1's TORONTO Br. . Toronto .a» Waht as: " 6mm. Am. In. as... 'ut. an Monty " Lou gun. iszw'ww man. out] Auditor and Accountant 2 JOHN ST., WES'IDN' TONE 4.575 GEORGE tr. MU. le"o..yr..ttAtttyttoosi, IA. no In St., 72:: J. T. FERGUSON W J. WARD J; EDGAR mums Fttr WWW, 'trtrty mm CIUOPMWOI Nann- nrtd Chunk blun- W T.? Pe. Ar., w; " Ton-h “an. fan-h 0-16-52 w "Tr" "w For wrmma any. ls, 59m: FRASER ' Barri-wt ae. " KING BT., WESTON _ ZONE 4-175 UNDERTAKERS PHONE: ION! 4-444 F. A. III.‘ '"""'L'fu'm". 29‘ 3' "any!!! AUBREY PETITE "mums. wuclm J. W. BROWN LYldliIl'It â€I. Fuml Blue!†WW IX "d',i,i;Utei "it"; aha-"MW: “I John A ; gut'au' M',,' Lung}. 8l,',W"dg,'2,t,'t ',t"dti,',ifiti' M'. Gillan: . Iceman lePettt.y8tiei, ttdh, m... AC-turreBeevhn Pour mambo" of the Dominion 1_rtrra Matt "tf the Boy Scout: Aroeiation, 0th.; have, bat-rt than. men than t m' 59"“!!! “M“ Ltit.h ttrs moch- Wald myona knowing the ad- tr, a! It. I. J. '2,,tdP,',d'ig, a bean " con one M, him to all Ird John-on, t w. l . Min Johnson, Brown Owl of the 11th Puck and Guidm and. Berhrn Owl: of the other Pub and Corn- pnniu Ind the India of the LA. And everyone who hoipod to nuke thin "dtttrattreaNGrueeki-d 1',",Wft',' vow of thanks. - -"-. _......, .._. --,. The dny ended by Calida and Brownies singing their ml, while friends at and mom mry minute of it. “I: DEAD HORSES and CATTLE For free pick-up phone us. We pay phone chums. . GORDON YOUNG LTD. Phone AD. 3636; Tdronlo Zone 4-577 A. N. BOYLEN Culture and Maven. WANTED HENRY POPE C. J. MOSSINGTON GENERAL INSURANCE m. . Auto - Flu . Cundtr _ Avintlan " LAWRENCE AVE. “7’ PHONE :04: Wee Etstirirrus--riundl, Advice F Brush or Spny " WESTON 438W. thq Satisfaetion Is Our PAINTING. DECORATING Interior, Exterior C mom: mu JACK BAILEY WESTON 'uW "Ravi than plumbing job. done NOW." GIBSON T M CCARTNEY "In“: common: A llan 'sSeroiceStd tidii, WARM AIR FURNACES "' Ida“ TINSMITH, ETC. m "A'it av..." m. Work Gnu-tad Piano Tani I32. Mn N. tohtttt zoul can ' mm. mm cauucxsuANK GARAGI m§URANCE DECORAIING _ mu. ALLAN. 'topt . . . 5mm plenum “mm-mun nun um AND annex CA RTAGE 'rueeetss n. Itâ€. i 'taid'lrli4. I Murat " piay in important ‘put in the British win-ling expodio Lam due to lave for the Antaretie 1nut: autumn. John Grierson, Pugh: 1'rarttegpt, of 3mm. U11!!!“ err-- a compmy or“?! I the ,xpedition-.fold tho ar, Sketch that plums will be cau- pultod from A bus Qt will any out menu-lumen '0 lid and“ the clam in overly pout lo '17. Walrus than“ MI be and. The“ In him-nu which with their dull '"f [lulu-'1 Br Air We - -- "Irv-nun; uu JU. mo WESTON u Elude My: Bola, an. 1 No Wat 24 a. All Meg use: FLEET LINE rum; as MAIN n. K ' "t mom: _.'.-" 677, muss†MABi ‘5 01mm _ " ch' Experime- Prlnh Fitting loo- BAKER Any Place... Any Time... MEDICAL SUPPLIIS Zone 4-334 PARCEL DELIVERY - TILMONI - ASS ‘ Peet 'ee 74m Line Phone At " Mun St. N. . or Phone Weston Private Hoopiuu _iNFrimtiih," I. c. men. In. M INCH’S DRUG STORE PROMPT, COURTIOU! ( SERVICE r, " HOURS SERVICI Rog-mu. lam fol .52: *Mugscan Rates In Except Sundays WESTON TAXI . Use ROY’S 456 900 Phone "ION! TAXIS Zone 'a" 1142 a ch