J MAPLEHURST LODGE mtsuunsr LODGE Gal-Gal Hairdressing Salon 164 Main St. S. Zone 4465 Announcement WESTON 1010 WATCH FOR THE Official Opening {HERE} Having Recently Obtained Their Discharge From At Weston Masonic Temple SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT PRIZES {A ADMISSION 35c f can! m and mmoum i an we: COOL ' Club Rotary EVERY THURSDAY, 8.30 pm. Wotan new modern Banquet And Reception that emtmieted. was ACCEPTED NR RECEPTIONS. Tnt/e'rtainmentga Sotial and Personal 4:? Club and Welfare Activit'iiiill where its Dr. Wm. H. Cameron ANDSON Dr. W. K. Cameron Make your hairdo permanent with our specially summer priced perma- nents. Call for an appointment today. Catering Centre. Attention: In FULL TIME PRACTICE AT 149 MAIN ST. N., WESTON WILL NOW RESUME The A rmed Sen‘ices Re frEEEmenj Pooth OF Lift your hair into a shining crown for cool. mess and "shie. _Our beautician: will eoif your hair into love- liness. Summer Crown of Lovoliness MI. 4566 Attendants " tho Kidding will be Min Audrey Dougherty. maid M honor Mm Franc†Mprrr, iiiatiGail, um um "8kippy" m of Ohio. " flower [if]. he 3mm will be Erie Smith. of 0mm. sad when, Peter Fur crunch And Chum Richeu. of MN). Me. Thomas E. Dougherty In- tesfained on Baturday, Aug. 17, at I tmnsseau tee for her daughter. Lily ery. whose marriage will take place It two o'clock. f/Y; M, in Genus] United church to ' Ame! MchHum. of Toronto. r',','.hri.'t tea wer' Me, F. Welle, Mrs. E, uetot Ind Mrs. T Barr not Aadsting the 'ra': we" Misses A. Danger-1m , Snpar. C. 1Urefotrt and rs. A. Tuck". B. Auctin. V. Barker and D. Brown. The my wu "Anieep In tho M" an! tL',',"frp,rg2p1,1 'sg, My w an A hen " cc In. tttdl a! a. in“ {mailed “do rdr, old eur' You'll amt. W mm { if yon'u not careful.‘ A very lovely welcome home Kinny was given at the home of rs. J. Tumber to Marv Broun, the Scottish bride of Lyn P. Brnun, of Scarlett road. All the neighhnrs ',t,tlrtf to make It a very successful: nig t. Refreshments were sqtsrveti by Mri. Tumber, assisted by the many friends who wish her the best of luck in her new home. Bill Jnhnstnn. Inn of Mr. and Mrs. Harald Johnston, of 271 King street. last Wednesday had the I5,1igeg,e, of welcoming home his ride and his son, Leslie, aged four months, recent â€rivals from the Queen Mary. Mrs. Johnston is the daughter of Mr. 1nd Mrs. George Ord, of Edinburgh, Scotland. They will reside in Weston. Entertain At Trousseau Tea Also on board the Aquamnia were Mrs. Ivy Pntter and Mrs. Pamela Weir, wives of Pte. R. M. Potter, of 117 Rosemount avenue, Weston and Lieut. J. W. Weir, of T Victori- street east, Weston. Htecent arrivals on the Queen Mary were Mrs. Frances Ryan and sons Michael, two years, and Stephen, three months, wife and children of Gnr. C. M. Ryan, of Wadsworth crescent, Weston, and Mrs. Elsie Woodend and son John, 7 months, wife and son of Pte. J. D. Woodend of 677 Scarlett road, Westmount. Mr. and Mrs. Ctsrruthers and family, Fern Ave., returned Sun- 'day from a holiday at Bala. Recently returned aboard the Aqmstania are spr. L. W. Johnson of the RCE, Winston Hall, Manon; Spvr. H. W. Smith of the Auxiliary Services, 200 William street, Wes- ton, and Capt. J. C. Wished, of Weston. Mrs. Jack Greaves, Miss Eva and Rhoda Parsons have returned from Holiday Knoll, Wasaga Beach. Mrs. P. F. u Greeley. of New, castle, is spending some days with Miss Helen Grubbe,' Connaught crescent, Miss Jean Perks and Miss Ruth Taylor are spendihg two weeks' holidays at Point an Baril. Miss Perks and Miss Taylor will return on the 26th of August-we hope. “PERSONALS Miss Lelia Jtrne Sonya from St. Louis, Mo,, is the guest this week of Miss Evelyn Grubbe, Lawrence venue west. Mr. and Mrs. C, G. fetish and son Jack are vacationirig for two weeks near Haliburton. Mrs. Lorne McEwen, Main St. N., is‘holidaying at Pointe Au Baril as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perks. Mr. Ind Mrs. hound John Philhrook are seen cutting the cake liter their mnrrilge in Weston Presbyterian church. The bride is the former Elizabeth (Beth) Smuck. daughter of Mrs. Calhoun Ind the late Mr. W. N. Calhoun. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Philbrook. CUTTING THE CAKE AT PHILBROOK-COLHOUN NUPTIALS great majority of cans it in use- hms to ttppeal against the de:iaion of tho Sporial Ranting Board. The ftse fnr appeal, which will he ro- turmsd if the. apppnl is sustained. is 82 M par papâ€. The appeal .heruld he nddrvsnd to the Deputy Minister of F,durntinn, Parlnment Building; annntn, and shouid man the paper that tho candid-M desire, to have rehanxidpred Ind the canâ€! It which he mm. Tettehertt who undertake to an?“ appeals for their pupils should make the upped for ouch candid-u on I separate sheet " paper tnd tuhmit therewith the pteseriUd tf n eertifirtte in mm. I ta cuto may be obtained by caught 3 2": A'a',tiit,tatt2'g.i,',t the new; I t rtinenr " I copy which may be (01"qu in m on 'ppliention. Thr fee for I duplicate tiitifieate is 81.00. -iin upped will be 9:1an Mtatr the firat dny of Omaha. Bulk.“ Cynic.“ _ A _ __ oral standin the whole e any rim-urns dr'par?m9nt examination didate has paper will amination great maj, has to Mn of tho Spa fee tnr " fumed if fee Before the results I a Sperm! Revising careful consideration nfmarh candidate', The marks obtained which he fails to at mark are rnnsidered I pass standing in have his answer f making an nppea for re-reading an a the purpose of ttect a S eri one}; [ nf oraeh mrresglonding middle school paper: Englis ' (Literature and Composi- tion), Alnghra. Geometry. Physics Chemistry and the languages. Appeals The pass tttai Pach psper. For one of the follo' subjects will be department in lie Bot 2, Zn Bot 2. Zo Jean, Bot .fietTir.t.F, Continued from page l-... Ph e, Ch c, FA c, FC c; Richard- son, Charles, EC 2, EL 3, MH l, LA c, LC c, FA c, FC c; Rise- brough. Jean, EC 3, EL 2, MH e, Zo 3; Rose. Christine. EC 1, EL 1, Gel, Bot I, Zol, Ph 1, Ch l, FA 2, FC 1; Ross, Jean, EC c, EL e, Mth l, Bot 2, Zo 3. Simpson, Muriel, EC c, EL 3, Tr C, Zo c, Ch c. FA c, FC 3; Smith, Alan B., EL 3, Mg c, Bot e, lo c, Ph c, Ch c; Snell, Hilda M., EC, c, EL c, MH c, Ge c, Tr 2, Ph c, Ch 2, FA 2, FC c; Stevens, Sinclair, EC C, EL c, MH 1; Thrush, A. Joan, EC l, EL S, Alg 3, Ge l, Tr 1. Ph 1, Ch 2, It 1, FC I; Veals. Robert, EC 3, L c, Ge c. Tr 3, Ph 2, Ch c; Ward, Helen C., EC 3, FA c, FC c; Watson, Ruth M., EC 3, EL c, FA in FC 2; Winder,, Clifford, Ge e, Tr 3,"trh d, Ch C, Examination St: A picnic in aid of the Manon Major Softball league was held on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 17, as a benefit for ttTms.sh rt of equip- ment. A dance at 3'18 war-time housing Community Hall followed, and more than 300 frersons attend- mg. . The softball league recently formed is made up of New Manon. Old Manon, the Staff House and Winston Hall residents. With the regular season over and Winston Hall the winners by more than 10 points, the. round-robin play-offs are expected to begin this week. The league is also made up of minor boys and 1 women‘s section. Malton Dance In Aid of Softball Complete List Of re-reading an ansv purpose at uecurin honour standing w ate has already pas rt of the teacher a standing of the e; whole examination circumstance repn 'andidate standing onliryr he rah Words EC EC c, EL c, Ch c, FA c," n Standards standing Forty per .f.oywing u. FA as likelylto " are considered Le who fails t 7,o Idem Clifford, Ge e Woods, Dorothy M. A c, FC 0; Wray, M in c, Ch c; Wright c, EL C, Al: ‘c. Ge 3 any per cent in any lowing upper school be ar‘cepted by this lieu of credit for the middle “bog! paper: TIMES AND'GUIDE. WESTON Ldyupassed onsidered. any p {lunar r u; but ' answer sh nw cases yepp rtetj s are announced g Board gives 'trt to the result "a examination. ad on paper on attain the pass d alnng with the er and the gen- he candidnte on Mâ€: ls , r cent upp.er. Al}: Ft) paper that it i affect my afieient'y the cun- n such I The ex- 50% read oi, l appeal apex for well make pay n the uge- union The the the This is a wonderful age for those who are born tired. An improved wheelbarrow has two wheels with caterpillar treads which climb bumps with the minimum pushing. And there's .8. new stoop-saving contrivance on which I fieid hand may lie comfortably while being carried across a field to gather such low..borne items us melons, cucumbers, strawberries and po- tames. Miss Jean Perks md Miss Ruth Taylor are holidaying at Pointe Au Burg] and report hunting and rush goo . A Wonderful Age Sixty dollars B month leu the cost ot maintenance, will be mid ta all students dung? the nine months instruction pm , plus the coat of transportation for all Ontario resi- dents, from their place pf tmi, dence to the central school d from the central school to the @- pitals where the practical â€uniâ€: is given. The certificate awai- by the Department of Halt!) upon' completion of the course and the successful passing of the required Rectum!†tor than applying uk t at the individual have en in- tereet in hurling, be m good health, have good references. I, grade 10 miueation, and be between the we: of 18 and 40. The initiation of the now plan came a I remit of the not. show no of run-u- throutthout the prov- ince which dwolopod any an at - and it in ho that throuzh the new plan the lieu-non may be somewhst relieved. The course will comm of chm montha' itystryetion in . centrll school tttd an: months' 11an under supervision in selected hot- pitnk and will lend to I ammo.“ u n Certified Nut-ling Assistant. [LOCALéT The Praline“! "Nrmgtta-t at own» affrefatlr was“ but m tut I m him-mouth compo of mummy for am said» um in bun; imam-sud, to begin on Summber' Nth, mo. - . Ont. thmmtitttntt0mtrit lino Month Course for Nursing Assistant: f "V "n , '3 ir"ii'/'nri"y 2riinsi'i"ii'ii'v! â€if; "1235 V" " stands for fresh pelts, the newest N blends, fashion-hit silhouettes-fum _ I W- you‘ll wear for seasons! Buy yours M v 1 now on our easy budget, plan! . wr _ , it, Save By . *1 I 1 Buying Now! We have what you want in stock or will make it for you. I See the Window Display , . Also T! " . "i?' l Pro-Season Showmg . I I I. Cloth Winter Coats /y7 Trimmed and [Jwimmed / 34 MAIN ST. N. Robert's Smart Shop Hundreds of Fine Fur Coattr-- Choose Your Coat from Our Assortment of Styles -- Furs . . . Complete Range of Sizes guaranteed uncondition- ally for two yarn tttttd (om. (or the can“ any .ummd from the mom. t'.'Nifd m latte; 'L',','.' fat o , thm WC Wm, Pram“ of thitario, Toni-nu. “Wm, will 3m it pumi- tleg for â€layman In»: mum my: that mum. At Roberts Smart Shop The Newest Styles-at The Lowest Prices School Days Will . Soon Be Here We carry a complete line of 'gll Public, High and Vocational School text books and supplies. ' HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL SCHOOL SUPPLIES; INCH’S DRUG STORE Wotnen'g and Children', Apparel Wegtort--d3 MAIN ST. Planning to buy a fur coat next Winter? Come see our advance col- lection of 1947 quality turs-yours at thrifty savings now.' Our label stands for fresh pelts. the newest blends, fashion-hit silhouettes-fum you’ll wear for seasons! Buy yours now on our easy budget plan! ds for fresh pelts. the 1 is, fashion-hit silhouettes ll wear for seasons! Buy on our easy budget plan! 20% OFF Weston 53 ffa' u MAIN N. EXPERT TAIDOBING and REPAIRS. V “but and GBNTe 'ttNTI' CLEIyNED and STORED tW0ttAGB- " 2% ot than: "in. All Emu lulu! Ant-u rim, Tun " Dana.- Nor ""olftrlllWf,'l, GOODS LEFT OVER DAYS AND WE ARE WESTON CLEANERS Advertising Pays - Try It! Mt. Dennis--1130 WESTON RD. LIAWI J Unction 8733 Weston Zone 4-300 P30!!! tooo