Organised labor hu and. I [an ambition to the working and!“ and .tnndBrds of living of the poplo. A: one rrsealls the only days of child 1nd dive labor and the tiling of the guilds. a com- parUon of the standards of life with those of today an be made. labor unions are to be constitu- bud upon the work that they have accomplished. _ Throughout the world it is gen- erally mo ind that labor unions hue hung? tor the bettering of conditions. wins and general out.- put. Down through the ages since the organiratiyt of the first guilds, that: le ban l 'e,t,'e,t, outcome Labor Day Make Big Contribution w"""" “mo .._v "n, - - progress. and with each sueeeeding dead. they have become more povurfnl, and an active force in the oeonomie life in the communio an and nations. With the result of this strength they certainly have made conditions in industry much more acceptable and beneficial to mankind. So powerful have they 'lit? P I N E RI D GE Electric and Engineering Refrigerating Service to all makes of Refrigerators liter. Unions Hove Contributed To The Higher Standards Of Living-Feng Danger Through Communistic Contra! Today. Westeo Pump! Phone Woodbridge 49-R-3 R.R. 2, WESTON I Specialiu in Heating Hot Water and Steam Oil Burners Installed In gay Furnace or Boiler Service to all makes of Burners “MN. ELECTRIC - Mil - th P. RANGES FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE PHONE WESTON 1001-: atanmat - Controlled Ten: mere Gm Solid Gallon and Cm.- Sou FUEQOIL CONTRACTS Amman mmmdonrmnonm onmamrqrNttttrtmtartmtuvrertr EXPERT TAILOBING Ind REPAIRS LADIES' and GENTS' GARMENTS CLEANED and STORED btoRAGB-PUM at 2% of their ulna. _. .A11 Garment. Insured Against Fin. Theft or D- Nor RESPONSIBLE txm GOODS LErr . OVER so was DANISH HEATING WORRIES COHERETE FOUNDATIONS STOVE REPAIRS ROOFING and INSULATION DUNCAN ROOFING OIL BURNER WESTON CLEANERS ASPHALT SHINGLES - SIDING FLAT ROOFS . BOT OR GOLD APPLICATION We an give you pmpt service Ion insuutiou. Call 1:- for fren estimate. CONCRETE FOOTINGS HOUSE RA1smG--CHrMNEY BLOCKS We Specialize In CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS BEAM a SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE WESTON 1031-5 ALPHA AUTONATIC WESTON - 11493. W. Go Annular. LEA“- been. that than has been I eon- umnl tUht tor control within their rah by mm“: mm chiefly. This bu boon fought, and efforts have been made by the louder: ot Inbor unions to Putt eommurtistle elements down. ith the advent of Inge sum. of money from the foreign powon, who to- cognized the strength of the amen! aid the o portuniti to - discord in the ftl'l'l of t a union people, there has been ttsthtred to. gether . most powerful. in Net the most powerful orglnintion in the Mainly ot.unirnys tog-y... a , mum, V. ....._..., --.' Today there in I battle develop- ing, as we celebrate labor Buy on Monday, September SPA. In some unions where communism: elements have the control, there ha been I definite fight to destroy and dis- rupt the economic situation. Union lenders Ind members have been herded to further this end. Clashes with law and nuthority seem immi- nent. Trouble is looming. The only hope that remains is in the sound precticel 'tgli"dt,t of union principles, t " hive made such progress. to be the guiding light end.policy of the unions " this out government, with the co- operation of union lenders and 1:- bor men have Bet up I regulsr order of procedure that is sound end pncticnl. Therefore, " we enter into this anniversary and ce- lebration of Ubor Dsy, there} should be stressed, . recommend»: tion to the gaggle, the thoufht that unions must ide by the us end utilize the memorial methods for settling ir disputes. There is no country that hes my better labor lswe of Tttgtg for work- ing towards the hen .it of lube: and management working harmom iously together. The danger of per- mitting foreign security in our labor unions today is seen, When the great Ubor orgtutiurtiort lenders and governments of Aus- trslie. end Britain ere at this min- _ ute fitrhttntr the innids of those foreign powers. Make this Labor Day n day of sound, pruticsl judg- ment, excl-tin? all G Abide by the Inws of the and and utilize the machinery of the day. _ time annoy a. Lug! PHONE 1000 Her - "nice now nninhedcthe that line: “Queen MM†it Mn; nude ready for was: pun-engu- uniee. First lupin an recon- verllon in the ' uplifting" project. which rrttttr" " has of Huh and red mint to cover her ,'rtirtirrteasrts of mint-gray. The job ll An 1ccident that could have proved fatal occurred on Saturday Aug. 17, four miles north of Bolton wh en Billy Whites, 12-yeatold son ' of Mr. an d ‘ A, ae r s . J o h n , Rg,52gltl4 Wakes, 1508 ' , m E'f, a Kale St., To- Er,,M,Wst-P,,r,'51('W,l, 12 Year Old Boy Badly Wounded With .22 Gunshot In Stomach mute, sustain- ed I serious bullet wound. In conversi- tion Wedngr day with the IMP: sister, Eh ' t h e p r e s a i"is' learned t h a t 'd doctors report he .has one Billy Waite. chance in a thousnnd to recover. Medical men report that he is a strong.boy with a stronreonstitution but it is too early to tell yet whether recovery will be effected. Billy wt" nccidentally shot in the nomad: by 1‘22-cnlibre rifle held by his frieitd, Hurry Ross, 13, of Rosethom Ave., Toronto. He was rulhed to the Hospital for SiebChihiren, whpre an emergency operation was performed to re- move the bullet. “ . . Ben and Whoy, Ted End- son, 15, McRobem Ave., Toronto, who hnd': tent pitched on property belonging to Joseph Stewart, had Billy Waite: visiting them from his parents' camp nearby and were tlgt,i,'aAip their three-house on ‘the ban of the river when the ac- ‘cident happened. "We had been up in the tree with our rifles," Harry Ross said. "When we were coming down Tad handed the gm: to me and I headed one to ill and mtttot down to the ground. Ted got his belt eeught 1n the tree and was hung up there for awhile. While we were waiting for him to get down, Bill, who we: about eight feet from me. slid: “This is what the commandos do,' and pretended to make in lungs at me with his gun. Then he drew it back and brought the gun up to his shoulder for e butt stroke. I hid the heir-trigger .22 in my left hand “flaunt in fun, brought it around I dropped it into my right hand. Then it went off. Bill grabbed his side and sort of dou- ‘Ried up, and I saw he had been _ it." Dr. B. Linduy of Bolton was called and had the boy removed to the hoioital,.Prpvineia1 Constable George Yuille. Brampton, who .in- vestigswd the accident, toonk the guns away from the boys after the shooting. It will cost about $104,000,000 to make good the war dim-3e on Malta-most-bombed part of the British Erttpire--aeeordintt to Sir Wilfred Woods in I report on his economic and finaneits1 survey of the island. Reconstruction of the iirurtd-awtsrdrd the George Cross by the King in 1M2-will cost an additional "6,000,000. WILL COST MILLIONS Playing Commando At Camp When Rifle Discharged By Accident-Wounded Boy May Recover But Doctors Are Doubtful muss AND comm. mu _ _ gum: or ATLANTIC "Inns!“ "iiiirthiiriimnir Bowling Alleys NotWanted Claim York Ratepayers A delegation of York Township ratepayers last Monday, Aug. 26, disapproved the proposed erection of I. $375,000 ultra-modern building at Eglinton avenue and Menin toad. containing stores, offices and 20 "silent" bowling alleys. "There would be too much noise from the alleys and too much crowding around the streets for that parbof the ciV," said A.Wradbury, a West- over road resident. bury the entrance would be 200 feet away from Westover road and on Eglinton avenue. "Noise will be non-existant in the sound-proof building," said Mr. Silverman, "and Police can regulate parking prob- ems if they are abused, as is done anywhere else." Re resenting the contractors, Mft A. Silverman toldArr.. Bryi: "Why should we have a bowling alley on the nicest street in the township?†asked another, while one young man said. “Bowling alleys are hangout: for bums an budding crooks." "Ut me tell you, sir," Fetorted Mr. Silverman, N126,000 is going to be spent on equipment in this building, over and above the quar- ter-million dollar cost of erection, and we have no intention of spend- ing such sums on bums." Looking up and down Eglinton avenue " a main thoroughfare, Reeve F, J. Mad-he impressed upon the petitioners that it was & busi- ness street "to be built up with stores. theatres and could very well include bowling alleys. Bowling is a legitimate business, and s recre- ational and sociable pastime." Over and above the noise in the non-strand-proof, council chambers, the reeve moved the proposition be laid over another week pending a private meeting of complete council. "It would be an asset to the com- munity," added Councillor Robert Gray. _ FirmneM of purpose is one of the most necessary sinews of char- Inter, and one of the best instru- menu of 1useeetss.--Chesterfitld. - Th; GpuGifr%tuCiiiYiittt in the right wny and not merely firm.- Confucius. The firm, without pliancy and the tpei; without firmness, re- sembe vessels without water, and water without veturehs.--Lavater. Firmneu Bteadfturtnetm is a. noble quality, but, unguided by knowledge or hu- SCRAP BOOK A turd It deHavildnd aireraft plant in North York, Alex Mu- Millan, Pears Ave., wan beaten md knocked unconscious last Friday nights Aug. 23, when he surprised three youths he found on the premises. He regained conscious- ness an hour liter to make his le to the guu'dhouse md give the alarm. - Ihavilltgtd Guard Beaten A war veteran, MacMillan_told P.CA, George Simon and Walter Maynes of North York police he saw the trio hiding behind some wooden cases, and as he approach- ed they attacked him. De anillnnd guards and North York police searched the area, but filled to find any trace of the youths. MacMilhn told police one of the three would be marked be- cause he was able to hit one of them across the flee with a heavy flashlight before he went down under their blows. mility, it becomes ruhnesl or obsstintuey.-SwarU. MacMillan was given first lid at the plant and then taken home. Every man and woman should be today a law to himself, herself,--' law of loyalty to Jesus’ Sermon on the Moant.-Mary Baker Eddy. It is wonderful what strength of palm)“ And boldness and energy of wil are roused by the assurance that we are doing our duU.-Scotf. Trio Jumps Alex MacMillan In Dark ONTARIO PARENTS CAN TAKE TIIESE RECOGNIZED PRECAUTIONS AGAINST THE POSSIBLE dtidllllltits THREAT tlf ROLIO It is in August and September (In! poliomyoliu's (polio) in - prov-lent. Duririg theae In! weeks of “inner. thoughtful put-u should chum any rule am will protect their little one: [ton thin dimâ€. J. e. M. "a.. Int â€when.“ q 'rr-aaotitta.-h-to-dhqtodvhq I DEPARTMENT or HEAL}: w. A. Hiihinmham, ehairmAn of the Pedsrdtion of Atttmier8eien- titty, "id"'.turn are tt lqu‘ytwo SECRET WEAPONS any: "out yrs-pong in witty“ wh h scientilt believe in poten- tially u dpngeroul 'ut',ti,',S' u the atoinie bomb. _ e turned “biolokical wy.rfare" Ind fission- Frodunt Virtue" nomegirnu re- ared-to u 'atomie poison gu’ ". He gave not details invasion ppint tor, birds for con- turies. Autumn mantion f1iehta from Englnnd he: Bfro" the ehtuinel into France, then to Spun and 1cm to Afrida. _ ', pterrrp, Prdr "an .13,“ . ' '8li.Wi'llr.1 ierttrtmt.l.stPsy,ett m Weston Music & Radio , 28 MAIN ST. N. null‘I-I‘I v- v""'"-"- "" tun-.novmcl or 'iiiaaral TOASTERS, IRONS, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES REPAIRED WASHER PARTS AND WRINGER ROME IN STOCK WASHER. REPAIRS RADIO REPAIRS In our Province, comparatively few can of polio hue occurred us yet but in "trt. section; of the United States, imadle paralysis-ss it is more commonly cali-ttsa ruch- ed epidemic proportions. Tie Mt.) Dépumem of Health ' me uitots will be_reeeived'by Hugh Mum; Bieritaii. of Etched Board, Thistletown, 0mm. youâ€? tar.ttt.,hiumdar, September 12, 1946.10! comm: orig-roamed public aehoolp School Section No. 10.1; Motown; Ontario. ' Lowest or any tender not nee-I- I mily‘ueeephid. Ll OPENING SOON - - - - Jewellery lk Gift Shop) 36 mgr h. N. L WESTON CREDIT JEWELLERS‘ Tender: for School completion of alterations we will open on modern up-to-date. _ Guaranteed and therefore - cunts-my to keep in step with the communes: precautions outlined below. [and than wefully. Encourage your children to punk. them daily. Guard your fsmily's health during this pumice!“ period of III. you! Chester C. Woods, architect, uneamr U. wooaa. summer, '5" 12 Richmond St. Eat, Toronto“ F unison. Arman ' m ZONE 4-400 gf) A