b MAB BEEN A PAW WITH , WANG mu IS. Do {our th,tr.. under the but mi le condi um: (a) Work in sir-u (to. from dUtmetion. Th 36, for instance, will prob- nbly can you " per cent. of your and] MW; (b) Try to luv. 3.“ of on: own where you an hep your study equipment; (c) In all try to study in the lil,lU2' 3nd " the same time 6%.“) The best ttmperttur.e 'iiiiPi'i, ttft! got-k u was: ' e an u go row; the light should com. qrqWt your kit shoulder; (f) 3:31.31 nosey-r7 equipment. such 6. Some ways to judge when you. have pre and your assign- mant well: (3 Test yourself by melting the main points in order to yourself; (b) Ask yourself the how or why in addition to learning the tmin facts; (e) Try to give the true. of the assignment in a. few to sum: " you read; (e) Do not wait for mood or imrpiratiott but tum yonmelf to begin promptly when it comes tin. to study; (d) Little an be accomplished in I IFaninute space; thin yourself to work in time units of 20-30 min- utel " a much. Then, allow yourself a five-minute mesa if "'l "am _ may . g tinie It homo. madman†much time per tg or week you need to spend on use subject 1nd make yourself . than table for the week fitting in the mail-e31 time. Make yourself churn this time table; then you will feel free to use free time for mutation. - - -friiGt day, quickly review this outline team. _ . ' 8. Hap yourself to concentrate by acting on these points: (a) Form habits of work in a certain plus and " certain times (not too soon we: muls)~ (b) Have 3 Wu [on] in mina, pr .ts.qestiryry "fcrtiiit your phy hours care- fully. _'l'hey are Jmy?rtant. . A T. Endeavor to inamauiour nu of reading. Senior high ool am: should and "boat am words a minute. tt rm tend more alowlf than this, practise reading rapidly under a time limit, any, four to five pugs: every five min- um. You can increase your speed and {sin more from your reading ttdoor so. .- u q dietiairi,' piper, iGie"ii on min-ton you Begin to work. My time you hive to jump up (a somdhing m dertior your concentration end "an! time; fr) HIV. I .traight, comfortable chur: (in) Take I few minutes for relttxtV ttttet New 30-40 minutes. W . "Do think the moun- hing; will a?†with me?" Hubby: "t doubt if lt would dare, .1 - Time to spend on home-work: Glade: 9, 10, 11: One to two hours Old! school days Grades 12 and 13: Two to three hours each school day. I. In tending have in mind am tain dofinite points you In lo king for. Read quickly the first 'ale to diqcozer thyo goings. _ . _ .. "EYE-ea; Jig time for details and difficulties. -. _ _ -i. iGKe in. outline of the essen- tia! goings. . . ' fl . 4. An hour or two later review your outline. Moat forgetting takes Ihr,",.,,'?,', the first two hours, after “3319". . . _ . . .. . Finds»! Dom. Clarke, of Mal-' urn Co Iowa. has drawn up I Jeri“ of 2ee,t'e'g,' for study- ing†that Bttt ents-and their par- ents also-might find I valuable guide. The part of Pa and Mn might be to see that home condi- tions are made suitabla for study. Here is the list: _ . 310' me one couple unhlppy merely on mm of their limted Mutual, " I will show you tan who no wretched from other -.-4hrlertdqe. For Parents Only - - How Much A M. Student Should Study Y.jiruvror to Jnetetre 1 1871 525.00 Reward lull-x to paltlv'e Inter-nth. u to whembouu of one a†tool box complete with , tray: end full set of Anna. box the 18 Inches long, 10 inches deep and " inch- wide with centre hurdle and padlock. Spend! on outside left hand corner of lid, tho stencil on In“. cl lid. m w:- stolen from rear of 30 Main Street North And is My of ex-servicelun. NOTICE Plu- nply to 39 Main Street North in are of Gordon. DUNCAN ROOFING ROOFING and INSULATION ASPHALT SHI‘NGLES - SIDING PLAT ROOFS - HOT OR COLD APPLICATION “McGlll's Coal" We can give you prompt service on inaulltion. Cat1 “I tor free estimate. tkg FOR SlVlNTY-m YEARS I- 1the,f Co. il Weston Auto Supply - â€Human AVI. mm - 41 MAIN BT.6. - .... WESTON . 11491. W; do Anywhere Friendehi Circle met for the {All Meson. 'IIA' I nice uni-hunt of parcell were brought in for the eele of work in ovembet. The next meeting win be held It the home of Mn. McKenzie. George street. Anyone who would like to ioin our Circle will be welcome. geptember 26. On August 81 " the firemerN mmivtl, n batch-ll gun: was held between Ell-wood and Rumba! Summit ttids Ind married Indies. However, KS. n- the loner: u Hui-wood but them " to 6. Well, better luck next time, Plumber Summit. Amway». t'yste 1.t, At H.S., on their forty-ninth wedding annivemry. They are two of the oldest residents of the district, coming here nurly thirty years ago. A veg large company, nbout 85, ather at the home of Mr. and Tl'. J. Wilker, Aug. M, for I corn rout, arriving early, they had ll sins 33:5. ind then a huge fire was sta and the company at around to ergo; the corn Ti.. pared b Mr. 3n n. J. Wal er; sandwich! were 1100 enjoyed. They were members and friends of the LES. church, And Sh, To- ronto. Many thnnks to Mr. md Me. Walker {cinch g lovely time. . “YE-I Enihér'fl kau%ire from Bill I lent you lut rear." â€Humber Summit ll On Mondly, Sept. 9, the BS. Ratepayers' Association hefd I meeting in the school. The presi- dent would like to so: more attend these meetings, held the second Monday of every month. On Monday evening. Mrs. W. Ginn held th shower or Miss D. Headon. The bride-to-be had a pleasant surprise, the room was decorated in pink and white paper, and a large white bell w“ just above the bride'hxfhalr. She re- ceived many lovely and useful gifts. At the finish of opening of the parcels, refreshments were served Ig the hostess. Everyone wishes e bride and groom the best of luck. in n hay ride Around Ge district of Humber 'tteh arriving back at Mr. T. Jordon's ome on Mill road for cocoa and tsandwiches. CongrRtiiItiéii; xgï¬tbfl Mr, and Mtg. J. nglger_of_ oyil?ridst lui., Obedienca is he r.",',',?,,',',',',, of love; and love is the pnncpe of unity. £13 a?“ of t',12ifA21i'i,ki. in: ac g-itu I 01w. mun Baker Eddy. Mr. Ind Mrs. P. O'Hara, who have been visitin Mr. and Mrs O'Hara, Riverbenf Park, left lust week by plane for Scotland. With Mr. and Mrs. J.' P. O'Hara are two smidi%iiirrU." Yrirfe yG%ifhis% a pleasant trip. We Are sorry to hear that Miss P. Reeves has been 1 patient of the Women's College hospital. Hope you will Boon be restored to thg_best_of hank. F- - - - "Well, did you get my on u preytta for_ your t','itthh1',,Tl"' Don't forget the corn and wetter rout at the Humber Summit ghool gtopndg pn r.r.idar, Sept. _20. PM "sn Afisf tisdGxru%iucV Mttnttrtat mm mud.“ _ T ,.' Birthday greetings so to Mm. McCulley, 89 years young. Also Miss Barbara Moore. Visiting with Mr. and Mm. W. Moore were Mrs. A. Gillanders and Mrs. Y. Kirkwood, from Ottawa, sister of Mrs. Moore; also Mrs. S. Mere from Niagara. _ __> Mid "giai"iijifi/r celebrated her birth?†with . new of ftiemit 1946 NOTICE Group 2-Gtrrr Eamugh, Doug- las Rider Mlurlce Drewry, Charles Stokes, éiny wagon, Robin Dun- lop, Clifford 'd','h1'l Bobby Simmon, Marvin ould, Ronald Stewart, June: Heath, Orville Osborne, George Stoddart, Ronald Vngghun._ _ -- - __ With this organisation, it will be any to keep in touch with all the members through the group 'itt "in: and it is hoped to have week y gehtogemers for different groups. atur " hikes end special week- end outings are planned for the fall and winter. The council will carry on their business in a I,',tflyrty,th7 way and the boys and girls wil learn parliamentary fKrocedm‘e during their May of 0 ef. _ - King tn, Public School Girll’ Council Group l-Bob McPhie, Brythe Bowling, Roy Handy, James Bagg, Thoma: Bamber, Don Weller, Gor- don Metcalfe, Bill Plewea, Murcelli Skorupa, Paul Roe, Bruce Roberta, Fred Swan, Ronald Ttrnfield, Gor- don Gammel. Group 8--Don Ttfrnhle, William Hodges, Robert Nolan, Edward Suave, Alan Cmicklhnnk, Bob Gordon, Roy '/r',f2ru,',tvl'g Pat- terson, Bob Thrush, lph McCor- mick, Wallace Armstrimtt, Jack Snider, Anthony Grist, Paul Me- Cnthy. Group I-hm Smith, Bill Iran, nl, Irwin Min, Bill Chulton. Nearly 400 numb-n have come into the organisation Ind hom the" group- will con. the an Ind winter clun- tor dr-ties, music and sports. Rig}: now the C.B.C. has given an invitation to 100 Weston boyl and girls to visit their Toronto Studiol and to any for n broad- cut. Small [tour will take part in any form o Retention they wish and Mm. [AG-rd and Mrs. SWIn have volunteered their nor- ttg, for dune: of girls in the u . The groups In formed aeeordine to schools and below are given the executives, team cu Luna and members of each LM? President, Sheik Sample: first vice president, Beryl Milroy; 5e- cond vice president, Mug-rat. Ann Gunmen; tseerstarrtreasurer Shir- ley Aitken; councillors, Marilyn Tonkin, Eleanor Robinson, Sylvia Hoff", Mary Jane Knapp, Helen Shewfelt, Msrtrsret Swnn. 10-11 Yell! Grou 3-Helen Shewfelt, Ctot., Cue! Pda,',' Gwen Drewty, Mar- garet Ann Gunmen, Catharine Mowat, June Wilson, Joyce Bow- ery, Annie Dunlap. Margaret Jones. erguet Ruddleuton, Joan Hamil- ton.. Boys' Council undo": Group l-- Eleanor Robinson, Capt, Louise hwaon, Andrea Kimmis, Shirley McIntyre, Evelyn Barton, Edythe McCarthy, Eileen Chapman, Norm: Lithgow, Mar, gsret Turner, Beth Campbell, Lena Plewea, Nora Kellowny, Arlene Foglds, Phylji} Rear} U _ Group 2--Marilyn Tonkin, Capt., Gloria Lithgow, Harilyn Hart, Dianne Robinson, Sandra Stoddnrt, Evelyn Smith, Betty Brock, Lois Bailey, Shirley Davidge, Barbara Simpson, Beryl Carruthers, Ma- rilyn Burgess, Dorothy Howard, Barb-m Burgess. ,Group 1-Mtuy Isn- Knapp, Captain, Betty Cunningham, 'et, gy Legal-d, Beryl Milroy, Sheila i'gylt,', June Vaughn}, 11129033- 'ter, men ~Beaney, can t " son, Yvonne Atkinson, Jane Gould, Dorothy Hamilton. - Group 2-Martrrrret Swan, Capt., Shirley Altkon, Doreen Archer, Audrey Gimoldey, Rose Mant, Joan West, Beryl rookbnnks, Grace Sommerville June Bast. Ruth Eowering, Marilyn Moore, Dorothy President Bob Shropshire; first vice president, Bob Wilson; Beere- tary treasurer. Jnck anson; coun- cillors, Don Trimble, Bob MePhie, Gary Enough. Jim Smith, Jim Cracker, Don Head. 10-11 Years . The final formation of tho w... ton Junior Tun-Axon cm wu announcod this week with tho huh-don of autumn council- Bad boys and girls croupl com- pitted.. .-- - _ Gmu‘: 3-8ylvia Moffat, Capt., Jean llen, June Milling, Betty Glnssford, Carol Snyder, Barbara Wallnce, Caroline Done, Margret Button, L no Williams, ora Thomson, Err-Olin McFath, "net McCormick, Bubnra Little, Joy McDonald, Marilyn Sainabury. " and Over Fttt'ttttttltttt of Junior Teen-Agar: Completed In Public Schools Groun3-gsya'a My», gape" MOTORISTS! . Get Those BRAKES RELINED NOW . . . ' With Raybestos Brake Lining Over 400 Youngsters Registered For Fall And Winter Classes Or Hobb Work, Arts, Crafts And Sports Program Planned Igor Weston Public Schools CLUTCH PRESSURE PLATES; Exehanged GLASS & KEYS CUT While U Wait OUTTA PERCHA TIRES & TUBES Now In Stock We Will Close 6 p.m. Daily EFFECTIVE JULY lat Gnu?) 8--Dop Held, Bill Stod- dart, an: Armatrong, Bob Wil- son. Donald Baker, Donald Ross, Robert Douglas, Jock Punish, Donnld Redford, Peter Roe, Jim Smith, Wm. Rail. Gerald Butter- worth. St. John's Sop-nu School Girls' Comm] edtiriift, "Wm _ T, thritimi/ bang White. 10-11 Year. Group 1-jeith Diekin, Capt. Jimmy Kennedy, Colin Pee, David Watts, Bruce Me, Keith Dickin, Billy Jennings, Ronald Jenner, pongd Ijolnn. Hyyold Stalkaitis, David, Cartei, iHerbertr' Warren,' Frank Gower, - - H Grails 2--Riehtsrd Yerex, Capt, Teddy» igel, Richard Yerex, Eddie Soper, Barry Gooderhrpn, Billy Newsome, Stewart Antram, Dou'- 'l',',' Heathfield, Dennis Eaton, an Thomgson, John Cruse, Robb Cree, Bo) by, wee. .pr rayon! (he? 3-David Kirkland, Clpt., Jack unis, Glenn McGuire, Rob- ert Russell, Jim lawrence, Gordon Richie, Ronald Dunlog, Armand Hollinsworth, Donald P illips, Bob Penton, Jimmy Warren, James Mitchell. 12 and Over A _ Group I-Tom McConnell, Cum... Horace Sneyd, Donald Laing, 0r- inndo Martini, Gordon Adelmnn. James Riaebomugh, Marvin Katz, Douglas Kelly, Geoffery Halder, Jack Ashton, Neil Chappeil. Don- gld Gordon, Peter Rynn, Douglu Grouq 3-Doug White. Capt., Alan Back, Dick White, Bill Pul- ford, Donald Ord, Barry Silver, Allen Marley, Billy Francis, Craig Cribar, Ronald Davies, Donald Johnston, John McAllister, Ed. ward Kradowy, Bob Amor, Clarke Pulford. Girl' Council John Chown, Captain Earl O'Hearne, Eddie Mir2ciiiiiii, John- ny Redmond, Teddy Broderick, Danny Talbot,' Jimmy Shea, Johnny Skurdelis, Charles Me- Namara, Jimmy Murphy, Francis Harris, Donald LaBlanche, Walter Swontek, Joe Chapman, Russel Floyd. Memorial Public School Boys' Council President, Ken Harris; first vice president, Bob McConnell; secre- tary treasurer, Neil Chappel; éoun- cillors, Richard Yerex, Keith pickin, Da__v_id_ _Kir_lglnnql, Tom_Mc- Group 2-Walt Harrison. Cage, Alan Beardall, Jack Watson, ob McConnell, Carl Draper, Donald Pidfeon, Gordon Hanna, Bruce fie/,ir."g George Screen, Wesley Hanna, bugle; Laidler, Ken Hur- ris,_ Albert_Sngyd, Ernie _Wood_. President, Lorraine Jennett; first vice president, Mary Jane Bill Ptttanon, Wm. Sud". Doug WuIdro , Budd;l 'seat Dou- ty, ngov, "Vin tto n, avid Vin do Will. John s%ti5 Graham Gum, Randal Scho dd. Group Hun Crochet. Dnvld Allat, Keith Mun-haw, June- Amstrong John Bach, Noel iiiriirTirAi, Orv-l Chapman, Don, ald magma. Bob Shropahire, Ronald cit, Wilfred Roboru, Ronnld Aiken, Km Noble, Jul: Lawson. President, Henrietta Murphy, first vice president, Jo NAdon, sec- retary treasurer, Gwen Calhoun, councillors, Gay Nldon. Jaequiline Gram. 10-11 Yam Gny Nndon. Captain, Pauline Rsmsperger, Mnriann Coffev Mur- flret Nekechuk, Gloria edder, Jotut_Stebtrt, Anya Mu_rphy, Muri- Pvt, McCalluin, Anne RiunUperrer, vonne Dorion, Anne Kozak, Jenn Floyd. " and Over Group I-Paul Macdonald Cap- tain, Gordon Chown,'Tom licnley, Paul Ramlperger, Jim McCallum, Eddie Swept: , Bruce Campbell. Tommy Robinson, Calvin Calhoun, Baths CHEW); . _..... - Jacqueline Gnu. Captain, Gwen Calhoun, Henrietta Murphy, Jose- Bhine Nldon, Mug-rat Nation, orythr Clmpboll, Denise Bruneau, Catherine Mason. Joan Btsinbridge, Annie Sermuksins. Boys' Council President, Francis Hun-is, vice Fragment, John Redmand; council- on, Paul MacDon-ld, John Chown, Myrle Calhoun. 10-11 Years - mm-.. v..._...,... Group 2-Myrle Corthoun, Ca _ tain, Johnny Mae, Peter Arnolg, Ronald Bainbridge, Basil Chap. man, Billy Corvari, Bob Gould, Gordon Runes. John Shea. 12 and Over muss AND GUIDE. WES-TON m. 3101 Group 2-Nane Mowbn ' Ca t. Sylvia Payton, Lal/T,', iLYl,y, Sandra Sanders, Joyce Whittaker, Kandra Yesselstyn, Reta Marshall, Lorraine Hiett, Peggy Halder, Beth McGuire. Group 2-Jean Hapcmft, Ann Jamieson, Pegg Shaw, Dawn Walkins, Ann O’Igell, Ellen Smith, Joan Walmsley, Shirle Davis, Marjorie Roe, Eleanor Ld,'t,vd', Marie Bailey, Joanne Thomson, Carolyn Others, Pat Armstrong. if“ Rdei' GGalG,-iGirl -fiis Mister, Jean Hoperoft, Barbara Gallop, Patricia Mngee, Nancy Mombrny. - 10-11 Years Group 1--Pyrtrieie'Mturee, Capt., Lois Jago, Peggy Joyce, Nancy Putt, Lela Bailey, Lorraine Forbes, Marjorie Heard, Mary Ellep Mills, Joy, t3atrtll,Iraxine, Stevenson. Gum}? 3--Barbara Gallop, Capt., Betty rocks, Lynne Shantz, Janet Reed, Betty Burns, Mary Walwin, Pats Desmond, Elizabeth McAllis- ter, 'li Loose, Sheilla Desmond. 12 Ind Over Group I-Joan McAllister, Capt., Pat Stevenson, Rosalie Hryiowy, Mary Jane Bennett, Ruby Jenner. Mary Jane Kennedy, Kathryn Coulter, Lorraine Jennett, Caroline Pidgeon, Myrna Payton, Thelma Robertson. Dorothg'; Macklem, Depen Fog, 13.1531 -- "t I.hsr.trttty, "cretatttmatru_rer, Mar- e Mann-nee of one of the {but hormones. in an tin-t linen, to put in on eppemnce thie you " the manner concerts. Welter Ceuel. the â€loin. in e regal-r member of the MetroJJoli- tan open of New York on he in a member in 100d eundinx. Although e bar tone, Mr. Cueel’u voice ie remukebly good in the upper register, were he pats many a contemporary tenor ‘to shame. He showed power and 1l'i,llt,,',t his openigf number, “Er! Tu" m Vemii's " Baked Ball." He thawed himself to be I tmurter of both comic songs, in the enqom. end of "rio-comie, in "Voodoo Spirit" by Le Forge. Othertzieoee sung by Mr. Gaul were 0 IReeita-, tive" and "Camtina" from "Fautrt," and "The otttrtipAence" , Belnr bert, with which he took a eudi~ once to the high point of the even- hmver. was "Salt of the Sea," In intermrtintt arrangement for arming orchestra of a number of old sen-charities. Ettore Muzol'mi directed the orchestra and, as he in more hm- iliur with the Philharmonic than most guest conductors, directed them uncommonly well. Kuilter'is plenum little "Ohildren'g Over, ture" opened for the orchestra. Tchaikovsky's "ospprieeio Italian" was included and "oaHahoma" from last week's prom-um wu re- Putad. Tl"r.1to.?t Mteretirt, Walter ttmat Sings To Crowd At Last Prom T?, Prom “dime. " Varsity Fine Boritom' Voice ls Enjoyed By Entire Audience SPECIAL AT NEW LOW PRICES 169 Main St. N. BRITISH FRUIT MARKET EVERYTHING IN FRUIT 8: VEGETABLES ALL OTHER FRUIT AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES Resident of Roseaale for more than 37 years, Mrs. Agnes May Nelson Middleton died suddenly Saturday morning, at St. Michael’s hospital. She was the wife of George H. Middleton, veteran of the Boer War, and lived at 42 Standish Ave. Born in Parry Sound district she moved to Toronto more than 50 years ago. Besides her husband she is survived by five children, four of whom served in the armed forces during the Second Great, War. They are Mrs. Harold St Cpl. Audrey Middleton, CWAC:. Cpl. George Middleton, RCAF and, RAF; Sgt. Stanley, Canadian Den. tal Corps; and Cpl. Douglas, Cans? dim! Provost Capt. ~Moo outwit-v ing are three sisters, Mrs. Dura Blosser, Detroit; Mrs. William Crilley. Aylmer East, Quebec, and Mrs. Fred Anderson, Huntsville,‘ and three brothers, George Nelson,) Thistletown; Albert. Oakville, and“ Jack, Vancouver BC. Robert A. Sims, 367 Blythwood Road, foronto (formerly of Thistle- town), beloved husband of Beatrice Atkinson, father of Hamilton, Eileen (Mrs. J. Setterly), Philip and Elizabeth (Mrs. Albert Ham. berg). Resting at Funeral Chapel of A. W. Miles, 80 St. Clair Ave. w. Service in Church of the Mes- siah Agenue Rd. 1nd Dupont St., on Firiday afternoon, Sept. 18, at 3 o'elock, Interment St. James' ceme- tery. * John Hunt Ptecious On Thursdly. Sept. 12, 1946 It his Ute residence at 127 Augusta St., Hamilton, John Hunt Precious, beloved husband of Alma Carley, pssed away. Resting at his late residence until Saturday, Sept. 14, for private service At 12 noon. In. terment in King cemetery, King, Ont., Saturday, 3 p.m. Mrs. Agnes May Nelson Middleton At her home, 15 Lippineott St. West, on Wednesday, tt li, 1946, Heater Isabella ( attic) Clark, beloved wife of Harry Chap- mun, Ind deu- mother of Ell-old, "mo, Norman, Alfred and Hug, in her 62nd year. Resting " . J. Ward Funeral Home, 119 Main St. North, Weston. Service on Sut- urday. Sept. 14th, at 2 pm. Inter.. ment Sanctuary Park cemetery. Rev. Robert A. Sin- On Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1946 " tre. Tyot.ito 1v.eistert9mTjul, Ret. Rutdont of King Townuhip my: tttf John Henry Anni“ dud Pr day, Sept. Mth, in his 98rd 'ar, " the homo M his than". u. vow Wilson. Born in Eng- , xi. et',',",',',',' has Pa",'."?, un I": n on Friday. . Wu a month: of the United Church. Surviving baud“ Ml daughter Bro" seven Ions, William, John, Georg“, Jumu, Edna. Arnott and George. Guru Albert Emu†"io""" DDI‘IO, "BOW" "UN-ll“ of the late Sm iiGirilei,' in his 82nd you. Renting It Flynn Fun- eral, residence. 1278 Walton Road. Prints service Monday Afternoon. Interment Scnrbob Memorial Put-k. Heller lube“: (Nellie) Chapman At Toronto, Friday 1tt: 18, 1946 Goons Albert Kerri so. TO Willi-at Stunt; Rytott, husbqnd Join an" M. l OBITUARY I' 1000 Baskets No. 1 You Save Money at Phone 535 “WK. mun", m. 10,1640 f WESTON CLEANERS cayenne 'i,i,iii,,iii'i"i"i"t"Gi"',i, FRIDAY, SEPT. 20th FRI., SEPT. 20th 8.30 p.m. _jiiXEllIRjji Westmount Army a Navy Club OPENING DANCE All Gar-nu - Ania-t Fin. Thu at Don†fl CONCRETE marinas HOUSE RArsmtr,-cmttNW chxs We Spe'cinlize In NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR GOODS LEFT _ OVER 60 DAYS N N. J. HAWK PtMtt Teen-Agers BEAM a SON COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS AT . WESTON COLLEGIATE GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE WESTON 1031-5 HUMBER HEIGHTS SCHOOL Jimmy Titeker's Orchestra nae BASK. 6 QUART BASKET ELBERTA PEACHES ss, am. " use and All! . '.)),fli'i'/r',i 'tUM',', “a 3mm I- u nt " of their all». Will Be Held In WESTON Weston PIONE tooo