"9.rar.D to. a tt ' Carter tttg," Vila-egg. ml with) have: newton. iGGr, Pct-inn lamb, Ilia ml. (and mull. - old M m u- ttt tho new 1946 M m mod by n reliable Ind experi- and than. Old floors brought u HI! an. Best tuneful: uni Mgttt,'r, guaranteed. JU. M70 lent-nu Ave.. Torottu. x-Lf. hm Arrur ner), a,“ng with Esther seatsfalso table." Phone 177-W. o-39-1t V Illa 1 h.p. Cami; eleetrie motor.' Phone Weston 48- i o-39-lt - turkéx. chickens: 3er Lu"earlf, yin deliver to you on the Friday, our put patronlga " reciated Wild. Cut-tor. Weston KR 2. Slxginipg Tom ehtirts, fymed. o.a.Y ONE 16" Buffalo Cnnldinn drill V $515; beneirinse, 7 iii" éiiuityi Hoover motor, I -8 hm, Phone Mg-M. -x39-1t 1 Lugs mum; bed, diam. s16; -V he ii tubuiir bidL,uirArfircuid mutt-cues. 1nd 2 bureaus, $16 set. Phone Weston biz-M. o-39-lt ORDERS gakgn fnr.Thnnksgivim room 'g','",,'?,:,,',,; allrm clock; mir. eellnneous g as: and china dishes; girl’s red quilted jacket with arka, [in 14; mln's alt size 3;; kit, chain link;_ .22 ayt.herg.rifle; n9- iGioufoiher articles. "Apislf 108 Church St. o-39-1t ONE Te. Wiltop ltr, 7x9, PF, 7 one studio couch, tMi one Eoffeé table, $10. Phone 512-M. o-39-1t SILVER fox fun, scarves, collars. up“, coats. muffs and dressed ok'ms. Buy direct from the ranch. Irwin's Fur Farm, Weston lOSO-J. x-38-t1 RANGETTE_ in. ttoqd _cpndition, CHILD’S whitedigo-urt for sale in excellent con tion. Phone 249-W. o-39-1t "_NET1AN_b1ir1dtr, madrtyorder, finest quality basswood, fittings, lilken curd, durable uynthetic .ttamel finish. Estimntes free. Wilton 1016-M. x-23-1t - eiiiidCiteltljt Gd, nfsides', with mattress, $4; also go-cart, " Phone 1250-W. o-39-lt boxes, odd dressers, kitchen “its. dining room suites. Call Weir: New and Used Furniture, 1801 St. Clair Ave., W. KE. 9150. 0-19-10t , IT9RM windoys. .30 x Ar", JACK.E.T healer, Nt?._10cin good "inet and radio) Apply 235 King street. o-39-1t BEST 'PRICES PAID FOR ice LADYS, fur coat! size M; bath- -eadiijon. Phdne 1073-Wrroruap: ply 1770 Jane street. o~39-1t QUEBEC .he-tsr. also magma-b- V "Qiebiec stylé, enchant baker, iri nod condition. 24 Canning Ave., ,Jllingmn, Ontario. o-26-1w NICE maple trees for sale at 192 Russell Road, Weston. o-39-1t "q chiiis, table and buffet, 3252 Phone 512-M. 0-39-1t feral, size 10, like new: also men’s ski jacket. zipped, plaid lin- ing, interlined, excellent condition, ubIrgtin. Phone 12490. o-39-1t 1 DINING room suite, d.arltwalpytt, ONE pair men's black Birkdale 9x- FINDLAY coal and wood stove, THREE-PIECE ehetsterfierd yum. oven in real good condition, $20; Quobec cook stove with oven, ex- csllent condition, $16. Apply 48 Polmo Cram, Weston. o-39-it "trt; Reed sewing basket; two period bunk springs can be used to make continental bed: poreclain kitchen table; garden swing; lawn mower. Weston 2044-13. o-39-1t (-INCH cement weeping tile: Ap- like new; rug; single and double beds, complete; dressers, mull buf- fet, tabla. Inwn mower, garden claim and tools. 29 Main St. S. Phone 1065-M. o-39-lt 'rHREE:BURyERyr" gtgwe ,ylth SOLID opk Jredro9nt toeter, clue ply 1986 June Stréet. Pelvic Park, Weston. Phone Weston 1295-1. O-M-gt A270 who-I lungs tails". “on. 78l-W. o-39-lt hurl-t9 I091. "rfrt. wagon. i7er2eii. f (tei, huh fox-hm - lni but oval uonnuro tt out t-ortation. La"l',',h'l'l.'. Gin (all patientâ€: to Box 8910, Tina and Guide. o-39-1t wine; Ibo bor's navy bush coat, line u. Huang" guinr with cut in good condition. Phone M6.J. 0-39-11: wiiétiQO -VGetian blinds, tree "ttmates, reuonlblo charges. Weston 1016-M. x-28-tt THREE-PIECE ehetsterfield suite; 1 Quebec cook stove; 1 pr. rugby boots; 1 henvy steel bicycle under. Apply 127 John St. Phone 272. o-39-1t GIRLS coat_ up. any“! dark "AUTr1rY_your. honey. Emit-cm mummy" WANT“: FUR COATS Pro-Season Sale , m? 'aut ' “a: an“) have mum. yd Gas, P-slat, mm, 'a'l"ttt $1. (and mag: Nttct m m tt46 ill- "hhtrs I'm mailman "I - I“? ii 3ji',id Ex? .21“: . “It â€Iâ€!!! tomb o-39-1t IT AD SECI'IOII Cd GOOD huiIdinF lot on in?! at}? __eheap. App y Jennie C. art, 99 dam in mireor-like finishes. Your bedroom. nnd living rooms but In velvet tones. Bantu! to homo. Show In"- Md ceilings but in oil and water mm. Curie hcueolgr. "t.ttes ott _nquest._ My m’ "AAiieUti, Fu iotidtliaLI In 511:â€. 'fll alumna. Friend- Ir] l Quin-£0. Ltd. prod- . ___-__ mv’_"_. #5.â€; "m tfl.t CHICEENtr-We deliver f r e a h- killed spring chickens. four to six sounds. every Stun-thy 'g,'rr.'tE ma, a card to Reeve Cut-tor, R. _ 2, eaten. n-35-3t spring geese for the Thlnks- givmg festival. Order, taken not later than October 9. Rave Cantor. Weston R. R. No. 2. mo x zoo on' mum highway? Ind Scarlett Road. 812 per foot. Phone IA). 2778. o.39-lt chap. Apprv Jennie King tstreet, Weston. in private home. ptGrieiG'Gii 920. o»39»1t mud. like nAGAGUtG Flick;- fully given, 1-month]. nus. Wuton 1016-". 522-†dis-an" _ieCm' FiiiG, WE gm takin'g qrdertt for_you_ng LOTS for sale. 50 x 200 and SEV‘ERAL nite 1n.ri.ldi!yr.h?.U for rule. in good reiidoniiil -dGtri/t" Packham Realty, Weston 689, even. intts, Mr. Graham. Zone 4-627. HAVE room 1nd gird in two men HAVE mt bummem artd_kitcttert vanish if I you" use, "W515i Rubbing Oil $1 and $1.85 sizes. At Inch's and all druggists. x~39-lt colour: tog sresGir" jGi/." ‘1“ch Angelique Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at till drugglsta. x-39-lt VENETIAN Hindu. rpfinished, re- ARTHRITIQ pains, tired myseles vitality to hen who tid run- down, nervous, weak. 15mg treat- ment $1.00 at Inch'l Drug tore. o-39-1t 'VWONNE' gives iew' pep and IDQK younger! ReatoAre‘ nature} 2 weeks' alippli ir," 1&"6v'e3k51 $5; " all druggists. x-31-1t HÂ¥GIENIC Hippies. (rubber goods) MARION DEMOREST, L.T.C.M. "F x-38-tf erty on completion. FRET: TRIAL LESSON in your home. You play n piece every week, age 7 up, while learning to read music. $1 weekly pays for guitar, music an instruction. Teaching at Work, ing en' Club, 40 Main street sou aturday morning. New Bunch Victorian Hawaiian School, phone Hyland 5830. o-39-lt sponsible for my debts contract- ed in my name without my written or personal consent. Bernice Wal- dorf, 19 Carden Ave., Weston. mulled poatpnid in phin, sealed envelope with prlce list; six simples, Me; 24 tsamples, $1. Mail Order Dept. G4, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. . xc52-lt AT long last'. Dependable relief from the Itching, Burning, Irri- tation, of Eczema, Psoriasis, Leg Ulcers, Hemorrhoids, Athlete's Foot, and runny other irritating Skin disorders. Dewsbury's Ecz- ema Remedy is an all purpose Ointment that no home should be without. Get a jar of Dews- bury's Ointment at your Drug- gist today. Get that quick, com- ortinierelief you long for. You must satisfied or money re- funded. If it is Ointment you need ask for mewsbury's, at your Dmggist. x-tf SEENDQR, Tamers are tfftttiye, rooms in wonderful condition, hardwod down and one room up; hot air heater, good farage, large "den, very central, possession WI I. Pickhlm Ronny, 689, even- intry Mr. Graham. Zone 4-527., - WESTON BRANCH TORONTO QONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Inch Apts. - Phone728-j Piano, Singing. Violin, Theory, Kindergarten, Choral Class. HAWAIIAN GUITAR LESSON INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIED YOU, keep them hope, your_p_rog T, the u.tyyrrisrned," will not be re.. residential dintdct, clone in, first floor, living and dining room, den, kitchen an tiled bathroom; second floor, one mute: bedxoom and two other nice-sized bedrooms and bath, room; lovely Inndscnped grounds, spruce tree: shrubs, flowers, rose garden and iivaond. Owner leav- mg town, woul sell house fully furnished. Paekham Realté. Wes- ton 689, evening, Mr. raham. Zone 4-527. o-39-1t "ooo-spun brt'.ekrysix niee.ltsrire IMMEDIATE Posszssxon 312,099 or; NEAREST t?fUr)n quiet Wanton, full or part time. Por [articulm Colophon: Bond 4493 or call gt 68 Queen's Drivp. Wes- ton. o-39-1t GIRL or woman for 3 adults in STUBBORN SKIN DISORDERS NIL? WAWIMALI PROPERTIES FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE ROOM AND BOARD SHVICIS “FIRED - TO .07 N00!†FOR SAL! PERSONAL MUSIC gr-86-1t o-39-2t o-39.1t n-39-1t O-IW-IR o-39-1t " womb " My 3mm mm and Sold'in"m" Gaia' i/GG'. M “0-1 m .""eg:','t and lea-w um- I Fm. o- d! lens to? two budnéi- sieopie gnother and dunner). Phone anon 830-1. 0.89.11 BUSINESS woman with two) school MP, Quiet girls. desires; small apartment or setf.eontained flat immediately in or nenr Weston district In employment in being transferred to Weston. Mrs. Thomâ€. RU. 1171 9-5 dnily orl Tone 6-794 eveninu. ne-t9-1tl TWO or three unfurnished roomu 'ranud for young husinul couple. Phone “WW do" 033m. 0- JV. BFD-sitttrte room yup grill privi grief. But memory turns back every leaf. --Sadly missed by wife Ind family. HARRIS-ln loving memory of my dear Dad and Pal, Patrick Harris, who passed away Sept. 30, 1944. His smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recall. He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. Some day we hope to meet him, Some day, we know not when, To clasp his hand in the better land, Never to part again. --Lovimrly remembered by son. Bert, end daughter-in-law, Martha. HARRIS-ln loving memory of our dear Grand aher, Patrick Harris, who passed away Sept. POULTRY, highestvfricea gnid Phone Weston 134- -3. 0-. 9-1t TWO unfurni‘lbed rooms for winter months. Phone 1216-M. n-39-It VETERAN requjrgs two fumighed roam. married. no children. Matrices. Pennlnmf employ- ment in Weston. Phone LY. 6780 mane charges. 0-394: HARRIS ._.. In loving memory of Alexander Harris who passed away Sept. 24, 1944, A silent thought, a secretlyâ€. Keeps his memory saver dear. Time Ikes away the edge of Cone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear: Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach. Sweet to remember him who once wtrtt here. And who, though Absent. in just " dear. -Lsvirtgly remembered by ig',',','",),,?,'";,) Bernard. Francis, on and Diana. DAVIDSON-ln loving memory of our dear Dad and Grandad, Wil- liam Davidson, who passed away Sept. 29, 1937. A little token, true and tender Just to Show we still remember Memories of us all together Will linger in our hesrts forever. --Sadly missed by daughter. Jessie and Albert, grandadaugh- ters, Joyce and Joan. DREWr5-In loving memory of a dear husband and dad, Pte. James Drewe, 32051, who passed away September 25. 1934, just twelve years ago. The one we loved was called to rest, His weary hours and days of pain, His troubled nights are passed; And. in our echoing hearts we know mg 77“ : He has found sweet rest at last. ---Sadly missed by wife and son, Gordon. In Memoriam DAVIDSON-ln loving memory of a dear husband and father, Wil. liam Davidson, who passed away Sept. 29, 1937. Nine years have passed and gone Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell. --Sadly missed by wife, Janet, James, Jean, Jessie, Joan and Betty. The ens: ement is announced of Margaret Babel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Szekely, Toronto, to Gilbert James Cove. R.C.M.P., only son. of Mr. and Mrs James Gove, Weston, the marriage to take place October 12th at 4 o'clock, in Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hubble, of Scarlett Rd., Weston, Innounee the engagement of their youngest daughter. Jean Helen, to Harold Boot, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herold Boot, of Westmount, Weston, the marriage to take place on Sunr- day, Sept. 28, at 7 o'eloek in Cen- tral United church, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. 0rd In; nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Marion' (RCAF, London. England), to George Har- old Kirkham, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Kirkham, Stret, ford, England. Marriage to take place in England, Sept. 28. Engagements 30, 1944. N o TIC I s 1tirtty, 1lleriatr_tttn, Node- Under, Thou Halli-u 60e Mini-u- For mm " Wonk. It in! Additional Cutie! Thanh ,E,um,,,,; menu. In Memoriam. WANTED To RINT WANTED WEE. mar-- -Mudlr minod by hub-m! and daughters. Jenna and Mnion. WELLS-tn loving mommav of â€lying Otfieer Stinky A. em. Id led In .etion In the Kidd]. Eat. Mamba: " 1041. W. who loved him, sadly mill him But tract in God to and "an. --Pottd1r manhunt! by Mother and anthem. In Memoriam 6. All shops where fruit 15 ex- posed or offered for sale by retail within the Tm of Weston Aha]! during the months of January to November inclusive in each year. be closed and remain closed on the days of the week set forth in eolumn fl) of the schedule hereto between the hours set forth op- posite such days in column f?) of the said sehedule and the hour of five of the clock in the forem'n of the next. following day. 7. All shops where groceries are exposed or offered for sale by retail within the Town of Weston shall during the months' of January to November inclusive in each year, be closed and remain _ on the days of the week set forth in mlumn fl) of the schedule hereto between the hours set forth op- posite such days in column (2) of the said schedule and the hour of five of the clock in the fmnmn of the next following day. MvPNGS--Ir, loving memory of our mother, Pearl, who panned Away September 23, 1935. "Thy wi I be done". -Ever remembered by Jeanne, John and Grandson. LIVINGMIn loving memory of Mrs. Georg! Livingl. who passed "my September 23, 1985. Calm and penceful Ah! in sleeping, Sweetest run and free from min; We who loved her Indly mitm her, But trutrt in God to meet Again. 3. All Shsp! where women's clothing is exposed or offered for sale by retail within the Town of Weston shall during the months of January to November inclusive in each year, be closed and remain closed on the days of the week set forth in column (I) of the schedule hereto between the hours set forth opposite such dam in column (2) of the said schedule and the hour of five of the clock in the foreman of the next following day. 4. All shops where meat is ex- posed or offered for sale by retail within the Town of Weston shall during the months of January to November inclusive in each year, be closed and remain closed on the days of the week set forth in column (1) of the schedule hereto between the hours set forth op- posite such days in column (2) of the said schedule and the hour of five of the clock in the forean of the next following day. 5. All shops where shoes or boots m. both shoes and boots are. exposed or offered for sale by re- tail within the Town of Weston shall during the months of January to November inclusive in each year, be closed and remuin closed on the days of the week set forth in column (1) of the schedule hereto between the hours set forth op- posite such days in column (2) of the said schedule and the hour of five of the clock in the foreman of the next following day. 2. All shops where gent'a fue nishings are exposed or offered for sale by retail within the Town of Weston shall during the months of January to November inelusiverin each year, be closed and remain closed on the days of the week set forth in column (1) of the schedule hereto between the hours set forth opposite such dag: in column (2) of the said ghe ule and the hour of five of the' lock in the fomnmn of the next 'a%!ftll day. l. All hardware, bicycle, elec- trical, radio and furniture shops within the Town of Weston shall during the months of January to November inclusive in each year, be closed and remain closed on the days of the week set forth in column (1) of the schedule hereto between the hours set forth op- posite such days in column (2) of the said schedule and the hour of five of the clock in the forenoon of the next following day. ing for the passing of I By-kw ra- quiring the closing of my clus of shops situate within the munici- pnlity, and signed by not lose than three-qututem in number of the occupiers of shops within tho muni- 'ttP, belonging to the class to w ich such application relates, the Council shall pm a By-law requir- in all shops within the munici- Md belonging to the class speci- fied in the a plication to be closed and remain Josef! on one particular day of the week during such time or hours between 12:30 o.'cloek noon and 5 ot the clock of the fore- noon of the following day and dur- ing such periods of the year as are named in theppttlieation. Corporation of the Town MWesbon enacts as follows; .Uw air. that during . 'tit,' rrsr'oiri',',ir,i, or put of m yur, Bil or y elm or, chm! of shops within the munieiisality dull be closed Ind remun cloud on each or my day of the week, " andvdurimt my time or houn be tween nix of the clock in the alter- noon of guy day, and five of the clock in the foreman of the next following day. AND WHEREAS such applica- tions have been pesented to the Council from the classes of shops hereinafter Bet out. further rovilkd that "urjonGisbrseL ganja Jim Commit ot . pwy pray- BEING A BY-LAW TO magma THE CLOSING or CE AlN SHOPS WITHIN THE TOWN or WESTON DURING CERTAIN HOURS WHEREAS in W, Shop and tyffiea Building Act povidu any the Camp“ tf.a Tos.tinar.t.ty The following in the schedule THEREFORE the Council of the AND WHEREAS the uid het BY-LAW Mt. tart TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON Plans are being made for A re- anion in Britain in 1948 of the 230,- 000 members of the U.S. Eighth Air Force who served in the country during the war. Men and women of the right type have a wonderful opportunity, at this time, to enter the field of so- cial service, state officials of the Degartment of National Health an Welfare. Trained welfare workers are very much in demand and special arrangements have been made by the overnment with the ‘Maritime 551001 of Social Work, Halifax, and the Schools of Social Work of the Universities of Montreal, Laval, McGill, Toronto, Manitoba and British Columbia for scholarships and other aids to training students for this profes- sion. Adequately trained social workers are recognized as among the best means o protecting Can- ada’s investment in Family Allow- ances. _ 9. PE person who comm-Ivan“ any of t e Provisions of this By- law shall upon conviction thereof forfeit and pny, at the discretion of the Conway? magistrate a penalty not exec ingouxcluaive of costs) the sum of S .00 for no}: offence. 10. Any By-luw inconsistent herewith is and the same is hereby repealed. READ 1 first, second and third times and passed this 23rd day of September. 1946. Saturday mummy attir' L" ' 8. Every occupier or peNon in dawn of B shop of the classes menuoned in any of the preceding section: Iholl clone some and keep lune cloned u required by- the vaiIiom of the add section deal, ing therewith. shall be Gbysct 'm the'vai'si'oiu of the Factory, Shop Ind Office Building Act. Sod-l Workers may. Th-day Wain-thy "g_ntttmetttatst,A8,4,6, 'artdtofthirByNwt Cdumnl Column! #rmdyr, -.- .. .. .. Wetland-y This B Jaw shall the effect on Quantity xix .ofpet?er,_1946., _and Thumb Ind Fri!†Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Town of Weston, on the 22nd day of August, 1946, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $225,000.00, for the pur- pose of redeeming on the first day of November, 1946, a portion of the de- bentures that were issued under By-law 875, passed on the 15th day of August, 1938, and By-iaw 921, passed on the 26th day of February, 1940, and the debentures issued under By-iaw 1165, passed on the 2nd day of August, 1945, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the East and West Ridings of the County of York on the 7th day of September, 1946. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice. and cannot be made thereafter. DATED this 12th day of September, 1946. , 0f Registration at By-Law NOTICE " MAIN ST. N. Telephone WES'IDN 1208 LY. 2626 RICHARDSON FURNITURE ELECTRIC CO. T. E. DOUGHE'RTY. Mayor. D. E. WADE, Clerk, in: balmy other than Sunk . 10:00 o’cloci in the is no holid" excerpt Sundsy. 9:00 o'eluek b the week in which “10!; 9:00 o‘clock in in 12:80 o'clock in the week in which “if. D. E. WADE, We MelnMn I Complete Service Department In Our Premises yoaidlr" other Clerk. I PROMPT - EFFICIENT - SERVIFF‘. such last mentioned data the mid Admirthrtrutrix will proceed to dia, tribute the aarteta of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, 1'g,ii'et regard only to the chime of whic she shall then have notice, and that the aid Admin.. istretrix will not be liable for the said hamm- any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of and: distribution. deliver to CLARA WINIFRED WITW8, the minim): of the estate of the lid d-d,'their QIriItinn Names and Summon. addresses And descriptions, the full particulars in writing of their elaims, . statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the â€@9339! bylikzthm- _ m was MATTER of a. "tato of may your“ Emma. We W.8, to 'eetCbr. iiiiyrtiiALki Notice To creditors And Others Toronto Tram--., to I: Walton l 52W GEO. W. GARDHOUSE, IA. '"""'l; tomato: l It. 'uirt 1863 Many To Loan " Ton-Io 39ml, Toronto l 0-16-52 "'et if mg held by them. 'NP TAK NOTICE that after no an K, Timur} IL. 9880 In: 158 Church St., Weaken Weston H64M. For appointment during day, phone office. For appointment during evening, phone residence. _ PHONES . ".IUncl. 6402" â€WORM SM" . Ruldcm: HY. 8068 HONEY To LOAN ON GOOD "an AND BBCOND HORNAGB SICUBI'I‘IEI " Gavin. An In. Dan-h GEORGE u. BULL Solicitoi tor' tSeiiminUtmtrix. of a. Tania WERE; 11.? (:0an trt York. Married Won“. Auditor and Accountant J. EDGAR PARSONS J. T. FERGUSON w J. WARD 9-an . um. Ttte. "tt taT,rid'.1'l.' Mum bunk C. LORNE FRASER F. A. SILVERMAN " KING BT., WESTON ZONE 4-475 BArtttisYert, SOLICITOR, AUBREY PErWT UNDERTAKERS 123 WILLIAM ST. ZONE 4-575 Haiku " Appoint- J. W. BROWN Chartered Accountant Auditor Ankle-u â€10le ION! 0-4“ PROMPT - EFFICIENT - SERVICE Barrister, Solicitor, m; --0ffice.-- WESTON 1208 " TORONTO 8T. Bank of Nova seotiq (II-min", WESTON SOLICITORS luau-I 'ttro-" G. v. 3pm.. 0mg. Bonn: Dnlly campuch-og Barrister &c. Phonon: Pham. id. an; JUrtet. 0769 ELgin 4583 The rpulation of Vienna, which Niche I low point of 1,323,000 at the end of the war. has climbed buck to 1.618000. a census of the city’s 26 districts disclosed. Rt. Hon. Maleom MacDonald, former British High Commissioner to Canada, has been installed " Governor-General of the Mllayan Union and Singapore. Waiter: "What’l wrong those eggs. sir? Weren't cooked long enough?" Customer: "Yes, but not enough." (I' B USINEss CARDS ll A. N. BOYLEN Cartage and Movers. HENRY POPE FURNACE REPAIRS PAINTING, DECORATING Interior, Exterior PHONE 676M JACK BAILEY Life . Auto . Fire . Cam-My Aviation Free Estimates-Friendly Advice Brush or Spray WESTON 438W. Your Satisfaction Is Our Success Allan 'sService Sta tion Telephone Weston 1289.J GIBSON McCARTNEY PRINTERS & MMitlmht8 "Have those plumbing job: done NOW." I†“all South Roofing and Insul-Brick Zone 4-577 C. J. MOSSINGTON GENERAL INSURANCE asa,; WARM AIR FURNACES S'ndaIIud Motor Tuna-up 121 MAIN N., WESTON ION! 4-3.7 Twin. 5mm TINSMITH. ETC. 32 ROXALINE ST. Gunman] WM. A, RIGGI In. Juno Bt. MT. DENNIS TTmet._rt9Ctrr Walton (1U " LAWRENCE AVE. PHONE 304.! Piano Tuning CRUICKSHANK GARAGE J. R. EVANS DECORATING WESTON 1744-5 INSURANCE (BILL ALLAN. Prov.) SUPERTEST PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL TRUCK SALES AND SERVICE CARTAGE "mil? GGrGiiU LYndlIml 2626 REPAIRED with they EDDY] ADVERTISING PAYS-TRY ITI m. ms """"""Wia‘s‘iBN as Elutic Stockings. Belts. et% _ WI DEAD HORSES and CATTLE For free pick-up phone us. We pay phone chug... GORDON YOUNG LTD. Phone AD. 3636, Toronto FLEET LINE TAXI CAB) 38 MAIN N. l PHONE 5 ' _ 677. No Waiting 24 Hr. Service All Drivers Ext-Service Men Anyplace... Any Time... TRUSSES MADE To ORDER 10 Years' Experienco Prints Fitting Room WANTED 1llliTlilthy's TAXI, BAKER IIUISDAY. M. I. 1.0- I MEDICAL SUPPLIES Zone 4-334 ROWS TAXI PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE 24 HOURS SERVICI Reasonable Ram for Out of Town Trips INCH’S DRUG STORE J. C. INCH, BA.. PlumB. I?! Appointment Call Line Phone At 47 Main St. N. _ or Phone Weston Private Hospital RUPTURED? Except Sundays Anglia" Pmull Anzac". my .0. Pro": Colm 8min. WESTON TAXI PARCEL DELIVERY Rams In Accordance " With By-Law 1142 - TELEPHONE - 456 Use Our Direct ROY’S Phone PHONE TAXIS 456 Zola 4-505