Times & Guide (1909), 6 Feb 1947, p. 5

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Annual Report of thy. Church Show: Progress mm". mm“ a. 1m -TuGr, 5. WWWW' Wank when in Imam "etiusaterdstd the now: Ind pro- - of the church _which the Eta",', nu aura - .l.st.surrynt and "W: (unload. . comprehend“ tinaneial t,iutgt,t,,ttt"d a"g,tiv1iit'e m en It e u: y y o the chute): end e sizable tar, t over u an wee e n In 'a."rt,tt (in that the church wu now in l position. to any out I roulm 0 ex enema. Rho mama}: report which conteined e detailed eccount of the expenul for 1946 showed that e ttfe/tiT,",','.',' remaifnecil1 after tt open sex Inc eprec - ing a" “an met. The sub- Iten lacunae in (,"tg1,,1,tr " tendlnce end contribut one we: pointed out end plans for the heeded exp-Mon were embodied in the pron-em for 1947. It we: also reported that new members totalled 41, and that money raised for current argues was in the nmgunt of “,6 . .23: - ... The "mull election of officer: was held and the following were elected for the TL' Board of mums“, Mr. W. . Dongle“, Mr. no t'irNgtg'f/,tt', mm- I od the on Pro-Marian was): no W 99 Edna-W Rent n record player with records For information Phone Weston 456 Having a Party OONOBETE FOUNDATIONS "))1s:::, "Jill'"" "ll, Weston Roofing Materials Ltd. SOUTH STATION ST. DO IT tillOWr LANGMUIRS PAINTS . ASPHALT SHIIGLES _ llSllL-BRIG SWING l \ IISPEIIOI‘ "111ssss,:;; CONCRETE FOOTINGS HOUSE RAIS1NG-CHWNEY BLOCKS We Specialize In CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS III llll "UNION! BEAM & SON CAMERAS PROJECTOR GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE WESTON 1031-5 manuf- RALPHLGEOBGB Mr. G. S. Bud... Frauen! at Cumin Crete Ind Motor Company United. umouncu the “point- Iunt of Mr. Ralph L Georgi u Hunger of Ont-do 'nd Expat Ellen. Mr. George that! an con- p-ny in 1935 and u pron-and through “My. advertising and males depart-elm. ConneYl and Mr. A. Pierson; calendar committee, Mr. A. Cm- eron, Miss M. Paiehie, and Mr. V. Jennett; envelope mercury, Mr. W. Amer. Two cyclists planed up for the night. at tt!?t.tl. .. .. .. . . “Weill 1 $15k." aid the host, "that you'" have n comfortable night. Ith, I feather bed." iiie'"tGthk." H. Dixgn, Mr. L. _Clggksop_,_ My. At two o'clock m the mo'rning one of the cyclists round his oom- pardon. -si." cE,2,'t..aftiii. in! Mr. W. M. Mange; up Lters yr. Je. Me- "Change places with me Mek," he srrtrtu.ted,fit's my turn to lie on (JACK ALLAN, Prop.) (OIPIIY ttr CANADA -trhiiiji0iijLEiiiijit"s FOR HOME MOVIES Sliggodmobhod 0mm & Money AWE: iii. W‘s; airra v"! - hed A I. - by ttin m Ir Indian” at. an Friday tf,'hr,ueitc u 'l,tlG'h in“; with In inn bar, robbed cl his on. n In: of money mil lame strut cu tieUtg. m . n V I I It.“ N. Cook parking his at for in night in u urvice mm In" his one, “an thmo young lads, who chimed they had mind the last "net car, naked him for 1 lift. When tlt reached the mitrway " the no 0nd of Weston, Cook was told, "This is I hold- ," and sanctum: was 'lld,'idf' again”. hin ribs. thqugh he domm't know whether it was I tumor net. " ', A A b * - v. _.___. When he failed to not fut enough for the that. he was slug- ued over the he with an iron pip_e any mse1e,t, d the w:, ,.,.- ....- ,_-..-_ “V -- _ Dued, wd bleeding profusely, Mr. Cook made his way to the Weston Hourt, and awakened mi- dents who Khoned the police. He Wu then tn an to Dr. E. W. Henry, who traced binning head injuries. Sgt. William Webster Ind Cook made a tour of the town, and found the cu, I 1932 model stuck in a snow drift and abandoned, near Mason's Gauze. On searching the ear police found the money and street our tickets _in n t_in box. "Ail I seem to have for my good intentions, is a good more heed." Mr. Cook remarked ruefully. Al. though Sgt. Webster and Cook scoured the town, no trace of the trio could be found. Missionary From Ratlam, India, Guest Speaker -- Speaking in Downsview United church Sunday evening, Dr. Walter Anderson. medical missionary from Ratlam, India, recently returned home on furlough, said that India was a land of great possibilities and owed a great deal to the Fuper- vision t"dg,t'itghi,p of the British Empire. eiling at his work while he was in charge of the Ratlam Mission Haggai, one ddr a woman came in wit her nose partly cut off by her husband for some mis- demeanour. He grafted akin from her arm on the nose/and had to attach the arm to the nose to make a good graft. One night she fisappeyred tsod thedocmr never 996 Weston Road " Blocks South of Etriintoe0" tt . heard, from her again and never found out who cut her arm from her nose. Often the whole family would come to the hospital with a patient and have to be cared tor, while the patient was in the hotyiul.. . ' . n pr. Anderson was born in Rat- lnim, India the son of missionary parents. he graduated from To- ronto University in medicine and returned to India as a mission hospital detour in 1937. He joined the Indian Army Medical Corps in 1941 and was serving at Singapore when that port was taken by the Jam in Februnry 1942. For three- md-one half years he was a prisoner of war, becoming camp doctor among tho troops and coolie Inbourers on the Siam- Burma railroad until the end of the war in August 1946. For days and weeks they would have no other food but rice and often without salt. He joined the Ratlam hos. pitel we: we”, Ins-i Never nu DDT product: neu- foods or drinking water. "iii." W. Lynd Ja, in charge of the serving WESTBRIDGE KENNELS Dog. Boarded, fiteti Defined PICK UP and LIVERY CoekerfrtU)y, Bunpiea, "Gian at'ock . F _ PHONE WESTON 1200-1 1674 JANE 8T. Reuomble Rate- (Reid) ZONE 4-577 'dt"t%'tgll -t-- " M margUd In“ 2tdutttl _ _ mm- Imlullg Allan's 0M consul unh- orndul a. rel, in in In“ {Mind I. I“ try. It“. and irhiek bu 1tr.4. a "an“ a! 000 tonal ottiidtre than.“ a. . At tti - “PM I! Pre. mm- “a tr'lt't1,2tdthtthtttard tNgatttg"p,tStto,T col , with 600 young people an. rgSttp,',grJttt,dlyr,'= plot! Gig“ “GAL 1detlr maid» u rcormmit't‘efotw 7 my Hy) has we“! -erfrualr the United Walla. Chat and lb. Mar Bun Clan. Fund. In Noven- bar of Int our the YWCA in etmr junction witi the Community Cottne ell Ipououd I six-wook LtrtN't Course which wu athnded by pebple. Leader- for this count were secured through the Adult Educ-mm Department. I‘M. and bu donned cues-cull, te Ae W-stea Hm 905-11 my. In October another woman: “I bum in cooperation with the Library., which b?ok thy form 91 . Sunni-y sta",,"" Jory telling hour for children tween the as“ of 6 and 9. The total attend” for the put nix weeks was 146. The four cluba of the YWCA compo-0d of two business girll’ groups and two high school Tyt as the Live Y'ers, Wonder u, - gvopggp Clu_b. and. the ttts. Tho vieemen stationed in Weston. The Wonder Y's moan effort this {at was a fashion 5 ow, particu- nrly well org-nixed, which at- tracted a crowd of 225. These girls visit an Orphanage in Toronto bi- weekly where they entertain the children and give instruction in basketball to the older girls there. The two teen-me clubs are Rrogresing slowly but steadily and ave had the usual nmount of) bowling, skating, handicraft, em, in their program. They have be? come famous es baby-sitters. 1nd discuss the responsibilities of such at some of their meetings. Several members of the Aewys have formed an art class held at the home of one I of the members. The Civopsm Club gained recognition in assisting with the Lions Club banquet this spring. They were responsible for decorations, wrapping and present- ing of gifts, and wsiting on tables as well. Live Y'en have included in thoir WTI?" bi-weekly visits to the eaten Sanitarium, taking with them cookie. and supplies from the Bed Cross. The: have I180 gin]: tsleigh-rides and tuyreilfor the ur- The Newcomers which was formed from the desire to do some- thing for the war-brides in Weston, has gradually expanded and now inch: es any newcomers to Weston. At the formation of this club the members met bi-weekly, but since the fall have been meeting at the home of one of the members every week. One of the "Y" Board ladies looked after the Newcomers' chil- den during the meetings. --. In presenting the report Miss Hamilton: YWCA secretary. lauded the Weston board and the indivi- duals and clubs in the community who have helped ta make the put yen; a definite guqceas. _ " . "A picture of the work of the YWCA in Weston would not be complete without some mention of the Weston Board, and the various committees responsible for so much " the work of the 'Y' in Weston," she said. "Their foresight in plan- ning new programs. in taking the initial steps in community projects, their interest in the younger memo bership, and always their patience, tolerance Ind dependability have done more to promote the work of the YWCA here than any other single factor, and far more than most of us realize." ' __ -- _ "And finally, our good friends in the community. Bob Clarkson, Squibbs, Mike Jones, the Weston Tennis Club the four shops that assisted with the Fashion Show,' the Rotary and Lion's Clubs, the Ministerial Association, the Board of Education. the Times and Guide, these are only a few of our many friends who have helped us in our work. Through them we have been able to not onl promote the work of the YWCA Kn its own member- ship, but to expand our T".',',',,'?, to meet the needs of t e com- munity." _ --.- . "The yenr of 1947 presents no easy chnllenze to us. We must work harder, act kindlier. think bigger, and create pl for whole- some fun. And a] the" thian we must do, und as individua B, clubs or committees. but u put of an association pledge in all we ft, to gene others in His Iplrit of ove.' Board of Direcors for 1947-Mrts.l, G. Moffat, chairman; Mrs. S. E. Chapman, vice-chairman; Mrs. S. E. Chapman, secret-w; Mrs. P. C. Irvin, tressunr. Other Members-- Mrs. C. F. Wright, Mrs. A. G. O'Hara. Mrs. C. J. Lynch. Mrs. C. E. Conrox Mrs. Allan Diehl. Mrs. Jas. Me ihone, Mrs. 8. Russell. Mrs. A. Prentice, Miss o. Breaker, ‘Miss E. MeCort, Miss M. McKee. Otirs H. Packhum, Miss G. Shier. Program Committee-Mrs. C. F. Wrftrht, chum“; rooms mgutrr, Mrs. R. o. Lloyd', Sand-y than»! committee. Mrs. b. J. Lyne , world fellowship committee, Miss E, Me. Cort; handicraft committee. Mrs. C. Roscoe; health education com- mittee, Mn. 8. Russell: “can. committee. Mrs. C. E. Conroy; was commutes. In. All" Diem. Other m.mberir-Mrg. A. Learn To Play THE BAG-PIPES For Ian-one. 16mm Monte Fees, write {or pen-denier- PIPER K. PRESTON, 1755 Wilson Avenue Mrs. S. E. an; Mrs. S. ; Mrs. P. C. r Members-- Mrs. A. G. neh, Mrs. C. Diehl. Mrs. K Ptb. 6, "' 'elii'lttda',r's,i Hdl- i. "be g, my. win W.. intem, #urn_tter Height-{c y, Mt m. tomt “If. a Emmi)" Hakim I? 1pm., F Thane. 80 Jon-[h "may Wb. 7, no p.m., midget NHL i7Aii,' actuation centre. Feb. 8, 1.80 p.m.. L hockey, notation cum tt mm, badmihum, Pmsbr 1min church. V 1'l'tN Petr. 10, 6.30 p.m., midget BL hockey, mmtion contra; I p.m., badminton, Rumba 3.!th "11031, A _ Ie,i?ii;' Petr. ll, 8 p.m., Bld- miuton, rosbytemn church. Wuhaday, Fob. 12, 6:30 pan., midget N. .L hockey, reeretrtion iiiiiiiru - Conhrenu Por the tint time In history there we: held a meeting for the Directors of Recreation o Ontario. The meeting took. place in the Genotsha Hotel of Oshawa, under the leadership of the Department of Education, and lasted from Mon- gay, Jul. 27, until Thursday, Jan. Dinners from .11 over the prov- ince were preamp, with directors coming from " It north as Tim- 1trim and u far want u Fort Wil- um. The entire group was divided in- to four examining groups who {Ire- sented reports on the follow ng: "Organization," R. L. Coleman, Odin", convener; "Program," Mumsret Dillon, Dunnville, con- vener: "Adrttiniatrstion," A. G. lay, Humilton, convener; “leader- ship Training," Gordon Alcott, Weston convener. Little hair; _ _ _ A Dr. Fred Urquhart, chniman of the Weston Little Theatre " An- xious to get more members out for the group. The club is wishing to put on a play this spring, but there Ire many more needed for the ac- tual acting and for the production. Any who would like to take part in a play are asked to come out an Thursday to 30 Joseph St. at Fm. Badminton - President Bill Johnston reparts a good turnout of badminton enthusi- asts every Monday and Thursday evenings at Humber Heights school. The court there is excel- lent and besides there is accommo- dation for groups who wish to play bridge or euchre, when they are not playing bad_rpint9n. . ' _ Then on Tuesday evening at the Presbyterian church, the group meets at 7.30 pm. and again. on Saturday afternoon at 2.30 if any- one wishes to get up a game. The membership is growing and every- one expresses their enjoyment at these meetings. Record Club - C _ _ Something new and something very enjoyable has been added to the recreation program. It is the Record Club which meets two Sun- days a month for music apprecia- tion. The you; held its fiat meeting at the " " rooms on Sun- day, Jan. 19, and again on the following Sunday. The first Sun- day was for '1tg," and the second "rlamsieal." Ian Fogden, chair- man of the club. prepares scripts with a running commentary of each record, and min: the afternoon, prizes are given for the contests that are held. Pu_blic Speaking . .. . . Freeman Newson snd his public speaking group won the nod of the judges last Sunday in their debate, “Resolved that Canada should en- courage immigration on B larger scale than at present," with the Discussion group. Beth Hasssrd, Terry Forgie and Gordon Alcott upheld the affirmative, while Peggy McFarlane, Mrs. Neill and Roger Copper upheld the negative. A good turnout was present and the debate wee much enjoyed. After the judges, R. C. Seagrave and Rev. Mr. Pawson retired to talk over their decisions, the meeting was thrown open to 3. general discussion when everyone present expressed his thoughts on the current topic. This Thursday. the public speak- ing group will meet at the town hall to continue their course. This course in very popular And is prov- ing moat oducntioml. Freeman anon would like to see any new members, out syho, yeirlt to cope; The Annual Meeting of the Weston Community Council will be held on TuesdaK, February 11ths It _8.30 pe. tt t e _F,t're £1111. ' Stan Wadlow, the Recreation Director of East. York will be the guest speaker and,yi11 take n his nugget "Community Cooperation in creation.”_ Mr. Wadlow has I very progErea- live recreation program in at York for his 50,000 people and his addren will be very informative an41nteretrtipir.. . . -kffGhriiriizirtion rer!re.trentuiv.es nnd everyono interested are m- vited. , Prentiss, Miyy _Jo_yce Anderson, iiiiilriiot.v MSFEI'W; Club onmeil--President, Grace Shier; tsecretary, 1300, Anderson; treuurer. Mull cKea. Other 'rtsmur.--Helen Phillipa. Barham Hlll. Hut-gun Shier, Donna Bands, Jun Manna. Joan Pee- lar, Malibu!” --, -- REGREATIOI NEWS Faiirrhriiasnmoet, In. “HIM" "tthal "g"gS'ln'xdi-, in. man my? all. 1.rset,'.'tst Mrmuubhlmhm 'e'rattihhqahtiNt, Sang - 2't,t'22u"g'ttett.'tt m’m .3531» n.5- '?.qpttgtd't2)'t,l')ttllg again! ttiNt.l5- but] new . “cumb- ','lt) nun-gamma H oth- iii it "i'ltfft!l!l!iri'ii'. It. vb. h "t', M M . can Grouchy India, W by norm: 'ttN M. c 154 Church St. “ton; 0.0. I shun and boots, donated by 0.0.1 I, Joe Pt " Chat? Av... Fe.' route; G. . Bacon! big. do. and by Richard-0:11. I on. t Canton PM, Weston; lofts! Randi-Che! that“ tr, J. T. I'm a Son, E. bull, 100 mum Rd., Toronto; Bulovu wrist Witch, do. gged by WLMip my. " mm ml. -_ - V. Ede Av... Walton; Lett tteautr lit, Ayiaud. PI fimrerl" beauty kit, donated tr 81mm!“ Drug, Dnvld Ron 1 Bgomtville Ave., Mt. Dennl'l; Mui- ch! cooker, donated t Bmomn’l Hardware, Thou. laugh 286 Wi- nom Drive, Toronto: m'l toilet m, donated bp Vienton Cum Jewellers, G. Copying, MO With- row Ave., Toronto; Pt,',', boudolr set, donated by Inch’l rug Eton. Pat Leonard, 243 summon Blvd., Toronto; Kenwood Blanket, donated by Elam]: & Mould, In. Walker, 357 _ en lurk. Me., _Ty ronto; Table 11113:, donated try Pol- lard Electric, J. . Eytel, 21,1 Min St. N, Weston: Table clock.’ donat, ed by Clark: hardware, E. D. Ri- ley, C.P. Expreu Co., Toronto; Hull ton coal, donated by W. Alh- bee & Son, Cecil Delworth, Rach- view, Weston; Folker’l $5.00 ser- vice voucher, donated by Folk" 1yprr.,_A. C. Boeghert @12_Millypqd Rd., Toronto; Brookbank'rs $5.00 service voucher, donated by Brook- bank's, A. Leone Jonas, 204 King St, quganiTwo pyt.Nylitr.t he" doiated by' Weatdn‘ Lidia; $11.13;;- M. Reid, 243 Chaplin Cram, Of English runner rug, donated byl Do ds Dept. Store, No. 1365, adult ticket (claimed); “Auto driving lamp, donated by Little Brots., No. 2141, student ticket (claimedav; One half ton coal, donated by . Ashbee & Son, No. 1609, student ticket', Auto tire pump, donated by Weston Auto Supply, No. 741. ‘adult ticket; Felger’s 85.00 service voucher, donated by Felker Bros" No. 1143. student ticket (claimed): Floral display, donated by Law- son's, No. 1154, student ticket; ilfar.t.'s scarf, donated by Blumen- Ithal‘s, No. 478, adult ticket; 2 gal- Ions Antifrieeze,_dynattdlr V, J. M. Reid, 243 Chaplin Cree, fo- ronto; Paint Roller Kit, donated by J. B. l D. Co., Jean Wright, 419 Winona Dr. Toronto; one gal- lon Shellzone Antifreeze, donated by Bobs Garage, F. E. Hertha, c/o Kreage's', Toronto; Urge bottle Weedanol, donated by J. B. & D. Co., Dave Binch, 200 Queen's Drive Weston; $2.00 Gasoline voucher, donated by Jack Bylsma Service Station. A. T. Cantin, 327 Glen Park, Toronto. Admission Ticket Lucky Dru! Barter, No. 669, adult ticket i (claimed); Bridgman's 83.00 mer- ‘chandise voucher, donated by indgman'a Meat Market, No. [2105, ndult ticket; 1 gallon engine oil. donated by Scales Garage, No. >ll533, adult ticket. Bicycle donated by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., No. 1295, adult ticket! Skiis and harness, do- nated 2, Canadan Tire 0011)., and Cruicks ank's Garage, No. 1073, student ticket; Recreation room table donated by Broome Porcelain No. 131, student ticket; Bridge lamgs donated by Weston Music e “die, No. 1416, adult tislet; An American soldier in England was giving some illustrations of the size of his country. "You cm board a train in the State of Text! at dawn," he said imPlrelIlvely, "and " hours later you] still be in Texts." "'Yes,' slid one of his English listeners, with feeling. "We've got trains like that here, too." Rates In Accordance With By-IAw 1142 Use our Direct Line Phone ' At 47 Main St. N. Or Phone Weston Private Hospital VETERAN'S " Main St. 50min "The Record Centre" -| TAXI WESTON MODERN APPLIANCES LIMITED. Johnny Mercer . ZIP-A-DEE-DOO-DAH and Orchestra . EVERYBODY MAS A LAUGHING PLACE ZONE 4-327 The King . BUT SHE’S MY BUDDY'S CHICK Cole Trio . THAT’S THE BEGINNING OF THE END _ at “THE RECORD CENTRE" All the latest Hits and Chum " IAIN try. ti. trtut..iaih mm. _ - , . PtrarttA m J. H. JORDAN A; For over Seventy-Five Years li,' l LITTLE AVE. 1139 YONGE STREET KI. 6135 , ELECTRICAL attmtMMm T Rue Pl - Ph for MB m ') . Spain!“ tn - W 30pm to Iron, Tonal-u, Linn, Wall-u. - f Fun and Fin-tn Calla! [or and Dollar“ _ EVENINGS PHONE 422-! 1 Xb--2.1 , pm. b-a." pal. -.3.48 pm. e--9.M m. 'r-, 'r-tttr. except Sun. and Hot. e--sms. and Hal. b-Sat. only d--Mr. mteept Sat, Sun. and X-Through to um: BUFFALO r.................' 5.80 DEMO" ............... 10.60 NORTH "Y............ 12.60 PRESENTS t GRAY COACH LINES BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR NORTH BAY - BUFFALO - DETROIT OTTAWA - MONTREAL Wm. McGill & Co. ’0"ny few w; “MéGlll’s Coat" Buses Leave Weston To SCHOMBERG HAS of S BEEN A FAVORITE WITH DISCRIMINATING BUYERS Fares are Low Round Trip - Tax lulu“ Established 1871 Gunman... OTTAWA -............. I225 MONTREAL ............ 15.55 4--608 Pam b-ff? Pa'" 229 WALLACE AVI- ME. M91 PHONE ZONE 'au

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