Yll6iORO STRAWBERRY "toms wn‘n “Ah I b Milly up l DIOR the pun-In tet-ur' T main- “ministri- 1Mcnd (rum which M upon ineoryorntion. “in†of manual: " . m I! the city of Town's: is more "Ye" Anunun a York'Townnhlv to it. city " Tomato would " of tttth cor-cam. to Weston And we in Net luau certain prob-' -cthat all for three way deal- its§9s3$ Save time and money by obtaining your loan at our convenient office. We Invite mmrison of cost and serv- ice with any other Company. Loans from $50 to $1,000 are. provided without endor- sers or bankobie security. “on you need it WESTON MONEY leak of Mutual luilding PHONE ZONE 4-59! ') WESTON _ Whirl is asking that fall shirments Burt in September. Indy hawhed chick. mean more on y eggs for Britain and more loll-u for you. Our bmdm are. nll blnndtuted with no mutton found. All - headed by R.O.P. mules. For an and meat buy PEELAR'S ROCKS. ORDER YOUR BARREO ROCK CHICKS From PEELAR’S Early This Season COMPANY. LIMITED ‘IIVICI FINANCE COMPANY, LIMITED 2 John Street A noiucr oesmn PthMhq and Decor-an “In“ Chm-fully Give I II. C. BROOKBA‘NKS F SERVICE FINANCE l VI. [w in Want: in no - would nub M The thut, It “I: 9223439215 It', “WM H; C. A. PEELAR 1ir (If Tint, A: A til Of York Council Wu "no" '1"qu " the unitary I“. No III. no 1-. WALLPAPER Samples Now! i um a?“ l f Under an M “up York ':h1",,',tNt,, m! 86.T w conga all Joni! names. In proportion to ttttyt', am.i.finarteial, "atomi- an». my common tool tint tho but». of authority in otmytieoF.taeil It.n.ot my}. '. Main :35: of dilcu-ion of York To . council qt the pre- sent (in. II the pollibh mom-pou- tion of their nukigity u u city mg! luv. gone no u to have the hmhip solicitor lnd trel- surer pupae . report on the ad- visipility of the tetiory Applieatioa ill in mud. to an cat-r39 )1me new bu?- te,iL'1i2ihj'rii,f Gian nun ho suletslttsd bx ob. my hwgrsble: Main reason for the mow was given by Councillor Charles Cull- mm with the Irgument thut " . . . d the municipalities on the lake shore and Forest Hill Vin-3e try to break away from the county where are we'. We no left holding tltttarl'. -. . __. . Councillor Charles Cashman pre- sented . resolution "king fitr I report from the township trmurer and solicitor u to advisability of York tttles for incorporation " a city under t . Municipal Asst, and the resolution was unmimonsly approved. It was certainlg a big night in our pack last Fri any. It's a great feelin to have I. Scout troop for our gun to look up to and we wish it and all it's Scout: good hunting and the very beat in the “with, - -- A. A _ To it's ScouutuWer, Bill Snyder, we any thunk; and wish him all the luck and happiness with the troop as Akela and 1 having with the Cubs. 2nd Woman Cub Park Dear Akeln: _ It was great to see the eight Cubs go up into Scouts in our first going "L ceremony wasn't it Akelu? t’s hope we have may more. To the new Scouts, Eddie Soper, Don Trimble, Roy Woolfrey, Due Philips, Bill Fillmnn. Allan Cooper, Bunny Skroupa and Bob MacPhie and we say dyb, dyb, ddr, anttall the best in9eo.itttr, . But Akela that wasn't all that went on " you know. Five more Cubs, Bill Jennings, Alan Cooper, Barry Gooderham. Dave Philips, and "Tinky" Fillamn were award.. ed their first star. Now let's see you go up after more credits, Cubs. Then to finish the nisght of events another Cub, Alan cott was in- vested. Well done, Alan, keep up the good work. ' So thnt’l about MI Auk, I00 tou ntxLPridtt.. ASM Bert Avery was presented with his badges of rank at the hurt meeting. At our first meeting in January, the first. king's Scout in Weston since 19.40, PL Buddy Kel- Iowny. wu gwuded his badge. PL Berpie MaedoruM earned his men cord. 7 - if I, -_- Thtrd Watc- Troop We are looking for someone who Any Scout who bu not paid the Registration Fee and anyone who does not intend to register for 1947, please contact the Seoutmaster u monk-,9 possible. on next Friduy. gem-II -- View TIM. Well. fellows, the New Yeer is well under my and our first two meetings have been rather disap- pointing, both to the lenders and the few who did turn up " them. Next week’s meeting he been can- celled on Witt of the Winter Cunivni. There will be a band pmustiee every Monday night, 7 gjcioclg _shurp, at Westminster Scout-Guide Week is drawing near which men: 3. Father and Son buxquet, church parade Bad an extra drive imparted to our Scout- ing activities. Now that we have four troops in Weston, with the forming of 2nd Weston at Westminster. we an expect plenty of competition in future camper-eon and camps. Get behind your troop and 'it', the sup- Itort needed for . irrt Class o'clock aha , United Churg. Apiryetion. 1 'ttu" Puiiirred' Prepare For Spring PHONE MAPLE 57-3-11 SEE OUR I!" Wuhan. York. and ZONI 4.406 SCOUT WOLF CUB f If the mum-l really taken plus this Friday them will be no meet ling of an)!" ttte Fine Weston Cub! in: Begun. If, 'J,'gr."ga?t cannula? " n pun ' t than 2d MI. ad " but! u Honor“! on Over I period of 30 yum I total saving of $559,687.88 will be rea- lized by York Township through the refinancing of $8,881,000 in debentures undertaken yetttmday by council. This is estimated on the amount that will be and in interest. mowing for the ducouht of .723 on the 5319. 7 7 '. The bid of 99,277 by Dominion Securities we: accepted on the con- dition the debentures could he called in my time Mter 30 days " 1.01. A second bid of 98.607 was turned down. _ - - With 'the sale of the debentures the municipality will ave up to one-hnlf per cent. interest. The issues re-financed carried 2li, 2% and 3 per cent. interest. Well, well, the First Thistletown Boy Scout: has really progressed since it wt: first organized two years ago. Ag well as I few new recruits, the rank of the older ones has greatly increased. They now have one King Scout, P/L Bob Cur- tis. Bob has really worked hard to obtain this bad c. He recently passed his m'll'lfil'irdl', which is one of the toughest bodies in Scouting. tt consists of a now]- ed§e of the general country for " mi ea noun and a map, of the district for one uquare mile show- ing the come, acres, etc., “or ftrrm. Congratulations. Bob. T ey elm have tour First Class Scout; which are TIL Don Snider, P/L Tom Linklrrter, P/L Tom Ashwell, P/S Harry Nickle. Besides these boys there are my others just around the corner from Fimt Class. Last week a toboggan party was held. It was u great success " though I don't think the Scout Mater u. completely recovered from his knocking around. Every- one had I good time on the hills, they they retirerl for mrfrryhntertts. On Snurday, Janulry 18 I IW, â€Inge was held from Hum r Summit to Albion Park. The boys collected "g',,rosx,igtt,e,t two and I Ulf tons. n Sundly the boys n- turned to Leonard's (“use where the E)?" had been dumped and bund e all the rent of the paying qunntitiett. They got Mr. Icons an! of bed at the unearthly hour of 9.30 mm. teid We {Mei {A _ GHQ! 35y hard for Swing the past few wean. The meeting 111. cloud with God In" the In". Thst mud Group Save $559,637 -- From Refinancing has good connections with the weather min. For two consecutive weeks now we have made big plans for 1 big ski hike only to have our faith in that friend of all pieniekers still further undermined. Undnunt- ed we no laying the same plan: Ignin for this Saturday so every- body mike I wish and we will present you with a. good story next week. - 7 _ _ _ Patrol Second John heavens, our recently appointed Troop Treasurer, has completed the necessary forms to open our bank account and made an initial deposit of nineteen dol- lam; another step forward for Third Weston. First Thistletown Troop do; (WP-21]} [Emitiéiig'RL wind {in J2,'gldg Budge after Put pruidont of the Khuln- Club of Module. u the with!“ " the Kiwani- Music Festival for 1947. opening on February 24th. York Township To Lest Friday's meeting was of necessity all instruction and test {using as we had to surrender the all for the night andretire to our Trop Den which is not large enough for extensive games. Some of the boys tried Tenderfoot vests while the remainder gathered around the new and box just com-' flaked by the Beaver Petrol and “mod why . tmsottraphieal mep looks like it apes. The only items of business on the 'iff,,',',',',',' were the election of Ken iepage to the post of Troop Librarian and the belated preserita- tion of 1 hatchet to Graham Creel- man Is a rewsrd for his highly a"ante,,',"f,tblU"yt in our sale of Christh t s. i irrliloidny, .hn. 20 wu the night for Another Smut meeting. The in- tsetion E!", eoryiueted Jrr MM Showers. Following the inspection "rt" I "me of Crown and Crains plus 1 few vigorous exercises. The instructions period was then held. The Bait tutrop. akit' com/iAed of four new. The first w“ I box- init match ending in n knockout. le, sec-land {an boy mbeuurinsg A oor. e t i wn I o race v- ing A slum full of 'wUtJ.%rf'J'rdt wu n summary of the whip word which each not meant I tsyllable, 1212 [use not deeming“! ot music! on the ism m muc c: in km it. fl'. ut- munt WOW- SOOR~ . bijer.oA... tail} f PULL The music wu Womfer% lot of work. Keep It a George. P/L Althll received Ill, knot.. DR. PERCY SARGEANT Muff-ta Mind Leagu- Tha'Fllmin’goa no still on top of the Bird League, but they had their hands full winning the lat gums, hy 25 pins and the 2nd game by 18 pins. The. rest of tho teams are all flying in a bunch with the Hawks and Red Wings desperately fieiryrAor he; plape standing: - High Flyers for the men with J. Weir in the lead with a nice 787, H. Hayies 726. F. t Barefoot 689, J. Noble 678, G. Goslin 659, B. Scott 652, J. Heard 683, J. Bow 631, K. Grimoldby 625, R. Cruikshank: 621. and L. La Rose 611. iiikiit# 'd?,'FiSo"l,e'th/ i365: 6r.r.ptte.yrrouyat a UI long?" P. Bunn led the ladies scoring with 647, closely followed by L Ireland 610, R. Williamson 598, D. Farnan 570, P. Miller 546, L. Sel- man 688, L. Machoir 532. v. Ray. bould 516, M. McCann 510. J Mechinick 612, and M. Marshall 503. .- Flamingos ............ Son: Birds â€Wm... Owls r..,.-........-:........, Canaries ...._......... Blue Birds .._....... Black Birds '.-....... Pelicans -.-_-...- Snow Birds ...._. Burrows ----- Pan-qt: ._.........._... Starling: mm... Vultures W...“ Blue Jayl mm... Mallard: w“... Hawks -_.---- Red Wings --- St. John’- League Mary O’Sullivnn was the out- stmdinz ‘bowler of the eventne binding in I 265-232-199. with I grind total of 696 flat-niee bowl- ing Mary. Marty Carrol] 27t, Prank Holbiski 257, Paddy Burns 262, Al Smith 249, Alex MacDonaid 248, Dan Henley 240, and Maureen O'Sulh'vnn 224, were the tops in single tHeot'eif. ,, Team Standing Tigers .-..._..._.... Foxery .....-.....,....... The Tigers continued their win- ning streak downing the Moose for 7 points. The Foxes took the Cuts tor 5Epointa. Ramona 5 from Bruins uni leplggtg} from the Beavers. Beavers -.-..---..-.q--.-q.-r-.,w. 7 Elephants ..__.m_-._.__.._. 6 Bruins ..~...‘._._.__m__......__..._ 5 Ramona ~_...._.._.._..___.. 5 Moose __._.-_.._....‘.,_.~-.____-... 2 Mllor Industrh] League Simpson Motors liter losing 7 points last week came back to their last. series to take T from Weston Bowlin Lanes. Sunnyln took 7 from lui', m, while CCM held their hammer Whigs Floortex for 6. Hoff“! mm into u second plum tie, after high}; 5 from Richgrdson, "7‘7qu iGrii Gi um. "tme, my H10." "Oh, , .M. Mr; union- -Pf Ramona have fitur11r drugged themselves out of the cellar 3nd we hope that this series will find thy.tr at 15m glen: to the top. High more: for the ni ht were led by Hudwn of Sunni». who made I new high three for the scum with MI (323). buckett W, Killownx 761,vrepttptlt 686, One of the on: turrted to I man by hi: a to ttritiei" the 'inttinit of a vomm who win hr in}? erttertattt_tltertt: _ - "WttatitiAitrirGiimt be m kemtr who lb. it t" - G. VMcS'hee égt Gardhoune 679. Tum Standing CCM “5.... Other some: of the night were T. A. Armstrong M4, Marg [An- forth 488, Tom f.',',',',","."' 405. is? Linforth 442, and J. thou Moffntn ,.._._...__...._-._‘.‘ Sunnylea .----_---- RielHon Furniture - Simpson Mama -..-.-..._ Weston Bowling [Amen - Woolgrowen â€a...“ Flam: Finilhm .._.. Armntrong Door Lanna Marion Averly took n honors in the not? at week 'p,,tts the marble» own to thr tune o 709, followed not too closely by "Det" Armstrong 654. Seems u if the Indian mm In had their eye on the pins, for Mr. T. A. Mapped int? fhfrd pine (it)! Mro, _ PATTER Tum Standing "r did," 'ia'a‘m' __ ai. ' . v... ,v...l......v... v. (,1tHeiuir.ar4f-qrHt'r ... . . ' . - By GREENWOOD 's;ii'iG,tia'l , Wllooh 678, h] Points 28 82 31 24 24 21 17 16 " 18 14 10 15 " l4 l2 Lent inch In. Rune“ me end (an the Live Y's-e a moat inter can; talk on tel! work. She not only [eve us eome' very helpful teers but Ihowed In I lot of the vely "tithe she had nude. Mn. Rune]! is going to lend lame- one out to In to give III a talk on color before we proceed further with our own felt work. So in the very neu- future the Live Y'ere [in The Newest . . . """1 Most Flattering Styles Finest Fabrics . . . Best Workmanship Weston. L.adi9si-. Shoppe Hm»: ST. N. (At John St.) 0 Materials q - r; _ l , i) , ‘f Ji" 9.iiil' ' . $j§§§ There's a completely new look to suits this spring, one you’ll love the very first time you set eyes on our superb collection. The longer, fuller, softer jackets accent, without a question ofla doubt femininity and charm. And the skirts-youll adore them-kiek pleats: box pleats-smart, and oh so easy to walk in. Pockets, infinitely detailed-shoulders, softly rounded yet broad. You’ll revel in your new spring suit this year. Choose yours now and have it laid aside forlater delivery. Mums will b. 2."tr, out beautiNI belts, bolom, â€on. ete., we hope! * Myoelg wt an g.oittg on , home. no com. [new Jun. in going to hm annulment- t n- vivo um after our long wal ' lo 1,tt1t all turn out. The first Co-Ed meeting of the New Year. .wn B sleigh riding party. Although than was not This week we In going on I long hike to June [ukgnunnfl (Serving Westdn and District for 18 Years) MUTIFS P, gt/ and was alum-.1 M VI blimp ale-haul m In alt dual. 0.34 t ".' huh-u molt ' a. . aunt!“ cousin of (in follow- ture was head: In anâ€. A WPiG’E'W'tIY'E Buchanan. lath rich, Dick locum, Kola: Philliu. he“: Smith And is)! Violator. Our nut mutiny in WMâ€. Feb. It, 1967, ind In m but; u -ur, followed by I qoeial tvmttng, We hora that all thou who won un- lb . to man it for the sleigh riding may will be out this time. "up?" - "’1133'7 "w" "e 'Het9Ve ... !riiititci,ieiiiiiil, m 1',,tt,lrtiii,i.i,itilliit W. aM .m. .WI' Jr t '-_| "g-c-..-" -1 Hummity II I duty mad. known and tt'lftd by Ttttit and out up a MF Crt,. of gummy. - Sy£ley can?“ 'i'i'i'iie,f, - "l CAA ))tait)',t,, - . 11““ may y" siirt/ A rippling back - full gracious sleeves, short and handsome . . . . that's your new spring coat. Colors that you dream about in cloud-soft wool. Make your selection here today. ',tgitu',it'S Bra-din won tey.' by T. Kandy, Ontario ammo! at culture, that thttario m‘h duck: the but an]. in “I and Quid can to " no. 'tl,', mph? N', lat 'brett W on " In: ' other countries :30 I!†tut failure to do so might _ E tho Ian of . growing world - Balu hi You: bl w- arm.“ at! in. ZONE 4-443