Times & Guide (1909), 27 Feb 1947, p. 11

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5 Everyone was asked by Mrs. t Johnson to donate " many valid. hing” coupon: as possible to allow more meat to be gent to Europe. I Coupons may be given to Ufiliated I maiden}; or the executive. Feathers of the wild turkey were used by prehistoric Pueblo Indiana of New Mexico for ceremonial purposes. kdNGiGieni'l Taiii"Tii'ai by the executive " the close of the Ducting. Miss Flora Chisholm, pianist, entertained the group with two beautiful selections, 'Fantasie," from ll Trovatore, and "June Bt,rttrt1i," by Tchaikowsky._ A The first prenlaem of local Council of Women, Mrs. Grey, was welcomed to the meeting and spoke briefly on the eo-operation she had received while in office, and also Ibouj. the splendid work which had been' accom lished by both local 'ii'i'Gll't'lii'/Tl'l'l'jLl. tu.afiG"" We carry wood and all typm of fuel. JONES All! HILL BONE 4-362 LY. 3122 Mrs. Snider of the economics de, partment, presented suggestions for a non-political bureau to be organized to study the economical problems of consumers. She nlao mentioned that the removal of the ban on sale of oleomar urine was protested strongly by 'if',', Federi- ting of Agriculture. - - _ A request was mule that the mietiee pny the affiliation fees as early Ia possible, and also that volunteers contact Mrs. Evans to work on the local council team for m§IRed Cross drive. 11; Grumman. convener of United Netionl, gave a rename of the work done by the United Ne- tions organisation since its begin- ning e year El', and conveners of the arugula“ on'l oentmittetm in Affiliate locietiee were invited to 'v.tltaet the Local Council com- mm. The convener'of citizenship, Mrs. Norman, spoke of the Cnnndisn Citizenship Act of anusry Lst, 1947. It was snnounced that of- fiees had been set up to contact 1nd investigate displaced persons in Eur e whose relations here wish “(you come to Cnntds. RADIO SERVICE DEPARTMENT Hh, omenaive pre-war experience in Weston. and in tho armed services, combined with I truly prMtomr-pltrnned mice dept. 3nd technique, combine to (In the peopk of Weston Ind District I most dependable 1nd umbe- tory rtdio service. I 524mm!” mmnmunu.ma At Lastâ€"- Reading Hard Coal Brlquettes Announcement retsehtative, of tdtiiitsiisifsaiitia, who were the special guests of the afternoon. We will to announce the appointment of "BW' " manager of our new . . . vxamb‘muum-u -dssetim " the chap-om. G-ut Hotel! at Chanda au- rah ar-ned “I In “no a! , Mint , 'l'r.eti; tt Jf,tSfh',', .m a; Itt 1't,i%T,'ghd; w an $gktr,', the 'dlSrre'ttT, Maritime" Annhinco New 1,itttt Of 1947 Chevrolet Cars Suitable For FURNACE STOVE HEATER OPENjngEPLACEs [ Following tho ftmt Great War ‘Iwindlen nicked the United sum public for About $400,000,000 and the Canadian public for I compan- M" mount. _ m -- -. __.. “mu...- Iona when” 7dG u. attempting to aka their gruduities mud endiu. Ho urged all voter-nu to any“! Inmaelves by with! the Bet. ter Business, Bumu be on enur- i into 'rgeht,',e. om “Y deal. we said At some 18 bil ion dol- In" exist! in Canadian _,'12e Vida some Mx billion in the clingividudl. . Billions of dollars tucked Iwny u -intrs in Canada, will provide bait for Ill aorta of "chm sud swindle" and the uninformed should beware, March.“ A. Mott, augment And manner of the [gavel-mi Better Business Bureau, an . m "mod that vow-am upc- cmly " the mg tor ulna-unu- lmm min-Ony- - A -- -66---t-- Wrk "will 3531135: Tau“; if}: NHL Teo" isolsted block of {and jutting into gawk?“ - 6 L'"g"t --.... 4 the city and cut off from the town- w n3: ...... ' " ' '_..."...- a ship by a deep ravine. North York “Mk 8ehool " "Ode! Uattue was unable to provide the neces- Rotary Pthv, any municipal services required. Team . P W T P Apts Negotistions however, are still ?f.erntstitrl...... , 6 1 0 83 14 12 pending on tine other project at the Ifing Sigma 4 1 , 1 8 10 3 corner of Lawrence and, Btsthurtst yuritleryiew 8 I 2 0 9 " 2 streets. It is proposed to locate Hardnngton- t 0 2 1 4 10 1 1134 families in apartments and H. Iieighu., 1 0 1 0 3 9 0 single units on 154 acres of land. Results of Gill" The cost of the streets, sidewalks, Feb. 4--tiqrtiingtott VB. Memorial water mains and sewers is $500,000. (l,'ft7."ial wing by de- ------o----. nu . B S . dl Feb. '-eghr.u1 T, Humber- v1ew . C eware wm era It #cpri2'gtrsy Ati'Tti.1.8. T a . Mttt a t . . Veterans Warned 3?“... Under, ' " Billions of dollm tucked le We? . G. A.PU. u saving! in Canada, will puma: Ir,tzi/yAyneriy ......._ " 5 20 bait for s11 sorts of rule-m sud Mutual, Memonsl ....-- 5 q 11 swindlm and the uninformed Hanna! Mteorul. "W“ I li 6 should beware, Msrshle A. Mott, D. White, Memorial ..... a 2 li resident md mam“, of the Williamson, Hu'b'rview 2 t 5 Kl"ee',',,1 Better Business Bureau, B. _Bain, 1rdrdfng.to.rt..-.. . tt ‘i ssid. g,tit"iid,trgf,iit .-.-. , tl 4/ m "mod that voter-m upc- ' um rv ew...,.... 1 4 clslly as the tar et tor ummpn- Mttoit,. Memorial '7- 8 " 3 ions inclines” w, src attempting 'rtheaf"erva' 2 1 3 to ta 9 their rsduities mu. Ha urged 'li'Q'i'1r'l,','f, $12!!)qu "'ttfgra-e,g,tgrtl, won q, lost l, “mums by with the Bet- ti o, po.htty IE . lfer Pusiness Bumu began cmr- Point.ttlftiryieaM_tr,tio.ritu, " goalts, Hanna}: Ente'iprisea Ltd. have pegotln with 0mm for one of Its lax-ejects located at Bayview and Eglmton Ave. The cit of Toronto graft! to_ Inpex. the Uh] North The naiorfty of thd"ilsttGis"iG'a from non-residents. unu- --.--.-. L It ia likely that put of the Red Wing- , Wilson Ave. bus Denice will be Canadian: ...._7 discontinued. The western part in Canadian: 11 the 1H'giti1"'gi; It will be con- Fir-t Round Flu tinned‘ 1b Bathurst sheet to Junior A Yong. I“. Y. Rum: ... , Many communications were mad Strltlord - 18 by the clerk complimenting the Sanior A ,t,t,t,1yticiptlitr, on its now clunnce. Sudhury ' The majority of the letters were Regina 4 from “ammunition” -- »-A . r :uyuul Township Engineer G. B. Biker Junior "A" “ported that water had. been Stratford "--.... 1 Oshawa .0".-. 0 turned into the new mam on Y. Rangers....- 2 Marlboro: ..-- 0 Wilson Ave._ When some valves Sanford and Young Rangers are installed it will serve that are: win round] two games six-eight. slang Wilson Ave. and north ttf Senior "A" Weston. He nleo =t,t', tint Summary... , munilton ........ o therepre twenty free I ting rinks Refine a... d Pt. Arthur ..-... 2 now an optimum. in venous perm a. in: ---- 4 Montreel -- 2 of the township... By-hw. Tr manger“ - _ Passed for the' irtital1atio.tt' of Hershey ...-- 2 Providence ...... 1 neprlg a mile " water mums 1n Benny win round " the - subdwlllon, comer of Buffalo ____ 5 Pitubu -- 1 Kale “PM end INNER“ "ONCE ‘Buffelo win round Ti' _ Terriers were ordered called for the NHL wor . r-e.. . - . -.. - and mad some otlrr.rninor. ttgr, made. Messrs. Craig and Ma ell, auditory, then announced that the cost would be $487,000. It will be sent to the munictignl bond for approval. Since 9 nuplym voted on this amount hat yer, the ltigh school aye: hag teen extended to" cover ch; "FiuNriiGiiiiiTri". Origins“! it was just 1 part of the north en of Ward 2. _ The North York High School Board requested that '600,000 be provided for addition. to Enrl Hlig fieTet and $100,000 ylyo fur a site or an additional high school in the southern part of Ward 2. The original amount voted by the ratepayers and approved by the municifal board was $400,000. Counci refused to sanction any increase and naked for a confer- ence with the high school members and camel-ls. They were “quested to miss new)“; " a remit, a‘pppoged a tprlum_wu glimm- lContinuod from mu b... ‘ahlp um No. 1 asking that the ‘neceuary by-lnw be sr."",. this ya: and Inspector r. Minkler announcing thit he would uk that it be done. Reeve Geo. H. Mitchell managed that no action would be taken at pmnt. l ttit die-cut rune (grille of w MI' In the autumn " tutu-o. a vulva-In-hnd ”win. th. 7 Tie o%liis-ii.-h.Ga -j,jzgj,i,i' -iGt .has payout} millions pf jewel»: Dental Sonics: WE! unchnnnd. but the - und their nqulpmcnt m oomplehly new in color and deeomtiott. A on:- Qlogo. 4ite.aat we pill; of m Icuff - , niri/GGK Kind-h" -__-_ glfhtlt um and" who! and porn up”; AN'. “ELM! motion- WY: natural”. sun dud-I. 1 imtruunnt mu, the dials, indieatom, controls. clock and plow yamtrtgtyteCloestioy - Body music: chim- lulu.- new aim-mm ill-mt pouch. m omhl mm of the door upholmry tre, and "uthrads, new colon (uni-h iiiiaiiei'iir2ifid,ifeiiiH, - in; ttt an m m I In All of we . h.tTfriouatte_ _ . - “117““... the ' W. u1itt1ttttc"'rdtt on I mm and" tan: and In! a moth: a body cantata-I. Rm mum "In. and ampli- 'PP'P‘W. WW. tort. an“ A. “I. . , 2gpt an. tl; cu- “$5110 'tar, W. lrllt'tlttt .. ' ' _ t’. l" iFsiurGiuaiitT a'Gaittiiirii co'nthiuod ,ri'tiGiit" Gdrdaiir. Tttti? swan _i_l,.ltjiiiGuiiiii" w"; 7;'lli'i"iiirii' Whitman ( - “a. Til" w... Teiri' f,i'i.Va'tt = thm6w, um Dim, my; a mum. Cambium! from no t-. Mr, Don Rom, chum-n of ttid haunt comm ut Multan ox- pnued the reuidenta’ mnin 'rqu- mnt when he 01):!!!“ that in the origins! use“ allowance must hue been made for the Huh-nun- Inco of the halls. "If that In the cue,” he oxplnin- ed. "that. "at: :11 still being paid Io why should the service of the community centre: now he div ”tinned . "ii-ff}; know now in Nut we ”'1 'rate', "N 93 tun; in t I an no 2lllltd 1U'ltLt I Elverston turk I] - "T-e-""' "WW..-” n. w. 5 wins, to points. " Astshrtir-Maitini Memorm, a. Goal.-aerru iiii'Grii,' 15. iiiiiiatriiatGri',' Memorial, 1. Manon People {Him} M. i Annie-n League tii; Haven ... 7 Buffalo ......__. ti Hershey --..-. 3 NHL Tum Canadians - 5 Red Winn - 5 Publie Schgol " i in“! itaGrinir"iier"iiiiire1i' Junior A X. RArters ... A Marlboro: immut- {min "A" WESTON MIDGET NHL ii 8FiiiriT iGrrG 5ng - Goal 1'.th Chard _._ ii iGiG. 33w: GI isFFii ijGitG' MLdret eaGrG 1tryyur 6,rrl... Qimgmck England!" can}?! - Clark -- Harlin --- gnaw.” Bum: GENE! 1:19.110 ngl Full-- Ruth-i t an” ., , [ ”.7 V” ndnfgtdfllvumosum '/drt?llk wnu mph-rm. brill: Jet, u vol! null-mu. a a. 'l'WdiNurt', ”15533 FE?! P " ._..._.._ I Red Win a . Fed Whit-3'15 round i4 is was '1" may Rotary Trthy m P W T P Apts "G ...... , 6 1 0 83 14 12 lot ._. 4 1 , 1 8 10 3 p. cw 8 1 2 o 914 2 so in- 3 0 2 l 4 10 I ha Ar., l 0 l 0 3 9 0 m. SPORTS Cleveland .__ Pimburg -...... Providencc - Hamilton --. Montreal ......_ Pt. Arthur - Rabi}; ,;;... Murlborou Oshawa .. 10 " tit G. A. Pu. " 5 20 5 6 ll a _ tra" Av”. 10 " " a‘aA' Av'. I l Lt 8tt I14 Lon ......... 0 that - ft ml ...___2 ence ..... 1 _ " 1 I ..._.. 55.1 _ tU " " " It n n " ft, " u 1.eiithG'rirfiGiiir'i't'C"Ro" Hurt and Robert Satchel. E. Hick, 248 Russell avenue. on the birth pf n daughter, Sandra Ann, at this Weston Private Bos. pitll, February 20th. A little bus. ter,,,fer, pale and_Wayne.r _ - V M"""- --. -.-.,..v.., "' so good to me, f only wish I could have brought lots of presents with me for the children." She particu- larly enjoyed the visit .to. the school, she uni , and thought the children "so well-mannered. , " have enjoyed every bit of my work," Mrs. Calvert told the "Guardian." "I have sacrificed I lot but I feel very End of the put I‘hnve played._ ttodor ft V..-” 0.0....“ '" we wwu. MU. Calvert, who arrived at Southampton in the Queen, Eliza- beth Just over a week ago, has had more than 200 invitations to visit rg"e she has contacted through er charitable work. She is at present staying at Reddish, Stock- port, with the familiy of a radio officer to whom she sent I ditty bag and kept up I eorret'pondenee; during the war, 7 f V_._.. 'wivvlvu LVIIDMU WI"! GNU, and MAPA, WVS, pnd Mission to Seaman rr.'i'tu"J,"i',f,',.",i,',e who helped to dish-i ute her parcels to neggy families in the town. Continued from pan I-- to Sale on Februnry 15th to Mar for n few. MM...W Over 200 lnvitutlons In addition to the Mayor and Mnyoreu (Alderman and Mrs. R. P. Bannister) and the Beauty Mnyoreu (Mrs. Bethel), ot erI present in the Mayor's parlor in, eluded Mrs. P. M. Ross, who acted as an “unofficial ambassador” for Britain while in Canada early in) the war, and was responsible for P),'. fieertluy.tttact' Filth Saul - - a“. -- ...~ ,.v...........u. In preparation for the next meet, ing. to be held the 8rd Wad. of March. President. Weldon Inch. has contacted Mr. Douglas Haines, well known trial llwyer. to speak on “Trial by Jury," Ind Mark Holmes. Dietician, writer and wanker for the Toronto Dlily Star, who will give a 15 minute talk of pnrticulnr interest to the Indian u well In Mm int). wallet, and)": Lucy. nimilt. and Don Warren, vocalist provided excellent musical entertainment for the gathering. J.1ty,ryfe,t, Lorne Snyder. famous local doctor, performed I complicated operation on Bill Dean, removing his Appendix. " feet of tape worm. and two Inge null. stones. Stmnze to any. the patient lived. I Following this display of “It can ‘be done with I rumor blade and law." or "Why live to grow old," everyone joined in a community lingvsonl, of modern songs, the words of which were fUsrhed on the _ screen. , ( Jack Petrie 1110 applied movies‘ for, . half her of the prognmme.‘ Mrs. Laura Calvert " IAIN st. N. Ttta Young Adult Allodntion of Central United church. had in or ‘cellent turn-out at their muting mysminr, Februnty 20th. do- its aiiG mtntuetltur community 'aff.'. Th. 176 nut: mm: hard a moat interesting Bttd educauoul dtrmottrtmtion talk. by Mr, E. Switzer of the Bell Talephono Com, pmy. on m uh: m that, you! tolyphotte," YoungAdultsSee Famous, Local ‘Doctor’ Perform The Fight For magnum wonhsmp QUEBEC Sunday, March Ind.; , p. Awake Canadians To the Facts! Representative of Witch Town nonhuman-mu MASON": HALL PUBLIC ADDRESS BY km don If the new and III-:70! 'Eu'i?,etgi1r)iitrt, nu. a. an! in. ',au','u m3»? A' uh g", L"lrt',1'tt tho - I“ wdt inundation. . KATZMIER a"- .rewr "a“. r'""'"'" um, l , t. " summing it Why, three "!eueeyr-- . thighs? 3,1215: 1eei/edttofrdti, et, A Father Who Loves m, A Saviour _ a Valentine social on Wednesday, Who} Died to, Yee utr,' and A PII , February 12th, in the Sunday Spirit who 13-11% Mg, Uh. _ School room of the church. The when ofthe “if ommunxon _ socisl sneaker wss Mrs. Outtier, . purtaken of. IM Slim” I supervisor of Public Health Nurs- Snider' was at the o.r..Ean. We ex- ing Service for Etohicoke Town. tend tlyutks .to Rev. Filer. ship, who was introduced by Mrs. Confirmation cl’sss on Wednes- Butler. Mrs. Brown, president of day st_Mrs. Snider s. Hirt9race the the guild welcomed the guests. Amhh‘ShF'P ot Toronto. will conduct These included ladies from Hum- the confirmstion BemrJee, March 9, bervsle United Church, St. An- at Stl' Anddrews " 3 p.131. . d M drew's, Tlojtstletown, Church of the Be I?” welcome to b l) "I', ". Advent, St. Philip's Church and g- f, y'/',7'lil'h,','f,r " Y oy, a Humber Heights Home Ind School mTthersord me. . . f Association. Mrs. Outtier gave 1 h a; ,'t"i'ft", ,e,lr"rel'l,u/,',7'fru', very interesting talk on the work t e up l convex! Ion, l tip,r, dyone,1 in 'uoppl1pit,',e1, theworkshean thenurses ope _ , to sccom lish in the future. She also 'l'l,'lld on ner experiences Wt N DER s while serving as a nursing sister overseas during the war. Miss I A x I Squibb, a IT/Z, sister on AT, way to Camp or en to war in the hospital there, wss also a vis- Operating from Weston Hotel. itor. Mrs. Brown thaqked, the 870 Main St. N. speaker for her interesting tslk. 3 CARS During the evening Miss M. Isher- To Serve You ‘wood sang two solos, which were WESTON reatly enjoyed. A soclsl bslf-hour 1 followed the lecture with Mrs. Isherwood serving light refresh- 1 1 1 'ttttttlt. - Will the members of the Women’s Guild yleaae note the next meet- in will be held in the Sundn 851001 rooms on Wednesday, March 5th, at 8 pm. Slr Ernest will open this pro- gramme of bullet with Buchunele from Saint Stems’ "Samson 1nd Delilah," continuing with Dance of the Blessed Spirit? from "Orpheus" by Cluck, Next will came two Rue- sun Dances: Waits from "The Sleeping Beauty" by Tchaikovsky and Sailors' Dance from "The Red Ppppy" by Glipre, followed by Three Dances from "The Three Cornered Hat" by De F1111. In the final halt of the ?ffiE'lt"'J?l', the orchestra will offer' Ba let "Coppe- lia" (with Miuionettes) , Delities, Ind Dance of the Tamb ere from ',2ly. Show Mnlden” by Rim-ky- gGrTuaGF. cont] huff of the n"v"'l'dt,'nli', her longs, accompanie by Leo Barkin at the Sine, will include Les Fines de tuiit by Delibes, Franck'l Patti, Angelicua, L’Eclat de Rite by Aubert and the popular Stuns: waltz, glue Danube-. The Toronto Symphony Orcha- tn will enter to lovers of ballet mud: at next I-‘rldey'l TPP" pp- cert when Sir Ernelt Milieu will devote the entire concert to the Diving of ballet number- The (fat “List of the evening wlll be t e talented young Manual-born eopnno, Mile Jean Diekerann. In the last year Mil! Dickeneon has nag-red in recital on more (than omlionl u well u with grtrg orchestra in both Eut- ern nlbed gates and Cumin. She hem he: glazing It 14 and fimt won recognition three you: later when Announced the Winner of two nntlonul singing mates“ in the some anon. In 1940 she nude her debut at the Metropolitan singing the role of Philene m "Mifnon." Filthy evening Mien Dickenson will offer two arise: Theme and Variations bi Mozart, and Russian yhrlit/nkale) y_Alebie!f. In the se- Ballet Music Is Being Featured I9x_tPop Concert Ross West mad the 47th Palm in Sunday Ichool on Sunday. Rev. A. W. Filer, of Peterbor- ough, was the guest trpeaker on ‘Sunduy but at St. Andrew’s church and spoke on I, person's creed, summmg it up, in three trettteneer-- A Father Who Love: m, A Saviour Who Died to, Suva Us; and A Hall Ip,tit Who A1ilt. 'VIH Ihr.. I ‘well tNed by Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. . ntt, Mm. Ron Mathews, Mrs. Donn, Mrs. Gordon Cumeron, Mrs. H. Snead and Mrs. L. Peach. A contest, andng and I dainty luncheon brought another succul- ful,,psoeittl.eteimir_ttt a clue. w V- my -........, ' no» u, mus. ireihiii Ind Miss Eadie. accom- panied by Mrs. Whiting; Mr. Bow- man, violin solo, ucompmied by Mrs. CodIin. Tho any, “Putting Tw.? an.d Tyo_Togef ar"nr" very till tTea Friday, Feb. 21. Mr, Clark Wu " was chairmnh. In her opening remake. Mrs. William, Griffith, president. nude mention of the tact that it wu Jet fifty, your: ego mice the human we: timt orgmlud in Canada and new there no name 3,000 bunches with e nysmtterahip of about 70,000 and it has become world wide. Fine item on the grog!“ Wu the eingm in: of the moral Anthem with My. W. o. Duncan " the pine. Miss Marian Devin. mutompanied by Mrs, B. Metcalfe, Bang a 3010; Gordon Bowman, aeeomptutied bx Mrs. H. Godlin. violin solo; I Esme played by cheerful and mu- sical IG". R, Peters and Mrs. Wm. Doole, was a howling success (the: howling applause of the audience); Miss nnan Davina, "When Itoh, FAtt Sre Styling": Jet by Mrs.) m. we! Mrs. A. 31-min are the stand sundpnnntl of another w he: born to Mr. and Mm. Niegollu, of Toronto (110613011! Bllmire). . Neighbour: and blends of Mr. bell, n. J. Lodge nut hearty greeting- on the occasion of their 4823 wagging Anniyersary. w... "may”... 'fly"."'"'."'.. I The Women's Ipttitute, of Tlhlstletown, held their annual Bo- g‘i'll ,tv,e,tir% Friday, P.ety. 21. Mr. T trfAgid - m"""" " tC" Lumi- Ritchie, Ld Kemck, Mr. J. may Inf 3n. ghee». _ , Operating from Weston Hotel. 870 Main St. N. 3 CARS To Serve You WESTON MONDAY ,nntitrur-utNtaft A t Got-lino "ritiGGik' - ue h “MW-Immune... t “,1 mama. br, .. w ”PM; mu 'mAtteaiie. HAW- fl2EiiEEiiFTS "Where sound sounds best" IN FAST COMPANY , r""?-, . ROLL tttt TEXASJ'MOON FRIDAY. SATURDAY-FEB. " A MIC)! 1 hoGomynndThBovm-ylbnh ill - 1. Mr. an. In William lention t fifty, :6 Wu . d now a with JO and Kit-t , tung- , with piano. panied n tsolo; led by lo; A l d mu- _ I. Wm. a" an an. m', to Mia e, aiu'.'0,hru'p2t?2yfti3 tee, 2390 EN“: “I!!! v- viii} 'tgrip -riGGuar '2i'th'tmitiftifda 1',1,14f,'ptNt'aNt - "V - v - Britain in asking that In)! Ihirmenh “Art in My hatched chicks you mom at: y an for Britain lad dollar! for you. _ , Our breeders an all bloodiest“ with no reactant found. g pon- hended by R.0.P. and... t Por up And meat buy PEELAB'S ROCKS. f MAPLE man voun mm tiiiiii' onlcxsl Ire! Ttiult" Early This Sunni? -: "y"s' .:--1~i"‘-mN°Rm:m’°°m‘mG‘ j Ari , ,'. Ij) l . an '_' ..' ‘1: 37-. special!» lit . mum SEPTIC TANKS with Chutes Winning” . Horace Behdt & Orchestr- -Added Attraetiott- The Shldow in "TBE MISSING _ LADY" with Kane Richmond . Bar-bar Reed FRI. & SAT. FEB. 28 . MARCH 1 June: Stew-rt - Paulette -f_oohiqrq in 1230 mm}: an. we Weston Shoetmotalm _ Ittmthig Company. 1 Iltn8illC19totoormar' I mums and mount»! "rl __,, with Cm]. Lanai. . Altrn Jollyn . Heaviest 2 I (ttoy,?,!",'!'?.??' ,, 1l.1._IT, H EA T R E 'uritiiirgi%s frEp.mrURtr.-othrtcR " Alnn Lula . Vermin Luke . Willi:- H3 in "BLUE DARMA" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -ADDED PEATURB- "rr SHOULDN’T HAPPEN To A DOG" Envostrough. __ --" -...., 282 MAIN ST.‘N-, Rear of Conner Foundry Telephone.. Weston 993 -- JU. M22 Jung“ swam - ammo at noon , nor on com APPLICATION WI an an in my: “use. on lama... T all: to! In. “than“. _ _ Thtd Jhiiiui" Box orncz arms “5 PM. mum BEAM a sou Gm cotmti%iitii Pm were»: loss-5 lab. and teneraf Signet! Work smwwm. Mm Felt ned gnu] Rooting iuiita ,iiruG mum . 1140.1 W. Go Alyvhorc ' PEELAI; Mil-hoi- h t “HOTEL RESERVE. l" m' may” KMJa-g MoN.-rtmtr.-arae. " Rosalind I...“ . u, Bowman . Chub- Wlnllin'cr h “S“? . YQHLDNT 531.333 Juno. BAY Tiiiirr" - E. ~Addcd Attmetiorr- ' Pub“ MAPLE m PIr.9AEgyl., "" ie

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