“out jtliill, CROSS OBJECTIVE $3.5 Ii'i'isis'iii'i"_i,i,'i'.ai',' s' Tr" ' '.se'T v.“ r""., _ ' " TT" .', . g TF Yaw, . , . v _ T _ ". T I w ', 'rrt't . :"' ' l " "i"'"'""',?"""'?'"'" .. " ql ' T t . PV . ' . . I 2liNllh' K?" _i" gooqwnnmqrwu , i , _ . f . H ar ' lKtttit tttttut ' . .‘ . ' y ' ' I wan-w . . Inn-In ' . - “ " t, _ . . . f . . . . . I _.,,-‘ On Iaim’hb. 17, the first im and. ot mt 'ut','2tr way; in e a tee to ect '.'tuart include muff-min; and widonig, when a survey party t,t,tf, we)! in wergoijth on? of can " rope men nous the lulu m: riding of wry. - Main; Street Survey Already Under Way At Northern End Of Town The Inn-ny- begun jult one week to th dat that coulicil had given town meet, W. A. McArthur, tht green light on his recommenda- tion that I 'tpe/f detailed aur- ver u made of tunitreet and the property “hunt thereto. lit trpita of prohibitive weather conditions; the survey is continuing with the any dividing their time {namely ngjgtry 9 fiet and the field. Main pmblem for the ptrty It tho pmnt time, in finding something to work from, which on- hill the location of previously marked "ryerortf points 1sit.her fn the ground a, registry qtfiee. The survey party will work from the north and of the town to the south sad once ropeny lines have beenjoutzd I gotliled plan of all existing tr,truetur..e.t' with respect to proper y lines will be drawn up and glotted on paper. Once such a plan us been eoinpletod it on be.atadied, and on it can be located the out- line of the new Main street and from that plan I fairly accunte estimate of the cost of n I work en- tailed cu} be drawq_up. - . w. md Mrs. C. . 'tsorts,. 8.1 Mun momma, 'did 1-de the ,guru In] Win†“waded jiitiii,iiaid to thtir 'on. Mt [cm Chum Ash‘con K / for gallant. service in notion “mm. the gum!- .a, C Mm Chale- enlisted with the RCAF in November 1948, and received his wings at Mount Hen-m. P.E.I. in June 1944. He had three month! "tttt in the Buhamn and was pol ova-e» in No.. umber 1944. 7 Operational WingsAr’e Awarded. Posthumously To Charles 'Keown The young airman, who m 19 your: tt w“ the mid-upper gun- ner of Liberator Bomber, at- tnched to the RAF Costal Com- mand. Charles was presumed dead for offieial gunman, and all the members of is crew were believed to have lost their lives when they attacked four German U boats in On Sundny of this week, the Weston Community Council will be hosito I Toronto Tone meeting of Directors of Reereution. This will be the first 'nit',,',} of its kind in Ontario and it wil give the directors of this vicinity on 'lt portunhy to meet tonther to to k over their coming wring md sum- mer program _ Coming forge meeting are. John Gray 0 Acton, Jack Done of Brnmgton, Shirley Purse of Swam. not, an Wadlow of East York, Harold Horton of Forest Hill, Sid Kirk of York Township and Oscar Penn-son of Toronto. The meeting will be held at the YWCA " 3. pm. and will lut until 6 p.m, when the directors will break ar to go to anle Hurst Lodge " guests of the Walton Community Council. ... . Ihsttmttmmttmitr Council Host To Zone Recreational Directors Did you "or notict the cnption "Advertisement" nppenring It the top of In “tide in I mwnplpcf which otherwhc from Bll outward type-rm“ upwar- to ho a new: article. - fl - - i Them in I definite "not! for such a elasrsifieMion. Both the “harming umnn and the nun column- hae definite and dictinet auditions uphold. Any mutter. - in min can. which my bu km A. .drsrtisirtg copy m be "t out of the new: II. n certain can In." only who, the advertise- m in of we)! scope u to become a mu um story. We done. how“: mun hold the rittht to Wm why: that an my -irttu - we find it mu- m 5 aka tmrtain information m "rtairt, mu "tick- gn- In the evening they will return to the YWCA It 8.30 p.m. for A discussion on “Reunion for Were ton" when Bll the people of Weston who no intended are invited to attend to take put in the general discussion. _ u ‘ .. At the supper, the directors will be officially welcomed by Alf Slater. chairman of the Weston Community Council. At the tten- iiditii ik-aug ne" chill in' -otikr M .. Mm†"per ittt?to thaue cerifre liné ot the new imam. mum South West Comer " 4 tk Si - a' Ream" in V the Fifi?! Main sweat has been drawn on the map it must then be loaned on the ground and profiles Ind cross Bee- tion may then be taken along.thtrt cent" line in order to study condi- tions leading to the final design of the “net with respect to drainage, approach to buildings, etc. Certain upectl of this survey, atrt.ifulprly with respect to sewer: recalls to mind the need for a com- plete survey, " presented to coun- cil in the engineer's report but September, wherein the desirability of making "I complete aewenge survey was recommended. Kresge Will Not Build. For Three Or Four Years 'The S. S. nge Co. Ltd., thin week confirmed B rumour that they purchued '1 lot on Min St. N,. as th future domrtruethm site but stated that they do not com templnto building. . . "tor " lent three of four yetsra." Main hold-up in the present scarcity of building materials and the labour nhortlge. -- __ _ .. MESH}; Gaia iit 38, 40 and 42 Main St. North. tltt h ban its traauttrhewan, ','li'iiiril, his edueatimr " "t)r.itdttgrur'g'lt,%tlttitg) ant: had moved here. Be was a member of St. John’s Anglicm‘ Church, and prior to his enlist-l mept wag employeq by .tlt.e. PAW.) Rem-ding "to" the . kiiiefufr" Force on the continent, alter Inv- inx interviewed German sailors Charles Ind other members†of his crew Ire believed to have lost their lives, the aircraft “tacked four Germ-n U bouts. Three of the but; submerged with the fourth remeining on the purine to fight oft the plume. The utr.. erator was shot ddwn and sank immediately, and according to the nilors the entire crew were lost. ikUr Mun! iii mm†orihu t It! will mun-o to whom m a. Run. the Shun-uh on May 5th, 1946. t 2ye, barn its Saskatchewan, 7 mi, int-had " Mueatimr " tfo took Patti“ tie etimf irtysit Parents and friends of the ouyils of King street School are cordial- ly invited to parents' night at the schoolwn the evening of Thurs- yy, Much f.h..t.ryp.7:30 putt. to lion colts definitely full into this clusiflcntion. Nor an we uy . . . Crgrrt who attends will he named o I lovely time." Not in the nuts column. In tn tdvertirement the adver- tlur new the main relpon- sibility for wut any In aid in that advertisement. In the um "rpm tre alone must accept the mmltbility for what appears in the new- columna. We an tel; the fun of I coming event An and let the radar judge for himself whether or not he "will be “cured of . lowly tinte." Parents’ Night King St. School 9:90 mm. At thif time mom†welcome the opportunity of meet. ing the parents Ind discussing wih them the progress of their pupils. eral discussion, Bob Allltt, presi- dent of. the Weston Discussion Group will introduce the directors to the meeting. By rights, tsmniittt mute should nok - in the new: column: who. u w- when! out may Milli. Inch “(nine-m. u to We no" copy. We, haunt. u . community new-pup" , do tannin ~Wining "mu In our min“: a . an!“ to our Ty oy knowhdn " hee This is the first zone meeting for Ontario directors and it in ex- peteted that this will lend to monthly ttet-togethers for the IbOVB mentioned directors. ' The general discussion will touch on the points that are most closely connected with Weston recreation and all orgnnizntionl Ire naked to send representatives to the discus- "61 m In 1 conference with York Town- shig Council on Monty? February 17t , H. W. Tate, T C general man-gen recommended that York and Weston Councils agree on re- pinch; the present Weston road street can with trolley coaches. These would operate from the north end of Weston to the An- nette greet tmlley cogch line.. Mr. Tate said " trolley couches would be operated, bein rented to the two tuunieipLities, f,, believed the coaches would elkow greater development of the district. ' Pak.',:,.',',',,'",',:??,.',',',',""; Magus; V no u _ I race at" Jf,,'aSeA"llUJg'iJ,tw,",5, I5M: TTC lines. l [so 1 result of the conference wu the decision to extend the Etr- ‘linton avenue went bus line to Hopewell nvenue on 6 three months' trial basis. The route now termi- inutes " Eglinton avenue west and Oakwood avenue. Trolley Coaches Again Advised For Weston Road been“ Cub Brook Cromwell, nine, came. of Gold- wln Avenue, Mt. Donnie. thought he had merely done his duty all! didn't talk about it, hie herd-m in Irving Don Dad-on, the, from drownhll in Hal-bet River Int August is not generally known. Brock. who is I member of Cub Peck 209, Ind been spending hie unmet holiday: in Woodbridge, when he noticed Youthful Weston Artist Receives First Big Order Weston boasts the excellence of I young tsrtist in the personage of Noel Butterworth, 194 Main street south, who has recently received his first big order, In oil pginting of a snow scene, 18 by?! Inches. The fonrteen-yeu-old public school lad has been putting pic- tures on PMer ever since he was a small boy and is now showing, as told by his teacher Mrs. George Swan of Main street north, I de i- nite taleptfpr , boy. his age. _ He took his first lessons " the Toronto Art Galleries on Satur- day mornings after being selected from umonz l group of pupils at King street school a few years ago. Quick Action 0f lad, 14, Saves Presby. Church This is the story of how a 14- yenr-old lad saved the possible complete destruction of the Prey brterisn Church, Cross street, Sun- dat, February sub _ _ Doug had been to Sunday School, And while on his wty home, sud- denly remembered he had forgot- ten his rubbers. Upon his return to the church he found it full of smoke and the back pews on fire. Showin extreme? cool presence of mini for I la of him Ige, he ruehed next door Ind asked the owner for water, ex lainihmg that the church we: on Km. then extinguished the blue Ind phoned Mr. . Sengreve to tell him of the rtttrdmp. _. _ _ _ The fire in reported to have started from I tirmMee in the vestibule. from there had "ten its way through the wanted briek, and then an: t onto the back of the pews. Hid rung. Doug not re- turned to t e c urch the fire would haw gone unnoticed in all probability until the evening aer- ?vicel and could have ruined thou- nnda of dofty wottt, of gum-go: Winona. I Greek no» nonun- the arm's circumfemel Ion Mon an birth of Christ, 5nd or"! low dun I thou-Ind mile.. ‘Rk "tdent con-mu pnly of tle Mm, I tuck. a do!) we“. Ind um um FUrtr - The boy sFtu, Douglas Browne, 186 Rosemount Av.enue. . In nppreciltiop of Daug’s quick action and pro-once ot mind, Mr. W. T. Dough], on behalf of the bald of mnnqers, presented him with an Everahnrp pencil Sundny. Eryn?“ 15th, " the Sunday School. Weston MT. DENNIS CUB SAVES Fita.TiAtt.ttt.tt FROM DROWNING Confer ing “$0 Mayor Tom tiiiliiiit," Bttd. C',',",, (El-thou. 'gg,, fte'ie'l,t '"rrwr-9= p tshied It I: tompnny wu 1n- deed disappointed that it would be unable to build this yeir as an- nounced earlier this fall, but ex- plained that: the preaent.unstable labor and msterial markets made such a project impossible at the pregent time. -- _ A _ Mr. F. W. St. L-wrence, presi- dent and managing director of George Weston Ltd., this week an- nounced that the company will build in Weston on the originsl Jane St. site. but also made it clear that it would be quite some time before actual construction work be- "Uniortigatiort should ha com- pletely voluntary." said Ernest Smith, Director of Organization for ‘Lhe Canadian Federation of Labor. Hut Wednesday " the monthly meeting of the Weaton Young Con, sew-live Forum. He elaborated upon the statement by saying that the closed shop, check off and all obligatory labour retrimentation led only to I weakening of union iirihtriit and. thttt. tha_ yyrtr The contract called for the con- struction of I 81,000,000 main tae- tow building and the lowest tem, der was returned with tn estimate of Pv.er. $?,000,000. H _ _ - Original plans disclosed last Ipring showed buildings with a total value of $2,000,000 to include a. main plant and other smaller buildings with the plant fronting on Jane St. with a floor area of are ttth and the! the worker wok heve the choice of yrininttl or t joining eunion. He believed; however that once e union had e majority of workers in I Jaiil registered ea member: then that union should hue full bernininq power for the whole plant, Mr. Smith eleo expreued the View that unions should rdreln from Minx or endoreinx my one 'artiglt,rgtditietl party-bat that the heel m In“ 'u ruched when the union member- and e.- cuthee were i,t,ftt'",gt,t, interned 111 the different no use] neme- end afftat.d with there on M ‘on. He eleo believed mt Ira'.": ‘gnnu 'hwh.“’ claret e Mer- erenee r we†(fiittid end atrl,Nt as a Geo. Weston Ltd. Will Build Here - But " For Quite A Long Time The (ollowing in In excerpt tlken from the English newspaper, "The Sale & Stretford Guardian", dated Friday, February 7, 1947,.hereslditut the arrival of Mrs. Laura Calvert in Silo. ‘Enllngdt __ _ . .. “Briuin's Fairy Godmother," homely, white-haired 69vyears-old Mrs. Laura Calvert, of Weston, Ontario, who has collected money and gifts from her townsgeople and sent them to Britain t roufhout the hh ar, received a warm we come when she visited Sale on. Tuesday. At an informal reception in the Mayor's parlour she met and chat- ted with some of the Sale people who have received her parcels, and as A member of the Canadian British Legion, she received a letter from, Mrs. E. Johnson, secretary of the Sale Women's branch of the British Legion, thanking her for her personal devotion to I worthy came. Mrs. Laura Calvert Heralded By Townspeople Of Sale, England Young Conservative Forum Hears Labour Director Discuss Unions ,. Au _. w c',,.',',','? '?rYerea'i,',illf,'ir'r'rfe,'hY',',, "ï¬g" .,_, . was; _ HeirherHddits __---- ___ #7# P_8._P11E8_tfl1r_: ‘ - th young" lad dip and full Into aw doets water. Without huitldon Brock ml along the river bank, located the little boy and plunged in after him. He “nun luck to the [hate and revived him in I few minutes. Shown thou with him Ire: Don left, Ind litter Sandra, right. _ T The second main building win-to have been the emgloyees‘ cafeteria, to be cgnstructe _at the town of Gibson and Wright Ave., he sent ,590,._and tei-ste,'":',',,",;:':,,'.'?""." Iagllties tyr t e emp weâ€. . V advisor or referee It the most. He worned that restrictive leziahtion for mnnuzement or for labour would have diustrous “who on peaceful union-munmmcnt eh: lion in the healthy industrial period that team! to by attend. 126,000 square feet. The outer wall: of the main building were to be of lags brick construction with a Jute six feet in length laid every thirty feet. The .inside walls were to be faced in white with mercury vapor lamps in use theughout. _ . . .. Eventunlly it was flamed to build a recreational fie d ndju'cent to the factory for the use of em- plogees. - . . . . . Mayor Dougherty explained that the announcement in one way will be welcomed in Weston in that they were somewhat in the same boat as .the company only on th smaller Tenders were let last summer for a main trunk sewer which was estimated would cost in the nei h- borhood of from $25,000 to 5&5,- 000 and the only tender returned gave a cost of well over $60,000. A cost, Mayor Daugherty explained was prohibitive. During the afternoon Mrs. Cal- vert visited Springfield Junior School, which has received some of her gifts and toured the clus- roomu with the Head Mistress Mia: E. Hughes, and former Bend, Mis, tresi, Mrs. F. Hove". She shook han s with all the children and answered many questions about Canada. She also promised to start a "pen friends" scheme for which she took the names and ad, dresses. in its own right und not subject to ttts with†of I head office which tom II m in Cumin.“ “Keep the (and. collected from your own tttm-rim your own union's hand-n and Arrtt become who-"ion: to ittternatiomtt "die-ls." wu hit concluded 7 Wining. “Union! Ihould be decentrnlized n much u Mums." “no stated Mr, Smith.†for the maximum in union “they and effect is pre- sent whom the union ii uutonomous The staff of the school presented, 1 leather writing cue to her and the children of the two top clans sang and danced for her. A hunky discnulon Md question period followad H by tho Chair- man. Ivan leior, who Introduced the Ib "her. Min Ind- Drudiu. " .30.. home the mouth. wu held. than“; Mr. Smith on Mall of the Forum. Minn the 1Mroetr-rtt-ptertt um “in sum Arthur mod a main uh in mud an Pt mum mm after which a com _ Juana-g detmte an the - Mrs. Calvert was able to ex- change family gossip with Mn. Evnns, of 31 Carlton Rd., Sale, whose nice live: in Weston and corresponds with Mrs. Calvert, and she accepted an invitation to return --Ctmtirtered on my 11 The 1-?qu meeting of an Humhar eight.- Home and School Association will he held Tau“? evening. March “h, at the Ichoo . There will be I Brief businel'l meeting, utter which the parents will dispute to the “new rooms to interview the Grade “when nnd view the student's work. The tencheu are anxious that all pu- enta attend. Parent-Teacher Night March 4th Hymbtr Height? A feature of the evening will be the Tree/p,,' of the $5.00 prize to the grade having the largest parent membership in the namin- tion. All members are urged to bring my extra, valid melt cou- pons to Mrs. Bodrug, who will hand them over tty the WPTB for extra meat to be sent to Britain Aug Euroge. _ _ - _ 7 50th Anniversary Celebrated By Weston Couple Tea and light refreshments will be served during the evening to the accompaniment of suitable music. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hillman, 96 John street, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Thursday, February 20th, at a fumily dinner held It the Mayfair Country Club, Toronto. They were presented with a purse of gold and a basket of 50 Talisman roses. Following the dinner I recep- tion was held at their home- with many friends and relations calling to extend their congrutulutions. A three-tiered cake, necenced with green leaves centred the table, decorated,with gold candles, yellow roses and daffodils. The couple re- ceived tinny ends, gifts and d1owers. Malton Wartime Housing resi- dent: this week ware bartened by an artntnuteetttettt from MIjor Gen- eral Young, Wartime 5".ut.Nf/ finial, to the effect that ". . . ttr- time Housing community centres muy not be forced to close." Word wee received by maiden“ I few weeks back that community centre buildings were to be pad- locked by July M, and couneellou were advised that they would be tlip'. of their new; It a later new . Althdigh nothing definite was set forth, the community centres in te"','?,': come under discussion on t a floor of the Dominion Home on Tuesday, Feb. 18, when irertain muons were outlined for the pro- posed closing of' the community centres. ti wu uphined that commum centres wen originlw an up film-need in Wartime outing um where tenants were Tit,,)"?,,',',,? nan-Hy in single industries any "unity centre- wen thought them to plgy‘m important rut in mor- nla bunldinl and in he ping to a: vent shunteeism in indultrien. ofrGitiie' rice: 0 th centres win a,','l,t'/l,'a'l,' 'attt, her mum orYrout " Aer. 'm.ite. . . - " n ‘vu upwind that since am time the gain" “I miner-ably changed. a original I of the an". VII mint lt mouse" were mostly oeeu 1',,1'f,"y. “In vu- unoud' _ " I'm 'erxtHtta> 0 :0:an and. In. of it. my!†"att. . . M g Me. and Mrs. Hillman came to Canada from England in 1910 and aettled in Toronto. In 1919 they Peved. to Wumn and have resided bieeue'er tines.“ ’-'†". T . __ Malton People Advised Centres Might " Close -TiGeiriiiud however t I mount Wald it called in t'iit,'t,fi,7,iiir'ile),'i1, w I Mum the . _ _ . t'u=lltll', {in a Mt. Dennis KILLEDle CRASH DR. NORMAN CULLEN Mr.. W. S. MacCulloch. campaign' chairman of the Weston Bunch Canadian Red Crou this week an- nounced the appointment of the Itolltrwiittr captaxnl to head up the local canvas: for the Weston objec- ‘gtive of $8,500.00. Mrs. N. Evans, Local Councilug Women; Cec. Groukuxth, W n-Mount Dennis Rotary Club; Herb. Adam. Wes- ton Lions Club; Jim Weir, Rangers Branch Canadian Lotion: Gordon AIcott, Weatqu Community Coun- cil; Neil Evans. Wooten Branch Canadian Red Gran. These cap- ‘tains will lead I team of about ten ‘people each, in a thorough canvass of the town in order to meet the :pelcetime ',',t'l,t,'ati"t,, and rainin- ‘menu of the coal branch. Al vol- unteer workers would be very wel- ‘come and are asked to contact any of the above named captain: as to ‘how best they may Insist in this drive for, such a humanitarian PEI???» " - still eerie -G, $313; iii Gifii civilian an tservicemen. _ While the wu fervour in over " regards the Ttht generally, the wggk _of the d (Irons must and As proof of this I glance through three recent letters received will suffice to outline some of the work that is done by the 1oeal.bmneh exclusive of the marvellous job that Whether t,upp, were initi- ted tr. theipu- n: meters wlhen e ;came .mo 0%?!" :31: weezx, or whether t has in, iated by the people in Mill I mat- tery pteonterttioti. . In the firibfew dart of upm- tion “Just two dyer: fines?! I disltar 'u'ch were issued for v Ola.- tions pertaining! to (haunt! the meters. Chief 011;: reported that lust Wednesday, Pe marr18alon. " meters-were repaired and line. their installation Ittt, Main mtg; length", damn had been put an» puerily ogt of communion. AiiigGi.aFoiiiitumt of I (Hum. 'iatraisrtaier-fttr them few week: t,ry mm. fl Myâ€; Mme-w Volunteer Workers Ihr T" _ Begin Canvass Monday _ 17, went' rind) -offiali iiGTiiG Wish yprri.mr.. dyrreey of success. Two Dozen Filttttt In Twig Day: As Iihrtttri'stsAmi Meters Meet - Most' of tho mun any“ were turned back in to thr hi trffiee with the glans eye broken, the In: covering the time Fig' 'J,Utl Ind some even had the casting: broken. Ot the lot tumed in Chief Holley reported that about 10 had suffered from deliberate The survey it being conducted by means of a questionnaire eirtne lated Among the girls of the town requesting eertain information that will enable the club to tabsrlate just what present prices chant from the avenue working girl's [my envelope. Included among the items on the questionnaire Ire: Oeeupation, present, “In-y food and shelter, clawing. health, recreation, edmtlon,_ tampon:- tion, contributions, nation, sav- ingl Ind tau and the inevitable, "ttLipcelltutetmB." damage. The complnlnt bu recently been circulated that Weston (kl. are leaving iota hen in tytn for M. tions in the city. The girls feel that the m in pretty obvious. Bugle wage rate: in tho togrtt at present "and " $11.00 I week for single girls while the city}- mini- Weston Girls Home 1i.rrstiirytirt, Will Influence Basic Wags Rate . Pmméated by the live Y’en Club of the WCA, a 3x13? remnant:- tive of the oenior b hen girl: of Weston, the 'uree' in being con- ducted with the object in new of having the hair: we rue u imposed in smlll town: raised abstye presentyrtattar+. . All public and sen-"me AttisoU m North York town-hip will have dental terviet min “at, it m aiairait “a: not. ll - that the " will both: an at “unborn t, u no! a only mom an I W _ g A number of the business girls " Weston have initiated I survey Among others of their kind in an “tempt to hue the 5ruent cost of living as me by e working ttir_l of today, _ __, Two full time “mm: will employolnlhmdh 'T,P,tNtrltMNt an is a." In El"! a?†"o. " I who TS"'""' 'f,'dr,G"l'l up; I Dental Service For All Town Schools]: Passed ltr, North oft', Team Captains Appointed And Every Home ' To Support Weston Branch Canadian Red Crm- Work Lauded By Veteran Confined To Sanitarium BAH Thraiote, mu} _ rOiiiid it “Id-N. irtotery Still . 1ii,i.iiji,i, Lucky Dra Winners tri or trttqFririri"atiiTtiGttt 'tto-tut,') a to park "t.rf, orUre tite PM have been if 3:11“; dump; the timu “M V t . _ ' V : mgpoint an: altutmrsklt den " that: bag are Lsti11.irt,fo at“: . 'at " thg hwy-one; _ . PTt, s Mt.. aegis; Althbéih -,nGri UTGritGa'tts only to tell. thin Itmt mint. '?,fl'? _r,t?ettrtlt.tiott "Mu!!! (fut a; mitVFiri"irna"Tiiiiiik their business tm my extent. . United Church At Woodbridge Honor MysiPericy Price is done by the Bed Crou from coast to coast and from one end of the world to the other. The tum. pital work is only one phase of the activities: of the local branch; there are other activities such as and - ing baby goods, knitted goofs, Alanketis, quilts, clothing, em. to ‘emergency me: of needy people throughout the district. “You may and.†Chili PU shred, "tUt severe penny be imposed lay-he caught tam, peeing with' “anthers." ' "a?" will t Rikki-ur- V . may)": Tm“‘"": Tw" a; fenced 1ttet'2,t..dt the... .1] m Mrs. Percy Price, yin of In. Percy Price, who and u I ah stitute minim!- o! 17oodN.Nr United Church drain; the "dmiit of Rev'. T. V. Hut, Iva-Jaw by the mung-nun My. nary 23rd. P, Price, I 'tttqt.. Iry home cn furlough from I“ has since retained to " and Mrs. Price plaid to Rich a on Much I. She w" presented withm'm In» brell- by Rev. Mr. Hat, I box a! wool Ind incidental! by the tt.A, and personal gift: ttoth tho Chit. mum rue stand. a "no u M, The object in View h to . that in I in of willâ€: b: t; C contrary, all, when an , live. MIL“ n be“ tut _ ' qutionmiu ad “in. a! kind now eventual}; ' the who]: of o “do dtt 'gr ittftttemeq gun: I nine tho minim m- Ontario. . : Yonn 7 limit but it t2,ttUUtf '31. '"f, BeueiiiHit'iSi'iiii, iii" Tu Romy Club this wool: 1. still Deena: holder. of and- unit-ion ticket holder: Aho would be the rewipientl If print if they would only cone to chi- them. ' Thou It"! untllilled min?" are u fouowl: Ticket No, 129:, l'lei,'d,e,atdgi,', ticket.- N04 107 , akin Ill uncut, ticket: No. IM, .h',fdllt room table, student ticket; No. 1416, bridge lamp, all" tight.. No. 1609, half ton of 60!. student ticket; No. "38, ite" gnllon’ engine oil, adult ticket.