__.._- ,n. u-" "'""" awuucu. In. Edger, 80, was born in P'ttltn, township. a descendant t earliest settlers there. Mr. _ r, ’78. also m born nearby, and after their 'riarriage they “Nod on tu'tT, helm- King, which mp1 anti a year ago. M have enjoyed Rood hedth. They have two children, Bordwell aer,t of King. and Bertha, now William arr-M of Toronto. . t honaymoon trip by train to â€Man Fails on n crisp day, Feb. "i' 1997, vi: the thrilling exper- ','etitrttl by Mr. and Mrs. W: J. Badger of Kine. who "ttsmitg their golden wedding man at-bome but week. . couple VIA married in All hit- Anglican church, King. by $Mtnte Rev. C. Sidney-Goodman, getrmtnq to the bride’s home for an ridding supper. It is in this home. built by the bride's father, loo-9h Eeffer, in 1890. that the M." Are ner living_ retired. Couple Recall 1847 Honeymoon ht Niagara Falls rd": children shown here leasing the reereltion wItdIed over by Counsellor Jack Lund have by! mun-unity life in this building. A few weeks ink Wertine Housing residents were shocked to “I that their community centres were to be closed. Gl, .. ,. first? rt')'", BANK OF “WWW 9519M" te" ttum 1 The Badgers. like their forebears, know the rigors of farm life. And are now reaping the reward of "heir steadfast habit of planning lsystematically and executing meth- odically. Mr. Badger recalls the Use of candlelight in his father's home, bue"we were always in bed by 10 o'clock, and eye stain did not enter into the picture," he declares. Starting out in life with small beginnings is one of the beat incentives to make good, they both say. Some interesting relies are in the Badger home: Sterling silver spoons. brought-from England. and in use by Mrs. Badger for 50 years daily; a. clock from the Keffer ‘fumily in use 125 yen-s. Ind still There Ire three grandchildren. Jack and Phyllis annmt and four-year- old James Badger. " MAIN- N. mm; with Canadia 'eat"ti'i!; "mu oflif EXPERT TAILORING and REPAIRS LADmy and GENTS' GARMENTS CLEANED and STORED trTORAGE-FURs at 2% of their value. All Gambit: Insured Against Fire. Theft or Dunn Nor RESPONSIBLE FOR GOODS LEFT' OVER 60 DAYS WESTON CLEANERS Weston Branch Ids-ab E in; ghd any 'uuidir,uiTiia - IbMuth-n-ruur f" my»; iAiaiia - _ - f =e _-__ iTiTiiTaiii. T. T. DOUGLAS, Manager When you call for your copy of "What's the Score on there Veterans' Lama", have 1 word [" with our manager. He knows the details of the C new Veterans' Business and Professional Loans Act, recently paved by Parliament for your benefit, and he is anxious to help go-ahead "was who wwt to Mart in busincu for ( themselves, to improve their pram: net-up, g: l or to so into partnership with a friend. /:i?fis'; Most recent announcement refutes the previous autumn: but nothing definite ha been laid down. Milton residents are still in I quantity over the fate of their communily centres. Hymn: proposition is sound , there's money for you " the B of M. do not ask I Uvimr. Remember,whm, you Ink for I loan I} the B of M, you 4! Main Street North J. EAWE 0' ot TI.“ Not" ill another clock running for 120 years. They were joined " the celebra- tion by their relatives, friends and neighbors as they received con- gratulations. Assisting at the reception wns their daughter and daughter-in-law. V The couple are members of All Saints church. An insurance agent was trying to convince a prospective customer of the merits of life insurance. He kept right at him. "Why," he said, “insurance in the greatest thing in the world. No man should be with- out it. Right now I can? a $50,000 pole.r payable to, my wife.", - _ "ith" tédwirvlu‘crhf’w siiirthe har- assed prospect, "what possible pxcggg can you give her for liv- ing PHONE 1000 il't “In the latter case when I pull away three cars come along and each get half an hour’s free park- ing 9n my_llr cents." "h'rliuiirTiifi't . . . but it was a point. London's world famous zoo in Regents Park is restocking its dc- pleted cages and repairing much of its war damage. Several col- lections have arrived to replace animals which have died since 1939. "And may I do have to pay in every meter. If I want to park for half an hour can I put a cent in each meter for a total of 36 minutes, or do I hr.vt t? put , nickel in each 209 Being Restohed one which "tnydaiitriirai"nii a toga} of, three hours. "Do I put my money in one meter or do I have to put my muney in every meter my truck covers," he asked? Rubber was named in the 18th century when it was accidentally di..eovered that it would erase pencil marks. Certain rulings on the Main street parking meters are still ap- patently I bit vague to motorists. Take the use of the M-ton truck that bucked out three store fronts on Main street Monday afternoon. Putting himself on the outside of a cup of coffee in one of the local restaurants the driver brought up some problems on the parking of the meters. 14 Ton T fuck Poses Problem For Parking Meters Fourteen members of his de, pungent returned from active service with the Armed forves last year, bringing total atre th up to " officers Ind men, Chit? Alex- ander Blid. Five members were commended for outstanding work in police duty. _ l York Township .poliee had I notovorthy neon! an recovery of noun Anton. Sixty-three can were union in the township in 1966, and " of then we" recovered u well " .33 “Mon from othu- munici- ghtiu. Auto thett the showed a "t last you from the 1945 total oC74 ntolen can. ‘ Juv-ih qrett, In fut an "ers, 2r,'tt Mg megabit Tm- ' "at . Mt,",',? logo" -iuGiiiG aid in in am lull n rt to York Townuhi Council concur There won ht an†of crime at you. compuod wig. 933 3n IOM. mum AND cum Iithrithirttslti'tt BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOW COST ure of BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOW COST! See it and you will agree that it's the bAgLe1tclrrohitrg, and itrst-lonkirtg Chcvro- est creation of Canada's largest producer of automobiles-the new Chevrolet for 1947 - offering you an even greater meas- Chevrolet dealers are displaying the new even more beautiful, and desirable in every may 14 Main Street, N. now made even Liger.:htohizg, even hggzet'e...hog I The lady Hustlers played their flint game of the xenon, “ruins: the nuarson girls, Situnhy JJanuary 6th, at Marshall's rink. Miss Aikenhead. superintendent of the Vietor Mission. will be the guest speaker and will talk on "Home Relationship." She will tell of some of the cases she comes in contact with. Mrs. Ken Raider of the Weston Community Council, will entertain with games and a social hour. At the close of the evening birthday cake and coffee will be served. All parents and friends of the association are invited to come out and enjoy this evening. Be sure and attend the second birthday party of the Hardington Home and School Association at the school on Wednesday evening, March tith at 8.00 p.m., an inter- eating programme has been ar- ragged fox: this special event. Hardiugton House. School Assoc. 2nd Birthdav January 6th, at 'Maruhail'tt 'ini, The result was a tie. John Chapman. Weston Dunn! Garage pmgrietor. introduced the "New Series ' Star, automobile. Julian] II. "N . Christ Church, in Woodbrigge ushered in Chrinmu Day by c ringing of n handsome new bell donated try Jumei Mchughlin. president of Baldwin Locomotive Works. W" SftfiE,'i"viifa, iGiisr of 'dt,Str hi vote polled in keg} RM., _ _ -- __ U u V f 4. V \ r do.†I i _ t was an to the un- 'hogtttie " but the Win- .doqunu an» on but†to on. ton And I Doni- Md. Som- of the ob tiotm WON,' tho Nair minute wait " Northlatsds, rough Jeyiyruytd ovemrpwdeq gun. _ l9 4 7 CHEVROLET! . l EVENiNGS PHONE 422-R 1 LITTLE AVE. PHON . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Base Plugs - Wiring for Electric Stoves T Specializing in New Residences Repairs io Irons, Toasters, Lamps, Washers, Motors, Fans and Fixtures Called for and Delivered A PRODUCT OF TheGoddOldDaysOf’Z‘HJ’†1w," ' z * E. HAIGHT J. T. FARR a SONS, LTD. cv/ht Canada welcomes Me 8 mm. to 3 p.m. "The Cheat," starring Pola Ne- gri--Critics Comments -- Not a vamp tsirtt..et, .not a t.rareds'rriust. . - . -e wâ€"nvâ€"u .-~~ a. great, big picture of sensational surprises. "The Country Kid," starring Wesley Barry. The world's sweetheart, Mary Pickford in "Roisita:" "Her Reputation," with May McAvog and a Buster Keaton Comedy. Ioria Swanson in 'Zaza;' "Our Hospitalit " starring Buster Keaton; and NXnma Tal- madge in "Ashes of Vengeance." Fiction Serial "True Love Triumphed." And it finally did in the February 22 issue. W. E. Caravan, introduced the new "Zenith BR" radio set, With this set, {amines were able to tune in stations 3,0Grmiles away. Price $33000. At the Movies Weston Firemen held their In- nunl dance with a three-piece or- chestra consisting of Messrs A. Graves, W. and A. Maw aupp)ying the music. One incident marred the enjoyment of the night; that of the fire siren can of duty. The blue was quickly extinguished however, and the men returned in time for lunch. The C.N.R. stunted I new bunny â€who cu, running from Vie-ton Park Station; Park Sheet. to Tu. ronto Union saliva. After a law delays owing to lntenle cold and minor connections, the tint at finally left Walton with npproxl- muely 50 pen-tom on board. February 29, 1924 l a . Pete. _ "" . he†l The 'l/ttUte o! - suntan ot ' Mid a most succeufnl rock-L lncludod among the animator- = Add. null, lug?! man. notâ€. we. u! amn- "an mg, Am Bum, no“: hm. Doro y Gaul! tar, and Jae HeGregor. February M, 1924 PHONE ZONE 4 cars in its price range. And above all; it reveals that sterling Big-Car quality - in every phase and feature, in every part and pound of material-which buyers agree is exclusive to Chevrolet in its price range. let ever built. It's more beautiful in every way, both inside and out. It's designed to out-st Lu, out-value 1.red, Ittydrire all other '-,514 GENERAL MOTORS SHAKESPEARE COAL Weston 556 Immediate Delivery Oil Burners - Fuel Oil - Heat Regulators BLOWER COAL - STOKER COAL READING AN THRACITE - All sizes BRNUETS---Reading and Alberta POCAHON TA S~C rozer C0KE-Algoma & Donner Maplehurst Lodge Iii, ",1; Corner John and Rosemount Ave., Weston Receptions, Banquets, Club Luncheons, and Bridge Parties catered to. i For Reservations Telephone'Zohe 4-351 . FULL COURSE LUNCHEONS - From Me Fuel Merchant for 25 Years Weston's New Catering Centre . FULL COURSE DINNERS From $1.00 Weston 24 DENARDA AVE. MAPLEHURST LODGE J U. 2242 a Wi M