Times & Guide (1909), 1 May 1947, p. 5

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[$qu With a Smlle drmgriiiiit runes 'W. J. BARTER YOUR 'i'i"oosrgthyyt . It's a wise motorist who insists on Mtg-wearing. money-laving oodyeat “use. They give many more mile- of dependable service . . . at lower bmst-per-mile. We have Goodyears in your size . . . come in today. 9 LAWRENCE AVE. W. WESTON Mating and Executing hummus Contact. Taken Ford-Ferguson System Minutes Free', 1 by 7 H” An experienced watchmaker, formerly employed by C.P.R. watch inspector. _ Prompt Service sr,6 MAIN ST. N. EXPERT Em WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY J. H. JORDAN Phone 268 David " Rou- DIAlIl on _ Rich-man Furniture won the 'ieortisoltmtiort serial. 1 Following is 3 list of prize winners. Ipoints Won Team IS 28 " T CCM ........m............. 32 M 30 97 Simpson Motors ... 88 28 37 103 Moffau ”mm“..- 23 27 26 76 Wooltrtowers m... 11 18 16 44 Weston Bowling... 28 24 32 84 Ihy1nylea “in.--“ 21 28 20 69 Floortex .--r--. 15 8 It 34 Richardson Fur. ... 28 28 26 82 l Winners lat Series, Simpson Motors, 38 points. Winners 2nd \Series. CCM, 85 points. Winners ‘3rd Series, Simpaon Motors, 37 "soiIttr. ,, FiooruiauiGriiG'G" First place in the iltt'tr'," wu taken by Simpson own with tCM second and Weston Bowling Lune: third. _ The management of Walton B_owling Lune: Ltd., will! to take this :rportunlty of publicly thunk- ing 1 than who participated in trunkingI this Isuzu: I “can: And hare t at next nelson tho league will be bigger and better than ever. Team high three games, handi- gap, Mounts, 3939; flat, Moffnts, 754. Team high single game. bindi- cap, Richardson Furniture, 1892; flat, COM. 1364. Individual high three, handicap, F.‘Jemmett, 883; flat, H. Hudson, 428. High Average First-L. Luckett ................. Second-J. McShee MW...“ Third-H. Hudson WW..." -P_9urth-Rimmintrton we High Average Each Team [TM-O. McShee e._..........- Major lulu-Mal Luin The Weston Maior Industrial Bowling lame finilhod in union'- netivitlu on Friday, April 6. 861. . -"'. - "-. --e ""M' Individual high single, handicap. P. Mitchell, 365; flat, G. McShee, Play-offs: Ist Series, Simpson Motors; 2nd Series, CCM; 3rd Series, Weston Bowling Lanes. Prize Winners , REPAIRS Lloyd Miller the!“ h 1llhtitttttt'tt Representative lit OLA Meeting PATTER WESTON 27 18 24 " 30 37 236 222 237 286 229 226 1 After the lengthy rehearsal, stuntmen Joe Palms, Wally Rose and Leo Schlisinger pulled the thhi/hl.imr scene off without a single ite . An extremely difficult auto crash seene-with a speeding con- vertible smashing through a brick wall while a speeding sedan sprays it with tornmy-gun bullets-was successfully filmed by director Robert Rosen for Columbia's "Johnny O'Clock,” gripping modern melodrama. Dick Powell and Evelyn Keyes are co-starring. The scene could be filmed only once, retake: beingI out of the question so I five, our rehearsal wns untiertaken to coordinate the exact movements of etuneramari Burnett Cuffeys three cameras with the rapid motion of the two can. The fact that the scene was photographed at night added to the difficulty. Lining- mowed the following mum: entered under their rupee- ‘tive groups: Mimico, bantam; midget, juvenile; Long Branch mid- get; Etobicoke, Juvenile; St. Vin, cents juvenile, midget, barium; New Toronto, juvenile; Weston, banana, midget, juvenile and Hum- bar Bay, B bmum team only. MofNts--Higgins "__.-""..."-'....." Simpson Motors-Lael-tt w-“ Riehardsm--Uster .__.“ Sunnylea--Hudson ..-_-.t._.. Weston B. L-Wilson .-F'rt..-...t.... Woolirrowers--Rimmington a. , Boyd Wit" wu’ In: “a and u Wuhan mm“ to the OLA " tho (In! nut ot the anon, hold in Nov Toronto on Thursday, Atreil " Bantu-maho- from limbo. Lou Bnnch, Etobicoka, M. Vin- cents. Now Toronto and Humber Bay Inn Ibo eluted to urve in conjuncuon with the OLA execu- tive compoud of W. Dodrfee, prev ident; F. Henry and A. Bailey, lit and 2nd vice-punidonn; Charles Rownn, "Gtarr-triurer. The buntam, midget tusd juvenile groups comroaed of tour teams ench. will ply n s1.2tt,'e'"' series, four for etch tum. e juvenile groups, compoaed of five teams, will plly a 16-tr.tpet series with four gum“ for nah tum. 0f the four team groups the first three will compete in the playoffs with the lending team given the choice of playing dates, games or I bye. The semi-finals will be the best two out of three and the fin-ls, the best three out of fiye. Four teams of the juvenile groups will compete in the' finals with first and third, second and fourth playing off. Semi-finals will be the but two out of three and ttemi-finals the beat three out of five. . In all schedule contests the re- port points out, I ten-minute overtime period will be played, five minutes each way. In the play- downs a tie would call for an extra game. The schedule is listed to open on the first of June, Stuntmen Crash 210 237 225 229 222 226 Tho "at of the tegttt Adtt and Ida Snider, Gwen 'iue'irai'i'i, Molly '3utelifte, June Plant, Ruth McGillivny Ind Jam Kilroy. Ill an forward . good effort but, " lore mentioned, without prac- tiu . . . , , To top it I", attain" our eight iruitrnifieant--irt num- "It was pretty rough in some arms." Girls will be girls. but out- a de of two mishap; everyone came out of the game in one piece. Aprnrently t P rules no just A little more strict than those the local girls we used to, and it. is rumoured that fouls wen- It the bottom. ot.rty.rpertysts Barrie pqinlg. Phyl Biddinglnn is credited. cheered nd f"i',epttp1r,tttd on L',',t,t,,in the only hull through the on}! gar Woman. and because she w“ the highest (Ind only) scorer. wu presented with A silver Mayan pin, Am"- the ttBrpt. _ “In addition to handling the problems arising in connection with professional sports, he will be closely associated with the phy- sical fitness and recreation pro- gram which is rapidly spreading throughout the whole province with financial assistance from the Ontario Government." It seems the local lads blame their loss (not on lack of tactise as before) but on one of garrie’s taller team mates, B long drink of water if ovpr they saw one. So tall, in (not. that not one of "our boys" muld come anywhere near him in the Mretch. "The assurance that I would have the help and advice of trainer: government experts from the treasury and legal departments made it much easier for me to de- eide to accept. Sim” has been no good to me that feel that what- ever I may be able to do for the younger athletes is in the nature of‘gepaymgnp of a debt-", _ On the other hand,.fhp girls, with one practise under their belts, didn't do ton badly, but Captain gym; Plant is quoted on "ying, Two eager and valiant basket-, ball teams journeyed to Barrie last Saturday to engage in competition with two of Barrie's crack school teams. Both lads and lassies came out on the short end of 35-16 and 22:2 scgres respectively. _ _ The boys' team, consisting of Blake Eatough, centre; Dick Wil- liams, George Wright, forwards; and Jack Swift. Vern Plant, Bill Jana, Leo Cannon, and John Mc- Man, guards, made a, very good showing for themselves, and proved that a little practise never hurt anypne. -- _ A Asked whether the appointment would carry full'time duties, the Premier replied in the negative. He pointed out that members of tin previous commission had not Blake Eatough and Vern Plant tied for high individual scorers, with Vern being presented with a pair of diamond socks by the Barrie teert-atrers, thanks to the turn of a twyrbit piece.. _ _ - _ -- In announcing the Apps appoint- ment, Premier Drew said: "t feel sure that it will be generally agreed throughout the whole pro- vince that there is no firter or cleaner Sportsman in Ontario to- day than Syl Apps. "He will bring to this very im- portant work wide experience in different branches of sport and will have the assistance of the technical advice of the provinee's experts in their fields to carry out the legal and financial details as- sociated with this work. Asked for his own comment on the appointment Apps said: "I gave the matter considerable thought before the position ac- tually was offereq ty rpe.offiejally. "in acce ting, I feel that I can do 1,an'ice'ilKI' constructive for sport. In particular, I feel that there is much to be done for amateur sport, particularly the younger boys. That was the im- pottant fgctor in my qcceptancg." Agpointment of Sylvanus Apps as ntario athletic commissioner was announced last weekend by Premier George Drew. His.duties, as were those of the five-man commission abolished at the last. session of the Ontario Legislature, will be carried out on a part-time basis. Coincident with the an. nouncement it was learned that Apps, captain of the Toronto Maple Leaf hockey team, had a1- tered his dmision to retire from hockey. He will be with the Leafs for another season, if a physical examination shows no reason why he should not continue his playing career. Apps plans to give the commis- trion's connection with the physical fitness and recreation program ca3je_f.ul study. _ - - Good Choice, Syl Apps Appointed Ontario Athletic Commissioner Local Hoopsters Get 80x And Pin For High Score -- But Didn’t Win When raw potatoes are called for in a scallop or soup, keep the peel- ings thin, and peel the potatoes just before cooking. If allowed to soak, the potatoes lose some of their nu- tritional value. On occasions when they have to be peeled shew of cooking time, put them in salted water. Serve them quick-cooked and seaming hot. The longer potatoes stand exposed to the Air, the more vitamin C they lose. Left- overs should be covered and ke t ‘in tricold place until they are to L', use . Tedder Morris, guest, of honour In comp-ny with Joe Krol It the Mor. fnt Little Big Four Rugby "All It Central United Church Int Frfdly owl-hing. All in :11. the ring showed I lot of spirit 3nd P enty of sports- mnmhip. and attain" luck odds mule morn Mun I fine showing. And no in between now and Friday. MI! g, let’l mire they ft In Iota of practise. m really I ow than Bur!» Junior citizens who'n who in mum“. . ( The best way to serve food values jn potatoes is to cook them in their skins. Of the choice between boiling them or baking them, boiling con- serves more vitamins. Even if pota- toes are to ‘be served parsleyed, mashed, creamed, hash-browned, or. in salad, start them on their way boiled in their skins. berg that is-, layers, Barrie turn- ed out hail 'ath%' with eighteen robust and more than - crack shots. which were enough to break thtumorale of anyone. Hnwéiiv}, 'irCgi's"ir, the Barrie guy! and nil will ply a return vitsit tp gur frir town Ind we Ihl" no whetkerGdr ieicr'iiiv'i""ti"e"ii,' their defeat seriously and done my prte.t.U.imr tr? rgmedy it. 7 been appointed on a full-time basis. He added that it did not seem desirable at present that the position should be a full time one. T That Apps is in a position to continue his active association with other sports activities would appear to be an advantage. He, of course, already is closely connected with Maple Leaf Gardens where many of the province's most im- portant sports events, both pro- fessional and amateur, fire held. He holds a Bachelor of Arts de gre_e troy McMystpr University. "They could not get a more competent man for the position," Happy Day, coach of the champion Leafs, commented when informed of his team captain's appoint- ment. " am sure Syl will make a mighty fine executive." An all-round athlete. Apps was an outstanding pole vaulter and represented Canada in the 1936 Olympics at Berlin, winning points for his team. M Apps is married and has Gree chiliren, Joanne, Robert and Carol. Boil Potatoes ln Skins To Retain All Food Value The new commissioner has never topped the NHL scorers but has been runner-up on several occa- tions. He made the all-star team several times and in IMI-til, when he pared the Leafs to his first Stanley Cu , received the Lady Byng Tropgly as the league's most 'rtr)tlema.ntly.player: AT RUGBY RALLY "apron-u: throughout the world, will up... In Yo. ronto for the next rear when Anna, reemmiderietg an earlier determination to retire thin yen, will hip defend the Toronto team's clumpiomhip lutu. Much Credit Due Coach Primeau Of St. Michael's also has one more year, while Fleming Mackell has two more junior years. . . . . Goalie Harvey is also another one-year player, while Harry Psutka, the Waterloo Wonder, still has two more junior years. Rudy Migay is also a two-year man. . . . Benny Wait and Johnny McLel- land have another year to go. . . . "And there are many fine proF pects coming up from St. Michael's Junior 'W, juvenile and midget THL clubs," Primeau advised. "Really wonderful" wss Coach Joe Primesu's reaction to the civic reception our city fathers held for the return of St. Michael’s Col- lege Majors on their return last week from their successful jsunt to Western Canada in hunt for the OHA Memorial Cup. . . .Primeau spiked Montreal minors that the Irish were through in junior "A" competition, "We were in it many years before this current chun- pionship spree, And the school will also spgnsor he.kty in all series as -__.__. -..__ "mun nulaluw. This may be a surprise to many, but Captain Eddie Sandford has another year in junior hockey and he'll be right at St. Michael', next winter. . . The Irish have their big scoring line intact for another season. Leslie CastAHn part said. rive or the eluuttpionahi St. Michaeys Majors have 'll/ly/lu,",'; last junior game a: they are over- age for next year. The tive "grads" include "Red" Kelly, Ray Hannigan, Eddie Harrison, Bobby Pay) .and Warren Winslow. “When ‘Almost Right' Is Wrong! "Are you I man or a mouse?" "A man of course." "How do you know?" "My wife's nix-aid of a mouse." Five ‘of .th.e eltarnpiopahip .st, 2803 DUNDAS ST. W. DROP IN TO-DAY FOR COMPLETE DIAGNOSIS. ANY MAKE OR MODEL. In Motor Analyzing and Tune-up, Almost "Nearly Right" is wrong. There Is no substitute for Precision and Quality Workmanship at its "hhrtfe"i,Giiii'ii,s"r in; HUDDLESTON MOTORS - Approved Sonia - o CHRYSLER o PLYMOUTIE o DODGE . DESON ' w We attain Absolute Accuracy with the combination of the Very Latest in 1947 Motor Tune-up Equipment and our Mr. Jim Parkes, a Master Analyist, with 21 Years' Experi- ence. F "WE SERVE THE WEST END" ' "'.,l.l,l,!srllistrinlhsiii,gic. Jgth,as ds,osgrtr-,tA.e l LITTLE AVE. Base Plug- - Wiring for Electric Stove. Specializing in New Residences Repairs to Iron, Toe-tern, Imps, Washers, Motors, Fans and Fixtures Called for and Delivered 'LIMITED Lumber. - Bpildem' Supplies - ha! _ . In Main St._wmon m Havana“ IRVIN . wins! B. E. MIGHT mmnnmmkmn trauma-nu ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR CO. LTD. "EXACTLY RIGHT” Tune-up, or else there is no tune-up at all. Modern, Sensitive High Speed Engines need 8 Ban. to 3 pan. We Ill ttror.t when [he mm mm "on. :21. Even if you but no connexion with els or nuns or Amusements. their women" still help: you. So it's in your cup makes: no ttd try spend m! bond" in Ontario In do All you an to cannula“ (and: from other pins of Cinada Ind the us. to Come Ind shun our fun. " reins! nun-55 I! soon mulls; . . . m mu (mun PHONE ZONE 4-514 LY.

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