b _____777 r" .OWN mohair chrvttrsrfieid and -I.-:_ c.. "Aâ€! .mmiumn 7mm * BUICK 8, exceptionally good condition. Will take smaller car uni cub. Serial No. 646990740, - - -_- -. ' V __. I\-uun 'iFr0oi Maple LAW! Summing new in Lawn Mowers. only one blade, its swinging action clip. the gun instantaneously and out: the clippings into a fine lawn- bullding mulch. Will mow grais manila: of its height nr kind. and leaves the cut surface carpet- lib in appearance. Buggies Tire Service 486 Onkwnnd Ave, Toronto Phone OR. 8414 can ii7iriirTAtcyps0,r, in" 'iriuitmpeenl.eetr", "ri'eikiGieVrl, $40.00. ' (on 1294-W after fi pm w.----------, PRIVATE. Englymomh. sedan rimming --aia' $10. 695324. new tires, ex- cellent condition, accessories. " Lilac Ave. o-lS-lt FROST GU Wood 5 font mower, truck): hitched. Phone 114th]. x-IR-lt LADY'S navy tailored coat, size M, won only three times. 59-W mix. after 6 pm. (except Thur y and Saturday). AGrirGreiuu Ind Bedding Plum - __ __ moo Black Currant Bushes , YEARS 91:1 Bue2?iamond. 35v each or 3 for a $1.00. Apply 48 Lawrence Ave. W. _ (Greenhouse) Phone 718-W GOOD building lot on Kim: Ftltet 'ox FURS--Bright silver and new types in single or double larva, capes, collars, coats, muffs, etc. Irwins Fur Farm, Wes- ton R. R. No. 3, Phone Weston 1m. x-tS-lt m PRICES PAID FOR iee boxes. odd dressers, kitchen, Mikel, dinning room suites. (an Mp, New and Used Furniture, 1 St. Clair Ave., W. KE. 9150. ' X-12-1t mTRIC Refrigerators, new, 7 ,chbic feet-nationally famous istAhe--8299.00. Automatic Shallow " ‘Pressure Systems, $139.50. “line operated washing machinr gum. Gtsrden Tractors. 1".- HP M.00, 3 HP $380.00. Outboard whoâ€, new from $79.50 up. Im- Milte delivery, trar1sportatirw Irg,"l,1 Christian's Electric and Irdware, Oshawa, Ontario. URE for sale, well rotted, 115.50 per cu. yd. delivered. Phone "ton 175-M-13, o-IT-lt kATHAmss 9nd Cohblfr‘mn toes, grown from certified seed. I! you want the best we have, we hum inspection. Rave Castator, n 3, Weston. 0-17-th itiirimt_AwBputrty rhubarb rm)“ _______r, w}! mower, $500. Apply 216 _ illinm St. n-IS-u "ioGkii., will s?†small quantity or by the lim. F. Canmnz, Scarlett Ad., quton. o-18-lt “Echiénts. Perfect condition. 383.00. Zone 4505. mm†Tireiirid/irooti condition; complete Vith batteries, t47.50. Phone USS-W Ike! 6 pm. o-le-lt 'tiRiFti,rhic" and And trrnvel, , “and “when. Zone 4.4:â€. , . o-18-lt EtRiy-krt vacuu_m Cleaner and P IADXO _ tombipatibil portable and 3ACKET Heater in good tydition mg in good -diGiset spring ionth Phone 205-J-2. mo of Silver Sebright Bantams, hlow stock, laying. $10.00; Rar- 6ert Iced drill Ind rultivator. thi/ro. â€with 8_ Scarlett Hd. Warner ivinide Drive) iiETiiiFiiFFoAyEi LAW N MOWER _ -- 01.115 Bicyélv, junior x17». A-l condition, t20.0n. Phone 300.“: n IR-lt “Richie stove, cream an modm.excellont condition, Phone Odo-R. "tiiiVGToN TprWIHor . condition. 109 King St â€LID oak, den MI; MN», TaT" Ausir, Irm chair. It"; In good " new. l'hnne p. was '0! an iiiir POINT combination Tttltnn' Piarr34rw "r'i1i;nirioTr'v,% ‘1)“be King L x-17-3t 7" T __ . ___ ___ . _ . chant m good condition. [,mm In“. o-l8-lt l-chiile Installation Gun-meal Fuel Delis cry Donutic and Industrial Premises W. Wood KE. 3862 Coolmiille Ite R 1-4 HEAT BY on; A. 'TTA'YLOR. ‘Yorkleigh', Royal York Road, Wéston. irreriu, child's Inn-xiv my 1rrrine -- Insure". Gaia.' lipâ€, 130 Churrn hm - FIE“ in table, 219-30"? crib, 1 high chair. W. o-IR-lt Leaf Drive Lawn Mowers condition Phone ONT-J. NC-18-lt "t now, with Phone Wes- l, oHrit o-lu-tt Narrows. NC-l 8-1t o-ig-le 1 white $135.00 0* I R- li 18321 18-1t mun. lumber 752-W. o-ll-lt n-lS-lt Phones Phone 18-11 HI-lt 7-3t 3 UNFURNISHED rooms by quiet respectable adults. Good refer- ences. Box 4713, Times and Guide. O-IT-lt HANDY Man for painting. car- pentry, gardening, window cleaning and horticultural work; NN estuu man. Phone t174-M. p-Lo-Gsm:); excttyat_init. gagging - TiiriiG%Giii. F. Gel/rid, Hum- ber Summit. Phone Woodbridge (ii-R431. 0-17-41. EMPLOYMINT WANTED EXPERIENCED Stenuzrapher de -rsiVJs"iGiiioTir/or nl/ar .Wopmn; ran take full charge of office. Phone 546-W evenings. o-18-lt CARPENTRY -ee House repairs and alterations. kitchen cabinets. rer- reatinn rooms. garages, etc. "Any- thing for the home". Estimates free. No obligations. Call-Edwards. Zone 4-415, Weston. tr.17-it HAVE 1our t1o.yt. cleared and waxed by a reliable and experi- enced man. Old floors brought up like now. Best mnurinls used. Satisfaction guaranteed. JU. 4670 47 Heintzmnn Ave.. Toronto. x-t.f. i-ii-troi-rin brick hggsg with It tached garage on 50-foot lot on Queen's Drive, near June St., for 4-ronmedshouse or Bungalow in or near Weston. Phone 759-J. A t8smi--6 large rooms. H411 water heating with gas. Houvy wired. 2 bathrooms; Hydro water heated; garage. Ideally located. Large lot. Box 1875, Times and Guide 0-18-11, st7,50t).ir0-fi ROOMED brick house. All hardwood. Hot air heated. Good location. Possession July lst. Packham Realty Broker, Weston f'pi9. Evenings Mr. Graham, Tone 4-527. o-ls-It t4,800.50-5 ROOM brick bungalow, on the outskirts of town. Better than [3 acre of land. Chicken house. $2,500.00 cash. Low taxes. Early possession. Packham Realty Broker, Weston 689, Evenings Mr. Graham, Zone 4-527. 0-18-11 5 ROOM solid brick bungalow, 1PROFITABLE FAMILI‘IX AGCN, [CY IN YOUR TERRITORY. Dr, Hails and catalogup FREE. Dept. H 116M) Dolnrimier, Montreal, 7 fully modern, private driver, gar; age. Possession June. 26. Phone 1184-W. o-18-lt IRR' 6MM05A i ION dwelling. Basement. Immediate possession of dwelling. Reasonable down payment. Packham Realty Broker, Weston 689. Evenings, Mr. Graham, Zone 4-527. 0-17-1t YOUNG Girls, full or part time, for light factory work, living in Weston, Carl Austin Coe 68 Church St. x-18vlt $5p00,pp--STf)RE and five (mm ARTICLE I“ SAL! AS Stove, $40.00 Zone L411} MAN for work on golf course: also active man tor porter around club house; parking lot attendant also required for Sundays. Apply Mr. Walsh, Elms Golf Club. FAMiLEX offers you more money“ ROOFING . . . larger orders in the dour to N' . _. . . , door selling field. Customers arr (ity wide and suburban Yr'". enthused over the value of our 200 I Ice. All types roofs Ttpaired guaranteed household necessities. ior renewed. Free estimates. Every person a potential buymm MO. 3818. Day or Night. Operate in town or in the muntryl x-m-Ylt if you own a car. SECURE THE} _------------------'-- _--.-------" Weston Wood Specialty require three Salesmen to wnrk in and around Woston; commission basis; car not PSSOHHEI. Apply in person f) mm. to IO am. to W. Johnston, 156 Lawrence Arc. H, or Phone I00-W for appointmpnt. x-18-11 car f) a 156 100 156 Lawrence Arc. E I00-W for appointment STRONG youth m' adul STRONG youth or adult, to rut law! frequently. Payment nun fifty based on mghty cents per hour Apply 1784 Lawrence Ave. west. o-18-T CENTRAL kitchen prTty'. Sloop in. Apply Harry Golf and Country Cl pot BROWN _zipper' walk attached at Mason! minnd mr papors,MC SMAIJ YOU may ha able to saw- munvy by rr-financing the present mart- gazs‘ loans on your home at, a lower mint-st, rate and rm mter favourable tnrmg. Thr, mortgago- lending service ot The Canada Permanent Trust. Company, To- ronto, ran be of usistanre to you " moderate (out. Without obliga- tion on your part, we shall be glad to dismay your particular problem and ndviso A possible unlulmn. In Wrstun, telephone Mr. Pollard. mum, F-,,, A __ x-n-n, WESTON BRANCH TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Incl Ala. Phone au Plano, infntr. Violin, Theory, .A 3&1?"an 9102' GIL"; .. 'uiriiifiriikiibitkst LT.C.M HELP WANTED, FEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE HOUSES FOR " LE MORTGAGE LOANS EXCHANGE SA LESM EN MUSIC LOST " Ph Phnnp Saturday, Apr mplo. Wallct and idonleu‘ dog WED" af Ewles, Fymi, m, Weston. ll 0-18-11 o-IT/lt 18-1t x-lR-l o-IR Ch Ipi-lt 1x.n}l-IX( _. _CAer'ri.NTFiRY and Nmr‘nt, “ark It], 9f Ill dpspriptinns, i0%!sz PIANO lguons ttttpil. Buy (-0qu in song 'ek',",',; chord blsl style. .Even finners can learn in 86 leuonl. F ounce Gar- ratt, 11 Rectory Road, Weston. Phone 764-I. _ x-18-8t DAY OLD 'hick burpimrfog this week and next. iiiitryd Rocks, New Hampshireu. New Htmg‘shina X Barred Rock, Barred Rock New Hampshire, New Hampshire X Light Sussex. Light Sussex x New Hampshire, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks non-sexed 9.95, pallets 17.95, cockvreis 4.95. Assorted Heavy Breeds non-sexed SAPS, pullets 16.95, cockerels 3.95. Cockerels: White Leghorn X .Barred Rocks 1.95, White Lezhurns BBC. Two weeks old Add H.011 prr hundred. Three week old add 11.00 to non-sexed and pullets. 8.01) to cockerels. Shipped COD. This advertisement must accumpany .VUUl' order to receive ‘thpso special prices. Top Notch 1'hwlieries, Guelph, Ontario. TH E ADVERTISEMENT regard HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain. sealed e n ve 1 o p a 'with price list; six samples, 25c; 24 samples, $1. Mail Order Dept. G4, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. x-52-1t mg debts contracted in the name (If A. H. Mallindine does not refer to Mrs. A. H. Maliindine and her family at. 53-A Dennison Rd. west, Weston. o-l8-2t he vivsponsible for any debts con- trarrted in my name. A. H. Mallin- dine, 53-A Dennison Rd. W., Wes- ton. 0-!7-2t, Qtr0iN'S DRIVE. “Bum, about threw years ago and in exception- ally good condition. 8 rooms, square plan, modern kitchen, fully tiled bathroom, hot water heating, private drive. Immediate posses- sion. The Canada Permanent Trust Company, Phone Mr. Pollard, Elgin 4461 M Weston 1548-W. x-18-1t AFTER March 17, 1947, I will not GooD_ryiltiinir Int, ,horot 50' x_120', on Ellis Avi/,1 Hock srouth Law-' rence and Jane intersection. R. W. Roe. LL. 0843. o-18-4t residential properties will re- ceive prompt, experienced attention from the Real Estate Department of The Canada Permanent Trust Company, corner of Bay and Ade- laide streets, Toronto. We have many responsible prospective pur- chasers and our clientele is city- wide. If you would like us to look at your property, with no obligation to you, telephone Mr. Pollard is. Weston, 1548-W. x-ll-lt LISTINGS for sale of Weston ALEX GODDARD. realtor, 87 Woodside Ave., Toronto. Houses wanted, Weston or Mount Dennis. LY. 5560, MU. 4600. x-15-lt EjrirriitT" WORKMANSHIP' G. BEST PHONE 1387-W 21 Lppineutt bt. East 0-13-3t in. 6927 COMFORTABLE room and hoard In private home. Sitting-room suit two gontlnmon. Phone 1:20: A lbnards. 'FREI) BROWN, Downs ‘vum. Phone Wrstrm 17.3 yrl.'t FURNISHED Room 121 Christian home, gentleman, must he ab- stainm'. Phone I.37rw. REFINED, single gentinmen, non- drinkers, no making, mfnrences. Mallaby's Store. Phone 184, PTC- nirurs R4 n-l8-lt VETERAN LA ROE Room sultahlv gentlemen; separate Church St. Phnne 66-31 (Fiver! all!) DXf F M home. Stucm walls and roilmzs done in oil and water hula, Charm- ine color when": nn rt'qut'qt. My motto, "A pleasing job a! a pleas- ing price." Frro estimates. Frmnd- ly ttrivice, Gliddrns Co. Ltd. m- ducts mod. Phnru, Wrrton J,),',','; 4-245 “1th MeCrrtney. x-13-1t, HAVE 4-245 “warm McCartney. rill-H. iiEFiirdi:iiriiifiFG itrtrri,Vi, Milk rrrolrrs. lnw '0mprrnlura boxes, chemo factory refriRoration, locker Itnrnge and nquipmonf. Immdinte dMivory and installa- tion " right prirm, Hnugh Re. fritreratipn ('nmpanv. 55 Mutual Street, Toronto. Ah. mm. -. posmo Specializing in Asphalt ifyyLly_arAd. Altlltf 5911!}!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE POULTRY FOR an . AVATING atmg wi! NORTH TORONTO ROOFING AVATING PROPERTIES WANTED he SP3? Il. SERVICES OFFERED ROOMS TO LET PERSONAL ll MUSIC ROOFING hathronn World War I dos landscape mini 5 and rorkerivs Fl ML H=lirnatm f sullahlv for two opal'atn beds. 108 and grading. Phnm, after 7 p.m. pIngghlpg m and kitehrut Uko finishes. Rn ,el8-lt o-ig-lt x-lit-lt n run-l audi-dt 18-lt Imus I to = FIX IT HUNT up all those little things -u., that need repairing irons and M's toasters included. Pic ~up and de- m r. l livered. Reasonable. Phone 9914-4. vc-n 0-16-4t 1t ‘1 In Memoriam ARGO--Mr. And Mrs. G. Argo (nee Ruth Paine) of Weston wish to announce the birthtf 1 dinghber It Births It the Burnside Wing Toronto General Hospiul, Wednesday, April 23, 1947. Mother and baby doing fine. HUBBARD-Mr, Ind Mrs. Norman John Hubbard (nee Margaret Richards) of '17 Chiswick Ave- nue, Weston, wish to announce the birth of their daughter at the Burnside Wing of Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, Thursday, April 24, 1947. POPE-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pope are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Frances, a sister for Carolyne, at the To- ronto General Hospital, Monday, April 21, 1947. Mother and baby doing fine. ROSS-Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Ross (nee Joan LaRose), Main street north, Weston, are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daugh- ter, Eileen Louise, a little sister for David, on Friday, April 25, KEOWN-rn, proud. and lying memory of our only 5011, Flight- Sergeant Charles Ashton Keown, RCAF. attached to Squadron 547, RAF, reported missing 5 May, 1945, in enemy action in the Skagerrak and believed killed on that date, age 19 years. "Only grand-night. beloved, not fare- well." Also remembering the ten qal, lam lads in his crew. all believed in have been killed with him. "They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow, They were staunch tn the end against odds uncounted. They {fell with their faces to the oe." KEOWN-ln proud and loving memory of our only brother, Flight-Sergeant Charles Ashton, RCAF, reported missing and be- lioved killed 5 May, 1945, age 19 years. 6t 'Tis comforting to know that when They came to cross death's stream, A welcome waited them then Beyond their wildest dream: That tht trumpets sounded loud Births, Marriages, Deaths, Card- of Thanks, Bung» meats. In MemirrituU" Notices Under Thou lie-ding- Mc Mlnluu- For First 25 Words, Se End! Additional and clear" _ As all the valiant hearts drew near." - Lovingly remembered by his sisters, Kathleen, and Amy. KEOWN-In proud and loving memory of my only brother. Flight-Sergeant Charles Ashton Keown, RCAF, regorted missing and believed kille 5 May, 1945, age 19 years. 'His memory is so dear to-day, As in the hour he passed away." --Sadly missed by his sister Ivy, Percy and Charlie. KEOWN--In proud and loving memory of my only brother, Flight-Sergeant Charles Ashton ; Keown, RCAF, reported missing l, and believed killed 5 May, 1945, i age IO years. "He is not dead who gave his life To make the world a better place. The memory of noble deeds The passing years cannot efface." -Ever remembered by his sister Elizabeth and brother-in-law G_v°rz_9-_____ WE MOVE ANYTHING WE GUARANTEE to move any- iieirk, anytime, that you miy give us a call. Satisfactory BL’. vice mummy; _.e_-----. --- ___ " BROWNS CARTAGE Scarlett Road -- Phone 1tif-W nc-18-lt 1947. at Hospital. NOW is the time to put your lawn- mower in A-l working order. Complete overhaul. Sharpening â€no. Picked up and delivered. Phone 99114, n-IK-M HAWAIIAN Guitar Trio; all also: “him"fn} (latices rmmlnrts and partias; modern and Old Time. Phone Weston INS-R. duplex. Good rant for suitable nceommodatirm. Westnnign dts8ir. mg to rpturm Three in' family, arm l-year-old child. Call Burford, Hudson M20 or ELgin 2356: 4 OR 5 ROOM hung-low, lpvyor . duBIQi JiG/riirtrrte/i'r. 3'adults. Phone 404. OAR-2t URGENT" WANTED LIVING accommodation for 4 adults. House nr apnnment preferred. Call MOS-J after 6 . WANTED-Flat rrvnrso charges YOUNG English/run, wit!, ("arm V min wifownnd hlhy daughtor. urgently "quire furnished nr un- furnirhrrd accnmmndatinn. Phone "trw. NOTICES SERVICES OFFERED WANTED TO RINT the West-0'11 Private WANTED __ Mom and Dad, apartment, house, rout for suitable 1y'estionNn _ dt't.ir- ourlt 1541 tt To the Holders of General Deben- tures of the Town of Weston, dated the tint day of January, 1938, and maturing in the year: 1961 Ind 1962. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVER that The Corporation of the Town of Weston intends to and will on the dates hereinafter mentioned, redeem its general debentures dated the lst day “winning;5 1938, which mature in the years 1 1 and 1962, herein set forth, by payment to the holders thereof of the face value of the said debentures to be so redeemed and accrued interest thereon to the dates of such re- demption, after which dates inter- est will cease to accrue. NOTICE OF INTENTION To REDEEM CERTAIN GENERAL DEBENTURES. I cf Payment will be made " the Bank of Montreal. Weston, or the Main Office of the said Bank, in Toronto, at the holder's option updh surrender of the debentures redeemed, together with all unpaid coupons thereon. The said dobentures to be re-' deemed, more particularly set forth below, are $34,383.51 in aggregate principal amount, and are a portion of a larger principal amount of general debentures dated the lst day of January, 1938, which were issued pdrsuant to By- law Number 875, passed on the 15th day of August, 1938, xsdpro- vided for by a plan of refun ing, readjustment. and reorganization of certain debentures of the said Town. Town of Weston The debtantures that will be re- deemed mi the lst day of July, 1947, are as follows: Debenture Numbers 79-31 449-85 51845 535-80 79-32 449ehit', NRA“ 574-18 79-33 44SV87 535-75 574-19 79-.'N 4494'8 5:15-76 603-16 35H-22 440-89 535-77 603-17 449,83 518-43 535-78 618-39 449-84 318-44 535-79 618-40 79-31 449-85 Col8-45 535-80 79-32 449ehit', M84“ 574-18 79-33 44SV87 535-75 574-19 79-.'N 4494'8 5115-76 603-16 35H-22 449-89 535-77 603-17 449,83 518-4?! 535-78 618-39 449-84 318-44 535-79 6t8-40 618-41 618-42 The debentures that will be re- deemed an the lst day of August, 19-17, are as follows: Debenture Numbers 688-15 690-15 _ _ The debentures that will be redeemed on the Ist day of Sep- tember, 1947, are. as follows: Debenture Numbers 691-32 691-33 691-34 A A The debentures that will be re- deemed on the lst day of October, 1947, are as follows: Debenture Numbers 714-41 714-42 714-43___ F1444 The debentures that will be re. deemed on the lst day of December, 1947, are as follows: Debenture Numbers 293-52 293-53 293-54 DATED at Weston, this 22nd day of April, 1947. T. E. DOUGHERTY, Mayor. G. H. CLARKSOE, _ YOUNG Couple, no children, desire il-4 mom furnished or unfur- nished sclhnntained accommoda- tion. Parker, Weston 481 Local 258, o-til-lt 3 IYNF‘TRNISHHI) Rooms wanted urgently by newly married work, ing couple. Phone 177Q after 6 pm. o-18Ht The main of thunder is caused when mr hratod by I litthtnimr flash hrzin! tn rnnl and trotttritrt and other Air rushl‘! in to fill the spun. . Sludnnf: "I don't think I dourvo. an absolut! "m." when you need it 7v Tamer-. "I don't Mther. But if: the I'm-est mark I can pouibly give." The tparhrr had "km the clan to write In any on "Our Dog." Young Jimmy was thr first to finish, Hi,- offnn was road: "Our Dog. IO havent trot one," WESTO N MONEY Save time and money by obtaining your loan at our convenient office. Loans from $50 to $1,000 are provided without endor- sers or bonkoble security. 2nd Floor Bank of Montreal Building PHONE ZONE 4-591 WESTON COMPANY, LIMITED SERVICE FINANCE COMPANY, LIMITED SERVICE FINANCE WANTED TO RENT 2 John Street ot in Clark, GEO. W. GARDHOUSE. IA. "JUncl. 6402" "Walton Kaila-In: HY. IOGI lam-tor, Solicitor, on. --0ffice-- 330 lay St., Toronto IL. 9880 Ram I58 Church St, Weshm Weston "64M. For appointment during day, phone office. For appointment during evaning, phone residence. Chambers, WESTON Phones: Weston ISZ-‘W JUncl. 0769 ELgin l863 Money To Loan 18 Toronto Street, Toronto 0-16-52 Barrister &c. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers ZONE 4-475 Toronto GEORGE W. BULL JU. 8733 -- WESTON I Elastic Stockings, Belts, etc. TRUSSES MADE TO ORDER Licensed and Bonded 20 Years' Experience Rents. Liens, Chanel Mortgages, Writs and Legal Notices Executed Auditor and Accountant 46 MAIN ST. N. ZONE 4-575 WESTON GSA-W 102 Richmond W. A Evenings L Inn-t". 3.1mm. Etc, 1011 Nut.- Bu‘. Ion-I Den-h J. T. FERGUSON J. EDGAR PARSONS ARMSTRONG & LEE SPRING is the time f or Decorating ('nslingq of All Descriptions in Aluminum Much Pluto! Made To Order c, LORNE FRASER ACME ALUMINUM FOUNDRY MONEY TD LOAN ON GOOD FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIE MEDICAL SUPPLIES BAILIFFS AUGTIDNEERS F. A. SILVERMAN K.C. Painting - Decorating Estimates All Cheerfully Given - I-anV h I “a... ihrGr"ii. SOLICITOR. in. Bank of Nova Stem: BARRISTER, SOLICITOR En. J. C. INCH, B.A., th.B. RUPTURED? INCH’S DRUG STORE See Our New Spring Wallpaper Samples NOW'. AUBREY PETTIT Phone Weston Zone 4-249 Chartered Accountant Auditor 10 Yeary' Experience Private Fitting Room For Appointmgnggll SOLICITORS 429 MAIN ST. NORTH WESTON. ONT. omee Ham 1 Dally 15 TORONTO ST. Gerry Thompson Rom; Weston 797-W WESTON It?..'id PHONES “Walton 544" WESTON " ELgin 4588 AD. 6785 LY. 6507 (l B USINE' ss CA RDG [1 JACK BAILEY PAINTING, DECORATING Jinan 's Service Sta tion Free istimates--Frienay Advice Brush or Spray 196 Main South GIBSON McCARTNEY PAINTERS & DEGORATORS HENRY POPE Mottrs--2, to r, ZONE 4-215 Your Satisfaction Is Our Success CHIRN'RACTOR Nervous Ind Chronic Dina“- " (Eueslvilk Ave. Mt. Dennis WANTLQ Passenger Truck Tractor GEM, Spuinliud Mon: Tuna.†BILL'S FISH DELIVERY FRESH FISH DAILY PIANO TUNING DEAD HORSES and CATTLE E‘or free pick-up phone us. We pay phone charges. GORDON YOUNG LTD. Phone AD. 3606, Toronto WESTON 1744-5 "Have those plumbing done NOW." RED INDIAN DEALER Main Fit, S. At Dennison Batteries ty Tires In Stock BATTERIES CHARGED Omrsnteed WM. A. RIGGR 1230 JANE BT.--MT. DENNIS JUnct. 7996 or Weston "" WARM AIR FURNACES 122 MAIN N., WESTON ZONE 4-387 CRUICKSHANK GARAGE TINSMITH, ETC. JACK HARRIS AND SON PAINTER & “MORAN“! Bum-In Cheerfully Given PHONE MIMI-W Interior . Exterior PHONE 676-M JACK BYLSMA PLEASE PROVE HA RLY DECORATING Sum-d" (BILL ALLAN, Prop.) SUPERTEST PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL TRUCK SALES AND SERVICE Phone Weston 816 J. W. BROWN While You Wait Timing Service Work Gnu-Mud Phones: 1rrs sun-w.» REPAIREI) By Appointment Tires Recapped â€on; w. mm jobs WINDER’S TAXI Roy’s Taxi Now Opertting from 239 MAIN ST. s., Corner of ST. JOHNS RD. and MAIN ST. __ 24 HOUR SERVICE - All Passengers Insured Operating from Weston Hotel, 370 Main St. N. 3 CARS TO SERVE YOU 24 HOURS A DAY WESTON BAKER Rates In Accordance _ With By-Law 1142 Use our Direct Line Phone At 47 Main St. N. Or Phone Weston Private Hospital ZONE 4-327 VETERAN'S Except Sundays WESTON TAXI 111 Reasonable Rates All Passengers Insured Operating from 31 South Station Street No Waiting 24 Hour Service W. J. WARD ROUND THE CLOCK SERVICE MM'8 TAXI Fungal Much" Ambqunco PHONE.. ION! 4-444 TAXI FLEET LINE TAXI CABS UNDERTAKERS 38 MAIN N. Phonis Weston - 677 Mu. - 5772 BEE Phone 1588 456 TAX IS Phone 3 CARS PHONE