Fred Hutton and Benny Ham: I arked their team, each taking tgree galls and setting up a few others. Fred Hatton's unnuisted gel, was a one-handed shot that taught the fan: to their feet, while Benny Rtrrris, playing his usual sure-fire game, w“ the mum: of mlny cheers. Benny 1130 had his face cut open attain, and type-red on the field for the lust Although the Yorkers tried time and time again to break through Ind more, their attempts failed, and Brampton added two more to their total, on 30:13 by Nick am and tHrbutt from Artham. Al Jeffries finished the gum: nearing on I free shot, which just bent the bell by seconds. Final Score - Bumpton - 18 - Weston West York-lo, Making their last bid for vieto in the final frame, the West 'A','R crew came book with s rush sud Billy Brunskill fired one home after M seconds of play. Raine and Brynn: for Brampton brought their total to eleven, but three quick Weston galls Peay the count considerably, an left . little doubt " to just who would be the victors. Benny Hsrris got two unassisted tallies while Bill Anthony also on In individual effort. made the score 11.9, with still better than seven minutes to play. The downhn of the York: came in the third period when Brampton, pinyin: like an isNerded, team, "pine six R2 past ed Hartley, while the orkers failed to dint tho Brampton twine at all. Carl Mldgett got two, levie .'drhttp, Arthirrs, rawford. and Nick erri one}: took singles. _ _ West Yorks staged A rally in the tecond fume getting four goth without a reply. which put them into I two-goal lend. Freddie Baton, again starring for the local lid] slapped home three of them, while Witkins on a pass from Benny Harris Beeounted for the fourth. Brampton took three goals in the first period with Carl Mndzett. and Raine with two, stettin the hon. ours. It looked as if What Yorke would uve their scoring threats until the mound period, bat with only 15 seconds left in the first nutter, Lou Vipond ploughed. Lad that's no understatement) through the Brampton defense to get the Yorks first tally. It “I the fifth game in the ser- lu; Brampton took the first two, while the Yorkers came back to take the third and fourth. The 2.000 in: who witneued the hunt intone in the country, wen pretty ovenly divided, with more: of can heading out from Weston around 8.00 o'clock Friday night to cheer the lads on, Final Game Thrills Two Thousand Weston And Brampton Fans - Fred Hutton And Ben Harris Lead West York Scoring Holding I " lad " half tinte.'---------------. the Weston Welt Yorks went doWn’ I under I third period 'ir'iicii?Jhtttg tlilltm ruth to be.eliminatmi from the OLA puyoth, in e thrilling (“he that ended 13-10 in favour of the Top thA $ty Excision. VouchMqu-y BllllrltttFifrt It TAM-mu: 1llllli8'll's"" 'if"iiiiirii'iia"a 'ii"iiriiiiiii m5;_ COMPLETE PLANS FOR LITTLE Bit 4 RUGBY Ll West Yorks Eliminated By Brampton In Fifth Game Of OLA Play-Offs 666935191; 3% JOUINIY To un you. So If. In your {can do all you can to onto * ind: from other ' a lad shun our 1 ' tro. is one of the non Gaia resort regions in Ontario. And there are island: . . . tens of thouundu of them! Collins- wood, Penning, Midland and '2,aee,",', Are tome of the holi y cum-u of an. poguln plnygronnd . . . mch within on any drive from Toronto a-.,otewttotsqtsrtr.itt... I little longer fr Ottawa Ind the border. no more dcuila? Write to Holiday. Room 1004, Victory Building. Toronto. mm mu n m M""'"'..."'."--'-"'" V. m mm wig“ the tooth com to outgrown“ or country. In. If you In no coon-don with howls. oil companion or Inn-9mm. ttteitltseri-d bud- A great deal of credit for the Brampton win, foes to Lagerquist, who in the Exce siors nets, stopped shot after shot. and played In out- standing gune all the wey around. At the other end Red Hartley turned in his usual fine brand of net minding, and during the third period when the York efense fell off, saved the total from mounting aruwitl.t several sensetjonal saves. For Brampton the Madgett bro- thers 3nd Ollie Raine starred. with C. Madgett and Raine each getting three souls. Something happened Friday night that the fans hove expected for some time. Ingram, who has been Brunekill's eheek-mtrte since the beginning of the season, finally riled the Yorker until the two entered in a short but effective game of fisti-cuffr, Both were thrown out of the game for tive mihutes, durjng the tint! fume. ‘McMihon, St. Cath'nea w Donny, Ahrest York - Hayes, Mimico “w“...MM. Nelson, St. Catharina ... yGillespie. Owen Sound - McDonnld, St. Cath'ins ... fts',er Owen Sound ._ Me il, Mimico .0». Hildebrand, Mimico .-.. Madgett, Brampton, N.“ anskill, West York - Scott, St. Catharines w. 'Isncs. Humilton “w“... Hewitt, Mimico __...0...._.‘ Mason, Owen Sound ...... Dixo , Mimieo WWW...“ McMahon, St. Cath'nea w Although Billy Brunskill only appeared on the field two or three times, he aeeoanted for one goal Ind turned in In entirely different sums of llcroue thin he has pre- Vioully done. Passing the ball, and generally keepln§ his shadow. In- gram, busy, he p and In excellent gnme during the time he wt" on the field. half with little, but none and mouth showing between the bandages. I Gillespie counted 52 goals and 49 assists for a 10t point total. {at l19 points better than second p Ace lawn McDonald of St,' Caturines AA, McDonald topped the goal- zetting department with 64, while Billy runakill .eeounted for 61 of West Yorks goals. Bill Nelaon of St. Cathnrines was elected bud man " the season with 74 minutes spent in the sin-bin. Doug Gillstspie, high-scoring for- ward with Owen Sound Mohnwks of the ORA Junior group Int winter, topped the Ontnno Lacrosse tAgsgertitv'ittfjrrt,i,e neg u I member 0 the Owen Sound Geog‘gians final statistics ahow. Doug Gillespie Top ou Scorer With 101 Points L "(if 41 M " 26 61 9 56 14 89 80 30 89 48 25 " 21 82 34 " 28 29 32 35 25 52 49 64 18 59 19 101 82 78 74 " 72 70 70 69 69 the reguluicm 86 he!“ Wednudly Tied for second net were Dr. ench with Mt, forcing I playoff curl" Cnrter of Humilum And Thin-saw. The two peronnia rival: Dr. T. Morrison of Burlington, and initial to an Macon duw In the Stnnup of Scuboro and W. can lb-holc round 3nd BsattiealhP1ant of Missing-urn. Each air "nation-i putt [In him tho iikiiGrh'ii . mm of 69% with 'dl',', hole, ihm limit“ to four. .hlndienps. There nllo w“ I tie A. it w. the mm.) winner. for the but 3gm". Brown And erratie Pg on the am " - {Raid shot an ' Alon. with R. A, eon him 0 bnublo. Be In. f,"tlll'g) of Surhom and W. Powell Itrihn up at the 0nd of the fim of "tttford. The, Inter m, with nino. dam “yacht on tho Cinch ‘a Mndiesp of 12, finished with " hole, but drop it on the M net, Along with the Minmum nine News. he fkrbbed neonploof tum of . C. Armor and w. J. the“. Banter could hug won an Bacon. cm. on the 18th but the It Also otttired in th two-hull 1', he. ..i..._d, - --a-' h“ '" Au, gm. a» _ Bennie Ind the mu: he beat in the 1946 final, C. B. Sell!" of Ancuter. war. tied " the end of the regulation 86 hole: Wednudny etch with Mt, forcing I playoff Thus-saw. The two peronnia rival: uttud to an 884cc†dnw in the at“ lb-holc round 3nd Bonnie] "nation-l putt [In him tho 19th hole. thre. luck“ to four. ; Tom Bank of Weston Golf Club sunk u 20-foot putt on In extra hole " sun-blkOd.Rosedule Golf Club Int Thursday'to retain the Gun-dim Senior Golf Auocir tion crown he won last gm. Mr. chk Hummett returned to M. Stevens, New Brunswick. after holidaying with his parents Mr, and Mrs. A. Mummett, Russell Avenue. Advertising Nys-Try It! Mr. C. Leech. spoke impiringly at the Sunny morning service, trem Revel-tiara 21:1-6; And 22: Although the 10:11 lads and lasses, failed to down the visitors in the last games. both tourneys were, to put it mildly. very eloae-- too close for comfort in flat for the Howard Park tennisera. They really had to work in order to eke out their win. Sympnthg is extended to Mrs. Rayeys.nd nughter Hilda in their recbnt bereaveinent. l The matches will get off to I 1start at 2.15, Ind those who are 'interested in tennis. even if you don't play, would do well to drop around and see some of the best in the In of tennis. So far the Wes- ton club have been defeated in the two previous tourney. but Bill Johnston, says this time the How- ard Park group will meet their Waterloo. - Sunday School will Mart next Sunday afternoon, at 3.00 o'clock in Ahe gternoon. 20-Foot Putt Gives Iom Beattie 0f Weston, Senior Golf Grown Mr. Johrirton, In: Muted that all entries for the Weston men’s and women’s tiht1fi,' should be in by the end of th 5 week. ThirshsiGkayi, match will be all dogplesl mixed, men’s and women's. Howard Park Club Return To Weston For 3rd Tourney a Elverston Park i The Howard Park tennis club will be the guests of the Local Club on Saturday, September 13th. to stage the third thrill packed tourn- amant, at the courts on Lawrence Avenue, West. Below we five I snappy game phyed and out by the Master Chess purer Reuben Fine against H. Borochow. Ruy Lope! 16. The rules and regulations for the coming Weston Chess Club Cham- pionahip tournament have been drafted. Shortly the line up will be completed, and the contest "on". Watch this column for week by week results. Meetings held every Thursday evening in the Town Hall auditorium, and anyone wishing to watch the players battle for supre- mncy are very welcome. White-Fo, “In White Blink 1 _ P-Kl P-ttt 2. E'Kal "-933 The Chen Federation ot Cured: held its Annual meeting in Van- couver recently. and Mr. L. Chris- tin, Quebec, wu elected President. Ru B. Hayes (Walton), Kitehener. Wu elecud 2nd Vloe President. Con renal-thus Ree. A vote of li"d'S'l we; pelted " um meeting expat-lag â€Execution to D A. Yenobky 102 is (lotion: aeeomp- lishment- in Europe†for Clnede. A further motion, and one of vital importance to such Canadian Chess represent-tine wee "that in future "no etrlnu" be attached to funds ruined for eUmpionrhip tourna, menu." This motion ehould enable such representatives for Canada to concentrate on their plly end fos- get financial problems. In future I pent for expenses will be e WI freely end gererously given. l e Anticipate further glory for Cumin by the above Motion. We add our slncere wishes and admire- tion to Abie Yanoisky for his past efforts and look forward to marked Accomplishment. in the new future for Canada. tittir,etfii..iiitu"iFe- ittrf "iris mi P-Kl P-KO It, 3-31 P-34 N-KBS 11-083 it, PxP so le'IBh Bao P-QRS 18. N-N! 3-03 3-34 N-B3 ll. B.N5 0-02 o o NxP 18. KN-N NxN P-QA P-QN4 16, PxN Nao B.ttg Putt H. P-XRs 24-37 PxP B-Ka 18. R-Kl BxP P-Ba 8-034 19. QU22 N430 eh QN-QI O o Retina THE CHESSMEI HENRY Loo" -w-. Ittee.r--m 30:9ng hirre lshz’p, with some 150 veterans mur- xing the picturesque northend lay- 1out. in midsummer Mat, wu won lby Murny Brown of Lambton and t A. Raid of the host course. who combined for a net of 681t. They shot In 83 over ch. par-72 course "liked, handicnp of 14%. -- "MW" "e -_ 1"?" Jggu'ti"ttdttN'2l'it' runntpp to Solute: in the “me eorppetition in 1945. More than 11,000 warm Mr furnaces were manufactured in Canada during the first quarter of 1947. "t In the Innull High Park twenty- tive mile road race, Tom Bennett, another Globe rider took third prize and won himself n pressure cooker. With I racing club like this in Weston, there in I good chum. for youngsters to learn the sport. Now that the wu- in am, there is an inert-sad flow of better equipment, and with the Nll coming on, now is the time to got Four cycle in shupe tor the coming: season. Those who we interested! it leaning from ex erienced senior ‘ riders the game my bicycle racing, may get in touch with the Globe! Cycle Club by phnning 1088-W or l by calling in at 15 Little Ave. l in. Those boys in Weston wh find Itime to bicycle and are Ja, in. ltereated in racing mny tt a re- ‘,cently started racing eye . club in town. The Globe Cycle Club of Weston wss founded recently by Jim Marsh. a. racing enthusiast. who, in spite of the fact that he has been competing for only . short the, has made a place for himself in bicycling circles. At the first of 1 series of noes sponsored I shot: time 110 by the Canadian Wheel- man's Association, Jim took first place Among many other riders. and in the 'Annutl Police Genes “can. he placed third. At the prev ent time, Jim Mash is ruin: captain of the eluls., _ Generally speaking, the lport~ minded public knows little or notls ‘inz about. that 'very‘populu sport Icross the sen, bicycle racing. AL though there ute mnny faithful followers of the sport in the To- ronto district, mlny teen-In Ind: who would most eertainly enjoy Ind find an important place in the Tort, are put ev.en2etluaintyt w_ith the Senior ORFU football setup. When the ball gets rolling this season, the four Ema will be named after. the nior ORFU football setup. When the ball gets rolling this season, the four teams will be named after the teams in the Senior Big Four, Argos, Allow Bike Enthusiasts Form Cycle Club The Little Big Four Rugby League fast Pig consisted of four tgamg mime l_atrtr foul; teams in ; Last year, Moffnts inaugurated ‘the league with the purpose m view of not only building ,up a rugby spiit in Weston among the young- er lads, but also giving them training and experience in actual games. To top this, Mofflts emptied their pockets to Provide the necessary equipment or the kids, and, placed a dressing room at their disposal. This year. as last, Moffnts will once again Bporv sor the leugue for the boys interest, ed in rug y in Weston, who are under 17 y August 31 and not over 125 pounds in weight. _ On Sept. 24, the Gibson Park Lturl will resound to the footbeotl of runny youthful rugby pl; on {running to and fro in ever?! Tdl tion. Gar-bed in brilliant y. hand Jerseys, the youngsters will be ltossing football: and body blocks with all their reckless abandon, and bodies will be flying along the line. In use you’re wondering this date will mark the opening of the Muffnte Little Big Four Rugby League wanted in conjunction with the eaten Community Coun- eil. Already the genre 0 lotion Are in motion, and every night now, football practices are in pro- gress as nearly one hundred young- sters go through their paces under the experienced coaching of foot- ball couches who have given of their time to help make possible this great league. ( mgetition in 1945. I a tic-bull foylaome chlmpmn Moffat’s Litte Big 4 Grid League Started Scrimmages lit Gibson Moffots Ltd. Againgponsor Bantam Rugby League At Gibson Pprk--Youngsters Up To 125 Pounds Eligible For play-Undisr 17 By Aug. 3I to Flay. At the [me time, they wil be weighed in and their 130! and names taken. Puccini and turn arranging no expected to keep the {ladies busy until the opening glmei A tfe",g, commit- tee wi supervise e signing and placing of players until the last signing date of October 6. The Motrats Little Big Pour) Rugby League have been fortunate , in securing I qualified officiating} staff. Mr] Bob Tempton and Mi.) IMA Thompson, both rugby cowbell at the Weston Colleiiate and Voca- ‘tional School will tn e charge of all officiatin including scoring 1nd. timing. gm: will ensure that the; games will be run off in the most orderly manner possible. i All youngxters wishing to play in the league are examined by qualified medical doctors. and only lade_who pp fit will be, nuowedi i Etch team will go through a double echedulo, piningi one "me , week. Plum indicate at o um: some will betrayed on Wedne y afternoon An on Saturday mom- he throughout the night weeks of this regular ttPt schedule, with . play-off serial or all Mama It the termination of that schedule for the Moffat, Trophy. Possibly, u hat you. on All-star team will be selected to plndy bantam team: in the Toronto an district luxu'es in exhibition gum“. tttea, Benn ton hat and Ottawa Rough Eldon. A though ewe-ten with" numbers end emu have been ordered. they new not yet arrived. but an expected Ito be ready in time for the opening lune. Monireul Allouetie; Huge secured 19 MAIN ST. N. E in Gabardine and Tweed, DOVER SPORT SHOPS DOVER spam snaps LTIt,i,c-c"i'i_,, in Fur Felt and Wool Felt Men’s Suits Men’s Hats Is Leading Again in the Field of Men: "L'.', CZothing and Gents Furnishings , . Top-cuts in Worsteds, Gabardines and Tweeds. in Worsteds, Gabardine: and Tweed: Trousers from from from 31.95. from $22.50 $22.95 Ali At a mating of the Mouth Little " Pour Rugby Lag-u. on 51"??in I .6,an mm, 'r'.'tt e to ; onenry pm . Moffat; Prysidettt, Norm loll“; put preaitient, Dr. A. J. Bull: Ut viee-tiresident, Hound "il,. 236 viee-irrmideri, Alt Ce, and new tqrrtmasurer, Sun much; bond of officials. Gordon Alena. ItoiriiaidiGTndiVii; W" moth: loul oath WWII â€luau conch!“ dump of the Hamilton Titan Footbdl club. . th B I V - MW" W in. G'S " 'dlt.'igt1PShtt Entrance e, draw fuming: r. . yum . 932:! 'dlg il1')'l'4 "at the the “It a! hr- rtt,'iit7fi'q1Eti, ,'hi,'s?'y,it.t hon. n. Toad. Amount. an tiri,tth'i,te'iis'ti?iifi??itll'-' yd. who "run afir, In. yum " agar, couhql . a... OPEN BOWLI Weston Bowling Lanes Ltd. BOWL FOR HEALTH - PLEASURE HO MAIN ST. SOUTH 'tithUfiD 00;? m , wnm 19 MAIN ST. N. " WESTON Made to your individual measure. Our expert in taking your correct measurements and advising you the proper style, is always on the premises. T Can be wrchued here on Budget Terms. Al1yotsumtodois an? ttUttuYhtttLUhtint Y. ova mummusm impons DELIVERED Your Suit , Top-Coat for Fall EVERY NIGHT. FRANK. ACKERMAN, Manager. - VISIT OUR SODA BAR - For All League Information Phone !lylt)!.9,INi, moron Motors Exchangod "3; {erghModcl A., Plymouth and Dodge, thmht ma umnm on In“??? A mm, arm "ttmtt We ue equipped to give you I no“ 1 nice t ie that m in My ','tfllfhtuf an as when Matt PM Auto Repairs to All Alum-0min! MMSWIIWIIMM madman-lea. l Men's Elastic wairland "m Shorts and Shiny; from Tthir: A We Wm! 96 Ken'- an“: I . 'f. _ Diamond Sax j Regular $2.75. Now _ ‘1 $1.49 i'-,'!" N Men‘s All Wool Pun". Men's, All Wool - Bind B-id/cj/il; Sweatm glidh WWW" ml mm " .89 Shirts ZONE 4-532 L924 tr',