h 4 Feature Choir and Class Singing At Memorial H & S Memorial Home end School Ate locietion “Music Night", will be held on Tuesday, February 10th " 8 Pam, in the school auditorium. Mr. Bruce Metcalfe will conduct the school choir and clan singing. Refreshments will be served. The Home end School Association Ire very grateful for the responle to the 'Save the Children Fund" when $27.80, and numerous shoes end diaper! were collected. Mrs. T. Glason has been elected Commun- ity Council Representative for the coming year. She will replnce Mrs. D. C. McArthur who hu upebly filled the position for the lost two yeers, .. This in I direct Red Croa- obligation, and Red Crou mum all citizens in this town. Knowing the distress being daily inflated by Inch cont-genus people the citi- sons of Weston in asked to help. ira me in"; bun. we poi-5'... mm, Igor“, combinations under, rants, lutdervrusta, Ind yiiiiiii $'l',Tl an .180 high on the lint o as needed. . Gin-ll? tunia, blouses pantie dunes, nightgown, "ii;iWuTitiri', knicken, undervutl, awning gowns. Vyrrturntnightttowns ttttTe/ttht', . QuiittrUNoth ng h" done more for the prestife of Red Crou than their fine qui ta. They are needed in aver-increuing numberl. "witttr--1t is evident that the greatest need in for outer clothin . oat of the British people use , of their coupons for outer clothing, but as the 4:0th have been cut still further ey do not cover actual requirements. Therefore the Red Cross Itnuen the need of outer garments, though they al- rendy ave smnll quotas of under trt.r,P.entt. .. l -- _ -- brfmstipued (to: an 1 Ilderly NIU, Lam will be 1tgrls,irieA, 'le, mam-r "PM" PHONE 193 SERVICE all. BURIERS SPACE HEATERS Donald Giffen JANE ST,, HARDWARE EDGELEY. ONT. PHONE MAPLE 74-3-23 F. L MERTEIS, th. B. 1741 JANE ST. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES GENERAL HARDWARE LANGMUIR PAINTS SPORTING EQUIPMENT MASTIC TILES and VENETIAN BLINDS For All Your Requirements at Reasonable Prices OPTOMETRIST OFFICE HOURS: Except Wednelday: 9-12 n.m., 1.30-5.30 pm Wednesday: ' mm. to 12.30 noon Evenings Br Appointment Order your baseball requirements now! Let us quote you ’ special teem prices. ' - ELECTRIC HOUSE FIXTURES - What tb trick.' You’ve often heard a! the guy who il on the speakerâ€: prognm for the evening and me bird gets up just ahead " him and quotes the speech he has prepared, praetieally word for word. Well that’l how I felt when t picked up the Times and Guide last Friday. I figured quoting a few By-Luws would fill 'l? the column' fut but Ted Bough ( should spell that Huff after the way he spelt my name) beat me to it. At any rote you’re going to get I review of the coming election whether you like it or not. That jaunt from "the swamp lands," my home, to the highway in the wee hours of the morning and uglin at night is all the fresh air I'm taking and as I nid before if your mother-in-law is visiting you, you can let me know by means of that very Ibuled partyllne. Also a Complete Line of Resident: of Humberlen were sorry to hear of the Hunt mishap of our friend Mr. I. E. Griffith who was struck by n truck on Kaela St. near Junction Rand. Ho Battered a fractured leg and was badly bruised. Mr. Griffith is In ardent Ind conscientious member of our usaclatlon, and the former owner of our little community. We all wish him A complete and speedy re. covery. We of Humberlen extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs Edgar Tibbs I " Mr. Ind Mrs. Tom Barnum! 65 and 67 queen Anne Avenue in their recent be, mvement on the death of Mr. Lockwood Bun-pee of 6 Chudleigh Blvd., Toronto. Mr. Burpee recentg nth-ed from " yen: service wi the thumdiaa General Electric Company. Ted bu already pointed out in quite concise detail the rules 1nd regulation: 'ntailed_in, our com- inf nominations and elections so I'l just skip that part. I would like to ngnin point out, however, the importance of the results we may obtain from our association Ind the ultimate detriment to each and every one of on Ihould we lot it inpise into n thing of the put. Congratulation to Mr. Ind In. K. McClalland, Aura Lee Haul-uni on the birth ot : Ion on Sunday, February lat. 1 MAIN ST. N., WESTON _,JttiiiiiuiiGiiii . f','e,jij.iiiii. '"4gttfill8aW..tgtEttuiattijJt (Estimates Free) NA-"" i, {a _il'tit'iit,i?s, A government expert asked bverworked farmer what time goLup to po_t_o Tork., - - "SG," Eiid'th'e"31d chow. "I don't go to work, I wake up sur- rounded by it." Let not him who prays, suffer his tongue to outstrip his heart; nor presume to carry a message to the throne of grace, while that stays behind.-Shuth. Two weeks, ago Alf Groaaett re- ported that there had been some case: ‘of fillet“: from autos 10- cally, an I warning; was issund that many war souvenirs were still in working order in our community. This week, Mr. and Mrs. c. Best, Graydon Avenue, report that their home has been entered during their absence, last Sunday night. The only article stolen was their baby's Emmy Junk, containing $4.00. ntry w“ gained by orcmg a basement window. We'll look at it from a different angle. I know Ill of you have the grelteat plum for those little guys telf,,'? who call you Mommy and Dad . The envitement they are raises in will have I terrific bear, ing on how successful those dreams of yours mtrterialize. We want a community they will be proud of; we want them to have the best schooling possible. I can’t do much gbqut it, you ean't, but as a. strong We started our association off last year with plenty of vim, vigour and big ideas but the old routine of leave it to the other guy slowly crept in until our attend- ance dropped to between 30 and 40 members present " a meeting in a community of over 800 adults. Possibly this is a bold pessimistic statement to make but if we don't get a good turn out at this coming all important meeting Feb. 12, 1948, I think we've had it. Don't leave it up to the guy next door, Bytter. 1tnlinaer those vaults†boys. GET OUT YOURSELF. Action Stationl A: a member of the Association or even as a resident. of Humberlea it is your duty to do your utmost to see that at least one member of your household attends this coming meeting. Aside from this; get to- gether with your neighbours and I'lt the men or women you would ike to have as your representm hives in the coming year. Should you yourself be nominated, accept the honour your neighbours have bestowed upon you and please don’t give us that "too busy†rou- tine. Nt seems to me I've heard that long before." IWUI IL, 'u" “II b. Huh .5 IS ELIUHK body or community we can get things done which the individual can! never hope to attain. WESTON 1410 Che]. M. Pedro. and Circle M Bill. Chuk- lively, own" of the Ranch, in shown (right) with Golden Flax, one of the new"! "lulu: PHI-1m born- In "sou- he The following officers and directors were elected for 1948: President, H. H. Barber, Gormley; vice prea., A. G. Little Markham, RR I; Bee. tram, W. ir. Cockburn, Newmarket; directors, W. R. Chap- man, Queensville, T. G. Hawkes Robinson, Newm rket, Hugh 8hear- down, Scbombegx, Alex McNeil, Woodbridge; auditor, J. B. Greig, Aurora. It was decided to hold the York County Jersey Show at Rich- mond Hill again on May 24 and the executive was appointed a commit- tee to make the necessary arrange- ments. 1 Bill: "It is possible for a woman to keep a secret t" Jim. "Oh, yes. My wife and I were engaged several weeks before she said anything to me about it." ,Secretary Harold Butcher of the Ontario Jersey Club reported on the "Parish Shows" held through- out the rovince and showed a. number of? motion pictures of these fairs. The meeting passed a resolu~ tion asking the Ontario Jersey Club to appoint a full time fieldman to work on the sale of Trade Mark Jersey Milk. " 14 MAIN STREET NORTH Following the election of offieers and directors for the coming year, the Ir,er'f",tf introduced the est apes er, Mr. R. H. Graham agnthe Ontario Live Stock Branch, who pointed out the wonderful oppor- tunity of 90 per cent of the bree era to improve their herds by service to artificial unit bulls superior to those now being used. The speaker suggested a number of factors tor the improvement of herd and farm management includ- ing calfhood vaccination and Bales- manship. Jersey Club Hold Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the York County Jersey Club, held in the board room of the agricultural office at Newmarket last week, wan one of the moat lax-gagA attended in recent years for bo morning and afternoon sessions. Presided over by Pres. H. H. Huber of Gormley, the reports of the various officers were received before lunch in the board room by the Women's Association of one of the local churches. ii, the GENERAL morons Dealer check them Jllihit,r,_.__,a__,i,, J. T. FARR a SONS LTD. 3 TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON Sonia Andersen and Dorothy Donal ey found their way through the ‘Mngic Gateway,' looked deep into the pool, said their Brownie Promise and no became Brownies. Golden Bars were presented to Gail Morgen and Beth Sninsbury. The results of the competition for January are u follows--- Gnomes 68, Elves 60, Sprites 56 and Fairies 42. Congratulations to the Gnomes but remember there is mother five months to Ito. 166th Brownie Park _ We are glad to have Margaret Majuty back with us after her acci- dent, also Ruth Merriam. who has not been with us far a few weeks Lut week we welcomed to the puck two little girls whose names we have had for A few months. The girls Bre Carol Duplnin and Marry Ann Calnm. We found places for these new Tweenies when two of our Brownies moved from the district. when“. 2t'iiYir2,rifgt? . - 'ltal I'.?..'.],.'..'.'.:..:: Mr. III In. John Aif',te.lf.:::.rr.:.:?ic:::c::z.: -.. Mr. And In. It. Anal]..- Ir and In. Kenneth - Cumin“ re-------- Cm boll - Nu. 'ltllh1j _ in“ “as " -....LT..'LT.. 'taAw. 'd'a"c::::rc:.'::.z. ARON --........-.--.-.--.. w. R. Dixon .___._.___. ANON -.--..-...----..-..-. ANON -.--.t..---.-.-.-- x G. A. Lee .............__ 0N -.-.-----r..tr--.... In. B. Kennedy ._..._... Mr. and In. J. Shaw ...__. Mr. 9nd In. Harold ’L-Brin’ck ..___.. _ Mr. and Mrs. David “an' vri.hEU..r,i-LL'L...,......-... “W .60 In. n BoitWwortelu, IO 54th Pack m______m 1 , Girl Guides . i ‘ i i tid I i c I i i - I 'i, s _ g l " I a b " i _), ' Keep in conuct with your customers " weeks of the year. Calendars promote advertising and good will. To see the finest selection of calendars, advertising novelties and book matches, - Attention - BUSINESS OWNERS I I ' , "It OIIIIIIIWIS - PHONE LY. 7364 And leave your addrul. 25.00 16.00 1 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 May we request that you budget now so that you may be able to contribute to this worthy cause for the welfare of Our youth and the betterment of our community, as generously as your means will allow. Telephone: Zone 4-236 "From the Youth of Today, Come the Leaders of Tomorrow. Support the Weston Arena." ssooo" WESTON RECREATION CENTRE APPEAL OBJECTIVE $125,000 have been opened in the basement of the Weston Post Office Building 81 Main St. N. February 23 to March 13 LORNE COULTER, ESQ. Campaign Headquarters DR. J. ALAN BULL Campaign Chairman Campaign Treasurer Campaign Dem: rm?) The member, of the Campaign Committee with to thank QM numerous organizations, - and individuals who have em valvular“! their so-o-su' and support of this appeal. Thanks Word Of If _ hm